Community Service

By Trailer Trash I Aint

Published on Aug 11, 2003



Disclaimer: I do not personally know any celebrities mentioned in this story therefore I know nothing about their sexual preferences no matter how much I dream so please don't think this story has any really to it. If anyone is under age or it is an offence to read erotic material were you are (although in this chapter...very little in the way of erotic) leave now.

Also, I personally read a lot of stories on the nifty website but hardly ever e-mail the authors to acknowledge how good their writing actually I've decided to list the stories I like at the end of this story in the hope those who haven't read them will give them a try...

Community Service Chapter One


The storm which had been forecast earlier that day came in fast from the Atlantic that night. I was worse than they had predicted it to be, the rain came down in blankets over the city breaking only when it hit the surface of the buildings which made up the world famous sky line. The only sounds which could be heard were the NYC cabbies honking their horns as they were cut off by other traffic, the bellows of the drunks stumbling down the street propping each other up; on their way home after closing time, the rain as it hit the tar mack of the road which by now was more like a man made river with the previously fallen rain which was now causing the storm drains to break and over flow and the occasional load and bright sparks of lightening that broke the dark night sky; but down the back ally of a local dinner were a group of three seventeen year olds, not drunk, no they had more things on their mind.

The three guys where more concerned with how they were going to break the lock to the back door of the diner. This was the case almost every Saturday night for the past four months, not the lock of the same dinner, different dinners all over the city. The three had met at school in mid July 2002 when Theo moved to the same high school as the others all three of them from different back grounds but they formed this really strong and immediate bond for the same reason, they were all gay although still in the closet apart from between each other.

First off there was Kaiden, he had grown up on the outskirts of the city in the suburbs were he was kept away from the city and all the drugs and other things which could land him in a juvenile detention unit, he had short brown hair which by day was spiked up like the back of a hedgehog but by night it was plastered to his head, just in-case they were saw by someone who knew them. He also has brown eyes and a slim build, even for his age but that could be he is 6ft 8. Then there is Dylan, his mother works all the hours god sends just to make ends meat, one of the pressures of being a single parent. She works at a department store during the day and a club at night so Dylan doesn't need to worry about being caught coming home so late. All of her efforts to make money are just to make sure her son has a good education and to keep food on the table. Dylan has green eyes and blond hair and is fairly toned from constantly going to the school gym so even though he's not a kid from a rich family all the girls go for him. Lastly there is Theo he moved to New York with his parents last year when his dad decided to expand his family's wine business out hear. Theo who's family is originally from Italy where his grandmother still lives, has the typical olive skin and dark hair which he has at shoulder length plated in braids, one on the left side of his head is died blue his favourite colour just to ad a little extra to it. He has blue eyes which really stand out against his skin and is also very well toned.

The three of them decided to do this as people were constantly expecting the same things of all of them. All three were straight A students and they were all presidents of their chose clubs. They were sick of being the goodie to shoes of the school so they decided to do something rebellious, although they missed the point. They haven't let anyone know what their doing for fear of them telling the wrong person but what is the point in being rebellious if no one knows about it. They finally broke the lock on the diner's back door after two hours.

"Ok same goes as the other times five minutes then were out of here, I'll go for the cash register, Dylan you go for the supplies and Theo you go for safe out back" Kaiden stated before they entered, the other two nodded in agreement as they put on their masks (You can never be to careful) and quickly entered the building tripping the alarm as soon as they stepped over the doorway. They immediately split up. Kaiden headed for the front of the shop were he started the process of opening the cash registrar using the same method the owner did when ringing through a sale, Dylan went to the store room and made a start of emptying the contents of the shelves into the bag he had brought with him whilst Theo went to work on cracking the safe. Within two minutes the store room was almost empty and the cash registrar was empty and the safe was being opened.

"How you manage to do that in two minutes still amazes me" Dylan stated

"I told you I started breaking into these home/business safes when I was 11 to get at my dads money in his office" Theo responded

"Still it is pretty amazing, just think about it, you could probably break into a banks vault quicker than most professionals could" Kaiden said

"Nah I couldn't, to many security measures to take into account, I'd screw it up big time. Small safes like this are more my style" he stated as he started to empty the contents of the safe into his own bag.

It was only a further two minutes until they were heading out the back door with the sound of sirens in the far distance getting closer. They headed to the end of the ally looking both left and right to see if there was anyone on the street that might see them. With the cost clear they headed for the ally across the road to where they had parked their black Ford Focus between two dumpsters. They loaded their haul into the trunk of the car and then jumped in driving towards the other end of the ally where down the road was a 7/11 where they pulled in and started to fill up the tank. As Kaiden started the pump Dylan went inside to pay for the gas and to get a six pack of Budweiser as he was the only one that looked legal.

As they were about to get back in the car a squad car pulled in and two cops got out. One headed into the store and the other towards the car where Dylan had froze when getting in the back.

"Oh fuck, what do we do?" Kaiden said "...they've go us"

"Shut up, Dylan get in the car and hide that beer" Theo stated as the officer carried on towards the car. As he got to the passenger window he taped on it with his batten. Theo rolled down the window using the electric switch on the driver's side of the car.

"Evening boys, what you all doing out this late?" the office said as he placed his hand on the roof and leaned his head into the window.

"Well officer these two are staying at my parent's house with me this week as my parents have gone away for the week. That's where we're coming from actually. I had to drop them off at the airport..." said Theo, his lie wasn't far from the truth, he had in fact earlier that night dropped his parents off at the airport and it was in the direction which they had come from, it was just that they had also made a stop off to switch the cars at the old factory Theo had secretly bought under a false name and then robbed the diner. "...we were just heading back to my house"

"Well I just thought I'd check if you'd seen anything, you see the diner two blocks over was robbed about ten minutes ago"

"Sorry officer, ten minutes ago we were a good mile or two away from here" Theo stated, whilst the other two looked on in amazement at how calm he was talking to the cop after what they had just done.

"Well sorry to have wasted your time boys" the officer stated as he turned and looked at the other two passengers and then back at Theo.

"No problem officer you're just doing your job. I think people would be more annoyed if you didn`t, I just hope you can catch the robbers soon, I mean if it's the same ones that have been all over the news lately this makes it what thirty two now"

"Actually thirty five, but like you said it might not be them this time..." the officer stated smiling at Theo. Theo had to admit this guy was cute. The cop look away as his partner who was a bit chubby called for him. They he turned back to look at Theo "...look I don't do this too often and I don't do it when I'm not sure if the other person is gay or not but would I be able to get your name and cell number?"

"I don't have a cell, I can't stand them but I do have my own line at home. My names Liam Davies and my number is..." Theo gave the officer his fake details then the officer taped the roof signalling that they could go as he walked away.

Theo pulled out of the station and headed towards the factory to pick up his real car that his parents had bought him.

"I can't believe you just gave that copper a false name and number..." Kaiden stated "...when he calls and there is no such number he's gonna realise that there is something fishy with us being there and he got a good look at us. They gonna find us and through us in juvey for sure"

"Calm down, I gave him a fake name but the number is very real"

"What are you talking about?" Dylan enquired

"Well I told you that I had to buy the car and the factory under a false name and stuff"

"Yeah but what does this have to do with it?"

"The name I used was Liam Davies, so if he does a vehicle check on the licence plate then at least it will show up as being owned by who I said I was not by me really and the number is the number for the line I had put in the factory to call you two when you don't turn up on time"

"So if he calls, he'll get the answer machine then it looks real, good thinking"

"And I can let him down easily, once I have had time to think of an excuse"

"Well don't ask me, I froze stiff when he came over" Dylan stated

"Yeah don't I know it as well" Kaiden said as he grabbed Dylan's cock through his pants

"Hmmm that's good" Dylan sighed

"Hey, hey, no funny stuff in the breaking and entering car" Theo shouted from the front causing the two in the back to laugh. Theo started to get a little envious being in the closet was no fun, both Dylan and Kaiden were together but who did he have. Sure the cop was good looking but he would be no more than a good fuck and that would be it.

They got to the factory which was on the dockside at around four in the morning. Theo pulled the car in to the garage which used to be a loading bay back in the days when it was a clothing factory now it was were they stored all the money they lifted from the diners and which they had turned into a home away from home. It contained three very spacious bedrooms on the second floor with en suit bathrooms although one was never used as Dylan and Kaiden always shared one. There was also an office where they used a computer to track which diners they had hit. Their plan was to hit as many diners in the city before the end of the year and once they had done that they would send all the money to the police HQ by recorded delivery and then destroy all evidence that they ever used the factory. There was also a games room on the ground floor with a pool/snooker table, a monster sound system, a flat screen plasma TV, DVD, video player, hundreds of CD's, DVD's and videos to watch and all the games consoles complete with games that you can imagine. There is a full working kitchen which they keep stocked with the food they steal from the diner's and a room where they keep all the clothes they have ever worn on a robbery just in case they have been spotted whilst wearing them, they don't want to risk jogging someone's memory.

"Hey guys it's late, I think we should just crash here for tonight" Theo yelled from the kitchen

"Yeah sure thing Theo, I don't think we'd be able to make it to your parents house without touching each other" Dylan shouted back from the stairs as he walked up backwards looking at Kaiden seductively whilst he followed him up the stairs with the same seductive look, staring back up at him.

"What ever, you two are defiantly horny teenagers" Theo said as he walked past them towards his room. He entered to find it just as he had the last time he had stayed over at the factory. A used towel from the bathroom lay over his bed and a used condom from the night of sex he had with a sailor from the naval ship which had docked near here for a few days during the week just past was half in and half out of the bin. Looking at the condom made him remember what had happened that night and immediately got him hard.

Theo removed his shirt exposing his hairless chest, then he undid his jeans and slid his hand into them gripping his 10" through the fabric of his white Tommy Hilfigure boxer-shorts. Pre cum started to show on the fabric in large splotches. He clipped his thumbs around the waist band and pulled the elastic down from around his cock. He made his way over to the bed were he laid on his back resting his head on the wall behind him. He continued to pump at his fully hard rod.

He was snapped out of his aroused state by the sound of Dylan and Kaiden going at it in the room next door. He listened and to his surprise found that the sounds the two where making were making him more aroused than he had ever been before. He decided to continue pounding away at his own tool thinking of what it would be like to have the two other gorgeous guys having sex with him. He reached down under his legs with his free hand and inserted his middle finger between his arse cheeks into his rectum. He then started to gain more pleasure from his fist fucking session. He pictured Kaiden's 9" in his arse pounding away at his insides and that Dylan was sucking him whist jacking himself off. It wasn't long before Theo could feel his balls tightening up as they prepared to fire. Only seconds later did his enormous cock let out all of the teenage spunk that had built up over the day. After his climax he went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up, then jumped straight into bed where he fell asleep almost immediately.

He awoke the next morning at half past eight to the constant buzzing of his alarm clock. He has forgotten he had stayed during the week and had his alarm set to get him up for school. He went to the bathroom which is something he would do when he was at home as soon as he got up. He proceeded to do his morning routine. Take a shower, brush his teeth etc. he then re-entered his room with nothing but his towel raped around his waist. He switched on the TV in his room as he started looking through his wardrobe to find something decent to wear. That was when it came on...

"And In local news, the diner diggers broke into another diner last night. Mike Dixon has more from the seen" the lady news reader said which got Theo's attention it then cut to a picture of the diner which had been cordoned off by the police.

"At first the police at first denied the gang's involvement in the crime until it was leaked that the double D sign like the one used in the Daredevil comic books and film as his calling card was found in the back store room. That was when the police finally confirmed that this is another robbery by the gang. It has been four months now since the first robbery was committed here..." it cut to a picture of the first diner that they had broken into in mid February earlier that same year "...they stole the entire takings for the day from the registrar and the takings from the previous week which had been kept in the safe at back. They have carried on doing so and have now hit thirty five diners in total and still so far the police are no closer to solving this case as no finger prints or other incriminating evidence has been found. Mike Dixon reporting for CNN New York"

Theo smiled to himself as he gave himself a pat on the back. They had done it again and got away with it. He continued to get dressed, putting on a pair of white combat trousers and a black sleeveless t-shirt and then he headed down stairs to get breakfast. It was about an hour later when both Dylan and Kaiden came strolling down the stairs with smiles from ear to ear.

"Someone looks pleased with themselves don't they?" Theo stated

"So does someone else, what are you looking so happy about?" Dylan stated

"Oh just the fact we've got away with it again"

"Have we?" Kaiden shouted from in the kitchen where he had his head stuck in the refrigerator cleaning it of its contents.

"Yeah it was on the news this morning that the police have no idea" Theo informed them. Just as he finished his sentence the phone rang and Dylan answered it.

"Yeahlo..." Dylan spoke "...Liam, there is no Liam here...oh the cop from last night, sorry..." Theo looked up and headed for the phone "...I was one of the people in the back of the car, yeah...Liam's hear, nice talking to you again" Dylan said as he handed the phone to Theo



"Great, yourself?"


"Well I think there are a few things we need to discuss first before I agree to meet up with you"


"Well first of what's your name and how old are you?"


"Well I think we just hit a big problem"


"Just ten years"


"The age gap between you and me"


"No I'm sixteen"


"Yeah that's why I thought it would be better telling you now rather than later on, I'm sorry"


"Ok I will, thanks Scott" Theo remained holding the phone to his ear for a little longer then hung up.

"Im getting worried about you, that's two lies youve told that guy in as many days. You could of at least gone out with him at least that way you get to have some sex, Id bet hes good in bed"

"I couldn't be bothered with all that, besides what would have happened if he became suspicious of why on Saturday nights I wasn't available and on those nights diners were being knocked over"

"Good point so anyway we need to discuss a something" Dylan stated

"What?" Kaiden asked

"The car"

"What's wrong with the car?"

"Nothing, its just that cops seen us driving it not to far away from were the last diner we robbed was, if we get seen driving it near a robbery again it might look suspicious, the same car at two separate crime scenes. At least if we get rid of that car and get a new one then we will be ok"

"He does have a good point Kaiden..." Theo added whilst supping on his coffee "...I'll go to the showroom today and buy a new one, see if I can trade in on the focus"

"Great now I'd best be going, do you mind if I take some of the food home for my mum?, she's kinda broke for the next fortnight until they pay her" Dylan asked

"Dylan we've told you before just take it, it doesn't matter about a reason for it and you don't need to ask our permission you helped steel it in the first place"

"Thanks guys" Dylan then went to the store room and took a bag full of tinned foods and meat to give to his mum when he got home. He left without saying a word to either of the others.

"You know that's to only thing wrong with dating him, he's to proud to just let us help his family out"

"Yeah well what can we do" Theo stated as he left the room


The storm from the night before had gone just as quickly as it had appeared, leaving only the wet ground and a few up routed tree and knocked down street lamps behind. The sun was now burning bight as it approached midday and the main city was alive with noise, the same as any other day. Officer Scott Dixon had pulled over just outside of the city centre to make a phone call to the guy he had met the night before. There was a strange greeting on the other end of the phone.

"Hi is Liam Davies there...there is no Liam Davies there, well I talked to him last night and this is the number he gave me. See I'm a cop...were you one of the passengers in the you were just winding me up" Scott breathed a sigh of relief when he was told that Liam was there, he thought that he had been given a bogus number or something. A new voice had appeared on the other end of the receiver.

"Hi Liam how are you?"


"Great, I was wondering if you'd like to go out for dinner tonight."


"Like what?"


"Oh sorry I didn't realise I hadn't told you my name last night. My names Scott Morley and I'm 26 years old"


"What's that?"


"Ten years?"


"You're thirty six yeah right"


"Ah, I could get into a lot of trouble if I were to get involved with you, you know?" Scott replied a little shocked that he had fallen for someone so young.


"Its cool, your young, probably still trying to come to terms with the fact your different from everyone else..."as he was talking to `Liam' a black Mercedes escalade ran a red light "...ah shit some mother fucker just ran a red light, I gotta go, if you ever just want to talk to someone that will under stand you just call me ok"


"No problem" with that he hung up the cell tossed it to the side and put on his blues and twos. He followed the car which at first accelerated to try and get away but when the driver realised that he wasn't gonna escape he slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road. Scott got out of the car and headed for the drivers side of the car.

"What's the problem officer?" a young man asked him

"Licence and registration please sir" Scott replied, a bit annoyed off that he had, had to end his phone call cos of this loser. The guy handed the requested details over to Scott and that was when he realised who he was. A bit star struck but still angry Scott stated "Don't you think that a celebrity as big as you are Mr Bass should be setting an example to young children who will behind the wheel one day"

"Yeah I suppose your right it's just I'm in a hurry officer"

"That's no excuse Mr Bass. Speeding is speeding no matter of how urgent or who you are. Now I'm just gonna run these details through and then you can leave with your ticket" Scott proceeded to his squad car and started to punch in the information into his computer. That was when he got a surprise. Mr Bass had been given plenty of warnings over the last three months not just in New York but in Florida, Tennessee and California. Scott proceeded back to the car and peered down at Lance Bass "Well Mr Bass I was gonna let you off with just a warning but it appears that they don't do you any good, over the last tree months alone you've received numerous warnings about speeding, skipping through red lights, trying to lose the officer chasing you, like you did today and drunk driving. I'm afraid I have no choice but to arrest you and impound your vehicle"

"But you can't I need to get to a meeting that's in half an hour"

"I'm sorry, really as a fan of yours I am but it's for your own good, come on, I won't put cuffs on you" Lance exited his car with those words and advanced to the squad car. Scott opened the back door and Lance stepped in. Then he locked up the car and radioed for someone to come and pick it up.

The drive to the station wasn't very eventful; Lance and Scott both remained silent. When they were a block from the station Scott radioed ahead and asked that they clear the cell area so that know one saw Lance being led in or being booked into custody. Lance was grateful for this as it meant that it was less likely to get out that he had been arrested.


Lances lawyer turned up a few hours later and he managed to arrange bail for Lance almost immediately.

"Mr Bass, I'm afraid you will need to appear at a court hearing next Saturday a nine o'clock, do you understand?" the bailing officer asked him

"Yes I understand"

"You also understand that until that date you cannot leave the state of New York"

"What!! I have a meeting with a new signing this week in Dallas I have to be there"

"Well I'm afraid you can't be, maybe you should have given that some thought before you ran the red light" the officer said as she handed him his bail information

"Lance I'll get the meeting and any other meeting re scheduled I'll tell them you r sick and need to meet them once your better take the week off, un wind a little, I'll be in touch" his lawyer stated as he left in a cab. Lance also jumped into a cab and headed for the hotel he was staying in.

Lance paced the hotel room for hour's board out of his head. He decided to go to sleep for a while but no matter how much he tried sleep avoided him. He eventually gave up and decided to take a walk. He didn't know where he was going or how long he had been walking when his stomach started to grumble. He looked around and couldn't workout where he was but he knew he was basically alone with no one to go and ask directions to.

He wondered around for a while not finding a single person. Before he knew it hours had passed he was now really hungry and very thirsty but had also managed to get himself more lost in the maze of unused factory building. It was just as he was giving up all hope of ever being found alive that he saw a black Peugeot 406 approaching him. As it drew closer he stepped out in front of it and waved his hands about. At first the car didn't seem to be slowing down and then the driver slammed on the breaks causing the car to stop just short of hitting Lance, who by this time had shut his eyes in fear. The driver got out and proceeded towards him.

"Are you ok Mr...oh my god, your Lance Bass" the guy said

"Yeah...err...did you stop before hitting me?"

"Yeah, otherwise you'd be on the floor right now"

Lance laughed as he sighed and opened his eyes relieved that he was not dead on the floor

"Thanks for stopping; I've been walking around here for hours trying to find my way back to the city rather than here, wherever here is."

"It's the old factory district near the docks, it's actually a good place to live" the guy said as he looked around

"How do you figure that?"

"I live in an unused factory around the corner with some friends and it's pretty good that we don't have any neighbours complaining about the noise"

"That's a good reason I suppose...err...what did you say your name was again?"

"I didn't sorry, its Theo, Theo Jenson" he said as he extended his arm. That was when Lance actually looked at him properly and immediately fell for him in a big way.

"Well you already know who I am" Lance said taking the out stretched hand in his and shaking it.

"Well I was just on my way back to my house, you must be hungry by now, and would you like to have dinner with me?"

"Sure I'm starved actually" Lance replied as they got into the car and headed for the factory.

It only took them two minutes to get there by car. Theo drove through the loading bay doors and parked up next to his Jeep Cherokee. They got out of the car and Theo headed for the door into the living area of the factory.

"Well I see you and your friends are fairly well off if you can afford to have two cars between you"

"Actually both the cars are mine, one of the perks of having rich parents"

"Oh I get it"

They entered the living room which Lance was very amazed with. They had a dinner of pork chops and chips which apparently is one of Lance's favourite foods. They made a little small talk whilst they ate, mainly Lance's astonishment at the home which was concealed inside this rundown building.

"Well to be honest I still live at home with my parents I'm only 17 and still in school so this place, right now is more like a place me and my friends come to get away from our parents and other people to" Theo informed him.

"I just wish I had, had a place like this when I was your age. I certainly could have done with one" Lance had replied.

When the meal was over Theo went upstairs to change whilst Lance decided to watch some TV just to see if there was anything about him being arrested on it when he heard a noise at the front door like keys in the lock. As he looked over the door sprung open and in walked to good looking guys, nothing compared to Theo in Lance's opinion but cute all the same.

"We're here and we have a great idea of which one to get tonight we saw it today in town we went in and sat for a while like we usually do and we got it all worked outttttttttt..." Kaiden bellowed as he came through the door, stopping only when he realised there was a new person in the building who also looked vaguely familiar. "...Oh someone new, hi I'm Kaiden, and this is Dylan." he said pointing over his shoulder at the guy behind him

"Hi I'm Lance" Lance said holding out his hand

"Hi Lance" Dylan said reaching for his hand

"Yeah hi, so what are you doing here Lance, Theo said he'd only told us about this place cos he didn't want all the kids from school ransacking it every weekend with wild parties"

"Well I got lost in the area and Theo found me offered to bring me here for something to eat before taking me back to my hotel"

"Oh Ok then well we need to go put this stuff away so we'll see you in a bit I guess" Kaiden said as he and Dylan left the room. Just as they left Theo came down the stairs dressed in a pair of black combats with a dragon stitched on in white and a baby blue shirt, Lance couldn't do anything but stare.

"Ok let's get you back to the hotel then before anyone gets to worried about you"

"Yeah lets. Oh by the way your friends are in the kitchen, their a bit weird.

The drive to the hotel was surprisingly quick although the ride was rather quiet. When they pulled up outside there were no fans much to Lance's liking.

"Theo I hope you don't take this the wrong way but I had a great time tonight and I just wanted to thank you for that, you wouldn't believe the day I had been having till I met you. I just wanted to give you my cell and my e-mail address if you wanna stay in touch" Lance handed him the piece of paper with all of his details on

"Thanks...err...ah here's a piece of paper, now pen ah. This is my cell, my home, and the factories numbers and my e-mail address as well that way if I don't get in touch you can" Theo then handed the paper over

"See you around Theo"

"Later Lance" With that Lance got out of the car and headed for the doors leading into the hotel, whilst Theo started up the car and left for the factory.


Theo got back at around twenty past eight to find both Kaiden and Dylan waiting for him. They looked both happy but annoyed at the same time.

"Why didn't you tell us you had met Lance Bass of Nsync?" Kaiden spoke up first breaking the silence.

"I didn't meet him until today, so why are you so pissed off?"

"I'm not pissed off it's just that we didn't realise you had company. I came in spouting about the next diner we can hit" Kaiden said

"Oh sorry, so when did you want to hit it?" Theo stated


"Tonight! Can't I still haven't done that history paper that's due tomorrow"

"Well we always hit them on a Saturday night, so the cops are gonna be on their guard a lot more so if we change the way we operate we can at east break the usual routine and confuse them a little you know"

"Good reason to do it but why not do it during the week, at least then it's a bigger time gap in between"

"Yeah, yeah I like it, how bout next Wednesda' night then"

"Yeah that'll give us plenty of time for recon" Theo stated in agreement

"So we do the same as usual, scope the place out, get one of us in there, see when they empty the safe. When they take the takings to the bank?" Dylan spoke up for the first time since the conversation started

"Yeah the same as usual" Theo again agreed.


Again a summer storm had made its way along the east coast, blown in from the Atlantic Ocean. This time however the rain wasn't as dominant in its downfall and didn't cause nearly all of New York City to come to a complete stop. Whilst late night workers tried to hail down cabs, the local talent tried to make a few bucks with any guy that would stop and offer a decent amount of money, Theo, Kaiden and Dylan sat in the new black Peugeot parked in between a dumpster and a telephone booth waiting for the remaining workers at the diner to lock up and go home.

"OK we know what were doing and where everything is?" Theo asked turning from his position in the driver's seat to look at the others in the back.

"Yeah, this ones gonna be the biggest haul so far" Kaiden answered back

"Ain't it just. Hey Dylan you never did tell us how you managed to get all that information" Theo said

"Well, you probably wouldn't like it if I did"

"Oh come on I'm dying to know just how my baby managed to find all this stuff out" Kaiden proceeded

"Ok, on my first day on the job I noticed one of the waitresses checking me out. I later found out from Greg that it was his daughter, so I figured what the hell I'll screw her to get the information. I started to talk to the girl, turns out she goes to a catholic school, brought up to be a god fearing person but she was wilder than her parents know. Last night I had her over there..." he pointed towards the back of the diner where they would soon be heading to gain entry to the place "... and whilst I was fucking her brains out, I was getting all the information on how the money works"

"Oh come on someone isn't gonna tell a complete stranger who just happens to be screwing them how their family handle the money of their business" Theo said in disbelief

"She did, cos' I told her talking about money really turned me on"

"So she basically told you that they keep up to two thousand in the safe before they bank the takings. And they keep a float of just five hundred in the till" Kaiden asked

"Pretty much, she also said that if at the end of the day the float is over five hundred they add the rest to the safe even if the safe already contains its two thousand limit they just leave it till the next day before they bank it." Dylan replied

"So how much is there in it now?" Theo asked

"Two thousand, two hundred and sixty seven dollars and ninety two pence in the safe and exactly five hundred in the till" Dylan said

"Isn't getting someone working there a great idea you get access to so much information...wait a minute last night we had didn't do her then do me did you?" Kaiden asked with a grossed out look on his face

"No I took a hot shower first. I washed my self from head to toe, I hated doing that it was sick. I mean her pussy was wider than the Grand Canyon, she`s so much of a slut" Dylan said giving the same revolted look.

A few minutes later the lights in the diner went out and three people left via the back door. The last one out locked up as the others were waiting for her under the overlarge umbrella. Once she had checked the door was locked she joined the other two under the umbrella as they started walking towards the end of the alley. Once they were round the corner and out of sight Theo, Kaiden and Dylan exited the car and started over to the diners back entrance.

Kaiden broke the lock in record time due to the fact it desperately needed replacing as it was almost completely rust. The three entered the building closing the door behind them. They split up as usual, to the places they always went. Kaiden to the cash register, Dylan to the stock room and Theo to the safe out back. The only sounds that were heard in the building were those of the three robbers hard at work and the sound of rain hitting the building as it fell to the ground from the sky above.

Despite the almost quiet atmosphere in the diner, not one of the three heard the back door being opened and the voice that asked a question to its self...

"I thought Hashanah had locked this?"

The man who had muttered theses words to himself then heard a voice from inside below...

"This is so easy, hahaha"

The man realised that Hashanah had indeed locked the door, but now at least one men were inside the building knocking the place over. The guy snuck into the back passage way as quietly as he could heading for the kitchen at the front of the diner.

When he got there he could see over the top of the window where ready made food would be passed through to waiting customers by day, a figure moving about in the dark around the area of the cash register. He reached out towards the little wall that stopped the window being a walk through gap in the wall and slowly pulled open the top draw. He peered down into it to see the contents. It contained mostly paper, bills other assorted letters that had been put in during the previous working day, but on the top as always was the 60mm pistol which he kept in there in case of a hold up, wishing he could have at least got to the shotgun he had under the counter.

He reached his small chubby hand into the draw and fished out the weapon. He then exited the kitchen and entered the register area, pointing the gun at the figure in the dark. Holding the gun in his left hand, a dead aim on the figure which had yet to notice him, he reached over to the light switch on his right and flipped it to on. The sudden invasion of light to the room caused the robber to jump and gaze around in terror to see the new occupant in the room.

"Oh shit!" Kaiden let out

"Yeah you mother fucker, oh shit, get your grubby hands out of my till and up in the air" he said as he readied the pistol for fire.

At that moment Dylan came out of the store room and was walking towards the front of the diner when he heard a voice which was vaguely familiar to him

"Alright you son of a bitch get on the other side of the counter" he realised the voice was that of Mr DeMarco, the owner of the diner. He then saw his lover Kaiden walking through the gap in the middle of the counter to the other side, and then the chubby figure of Mr DeMarco as he walked to the other side. He then heard him talking again.

"Hello, this is Luis DeMarco I own DeMarco's diner down town, I just caught a burglar doing my shop over..." there was a long pause then more talking "...yes that's the place, I'll be waiting thank you..." Dylan then heard the sound of a receiver being placed back on its base "...well the good old boys in blue will be here soon, so what am I to do with you till then"

Dylan saw Mr DeMarco walk through the same gap as Kaiden had moments before still with only the small pistol in his hand. Dylan however knew that a shotgun was kept under the counter and began ever so quietly making his way to the entrance of the register area. Once there he saw Mr DeMarco still pointing the gun at Kaiden, saying nothing, if a pin had dropped at that moment you would have heard it.

"Take off the mask..." he said startling Dylan who had just gripped the shotgun under the counter. Kaiden removed the mask "...wait a minute your Kyle, Gregs friend, if you're here..."

"So is Greg..." Dylan finished his sentence, he then readied the gun to fire "... drop the gun and put your hands up Mr DeMarco" Dylan stated but Mr DeMarco didn't drop the gun he turned towards Dylan quickly and acted like to shoot him. Dylan had no choice he pulled the trigger of the gun.

To Be Continued

Ok what you all think? This story just came to my head one day when I woke up, who knows why. The next chapter probably won't be done for a while as I have to write the next chapter for `Mile High Club' which I have started but not yet finished.

Anyway at the beginning I said I'd list the stories which I liked on nifty, so I am. Some of these are in the celebrity area, some in the high school area, but I'll tell you where they are.

Celebrity boy bands

Nsync Stories

JC & The Actor It Happened One Summer Graduation Present Picking Up The Pieces Of My Life Model Me The Translator

BSB Stories

Kevin's Twink Moving Forward My Kinda Guy Somewhere I Belong Spinning Nick

High School

Dolphin Boys Homeroom Hunk Bluest Blue Eyes Plenty Of Paul No I Don't Like Girls

All of the above stories are an exhalent read and I urge you all to try reading them and find out for yourselves.

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