Dear Diary

By Ross Noskiye

Published on Mar 24, 2002



Disclaimer: If you are under 18 or not of legal age in your country, please do not read on. If you can't deal with homosexuals or their acts, please do not read on. This story and its chapters involve acts of homosexual relationships and their perks. If you find this material offensive in anyway, please move on.

Everything in this story is purely FICTIONAL. I do not know the sexual preferences of any of the members of N Sync or if any other celebrities should arise at any point of the story, but can only hope hehehe. I also would like to mention that I do not personally know any of the members' family, friends, or staff of N Sync but once again, I can only hope.

From the Writer: Hey people. This is my 1st story I've ever written like this, and naturally, it has to be about my favorite group N Sync. I called it dear diary because its something I like to do, and a lot of the critical thoughts and feelings will be shared in this fashion. So that is where the title originates. I hope you guys enjoy reading it, because I enjoyed writing it. The purple thing really made me laugh, but you'll see what I mean. A lot of these little incidents come from my warped sense of humor and believe me, they'll get better. So read on and let me know what you think. You can email your opinions and suggestions to me at Cheers.

Dear Diary By Wassy

Beginning of Celebrity Tour in the Warwick Hotel, Denver

The boys walked into the hotel with looks of exhaustion. The flight from Orlando was to long and too uncomfortable, and it showed. They boys collected their key cards and after the front desk clerk performed her monotonous act of locations and directions of the boys' rooms, they slowly made there way to the elevators.

"This is a nice hotel, really luxurious." Justin sad attempt at getting the boys attention was denied by all except one.

"That why its called a luxury hotel Justin" Lance was was amused at Justins lack of attentiveness as he watched him trace his finger along the button panel of the elevator.

"Are you ever not sarcastic? You could be so cynical sometimes." Justin harrumphed.

"Oh please, do you even know what those words mean? Sarcastic? Cynical? How about pessimistic? Do you know what that means?

"Would you two please stop? We've only been here 5 minutes. Wait til we get to the rooms so I don't have to hear your criticisms and disparagements." JC added trying to outdo the two bickering boys. Lance and Justin blankly looked at JC who was grinning.

They walked to the far end of the hallway and waited for someone to make the first move in opening the door. They all looked at one another until Joey decided he would bite, and open the door. As the lights were turned on, 'oooh's and aaah's were unenthusiastically uttered.

"You know, after the first dozen hotels, they lose their charm."

"Chris, it has no people, and it has beds, that's all the charm it needs." JC irritable answered.

They all headed to their own bedrooms. Joey and Chris decided to share a room since only 4 were available in each suite. Justin and Lance headed toward the same direction but into separate doorways, and JC just walked to whatever room was left.

"SHIT" thought Justin, as he was sorting out through his luggage. He seemed to have misplaced his journal that he swore put in with his clothes. "I swear I put it in here." He mumbled. Lance heard his ramblings from the lounging area that connected all the boys' hotel rooms, so he flipped off the TV that he just turned on and quietly walked to Justin's door.

"What are you shitting about?" inquired Lance as he peered into Justin's room. It didn't really phase him that he just used the 'S' word but was more interested in what would get Justin's boxers in a bunch.

"I lost my journal, I thought had put it in with my clothes, but it's not in there. I can't remember where I put it." He sorted through his suitcase for the 3rd time whilst thinking of the consequences of losing it. "Shit, I bet I left it on the plane" he grumbled.

Lance just stood at the door with a grin on his face. "I have it. You dropped it on the floor when you were sleeping so I grabbed it and put it in my carry-on."

Justin popped up from his leaning position and looked at Lance. He smiled a large toothy smile but it faded as quickly as it appeared. "You didn't read it, did you?" he asked.

Lance looked at him and noticed his quick change in behavior. "Why would I read it? I suppose I should have though, I bet there are some pretty juicy stuff in there about me." Lance mused. Just as he finished his last sentence, he once again observed Justin's manner change from worry to irritate. "No I didn't read it, I just slipped it into my bag, calm down while I get it."

Justin could finally relax. During the drive back, he was worried. Worried that maybe someone found his most cherished possession and read it, or worse, found it and is selling it page by page or maybe even worse, have it posted on Ebay. His thoughts raced on and became more foolish as he thought the worst.

"Here, I found it in the bathroom, someone must of thought it would make some interesting reading material" Just as Lance walked into Justin's room, he found the boy in a state of silence staring at nothing in a daze. "Justin? Curly? Yoo-Hoo?" Lance giggled to himself and placed the spine of the book into his mouth as began to shake Justin furiously. Justin blinked and looked into Lance's eyes, then to his mouth. "I said 'here'".

"Gross, your drooling on it!" He quickly snatched the book and began wiping it with his t- shirt. "Oh I missed you, did you miss me? Awww everything is alright now" he said as he rocked side to side with the book pressed against his cheek.

Lance was glad that Justin was back to his playfulness that he was accustomed to. He didn't like to see his friends uncomfortable or with such worrisome attitudes. But as he was thinking this, he was also thinking how sad Justin was for displaying such love for a book. "Oh please". He rolled his eyes and playfully nudged Justin and returned to the lounging area.

Justin was glad that he got his 'baby' back. He began thumbing through the book as he walked backwards to his bed. Just as he sat down, his mind went back to what Lance said, "juicy stuff about me?" He shrugged it off and began writing about the day's events.

As Lance sat down and returned to watch TV, his mind also began to replay what just happened, but was more intent on recalling how Justin's emotions quickly changed. He noticed lately that he was more sullen and quiet since the break in Orlando over a week ago. His mind began to stir as he began wondering just what happened during the break.

"...and its not getting any easier. I know I shouldn't let my feelings control me, but that was an awesome two weeks. I've never laughed or enjoyed myself in such a long time. I'm glad I decided to vacation with Lance. I..." Just as he was about to begin a new sentence, he heard a loud slam come from the living room.

"Look! Look what he did, how am I supposed to go on stage looking like this! I'm purple!" JC was obviously very pissed, and very purple. Lance couldn't help but gawk and break into hysterics as his comrade stood waving his arms around. "Where is he? I'm going to permanently lodge my boot in his ass!"

"Who is this 'he' that you're talking about?" Justin said just as he was walking out of his room. He then saw JC blubbering in front of the large mirror that hung on the mortified mans door, "Holy fu...." He covered his mouth just before the last word and tried to suppress his laughter. "Barney?".

With that said, laughing came from the Joeys and Chris's shared room "Did he say barney?" Fits of laughter were now coming from the entire group. "Quick, lock the door!". It was obviously Joey who was the one locking the door; the sound of his laughing was more audible as his face pressed against the rear of the door to hold himself up from lack of air.

"Chris! I know it was you, I'm gonna get you. You better know how to fix this...I'm purple!" The vein that used to turn red and throb was now purple and throbbing. From the looks of him, his entire body was purple. Lance was the first to catch his breath and poke his head up from behind the couch.

"Oh c'mon, it doesn't look that bad, we could each where teletubbies suits and you could just go like that." He snickered but quickly stopped as JC shot a look at Lance that was between anger and hurt.

Joey and Chris yelled in unison "TELETUBBIES!" and laughed harder.

"I'm willing to do it if you are Lance, but I want be the blue one." Justin added trying to lighten the mood.

"I don't think there is a blue one Justin. I think the closest purple and that is obviously called for."

"We're not going as fricken teletubbies ok? Chris! Get out here!" JC was trying to keep his cool after nearly breaking down in front of Justin and Lance. He knew he had to gain control here or stay purple, which was not going to happen.

"Is it safe? Your not going to lodge your boot in my ass?" Chris jokingly asked.

"If you can fix this, I won't, I swear, just unpurple me." JC said talking into the door.

Joey was the first one to walk out of the room, he was obviously sent on reconnaissance since after a quick look out and around the door, peered back into the room and giving Chris a nod. "It was just a goof man, it'll come out."

Chris came out holding a plastic tube "Yeah, you know I wouldn't do something like that to you permanently, I have to be seen with you day in and day out" through in as he passed the tube to JC. "Use this with a loofa and it'll come right out."

"It better, and if doesn't, I'd become very aware of my back tonight" he snapped. He took the tube and quickly walked back to the bathroom and showered again.

As Joey and Chris went back into their room, laughing about the little episode, Justin went and sat next to Lance and tried to start a conversation. "That was pretty funny, you think?" It was a sad attempt at some convo, but he couldn't think of anything else to say. "Lance? Are we receiving?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah it was." He fiddled with the remote until it fell out of his hands. "Sorry, I was just thinking. S'up Justin?" he leaned over to look for the remote and Justin couldn't help but look at his back where he could see the top of Lance's boxers.

"Nothing really, I was just writing in my journal til' I was rudely interrupted." He emphasized the word 'rudely' that caused Joey and Chris to look at him from the bedroom, but quickly went back to talking.

"You sure like that little book don't you, how long have you been writing in it? I've never known you to do something like that." Lance questioned.

"I bought it a few days after our break. I was told it was good way of sorting through your thoughts and also therapeutic." Justin was beginning to twiddle his thumbs.

"Therapeutic?" That word caught Lances attention. "Why would you need therapy?"

"Therapy? Who said I need therapy?" Justin snapped.

"Well where do you think the word therapeutic comes from Justin? Thera-peutic? I think the word is kinda obvious, you think?"

"Oh, I guess it is, but yeah, I've had a lot on my mind lately, and writing all my thoughts help me."

"Well why would you need a book to help you when we're right here. You know we are always here to talk. Not JC though, not right now, I think he's dealing with his problems right now." Lance mused.

"Why? Whats wrong with JC?"

Lance began to giggle, "Hello? He's purple!" saying that caused them both to laugh.

"Oh yeah, but seriously though, this is something I need to think about myself."

"Well I've learned from experience that you shouldn't hold anything in to long. One day you'll explode, and it won't be pretty sight."

"Yeah, I've seen that happen to you before, how are things with you and Shaun anyway?" Justin was referring to the sound

"Well just remember that I'm right next door or 4 doors down, if you need want to chat, don't hesitate to come to me."

"Cool, I guess I just needed to hear that, but I'm going to bed, tomorrow is a long day. I'll see you in the morning." Justin lifted himself from the couch and headed towards his door. "Goodnight Lance." He shut the door.

Lance watched the door as it shut. He began to think to himself, "Weird, he comes to me and doesn't even talk, or I don't talk either. I had the perfect moment...I'm going to bed." He picked himself up from the couch and walked to his room. There he lay down and began writing in his own journal, "Dear Diary, ..."

To Be Continued...

SO yeah, that's how it goes. Remember, email me and let me know how you likes it, I know its vague now, but I didn't want it to be another story where everyone is liking another or someone is pining after someone else and its all one way. LOL yeah. Anyways, my email is Let me knows how you likes it!

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