Duncan and the Professor

By moc.oohay@6601srehtims

Published on Jun 5, 2002



The following story contains explicit descriptions of sexual situations between two consenting adult homosexual men. If such content offends you or is illegal for you to view due to age or laws in your state or country, please do not continue. All persons and events in the following story are fictional. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Enjoy.

Duncan and the Professor

"Why the Hell am I here?" I asked Carter. It was futile as there was no way he could hear me above the techno remix of "The Rose" that was blaring in THX around us. Somehow, I had allowed my newly returned friend to talk me into a trip to Sparky's, this college town's only gay bar. In fact, it was the only gay bar in a 75-mile radius. I could still remember my excitement the first time I had come here, a fresh-faced 19 year old college freshman. Carter knew (in the Biblical sense) the bartender and had smuggled me in two years ago. I was expecting the kind of place where discerning men could sit at well lit tables, cosmos in hand, and discuss the latest Soderbergh film while subtly flirting. Instead, I was treated to a dark, dingy, hole with a worn pool table and a microscopic dance floor stuffed with cheery drunk straight girls. "They have the best music here," was Carter's response. As Bette gave way to a drum machine solo, I dove further into my Pabst.

"Buck up, sweetie, it'll be okay," Carter said as his eyes strolled trough the room at butt-level.

"They have faces, you know," I said, disgusted.

"I'll get there." Carter then decided to give me his full attention, probably as a way to play coy with some muscle-bound, bi-curious frat boy. Carter loved anything with a hyphen and curious at the end.

"So Tom wasn't ready, there are other men," he said with smarmy reassurance. My latest feeble attempt at have a love life had collapsed the day before when Tom, an adorable Journalism major, had decided that he wasn't ready for anything more than a little necking and a drunken grope in a walk-in closet at a party. Carter had decided that a night of cruising would cheer me up. Of course, the only one cheery was Carter as there seemed to be quite a few boys here he hadn't seen naked. This was cause for a breaking news bulletin in the middle of regularly scheduled programming.

"I know. I just don't want to be here," I said as an obese older man strode by wearing a diaper and Baby Jane curls.

"He's not even gay," Carter said, watching him walk by. "He just likes to have his diaper changed."

"That's reassuring. I'm gonna go. I just wanna go home and sleep."

"Fine." He deflated and pulled out his wallet to pay for the drinks. "Just let me go say good-bye to some people, okay."

"Yeah." Carter disappeared into the crush of people as I drank the dregs of my pint. A sensation suddenly coursed through my veins. It was so unexpected it took me a second or two to realize that a hand was on my shoulder. I could tell from its strength that it obviously wasn't Carter's.

"Hey, there," a baritone voice said. Someone was trying to pick me up, I thought. I turned and caught the glare of his glasses in my eye. "How's it going, Duncan," he said.

"F-fine," I stammered. Standing in front of me was my American Lit. professor who I routinely described as Adonis- like or Greek God-ish. He was tall, with wavy brown hair and a softly chiseled face. Every part of it, from his deep brown eyes to his full lips to his dimples was perfect. And any thoughts of his muscular, toned body caused my eyeballs to roll into my head. Plus he wore thin, wire-rimmed glasses, my personal fetish.

"I didn't think you'd like a place like this," he said, eyeing me.

"I don't," I said, still a little stunned. He was wearing a crisp, white dress shirt. Had the light been better, I could have seen through it.

"Neither do I," he said as he sat on the stool beside me. "It's like a detainment camp designed by Pat Buchanan. Except with techno." I chuckled.

"Well, it's all there is here," I said.

"Yep." Silence. "You seem down, everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Ah, fine. I've been fine. Drank a lot, when I was fine, actually. Man trouble?"

"It's nothing." I hesitated, not sure I wanted to delve into my relationship woes with my American Lit. professor. "He just...wasn't ready."

"For what?" The intense interest in his eyes was disconcerting.


"Ah, a newbie. Well, us old hands, we have to let them discover things for themselves."

"I'm not really an old hand, Professor."

"Shh! Don't call me that here. That's how rumors get started." I think he was half kidding. "You here with anybody?"

"Just my friend Carter." I started to point him out, but when I saw him getting jiggy with two high-banged coeds, I added, "He left a little while ago."

"Oh." The bartended appeared and asked us if we wanted another drink. I waved my hand to signal no. Dan thanked him, but declined as well. "Hey, do want to get some coffee? I'm a good listener." I would have preferred him to say "I'm a good kisser," but I said sure.

As the glazed light of the lampposts seeped through the spring leaves, the campus looked almost Parisian with its cobblestone paths and wrought iron benches. Dan and I had been walking and talking for about forty-five minutes when we reached the Quad. I had told him all about Tom, how I had been instantly attracted to him -- his intelligence, his self-effacing giggles, his ass. I had even delved into my high school boyfriend Steve, who I announced I was finally and completely over. He had nodded knowingly and offered a few stories of his own. His first love had been his college roommate. They discovered each other one night while they were drunk and it turned into a torrid, year-long fling. (It wasn't until weeks later that I realized all of Dan's stories sound like letters to gay porn magazines.)

When we approached the English building, Dan suddenly remembered he had left his briefcase in the upstairs classroom. He asked if I wanted to come with him to retrieve it. I innocently said, "Sure." It's always strange to see school buildings empty and dark. There's an air of danger and the forbidden when the desks are all empty and the lights are out. Dan removed the keys from his pocket and we entered.

"I hope I can find the room. I still get lost in here," he said. His voice echoed faintly in the large foyer. We ascended the staircase, Dan first. As I watched the muscles in his back constrict and release, my lungs were consumed with a noxious cloud of lust.

We reached the top floor and made our way down the hall. The classroom was unlocked. Dan held the door for me and turned on the light. It was a huge room with vaulted ceilings and twelve foot windows. I walked over to look out the window on the glowing, still campus. The entire Quad was empty -- the cobblestone paths, the manicured lawn, the benches. The whole ivy-league romance of it was overwhelming.

I was about to comment on the view when I felt two hands on my shoulder. My body turned to ice sculpture. I could feel Dan's breath on my neck, and then his lips.

"Um," I said.

"Shhh." His languorous voice quieted me. His hands moved around to my chest at glacial speed. As he nuzzled the nape, I cursed myself for not shaving my neck stubble. I had to focus on this to avoid thinking about what was really happening. I was being seduced. Well, he wasn't having to put much effort into it, but he was the aggressor here. He wrapped his arms around me and held my shoulders. His tongue moved up my neck, to my earlobe, and gently bit. My heartbeat echoed in the cavern where my self control had, until recently, taken residence. Dan released my and spun me around . I stared into his eyes, trying to find the perfect adjective to describe their shade of brown -- chocolate, sepia, umber? I decided they were the exact color of Ewok fur. Strangely, this was an erotic notion.

Dan stared back, his pliant lips turned in a faint, mysterious smile. "Is this okay, Duncan?" he asked. The uncharted depths his voice reached on the vowels made my answer automatic. I nodded, shyly. He put his hands against my clean-shaven cheeks and leaned in for a soft, tenuous kiss. Every muscle in my body dissolved into the consistency of corn syrup.

Having only kissed two other people (three, if you count Mary-Margaret Kingshoffer in the third grade) I was unprepared for the vigor of Dan's mouth. Steve was 16 and had clumsily jabbed his tongue with no thought of what it was doing. Tom was slightly more precise, but his nerves made kissing him more sweet than sensual. As I struggled to keep pace with Dan, I tried to memorize everything he was doing, wanting to learn far more from him than American lit. By the time I felt his hand on my belt buckle, my inhibitions had become sub-atomic and floated off into space.

"Can we." I mumbled. "Can we takes this slow?"

"We can go as slow as you want," he whispered, moving his hands up from my belt to caress my arms. I wasn't ready to stop kissing him. His mouth returned to mine and I felt his tongue slide easily into my mouth. The stubble on the rim of his mouth was coarse and it hurt a twinge on my smooth face. But the soft warmth of his mouth was so intoxicating I didn't care. He started sucking on my lower lip as his hands explored every inch of me, rubbing my back and shoulders, dropping down to gently squeeze my ass. Tentatively, I reciprocated what he was doing, feeling his hard muscular arms and back.

His mouth left mine and he kissed his way back to my ear. He nibbled and sucked on my earlobe which caused every available drop of blood in my body to shoot straight to my cock, which was now straining against my briefs and khakis. He pulled me close to him and I could feel his own hard member against mine.

"I've wanted to do this since the second I met you," he whispered in my ear. I had a hard time believing that he could want me, seeing as how I never worked out and my body, while thin, had little definition, whereas his body was like the Oxford English Dictionary.

He kissed down my jaw line, then to my Adam's apple. He slipped his hands under my t-shirt and the feeling of his hairy forearms against my bare back caused me to moan.

"Can I take your shirt off?" he asked, a hint of plaintiveness in his voice.

"Uh-huh." I said. His mouth broke from my neck and I raised my arms as he pulled the white t-shirt off, revealing my white, lightly haired chest. My self-consciousness about my body seemed unnecessary as he smiled dirtily and dove for my right nipple.

I had never had my nipple sucked before and the electric sensations that shot at light speed through my body made me a little unsteady. He flicked it with his tongue, then laid his whole mouth on it, sucking and licking it intensely. He released it and immediately went for the other nipple. Electricity again.

"Um," I said. "You still have your shirt on."

"So I do," he answered and moved his hands to the top button.

"Can I?" I asked, gaining a little confidence. He dropped his hands to his side, giving me access. I reached my slightly trembling fingers up to the button and, fumbling, released it. I moved down to the next button, then the next. His firm pecs, with their thick brown hair, began to emerge. I tried to think of baseball to avoid from coming right there. But then I thought of Dan playing baseball, Dan in a baseball uniform, Dan in the baseball locker room. Nope, that won't work. Girl's softball. Much better. When I reached the last button, I slid his white shirt off his tight shoulders and down to the floor.

"God, you're beautiful," I muttered. His pecs climaxed in firm, large nipples and with a little soap and water, his abs could have cleaned the dirtiest of clothes.

"So are you," he whispered. To my amazement, I think he meant it. He gently took my chin in one hand and pulled me into another kiss. Gaining in confidence, I reached for his belt buckle and unfastened it. He felt his way back to mine, but I stopped him.

"I want to suck you first," I said. It was as if a second personality, Sex Guy, was taking over and making me say things before I had fully processed the thought.

"Mmmm, okay," he breathed. I lowered myself to my knees and sat, staring at his bulge.

"I'm not too experienced, so tell me if I do anything wrong," I warned.

"Do anything you like, experiment, I'm all yours," he said. Then added, just to be safe, "but, watch the teeth, okay?"

That much I knew. I unfastened the top button on his jeans, revealing a white waist-band. I unzipped his jeans slowly. I never realized just how sexy that sound was. I placed my hands on either side of his waist and pulled the jeans down. As I sat, admiring his white boxer briefs, he kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his jeans which had balled on the floor.

I reached around and cupped his ass, then brought his crotch into my face. He smelled clean and musky at the same time. I could feel his hard cock pulsing against my cheek. I opened my mouth and sucked gently on it through the material. He let out a sigh.

The moment of truth had arrived. I slowly lowered his underwear, exposing his large brown bush, then the top of his cock. I wanted to see all of it, so, I quickly tore the rest of his briefs off. His cock snapped up and lightly slapped my face. We both chuckled.

"You've got me so hot," he said.

I leaned back to take it all in. There, under a thick bush and above ample, hanging balls sat the most perfect dick I had ever seen; in real life, in magazines, anywhere. It wasn't huge, which I was thankful for, knowing where I wanted it to go, but it was a nice size. Seven inches, maybe a little more. And it's girth was perfect. Not a coke can (again, a good thing) but thick and veiny. I realized I was staring. I slowly reached my hand out to touch it. The second my fingers brushed the shaft, Dan let out another moan. I extended my tongue and placed it right at the base of his cock where it met his ball sac. I slowly tracked my way up the underside, leaving a trail of saliva. Dan put his arms on my bare shoulders which made me shiver. My tongue reached his head and there was a small drop of precum in his slit. I darted my tongue in and tasted it, savoring his sweet, salty essence.

"You're doing great," he said. I had almost forget there was a body attached to this beautiful cock. I opened my mouth and took the head in, swirling my tongue around it, wanting to give him as much pleasure as possible. I knew it would be a challenge to get the whole thing in, but this was college, dammit, and I needed to challenge myself.

I sucked on his head for a bit, all the while listening to Dan's ecstatic breathing. I relaxed my throat, took a deep breath, and started moving further and further down. I closed my eyes and when I felt my nose in his pubic hair, I knew I had done it.

"Inexperienced?" he said, chuckling, "You're a dirty liar."

I tried to constrict and relax my throat muscles like I had read about. It seemed to be working. I was loving this. I let out a deep moan and that seemed to make him shudder.

"Yeah, baby, tell me how much you like my cock," he ordered.

I continued to moan and groan as I moved up and down on his cock. My own cock was about to pop my seams but I resisted the urge to touch it because I was so turned on. I started moving up and down his shaft faster and faster, trying to get every last millimeter of his cock in my mouth. One of his hands began stroking my curly brown hair and he might as well have been stroking my cock it turned me on so much.

"Oh God, I don't want to come yet," he pleaded. I didn't want him to come yet, either. I slowly released his cock from my mouth, which was already mourning the loss.

"I want you to fuck me," I said, with surprising force.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Hell yes," I said. Sex Guy was in complete control now, and damn if I wasn't enjoying the ride. My hands shot to my waistband and starting unfastening everything.

"Slow down," he cooed, grabbing my upper arms and lifting me up. "No fair you having all the fun." He grabbed either side of my head and brought me in for a deep kiss. I could feel his hard, wet dick rubbing against my bare stomach. I wanted to freeze time and live in this moment. He threw his arms around me and led me over to the teacher's table in the front of the room. Slowly, he lowered me onto my back and lay on top of me. He ground his dick into my bulge, which by this time had been imprisoned so long we were in violation of the Geneva Convention.

Slowly he kissed down my chest. Taking a moment at each nipple to make sure they were adequately hard. Then he dipped his tongue into my navel. I certainly was learning things. His hands expertly undid my pants and he looked up at me while he pulled them off. I raised my hips a little to make it easier. There was an animal hunger in his eyes, still wearing his glasses. I could see my own beaming face in the reflection. He took a moment to assess my cock.

"You have a beautiful dick," he said. I knew my dick was at least average. It was a nice six and a half inches, not particularly thick, but smooth and milky. "With a huge head, like a mushroom. And those are some great balls." Having my equipment catalogued was new to me, but I liked it.

He stood up and took off my shoes, tossing them to the side, then he pulled off my pants and underwear and threw them to the ground. As much as I wanted him to keep his glasses on, I knew they would get in the way, so I reached up and took them off and handed them to him. He tossed them gently on top of my pants on the floor. We were now both naked in the middle of a darkened classroom. This was without question the single most sexy, dangerous thing I had ever done. I what full of a sort of illicitricity. I know that's not really a word, but go with me.

Dan stood appraising, his hairy chest heaving with lust. He got on his knees and I thought he was going for my cock, but when I felt his breath on my balls, I leaned my head back and exhaled.

His tongue snaked out and licked one, then the other, then he took one into his mouth and gently sucked. My dick lurched up.

"Easy, fella," he said after he had released me. Then he made his way to the other one. His tongue tickled the small amount of hair on them. It fell out of his mouth with a pop. Again I thought he would be going for cock and again I was wrong. I felt his hot mouth on my perineum. I didn't actually known it was called the perineum at the time, all I knew is that it felt like Heaven. When I felt his breath on my tight hole, I knew that asking him to fuck me was absolutely the best decision I had ever made in my entire life, bar none.

His tongue gently flicked my rosebud, then eased all around, making everything wet and hot. His hands kneaded my asscheeks expertly. I wasn't prepared for the sensations when his tongue made it's way inside me.

"Holy fuck!" I screamed.

"You like that?"

"Oh God, but don't talk, when you talk I can't feel your- Jesus Christ!" I moaned, my breathing ragged. He had stiffened his tongue and was driving it in and out of my hole. I felt it brush against something inside me and I almost passed out.

"Fuck me. Please. Please! Fuck me." I was desperate now. I heard the tearing of a wrapper and the sounds of what I guessed was a condom being unfurled. Then I felt something lukewarm on my hole. It was wet and slippery. Lube? Shit, this guy planned ahead.

One warm finger slid in and out of my hole as I steeled myself. I tried to relax my hole as Dan stood up and lined his cock up. I felt the head just lightly kiss my rosebud. It constricted a bit.

"Just breathe," he said, reassuringly. "You just tell me when to stop."

I wanted to tell him never to stop, but this was my first time and I had to be pragmatic. I felt his head pushing against my opening and I looked up to see that he was staring right at me. He smiled reassuringly, then pushed the head in.

"FUCK!" I screamed, by body convulsing, every nerve on fire. Dan took my scream as encouragement so he pushed farther in. It hurt a lot, but there was pleasure there too and I knew if I could get through it, I would be in ecstasy.

He was about halfway in and stopped, allowing me to catch my breath. I could feel my hole relaxing around his cock.

"You want me to keep going?" he asked.

"Yes. And you don't ever need to ask me that again." He smiled and I felt him moving again, pushing deeper and deeper into me. I had never had a feeling this intense. Finally I felt his hair against my skin and knew he was all the way in.

"God, you are so tight. You're gonna put me over in no time," he growled. Our eyes met and he leaned down. I sat up a bit, feeling his cock jerk a little inside me. Our mouths met and I felt his tongue dancing with mine. Then he drew his dick back so only the head was in. I moaned instinctively.

"Please" was all I needed to say. He rammed himself into me my the force of a train. My moans became gibberish, strings of curses and nonsense words, like some profane Lewis Carroll poem.

"Fuck-shit-nnnnn-graaaaaah-ooh-yeah-NNNNNN!" His cock was pistoning in and out of me now, my ass muscles convulsing and twisting all around it. His breathing was hard and ragged. He moved faster and faster, our sweaty bodies slapping against each other hard.

"Oh God, I'm gonna come," he screamed, gutturally, with a volume I didn't think was human.

"Come inside me, please" I hissed.

"Oh God, oh God. Damn you are so hot. Oh yeah, Oh yeah. I'm coooOOOOOMMMMMMIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG!!"

I could feel his hot cum filling the condom inside me. He slowed down, out of breath. My own cock, which we had both been ignoring in favor of my ass was not taking kindly to the slight. I reached down to grab it, but he pushed my hand away and I felt his pull out of my with a plop. Before I knew it, his nose was pressed into my bush and I could feel his throat and tongue all over my cock. He sucked up and down like the fate of the world depended on it. I threw me head back and felt my eyes roll up into my head. I was floating above my body as all the blood in my head seemed to rush to my crotch to reinforce my engorged cock.

"I'm gonna come," I screamed, wanting to give him time to pull off, but it only made his suck faster and harder. He moaned loudly and the vibrations put me over the edge.

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHH!" I moaned as I felt wave after wave of cum shoot down his throat. I could hear him working hard to swallow it all. He pulled up so that only my head was in his mouth as he milked the last few drops out. He sat up and wiped his smiling mouth, then moved in for a deep kiss. I tasted myself in his mouth and found this surprisingly erotic.

"Damn, you're hot" he said when he had pulled away from my mouth.

"Me? Have you seen you?" I asked lightheartedly. He lay down next to me and I turned on my side to snuggle a bit. We just lay there, breathing and holding each other for a few minutes.

Dan leaned against a one-piece student desk, buttoning his shirt. I was still prostrate on the teacher's desk, trying to use relaxation breathing to stave off a panic attack. The weight of what we had just done was hitting me.

"We should probably get out of here," Dan said, "I think the janitors work on Saturdays."

"Oh," I said. I sat up and fastened my khakis. Dan picked my tee-shirt off the floor and brought it to me.

"Here," he said. I pulled it on, but got my head stuck in an arm hole. Dan chuckled and untangled me. "You okay, Duncan."

"Yeah," I said. "I've never done anything like that before."

"Oh," was all he said. I had so wanted him to say, "Me neither," but I had no such luck and really, who was I kidding? I sat for a moment, staring at the back wall, trying to decide if I should say something. Dan's actions had been so unexpected, so inappropriate, so "A Film by Chi Chi LaRue", that I was afraid this was to be the extent of our relationship.

"So, is that it?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he answered blankly.

"Is that...it?"

"You mean, with us? What do you want, Duncan?" He sat beside me on the desk.

"I'm not sure," I whispered.

"Would you be opposed to something more?" There was caring in his voice.

"No," I said, smiling slightly.

"Neither would I. Come on, I'll walk you home." He stood up and held his hand out for me and stood up. I felt a rush of something -- passion, courage, stupidity -- so I kissed him gently on the mouth. He took my head in his hands and completed the action. We broke and after I was dressed, he put his arm around me and walked me out the door. It wasn't until later that I realized he hadn't retrieved his briefcase. And it wasn't until weeks later that I realized there had been no briefcase. Of course, I was fucking him at the time, so I didn't mind the lie.

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