Elias and Malachi

By Rory Lanchlan

Published on Apr 29, 2006



Hello everyone, how ya'll doing? I'm doing good, okay, so anyways. I just started writing this story out of the blue one day and poof, first chapter was done! yay! okay, yeah I'm too hyper at the moment I know. but anyways. here it is..... i am accepting criticism and compliments for this story, since- thats what makes a writer. Thanks for your time. onto the story!


Elias slowly shuffled into the elevator with his suitcase beside him. He reached over to press the button for the second floor only to have his hand land on top of someone else's hand. The soft pale hand pulled away and slid into the pocket of a tall blonde boy's pants.

The older boy looked deeply into Elias's dark brown eyes as if he could see right through them down into Elias's soul. The soft neon blue eyes of this tall blonde stranger astounded Elias. Further more he had to resist the urge to touch the older boy's porcelain white face. His slender figure looked almost frail enough to simply be air. His letterman's jacket was covered with various patches that read Regional Fencing Competition and First Class Fencer Award 2005 and so forth. It hung loosely on him as if he was a coat rack.

"Umm... hi. I'm Elias Schieb," he whispered through his thin lips, "you have really soft hands." The blonde boy's cheeks turned a supple tone of red. Elias realized what he had just said and began to blush as well.

"Thanks, I guess. You're new here aren't you? I'm Malachi Schoenfeil", the blonde figure said in a soft rolling tone. He sounded like a southerner, but whoever heard of a Jew from the south.

"Nice to meet you. Yeah, I'm new." Elias stated blatantly. He wasn't happy to be at Wellington Preparatory. That was for damn sure. After all, it wasn't every day a fifteen year old boy is told that he is part Jewish and is going to be shipped off to some boarding school in upstate New York so he can become a rabbi. "So where do we live when we're here?"

"Dorm rooms. They're the size of sardine cans and just about as cramped." Malachi chirped as if he was happy to be talking to someone after years of isolation. "But I'm a Resident Advisor for Dorm A so my room is the size of a small condo. Private bathroom, full kitchen, you know the works. You need a roommate, Eli?"

Yeah I do, not to mention a boyfriend." Elias scoffed forgetting he was speaking out loud. The expression Malachi's face turned stone like as the words flew from Elias's mouth into his ears.

"Well I think you just found both." Malachi whispered as he pushed Elias up against the wall of the elevator.

"Lucky Me." Elias said smiling. His need for dominance overtook him. He wriggled out of Malachi's grasp and forced him to the ground. Malachi arched his back and let out a slow, seductive moan. Malachi's letterman's jacket was soon tossed aside. Elias vigorously bit the buttons off Malachi's shirt.

"Slow down, Romeo. I ain't that kind of guy." Malachi said between shortened breaths, by this time Elias had latched on to Malachi's left nipple and refused to let go. "Oh god... maybe I am. Oh yeah, I definitely am. Uhhh." The elevator doors flew open with a "Ding" and a short, fat man with a long grey beard stood before them. His Yakima was slightly forward on his head to cover his balding scalp. His white sash was soiled with cucumber dressing from his lunch. He reeked of anointing oil and baklava. "Holy Shit," Elias said without thinking that he was in the presence of a rabbi. " Um... good evening Rabbi, Gershavaloi. Uhhh. Let me help you up, Malachi."

"Thank you, Elias." Malachi's mind raced as Elias helped him up. Elias stood behind Malachi trying to hide his budding erection from the stout man. "Allow me to introduce Rabbi Illia. He teaches literature and he's the coach of the fencing team. Gershavaloi, Rabbi."

"Evening boys. How are you two doing? Quite well I would imagine. Well, considering what I have just seen I believe I shall take the next elevator. Shalom, young ones" Rabbi Illia chuckled as he stepped back from the elevator, the doors closing in front of him.

Elias fell to his knees as soon as the elevator doors closed, " Oh Dear God! Please tell me that didn't just happen?"

"Don't worry, Rabbi Illia knows I'm gay. He's cool with it. His son is gay too. You know, there are a lot of gay guys at Wellington." Malachi squealed trying to suppress his laughter.

"Don't laugh!!! That was horrible!" Elias barked through a bright red face, "I just got caught with a hard-on by a rabbi at my new school and the worst part is I have to sit in his classroom tomorrow and act like nothing happened!"

"You'll be fine," Malachi said looking down at his watch, " hey I got fencing practice right now. Do you want to come along?"

"It's not like I have anywhere else to be." Elias said sarcastically.

"Okay let's go," Malachi said picking up Elias's suitcase "I'm going to be late."

Elias heard someone let out a whistle as Malachi stepped onto the fencing mats. "He's so handsome" Elias thought to himself as he admired Malachi's stature as he put on his fencing helmet. He was the only guy on the fencing team who had a custom fencing uniform. He got it last Hanukkah from Rabbi Illia. It was bright red and it made him look even skinnier than he already was. It hurt Elias to be in the same room as Malachi and not be able to touch him. Even though he was sitting only ten feet away from him but yet still being so far from him.

"So you're Malachi's new boo aren't you?" a wispy thing of a boy said as he sat in the chair next to Elias. He was wearing a tight blue t-shirt that said, "On Guard, Bitch" on the back in bold red letters and his black hair was fluffed up underneath his Yakima.

"What the fu-"

"Don't worry man. He's my best friend." The squeaky voiced boy interrupted. "He told me all about your guy's little elevator experience in the locker room. I'm Joseph Janaskivin. Just call me Jay-Jay."

"Hey. I'm Elias. Just call me Elias, I guess."

A boy about as tall as Malachi stepped onto the opposite side of the fencing mat and took his fighting stance and Jay-Jay stood up and yelled, "Ready... On guard... Fence!!" the two fencers began their match.

"That's David Illia. He's Rabbi Illia's son." Jay-Jay muttered as he sat back down, "He's got a thing for your boy. Malachi can't even stand to hear his voice."

"All I know is he better not touch what's mine. I'm the jealous type." Elias said through clenched teeth. David had heard what Elias and he dropped his practice sword and walked over to Malachi. He took off Malachi's fencing helmet and placed a kiss on his cheek. As Malachi tried to pull away David put his hand down Malachi's pants, grabbing Malachi's member and tightening his grip until Malachi cried out in pain. "Jay-Jay, which sword is the sharpest?"

"That one," Jay-Jay pointed to Malachi's competition sword sticking out of the edge of his gym bag that was laying next to Jay-Jay's chair," Be careful, Elias. That thing's sharp enough to cut through steel."

"I know what I'm doing." Elias picked up the sword and threw the sheath behind him. Elias quickly claimed him rightful place next to Malachi, pulling David's hand out of Malachi's pants.

"Elias, take it easy, baby. Please don't do something you'll regret." Malachi quietly begged, trying desperately to restrain his precious boy from slicing David into pieces.

"Do you have a habit of putting your hands on what doesn't belong to you?" Elias barked

"As a matter of fact I do. What the hell are you going to do about it?" David replied

"This!" Elias pushed David up against the wall and held the sword two centimeters away from the center of David's jugular vein. Tears welled up in David's eyes and Malachi held Elias around the waist placing wet kisses along his neck hoping it would calm him down.

"Baby, come on. Let's just go. You haven't even seen the dorm yet; you're going to love it." Malachi pleaded

"Malachi, sweetie, baby, darling, go get my suitcase and all your gear. We'll be on our way in just a moment." Elias kissed Malachi's forehead and turned his gaze back to the whimpering young man at the edge of his lover's sword. Malachi stepped back and motioned for Jay-Jay to bring his things to him. Jay-Jay obliged. "I'm only going to say this once; don't you ever put your hands on my boyfriend again!!! Do you understand me?" David didn't answer. He just stared at the floor. "Answer me, goddammit!! Look at me when I'm speaking to you!" Elias's patience was wearing thin and he wanted nothing more than to slice open David's neck and watch his blood spill onto the hardwood floor, but he resisted the urge to do so for Malachi's sake

"Yes. Yes. For Christ's sake yes!" David cried out. Elias handed Malachi the sword and picked up his suitcase. David sunk to the floor and began sobbing uncontrollably. The other members of the teams crowded around David trying to get him to stop crying.

"Jay-Jay can you do me a favor and get Mr. Cry Me A River cleaned up?" Malachi asked, "I don't want Rabbi Illia to find out about this, okay? So make sure everybody keeps their mouths shut."

"Sure man, no problem. You know I got your back. You two have fun now" Jay-Jay smirked. "Be safe. Number one rule, wrap your tool"

"Oh, we will! Trust me on that." Elias said in a suggestive tone. With Malachi by his side, he strolled out of the gym. All he could think about was Malachi's dorm room and what they would do once they got there.

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