First-time story #430

Published on Feb 22, 1993



X-Andrew-WideReply:, X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Received: via nntppoll with nntp; Mon, 22 Feb 1993 08:37:45 -0500 (EST) Path:!!!!!!hsdndev!wupost!uunet!!nowhere!nobody Newsgroups:, Message-ID: Reply-To: Sender: Followup-To: Organization: Nobody's Home Nntp-Posting-Host: Lines: 65 Xref:

Message #430 To: All Subject: Chad

I was fifteen and on the swim team. I knew I liked boys, but I didn't know what to do about it. I just knew that I had to hide the hard-ons I'd get in the shower around all those cute swimmer bodies. There was one boy, Chad, who I particularly liked, and he seemed to return the heat I was giving off through my shyness.

One day, Chad came up to me and said, "You know, I've been watching you swim, and you'd do a lot better if you were looser. A guy I know showed me some relaxation exercises--you want to try them?"

Well, of course, I did, so Chad had me meet him at his house one afternoon when no one else was home. He had me lie down on his bed, and he held up a large glass prism on a string, the kind the light shines through and breaks into rainbow colors on the other side. Chad told me to concentrate on the prism and listen to his voice. I thought this was all kind of silly, but I did as I was told. As Chad talked slowly and softly I found myself relaxing and my eyes closing. Soon, even though I thought I could get up and walk away at any time, my body felt completely relaxed and I was totally concentrating on Chad's voice.

"Now, John, I want you to imagine yourself swimming the best race of your life," Chad said. "You are feeling very strong, and your strokes come easily. You are gliding through the water, and you are way ahead of all the other swimmers. Now, when I tell you to, I want you to get up and show me how well you can swim when you're completely relaxed. You'll take off your clothes and swim without a suit, because no one else is around, and you'll feel terrific."

It went just as Chad had said. I got up, stripped, and dove in the pool. It felt wonderful, and I was truly swimming the best I ever had. I climbed out of the pool to see Chad beaming at me. "You see," he said. "It works! Now, the guy showed me one other thing. You want to try it?"

At that point I was willing to try anything, especially for hunky Chad! Chad had me dry off and stretch out on a deck chair, still nude. He told me to close my eyes, and go back into my deeply relaxed state. I did as I was told.

Then, Chad said, "Now, part of great athletic performance is sexual energy. Tell me truthfully, have you ever had sex with anyone but yourself."

I shook my head. Chad continued, "Good. I want you to think of your body as an energy field, and I want you to move all of your energy to your cock and balls. Concentrate on doing that, on letting it all flow to your crotch."

It didn't take much work to do that. Soon, my cock was harder than it had ever been.

"Now, when I touch your cock and balls, I want you to let all that energy back into your body as sexual energy, and open your eyes. Do you understand?"

I shuddered and nodded. There was a pause. It seemed like an eternity. Suddenly, I felt a warm, wet feeling on my cock, while a hand cupped my balls. The energy shot through me like a bolt of electricity. My eyes popped open to see Chad, naked, sucking my cock. I was wild with passion. Chad quickly swung around, and his seven incher slipped easily into my mouth. Within seconds, we both had sweet loads from the other's balls.

I never became a champion swimmer, but Chad and I sure became champions at sex.

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