Durban Assignment

By dlacourse

Published on Jun 6, 2006



In 1992 I was sent to a branch office by my company to train new accounting staff. I was forty one at the time and not accustom to travel as I was when I was younger. However, my last supervisor was an asshole not only to me but everyone and I told him so! It soon became his mission in life to transfer me out as soon as possible. The next opening was Durban South Africa so I was transferred there.

The company provided me with a rental house. Two bedroom one bath and a pool which was cheaper than a condo in the city. It was only a five minute ride by taxi and I could deduct the fare. I usually had the same driver every morning. His name was Sadiki which meant faithful in African or something like that. One morning as we drove to work he mentioned that the grounds of my house were unruly.

He said he knew a young African boy that would keep my house spotless inside and out and not charge a lot of money. I passed on his offer and thanked him all the same. That weekend when I took a closer look around the house I decided it was a mess after all. Monday morning I told Sadiki I would talk with the boy about keeping the place up. That evening when I arrived home there was a black man standing by my gate.

I was surprised, his English was much better than I had expected. His name was Zende which he said meant strong in African. He was originally from Botswana he was eighteen or nineteen as near as his records could tell. His family had been massacred by the military when he was young. He had worked in slave labor camps when he was younger but escaped one night.

He seemed to be a nice young man. I showed him around the house and grounds then offered him a soda which he gladly accepted. I asked how much he would charge he said $35.00 a month. I said there must be a catch because that was very cheap. He confessed he had no place to live and he would have to stay here. He said others workers did the same thing and they got $35.00 a month after room and board was taken out.

I was not keen on the idea until Zende said if I taught him how to read and write English he would do it for only $10.00 a month.

"I always admire someone that tries to improve themselves," I said. "I'll give you the $35.00 a month and tutor you also."

Zende gave me a powerful hug. "You are kind man! Very kind man!"

"Ok," I said, sitting him down. "We have to have rules. You can stay in the separate bedroom. That is you and you alone. Nobody else. I like privacy when I am home. You will have to meet your friends somewhere else. Not here. Do you understand?"

Zende nodded his head. "Yes, I live here alone. I bring nobody here. Just as you wish."

The next day was Friday. I gave Zende some money to buy food with and told him to spend it all because I didn't want to go out on Saturday or Sunday. When I got home that evening I noticed how neat and clean the house was. Everything was in a place. I changed into swim trunks, a sleeveless top and went out to the pool. I was surprised at what I saw. Zende was completely naked, bent over fetching something out of the pool. I had a perfect view of his bare ass and large hanging balls!

I caught myself staring at him and quickly sat down in the lounge chair by the table. He stood up and turned. "I am sorry Mr. Wade," he smiled. "I did not hear you arrive."

He walked casually over to where I sat with his huge black erection bobbing freely in the air.

Again I caught myself staring, this time at his hard cock. "Oh. Oh, that's no problem," I mumbled, turning away.

His body was completely smooth and void of hair even pubic hair. When the sun shined on his black body it had a silky glow to it. His cock must have been a good seven to seven and a half inches long. His balls looked like a couple of ripe tomatoes.

"I see you cleaned the house," I said. "You did an excellent job. You have it very neat and clean. I like it neat and clean." I was more or less rambling on trying to keep my mind off his naked body which was in front of me.

"You go for a swim now?" He smiled, "I just clean the pool."

It was a way out of an awkward situation. "Yes. Yes I think I'll have a swim before dinner." When I stood up it was obvious to see the hard lump in my trunks. Zende reach down and grabbed my crotch. "I can help you with that too."

Before I could respond his fingers had slid the trunks from around my waist and they fell to my ankles.

"Sit back down in the chair," he said while rubbing my balls.

I suppose I should have said something then to stop him from continuing but I didn't. His hot mouth over my cock was the best sensation I had felt in years. I opened my legs, closed my eyes and experienced the greatest ejaculation ever. Zende was still kneeling between my legs. I grabbed his thick black cock and began stroking it up and down.

"Yes, Mr. Wade. That is so good. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Make me cum for you."

A few more seconds and he groaned loudly. His head tossed back and a thick stream of semen shot from black head. Each time I pulled and still more squirted out and onto the cement patio.

Zende rolled back on his legs. "So much wonderful, Mr. Wade," he said.

The sexual inspiration left me as quickly as it had come. I wrapped myself with the towel and quickly went back inside the house. Later I came back out. Zende was now wearing some cutoff jeans and I was in my golf shorts and shirt. Dinner was prepared and on the table. It was a dish called Bobotie and the most delicious thing I had eaten since I got there. Zende served it up then took his plate outside. He explained that the help never ate with the employers.

"Bullshit!" I said. "Get your plate and sit at the table with me. There are no such rules in my house."

We finished our dinner and I sat down to try and make some intelligent stab at what happened by the pool.

"Zende. I am not used to sexual relations with other men. I don't know what happened with me today. I usually would never allow anything like that. I'm sorry."

Zende had a puzzled look on his face. "I thought it was expected by me. Sex is part of all jobs by men and women both. Was that wrong by me?"

"No. It was wrong of me. I understand if you want to leave."

"I don't want to leave! I'll keep your house for free!" There was a fear in his voice. "I will never touch you in sex again. Please don't make me leave."

I could tell his fear was genuine and his eyes showed it.

I didn't know what else to do so I put my arms around him hugged him. "I have no intention of making you leave. However, you are free to go if you like."

"No! I can't leave," he said. "You are such wonderful man. Where I come from if you love another man. You are less than a dog. They can kill you anytime."

He actually had tears in his eyes as he told me.

This time I hugged him tighter and we sat there until he went to sleep. I put on the sofa and covered him for the night.

I awoke Saturday morning to the smell of fresh coffee. It was nine already so I slipped on my robe and went to the kitchen. Zende was again bare ass naked pouring coffee. "I heard you get up. I have everything ready for you."

I took a peek at his cock which was dangling limp between his legs.

"How come you go around naked all the time?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wade. That offends you?" He grabbed a towel and quickly held it around his waist. I couldn't help but laugh. "I didn't mean it as something horrible or bad. I was just curious."

"Where I am from. Naked is normal. I forget it is not here."

I took another sip of coffee. "I don't mind, Zende. If you want to be naked I don't care." I stared at my coffee and couldn't believe I just told him that.

I walked in on him in the bathroom he was cleaning the shower and tub. Once again I noticed his cock was fully erect bobbing up and down as he scrubbed the tile. "I'm sorry," he said. "You can use the bath. I'll finish later."

After seeing his bouncing erection, my dick immediately began swelling up under my robe. I backed out and told him to finish what he was doing. My emotions were becoming unstable now. I thought all this time I must have been gay and it took this beautiful African youth to bring it out.

Then I thought it was stupid! I certainly would have known a long time ago if I were gay. So why now at this time was it so difficult for me? Emotions are uncontrollable like having your cock stiffen when you least expect it. I found myself fascinated by the young black man. I tossed my robe on the bed. I was ready for my shower. I my day dreams I was unaware Zende was still in the room. I stood there naked staring at him.

"You are super looking man," Zende smiled. "I love hair on your body." He walked over and fondled me. "You have nice cock also. I love to suck it." I noticed his cock twitching as he spoke. The next thing I knew we were both in the shower. Zende was sliding his long finger in and out of my ass and my cock was ready to explode. He clamped his mouth over it and sucked it dry again.

I wanted to take his black hard cock in my mouth and suck on it. I gave into my emotions. I got on my knees, stroked the thick shaft several times then popped the head into my mouth. I never had a man's cock in my mouth until that day. It was soft and hot with a big ridge around the glands. It was too big to take in all at once. If I tried I would probably choke to death. I played with his heavy balls while sliding my tongue up and down the slit.

Suddenly, my mouth was filled with a gush of sperm. His hips shot forward, ramming the cock quickly down my throat then out again in one big thrust. His fingers dug into my shoulders and he moaned and thrust again. It was also the first time I tasted sperm. That was probably the greatest shower I ever had in my life. Zende and I lay on the bed naked. In the quiet I couldn't resist fondling his thick black cock to the point where it got big and hard again.

"You like me hard for you?"

I laughed. "I admire your youth and all the hormones that make you continually hard."

We continued out relationship for the two years I was there. I eventually taught him how to read English using the newspaper. I also taught him how to write English and pronounce certain words. He was a quick study and learned quite fast. Before I left I enrolled him in a cooking school nearby.

He did graduate and I still see him from time to time and I we always thank each other for the two years we spent together...


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