Drummond's Closet

Published on Aug 30, 1999



Finally the freshman year was over and Clay was back home.

"Hey Dude, welcome home" the warm and friendly voice of Allan greeted him. Clay didn't even call him, somehow his longtime friend knew he was there.

"Bar B Que at Mr. D's..tommorrow..see you there, ok?"

Clay agreed and dismissed the memories about Mr. Drummond. The man was a rough teacher, but seemed to really care about all his students. There were rumors about the man. But even after last summer's test , Clay didn't know if the rumors were true.

Clay and Allan talked about the old gang and their respective first years in college.

Allan was supposed to go to a college near the one Clay was accepted to. They were sad their friendship was interupted by the distance. Then all of a sudden Allan decided to go to a local community college.

"Hey I can get my grades up and transfer to your snobby University later..we can be roomies too"

So the boys hugged tearfully and parted as Clay went to his first year of college. It was as crazy, hard and fun as everyone said. Suddenly he was on his own and with the exception of a dorm room full of roommate and friends he was on his own.

Clay lay on his own bed and stared at the ceiling. His folks were rummaging around downstairs and the faint sounds made him smile. He missed home. And as he lay there, his hands did what they had done so many times before...sliding over his smooth chest, belly and down into his thick patch of hair...finding delight and stroking until his body arched and he gave up the sperm his body kept manufactoring.

He walked naked into he bathroom and cleaned up. Returning to his room, Clay realized he hadn't been in the habit of walking around naked in his bedroom when he lived there. He chuckled at himself.

"You're so conservative, your farts probably squeek" His college roommate said "You have to loosen up and I'm going to help you"

Help he did. Clay was drinking, smoking dope and obeying the rule his roomate had established.

"When we're in our dorm room, no clothes"

Clay's cock rose as he thought about the night Brian had established the rule. They were both stoned and half dressed anyway. Brian stripped immediately and grabbed at Clay's underwear. They wrestled and were soon naked.

Grabbing, holding and suddenly sucking became part of their frolicking. As he came Clay knew his life was changing.

"Good, now you're a man" Brian had said. To Brian's and Clay's surprise, Clay bent forward and immitated his roommate's actions.

"Shit..man you sure you've never done this before?"

When they awoke in the same bed the next day. Nothing was said about the night before. The only things that remained was Clay's memory of his first blowjob, the fact that Brian said they were now BJBs and both boys obeyed the rule about nudity in their dorm room..sometimes even when friends were there.

Clay understood more about Allan after that. The boy was always the one to do the unexpected, surprise classmates and teachers alike and keep Clay in as much trouble as possible.

Clay lay back down on his bed...absent mindedly stroking his half hard cock again.

Allan loved stripping naked too. He had actually bowled naked once which got the entire team kicked out of the alley. It was a contest and Allan claimed he wouldn't put on anything until he got a strike. And he bowled a strike. The management wasn't too happy.

Allan got Clay to go skinny dipping in a neighbors pool one night. They were out of town and the cops who arrived didn't think the boys were funny at all.

"That boy is going to get you into serious trouble one of these days" His parents warned Clay time after time.

But Clay knew different. Without Allan, he never felt complete. The friend added energy, fun and excitement to his life..ever since they were in elementary school.

They had graduated from high school and were sitting around in Clay's bedroom one evening. Their talks about the teachers ended up with a familiary discussion about Mr. Drummond. Was he gay or not?

Drummoned had been their Math and science teacher for the entire four years of high school. Geometry, Algebra, Boolean, Chemistry....it seemed they couldn't get away from him. And Drummond made them work. Fortunately for Clay, his grades improved under the man's strong direction. Allan, didn't do as well, but iwht Clay's help passed all the courses.

"Let's find out" Allan suddenly said grabbing the phone.

"What are you doing?" Clay made a grab for the phone but it was too late.

"Mr. D? This is Allan Parker. Clay and I are taking off for college and thought we'd come by to say goodbye. Oh? sure"

"Come on"

As usual Clay objected but followed Allan's lead. They were at Mr. Drummond's door in a half hour and smiling at the man.

He welcomed them inside and offered to share some barbqued chicken. Clay started to give a polite refusal, but Allan brightened up and said "SURE".

The man didn't seem like a teacher that night. He wore a tank top that showed much of his upper torso. Clay hadn't realized that the man had nicely defined chest and shoulders. His shorts revealed nice thighs and a nice bulge in his crotch too. But Clay had noticed the bulge in school before.

Soon, they were sitting outside in Mr. Drummonds yard as he talked, listened and cooked the chicken.

"God it's hot" Allan said stripping off his shirt. Clay blushed a bit, knowing tha this buddy was about to do something weird. But to his surprise Allan didn't.

They ate the chicken and corn and helped Mr. Drummond take the dishes inside and wash them.

"Christ Mr. D. it is hot in here" Allan said "Hope you don't mind..but hell we're 18 now so nobody can object" Allan was naked.

Clay didn't know what to say.

"Make yourself comfortable..oh I see you already have" Mr. Drummond said. Like Clay he was used to Allan's antics too and apparently decided not to show surprise at the boys latest.

"Get dressed man" Clay said.

"Naw, he likes it....some on strip down" Allan said but Clay ignored him. He was about to leave but when Mr. Drummond offered to play the videotape of their graduation, he stayed.

As Clay sat on the floor next to Mr. D and Allan (who was still bareass) they watched the tape laughing at themselves.

"You're such an asshole" Clay said to Allan as they drove back home. "Come on up?" he asked as Clay got out of the car.

"Naw..not tonight, I got to do something...see you tommorrow".

It was a stange summer for them both. Clay got a part time job, Allan seemed to be always going somewhere. And when he told Clay he was staying in town to go to City College, Clay realized their lives were separating ... as he knew eventually they would.

"You ready?" Allan appeared the next day in Clay's bedroom. Clay, was dressing. "Looks like you'v been working out dude" Allan looked over the near naked body of his best friend.

"Yea...doing all kinds of things I never did before" Clay smiled evilly at Allan. He knew that before the summer was over, he'd confes his sexuality to the boy. He had to. They never kept anything from each other before.

Mr. Drummond was in his backyard when they arrived thru the fence. He wore a pair of nylon running short and sandals..that's all. The man had an even nicer body then Clay remembered from the past summer.

"Beer all around?" the man asked as he smiled a greeting.

"So tell us about University" Mr. D. said and Clay launched into a few stories about Brian, antics, campus, teachers and students. Allan was strangely quiet letting Clay entertain him and Mr. D. They both laughed at his stories..Clay was having a wonderful time.

"Hey guys I got to run an errand, but I"ll be back in an hour or so. And I'll pick up some videos for us too" Drummond said as he pulled on a tee shirt. "You clean up for me?" he asked.

Clay and Allan agreed.

"He's turned out to be a pretty cool guy" Clay said. Allan who had stripped naked added "you have no idea".

"You trying to shock me? Me of all people?" Clay said.

"Naw...just hot" Allan said. "Come on downstairs"

The basement was a bit cooler and seemed very quiet.

As if knowing Clay's thoughts, Allan said "it's sound proofed, very private. Mr. D uses it to uh, when he doesn't want to be interupted"

"You two have become friends?" Clay realized that Allan knew much more about Mr. Drummond then he remembered.

"Yea" He answered saying nothing more.

"Shit it is hot down here" Clay said.

"Take off your duds man...he doesn't care" Allan stood there waving his arms...his cock flopping as he did so..and it seemed to be growing.

"OK your shirt at least"

Clay took off his shirt.

"Shit...you have gotten a chest" Allan said touching Clay's smooth chest. Clay froze not knowing what to do or say.

Allan was petting his chest and nipples. Clay's cock was responding.

"Hey man.." he whispered.

"it's ok..." Allan said as he bent forward and put his lips on Clay's.

Clay didnt' pull back..instead it seemed like something in side him opened and released him..he kissed back.

As they pressed their lips, the two touched and held each other as never before.

Clay remembered all the times he had wrestled with Allan and then quickly turned away so the boy wouldn't see his erection. This time, it was different. Allans hand was on his crotch.

Clay was feeling Allan's lips on his chest, stomach and the outline of his cock thru his shorts. Then the boy unzipped the shorts and was sucking Clay's cock.

"Come on..you want it" Allan breathed "I know you want it"

Clay turned around and sucked Allan's cock too. He did all the things Brian had taught him to do..and that included stretching his head between Allan's legs and finding the boys butthole.

"Oh god" Allan sighed when Clay's tongue stabbed at his butthole.

The room was hot. Both boys were covered in sweat by the time their bodies had sprayed each other with the sperm.

"Shit...man, what took you so long?" Clay asked.

Allan laughed. "Me? what about you? You've been doing stuff I dont' know about"

Clay told him about Brian, the parties and some of his more dangerous nights finding strangers to expand his limits.

"You two finally get together ?" Mr. Drummond was at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh shit" Clay said reaching for his clothes, but Allan grabbed them and held them out of reach.

"Don't let it bother you...your buddy here and I've been getting to know each other for months" the man went to where Allan was sitting and tussled his hair.

"You two? Together?" Clay asked. Somewhere inside him, Clay was a bit jealous.

The tapes were porn. And Drummond, Allan and Clay spent the rest of the night having sex, massaging, having more sex, shaving Allan smooth and having more sex.

Breakfast was even more fun as they spread jam on each other, and made a mess but enjoyed it.

Clay suddenly asked Allan "Dont' you ever wear clothes?" thinking he was taunting the boy.

"Can't. Mr. D has a rule..and I have to do what he says" Allan smiled and looked at Mr. Drummond.

Mr. D patted him on the butt "he's learning" he said.

Clay wasn't sure if he knew all about what Mr. Drummond and Allan had been doing this past year. But hearing that "rule" again made him think about Brian. He knew he looked forward to returning to campus and being with Brian again....perhaps realizing they were something more then roommates after all.

Clay's summer was a busy one. He got his old part time job, went to the beach and had sex..allot of sex. Sometimes Mr. Drummond and he were alone..other times he and Allen were alone and sometimes all three of them played.

It wasn't unusal for Clay's mom to find Allan in the mornings. He had come to see Clay and crashed in his room. What she didnt' know was that Allan had fulfilled one of his and Clay's boyhood fantasies..sneaking into Clays window and bed...having sex and waking up together.

"Another year here and then I'm coming to the University. Mr. D is helping me" Allan said as he kissed Clay's buttocks inbetween sentences.

"You boys up yet? I left eggs in the oven" the sounds of Clay's mothers voice and then the door slamming told them they were now on their own.

Allan spread Clays cheeks and licked, kissed and got him ready.

"What bout "D"?" they had come to refer to Mr. Drummond as just "D" now.

"He's coming too"

Allan fingered Clay's hole until it was wet and opened.

"We'll get a house or apartment" Allan maneuvered himself into his buddies butthole.

"Shit" Clay sighed. He had learned to fuck and be fucked that summer. Brian would be surprised when he got back to campus.

Allan slowly fucked the boy. He had learned to go slow..be patient...and the one you're fucking will get more out of it. And he wanted Clay to get lots.

"What about Brian?" Clay asked.

"Cool....." Allan said as he quickened his pace. He had lots of cum for Clay.

Despite years of masturbating and a month full of sexual explosions, Allan felt like he had been saving up sperm all these years for Clay.

"Hello?" Clay answered the phone with some difficulty as Allan continued to lay on top of him and fuck him.

"Hey D..yea he's here..but he's fucking me right now can we call you back? Oh, come over ? sure."

It was a couple of hours before the boys could oblige but they arrived and used Allan's key to go inside.

"Down here" Mr. D called up.

Allan was naked as soon as he stepped inside as usual. After all it was a rule.

They stared at what they saw. Mr. D was naked and fucking another naked kid who was on his hands and knees.

"Hi...Allan meet...." Mr. D started to introduce the boy being fucked but Clay interupted...."Brian....."

The four did move in together a year later..and there were lots of stories on the University Campus about some students and a Private School Dean.

The boys referred to their apartment as "Drummond's Closet" but everyone who lived there was definately out of the closet.

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