Double Buddy Study Session

By T H

Published on Jun 24, 2022



Double Buddy Study Session

By Mxaussie

I was about to start my last semester of uni when I got an email from the deans office telling me I was still one class short of completing that year. I was pissed. I got the email the day before classes went back and all the elective subjects I would have been interested in doing were full. My options were either enrolling in one of the pissweak academic theory classes run by professors totally disengaged from reality who love the smell of their own farts, or enrolling in some random class outside the arts school. I don't remember exactly how I found it, but I remember being desperate to find a class that was vaguely related to what I was interested in that didn't have a lecture at 9 am on a Monday, and ended up enrolled in Introduction to Semiotics.

I don't wanna bog down a cool dirty story with unnecessary details (we're all here for the dick, I get it) but semiotics is basically the study of how meaning is created and communicated. You either read that sentence and went "oh cool," like I did because I'm a giant nerd, or "what the fuck does that mean and why the fuck would anyone ever study that" like half the other people in the class. Like Blake.

Blake was in my tutorial and he was literally the first person I clocked when I walked in the room, obviously because he was fucking hot. Tight blonde curly hair, pretty face, the kind of lips that belong wrapped around a hard dick. He was lean and muscled, and he knew it: I don't think I ever saw him wear anything except a tight plain white t-shirt, tight blue jeans, and pristine white converse high tops. His clothes basically looked sprayed on, and I didn't mind a bit.

The thing with Blake was he didn't pretend he thought the whole class was beneath him. He sat there at the back of the room with a surly look on his face, doodling on his notes and never saying anything except when the tutor would call on him. When he'd answer, he always actually knew his shit so he was no dummy, so I could never figure out why the only other things I'd ever hear him say in class were things like "what a load of crap" muttered under his breath when we'd be discussing something particularly esoteric. So despite being a total fuckn boner-maker he didn't seem to make any friends there because, frankly, he was kind of a dick.

Me on the other hand, I had no problem making friends. I mean, I'm good-looking enough, charismatic as a game show host with a smile to match, and I found I actually enjoyed semiotics so I got on fine with almost everyone else in the class. I was the only guy from the arts school doing this subject, so I went into a room full of pre-existing cliques, but within a couple of weeks I could go sit next to pretty much anyone and they'd be glad to see me. Pretty much anyone except Blake of course. And Harry.

Harry was the only other person in my tute I didn't really get along with. He was friendly enough I guess, but he was arrogant. He'd argue for the sake of arguing, which was annoying enough but he was also really smart, so almost all the time he'd actually be right (which really pissed me off because I'm the one who's always right). He'd also come from money, which I knew because he went to one of the ritziest schools in Sydney, which I knew because he found a way to bring it up three times in the first class.

I mean, he was definitely cute, in a preppy way: dark hair cut neat and clean, dark rimmed glasses (that I'm skeptical he needed, I swear those things were just plain glass), that kind of preppy athletic body you get from an entire schooling of playing rugby and cricket and competing in the state swim team every year. These aren't guesses either: these are also things Harry found a way to work into the conversation most classes. I mean, he was friendly, and and had a great smile, don't get me wrong, but he just drove me nuts, and I wasn't the only one.

Anyway I think it must have been the third or fourth week of the semester I missed a class because I had a particularly spectacular hangover, and I chose a bad one to miss because it was the class we were allocated group presentations. The cliques all clicked with each other of course, so zero guesses for which three loners ended up in a group presentation on the Syntagmatic/Paradigmatic Axis. Due in three weeks.


The first I knew about it was when I got a phone call at like 5pm interrupting my hungover Futurama marathon. I didn't recognise the number. Since this was like 20 years ago before everyone became giant douchebags and an unknown number was nothing to be afraid of, I answered it.

"Hey. It's Blake," said the voice at the other end.

"Blake...?" I asked, confused.

"From class. Semiotics."

Even if he hadn't clarified it was Blake from semiotics I knew then who it was because of the shitty attitude in his voice. Still, he was hot as fuck, and I didn't often get super hot guys calling me out of the blue so I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Oh. Hey man, what's up?"

"We gotta do a group presentation together."

I waited a sec for more clarification. When none was forthcoming, I asked, "what?"

"You, me and that Harry guy. We gotta do a group presentation. You free this Saturday afternoon?"

"Uh yeah sure, I'm free."

"Cool. We're meeting at Harry's place at 2," he replied in a monotone and gave me the address.

"Okay thanks... um, how did you get my number, if you don't mind me asking?"

I heard Blake give a kind of half chuckle, the closest sound to actual laughter I'd heard him make.

"You gave it to me last semester at Castles. You don't remember?"

Oh. Fuck. Castles was the uni bar. I went there a lot. Usually til they turned the ugly lights on. I did not remember.

"Oh ha right, um did I?" I felt like an idiot.

"Ha oh yeah you did, man. You were very entertaining."

I was blushing bright red. What the fuck did I do?

"What did I..."

"Ok gotta go, see you Saturday," said Blake, and hung up.

I sat there on the couch the rest of the evening in an emotion salad of feeling simultaneously embarrassed about not remembering having not only met Blake before but apparently talking to him enough to give him my number, confused as to why he kept my number and still pretended like he didn't know me, kind of turned on that he kept my number, and also still revoltingly hungover. Thank God for Futurama.

That Saturday afternoon I rode my bike to the address Blake gave me, Harry's place. I pulled up outside a brand new terrace house in a nice part of town near the water. It's probably not surprising that I was kind of nervous. But I'm great at getting along with people in weird situations, and there was no getting out of doing the presentation, so I just swallowed it down and rang the doorbell.

"Hey Jeremy," Harry said as he answered the door, flashing his orthodontically perfect smile, smooth as a used car salesman.

"Hey!" I chirped back, probably a bit too brightly. I was paranoid he knew I thought he was kind of a smarmy ass and was overdoing it. "Is Blake here?"

"Yeah he got here about twenty minutes ago," Harry replied, and stopped me as I stepped into the door. "We're a shoes-off house," he told me, still smiling.

"Oh, sure," I replied. So glad I wore socks without holes that day. I saw about half a dozen pairs of shoes neatly set out beside the front door. One of the pairs I recognised as Blake's, those pristine white converse high tops he wore to every class.

As I took my ratty sneakers off and Harry chirruped on about how interesting our presentation topic was, I took in the scene. Harry's place was nice. Like really nice, for a uni student. Brand new, by the looks of things. There was a dining room off the entry. In it was a huge dining table and setting for ten people. Like a proper dining setting, not like mine which was my grandma's old dining table and four mismatched chairs my housemate bought from Vinnies. Off to the other side was a closed door, which I assumed was to the garage beside the house, and apart from a short hallway leading out to the back verandah, the only other way into the house was a large staircase going up to the first floor. The whole place was all light and glass; I felt like I was sitting in an aquarium.

I took in Harry too. He was wearing a light blue tank top which showed off his arms and chest. As annoying as he was I couldn't deny he had a great body. My gaze strayed down to his grey track pants, and out of habit I checked out his bulge. Damn. Harry was packing. White socks, and of course, his signature black rimmed glasses.

I realised Harry had asked me something.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you want a beer or something?"

"Oh, um sure." Beer usually made everything better.

"Come on, Blake's out back."

I followed Harry through the extremely tasteful dining room and into an equally tasteful lounge room. I realised I'd heard a movie playing in the background the whole time Harry was waiting for me to take off my shoes, and that I'd vaguely recognised it. Sure enough on the massive TV was "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion". Total classic.

But that's not what grabbed my attention. Because watching "Romy and Michele" was this... is demi-god too dramatic? Thats what it felt like walking into the room and seeing this tall, lithe guy lying stretched out on the sofa, buzz cut, shirtless, dark curly hair coating a muscled chest, down his lean stomach, reappearing as a dusting on his muscled legs from a pair of bright blue gym shorts. He didn't look away from the movie as Harry prattled on, barely taking a break from his monologue about semiotics to introduce us.

"... which is part of the reason why I know that's the right angle for this presentation, oh and this is my housemate, Dave..."

"Hey Dave," I broke in. I wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to introduce myself to this guy, Harry could just shut the fuck up for five seconds. "I'm Jez."

"Hey," was all Dave said, still not looking away from the TV. I'm a dork, so I persevered.

"I love this movie," I said. I could have left it there but no, I had to go on. "Have a Romy and Michele day!" I joked.

Dave looked at me for a second, expressionlessly, then looked back at the movie without saying a word. I got the hint. I turned back to Harry, who watched the exchange without wiping that camera-ready smile off his preppy face.

"So... beer, you said beer?"

"Sure," and he walked out into the kitchen, resuming his monologue from where he left off. I took one more glance at Dave stretched out on the couch, and wondered why all the hot guys I met lately were either moody jerks or smart-ass know-it-alls.

It turned out that there was a whole other level underneath the terrace, and that was basically Harry's room. It was massive, with a queen sized bed, a nice sofa and coffee table and his own TV, a big desk looking out through a window over the manicured garden, with the water of Sydney Harbour in the not-too-distant distance. He had his own freaking ensuite for God's sake. I had to share a bathroom with two straight boys who never learned what the toilet brush was for. I disliked Harry even slightly more.

Blake was on the bed, wearing his uniform of tight white t-shirt and tight blue jeans, flipping through a text book, a half-drunk beer on the nightstand next to him. I'd decided earlier that morning I wasn't going to be weird around Blake with the whole phone number thing, since he clearly didn't really give a shit, but I was rattled by seeing a guy whom I could only assume was a porn star lying on Harry's couch so I might have been a bit weird.

"Hi Blake," I smiled. I felt awkward. Blake's demeanour didn't change a bit though.

"Hey," he said in his bored monotone, not looking up from the text book.

"Great, we're all here," smiled Harry, sitting in his desk chair. I didn't know where to sit so I kind of perched awkwardly on the end of the bed.

"So how are we going to do this?" I asked.

"Don't ask me, I just wanna get a pass and get this class over with," Blake droned, before taking a swig of his beer.

"You don't seem like you're enjoying the class much, Blake," Harry said, always with that smile.

"Nope," Blake agreed. "I'm only doing this class because I gotta for my degree. And I'm only doing this degree because if I don't then my dad won't let me move to LA."

"LA, cool," grinned Harry. "You're gonna be a Hollywood star?" he asked. Blake took a sec before answering, I guess trying to figure out if Harry was taking the piss or not.

"Yeah, I am actually, someone has to be," he said with a shrug. As far as I could tell he had the emotional range of a lawn ornament so I didn't like his chances, but he was insanely pretty, so maybe that would be enough to get him an acting job even if he couldn't, you know, act.

Harry seemed to have more confidence in Blake. "Sure, why not, I could see it," He was nakedly checking Blake out from head to toe. Damn, straight guys could get away with shit I never could. "You got this whole Ryan Phillipe pretty boy look about you." Blake seemed to appreciate this, but then Harry grinned again and went on, "I reckon there'd be a producer out there with a casting couch just your size."

"Good one dickhead, haven't heard that before," said Blake sarcastically, and went back to flipping through the text book.

"Sorry, can we get back to the assignment please," I asked, a little irritated. "It's Saturday, I don't wanna be doing this all arvo."

"Fair enough mate," said Harry. He seemed completely unperturbed by Blake calling him a dickhead. He went on.

"I have an idea that I think would be fun. Maybe even get Blake interested."

Blake just rolled his eyes and took another swig of his beer.

"What is it?" I asked.

Harry grinned, a huge grin.


Blake was as surprised as I was.

"What?" he asked, a second before I could.

"Porn. We do the assignment using porn as examples."

There was a moment of silence.

"What?" Blake asked again.

"Think about it, the professor is always telling us she loves out-of-the-box ideas on applying what we learn, and porn is full of semiotics. We know who's submissive, who's dominant, who's the slut, who's the virgin, all from semiotics. And like literally everyone in class has watched porn, so they'll all know what we're talking about."

"I dunno about that..." I began, but Harry just kept talking.

" how much fun would it be to research it? We could watch all the porn we liked and its for research. You'd be doing your uni assignment every time you jacked it." he looked at me and grinned wickedly. "So just as a guess I'd say you'd have your part done by Monday, Jeremy"

"Hey!" I said. It might have been accurate but it was unnecessary.

"But... won't we have to play porn in class? I don't think we'd get away with that." Blake asked. I couldn't believe he was taking it seriously.

"Nah, we just use photos. There's tonnes of pics of porn stars and they're wearing bikinis, school girl uniforms, nurse outfits, balloons, whatever. It'll work great!"

"Look," I said, trying to get the conversation back into the realms of normalcy. "Even if we were going to do this, I'm gay. I'm not watching a bunch of straight porn for a uni assignment. No offence."

"I don't mind if we do it on gay porn," Harry said with another disarming smile. I was speechless.

"I'm not watching two dudes fuck!" said Blake, with uncharacteristic passion.

"We're not doing it on porn, any kind of porn!" I almost shouted, getting exasperated. Harry hadn't stopped grinning. I would have gone on, but suddenly in the doorway stood Dave. Still shirtless.

It sounds over the top, but he took my breath away. Dark, a couple of tattoos writhing their way down his muscled arms, broad chest, ridged abs, the outline of a thick heavy cock clearly commando under his gym shorts.

"What's wrong with watching porn?" Dave asked. He caught me checking out his bulge. He didn't seem to care.

"What's up, Dave?" asked Harry. The smiled hadn't left his face the whole time. As far as I could tell he'd enjoyed the little firecracker he'd dropped in the room.

"Your dad's on the phone," came Dave's reply. (This was back when landlines were a thing. Remember those?)

"Fuck, no worries, thanks man," Harry replied, standing up. "I'll be back in a bit guys. I'll leave you to decide. Straight porn, gay porn, I'm easy."

"We're not doing it on porn!" I repeated, as he left the room chuckling. He brushed passed Dave on his way out. I guess because I was watching him leave I caught Harry's hand brush the back of Dave's ass as he did. It was so quick and subtle I wasn't sure I'd seen it. I looked up at Dave's face to see if he'd noticed. But Dave was looking at Blake, cool, almost blank.

"You guys doing an assignment on porn?" he asked Blake. Blake returned Dave's gaze for a second, then looked away. If I didn't know better, I'd swear Blake felt awkward.

"I mean, I think it sounds interesting, but I get where Jez is coming from," replied Blake, and he swigged down the last of his beer. Dave turned his gaze to me. His eyes were dark brown, and his full lips slightly parted. Despite my background irritation, his stare pushed buttons deep down in my the pit of my stomach, and my dick twitched.

"You don't like porn?" he asked.

I was totally flustered. I could sense Blake was paying close attention to the conversation, even though he'd gone back to flipping through that fucking text book. Dave was one of the hottest guys I'd ever seen in person, staring cooly at me, waiting for an answer. He looked like he should be advertising Calvin Klein underwear, not casually asking me if I liked watching porn in front of another guy I had a secret boner for.

"I mean, yeah, who doesn't like porn..." I started.

"I love porn," Dave interrupted. I didn't know what to say.

Dave looked back at Blake, it felt like the two of them were challenging the other to break eye contact first. There was an energy in the air, I had no idea what the fuck was going on, but something was up. It felt like ages, it was probably only a few seconds, but neither guy flinched. And then, just once, Dave rubbed his hand over his crotch, staring right at Blake. Blake broke. His eyes darted down to Dave's dick hidden behind his shorts, just for a sec, but me and Dave both saw. Apparently satisfied, Dave turned and without saying anything, went back up the stairs to the main floor, leaving me and Blake alone in the room.

What the fuck was that, I asked myself.

Blake went back to flipping through the text book, but it was clear he wasn't reading anything.

"So... Dave is... interesting," I said, more for something to say than anything else.

"Yeah I guess," came the reply.

"Is he a student do you know or..."

"How the fuck should I know?" said Blake in his bored voice without looking up. He was pretty but fuck he was a prick.

"I'm just making conversation, you don't need to be an asshole," I shot back. Blake chuckled.

"What?" I asked. "What's funny?"

"That's pretty much what you said last time," he answered, looking up at me. He had this wry half-smile on his face. I was confused.

"Last time? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Last time we were talking. At Castles? And you gave me your number?" His half-smile had turned into a full blown smirk.

"What did I do?"

"You told me I was an asshole."

"Oh... well... I mean you can kind of be an..."

Blake interrupted me.

"And you also told me I was, quote, `total fucking boner material' and that if I ever wanted the best blow job I'd ever had to give you a call."

I have no idea what look was on my face, but Blake chuckled again and went on.

"You were really insistent on it. Wrote your number on a coaster. Two coasters actually, in case I lost one, you said."

Oh. Well that explained how he got my number. It also probably explained a number of other things, like why I had a reputation on campus for being something of a desperado when it came to getting dick. I needed to stop drinking vodka when I went out. I was, to put it mildly, embarrassed.

"Fuck..." I began. "Did I really say that?"

"You did. Several times." Blake seemed to be enjoying this, the first time I'd seen him enjoy anything. I was not enjoying it.

"Man, I'm sorry, when I get drunk I can get a bit full on..."

"You're not the first guy who's tried to get in my pants," Blake said dismissively. "I gotta piss." And with that he walked out. I heard him walk up the stairs and into the kitchen above, leaving me alone in Harry's room.

I sat there for a second not knowing what to think. Drunk me clearly had a lot more balls than sober me ever did. I was almost kind of proud of myself for at least just putting it out there. But mostly I felt dumb as a rock for hitting on a straight guy who, while definitely hot, was a jerkwad. Oh well. Better out in the open, I thought. At least he knows I think he's hot. And also that I think he's an asshole.

Thinking about Blake started me thinking about the weird exchange between him and Dave. Something was going on there, although what I had no idea. It felt like sex to me though. The thought popped into my head: maybe Dave is into guys.

Fuck. That thought got me boned real quick. It would explain why Dave was so direct with me and Blake about porn. He wanted to see how we'd react. Blake especially, I figured. If Dave was into dudes then Blake would have grabbed his attention the moment he walked in.

My hand strayed down to my jeans and I started rubbing my dick through my fly. I couldn't help it. I started to imagine what Dave looked like under those shorts. My boner was pressed against the denim, and even though it was risky I had to get it out.

My cock sprung out of my fly as soon as I unbuttoned my jeans. I was going commando that day, I do it a lot, because I love knowing how close my dick is to the outside world when I free-ball. I could smell the warm clean smell of my dick as a thin stream of pre oozed out of my slit and down the side of my cock.

I started stroking it, slow, firm strokes, thinking about getting on my knees and sliding Dave's shorts down, watching his dick get hard in front of my face before I took it as deep in my mouth as I could. I imagined how fucking hot it must be to hear him moan, or how good his load would taste.

I love jerking my dick, especially edging it for hours at a time. I can get lost in how good it feels to keep my dick leaking pre, so I guess that's how I ended up blissed out for a solid fifteen, twenty minutes before I realised that neither Harry nor Blake had come back.

Suddenly I was kind of annoyed. I'd given up my Saturday afternoon to work on this stupid assignment and all that had really happened so far was I'd been patronised, embarrassed and ignored. Part of me wanted to jerk off all over the back of Harry's pillow and then leave via the side gate but I wanted to get this assignment started and over with as soon as possible so I didn't have to deal with either Harry or Blake or even Dave ever again, so I pushed my boned up dick back into my jeans, did up my fly, and headed up the stairs back to the kitchen.

The kitchen was empty. The phone was hung up. Through the archway I could see into the lounge room. "Romy and Michele" was still playing but Dave was gone. Blake and Harry were nowhere to be seen.

"Where the fuck are they?" I thought to myself, getting annoyed. I'd given up my Saturday afternoon for this shit. If those fucks thought they could get away with making me do all the work while they dicked around, they had another think coming.

I kept wandering through the house, back the way I came, and into the front entry. Well Blake hadn't left the house, his shoes were still there. There were stairs heading up to the first floor, and aside from a study coming off the entry that I could clearly see was empty, there was no where else they could be.

I felt weird, like I shouldn't be doing it, but I headed upstairs. Perhaps Blake had gone looking for a bathroom or something. Maybe he really needed to shit, and felt weird doing it in the ensuite off Harry's room. Yeah, that'd be it. And maybe there was a phone line upstairs and Harry was on that? That seemed less likely, but I couldn't figure out where else everyone would be.

I was almost at the top of the stairs when I heard a sound. I froze. I knew what I was hearing, but I couldn't quite believe it, not here in Harry's place in the middle of a sunny Saturday afternoon... but then I heard it again, this time it was unmistakeable: a soft moan, the kind of moan a guy makes when his dick is getting worked.

It was coming from a closed door just off the top of the stairs. Barely moving and with my heart pounding, I crept up to the door and put my ear to it as close as I dared. It was so clear: long, soft moans.

Then a voice: "fuuuck yes..."

It was Blake. It was definitely Blake.

"What... the... fuck..." I thought. I was rock fucking hard in three seconds flat. Blake was jerking off. That had to be it. Why the fuck he was doing it then and there, in some random room in Harry's place while we were supposed to be working on our assignment, I had no fucking idea, but I got it. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been horny enough to jerk out a load in weirder places.

I knew that Harry was floating around somewhere, but I couldn't pull myself away from that door. Blake was moaning and breathing heavily, and just the thought of him playing with his cock made my dick leak. I couldn't help myself. My dick was so hard it almost hurt, straining against the inside of my jeans, and I started rubbing along the length of my shaft under the denim. Fuck, I wished I had the guts to open the door.

I guess because I was so intent on the sounds of Blake edging his dick, and because my back was to the stairs, I didn't notice anyone was behind me until I heard: "you wanna see?"

I jerked around, horrified that I'd been caught in someone else's house in such a compromising position; for one stupid second in my panic I thought it must have been Harry's parents come to visit. But nope. It was Harry, standing in the bathroom door that he'd soundlessly opened behind me. And he was naked.

He was still wearing his glasses, but aside from that nothing. His rock hard dick was in his hand, a thick, cut piece of meat, over some low hanging nuts. His dark bush above his junk was the only hair on his body, his hairless chest and stomach lightly muscled, his pecs defined by dark pink nipples the same colour as his cockhead.

I stood there stunned, mouth open, no idea what to do or say. I could still hear Blake moaning on the other side of the door. Harry didn't break eye contact, he just stood there smirking with his boned up dick, totally unselfconscious.

"Open it," Harry suggested with a toss of his head.

"What the fuck Harry..." I began, in a harsh whisper.

"I know you want it, Jez," he went on in a low voice, slowly running his hand up and down his cock. "Blake, I saw it the first day you walked in the room. You couldn't take your eyes off him. And he's pretty, right?"

"Jesus Harry, I... I..."

"Just let it happen, Jez. You want it to happen, right?"

I didn't say anything. My dick was so hard in my jeans I couldn't help myself. I started stroking my dick through the denim, staring at Harry's body and cock, my mouth watering, hearing Blake moaning on the other side of the door. Everything felt hot and syrupy, surreal. Harry was right. Whatever was gonna happen next, I was going to do it.

"Mmm yeah, I thought so," Harry smirked again. "Why don't you lemme see what you're packing?"

Without really believing what I was doing, I popped open the buttons on my fly for the second time in half an hour. My cock sprang out, unconstrained, a thick string of pre slung between my cockhead and where it was pressed against my stomach a moment before. It's a cool dick, 6" uncut, not too big, not too small. Definitely never had any complaints. I could tell Harry was turned on.

"Mmmm fuck Jez, you might be a cocky prick but fuck you got a nice dick," he said, stepping up to me. He reached out his hand and started sliding it up and down my cock, rubbing his slicked up cockhead against mine. Despite being horned out of my brain a tiny part of me was like "cocky prick? Me? Fucking pot calling the kettle black, mate," but Harry knew how to work a dick, and within seconds I was helpless.

As if on cue, Blake moaned out loud, the loudest moan I'd heard him make yet. Harry leant in close to my ear, his body pushing against mine, my dick gripped in his hand.

"Better open the door soon before you miss the show, Jez," he whispered huskily.

I was so turned on, all I could think about was cock. I needed to see what Blake was doing with his dick. I reached out and quietly as I could, turned the handle and pushed the door open a crack, Harry still smirking and stroking my dick up and down.

Behind the door was a bedroom. Dave's room I guessed. The curtains were closed and it was a little dark. It smelled like sweat and cum. I knew that smell. It was what my room smelled like when I was a teenager.

The first thing I saw was Blake. Standing in the middle of the room, shirtless, his jeans around his ankles. His back was to us, broad shoulders, a muscled line running down the middle of his back ending at the crack of his stark white bubble butt. Then I saw Dave. He was on his knees in front of Blake, obscured, but it was unmistakable that he was giving Blake a full, deep-throat bj.

Between Blake's legs I could see that Dave was naked, his shorts off to one side, his hard, dark cock in one hand, his other hand on Blake's thigh just under his butt, his mahogany skin contrasting with Blake's pale white ass. Blake was fixated on watching Dave slurping and swooping over his cock, and as far as I could tell neither of them had noticed they had company.

"Fuckin hot right?" whispered Harry in my ear. "Dave sucks dick better than anyone I ever met. He's been sucking mine since high school. Thats why I let him live here with me. I pay his rent, he takes my load whenever I need it, sometimes I return the favour. Guess Blake found out how good he is too, hey?"

I didn't say anything, I couldn't take my eyes off the scene in front of me. Harry kept stroking my dick up and down, sliding his thumb over my cockhead, while I watched Blake - the guy who declared half an hour ago he'd never watch two guys fuck - getting his dick worshipped by this cock-hungry college fuckboy.

Harry pushed the door open, slowly, all the way. Dave must have caught the movement because he pulled off Blake's cock and started jacking it instead. Blake moaned long and loud, hung his head back, eyes closed, and while he did, Dave looked past Blake's naked ass and looked me dead in the eye. He licked his lips slowly, and then dove back onto Blake's cock. Blake almost whined. "Ffffuuuuuuuckkk!" and I saw him starting to thrust his hips back and forth, fucking Dave's mouth.

I was so absorbed in watching Dave service Blake that I didn't notice Harry had gotten down on his knees until I felt his tongue dart across my piss slit. I almost moaned out loud, but I bit my lip instead, and looked down to see Harry looking up at me. As soon as he saw me looking he winked, and then swallowed my whole dick in one movement.

That time I couldn't help it. I moaned out loud.

"What the fuck?!" came Blake's startled reaction. A jolt of anxiety shot through me, what the fuck was I doing? But Harry wouldn't let me go, his hands gripping my hips and his mouth swooping up and down my dick, and even though Blake was pulling away from Dave, trying to pull his jeans up in a panic, the waves of ecstasy flowing up my dick and into my body won out and I just didn't give a fuck.

Blake though clearly had no idea that he'd been the star of an impromptu porn show.

"What the fuck?" he shouted again, backing away from Dave, taking in me and Harry in the doorway. He kind of half tripped over and sat back on his ass, jeans still around his ankles. Dave meanwhile stayed on his knees, cooly staring at Blake, slowly stroking his cock. "You set me up, fucker!" Blake shouted at Dave.

"You were the one who pulled your cock out," came Dave's reply, almost indifferent. "Seemed like you were enjoying it to me."

"Fuck you!" Blake shouted again, but he'd stopped trying to pull his jeans up. He kind of was half covering his hard dick with his hands, eyes darting from Dave, to me, to Harry again. I was so turned on. It felt fucking good to have my dick worked in front of this asshole who I'd lusted after for weeks, to see him in a totally compromising position, and to know that however much he might protest, he had a thing for cock as much as I did. I felt powerful. I stared right back at him.

Dave meanwhile stood up, his arms dropped to his side, and he padded across the room, rock hard dick hanging off his muscled body like a goddam tree branch. 8 inches easy, thick, uncut dick, hot pink cockhead half covered by his dark foreskin, dripping precum like a tap.

He stood over Blake, his iron hard dick at eye level.

"You're telling me you don't want this, fucker?" Dave demanded. "You're telling me you don't want dick as bad as these guys?" With this, Dave looked over at me, Harry still working my cock with his mouth. With a slurp, Harry pulled off and started slowly jerking my dick, an inch from his half open mouth.

"Fuck dude, I love dick, tastes so good," Harry smirked at Blake, and then looked up at me. "You love dick too, right Jez?"

I'd been watching the whole thing in a haze, still not believing this was happening. All I could do was nod and say uselessly, "uh huh..."

Blake looked at me, and I knew it. He was gonna give in. I knew lust when I saw it. He looked back up at Dave, who stepped forward, put his hand behind Blake's head, and slowly guided him towards his hard, leaking dick. Blake looked up one more time at Dave, opened his mouth, and tentatively started sucking his cock. Just Dave's cockhead, his pretty face bobbing up and down barely taking the first inch or so.

"Uh uh, I know you can do better than that," Dave said, and I watched him push Blake's head all the way down his thick shaft. I saw Blake push back, but he didn't resist hard enough and soon all of Dave's dark fuckstick had disappeared inside Blake's pink lips. "That's right, all the way," said Dave, his nuts pressed against Blake's chin. Blake was making muffled gagging noises. He'd stopped trying to hide his dick, both hands now up on Dave's body, trying uselessly to exert some control over the situation. His cock stuck up dead straight, rock hard from between his legs, a tight cut 5 inches, smooth balls, barely any bush.

"Mmmm fuck that's better," said Dave, his voice low. All this time Harry was still on his knees, slowly stroking my dick up and down, the two of us watching Blake take Dave's dick.

I needed to get closer, I wanted to feel that arrogant asshole suck my cock, and look in his eyes while he did. I wanted in.

I pulled Harry's hand off my dick and walked into the room, Harry stood and followed me. I stood next to Dave, and Harry stood behind me, running his hand up and down my back, his hard dick pressing into my ass cheek. I could feel the heat radiating off Dave's body, a thin film of sweat coating him, highlighting the ridges and curves of his muscles. Blake didn't look up at me, his attention taken up by the 8 inch dick rammed down his throat.

"That is fuckn hot," I said, stroking my dick eye level with Blake. "I want some of that."

Dave looked over at me, and I caught a look between him and Harry. Dave said, "sure. You can try him out," and pulled out of Blake's mouth. Blake gasped and coughed, a thick string of saliva dropping on the floor.

"Get him ready," said Harry, and Dave and him pulled Blake's jeans clean off, leaving him in just his white socks. Blake kind of fell back onto his elbows, panting, looking up at the three of us, his body naked, his hard dick sticking up, a thin stream of precum running down the side.

"You want him to suck your dick, Jez?" asked Harry, looking down at Blake. Blake didn't say anything, he just laid there, mouth half open, eyes wanting more.

"Fuck yeah I do," I said huskily, looking Blake in the eye. There was a moment where I saw it on Blake's face, this look of "fuck you," and I thought "ha nah man, fuck you."

"Get on your knees, man," ordered Dave. When Blake didn't move fast enough, Dave grabbed him with one arm around his waist and flipped him over like he weighed nothing. "I said move, didn't I?"

Blake was on his hands and knees in front of me. I grabbed his head from the back with his hair and pushed my dick into his mouth. He didn't resist, grabbing my meat at the base, sliding his lips up and down my cock. It felt so good, not only because I love getting my dick sucked, but because I finally was looking down at Blake's smart ass face and watching me fuck it.

But Dave hadn't finished. I watched him scoot around behind Blake, putting his big hands on each of Blake's round ass cheeks. He pulled them apart. Blake could tell what was about to happen, and kind of half pulled off my dick, but Harry put his hands on the back of Blake's head along with mine, and held it in place. I looked up at Harry, who was smirking like fuck. Dave spat once on Blake's hole, and then buried his face between his cheeks.

Blake started moaning. Loud. The moans were muffled by my dick, and I could feel them reverberate around my cock and up into my body. Fuuuuck yeaaaah, I thought. Harry knelt down next to me, slowly stroking his dick next to Blake's face, his other hand around my shoulder. He started talking, in a low, mocking voice.

"Guess what Jez?" he asked me, looking down at Blake. "This isn't Blakey boy's first time over here. Is it Blake?" Blake, of course, couldn't answer, but I saw him look up at Harry. "Keep sucking our boy's dick, Blake. You just listen."

"See, Dave and I, we have an understanding. We fuckn live for dick. Each other's mostly, but now and then we mix it up. And when Dave told me about this pretty boy with blonde hair and a shit attitude hitting on him in the mens bathroom on campus I thought, well well well..."

Blake looked up at me, my cock buried in his mouth, looking half humiliated, half begging to be allowed to continue. I couldn't help myself, I smirked back at him, as bad as Harry. I know you love dick now, fucker, I thought. Fuck it felt good. Dave kept working Blake's hole from behind. He pushed in hard, and Blake let out another deep moan, muffled by my fuckmeat down his throat. Harry had run his hand down my back and was running a finger over my hole. As he continued, he started pushing in slightly, sending electric shocks through my whole body and down my cock.

"So one afternoon Dave tells me his new playmate is coming round. Maybe I wanna watch. So when there's a knock at the front door I hide in Dave's wardrobe over there. I'm looking through the door and who the fuck do you think walks in but our pretty fucktoy Blake here. And boy, does he want it bad. Didn't he Dave?"

Dave pulled his mouth out from between Blake's bubble cheeks, and slid one finger deep inside him. Blake moaned again, almost pulling his head off my cock. I grabbed him from the back of his head and pushed it back down. "Not getting off my cock that easy, fucker," I said.

"Oh fuck yeah he wanted it bad," Dave replied to Harry. "Started with me sucking his dick, ended with him swallowing every drop of my load." With that he pushed his tongue back into Blake's cherry, setting him off moaning all over again.

Harry bent over and grabbed Blake by the hair, pulling him off my cock. "Didn't know I was watching, did you Blakey boy? Huh?"

"No," came the reply, half gasped, spit and pre cum soaked down his chin.

"You gave nothin' away though when I answered the door. I'm impressed. You should play poker."

At this Dave snickered for a sec before diving back in Blake's wet hole.

"But now you're getting all the cock you could ever want, right? Right?!"

"Yes," he gasped again.

"Good boy, Blakey," mocked Harry. "Now back to work," and with that he pushed Blake's face back against my dick. I didn't need a second invitation: I buried my cock in his mouth balls deep, making him gag almost straight away. His mouth was warm and wet, it felt so good on my cock I could have kept it there all afternoon, letting my precum ooze down Blake's throat, watching his eyes water, hearing him moan while Dave ate out his pink boy pussy. Nothing like this had ever happened to me, and I was loving every fucking second.

Suddenly, Harry pushed his finger deep into my hole. I gasped, and he started sliding it in and out, fingerfucking my ass while Blake worked my dick. It was intense, and I started moaning. Harry reached up and grabbed me by the jaw and pulled my head around so I was right in his face.

"But you, Jez, you're a nice fuckin' bonus. I knew me and Dave were gonna get Blake naked. You? Was not expecting that. I thought you were too fuckin' uptight, you'd run out the door as soon as you saw what was on the cards."

Harry's finger probed my hole, pushed against my prostate, and I could feel with each push a pulse of precum ooze out my cock and into Blake's eager mouth. Harry's eyes bored into mine, all I could do was stare back uselessly, moaning.

"I know you think I'm a privileged smartass," he went on, his mouth an inch from mine. "And you're probably right. But I'm not fucking clueless like our boy Blake here, putting on this big game but deep down desperate to be used. I expect respect. No one talks shit about me behind my back without me getting even. And if you think you're gonna get out the door without me getting what I want, you're dumber than the pretty boy sucking your dick."

With that, he pushed his mouth against mine, his tongue going deep. It was hard, he was showing me he was in charge. He pushed his finger deeper and deeper, it felt like he was trying to lift me off the ground by my hole. I couldn't help myself, I was moaning, useless, every part of me felt like sex.

Then, so quick I didn't really get how, Harry pulled me back by my hips, my cock sliding out of Blake's mouth, Blake coughing and moaning while Dave ate him out. Harry pushed me hard between my shoulder blades and I fell forward onto my hands, my face next to Blake's. Before I knew what was happening, I felt Harry pull my ass cheeks apart and his tongue dive into my hole.

"Uuuuuugh..!" I moaned, as I felt Harry's wet tongue slide deep inside me. In my ear next to me I could hear Blake's moans and whimpers, and each time either Dave or Harry probed our wet holes our shoulders and foreheads pushed into each other.

I'm no sub. I like getting fucked, don't get me wrong, but up til then I'd always decided I was gonna ride my buddy's dick or would tell the guy I was with to eat out my hole the way I wanted it. I'd never had anyone take control the way Harry had. And certainly had never had my hole eaten out by a dude I could barely stand while his housemate rimmed his own fucktoy so close to me that flicks of sweat were spraying off his hair and onto my face.

Harry was eating me out hard, alternating between pushing his strong tongue into my cherry and sliding, one, two, three fingers inside me. From Blake's moans I could tell Dave was gearing up to take things to the next level. I was out of my mind in lust, my eyes flicking from the floor, to Blake's muscular shoulder, to looking at Blake's face, right next to mine. We locked eyes for a second. Blake's expression was an insane combo of disbelief and pure horniness, his mouth open and pink tongue exposed, and it crossed my cum-hazed brain that a few minutes before I'd been fucking that pretty mouth with my dick. Now my dick was swinging hard and heavy and untouched between my legs, each thrust from Harry making it slap against my stomach, leaving smatters of pre cum on my abs.

"I think Blake's ready, bud," I heard Dave's voice. Harry kept eating out my hole, but I saw Dave's hand grab the back of Blake's head by the hair and pull his head back, his neck straining up, sweat dripping off his adams apple.

"You're ready for my dick, aren't you, fucker?" I heard Dave demand from Blake. Blake didn't say anything for a sec, making Dave pull back harder on his hair. "I said you're fucking ready, aren't you, you want it?" I felt Harry pull off my hole for a second.

"He wants it, don't you Blakey boy," Harry smirked, and then dove right back in, barely missing a beat.

"You fuckin want it or not!" bellowed Dave.

"Yes! Yeah fuck yeah I want it!" moaned Blake, the final shield of denial had finally dropped, leaving his desire to pour out of him in a thick, desperate stream. "Please yeah give it to me, please." He almost sounded like he was begging.

Even though Harry was sending wave after wave of horned up ecstasy from my boy pussy through my whole body, making it hard to think about anything else, I wanted to watch Blake's face when Dave slid his dick inside him. I had to. I'd never wanted to see anything so bad in my life.

Dave let go of Blake's head. From where I was I could look over Blake's shoulder and down his back to his round ass cheeks, which framed Dave's thick black fuckstick, resting in Blake's crack. I could see his cockhead pushed all the way out of his foreskin, his piss slit slicked with pre cum. Dave looked right at me, and said, "watching? You're next."

With that he moved his hips back, lined his dick up with Blake's hole, and pushed.

"NNggggUUUUUGH!!!" Blake cried out, borderline pleasure and pain. I knew that feeling. I wondered how many times Blake had done this. Judging from his reaction, possibly never. "Fuuuck!! Fuck, fuck fuck fuck... uggh fuck... its big, fuck it's big... uuuuugh" his eyes were clenched shut, a stream of profanity and deep, loud moans of pleasure pouring out of that pretty mouth. I felt Harry pull off my hole.

"Fuuck Dave, that sounds so good," I heard Harry say, and I could tell from the tone of his voice, he still had that smart ass smirk on his face. His finger was probing my ass, almost in rhythm with Blake's incessant moans. "I think Jez is ready too, right Jez?"

As he said that he pushed his finger deep, hard and fast, slamming my whole body forward so me and Blake's heads were rammed into each other's shoulders, my face pressed into his hot, sweat-covered skin. I just moaned.

"What was that Jez, was that yes?" he asked, pushing deep again.

"UUUgh!! Yes, yeah fuck you Harry! Fuck you!" I half moaned, half shouted. Harry actually laughed, a genuine loud laugh.

"Fuck yeah Jez! Love me a hate fuck! You're gonna love this. Or not. I don't give a shit."

I felt his finger withdraw. Barely a moment had gone by and it was replaced with the pressure of his cockhead against the tight barrier of my asshole.

"Open up, fucker," Harry demanded, and pushed.

I felt his cockhead pop open my hole, and immediately thrust deep in my pussy. Harry didn't ease in. He went balls deep straight out. It had been a while since I'd been fucked, and I couldn't help myself, I moaned so loud it was more of a yell.

"UUUUGH FUUUUCK!" All I could think about was the sensation of being impaled on Harry's meat. I fell forward onto my chest, almost taking out Blake in the process. Harry began to fuck me, slowly pulling his dick almost all the way out, then thrusting back in fast and deep, over and over. Every time he did, I moaned.

"Uuugh.... huughh... fuuuck..." over and over, each thrust pressing into my prostate, sending electricity through my body and making my cock feel like it was about to explode. My face pushed into the carpet, vaguely conscious of Blake's body over me, hearing him moaning in his own fuck fever dream as Dave plowed his hole.

"Feel good, dude?" I heard Dave ask Harry.

"Oh fuck yeah, Jez is tight as," Harry replied. "Been a while I think. How long has it been, Jez? Hey?"

I could barely think, let alone speak, all that could come out of my mouth were deep groans with every thrust of Harry's fuckmeat.

"Sounds like he's enjoying it," Dave said. "How `bout you, fucktoy?" He asked Blake. "You enjoying this dick?" He must have changed pace or something then cause Blake suddenly started moaning high and fast, almost whimpering, continuous, the sound of pure fucking.

"hunh! unh! uh! uh! unh! hunh! fuck! fuck!" I twisted my body as best I could, trying to see what was happening. All I could see though was Blake's lower body, his legs bent and spread apart, Dave on his knees behind him, and Blakes hard pink cock as rigid as an iron bar hanging above my head, jerking up and down with every one of Dave's rapid thrusts.

I don't know how long Blake and I got our holes pounded like this. Fifteen minutes? Half an hour? Time meant nothing because all I knew was the sensation of the rough carpet on my face and knees, Harry's cock inside me, Blake moaning above me, and Harry and Dave taking turns to talk shit about us, making suggestions to each other about how fast or hard to go, egging each other on, making bets about who would cum first, me or Blake. Then, Dave declared:

"Okay dude, time to swap. I wanna nut inside that fucker."

He meant me.

"Fuck, sounds good to me Dave," Harry replied. "I wanna try out Blake's pussy before I bust. Let's do it."

I felt Harry finally pull his dick all the way out, and I collapsed on the floor, spent, my hard dick pressed between my stomach and the carpet. Dave must have done the same thing a second later, because suddenly Blake was on top of me, panting. I could feel his cock pressing into my cheek, almost close enough for him to push it into my mouth if he wanted, his face laid out on my ass. But neither of us had the energy to move, we just lay there for a sec panting, I was barely thinking, just waiting for Harry and Dave to reposition themselves and start again.

I didn't have to wait long.

"How you wanna do it man?" Dave asked Harry.

"Get on your back, boys," commanded Harry. Blake didn't move, and even if he did, I don't think I had the energy.

"Come on fucker, move," ordered Dave, and I guess he rolled Blake over because suddenly his weight was gone, and a second later I felt two sets of hands grabbing me around my hips and ankles, rolling me over and pushing my legs into the air, exposing my hole.

I could see Harry moving Blake into the same position, our heads and asses in line with each other, so I could see all of Blake's sweat coated nakedness, his nips hard, dark and pink, his lust-addled face, his muscled arms lying useless above his head, exposing his pits. I'd barely had time to take this in before I felt Dave position himself behind me.

I looked between my legs, my hard leaking cock on my stomach above my full, aching balls, and up at Dave, his dark muscled body shining with sweat, augmenting the definition of his abs, the lines of his pelvis pointing down to the thick, rigid uncut dick that was just about to fuck a load into me.

Dave didn't say anything, or warn me, he just pushed my hole in the air, spat on it, lined up his dick and speared me.

The fuck Harry had given me loosened me up a bit, but Dave was easily an inch bigger and definitely thicker than his housemate. I don't think I'd ever taken a dick that big. My whole world became about the meat that seemed to endlessly drive deeper and deeper into my tight boy pussy.

I let out a loud, long, guttural moan, and at the same time I heard Blake make a similar sound. Our bodies were pushed against each other, and I felt his torso and hips squirm and buck as he adjusted to this new dick pushing inside him. He threw his arms out to the side to brace himself, his hand closest to me slapping onto my chest just below my throat, I could feel the pressure as his muscled arms and strong hands pushed down onto my sternum, hard.

"Haha aawww yeah," laughed Harry. "This is gonna be a good fuck, Dave,"

"Yeah man, I can feel it," agreed Dave. I was looking up at his face, a mix of concentration and horned-up desire, then down at his hips framed between my legs, watching them get into a fast, deep rhythm that pushed his fuckmeat hard into me over and over again. I felt it all the way into my cock, and I recognised the feeling: the cum in my balls was beginning to froth up. I was gonna nut soon.

"You wanna race, man? See who can make their fuckboy cum first?" panted Harry.

"No stopping, like always," panted back Dave, not breaking eye contact with me.

"No stopping til we're done, fuck yeah," replied Harry, and with that both guys picked up their pace.

It was a brutal fuck. Relentless. Where before I could discern individual thrusts from Harry's dick, Dave's fuck style felt like one long endless electric pulse through my body. My hands were nowhere near my dick, but my cockhead was so edged and sensitive I felt like the times I'd polished my dick til I cum, an insane, intense way to nut. I was getting so close, I was sure I'd be the first to bust.

But suddenly Harry's breaths went from panting to moaning, and he started yelling, "aw fuck man, this is it, I'm gonna nut, fuck I'm gonna cum, fuck this is it!"

"Fuck yeah man, pump that pussy dude," Dave's voice was almost a growl.

Then Harry's moans turned into high pitched whimpering, and he slammed his whole body behind his cock, deep into Blake's hole, over and over again.

"FFfffffUUUUCCCCK!" he yelled, his eyes clenched, his mouth open. He looked shocked at how intense his orgasm was. That was all it took for Blake apparently.

"UUUgh!!! Fuck gonna cum!! Gonna cum!!" he whined, and straight away a thick rope of cream-coloured cum sprayed out of his dick, audibly slapping down across his chest and face. Another rope, then another, both Blake and Harry moaning in sync, Blake's muscled body soon coated in his own thick load, from his face, down his neck, across his chest, stomach, and leaking down the side of his cock.

That was it for me. The pressure that had been building for the past hour of non-stop fuckery, ramped up by the relentless brutality of Dave's endless pounding, climaxing with Blake's cum explosion tipped me over the edge. I could literally feel the cum pulse out of my balls, through my groin, and up my cock, until it busted: a massive wad of salty cum arced over me and landed directly on my open lips. The taste filled my mouth, the only other sensation I had aside from the waves of pure ecstasy coursing through my body with each pulse of spunk spraying out of my cockhead and up onto my body, over Blake, over Dave.

Then Dave gripped my thigh with one big hand, his other gripping my ankle and pushing one leg so far over my body I was almost bent in half. His breathing turned to literal grunts, primeval animalistic lust taking over his whole being, and he blew his load.

"FUUUUUCK YEAAAAAH!" he shouted. His rapid thrusts slowed almost immediately and became long, slow impales, the hardest ones yet, as he fucked his load into me as deep as he could get it. With every thrust my cock twitched, forcing yet another thick wad of cum to pulse out of my cock and leak down the side, prolonging my orgasm. I think it was a solid minute between when the first wad bust out and when my dick finally stopped leaking out nut.

There was a moment. The four of us were panting, deep, as though we'd just been sprinting. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and cum, it almost felt humid. I could feel my load all over my body, Blake's ribcage expanding and contracting with each breath, Dave's dick still buried deep inside my hole, his hand still wrapped around my ankle.

Dave was the first to speak.

"God DAMN," he breathed.

"Fucking oath," agreed Harry.

I couldn't speak. I was completely blissed out. I'd never, ever cum that hard before. All I could think in my head was, "that was fucking incredible."

Eventually Dave pulled out of me, Harry out of Blake. My brain was hazy for hours afterwards, full of hormones and the smell of cum and vague disbelief it had even happened, so I only remember bits and pieces. I remember Harry offering me a towel to shower, I went after Blake, standing in the bathroom while he washed himself off, neither of us speaking or looking at the other. I remember hearing Harry and Dave still in Dave's bedroom recounting the experience with whoops and laughing and high fives; they'd clearly had one of the best afternoons of their lifetimes.

I also remember thinking at the back of my head, "what about the fucking presentation?" because I'm a giant nerd. Of course there was no way I was going to bring it up then, not while I was standing naked in Harry's bathroom, coated from head to toe in my own cum, while Blake washed Harry's load out of his hole.

After I showered off, I returned to Dave's room to get dressed. Blake was almost done, pulling on his jeans. Dave and Harry were sitting on Dave's bed, naked; they'd somehow procured beers in the time we were showering.

"You want one, boys?" asked Harry.

Blake just shook his head.

"Gotta go," and started towards the door.

"Blake," called Dave, and Blake stopped, without turning to Dave, who went on. "That was fun man. Thanks." I was pleasantly surprised. It almost sounded like affection.

Blake paused for a sec, and then, "yeah. It was. Later," and then left the room. I heard him quickly run down the stairs, grab his shoes and go out the front door.

Blake and Harry looked at me, in a towel.

"How about you Jez, you enjoy yourself?" asked Harry. He had the same smirk on his face, although this time it didn't look like a smirk, it looked like a genuine smile. Nothing had changed on his face though, it was me. I'd changed.

I was surprised - again - to find that I didn't really feel dislike towards him anymore. In fact, I almost found myself liking him. I was doubly surprised to find myself grinning, and it was genuine. A few times when I was bitching about Harry to other people in the class, someone would say as a joke "you guys should just fuck and get it over with." I never thought they might actually be right.

"Uh, yeah. Actually, yeah it was fucking fun. Thanks for the seduction."

Harry laughed out loud, Dave just smiled, making my dick twitch at the memory of the look on his face as he began to unload inside me.

"Well we didn't get much work done on the assignment, but I think we cleared the air a little at least," Harry chuckled. No mockery, no smartass undertones, just one guy to another. "Beer?" he asked again.

"Fuck it, sure." I replied, dropping my towel and sitting between them on the bed. Three naked fuck buds.

We're still friends to this day.

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