
Published on Feb 6, 1996




by Stephanie

The letters above the foyer spelt out the words 'America On-Line'. It hadn't been that easy to find, I had expected the building to be in a slightly more upmarket section of the city.

The reception itself was alright, in a spartan fashion. I made my way over to the receptionist. An overweight, unshaven man stuffed into a security guard's uniform. "Excuse me," I said. "Who do I have to talk to about member's addresses?"

He slowly ran his eyes up my body to my face. Normally I enjoy that sort of thing, but not from a toad of a man like him. "Uhh?" He replied.

I repeated my question slowly and clearly for him.

He thought about it for nearly a minute and then shrugged. "I dunno."

Terrific. You'd expect them to put somebody in reception who wouldn't lose a battle of wits with a three week dead cockroach. "Someone who is in charge of AOL subscriptions."

He thought about this further. "Umm, I don't know. I only answer the telephones."

"Can I speak to your boss then?"

"I expect so, he has a mouth and ears." He looked at me expectantly. "That was a joke, gettit? He has a mouth and ears so he'll be able to talk to you. Hurr Hurr Hurr."

I managed to fight down the almost irresistible urge to kill him. "For you evolution was just something that happened to other people wasn't it?"


It's very hard to insult someone who came last in the human race.

"Just call your boss."

Half an hour later his boss arrived. He was slightly higher on the evolutionary tree. His knuckles didn't drag on the floor when he walked. He managed to understand my request at the second attempt and I was led into the inner sanctum of America On-Line.

I was taken upstairs to a small dingy room with rows upon rows of filing cabinets. In the corner working at a desk was a small man who must have been around fifty. He looked up as I came in and smiled as I walked over to him. I gave him my best smile back and I could almost see him melt. "Good Morning, Miss." he said.

I was glad to have found someone with at least two braincells to rub together. "My name is Stephanie, I was wondering if you could help me...?"

"Bernard. Of course, my dear. What can I do for you?" Like putty in my hands he was.

"I was just wondering if I could have a look through your records."

"Well...I'm not really allowed to." He replied.

"Please. It is most important." I implored him.

What little willpower he had quickly evaporated. "I suppose it won't hurt. What exactly are you looking for?"

"Umm, a list of AOL e-mail addresses. So I can get someone's home address." I asked, finally realising why this room was bothering me.

"Yes, they are all indexed in this cabinet." He opened a drawer on the far side of the room.

"Excuse me for asking. But I thought you'd keep all the records on a computer, this being an Internet company after all."

He scratched his head. "Truth is, nobody here really understands those computer thingies. So we keep everything on paper." That explained a lot.

I walked over to the cabinet and searched through the files until I found the one I wanted. Celeste801. I quickly copied down the home address given and replaced the card. "Thank you so much, Bernard." I said in a sweet voice and placed a kiss on his forehead. Always reward kindness, a lesson my mom taught me when I was young.

I was glad to be out of that building and back in my nice cosy Porsche. I tucked the address in the glove compartment next to a piece of computer printout. I glanced at the offending paper. Eight indeed!

There was no time like the present. I had spent Christmas the same way as most people, overindulging myself. Except not on food. So the exercise would do me good. I caught the first flight out, riding in executive class of course.

I still wasn't quite sure how I was going to handle Celeste. Normally she is quite well behaved and gives my stories ten out of ten. I also won two awards in her competitions, the trophies keep pride of place on my mantelpiece at home. Of course, I have to keep them switched off or they'll buzz right onto the floor. But with the last story of mine she reviewed she took it into her head to give me only eight. This sort of behaviour was way out of line and I was on my way to put her back on the right path.

By the time I arrived evening was well advanced so I booked myself into a hotel. I decided against seducing the bellboy this time. Well, I had to get up early in the morning.

It was a crisp clear January afternoon when I finally reached the street where Celeste lived. I was surprised by how ordinary it seemed. You wouldn't have known that one of the most famous people on alt.sex.stories lived here. I pulled the rental car into the curb and thought about how to proceed. Did I really have the right to go up to Celeste and complain about the rating she gave my story?

Of course I did. My stories are fine art and anything less than a perfect ten rating was a slap in the face. I got out of the car and straightened my tight dress. It was then that I noticed the black van. It had no company logo on the side and the windows were made out of dark glass. In short it couldn't have made itself look more suspicious if it had tried. It was parked almost directly opposite Celeste's house. A coincidence? No, I didn't think so either.

Nonchalantly I walked down the street until I was level with the van. I put my head to the side window and tried to peer in. There was someone in there, I could see him or her moving about. Suddenly the window wound down and I was confronted with the driver of the van. "Yes?" She said in a very imperious manner.

For once I was lost for words, this woman exuded erotic beauty. From the flawless face to what I could see of her body, she was perfect. "What ever you are selling, I'm not interested." She said slightly disdainfully.

I managed to find my voice. "I-I'm not selling anything. You watching that house over there aren't you?"

She arched her eyebrow and gave me a look that made me feel six inches tall. "Of course not. Now if you do not want anything..." She made to wind up the window.

"Wait! You're watching Celeste aren't you?" I said frantically.

That caught her attention. "Perhaps you had better come in." She opened the door and climbed into the back of the van. I clambered in and closed the door behind me. One side of the van was filled with a rack of electronic equipment, the other with a wooden chest she was using as a chair. All this stuff must have cost thousands.

"Why are watching Celeste? Do you work for the government?"

She gave that question the contempt it deserved saying, "Do I look like I work for the government?"

"Umm, I suppose not. Well who are you then?"

"Sherwood Anderson, apparently." She replied, concentrating on the equipment in front of her.

Sherwood Anderson? Funny name for a beautiful woman like that. It was familiar though. Where had I heard that before? That was it, in Celeste's reviews! It was what she called, "Deirdre?"

"Took you long enough to work it out. And you are?"

"Stephanie. I'm here to 'talk' to Celeste about the mark she gave my last story."

"Oh yes, Stephanie." She consulted a thick folder. "Writer of the transgender stories 'DNA', 'Girl in the Moon', 'The Locksmith' and 'Flight'. The last of which was based on one of my own stories." The way she said it made it sound like a hideous crime. "Current work 'Body and Soul'. Last review was for 'Stephanie Between the Stars' which got an eight. Seemed slightly over generous to me, the story had no plot to speak of."

"Well it was just a way to blow off steam while I was in the middle of Body and Soul. It wasn't meant to have much of a plot."

"Really," she said. Obviously not buying a word of it.

I grew uncomfortable under her stare. "So why are you watching Celeste?"

"I also want to meet Celeste to point out some errors in her reviewing of my stories. But I intend to use these." She stood up and opened the chest.

My mouth dropped open at the sight before me. The chest was full of whips, manacles, hoods, dildos, handcuffs and all manner of devices. I don't consider myself an amateur in the domination scene. But Deirdre was in a different league. I pulled out a huge black dildo and waved it at Deirdre. "I'm impressed." I told her. And I was, in my panties I could feel my manhood stirring and my nipples formed hard points in my dress.

She snatched the dildo from me and put it back in the chest. "It'll be several days before I'm ready to move against Celeste, but you're welcome to watch her with me today."

And so started one of the weirder afternoon's of my life. Deirdre had tapped Celeste's phone and planted several audio bugs in her house. I picked up the headphones and listened in. It was frustrating, Celeste and her family were in part of the house not covered by Deirdre's bugs. But after several minutes straining to hear them I was rewarded by Celeste entering her hallway. "Are you sure you'll be okay on your own?" Said a male voice.

"Yes, I'll be fine. I've got some marking to do." Said a very seductive voice. After all this time that was Celeste's voice! I heard a chorus of goodbyes and I scrambled round to the van window. I saw Celeste's husband and family pile into a car and leave, but I failed to catch a glimpse of Celeste herself.

I turned to Deirdre and said very excitedly. "She's alone! Now's our chance."

"No. I want to keep her under surveillance a little longer before I do anything. It's best not to be hasty in these things."

I gave her a strange look, she sounded like she had done this sort of thing before. Maybe her stories weren't all fiction. "Well, sitting around in a van for days on end may be your idea of fun. But I'm going in there now!"

She raised one perfect eyebrow. "Fair enough, but on your head be it. If you get into trouble I'm not going in after you."

Trouble? What sort of trouble would I get from a school teacher? I would bluff my way in and bring her around to my view. I could feel myself becoming aroused as I thought of the various ways I would use to convince her to raise my story to a ten rating. "Have you got a clipboard I could borrow?"

She looked at me as if I had flipped but dug one out for me. I thanked her and climbed out of the van. I crossed the street and walked up to Celeste's front door. I was struck again by how ordinary it all looked. There was nothing to indicate that Celeste lived here. The Great Celeste. I realised that I was very nervous. I looked back at the black van, I couldn't back down in front of Deirdre. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

It was less than half a minute before the door opened, but it seemed like hours. Half of me wanted her to be out so I didn't have to face her. Then the door opened.

There she was. Celeste. There is a type of woman who looks better as they get older, Celeste is one of them. I smiled at her and launched into my spiel. "Hello ma'am. I'm conducting a survey and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions."

She gave me a beautiful smile. "Of course, come in!" I walked in rather stiffly, my cock in my tight panties was so hard it was almost painful. She led me into the kitchen overlooking a well tendered back yard. She made some coffee and said. "Now, what sort of questions do you want to ask me."

Right, here goes. "I want to know why you marked my last story so low, Celeste."

Her eyes widened as I said the name she uses on the Internet. "Who are you?"

"Stephanie, you gave my last story an eight! It was as good as the others, it deserved a ten!"

Celeste recovered very quickly and retorted. "But there were no twists in the plot, you just break into the Paramount lot and screw Kate Mulgrew and Nana Visitor! You are normally far more inventive than that."

"The reason there were no twists was because it actually happened!"

"Really! I know for a fact that Mulgrew is a man!"

"Well I had to change that because Kate wanted me to."

As we had argued we had moved closer and closer together until our faces were just inches apart. I couldn't resist any longer and stole a quick kiss on her luscious lips. She stepped back shocked. "I'm not that way inclined!"

I smiled and walked over to her. "You know what I keep under this skirt don't you? I can tell you're just as excited about the idea as I am." I took her hand and placed it on my cock. She didn't resist. In fact she smiled. She slowly rubbed my cock and then moved her hands to my shoulders. Gently she pushed me to my knees and then undid her skirt.

Underneath she had on a beautiful white pair of panties. I slowly moved my mouth towards them. Suddenly I was flipped onto my back and a cloth was thrust into my face. The cloth had been soaked in some funny smelling stuff and I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. I struggled weakly but couldn't break free.

Then the world went away for a while.

The first sensation that came to me was that of a cold hardness pressing onto my naked back. I struggled my eyes open and took in the scene in front of me. I was in what appeared to be a large cellar. In one corner of the room was a computer hooked up to a phone socket. The rest of the room was filled with an amazing array of S&M equipment the like of which I had never seen before. But my gaze was drawn to Celeste who was standing over me. She was in a tight, very revealing shiny, black leather outfit. My eyes were drawn to the whip she held in her hands.

"So, you're back with us at last."

"Celeste, lets not be so hasty here!"

"You weren't happy with the very fair mark I gave you. What exactly was wrong with my review?" She asked with a nasty smile on her face.

I swallowed hard. "Well, on reflection, perhaps I was over reacting. Thinking about it I realise your review was spot on after all. So, sorry for taking up your time and I'll be on my way." I tried to stand up and only then became aware of the thick iron manacles chaining me to the wall.

She watched me examine the manacles and then said. "Nice, aren't they. I had to have them specially made. They're embedded deep into the wall and you'd need the strength of a bull elephant to pull them free." She looked me up and down. "I've never had a transsexual 'guest' here before, this is going to be such fun." Fun for her perhaps, but not for me.

I tried to think of something to say, but nothing came to mind. I knew that my only hope was to play along and hope Celeste let me go soon. Suddenly she cracked her whip and called "Slave!" For a second I thought she was talking to me. Then a figure scampered out of the shadows. It was a man in his early twenties, dressed only in a pair of leather pants and a studded collar.

Celeste smiled and stroked his head like he was a dog. "Now, slave here has been a very good boy and I've decided to give him a treat." She turned to me, "You, Slavette, will serve Slave in any way I wish." She leant over her slave and whispered in his ear. A wide happy grin spread over his face.

Abruptly he stood up and quickly climbed out of his pants. Already, his cock was half erect and growing larger. He scampered over to me and kissed me on the cheek. I wanted to resist, but I suspected Celeste knew how to use that whip.

His hand dropped to one of my breasts and he started to massage it with surprising gentleness. Despite myself I felt my nipples start to react to the attention. I could feel his now fully erect cock brushing against my thigh. His kisses made their way down my neck until he reached my aroused nipple and sucked it gently into his mouth. He was good, and I found myself becoming turned on. My own cock slowly pulsing erect to match Slave's.

He dropped to his knees and sucked on my red hardness. He really had been trained well. He knew exactly how to bring me to the peak of ecstasy from his cock sucking. Celeste chuckled as she saw me succumb to his advances. Just as I was about to climax he abruptly stood up. "Me first." He said.

I knew exactly what he meant and I got down on my knees. To reach him I had to pull the chains tight and my arms were stretched behind me. I hate being unable to control the situation, but I knew I had to play the slave till Celeste let me go or slipped up. Slave's cock was bobbing inches from my face and I slowly closed my mouth around it's head. I heard a tiny gasp escape from Slave as I did so. He had done more than enough to get me really turned on and I gleefully sucked almost his entire hard length into my mouth. I pulled back a bit and licked the bulbous head. I noticed for the first time that he was circumcised.

I set into my work with gusto. I could tell he wouldn't last long by the ragged gasps coming from him. Already I could taste the first few drops of salty pre-cum as he got ready to shoot. Just as he was about to orgasm he gripped my head taking bunches of blonde hair in each hand, so I couldn't pull away. Then he gave a guttural moan and pumped his cum deep into my throat. I had to drink it down as quickly as possible or drown.

He pulled back, a little unsteady on his legs. I thought for a moment that he wasn't going to finish me off, but then he made me stand and kneeled in front of me again. By now I was so hard it almost hurt. Then I felt his hot tongue wrapping itself around my cock and I was soon issuing high yelps of passion as I grew to my own climax. My arms were still behind me due to the manacles so I couldn't hold his head as I came. Slave had been anticipating the moment and he pulled his head away as I climaxed. I spurted cum several feet in front of me, in fact I almost hit the far wall.

I collapsed back against the cold wall, totally drained. Celeste got up from the chair near the computer where she had been enjoying the show. "Did you enjoy that Stephanie? Tomorrow you'll have to clean up my cellar since you came all over it just now."

Tomorrow! She was going to keep me here overnight?

"You must be tired after your exertions, I'll be back in the morning with your schedule for the day." She gestured to Slave who followed her up the stairs like a faithful dog and then I was alone.

I had to get out of here. I had no doubt that Celeste was going to keep me here till I had been as well trained as Slave. I couldn't allow that to happen. The manacles were as strong as Celeste had said, there was no way I was going to get them off by brute force. Each manacle was locked around my wrists by a medium sized padlock. This was the weak point, if I had any chance of escaping it would be through breaking the padlocks. I waited several hours for night to fall by looking through the small window which was the only natural light source. When I was reasonably sure that Celeste wouldn't return I started banging the padlocks against the wall. I caused some damage to the wall and my hands before one of the locks sprang open.

Excellent, one down one to go. I was just about to start work on the second padlock when I heard a noise behind me. Someone was coming down the stairs into the cellar. The figure was dressed in a black bodysuit, she moved into the light and my heart leapt for joy as I recognised Deirdre. She must have decided to move today after all.

"Thank God you're here, Deirdre! Help me get these off." My voice died away as I noticed a second figure coming down the stairs. It was Celeste dressed in a flowing white night-gown. "Quick, hide it's Celeste!" I hissed frantically at Deirdre.

Deirdre just smiled and turned around to face her. Celeste frowned at seeing two people, but that frown turned to shock as she obviously recognised Deirdre. "I'm sorry Mistress, I didn't know you were here." She said in a small voice.

"It's quite alright, Celeste. Go back to bed, I'll be up soon." Deirdre told her in her calm, commanding manner. And Celeste obeyed!

"What is going on here!" I demanded.

Deirdre turned back to me, "I told you not to break in. Now it looks like you're going to be our guest for quite a while."

"So why were you spying on Celeste earlier?"

"I was alerted by some of my servants in America On-line to what you were doing. So I set up this trap, I knew it would only make you more determined to fall into Celeste's clutches." She smiled. "Now if you will excuse me." With that she walked up the stairs and locked the door behind her. I stared at the door for some minutes, if Deirdre and Celeste were behind this I was in serious trouble.

I noticed with a start that Deirdre hadn't noticed the broken padlock. If I could break the other padlock I could easily escape out of the window. For the next half an hour I tried to break the second padlock, but to no avail. I realised that breaking one padlock must have been just luck. I had to think of something else.

Now that one manacle was off I could just reach the computer. I hit the power button and pulled the keyboard over to me. The modem was thankfully attached and plugged in and I logged into Celeste's AOL account. From there I telnetted to my own account and inputted this.

It's nearly dawn now, I need help. Please send help, I don't want to be stuck here and turned into a brainwashed slave. The address is

341 Gra

No time. They're back. Send help. Please!!!


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