Entranced Teens

By Anthony Bailey

Published on Mar 15, 1999



The story is a celeb m/m story involving Justin from NSYNC and a friend. This story is not meant to imply anything about Justin's true sexuality or that of his friends. While most of it is pure fiction, I do try to throw in alot of facts. If you find somthing that is wrong, please let me know.

The usual disclaimer. If you are underage, disagree with m/m sex, or if it's against your religion then don't read any further than this. However if you don't qualify for the cases mentioned above, then enjoy.

Entranced Teens



I awoke to the alarm clock ringing next to my head. As my eyes slowly opened I noticed two things. First this wasn't my room and second the clock was reading 6:30. "What the fuck?" I thought sleeply. "I never get up this early." Then after a moment of confusion I remembered where I was. With a smile I looked around the room remembering now that I was at Justin's house. About that time there was a pounding on the door.

"Hey Antho, wake up. We've got 30 minutes to get ready and go." a voice yelled through the door.

"Okay, okay. Just give me a min. Come on in if you want to," I yelled back.

The door opened up and there was the cutest guy I had ever seen. It's hard to imagine that this hunk was the same scraggely kid that I used to play with at camp. What was even more surprising to me was that he had made a name for himself in the music business. As we grew up close to each other, I had always known that he could sing, I just never thought that he would be known for his vocal talents. Then one day while I was driving down the road I heard a new band on the radio. It had taken me only seconds to recognize Justin's voice.

"Do you realize what time it is?" I asked Justin with murder in my voice.

"Yeah I do. It's 6:30. We gotta get you moving if we're going to catch the guys for breakfast."

"Okay. Just a few more minutes."

"No right now." Justin said as he flung himself on me tickling me. Now I've always been extremely ticklish, but Justin knew exactly where I was ticklish at. Within seconds he had me laughing so hard that all thoughts of sleep were pushed out of my mind.

"I still can't believe that your parents are letting you spend the summer on tour with us." Justin said after he had finally quit tickling me.

"Yeah, me either," I wheezed trying to get my breath back. "You could warn a guy before you tickle him half to death."

"Now what's the fun in that?" Justin asked quizically. "Besides you've made us late already."

"Shit!" I yelled as I jumped out of bed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Uh, I did."

"Oh yeah, I forgot," I said sheepishly making Justin laugh.

Ten minutes later I was just getting through getting ready. As me and Justin ran out of his house to his Mustang, once again I was struck by how much we had in common. We liked that same bands, the same T.V. shows, the same kind of clothes, and even the same type and color for a car. We jumped into the vehicle and took off. Twenty minutes later we were pulling into the parking lot of the restaraunt.

"See told you we were late." Justin said.

"Yeah, it's all you fault." I joked as I playfully punched him on the shoulder.

"Oh cool, a playland! I know where I'm going after I get through eating." Justin said.

"You're just a big kid, but you know what? I'm gonna have to join you." I said with a smile.

Forty minutes later we were finally sitting down in the playland. As we ate we talked about all the old times that we had at camp. We realized that as we were talking the other guys were just steadily eating.

"Hey Just, I'll race you. First one to get through eating and make it to the slide first is the winner."

"Okay, but what does the loser have to do?"

"That's for the winner to decide," I replied with a sly grin on my face.

"Okay, on your mark, get set, go!" Justin yelled.

In 5 minutes we had finished our food, and were racing to the slide. As I was in mid-stride though I felt my other foot hit something slippery. As I tried to catch myself, my foot slid out from under me. The last thing I remember was a sharp pain in my wrist before my head hit the floor and I blacked out.

As conciousness slowly came back, the first thing I heard was a beeping. As I looked around I realized that I was in a hospital room and the beeping was from the machine next to me.

"What happened?" I asked aloud not really expecting a reply.

"You slipped on a hashbrown while we were racing." Justin said from the chair next to me. As I turned to face him, the door flew open and my parents rushed in.

"Honey, are you alright?" my mom asked me while my dad just looked down at me. "What happened."

"Justin said I slipped on a hashbrown," I said with a small laugh. "What are you two doing here? Who's running the business?"

"John's in charge right now. We just came to pick you up and bring you back with us. The doctor said you need plenty of rest, so we're going to take you to Europe with us," my dad said as I just sat there in surprise.

"Uh, Justin could you excuse us for a min?" I asked.

"Sure no prob." said Justin as he left the room.

"Going to Europe? First you throw a fit because I want to spend the summer with Justin, and now that I need to relax you think that I'll just up and hop to Europe with you so that I can sit all day at the hotel while you take care of your business deal? I don't think so. Not this time. I'm staying with Justin this summer even if it kills you!" I yelled at my parents. Little did I know at that time that I would regret those words.

"Fine if that's the way you feel then we're leaving." said my mom. "Honey just promise me that you'll be careful?"

"I promise mom."

As they left I could see Justin stop them to find out what had happened. As him and my parents talked, I slipped back into the blessed darkness of sleep.

As I woke up once again, the first thing that I saw was Justin asleep in the chair beside my bed. He looked so angelic sleeping that I decided that I would try to keep from waking him. Noticing it was time for the new, I turned on the T.V. to check out what the stock for my parents company had done that day. I caught just the end report of a live report about a plane crash that had killed two people. As they report changed back to the studio I was thinking that the plane had looked alot like one of the company jets. Then the anchorman was back talking about what a tragedy it was. It was then that they got the confirmation.

"Folks, it has been confirmed. The two people killed in the crash were Mr. and Mrs. Fradey of Fradey's Stockyard, one of the biggest brokers in the United States." The report went on from there, but I didn't hear anything after that. I was thinkin thinking that it was all a bad dream and that I would wake up in a minute when I realized that I was awake.

"Noo!!" I screamed breaking into tears.

"Anthony, what's the matter?" I could hear Justin asking. I couldn't say a word so I just pointed to the T.V. screen where the news was being repeated.

"Why?" I screamed. "Why? I didn't even get to tell them that I love them or goodbye before they left. I was too mad. Why Justin? Why? Why did they have to be taken away from me?"

"I don't know, I don't know." Justin sobbed as he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so sorry, Anthony. I wish there was something I could do."

"Just promise me that you'll never leave me." I cried as tears ran streaming down my face.

"I promise. I promise." Justin whispered to me as he tried to get me to calm down.

The next week was just a blur. Through sheer will I made it through the funeral. As my parents were lowered into the ground next to each other, however, I just couldn't take it anymore. "I can't stay here." I thought as I got up and left. There were sympathetic looks as I made my way to the back of the crowd. Finally I came to stop next to a tree and just leaned against it with what little strength that I had left.

"Are you alright?" I heard Justin ask as he came up behind me.

"Yeah, I think so," I whispered, "I still can't get over the fact that they're gone."

"So what are you going to do now?" asked Justin.

"I'm not sure. John's running the company until I'm ready to take over. I just want to get away from it all for a little while."

"Well, I've talked to the other guys and they've agreed that it's your decision, but if you want to you can still come on tour with us."

"I'd like to," I said. "Maybe it'll be just what I need."


Entranced Teens 2



"What do you mean stock is disappearing?" I asked into the phone. "How bad can it be?"

"Well let's just say that people are selling out since your parents..umm..death." John said. "They're not sure that you can do the job of holding the company together so alot of people are trying a take-over."

"Well, John I'll tell you what we're going to do. First off you're going to give me the number of every one of those candy asses that think I can't do the job. Then we're going to show them exactly how much power I do have, and we're going to do it all over that wonderful little thing called the Internet." I told John quitely.

"Yes sir, boss. What ever you say."

I could just imagine John with a smile on his face as he faxed me the numbers of the people to call. Just as the fax was getting through, I heard a knock on the door. Glancing up I saw Justin standing there with a smile on his face.

"Looks like something finally got you out of your depression." Justin said.

"Yeah I guess, but can you believe these people? I was raised in this company, but they don't think I can run it! What's the deal?"

"I guess they just don't know you like we do Antho. So what are those," pointing at the numbers I held in my hand.

"Oh, I'm fixing to give some people some wake-up calls." I replied with a devilish glint in my eyes. "They don't think I can run this company? Well I'm fixing to show them exactly how much power I control."

I know that by the time I got through with my calls that I had made some business friends and some enemies as well. For some reason some people didn't take too kindly to being told that their stock was being bought by a 19 year old. By the time I got through with all of my calls, my plan was just starting to happen. Pretty soon, I had bought up all the lose stock in the company. That and what my parents had left me made me gave a total of 55% of all shares in the company. I was literally in control of the company. The first thing I did was set John up as my acting President of the board and told him to handle everything. As I looked over at the clock I was amazed to see that all of this had happened in the span of an hour. Then I noticed that Justin was still in the room. As I glanced over at him I noticed him staring at me with a shocked expression on his face.

"What?" I asked?

"Just remind me to never try to back out of a business deal with you." was the awed reply.

"Huh? Oh you mean this?" I pointed at the computer screen where it showed my shares. "This was just to save my parent's business."



"It's your business now."

"Oh yeah," I said sadly. "It's still so easy to think of things how they've always been."

"I know, but guess what?"


"I have a surprise for you," Justin said excitedly.

"Really? What is it?"

"Now if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" Justin teased. "Just be ready to go at 6 tonight."

"Okay, okay. So what's the game plan for today?" I asked.

"Well me and the guys are in the studio all day. We'll get through there about 4. You can come with me if you want."

"Sure let me get ready." I said as I got of bed.

As Justin started laughing I turned to face him. "What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it. You just took over a company wearing just your boxers." Justin managed to gasp out between laughs.

I stood there for a minute and then the incredibility of it hit me. As I thought about it, I couldn't help but join in the laughter. Finally, I was able to get control of myself. As I went to the bathroom to take shower, I couldn't help but shake my head over what I had done. Expecting Justin to have left the room by the time I was through with my shower I walked back into my room with my towel hung over my shoulder. Just as I entered the room, I noticed that Justin was still there.

"Oops." I said as I turned back around toward the bathroom. Before I could wrap the towel back around me though I heard Justin say, "Don't worry about it. I don't mind. Just hurry up and get dressed."

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Sure I'm sure. You're not the first naked guy I've seen. Besides from what I saw you have nothing to be ashamed of."

"Oh, and what makes you such an expert?" I asked Justin as I slipped my clothes on.

"Well I do travel the country with four other guys. It's inevitable that we see each other in the buff some time."

"Okay, I ready. Let's go."

As we rushed down the stairs and out the door, I though about what Justin had said. I was surprised to feel pride and a little bit of something else that I wasn't sure of when I thought about his words. Dismissing it from my head though, I decided that I wasn't going to be an ass and ruin everyone's day by moping around. Deciding that I needed to get over my depression, I turned my thoughts to the surprise that Justin had promised me. As I turned possibility after possibility over in my mind, I didn't notice how much time had elapsed. Before I knew it we were pulling up into the parking lot of the studio. The next hours blurred by. It was such a thrill to see Justin and the guys perform up on stage, but for some reason my eyes just couldn't leave Justin for very long. As they finally wrapped things up I could hear the guys asking Justin if he had anything planned for the night. When Justin told them that him and I had something going on, I was expecting alot of ribbing from the guys, but instead Justin pulled them close together and whispered something to them. As they glanced my way and nodded, my curiousity was peaked even more. "What does Justin have planned?" I thought to myself.

"Ready to go?" asked Justin

"Yeah where are we headed?"

"Well we don't have time to go back and change, so how about we find someplace to eat and then we'll get headed to..oops, almost gave it away." Justin said as he caught himself just in time.

"Okay. Let's do it." was all I said.

30 minutes later we were through eating and were heading out of the city. As we drove along, I turned on the radio. To my surprise I heard about NSYNC releasing a new song. As I looked over at Justin I noticed him glancing at me with a strange smile on his face. Before I could ask him about it though, we pulled up into a parking lot. The place was jammed! As I noticed the sign I got the second surprise of the night. Hanson was here. We were at a Hanson concert.

"So being a traitor to your own band, huh?" I asked Justin.

"No, just thought that you needed to get out and about for a little bit."

"Thanks, Just. You don't know how much this means to me."

"Oh, this isn't all that I have planned for the night." Justin said as he smiled mysteriously.

As we entered through the backdoor, I assumed that it was so that Justin wouldn't be noticed. Boy was I wrong. I had no sooner entered through the door, when I noticed Justin being tackled by a flying mass of blonde hair. As I started to run to help him, my first thought was that she was a fan. As I pulled her off of Justin though, I realized that she was a he, and more importantly that he was Zac Hanson.

"Antho, this is Zac, Zac this is Anthony." Justin said as he picked himself off of the floor.

"Justin, what are you doing here?" I heard another voice ask.

"Anthony this is Taylor and Ike, guys this is my friend Anthony," Justin said as I looked around to find the source of the new voice. "Anthony needed to get out and do something, so I decided what was better than coming to hear you guys? Besides hearing us of course."

"Of course," Taylor said with a laugh.

"Listen guys. I have a favor to ask of you. I would like for you to play a song tonight."

"Well, you know how managment is," Ike said, "But if it's that important to you, we'll find a way to do it. Which song do you want?"

By this time I was just looking around not paying any real attention to the conversation. I knew that NSYNC's backstage was hectic, but if possible this was even worse. I noticed waterguns, laser lights, and even a couple of extra instruments. Before I could ask what they were for though Justin was asking me if I was ready to go to our seats.

"Hmm? Oh sure." I said.

The next hour was great. I had never paid that much attention to Hanson, so I didn't know what to expect. They put on one of the best performances that I had ever been to. Then after the last song when the concert was supposed to be over, Ike got up and came to the edge of the stage.

"Well guys, that was supposed to be our last song, but we have one more for someone special out there. He's going through a hard time after losing his parents, so Anthony this song goes out to you."

With those words, they began to play "I'll be With You". Before they even got to the lyrics, there were tears in my eyes from how sad the song sounded. When Taylor began to sing the lyrics though, I couldn't take it anymore. With a sob, I buried my face into my hands and let out all of the sadness and anger that I still carried in me. As I sat there crying my heart out, I felt a pair of arms surround me. Looking up I saw Justin's face looking down at me as he started crying also. With an even greater sob I buried my face and his shoulder and just cried myself to exhaustion. As my tears finally ended, I looked up to see Hanson headed our way.

"Hey," Zac said noticing my tears, "I knew our singing wasn't great, but I didn't know it was that bad."

"It's not." I said as I struggled to regain my composure, "It's just that I lost my parents about a week ago due to a plane crash. I didn't know how I was going to handle it, but thanks to you and Justin I think I'll be able to. By the way, thanks Justin."

"No problem," Justin replied, "Thats' what friends are for."

For some reason his words pained me. It was later that night when I finally realized why. When I did, it came with shock and fear. I was in love with Justin. "How could this happen to me," I thought, "What do I do now?"

Feeling that I couldn't stay because of my feelings, I started to pack my things. As I was finishing up, Justin walked in.

"What are you doing?" asked Justin as he noticed my bags.

"I can't stay here anymore." I replied.

"Why? Was it something that I did?"

"No, or at least not knowingly."

"Antho, tell me. We'll work this out like we used to do."

"Not this, Justin," I said with tears in my eyes, "You'd never understand."

"Trust me." was all the reply that I got.

"I really don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to say it. Justin Timberlake, you're the sweetest most gorgeous guy on the face of the earth, and I think that I'm falling in love with you. That's why I have to leave," I said as I picked up my bags and headed for the door.

"So that's it? You're just going to tell me that you love me and leave? Uh huh, Antho. I'm not letting you out of my life that easily."


"Antho, I've loved you since I first saw you. Ever since we were kids all I thought about was you. I wanted to make you proud of me, and now, when I find out that those feelings are returned, you just want to walk out of my life?" Justin practically shouted at me.

"You love me?" I asked stupidly.

"Yes, Anthony. I love you with all of my heart." With those words Justin leaned in and gave me my first kiss. At first it was just a gentle peck on the lips. As he pulled back and looked down at me, I hungrily reached back up to his lips. Our kiss turned frantic as we ran our hands over the body of our love.

"Oh Justin." I sighed as we finally broke our kiss, "You don't realize how happy you make me."

"If it's anything like you make me, then it's worth it." Justin said as he leaned in to kiss me again.

After closing the door, Justin led me over to the bed. As we flopped down on it, we eagerly reached for each other again. I don't even remember either of us getting undressed. It was like our clothes just slid off. Before we knew it though, we were naked feeling each other's body. As I ran my hands over his shoulders, down his back, and to his smooth cheeks I couldn't help but think that it was all a dream, but as I felt his hands reach my dick and start to slowly jack me off, I knew that I could never dream of something so good. Wanting to return the favor, I looked down to find his dick standing straight up. In wonder I grabbed his 7 inches with my hand and slowly started to explore what was there. With each groan that came from his body, I added another from mine. Finally I could take it no longer. I had to taste him. I had to see what he tasted like. As I slid around to where my face was inches from his dick, I was amazed at the beauty of him. Slowly, I reached my tongue out to lick the drop of pre-cum that was flowing from the end of his dick. As my tongue made contact, Justin let out a groan and started to buck. I slowly slid my tongue around the head, and licked my way up and down his shaft. When I could tell my his breathing that he was getting close, I decided to finish him off. As I wrapped my lips around his shaft, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. I slowly started to bob my head up and down on him, letting my hair fall across his stomach, which seemed to turn him on even more. As I started to pick up my tempo, I concentrated on trying to deep-throat him. Before I was able to get more than half of him into my mouth though he started to cum. The first squirt caught me by surprise, but I soon developed a rythem of swallowing and sucking. After he had finished squirting, I kept licking to make sure that I had received all of his nectar. Finally though, he could take no more, so he pulled me up and kissed me once again.

"Antho, promise me one thing." Justin said sleepily.

"Anything my love."

"Promise me that you'll never leave me."

"I won't." I said as tears ran down my cheeks. I realized that as much as my life might suck right now, that I had someone here who still loved me.

"And I'll never leave you," Justin said drowisly as we both slipped off into sleep.

I know, I know, there wasn't much that happened this time. I'm not for the quickies. I'm don't write in the "Wham, bam, thank you" style. I believe that it should be built up to and be the climax. I do have an idea of where this story is going to wind up. I've just got to put alot of work into the body. I'm open to any ideas that anyone might have. Also, if anyone has any characters that they would like to see come in, the let me know and I might work something out.


Okay guys, this is going to be the end of this story. Sorry if you don't like the way it ends, but I'm having to end it due to school. As soon as I get caught up with my school work though, I'll try to post another. If anyone has any ideas for a story then please let me know. Once again all comments good or bad are welcome.

Entranced Teens 3



As I awoke, I woke up to a wonderful sensation. "Hmm," I sighed as I raised my hips and pushed my dick further into the mouth that was sucking it. "What's happening here?" I thought as I looked down to see Justin's head bobbing up and down on my dick. Before another another thought could enter my mind though, my body could no longer handle all of the sensations that were going through it. With a loud groan I came. As I shot my cum down Justin's throat, I could see him swallowing madly trying to keep up with the flow. As my climax slowed and finally ended, I collapsed back on the bed.

"Gee, what a wonderful way to wake up," I said with a smile.

"Well, it was my turn after all," Justin said as he slid up the bed next to me. As he kissed me, I ran my tongue into his mouth collecting any left over drops of cum.

"Hmm, I never thought that cum could taste so good," I said with a smile.

"You just never had a reason to taste it before," was the reply I got as I slipped back to sleep.

Two hours later, I awoke to a pounding on the door. "Justin, Anthony are you in there? If you don't get up you're going to be late!" Before I could reply the door was flung open and their was Justin's mom. As she looked at us, a very shocked expression came over her face. "What in the hell is going on here?" she demanded. I just laid there too stunned to reply. "Justin get your ass up. I want to know what in the hell you two are doing!" shouted Justin's mom as she shook her son.

"Huh? Just a sec mom. I'll be up in a sec." Justin mumbled and then as realization set in, "Mom! Oh, shit! What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, but I can see what you've been doing," his mom shouted at him. "Did you even think about what this could do to you? To your family? To your career?"

"No, mom I didn't."

"I can see that, and you!" she yelled turning to me, "I want to know whose idea this was. Did you talk my son into this? If so then you can just get out right now. I can't believe that I could have let you sleep in the same house as my family after this! How could you do this to me?"

As I sat there stunned, she continued on with her tirade. By the time that she got to calling me a "..queer boy looking for a fast fix from someone with money," I could take it no longer. I calmly stood up, looked her in the eye, and said, "Well if that's the way you feel..."

"It is!" she shouted.

"Then let me tell YOU something. I've never felt this way about anybody in my life. Do you think that I came down here with the intentions of seducing your son? Hell, no! I came down here to visit a friend, who due to circumstance beyond my control, that I fell in love with! But you want to know something? I was ready to leave yesterday. I didn't want Justin to find out because I thought that it would ruin our friendship. Justin came in on me packing, and convinced me to tell him what was wrong. I did, and found out that he had the same feelings that I did. Now if you want me out of your house Mrs. Timberlake, that's fine, but you can't make me stay out of Justin's life."

"Is what he said true, Justin?" she asked. Looking down at his feet Justin just nodded. I wanted so badly to go over and hug him and tell him that everything would be alright, but I knew it would freak his mom out even more. "Well, I thank you for your honesty at least Anthony. I'm sorry, but I would like you out of my house."

"Yes m'am. If that's the way you want it," I said sadly.

"Now Anthony, I want you to realize that the reason that I'm doing this is that I love my son very much, and don't want to hurt him. I know that this is tearing him apart right now, but I need time to cope with all of this."

"Yes m'am, I understand." I said as I slipped my clothes on. Picking up my bags, I started to leave the room. It was tearing my heart in two looking at Justin sitting there on the bed crying, but I knew if I went over to him that I would never be able to leave. "Would you do me one favor Mrs. Timberlake?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Give this to Justin," I said as I wrote down my address and telephone number, "If you ever realize exactly how much he means to me and are sure that he feels the same way, please give him this. Tell him I'll be waiting," I said as tears streamed down my face. As I left the room, I heard her say, "Anthony, wait," but kept walking. The walk to the front door was the hardest thing that I had ever done. I couldn't believe that I had found the love of my life and lost him all at once. As I walked out of the house, I looked back to see Justin staring out the window down at me. Trying to be strong, I gave him a sad smile, but when I saw the tears rolling down his face I couldn't take it anymore. With a heartbroken cry, I threw my bags into the cab.

"Where too, sir?"

"Anywhere," I said sadly. "Just start driving, and I'll let you know where you can drop me off at."

"Yes sir, what ever you say."

An hour later we were still driving around, when I finally realized what I had to do. As I gave the driver instructions to the place that I was fixing to go, I thought my plan over in my mind. "It might just work," I thought, "It just might." As the car stopped, I told the driver to wait there. I went into the store. Looking through the cases, I finally found what I wanted. "This is perfect," I thought as I told the lady what necklace I wanted. "Do you do engravings here?" I asked.

"Yes sir, we do. What would you like on each half?" she asked.

"Oh, only one side will need to be engraved," I said, "I want it to read 'To the most precious thing in life. I'll always be waiting for you.'"

"Oh, that's so sweet, who should I put it was sent by?"

"You won't need to. They'll know." I said as I gave her the address and instructions for the delivery. As I left, I felt a little better in knowing that at least Justin would know that I'd always be there for him and that I would always wait for him. As I got back into the cab, I decided that it was time to go home. "Home," I thought, "What an empty feeling right now, but hopefully that'll change soon."

As the jet touched down, I was met by John. As he gave me a run-down on how the company was doing though, I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. Finally, he realized that I wasn't paying any attention. "Is everything alright," he asked, "Is there something that I can do?"

"Yeah, tell me, why does love hurt so much?"

"That's the one thing that I can't answer," John said as he hugged me, "I can tell you though that it's worth every bit of it."

Okay, okay. I know. The endings kinda sad and not really set. It kinda leaves you up in suspense doesn't it? Well it's supposed to. YOU decide. Did Justin every call Anthony? Did they live happily ever after?

Well, everyone has their own fantasy. My just isn't complete. Due to school, I had to end this one kinda early. I understand that some of you are probably disappointed, but I'll make a deal with you. When I start am able to write some more stories, I'll put another ending to this one.


Thanks for those of you that have responded to this story, and I'll be working on bringing in some other characters later on. Also special thanks goes to Kenny for helping me deal with alot of what is going on in my life right now.

Entranced Teens 4

It had been nearly half a year since I had last heard from Justin. During that time I had thrown myself into the business. With alot of luck and skill I had managed to hold on to the company although things were looking down-hill. It seemed like no matter how much time I put into the business it was always demanding more. I couldn't concentrate, was barely eating, and was starting to feel like a failure. The only things that I ever thought about was Justin and the business, and it drove me crazy that I couldn't have one. I would wake up earlier in the morning and go to bed late at night. I was barely getting any sleep at night, and it was starting to catch up with me. Then suddenly out of the blue, I got a phone-call.

RING, RING. RING, RING. "Hello?" I mumbled into the phone.

"Is Mr. Fradey there?" the voice asked.

"This is him," I replied thinking that the voice sounded familiar.

"Mr. Fradey this is Mr. Timbelake..." was all that I heard.

"Justin, is that you?" I interrupted in disbelief.

"Yeah it's me...I was calling to let you know that...uhmm...well I still think about you alot, and Antho if you're willing, then I would like to meet with you so that we can work some things out..."

After a minute of silence I replied, "Uhh, sure...when do you want to meet?"

"Well how about now?" Justin asked as I heard the doorbell ring.

"Uhh, hold on a min, going to put you on the cellular 'cause someone's at the door."

As I picked up the cellular and headed to the door, I suddenly realized that I had heard the a doorbell ringing in the background on the phone. "Could it be?" I thought. "Nah, He wouldn't be here." As I opened the door though, I received the second surprise of the day. There standing in the door was the person that I had been dreaming about for all these months. With a wild cry, I threw my arms around him, hugging him deeply to me. It was only then that I noticed the cell-phone in his hand.

"So I guess that means you're happy to see me?" Justin asked.

"Do you even have to ask?" I said smiling at him. It was all that I could do the keep from kissing him right there. "Come in, come in and welcome to my humble abode."

"So do I get the tour now, or later?" Justin asked with a smile.

"How about later," I said, "Right now I want to know what you're doing here. I thought that you were supposed to be on tour."

"We are. It's just that I haven't been able to concentrate lately, so the guys wanted me to have a little time off. I told them a couple of days after you left that I was gay. I stayed with them as long as I could, but it just got harder and harder to go up onstage and sing while knowing that I might never see the person that I sing for again."

"Justin.." I began

"Hold on, I'm not finished. It finally got so bad that I was missing steps to my dances, was getting my songs confused, and even singing the wrong notes. The guys finally realized that something was wrong, and decided that we needed to have a talk. It was then that they found out about the relationship that me and you had tried to form. They realized that if I didn't see you soon, that I would go crazy."

"Oh Justin, I've felt the same way. The only thing that's been on my mind these last 6 months has been you and the company. When I sleep at night, what few hours I do get, all I do is dream about you and how things might have been. Then the alarm clock wakes me up, and I'm forced to deal with the reality that is mine. The company has started to suffer because I no longer have the energy to keep up with it, I'm losing employees left and right, and I've just barely been able to keep control of the company. You don't know how many times I've wanted to call you and just talk to you. It could have been about anything, but I was so afraid that if I did that you wouldn't want to talk to me."

"Antho, I could never not talk to you. I told you once that I would always be there for you, and I broke that promise once. I'm not going to break it again."

"Huh, what are you talking about?"

"Anthony, I've spent the last couple of months trying to keep my feelings to myself. I thought that maybe if I didn't listen to them that they would go away, but now I know. I can never stop loving you. I want you in my life. I never want us to be apart again." Justin said as he leaned in to kiss me.

As we kissed, all of the wonderful times that we had had came back to my mind. All of the memories that I had tried to forget came pouring forth and tears started to stream down my face. "Don't cry," Justin said as he kissed my tears away, "I'm going to make all of your dreams come true."

As we continued to kiss, Justin worked his hand into my shirt. As he started playing with my chest all of my hunger for him came back to me. With a groan I pushed Justin away, and quickly removed mine and his shirts before pulling him down on top of me once again. As Justin kissed me, he slid his tongue into my mouth and I eagerly met it with mine. As our tongues danced, he reached down and slid his hands under my pants. As he pushed aside the boxers, and reached his goal I let our a loud groan of ectasy. Pulling away from the kiss Justin smiled down at me and then stood up. As I watched, he removed his jeans and boxers. Not able to withstand it anymore I reached out and grabbed his dick. As I pulled it to my mouth, I looked up at him with a grin on my face. Starting with the head, I slowly twirled my tongue around and around making sure that I had licked up all the pre-cum that was seeping out. With a groan, Justin shoved his dick deep into my mouth. As I continued to pleasure him, Justin reached down and removed my pants. Laying down on top of me in a sixty-nine position, Justins started to lick my stomach and made his way down to my already near-bursting member. As he hit the pube trail, he nuzzled around trying to get as much as my scent as he could. Continuing to follow the trail, Justin licked down to one of my balls. As he started to lick on it, I couldn't control myself any longer. With a groan, I started to shoot. As Justin quickly took my dick into his mouth, I felt his balls tighten up and knew that the juice that I was craving would soon be rewarded. With a muffled groan, Justin shot down my throat while continuing to swallow all of my juice. As I swallowed shot after shot, my only thought was on how much I loved this man. As our climaxes finally came to an end, we slowly lifted off of each other. Justin turned around and as I hugged him to me, we smiled contentedly at each other.

"I love you Just," I said with a smile.

"I love you more Antho."

"Oh yeah, we'll see about that," I said as I leaned in to kiss him once again as he fell asleep.

After laying there for about 30 minutes I decided that it was time for me to take a day off. I called John and told him that I wasn't coming in. Reassuring him that everything was fine, I finally got him to agree to take over all the meetings that had been scheduled. Then, I called Antonio's to arrange for a dinner date. I was going to remind Justin of the time that we had spent together. Then I called Lance.

"Hey Lance, this is Anthony. Listen I need to know where you're playing at tonight."

"Well it's in Dallas. Why?"

"How would you like the return of Justin?"

"Really? But I thought that he was staying with you for awhile?" Lance asked confusedly.

"Oh, I'll be coming along also, and if you don't mind I'll be joining the tour with you guys once again."

"That'd be great. Listen though, I've got something that I want to try. I'm going to talk to the managers and see if we can do it, and then I'll call you back. What's your number?"

I gave Lance the number, and then called John back. Luckily he hadn't gone to the meetings yet, so I was able to talk to him. As I told him what I wanted to do, I heard disbelief and then finally acceptance in his voice.

"Are you sure that you want to do this Anthony?"

"Yeah I am. John, you're more capable than I am at running this business. It'll still be owned by me, but I'm tired of trying to own and run it at the same time. My parents had one another to help them out when times were hard, but I've been trying to handle this all by myself. If it takes a pay raise, then take one. If you want more power, then you got it. John, I need you to run the company for me. I thought that I could handle it, but I realized that I couldn't."

"Does this have anything to do with your visitor?" John asked.

"Well actually it does. How'd you know?"

"Well two reasons actually. He called me, and I can tell from your voice that you're happy for the first time in a long time. Is this the person that caused you so much pain this summer?"

"No, he's not, but it was his mother that did. Now things have worked out for the better." I said. John had known that I was gay for along time. He was the first person that I had came out to, so it was only natural for me to tell him the truth.

"Well I'm glad for you. By the way, When do I get to meet him?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I'll tell you what. As soon as we get back in town, I'll introduce the two of you. You still have all of my numbers and e-mail names don't you?"

"Yeah, and Anthony?"

"Yeah, John?"

"Thanks for this opportunity."

"No, John thank you. You deserve it." I said as I hung up.

I had just hung up the phone with John, when the phone rang again. This time it was Lance calling back. He had talked to the managers, and they had agreed so Lance described what he had planned for that night. After I got off the phone with Lance, I called Eric, the pilot of my private jet. After setting up the time that we would meet him, I got off of the phone and started to pack. I had just finished packing when Justin walked in.

"Hey what'cha doing?"

"Oh just packing."

"Oh, I didn't realize that you had a trip planned."

"Well actually...I kinda planned it for the both of us."

"Oh really? Now where exactly are we going?"

"This time it's my turn to tell you that it's a surprise, and don't try to get it out of me. There's nothing that you can do that would make me give away this secret."

"Nothing?" Justin said with a sly grin as he leaned into kiss me.

"Well there might be something," I replied as I broke the kiss, "But it'll take alot more than that."

"Well how about this then," Justin asked as he started to kiss his way down my body. Once again before he reached his goal, my member was already at full attention. "Hmm, close but I'm still not telling you." I mumbled out as Justin started to run his tongue around my fully engorged member. As he took me into his mouth, I suddenly had to fight he urge to tell him everything that I knew. As he slowly worked his way up and down my shaft, it took all of my control not to shoot right then. I wanted to prolong this pleasure as long as I could. Suddenly, Justin pulled away from me. As I looked at his smiling face, I pulled him up and kissed him once again.

"Antho, I want you to make love to me." Justin whispered.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."

"The only thing that's hurting me is not feeling you inside of me."

With those words, I laid Justin down on the bed. As I kissed him gently, I worked my hand down to his member and started to slowly jack him off. I kissed my way down his body, memorizing pleasure spots for later uses. As I worked my way down his body I stopped to nibble on his neck, then his nipples, and finally on the head of his cock. I slowly worked my down his shaft raining kisses on it as I went, until I had reached those perfect balls of his. As I kissed first one and then the other, Justin groaned and nearly went into orbit. Kissing my way down his legs, I finally decided to flip him over. Then I started all over again. I started by kissing the back of his neck, working my way down his back until I had finally reached his perfect ass. As I rained kisses on each cheek, my sight was drawn to his crack. Finally, I could take it no more. As I wet his pucker completely with my tongue, Justin groaned with ectasy. I worked first one finger and then after he was used to it slowly worked yet another and then another finger into him. Still slick from his saliva, I aimed my dick for his opening. "This might hurt a little," I said as I eased into him. He didn't say a thing, but instead let out a little groan of pain as my cockhead finally made it past his opening. I gave him a couple of minutes to get used to it, and then pushed in some more. Everytime that he would groan in pain, I would stop and then when he would give me a signal to continue I would until finally my cock was buried all the way in him. He was so warm and tight that I knew if I went too fast, that I would come too soon. I slowly started to pull my dick out and then push it back in. Soon Justin and I both were groaning in pleasure, and I could tell that I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. As I started to go faster and faster, I reached down and started to jack Justin off once again. I could tell that he was close to coming be his actions, and I wanted us to come together. Suddenly Justin could take no more, and with a cry started to come. His orgasm caused him to tighten his ass, and suddenly I could take it no more as I joined my lover in his orgasm. As we slowly came back to earth, I pulled out of him and collapsed beside him on the bed. As I pulled him to me, I remembered to set the alarm, before we both slid into the darkness of sleep. BEEP,BEEP,BEEP,BEEP

I awoke to the alarm clock going off beside of me. As I turned it off I was surprised to see that it said 5:30 pm. "What's going on here?" I thought. Then I felt the body curled up next to mine. Looking down I saw Justin with that peaceful look that he has when he's asleep. Suddenly everything came back to me. How Justin had showed up on my doorstep. How we had shared our love for each other, and then I remembered why I had set the alarm clock.

"Just, wake up hun."

"Uh, what?" Justin said as he woke up confused. Then as he saw me getting out of bed, the confused look left his face to be replaced by one of love. "Why do we have to get up again?"

"Because I have a surprise for you. Remember? You tried to get me to tell you, but you couldn't."

"Oh you call that trying? That wasn't even the tip of the iceberg as to what I can do." Justin said with a laugh.

"Well no more surprises after this one then. I almost gave in earlier," I said laughing, "Now come one we have to get ready. We both need a shower!"

"Together?" he asked hopefully.

"Now you know if we took a shower together, we would never be on time," I replied. "And if we're late, Lance will kill us," I said without thought.

"Lance? What's he going to be doing there?"

"Uhhhh....He's part of the surprise." I said thinking quickly. Obviously it worked because Jusitn didn't ask anything else, but he had a look on his face that said he was thinking real hard as to what the surprise could be. An hour later, we were across town sitting in the fanciest restaurant in town. I had requested a table for two where no one would be able to see us. Antonio was a good friend of mine, so he took it in stride when I brought Justin in as my date. Over Justin's head he raised an eyebrow at me and nodded his head at Justin asking me if this was the one. With a grin and a nod, I assured him that he was and that I was very happy. All this took about the space of 10 seconds to convey, so by the time that Justin was seated mine and Antonio's silent conversation was over. We sat there and ate in peace making small talk about what the other had been doing. Then it was time to go. I could see by the look on Justin's face that he was puzzled when instead of going home to pick up our bags, we went straight to the airport. As we boarded the jet, I took one last look at the city that I called home and wished it well. "I'll be back sometime," I thought, "I just don't know when and right now I could care less."

Well guys I know. I'm good at these cliff-hangers aren't I? It's been awhile since I've been able to write, so it'll be awhile longer before I'm able to continue on with this story. I'm still open to any suggestions that any might have.


Okay guys this really will be the last segment of this story. I've enjoyed writing it, and hope that you have enjoyed reading it as well. I have yet to decide on the characters for my next story, so if anyone has any ideas let me know.

Entranced Teens (The End)

As I looked out of the door of the plane I realized that I would miss my home, but that I could care less. I was with the guy that I loved and that was all that mattered. Closing the door, I looked to see where Justin had sat at. As I made my way up to him, I couldn't help but to look over him over and realize how lucky I was. Here he was. He could have any guy or girl in the world, but he wanted me. As I sat down beside him, he looked over at me and smiled.

"So where are we going?" he asked.

"Oh, just a little city that some friends of mine are at."

"Okay. Be that way," Justin said pouting.

"Don't worry, you'll like it." I said as I leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss. The kiss quickly turned passionate and we were so wrapped up in each other that we didn't even feel the plane lift off. As we broke our kiss, I looked out to see the lights of Little Rock disappearing behind us. As I looked at the city, I felt several emotions. Joy, content, love, and surprisingly sadness. "Am I making the right choice?" I asked myself, "Is this really what I want to do?" Then as I looked back over at Justin I realized that I would follow him to the ends of the Earth if I had to.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked as he noticed the tears in my eyes.

"Nothing. Just thinking."

"Well, whatever it is don't think about it. I can't stand to see you crying."

An hour later, we felt the plane start to descend. Knowing that I couldn't keep the secret from him much longer, I decided to tell him at least part of what we were going to do.

"Well Justin, I guess I better tell you what we're doing tonight, huh?"

"If you want, then I won't stop you."

"Let's just say that you better start some vocal warm-ups. You're re-joining the group tonight."

"But Antho, I thought that we were going to be together," Justin said sadly.

"Don't worry, I'm going to be with you the whole time. Every city, every concert, I'll be with you every step of the way."

"But what about your company? I thought that you were running it?"

"As of this afternoon I'm just the owner. John is now the official president of the company. He's going to run it for me, and I'll have all the time in the world to be with you!"

"Antho, that's great, but are you sure that's what you want to do?"

"Right now I'm more sure about this than I've ever been about anything in my whole life. Justin, I could end my career as president of the company because I'd still be the owner. You can't end your career. Right now you have nothing to fall back on except for me, and to tell you the truth if you did end your career I'd miss turning on the radio and hearing you sing."

"I guess you're right. I've been so caught up in myself here lately that I haven't realized how much that I've been hurting people. I just hope that they guys can forgive me."

"Believe me Justin they already have."

"How do you know?"

"Because they're right there waiting for us, silly." I said as I pointed at the gate. Before I could say another word, we were swarmed by the guys. As all of them were talking, Lance took me off to the side. "Everything's ready for tonight. I forgot to ask if you wanted to do this, I just assumed that you would be thrilled."

"Don't worry Lance I wouldn't pass up this opportunity for the world. Everyone knows that we're friends, so all they'll think is that it's a friend helping out a friend."

"Yeah, just be careful though. We don't want anyone getting suspicious."

"Don't worry about it." I said as we rejoined the group. "Got everything that you need Just?"

"Yeah I think so. If not there always are extras backstage. Speaking of which where are you going to be sitting at tonight?"

"I think Lance managed to get me backstage."

"Great. I can't wait!"

As we piled into the limo I wondered if I would be able to pull this off tonight or not. Lance had assured me that I had a great voice, but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do what he wanted me to do. I wasn't going to miss the chance though, so in my mind I went over the song that Lance had asked me to help out on. As we arrived at the auditorium the first thing that I noticed was how many people were there. The second thing I noticed were all the people that saw the limo.

"Okay guys get ready to run." Lance said as he opened up the door. As we jumped out of the door, I heard people screaming for autographs. As we shoved our way through the crowd I felt Justin right beside me. Looking over at him I managed to scream at him, "Is it always like this?" Still pushing his way through the crowd, Justin looked at me and nodded. "Oh man," I thought, "What have I gotten myself into?" Finally we reached the doors and left the crowd behind us. As the guys headed off to get ready their manager came over to me. After assuring him of who I was he gave me the run-down of the concert. As we were talking I failed to notice that Justin had come up behind me. "So when do I sing?" I asked.

"What was that?" I heard Justin ask from behind me.

"Oops. I guess the rest of the secret is out of the bag. I get to help out on a song of you guys. That's the other part of the secret."

"Cool, which song?"

"You'll see." I said as Justin was pulled away. Waving at him I took my spot backstage and prepared for the concert and most importantly for my part in it. The concert had been going on for about 30 minutes, when their manager came over to me. "Ready?" he asked. All I could do was nod as Lance told the fans that normally this song was just sung by the group, but that tonight they had a special guest that was going to help Justin out with the lead. Making a mental note to let Justin handle all of the falsetto's I walked out onto the stage. The song wasn't on the list, so I could see Justin wondering what song we were fixing to sing. Then the opening chords of "God must have spent a little more time on you" came over the speakers. With a grin, Justin started to sing the song as I timidly joined in. By the time we had reached the chorus though I was over my nervousness and joined Justin on the bridge. As the second verse was sung, I looked Justin straight in the eyes and mouthed along with the words. Then it was time for the finale. As me and Justin joined our voices yet again, I noticed that for the first time that night the audience was quite. As the song finished, I was surprised to see the guys had tears in their eyes.

"That my friends was Anthony Fradey joining his friend Justin Timberlake in the lead of this song. Rarely has anyone been able to pull off what they did. Give him a round of applause." Lance said when he finally had regained control over himself. As the audience clapped and cheered, Justin and I walked off the stage with everyone except Lance who had his first solo.

"That was great! I never knew that you could sing like that!" Justin said as he wrapped his arms around.

"Well I took some lessons when I was in high school. I never thought that I was that great, but if you think I am that's all that matters. I was singing that just for you."

"Yeah I could tell. Did you see how quite the audience got? I think that was the most emotional that anyone has ever gotten from that song. It was like you were telling everyone about love and what it is, but at the same time telling them to never know what to expect from it. I can't believe how much our voices matched throughout the song."

"Me either, I'm just glad that I did it. Now you can never doubt how much I love you, and if you ever do I'll just sing that song with you and you'll know." I said as I kissed Justin on the cheek. "Now get out there and finish that concert. I'm going to go to the hotel and get things set up for afterwards."

"I'm finished. I don't have another song to sing, so I'm coming with you. The managers only wanted me to put in a brief showing that way the explanation of my illness would be believed."

As we got into the limo, I checked my watch to see what time it was. "I might just find one," I thought as I asked the driver if he knew of any jewelers that were still open. As the driver waited outside, Justin and I went in to look for what I wanted. Finally I found it. The perfect gift. As Justin went to get into the car I stepped up to the register to pay for it. I knew that Justin wore the necklace that I had given him, so I had found what looked like one of those best friend necklaces. As I was telling the cashier what I wanted on each side, I failed to hear the door open again. The next thing I knew I was being slammed up against the wall from behind.

"Give me everything in the register and the guy'll be okay." I heard a gruff voice demand. I heard the register being opened and the lady fumbling in for the money. As the guy was grabbing it from her I guess he was counting it also because the next thing I knew, he was yelling at her.

"250 dollars? That's all that you have? Gee, guess I'll just have to get my kicks somewhere else," the guy said. The next thing I knew there was the sound of a gun going off. Then the arms holding me shoved me to the floor. Looking over I could see the lady laying in a pool of blood as the gunman started to run out of the door. Before he could get there though the door was flung open and Justin came running in. As I saw the gunman start to point the gun and Justin and start to pull the trigger my reflexes took over. Before I knew it I was in air as the gun went off. I felt the bullets slam into me and heard Justin screaming my name as I started to lose conciousness.

I awoke to hear Justin screaming. Looking up I noticed that he was crying. As I lifted my hand up to wipe the tears away, the first thing that I noticed was that I couldn't feel my legs.

"Ju..Justin" I whispered, "What happened? Don't cry."

"Anthony just lay there. You've been shot. Don't move. I'll take care of you." Justin said as he held me in his arms. "Where's the ambulance? It should have been here by now!" Justin screamed.

"Just, I'm so cold." I whispered, "Why is it so cold in here?"

"Antho just hang in there," Justin screamed. "Don't leave me."

"Just, I'll never leave you. Just, I love you." was the last thing that I said before the blackness took me again.

It was the day of the funeral. All week the news reporters had been making a big deal about how Justin Timberlake had been saved from being shot by his friend. All of them sadly reported that it had been after an incredible duet between him and Anthony Fradey. They had stopped by a jewelry store on the way home, and why there the store had been robbed. Anthony was the only one in the store at the time, but upon hearing shots Justin had run into the store. The gunman had tried to shoot Justin, but Anthony had jumped in the way to save his friend. Ambulances had arrived too late, and he was announced DOA at the hospital. Everyone attended. Justin had to be supported by Lance and JC in order to be able to stand up. He hadn't slept decently since that night. As the casket was lowered into the grave Justin broke down in tears. He didn't notice the woman that came up to him until she reached out with her good hand and touched his shoulders.

"I just want to thank you for what you did. I just hope that your friend had survived also."

"He was more than just my friend," Justin said bitterly.

"Oh, then you are the one this other half was meant for. I was going to put it on his casket, but instead I think you need this." she said as she handed the other part of the necklace to him, "He said that it was for someone really special to remind him of how much he loved them."

Justin looked at the necklace for a minute and then turned it over. There inscribed on the back were "God must have spent" and underneath them were two words, "Love Antho."

Okay, this is the end of this story obviously. Any comments, rants, ravings, or just plain criticism will be listened to. I'm going to start on another story eventually, but it'll probably be after Spring Break. I should have my own computer by then, so it'll be much easier to do it.

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