College town

By moc.loa@96acculaP

Published on Jul 4, 2001



The following story contains explicit sex between a grown man and a college student of the same sex; both guys are bisexual. If such stories offend or disturb you, or are illegal where you live, please DO NOT READ the story. If on the other hand, you get off on it, feel free to feed me back at

Happy trails. Paul Richardson

One thing about living in a college town, you never know when you're going to interest some bright young guy who finds you on-line, likes your profile, and thinks he can trust you to guide him through the mysteries of being bisexual.

It happens - I'm in my early fifties, but I'm also a dancer, and I guess something about my profile must appeal to intellectuals who're looking to find out more about their desires, without finding themselves falling into the deep end.

It is true to say I'm lean, muscular, well-coordinated, and hung like a horse -- it's big, but looks REALLY big because I'm slender. And maybe it looks big because I enjoy it so much, it's always ready to go.

Which is why when I found myself in an IM session with a formidably intellectual guy who wanted to talk about maybe being bisexual, and I'd told him truthfully that I was a good lover with women as well as men, that for me the dance of the conversation is as important as the dance of the eyes and the dance of the body, I found him suddenly, earnestly warning me that he was tall and very very thin.

"Does that turn you off?" he asked.

"Not necessarily - very thin people can be really beautiful, especially if their skin is very fine. "

"My hair is dark brown, very thick and curly."

"What color are your eyes?"

"Dark blue -- and my lips are kind of pouty and red."

"You sound adorable to me..."

"Can I come round?"

He caught me by surprise. "You mean now?"

"It sound like you live right down the street...."

Well, yes, I think you've got that right -- we're both in Athens, and both just off Dowd - you're up at where.....?""


Sure, I'm just 2 1/2 blocks down the street.... But I'm in a little courtyard ... Let me meet you at the corner of Wolsey ... but wait, are you sure you want to do this?

"Absolutely, I really want to meet you...."

"Well, let's keep it cool, so it's a kind of no-fault thing... if you get uncomfortable, let me know what's up, you promise? I'm afraid I may be attracted to you, ...... but I think I can handle it if you're not attracted to me. Just promise, you won't freak, will you?"

"No, I'm really nervous, but I don't think I'm that jumpy...."

So I put on a jacket and a hat, it was cold; this was back between Thanksgiving and Christmas. So I pulled my watch-cap on and an Army surplus green parachute-nylon jacket and went up the dark street, looking for a tall excited kid with a slight European accent. (Did I tell you he was half German, half Turkish? Mom's the German, he's spent a lot of time in Frankfurt, a lot in Los Angeles.)

SO in the light pouring out the liquor-store window, I see standing there a tall, sparkling-eyed kid with a ski-cap pulled over his thick curls -


Smiling a rueful grin, I offer my hand and say "I'm Paul - what do you think? Want to come over and talk?"

His first look was a charmer - I guess he was looking more at how I looked at him than at me exactly, and right then I knew we could be friends -- so I smiled and relaxed, and then I felt him actually look at me, and whoa, did I feel a rush -- all this heat surged up inside me....

"Hey man, don't look at me like that, at least not yet, I can't stand it..."

He smiled, in fact he laughed; it was his turn to be embarrassed, but it didn't kill him.

"OK, what say we walk a little, just shake these nerves off, huh? We can go towards my house, but we don't have to set it as a goal, what you say?"

"Cool - -yeah, that's a good idea -- maybe just walk some... I like to get the feel of my legs."

We had to pay attention; the sidewalk heaved here and there were the roots of an elm kicked it up, and there wasn't a lot of light coming from the street lamps. There were enough of them, but there were also a lot of trees, which kept cutting off the light.

Don't know what we talked about, but being both college-type types, we chattered about this and that.

"Where's your apartment exactly?"

Another block and a half.... What's your living situation?"

I rent a room -- my landlady lives downstairs, she doesn't meddle too much, but I'm not ready to have visitors.... You DO live alone?"

"Well, I have a cat.... But yes, it's my place. Are you allergic?"

"No, I love cats..."

"Great. I AM allergic, but I do love my cat ... she's really sweet, almost like a dog, she's so affectionate ... but she's independent, she can amuse herself, thank God.... I don't always have a lot of time for her..."

"We have a cat at home ... and my landlady here has one, but she's old and kind of weird..."

"Does she go out?"

"No - she's a fat old house-cat."

"Mine goes in and out - she already did before she was mine, and part of what I liked about her was she new all the neighbors and was always in and out of their places when she wasn't up on the roof or climbing trees, so I figured she couldn't be too neurotic, and besides if I went away for a week or two, there were plenty of people she liked already who'd feed her and shit...."

And then there we were in front of my place.

"Want to keep going, or come on in?"

"It's cool -- let's go in."

"House is kind of a mess..... "

"Hey this is nice - "

"Well, the nice stuff I got the hard way, when my mother died.... That old clock was her great-aunt's; it's got a lot of style. This chair's pretty comfortable-it was hers, too. Zeke likes it, but she hasn't been on it too much lately.... Oh, give me your jacket -- take your shoes off, make yourself comfortable."

"Do you make people take their shoes off?"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot your Levantine - no, I'm just a Southerner, we invite people to take their shoes off, get comfortable -- it's not about the rug or anything."

"It's not about the rugs with Turks either - it's all hospitality, just making people feel at home. I hate wearing shoes inside he house.'

"Me too."

"You thirsty? Want a beer?"

"Yeah, sure -- but..."

"Sorry, I'm not trying to seduce you. Hey should I card you?'

"No, I've had beer before - -and I'm not worried"

"Sorry, most of my neighbors are students -- so close to campus, and with these rents ... so I'm used to drinking beer with folks your age. In fat, I tend to forget I'm not your age; like really, my neighbors on both sides, we have the keys to each others houses, cars, go to each others' parties, all that...."


"All I've got is dark... Do you like dark beer?"

"Not my favorite -- but I'll split one with you."

"Sure thing...'

So I flung myself into the old easy chair next to him, and got a good look at him.... Very nice. Sparkling eyes, fresh glowing complexion, he was still in some ways a boy -- one how'd grown so fast his strength hadn't caught back up with him yet. But self-possessed, bright -- nobody gets into this college that isn't top of his class wherever he's from - and he's got that confidence that comes with being able to figure things out, and talk your way into and out of most anything.

"One thing you mentioned in your profile was you like classical music."

"Oh yeah -- when I was a boy I had a wonderful voice, in fact, I hated adolescence because it threatened my voice, I didn't want to grow up, it was alarming.'

"I like to sing too," he said -- and suddenly he was singing, a grand baritone voice, singing some nonsense syllables in a big operatic way.

"Hey man, that's fabulous -- if I'd felt a voice like that coming on, I might not fought so hard to stay a soprano -- which of course wsa a losing battle.... You want to hear something?"

"Man look at all that vinyl"

"Yeah, it's a 5-foot shelf at least I had a whole bookcase full of old LPs - "but you know what, that was great music.'

I pulled out some Schubert dances and put them on, something that could stay in the background.

'I spend a lot of time downloading form Napster - all kinds - trance, classical. I love trance."

"Trance makes me jumpy - I like funk, and classical, loved soul and R&B; I like to dance to hip-hop..."

'Oh man, I love dancing to trance..."

"Hey Jan, I don't want to get stuck in these chairs - I don't know about you -- but that's the point I don't know you - -but I know I'll get stuck talking, talking, talking.... And I AM willing to tell you what I know about being bi, but I don't want to do it sitting down.'

"Cool - so what do you want to do?"

"Well, feel free to say no, but .... Well, you know I'm into massage?"

"Yeah, it's in your profile, that intrigued me...."

"Well, the table's set up in the back room.... Suppose we swap each other a little massage -- nothing heavy, keep you clothes on, but move around and touch in some kind of way while we're talking.'

"Yeah, that sounds good.... You don't think I'm too scrawny, do you?'

'Well, I can't see through your clothes, but you look real nice to me, probably really lean, but that's like sculpture, I've got no problem with that.'

"Yeah?' table."he jumped up. "Hey that's great. So show me this massage

Walking in to the back room, I explained well, basically you just squeeze the person's muscles in a way that feels comfortable to them, listen to how they're breathing, you can tell when it feels good...

"You want to go first? I'll let you see what it feels like then you can do me a little if you want..."

"Yeah, sure, OK - can I take my shirt off?"

"Sure whatever's comfortable for you."

I realized he was nervous but wanted to show himself to me -- and when the oversized Polo shirt came off, he was very white-skinned, chiseled, with nicely outlined pecs, and swellings for biceps, elegantly veined, wiry as could be, but quite sexy.

"You look great - you know, you've got beautiful muscular shoulders."

He was thrilled. "You really think so?"


"Hey let me do you" He waved his arms around, naked from the waist up, wearing loose dark sweats and white socks.

"Sure, whatever"

"Take your shirt off, pants too, just your underwear."

"Yeah? Sure that's fine'

I pulled my knit shirt over my head. My chest is a little hairy, pecs really filled out, but my rib cage is small, so I'm delicate and muscular at the same time, with broad shoulders and sinewy-muscular arms that pump up into freaky guns but relax into ... well, nice, sculpted arms.

"Wow, look at you.... And your abs are so tough suck it in how tight can you make it?"

SO I showed off - I don't dance for the body, but it IS a great side effect -- you have to have strong abs to dance, and a spine like a snake's....

"Man you're in your 50's?"

SO I made a face and unzipped to my briefs...

"Hey, I'm wearing whites, I must be in my 50's, huh?' which made him laugh.

SO I hopped up on he table, face up.... I admit, I could have gone face down, but I was starting to heat up, so I yielded to temptation.

"So take a little of that oil and rub it on your hands and rub it over my pecs ... go ahead, use a little more weight, kind of squeeze in a soft way, but go ahead and be firm, too ... that's it. Oh, yeah, that feels great. And lift up the back of my neck, my neck's always sore, yeah, just kind of tug on my head, that feels really good, man. I can feel that down to my heels. Yes, just stroke it, you can tell it feels good, huh?'

He started massaging my arms, squeezing my biceps.

"Man you've got a great body! I wish I was muscular like you." He was making love to my arm with his hands. I moaned, couldn't help myself.

He'd come around to the side of the table, and moved one hand onto my belly, the other back onto my chest, and began circling round my nipple, thumbing squeezing, pinching softly -- feeling it swell and harden under his thumb.

"Man that's awesome; I fucking love the way your nipple is growing!" And he leaned up against the table so I could feel his thigh against my elbow. He moved his hand across my chest to the other nipple and swung his hips around some, which brought his hard cock up against my arm....he was big, standing straight up, very hard.

I pressed my elbow into him a little, and he leaned over more, squeezing both tits now, and leaning his cock agsinst me hard..

It was thick - and very firm, I could feel that through his sweats - and he was leaning his body more and more across me -- - which pressed his dick harder and harder against my elbow. So I adjusted, and gave him the meat of my triceps - he groaned immediately, so I rotated, hooked my arm around him so my biceps lay under his cock and started to pump it.

""Fuck, man, I love your body!"

"Yeah, man, worship my pecs......" I said, squeezing his cock. "Lick that muscle, you know you want to."

And he bent further and put his soft red lips against my hairy pec. I flexed it for him, and his mouth opened, warm and wet.

I groaned, and squeezed his cock again. I heard smacking sounds coming from his lips, and felt a hot wet trail streaking across my thick pec, so I rippled it for him, which drove him wild.

He ground his cock into my arm, so I pumped my bicep up under him freaky thick. Heh moaned, so I curled my hand around his slender back and stroked his ass. His little buns flexed under my touch and then separated, allowing me to stroke his valley, through the thick cloth. His lips found my nipple and he settled in to suckle on me, and I realized I had emotionally a little boy on my hands, so I let him nurse a while there and lifted my other hand up to stroke his back softly, reassuringly.

I slid it down to his waistband, back and forth up to his delicate shoulder-blade, until I could not resist and slid it down under his sweats, over his silky buns.

But wait, I thought, let's not scare him, so after a few soft strokes that he seemed to really enjoy -- his ass was fuzzy with hair that was going to get furry but saw still just down, velvety, delicious - I muscled my arm around him and hauled him up onto the table, on top of me pelvis to pelvis.

"Oh God man, I feel your cock. You're huge man!"

"You're prettty huge yourself, stud"

And he kissed me and spread his legs.

I ran my fingers into his thick curly hair and opened my mouth for him. His hot little tongue darted in, tangled with my tongue, and I let a ripple go down my spine and up into his pelvis, and he gyrated his hips and ground his cock back down into me.

And suddenly he was breathing hot into my ear.

I've never kissed a man before"

I licked his throat, up his beautiful jaw, and pulled him back onto my mouth, and softened my tongue and slid it voluptuously into his mouth.

His whole body went wild - -I thought he was going to cum on the spot, so I slid one hand down to his ass and pulled him into me.

But he put both hands on my head and took over kissing, darting his tongue into and out of my mouth, and then opened up and plunged deep

I curled my abdomen, pulled my navel down and loosened his sweats; I wanted to feel his cock, and sure enough the head slid out onto my belly -- it was slick already, and he squealed around my tongue as he felt it slide into the soft curly hair on my belly. His back arched like a spasm and his pelvis plunged into me, driving that cock into my muscular six-pack, and I grabbed his buns, pulled him against me, and gave him a wave of contractions to make him feel good

He pulled his face off me and shouted, "Fuck! Man, 0oh, fuck, I'm going to cum - so I pushed his hip-bones up off me - he was rigid, it was a little gymnastic balancing act, circus-thing - and when he realized I had him in a dance-move, he started to laugh... and the moment passed with us grinning at each other-

"God you're strong," he said at the same time I said "God you're beautiful," and I slowly lowered him back down onto my sweat-slick body. The whole time his cock was so hard it had stayed parallel to the gorund - it was dripping, and it pulsed once, which brought out a big gob of pre-cum, which left a long string as it fell on my belly button - but he didn't cum.

"Pull down my shorts', I told him as I sank my hands into his buns.... He put his hands on my waistband, and I lifted my hips. He stripped the cloth back off my butt, then lifted his hips and slowly eased the elastic off my abs.

"I'm teasing you, 'he laughed, as he slid back the cloth and revealed first the bursting glans of my cut cock. "Oh man, that's pretty,' he said, as he slid it back, showing the pink expanseo of the scar, then the ivory meat of the shaft.

"Your vein is really thick, man"

"Let's put hem together"

I had him by an inch, but he was thicker, and drooling pre-cum non-stop. He rubbed it on the head of my cock and polished us both till we shone. Felt SO good..... His balls were tight up against his root the whole time; mine, which are big as eggs, sank into their sack and rose back up in a constant dance that fascinated him, since whenever he cupped them, they'd almost jump to attention.

His dick bounced with his heartbeat. "You're gonna cum any second, ' I said. What do you want to be doing when that happens?"

"I want to be licking your dick"

What do you want me to be doing?"

He looked startled, then he smiled, then he blushed, and suddenly he kissed me.

"God you're sweet,' and wrapped his arms around me and climbed into my lap. My hands went to his buns and stroked him. His body kept undulating in my arms as he kissed me deeper and deeper, and opened his buns more and more as I stroked deeper and deeper into his valley. His wet cock had lubed our bellies and my cock was almost as wet as his as he worked his button up the length f my shaft. My fingers were stroking his bud as he started to moan, deeper and deeper and I felt his asshole soften and open under my finger tips, letting me stroke open him softly with no opposition. He was a natural.

Next thing I knew his asslips had opened and his ass was sliding onto my huge glans, rocking back and forth, inching slowly down my length.

"Hey man, this isn't safe, you know..."

I was so hot I nearly came, but I had to tell him; his ass wasworking the delicate area just behind the head,

"O fuck, man."

"Are you negative?"

"Well, yes, when I was last tested."

"When was that?"

"Actually, just got the results, just last week."

His hot warm ass had muscles he didn't know about, but they worked me in waves as he sank down on me.

" You ever get fucked?"

"NO, I don't -- can't take it."

He wreathed his arms around my shoulders and fucked my belly with his dripping cock.

"I'll risk it."

He licked my jaw, and started sucking big hickies into my shoulders and throat. He was hardly all the way down to my root when I felt my balls rise and I cried "O fuck, man," and sank my teeth into his ear lobe.

"O fuck me man I'm going to cum!"

I raised my arm and he sank his lips into my arm pit and started chewing the thick muscles in there, and I started humping him with all my strength."

"Fuck me, man - oh God give it to me."

I was long-dicking him from deep in my glutes, all the way out, all the way in - we were so tuned to each other I didn't have to find him, I could come all the way out and go right back in, the head of my cock was ripe to explode, it was like a juicy plum about to burst, and his hole waited for me, opened up, swallowed me all the way to the root. His wiry body was like steel in my arms, his hard thick straight cock slobbering up my belly. I enclosed him in my thick arms and softened my muscles for him, let him feel all that deep warmth in my pecs cushioning him as he slid his wet cock head onto the thick rich muscle cradling him there, and his ass melted around me again

"No, man, I've got to put on a rubber."

"O fuck man, you're so sweet to me, give me your cock, let me have it man, fuck! let me feel your strength, give it to me, yeah, fuck me with your strength, o God, let me have it, I want it, please, give it to me!"

I felt his ass-muscles squeeze me, I felt my cock swelling, getting harder, thicker than I'd ever felt it before - I could feel every inch of it, the head was like huge, big as a peach, it felt like, ripe...

"Oh man I'm gonna cum o fuck I'm gonna cum"

I pulled out of him and grabbed the little basket where I keep condoms and lube.

"Oh please, give it to me, let me have it'

I pulled the lambie on, lubed up, and was back inside him like lightning.

I pushed his head back, cradled it in my hands, kissed his red lips. His ring spasmed around my cock.. I ran my fingers into his thick hair, and slid my lips down his throat, his chest and onto his wet streaming cock; his glans was salty and sweet with his thick goo, it was delicious

"Fuck me, man, o FUCK, FUCKING FUCK ME, MAN!!!"

As I slammed into his ass I could feel his ring grab the condom, trying to pull it off. It was only on me about half-way, and I could feel the difference in heat on my root. My cock head was cooler now, but I could feel his milking action clearer than before as he drove his cock into my mouth. His wiry body turned to sculpted steel, and his deep inner muscles were stroking me like a machine. Then he melted again as I fucked him and his juices streamed into my mouth.

"O I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum."

I sank my lips deeper onto his cock, stroked his sheathe with my tongue -- it was amazing to feel his foreskin stay on my lips as his glans surged into my mouth. I put my the flat of my tongue against his piss slit and stroked it, lapping that salty thick juice off it when I felt a big pulse come up his vein and tasted a sweeter custard fill my mouth.

"O God I'm cumming"

My dick was all the way in him, like a dog, when his ass went into spasm around me and started milking my shaft in waves. Every burst of that sweet cream into my mouth made waves convulsing on my cock

I went down on his cock, pushed his glans into my throat my whole tongue was flattened against his vein, my lips were working his balls - and his young cock was leaping, spewing, pouring a river of hot cum into my throat I felt his glans push out of its foreskin into my throat, and pull back into my mouth and thrust a thick wad of salty cum onto my tongue, then shove it back into my throat.

"O, Fuck me man, fuck me," I heard him moaning, "I'm coming, give it to me now, please, I want it now"

I slid back up his cock, and lowered his twitching ass all the way back down my long curving shaft. When his ring touched my balls, I gave him a thrust and I lost it. His ass closed round me and held on tight as my convulsions began.

My mouth came off his dick "Fuck man, I'm coming."

His mouth found mine; those soft pink lips.... His little tongue darted in and out as I emptied myself up his ass and wrapped my thick arms around him as he continued pouring cum onto my stomach, splashing the ridge of my pecs.. It's amazing how you can relax into an orgasm, it feels like your thighs, you legs all the way down to your toes are melting and pouring up into your glutes and out, into his 18-year-old ass. And I could soften my torso and give him a thick cushion of muscle to snuggle into as his spasms finally fell away and he collapsed spent into my arms. I was still holding him in my lap, and when his cock twitched against my belly, mine answered him in his ass. I've never felt so huge, and cradled him softly in my arms as he drifted almost off to sleep. It felt great to be in his ass, and as he relaxed, I laid him back on the table and for the first time let him feel some of my weight on top of him. Murmuring little things in his ears, I laid my torso on top of him like a blanket, ran my fingers into his hair and licked his throat and jaw and ears till I heard only a buzzing and sank into him, into sleep.

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