Dad Comes To The Rescue

By Fred Blank

Published on May 3, 2000




(Author's Note: This story is about a chance encounter between and adult male and an older man and not a story for pedophiles.)

I heard about a bar where people go to meet others. It's the kind of place that caters to a clientele of people who have an open mind about the dating scene. The kind of place to go when you want to expand your horizons a bit and that is something I was here to do tonight.

My thoughts lately had been of a brief time when I was younger and had some experiences with another guy. I enjoy my sex like with my wife, but lately I had found myself wanting. Wanting to maybe find someone who might help me take a trip back in time; to help me make a few memories I could always have. I didn't want just anyone, being the sort of person who is particular in the company I keep. I wasn't too hopeful of finding someone tonight yet I knew I had to make the effort.

Upon entering I nearly turned and left immediately. There were not that many people there and most seemed to be couples. I really had hoped to lose myself in the crowd and to be inconspicuous as possible. Drawing in a deep breath, I walked to the bar and sat down because my legs were shaking quite a bit. The bar tender, a nice looking fellow, took my order and in a minute a glass of courage was presented to me and

I started drinking it. For about half the drink I looked mostly straight ahead and tried not to make eye contact with anyone. Pretty soon the alcohol helped make me a bit more bold and I turned around on my seat to survey the place some more.

A scattering of couples were seated and most were engaged in lite conversations. One couple in the corner were doing a bit of necking and perhaps a bit of light petting. Two other guys were seated at the bar as well also nursing drinks and checking out the scene. One guy with a ragged beard and unkempt hair looked my way and gave a little smile. My expression softened a bit and I smiled a bit too. I really wasn't interested in him but I can't help returning any gestures which seem to be of a polite nature.

He got up and sat back down beside me. "Hi, I'm Bill. Haven't seen you here before. I thought I knew everyone worth knowing in this place." He smiled a bit bigger and took a sip of his drink.

"I'm Fred. I just found this place. Wanted to check it out."

"It's a real fun place here. Most of the people who come here like to swing a bit. How about you, what are you into?" Bill's straightforward manner took me aback. Not being used to today's dating scene (or swinging as Bill put it), I felt a bit out of place and tried to come up with some kind of response.

"I..I'm not really sure. I just heard about this club and wanted to.come and see..find out about it. You know." I'm not the kind of person who shoots from the hip and I really didn't know how to respond. My head was spinning about with doubt, curiosity and down right nervousness. Bill decided to press the matter.

"C'mon, everyone in here came here with something on their mind. Can't you tell me what's on yours?"

I thought about that and looked at him for a bit. I looked him in the eye holding his gaze for a moment and knew that this was not the guy for me. Something in his eyes made me feel uncomfortable and it was more than just what I felt from being in the place to begin with. Bill gave me the feeling that he was not interested in more than sex. I just have to feel something from anyone I want to be with. Maybe security or companionship, I don't know. I just knew Bill was not the one for me.

"Really, I'm new to going out and.I'm just here to.think a bit. And maybe find a friend."

"I'll be your friend, Fred. I understand you feel a bit uncomfortable. If you're honest with yourself and me, I'll bet I can give you what you really want." Bill grinned now to help convey what was on his mind.

"Honesty is always good. And I want to be honest with you, I'm not sure what I want. Hope you understand."

Bill intended to press the matter. "Fred, I think I know what you want. If you'd like I can make it happen. Maybe just you should stop trying to delay or avoid the issue and just enjoy the ride." He winked at me an

now I really wanted to get away from him. Bill was just too pushy. He didn't make me feel.special.

"I'm not a very good passenger. And if I don't really know what I want, I'm not sure if you could know." I smiled to take the edge of my words. Can't help being sensitive, I've been told I'm too nice at times. I was being honest with him, I really wasn't sure what I was looking for. But I knew it wasn't him.

"I'll bet you're a great passenger and I love to drive. Just relax and let things happen; that's my motto. You seem like a nice guy and I'd like to spend some time with you. Why don't you let me buy you another drink and then we can go somewhere to know each other better."

I was ready to get up and leave. I didn't see any way out of this other than that. I looked towards the door to see a man stopped at the far end of the bar. He too seemed to be surveying the place and the people within. His eyes met mine. He must have seen the uncomfortable expression on my face.

"Really, Bill. It's not you, it's me. I'm just not ready to..I'm just not sure."

"I'm sure maybe you should just.."

"Hi, son. How are you?" The guy I had watched come in cut Bill off. Our eyes met and an expression of genuine relief and gratitude crossed my face. His handsome, friendly face made me feel at ease immediately. Like a guardian angel come to rescue me from the jerks of the world and I smiled brightly for him.

"Uh," I stuttered out.

"Oh, is this your father? Uh, nice to meet you." Bill had lost the wind from his sails.

"I need to talk with my boy, if you don't mind?" His expression towards Bill was that of a father about to chastise a child. Bill decided it was time to bail.

"Sure. I need to be somewhere anyway. Later." Bill left the club to my delight.

"Thank you." I whispered to the man who just saved me.

"No problem. You just looked like you were tired of his company. Some guys just won't take "no" for an answer. Try to forget about him. It was nice to meet you." The guy turned to leave.

"Please, let me buy you a drink. To thank you for helping me out of a bad spot."

"That's not necessary. It was my pleasure." His soothing voice and presence made me feel at ease. I felt very comfortable with him for some reason and it was more than just gratitude.

"Are you sure?" I wanted him to stay.

He smiled and sat down beside me taking Bill's place (something that wouldn't be hard to do). "I'm Will, very nice to meet you this evening."

"I'm Fred and thank you so much for rescuing" We both grinned and his smile warmed my heart. Will was the sort of person who put me at ease and I had always been attracted to someone older than me. "He just wouldn't take a hint."

"Some people just are too coarse. But I don't like to judge others. So let's change an unpleasant subject. I've never been to this place before, what's it like?"

"I'm afraid I'm a first timer too. A buddy of mine told me about this place. He said this is a good place to meet and maybe have some fun. My old job kept me from getting out and meeting people or from having relations with other people. This may sound a bit square; I guess I'm just looking for a friend for now." Will had an effect on me. For some reason I felt I could open up to him.

"You seem like a great guy, Fred. Are you married?"

"Yes, for nine years now. She is a wonderful gal."

"So what brings you here then? If you don't mind my asking."

I looked down a bit not meeting his gaze. "I just wanted to have a..some fun. I love her to be sure. I..just want to experience a little bit of life before I'm too old to do so." I had been struggling with these feelings for a while. I really was surprised that I was opening up to someone I had met just a few minutes ago. It's so hard for me to discuss my feelings with anyone for the most part and now I was giving Will insights that to anyone else would embarrass and shame me. "I've played around some when I was a teen, but not since then. I want ...I want to find someone to share with. A friend and maybe.."

"I understand, Fred." Will put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "It's very natural what you're feeling. I've felt the same way too. We all need a friend at times, a person who will care for us regardless. An island in the midst of storm tossed seas. I'm married too and although I love and care for my wife too; I do understand what you mean and the way you feel." And I believed him. Will's eyes let me know it.

"I really feel that you do understand. If you only knew how grateful I am to hear it."

"Do you want to get outta here and maybe go get a bite to eat? No pressure, just go somewhere we can talk and compare notes." My head began to swim and not from the alcohol at his suggestion.

"Yes, I do." The words came out of my mouth and before I knew it we were leaving together.

At a nearby restaurant, Will and I chatted amicably. Talking about ourselves and our wives, he made me feel at ease and something more. Something which grew as he talked.

"This has been so nice, Fred. You're a very special, very rare person. I'm going to be going back home after tomorrow. My business here is nearly concluded and I have to report back to the office. Don't know where I'll be next. I really should get back to my hotel room and get some sleep."

"Oh. Sure, I understand. Business before pleasure, always." I smiled a bit weakly for him.

He could see and hear my disappointment. "Fred? Would you like to come with me?" I thought at first it

was pity in his voice. In his face I could see a hopeful expression and in his eyes I saw a fire beginning to kindle.

"Y..yes, Will. I'd like that, very much."

Will opened the door to his room and ushered me in. Once the door was closed our passions erupted and I found myself in his arms. His strong arms crushing me to him as he kissed me deeply. Both could feel the beginnings of our arousal through our pants. I broke our embrace and excused myself to the bathroom.

I came back out wearing only my silk shirt with all the buttons undone and a pair of silk panties. Will was seated on the bed leaned back looking me over.

"Very nice, Fred. You look very hot."

I blushed a bit. His compliment made me feel hot too. "Thank you, daddy." I grinned at him remembering how he had saved me at the club. Will smiled big for me picking up the quip.

"Come here to daddy, son." He patted the bed next to him and I sat beside him very close. Will wrapped his right arm about me giving me another kiss. His left hand reaching inside my shirt. His fingers found one of my already hard nipples which he rolled gently about. My hand went to his upper thigh and slid up to that straining bulge in his pants. Rubbing it. He laid me back and opened my shirt. His mouth came down on one of my nipples while the other slid down my body to rub on my cock through my panties.

Will knew the buttons to push on me as he worked his mouth and tongue and hands over my tits and my cock. I was gasping with excitement when he suddenly stopped and stood up. He lowers his pants for me and pulls down his briefs. His cock standing out straight in front of him and he stands before me. "Now

show daddy how much you want my cock. Do a good job or daddy will have to spank."

I knelt before him. The smile on my face telling what words never could. I took his cock into my hand and wrapped the other about his ass cheek. I lovingly kissed the head of his cock and began to tickle that tender spot on the underside of the head with my tongue. His breath quickened in excitement. I took his

cock into my mouth sucking it in. As I sucked I would tongue the head of his cock when his cock was near the front of my mouth. Then suck it into my mouth again deeply, in and out. Slowly at first and then faster, I serviced his tool. My hand squeezing his cheek at times as I enjoyed what I was doing. I could taste the

first bit of precum. So I sucked harder and he began to moan. I looked up from my pleasant task at him.

"Is that ok, daddy?" Will didn't answer at first. Guess he was still enjoying the sensations.

"Oh, baby please. Please don't stop."

A mischievous smile crosses my lips as I look up into his eyes. "If I'm a bad boy maybe daddy should spank."

Will looks down at me in delight. He takes me by the arm lifting me up so that I am standing before him

and he draws me close. His face mere inches from mine. "Daddy wants you to be a good boy. Lie down on the bed for me." I eagerly comply stretching out across the bed, my shirt riding up revealing my panties and the small of my back. My pert cheeks clenched up to make them stand out even more. I'm up on my elbows waiting.

"Daddy prefers to spank a bare ass." Will slides my panties off and kneels down beside me, His strong firm hand follows the curve of my cheeks as he moves across my butt caressing it. It feels nice, very nice.

His touch sends a thrill through me. His hand becomes to come down in sharp, regular slaps on my ass. Each slap covering a different area till my entire ass has felt the palm of his hand. I jerk slightly with each blow and after several, I lower my head as the pain builds and my eyes tear up.

Will notices this. "Are you ready to be a good boy for daddy? Hmmm? Daddy has another type of punishment in store for you. I know you really want to be a good boy for daddy, don't you?"

"Yes, daddy. I do want to be a good boy for you." My voice a hoarse whisper of nervousness and excitement.

Will leaves the bed for a moment and as I lie there I hear the sound of him undressing. Several more moments tick off and then he returns to his place beside me. His hand pulls my cheek open exposing my tight little pucker. A cool sensation gently touches my ass hole and then I feel a lubed finger slowly being inserted into me. I cum immediately unable to control myself from the delight of his talented touch. I never

had never felt this way before and hoped that there was more to come. I was not disappointed as his finger

began to slide in and out of my willing ass. Making me so hot and my ass hole well lubed. Will made sure that my man pussy was slick which made his probing finger glide in and out of me in the most delightful way. After a very short while, my cock began to swell once more. If this was punishment; LET ME BE BAD! My moans told Will all he needed to know, but asked anyway.

"Does that feel good? Does daddy's boy like him playing in his dirty hole?"


Will withdrew his finger and then straddled my legs. I was trembling in anticipation. Hoping that what I truly wanted to happen was about to happen.

His hands gripped my cheeks firmly and spread them apart as far as they would go. My crack fully exposed to him. I felt the tip of his cock poised on the threshold of my tight, puckering pussy and then he

entered me at last. The hardened shaft sliding into my willing ass slowly. Will's body came ever closer to mine as his lust penetrated deeper and deeper and deeper into me. I no longer truly knew anything at this time other than the fact that I was being satisfied in a way I had never felt before. My cock was like a steel rod at the moment forcing me to shift a bit to rearrange it. I wanted nothing to stop or interfere with the way his cock made me feel and the way it felt inside me. I moaned out loud unable to help it.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! OOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!! OOOHHH MY GOD! OOOOOOOOOOO!" My moans were so loud Will was afraid he was hurting me.

He stopped stroking and half pulled out of me. "Are you all right, baby? Daddy's not hurting you too much is he?" Even through my dizzying sensations the concern in his voice came through to me. It only made me feel even more loved.

"No, daddy. I'm a big boy and can handle it. Please, please don't stop. I need you so bad, daddy. Please?"

"Daddy's going to take good care of his Freddy, baby. Don't you worry. Daddy loves his Freddy and wants to make sure you know that." Will could have done anything to me at that moment and I would have done it or accepted it most willingly. He had me both body and soul.

"Oh, daddy. I love you so." And my words were rewarded with him resuming his steady pumping. He began to kiss and nibble on my back and shoulders. Kissing and licking my ear that was turned toward him.

Will's cock began to pump me harder. His hairy chest rubbing against my smooth back. His hot breath on my face started to come faster and faster and gentle moans started from him as his orgasm built.

"Fred, you are so sweet, baby. So fucking sweet. So fucking hot. I could fuck you forever and a day. Ohhhh! Ohhhhhh, yeah!"

I tried to respond to him but was too far gone in my own world of mind numbing pleasure. My moans coming in long drawn out wails of sheer ecstasy.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!"

Precum was flowing from my cock almost continually. Will laid down against me till our bodies were pressed together while his hips kept pumping up and down. His hands were groping my shoulders tightly and then.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! We had both came together in sweet release. His pulsing cock spurting out it's white hot load deep inside me. Our labored breathing came in grateful, satisfied pants. Right then nothing else really mattered to me except the way Will had made me feel. Together we stayed that way for a good long while neither of us wanting it ever to end.

The end?

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