Dumb Aussie Bull Jock

By T H

Published on Mar 21, 2022



Dumb Aussie bull jock gets milked for the first time

By mxaussie

When I was at uni in Sydney there was this guy who lived in my college named Anton. Anton was, in a word, ripped. He played AFL in the winter, basketball in the summer, and swam every day. He was also, annoyingly, straight as a goddam ruler. Never had a girlfriend the whole time I knew him, instead having a non-stop stream of one-night stands with girls he met on campus, at the bar, pretty much everywhere he went. He was confident, hot... and dumb as a post.

He was studying PR or advertising or something like that, he never seemed to be sure. One time I watched him take his phone out to take a picture of a PDF of an assignment sent to his email. Another time he famously managed to lock his dorm keys in his car and his car keys in his room. Along with his phone. He got into a pretty heated argument one night at a bar with a friend of mine, an economics student. Anton insisted that if he bought property and then sold it cheaper than he bought it he'd make a profit because, quote, "it would sell quicker". But he was good natured, fun, and, like I said, easy on the eye, so I got on well with him.

I was a year below Anton (he was legendary on campus by the time I arrived, first day in my college everyone was like "you gotta meet Anton". As soon as I saw him I literally did a double-take, but I digress). I was a year below Anton doing film studies. I was pretty fit, I went to the gym a lot, ate well, probably drank too much (but everyone did), and yeah I didn't have too much trouble pulling guys. But never guys as hot as Anton, and I'm not gonna lie, I lusted after him.

I would lie in my bed in my room jerking off, fantasizing about Anton sneaking into my room, seeing me naked and flipping me over and fucking me all night. Seeing Anton shirtless - which was a lot, he might have been dumb, but he was smart enough to know no one was going to complain if he got around in just a pair of shorts - would instantly get my dick rock hard, and most times I'd have to sneak off to the bathroom to jerk out a quick load or else sit there with an awkward boner all day. I would have done anything to see him naked, and one of my favourite ways to daydream when I was stuck in a boring class or on a bus was coming up with ways I could legit see his cock (nothing creepy, I might have been a horny 20 year old but I wasn't a weirdo).

So the way I finally got to see it was, pretty crazy, and still to this day was one of my hottest encounters.

One night in my second year, I'm up late doing an assignment and there's a knock on my door. I open it and it's Anton. He had been in my room many times before but I think that was the first time he and I had been there alone and definitely the first time alone at night. I was (pleasantly) surprised to see him and tried my hardest to play it cool, though I'm sure I probably looked like a panicked dork.

"Oh hey Anton," I said, a little self conscious I was wearing just some ratty track pants.

"Hey Jeremy," he replied. He was wearing grey gym shorts and a Nike tank top, bare feet. "What's going on?"

"Nothing much, I'm working on an essay I got due at the end of the week. How about you?"

"Man, I was wondering if I could ask you kind of a favour."

I'm pretty sure my dick got hard instantly, my dirty mind straight away digging up countless nighttime jerking off fantasies and shuffling through them, trying to remember how I managed to convince this Adonis to pull my pants off and plough my hole.

"Sure," I croaked. I cleared my throat. "Sure, sure, what's up? You wanna come in?"

"Yeah thanks man," Anton grinned, and walked into my room and sat in my desk chair. I shut the door and sat opposite him on the bed. There was some music playing, and the only light on was the desk lamp, so it was kind of dim, which I was grateful for because by then my dick was rock hard.

"So what's going on man, is everything okay?" I asked, half desperately trying to hide my dick that was threatening to poke out the top of my tracks, half telepathically willing Anton to check me out. I was commando because I slept naked, and I was going to crash once I'd finished working on my essay. If he did look down, there'd be no hiding it.

Anton didn't notice though. He kind of flopped backwards in the chair and swivelled left and right, his head hanging back. He groaned long and loud and said, "Man I'm gonna fail media studies. I failed it last year too. If I fail it again, the uni might kick me out they said."

"Oh shit," I said, genuinely concerned. As horny as Anton made me, I still liked him and could see he was upset. "So what do you have to do to pass?"

"I gotta write an essay on media ownership in Australia. I don't fuckin' know anything about that shit, it's fuckin' boring as, ay."

I could see where this was going. My dirty mind flipped to "I'll help you pass your exam if you let me suck your dick" fantasy. I tried to ignore it. "So when's it due?"

"On Thursday." It was Monday night.

"And how much have you..."

"Fuckin' nothing man, I'm fucked as."

I let out a heavy exhale. "How many words?"

"Fifteen hundred. How the fuck am I supposed to write fifteen hundred words? That's like..." he appeared to do some mental arithmetic. "Fifteen pages".

"Fifteen hundred isn't too many many, it's like three or four pages. Honestly, once you do your opening paragraph, choose three angles and discuss them, three paragraphs each, and do your closing paragraph, you'll have fifteen hundred easy. If you sit down in the library tomorrow you'd get it done."

Anton sat up abruptly.

"Nah but man I'm not as good as that shit at you, you know it, I know it. You're heaps smarter than me." I'm ashamed to admit I thought "my Labrador at home is smarter than you" but I was definitely flattered he thought of me as smart. I didn't think it was possible, but my dick got even harder.

"Oh man, I'd love to help you but I got my own essay due at the end of the week and..."

"For sure man, and I wouldn't push it but I'm desperate." Anton said flopping backwards again, head hanging over the back of the chair, a little melodramatically.

His legs were splayed open and my eyes strayed to his crotch. It was the best glance I'd had yet at his bulge. I could see the vague outline of his cock resting on his nuts through his gym shorts. I tried to make out if I could see the ridge of his cockhead, figure out if he was cut or uncut.

He abruptly sat up again, and my eyes shot back up to his face, terrified he'd caught me checking him out. He hadn't though. "Please dude, I'll owe you the biggest favour. I'll buy you a case of beer. I'll shout you drinks the rest of the semester. Whatever my buddy Jeremy wants."

This last line was said with this shiteating grin Anton was famous for. I'd been on the receiving end of it a many times and every time I imagined that grin about to dive down on my rock hard dick, fucking that pretty face until I unloaded all over it. Goddam that guy drove me fucking crazy.

How the fuck could I say no?

"Ugh," I groaned, "sure okay. But yeah you owe me a favour!"

Anton's grin changed into a genuine smile of relief. "Thanks mate, you're a fucking legend."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, pass me that notebook and let's nut out some ideas and do the rest tomorrow." I said, gesturing to the desk behind him. He spun around in the chair.

"What notebook?" he asked, looking at my desk, which held my laptop, some pencils, an empty mug, and a bright fucking red notebook.

"The only notebook on the desk," I said.

"You mean your laptop?"

"Anton, the fucking... forget it," I said, and stood up to grab it off the desk myself. I was kind of hunched over to hide my dick, which was still as rigid as a steel pole. That was when Anton spun around, his face level with my crotch. That shiteating grin broke across his face like the sunrise.

"Haha fuck man! Have you got a boner?"

I. Almost. Died.

"What? No, what the fuck man, haha what?" I said, or something like that, I don't really remember. Turns out in reality, if Anton noticed my dick, instead of turning into a smooth-talking chilled porn star I turned into a yammering 14 year old. Anton meanwhile started pissing himself laughing.

"Mate, I know what a fucking boner looks like!"

I could see the funny side. Sort of. Mostly I just wanted the ground to swallow me up.

"Shut up, fuckstick do you want my help or not?"

Anton just kept laughing.

"Looks like you're the one who needs a hand mate, what's the matter, you doing no nut-November or something?" (It was July, but whatever).

"Are you finished?" I said grinning a little in spite of myself now, too.

"Don't feel awkward man, boners are natural as," he winked at me.

"I'm not awkward," I lied.

"As if you're not mate, you're bright red." It was true. I'd turned as red as the fucking notebook Anton seemed incapable of seeing a minute before, starting this whole thing.

This wasn't how my fantasies had played out. It was pretty clear all that was going to happen was news of my errant cock rocket would be all over the dorm before breakfast was over tomorrow morning.

"Whatever man, yeah I have a fucking boner. Can we move on now please?" I said with an eye roll and an embarrassed smile on my face.

"What gave you a boner, Jez?" He asked. Cheeky fuck that he was.

"Nothing, I'm just... I dunno..."


"Fuck off, Anton."

"Were you jerking off when I knocked?"

"What? No, I was doing my fucking essay. Like you have to do, remember?"

"So if I open up your laptop I'm not gonna see two dudes sucking each others dicks or anything," that shiteating grin still plastered across his face.

"Why are you so obsessed with my boner, asshole?" I teased, trying to shift the attention from me and my hard-on and back onto Anton.

"It's kind of hard to ignore mate," he smirked. "For the record, looks pretty impressive."

I reeled for a second. Had he really said that? In my experience, straight guys didn't go around complimenting their mates' erections. Not outside my nighttime wankfest fantasy parade, anyway.

"Uh, thanks," I said. What the fuck was I supposed to say?

Neither of us said anything for a second, Anton stared at me, his grin having morphed into a sly smile.

"Can I ask you something?" he said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah? I guess? What?" I answered. I wasn't embarrassed anymore. I was insanely horny. The horniest I'd been as long as I could remember. Maybe ever. I could sense this was heading somewhere... unexpected.

"Do you think I'm hot?" he asked. He knew the answer. He was loving this.

"What the fuck do you think man? Yeah I do, you're really fucking hot."

He looked down at my crotch again.

"Is that why you're boned up?"

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't believe this was happening. I knew I was right on the cusp of getting Anton naked, if I played my cards right. While I was trying to figure out how not to fuck this up, I glanced down at his crotch again.

He was unmistakably hard. Tenting. He saw me looking.

"I dunno man," I smiled at him. "Is that why you're boned up?"

Now Anton was awkward, and it was my turn to grin.

"Hah, I mean," he stammered. "It's kind of hot knowing guys think I'm hot."

"Yeah?" I figured it was now or never. This was it. "You ever jerk off with other guys?"

He got even more awkward.

"Uh I mean, no, but I mean, I've like thought about it..."

Fuck it, I thought. I reached out my hand. My mouth was dry and my heart was pounding, but I knew he was gonna let me touch his dick.

He did. He just kind of sat there not looking at me, or his crotch, just looking at the corner of the room, while I ran my fingertips up and down his shaft under his gym shorts. I could feel the heat of his dick through the material. And it felt thick.

"Fuck," he kind of half whispered. His mouth dropped open.

"Feel good, man?" I asked.

"Fuck yeah it does," panted Anton. He kept staring at my crotch. My dick was straining so hard against my tracks it hurt. I had to get it out.

"You wanna touch it, man?", I asked.

Anton hesitated.

I started feeling cocky, because I could see how bad he wanted to touch the first dick that wasn't his own. "It's okay man, it won't bite." I teased.

Anton snorted out a laugh and reached out his muscled arm. His hands were big, and he wrapped one around my rock hard dick through my tracks and started jerking me off. Hard. Almost desperately. It felt fucking insane and I moaned out loud, involuntarily.

"Fuck yeah," Anton said thickly.

I drilled into Anton's eyes, which darted from my crotch up to my face, and back again. I could see his tongue inside his half open mouth. It was soft and pink and warm and wet. Fuck I wanted to feel that running up and down my dick.

Without warning I ran my hand up his leg and under his gym shorts.

Turns out Anton liked going commando too.

I grabbed his shaft. It was thick and hard and hot. Anton gasped and arched his back, and gripped my dick hard through my tracks. I ran my hand up and down his cock, exploring his meat from base to tip. He started making soft, low moaning sounds.

My hands found his cockhead. I could feel he was uncut and his dick was leaking like crazy. I rubbed my thumb around his piss slit, feeling it slide easily around and under his foreskin, lubed up with his precum.

Anton meanwhile was still gripping my dick like his life depended on it. It felt fucking awesome having this muscled twunk hanging off my cock, moaning and bucking his hips a little while I played with his fuckstick. I realised I was the one calling the shots here. That had never occurred to me in any fantasy I had about Anton. He'd always come in and use my like his personal fuck toy. Instead, I realised I was gonna blow his mind.

"You wanna take it out?" I asked, glancing down at my track pants.

He hesitated a second, and then snapped my tracks down under my nuts. My dick popped out like a fucking jack in the box, and Anton started stroking my uncut 6 incher.

I could feel his muscles working all the way down his arm, into his hand and around my dick. It felt so good, he had my cock in his grip like a vice, hard, fast strokes, the bottom of his fist smacking against my nuts with every stroke. How long had it been since I'd had a guy fuck around with my dick like this? Even though he was nervous, I could tell Anton had been fantasizing about getting his hands on another guy's cock for a long time. He was jerking it in that way you'd jerk your dick when you were in high school and you'd snuck off with a buddy for a wank in the toilet block at the oval: fast, urgent, so you don't get caught.

We were alone in my room at 11pm. We weren't gonna get caught.

I stood up and pulled my tracks completely off, my dick rock hard and pointed at his face.

"Take off your shirt," I said. This time, no hesitation. He stood up quickly, almost as though he was anxious to please me. He peeled off his shirt and I got to admire his body up closer than I ever had before. Broad shoulders, lean muscle. He wasn't big but he was the fittest guy I'd ever seen in person. His chest was dusted with dark hair, muscled pecs punctuated with dark nipples, a thin snail trail of hair running down the centre of his six-pack and disappearing under his gym shorts waist band, framed by the well-defined ridges of his pelvis. I wondered when those cum gutters last filled up with his load.

Without taking my hand off his cock I ran my other hand across his chest and rubbed my thumb over his nipple. He moaned again, his hands had dropped to his sides, passively letting me work his ponycock, still hidden from sight. He watched my hand moving under his shorts, breathing hard. I stopped stroking him for a second and held his dick at its base, hard. I deliberately brushed my exposed cock against his through his shorts. He couldn't take his eyes off my dick.

I looked at his pretty mouth. Fuck I wanted to push my dick past those lips and give him his first taste of precum so bad. But I wanted him to beg for it.

"Stroke my dick," I told him. "I know you want to, man."

Again, Anton said nothing as he reached out and started working my cock. Hard and fast, like before.

"Slow down, take your time, dude." I said. "Like this." I loosened my grip around his meat and started running my fingertips up and down his shaft again. Obediently he started doing the same to my dick, exploring my cockhead like I had his before. He fingered my piss slit, something that always drove me fucking wild. I feel that all the way down my dick, into my nuts and all the way into my prostate. "Fuuuck Anton, that feels so great," I moaned.

"Yeah?" he asked, his voice heavy and low.

"You know how to work a dick, dude" I said with a wry smile. "You sure you haven't done this before?"

"Just my own dick," he said, looking me in the eyes. I could see he was wild with lust. I could feel it in his cock, which was sticky and wet, it felt like he was leaking precum like a fucking faucet. A dark wet patch was spreading out from his cockhead pressed against the inside of his shorts. Time to get him naked.

"I'm gonna take your shorts off, don't stop playing with my cock man," I ordered huskily. He just nodded, mouth open, begging me to keep going with his eyes.

I pulled out his waist band, down and over his cock. Fuckin' sweet 8 incher, thick, great cockhead and nice balls, with a thick dark bush. His shorts dropped to the floor around his feet, he didn't notice. I slid his foreskin over his mushroom dick and watched the thick clear precum drip out of his slit.

"Fuck Anton, you throw wet boners," I said.

"Yeah," he agreed sheepishly.

"It's fucking hot man," and I rubbed my thumb around the underside of his cockhead, where I knew on my dick I was most sensitive. Anton moaned again, his eyes rolling into his head, his knees buckling a little.

Without taking my eyes off him I brought my thumb up to my mouth and licked his slick pre off it. It was sweet, like genuinely sweet, like sugar syrup, and almost as thick. My hand returned to his cock, and I started fucking around with his cockhead again, making him buckle and moan all over.

"Fuuck man, aw fuck," was all he could say.

"You ever do this to yourself man?" I asked him.

Anton just shook his head, mouth open, panting.

"You like it?" I asked. Anton nodded.

"Sensitive," was all he could say.

Then suddenly I started feeling waves of horny pleasure radiating from my dick through my body. It took my by surprise, and I looked down and Anton had started rubbing my cockhead like I'd just shown him. Even though I was familiar with how this felt - I did it to myself most times I jerked off - it always felt so much more intense when another guy did it to me, and when Anton did it, fuck.

I started moaning too, and had to put one arm around his shoulder and neck to support myself. He was radiating heat, a thin layer of slick sweat covering his body, making my wrist slippery. I could feel his muscles moving under my arm, and feel his breath on my face as I leant my forehead against his shoulder and kept fucking around with his cock.

"Aw fuck Jez," Anton moaned in my ear. "Fuck man, don't fuckin' stop, please."

"Anything to help you out, Anton," I half-grinned, half-moaned back.

For what felt like hours we stood propped up against each other, panting and moaning in each other's ears while we alternated between fucking around with each other's cockheads and stroking each other's shafts. Anton surprised me at one point by grabbing my nuts with his other hand and pulling on them while he stroked my dick. I don't think anyone had ever done that to me before then, and I think I moaned loud enough for anyone out in the hall to hear me.

I could feel the load in my balls beginning to build and knew we kept going for much longer I was gonna nut. I didn't know how far off Anton was but if the amount of pre his cock was oozing and the look of useless lust on his face was anything to go by, he wasn't too far off either. I decided to see if he was horny enough to take it to the next level before we finally busted our loads.

I took my hand off his dick and gently but firmly pushed him back in the chair. I stood next to him so my dick was almost resting on his shoulder, once again aimed right at his face. Bending a little, I grabbed his cock at the base firmly with one hand and started sliding my other hand up and down his shaft, over his soaked mushroom head.

Anton reached up and started stroking my dick again, thin lines of pre oozing from my slit and onto his naked shoulder. He couldn't take his eyes off it, his mouth was open, his tongue darting out and licking his lips a little. I nudged my hips forward a little closer, til my cock was so close to his face I knew he'd be able to feel the heat on his face. I could see he wanted it.

By now he was moaning non-stop, low, almost guttural noises coming out of that pretty mouth. Something in him cracked and with no warning he dove down on my cockhead and started sucking on it like it was giving him oxygen. He was a fucking natural. His mouth swooped up and down my shaft, his hand jerking my dick at the base, his moans muffled now by my thick pre-cummed meat filling his mouth. I wasn't going to last much longer.

"Aw fuck Anton you're gonna make me cum," I moaned. I didn't want him to stop, but I thought I should warn him.

Anton said nothing, he just moaned louder and started sucking my dick with more urgency. Fuck yeah, I thought.

"You want this fuckin' load man?" Anton made a muffled "mmhmm" noise, and that's all I needed.

"FuuuuUUUCK!" and I felt my cum pump from my nuts, through my cock, and into Anton's hot wet mouth. As soon as the first drop of cum hit the back of his throat, his moans shot up in pitch, turned into a whimper, and he started to nut. Thick ropes of white jizz shot out of his dick.

The first smacked into his face on his cheek just below one eye, soon followed by another thick wad that splatted onto his chin. Four or five more thick ropes arced up and sprayed themselves all over his chest and stomach, thick gooey lines of jock nut coating him all over. The whole time he kept feverishly sucking on my cock, taking every last drop of my load in his mouth, until after what felt like forever, the ropes of cum squirting like a fountain from his dick turned into a thick, slow stream dribbling out of his cockhead, down his shaft, over my hand, and onto his nuts.

Even still, he wouldn't let my dick out of his mouth. I'd stopped nutting but he kept running his mouth up and down my shaft, as though he didn't want it to be over. I could barely stand, my knees were buckling, still panting and moaning. I watched as the load on his cheek trickled down his face to his jaw, and the load under his chin dripped off, landing on his adam's apple.

"Fuck, Anton, stop," I panted. My dick was so sensitive by now, I could barely take it. Whenever guys had done this in the past I'd had to push them off me. But Anton had my dick in his grip, and he'd reached around behind me, put his hand on my naked ass and was pushing me into him. He wasn't gonna let go.

"Uuugh Anton, fuck man," I pleaded. The only way I could think to make him let me go was to keep working his dick, to show him how sensitive it felt. So I scooped up some of his load from his chest and, using it as lube, started working his cockhead once more. I knew that would have to be way too much for him, no guy could withstand a milking like that. I knew I couldn't.

I underestimated him. All that seemed to do was make him go harder. It was all I could do to stop myself from moaning out so loud that everyone in the dorm would have heard me. Instead I bit my lip to try to muffle the sounds coming out of my own mouth.

That fucker had taken over.

Realising I was now totally helpless, I felt turned on more than ever, even though the sensations on my dick were so intense, I couldn't make out if it was pleasure or pain that I felt. I turned almost animalistic, all that I knew existed was my dick, Anton's mouth, and his hand on my butt. He had one of my ass cheeks full in his hand, one of his fingers just resting inside my crack.

Anton was grunting, his head bobbing up and down over my cock, my first load fresh still in his mouth, coating my dick and dripping on the floor. Through the haze I looked down at this muscled jock literally covered in his own spunk, hoping tonight was just gonna be the first of many nights of introducing Anton to everything two guys and their dicks could do.

At this thought, I could feel my nuts stir again. I knew I was going to bust a second load. This time I didn't warn him, except by moaning, "aw fuck... aw fuck... AW FUCK... FFUUUUCKK!"

This time Anton pulled his mouth off my cock and let my load squirt ropes over his face. The first wad took him by surprise, striping across his forehead and down his nose, making him flinch. But he kept jerking my dick, aimed at his face, mouth open.

"Aw fuuuck yeah!" Anton groaned, and his head fell back, face glazed with every drop of cum I had in my balls. I felt his cock start to pulse, and his second load roped up in the air, four or five thick wads, falling back against his slicked up abs, adding to the thick streams of jizz snaking their way down his body and pooling around his cock. Only when the cum finally stopped drizzling out of his dick did he let go of mine.

I collapsed backwards on the bed, totally spent, while Anton kind of came to and seemed to notice for the first time that he was coated with jizz. He ran his hands through it, breathing heavily.

"Holy fuck, Jez," he panted breathlessly. "Fuck, Jez. I've never cum so hard in my life."

"Fuck me too, Anton," I replied, truthfully. I'd busted multiple loads heaps of times when I was having a hot fuck session with a guy, but I'd never had a guy keep going after I nut til I went again. I was, frankly, impressed.

I checked my phone; it was almost 1am. We'd been jerking each other's dicks for almost two hours. I didn't want to break the atmosphere, but I had to get up at 6 for work. I was a little wary. I knew from experience that guys who'd never fooled round with another dude's dick before could sometimes freak out.

"Dude, I gotta crash," I said, quietly but with a smile. I examined Anton for any signs he was going to get up and run out of the room. He didn't. What he in fact did totally surprised me.

He stood up, came over to my bed, and knelt over me, straddling me around my thighs. He started scooping up the massive amounts of cum off his body and started rubbing it on my face and chest, laughing.

"Nah mate, if I'm covered, you're gonna be covered too!" he taunted playfully, his dick still hard.

"Fuck Anton!" I said, laughing too. I tried to stop him. But not too seriously.

"I know you love it, Jez." he countered, rubbing one more load down my stomach and over my dick.

He was absolutely fucking right.

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