
By Kuro Nunya

Published on Mar 8, 2009



DISCLAIMER: The following story contains graphic depictions of homoerotic sexual acts. If you are under the age of 18 and/or do not wish to read about gay sex... well, how the hell did you get to this site in the first place!? Get your ass out of here! Anyway... this story is also a work of pure fiction, and any resemblence between the characters and actions depicted and real life events is purely coincidental. And very relevent to my interests. Seriously, if you look like the blonde guy in this story, email me a picture of yourself and an address where I can stalk you.

FOREWORD: Hey, how's it going? My name's Onyx Tanuki, and this is my first submission to I've written a few homoerotic stories before, but this is the first one I've been proud enough of to want to display outside of my online galleries. If you'd like see any of my other writings and sketches, you can find my galleries on and If you'd like to send me any comments or critique about this story, feel free to e-mail me at

I chose to write this because, as a person who enjoys text role-plays, I've found that I take particular joy in describing scenes involving my character giving my RP partner's character oral sex. As an experiment, I decided I'd see how long I could stretch out an oral scene without it getting too boring. Apparently, for about 3,000 words. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

Anyway, let me shut up and let you read the story already.


He sank down to his knees before the man, eying him lustfully. He normally didn't really care a hell of a lot what a guy looked like, but seeing the outlines of lean muscle beneath the stranger's flesh as his shirt laid open, the shallow hills between white cloth only obstructed by a red silk tie and a fine dusting of blonde chest hair, didn't hurt Rick's libido one bit. Businessmen really did it for him, and whether or not this guy actually was one, he was dressed like one, and that's what mattered.. But he wasn't kneeling in a stopped elevator because he wanted to gaze upon a hot guy's physique. He was here for cock.

He didn't quite know where his obsession with giving head came from. Maybe he'd been allowed to teethe on his pacifier too long as a baby; he did have vague recollection of sucking his thumb up through grade school. Perhaps he'd been molested as a child, and this was the one remnant of a forgotten experience that hadn't been shoved into his subconscious. It might have just been the taboo of oral sex, or the fact that it was such a hedonistic act that made him hot every time he thought of having a hard shaft pumping down his throat. Regardless of the reason, it was something he found himself doing a lot, and enjoying more and more every time.

He looked up once more, this time beyond the partially-exposed body to the face of the man he was about to blow. He was cute. Innocent cute, with shaggy ash blonde hair and watery blue eyes. He sure as hell didn't look like the type that'd fuck a total stranger's face in a lift. Maybe in another world he could have dated this guy. Maybe even in this world. But the presence of a golden band about the stranger's ring finger nullified that possibility. Oh well.

"Ya gonna start now, or what?" Heheh... how cute, the man was in a rush. Probably to get home to his wife, or to show up for some important business meeting. Well, whatever appointment he had, he was just going to have to miss it. Rick hadn't had a chance to give anyone head in a few days, and he wanted to enjoy this one.

Giving the man above him a dirty grin, he brought his lips to the front of the neatly-pressed slacks that perfectly matched the blazer hanging halfway off of the salaryman's shoulders. Behind the zipper, he could feel the limp organ in great detail. Oh God, he was going commando. Rick's mouth grabbed hold of it through the thin layer of cotton, lips grinding over it, and an appreciative grunt came from the stranger. Heh. He'd figured the guy would be a moaner.

As the piece of flesh slowly swelled inside the man's pants, Rick began to explore it with his tongue, feeling it out for details he could exploit. Hmm. Well, the guy was hung, he could tell that much. Even with the little bit of stimulation he'd given him, it was already curving to the side along the stranger's hip. A little thinner than Rick would have liked, but then again, it felt like if it was harder it might have a nice curve to it.

"C'mon, hurry up..." the blonde said, drawing Rick's attention back to his blushing face as the unnamed man adjusted his glasses.

"Not yet..." Rick sighed with a smirk and a lewd grin.

The nameless guy's face twisted in confusion. "Why not?"

"Just be patient. I can't be satisfied unless I know I've given you the best head you're ever gonna get." Rick began to rise to his feet, lightly brushing one side of the blonde's shirt aside and getting a shocked expression in return.

"The fuck!? G-get off me!" Rick refused with that same shit-eating grin he'd been wearing most of the time, and instead laid his mouth over one of the stranger's nipples, tongue batting it around, teeth gently nibbling at it. "Jesus, what are you doing!?" the stranger shouted, a mixture of confusion and anger in his voice. He was quick to shut up once he felt one of Rick's hands unlatching his belt and reaching into his slacks to grope his balls. At least until he went back to moaning. Rick would bet money that this guy would be asking his wife to suck his titties when he got home.

"So, does the old lady know you're getting blowjobs from other men?" he mumbled between licks and bites to the teat before him.

"Old lady...?"

"Your wife."

The salaryman hid his left hand behind him, as if the motion might hide the ring Rick had already seen. "I-I'm not-"

"I don't give a shit if you're married," Rick assured him, glancing up into his eyes. "Hell, how can a woman know her way around a cock if she doesn't have one of her own?" The man opened his mouth to protest, but nothing came out. He seemed to be mesmerized as Rick left his spit-drenched nipple and laid hot kisses down the trench between his pecs and onward along his abs, even beginning to lick at the soft line of hair leading down to his navel and beyond, then once more claimed the man's organ through his pants, licking the fabric lavishly and making it glide teasingly over his sensitive erection.

Rick gave the clothed crotch one last kiss before his hands went up to the button of the stranger's fly, pulling it free, then slowly drawing the zipper down. With a gentle tug from behind, the fabric slid down the businessman's legs and pooled on the floor, exposing strong legs that had precious little hair on them. And what stood between them certainly did not disappoint the obsessive man on his knees. It wasn't quite as long as he'd wagered - a meager eight inches (though the stranger likely added an extra half an inch when comparing with his buddies), not the ten he'd expected - but that didn't matter, because it was thicker than he'd thought, too. Oh, but that wasn't even the half of it. Even with his erection jutting out and throbbing, a hood of foreskin still hid a good portion of a glistening cherry-red glans, and it wouldn't have surprised Rick in the least if there were a pair of jumbo eggs tucked into the stranger's scrotum rather than the testicles that were really stored inside. Crowning off the gorgeous equipment this stranger weilded was the smoothest, silkest pubic hair Rick had ever seen, crawling up to become the sparse trail he'd just been lapping at. Glancing up with an impressed grin, he summed up the package with the greatest understatement to ever leave his lips: "Nice dick."

The nervous salaryman's face showed a slightly more at-ease grin at the compliment. "Th-thanks," he managed to pant out as the man at his feet nuzzled his cheek into the blonde bush above his shaft, feeling its surprising softness first-hand. His tone was almost surprised, as if he'd never heard someone give a positive critique of his junk before.

Rick's smile stayed plastered on his face as he backed away just a bit, mouth watering in anticipation. With one hand on the ground to support him and the other gripping the stranger's dick to keep it out of the way, he slid the tip of his tongue along the underside of the man's scrotum, between those hefty orbs within. Then again, this time with his whole tongue. Instead of lifting away as he had before, though, his lips parted and he pulled the globe into his hot mouth, getting his first real taste of the stranger's junk. Already it had a slight saltiness of sweat on it and a musky tinge, but besides that, there was no bitterness. It tasted fresh, clean. Rick moaned softly around it, beginning to suck on it like a gobstopper, wondering if the flavor would change as his saliva coated it. While switching to the other nut, he caught another glimpse up, and saw the stranger's eyes peering intently at him through his glasses, biting his lip as if he could keep Rick from knowing how much he loved the treatment by holding back his moaning. At least he wasn't bitching about Rick taking his time anymore. As he worked the blonde's lower-hanging nad, Rick's hands went to the insides of the businessman's thighs, gently stroking through the little bit of hair that was there, feeling the muscle quiver whenever he gave the orb an especially hard suck.

Finally, his curiosity got the better of him. He had to know what that thick cock tasted like. Leaving the sopping wet nutsac behind, his tongue layed flat against the underside of the blonde's dick, slowly gliding up the loose flesh along a bulging cumpipe, ripping an excited gasp from the stranger's throat. 'That's right... let it out...' Rick thought, directing the words toward the nameless blonde on his tongue. Outwardly, he only unleashed another satisfied moan while he repeated the slow lick a few more times, making sure to study the location of every vein that wrapped around that turgid flesh. He found out he was right about his prediction that the shaft would curve; about midway, it bent attractively upward. This thing was built to fuck asses. No way could the stranger put this in a guy's ass and not get a direct hit on his prostate. With his last upward lick, he flourished his tongue against the saggy foreskin, claiming it in his teeth and tugging it around, much to the salaryman's satisfaction.

"Hff... God... my wife never does that... oh God!" the man groaned. His face was completely red, sweat dripping from his brow and making his torso glisten, and he had to lean on both hands against the wall behind Rick just to remain standing.

Releasing the skin from his teeth, Rick wrapped his fingers around the upper half of the stranger's shaft and dragged the loose skin down, his grin only growing broader as a bit of pre drooled out. A leaker! This just kept getting better and better! He gave another firm, slow stroke, just to confirm it, and sure enough, more juice bubbled out on the downstroke. He didn't let it go to waste on the floor this time around; he extended his tongue, catching the crystalline fluid just as gravity detached it from the blonde's member. "Fuck, you taste good." In his years sucking various cocks, Rick had acquired quite a liking for the flavor of a man's essence, and this stranger's precum was that perfect mix of saltiness and sweetness. "You a vegetarian?"

The man's eyes went wide. "H-how did you know?"

"Your pre's really thick. I love that." His tongue teased at the man's pisshole, making him grunt loudly as even more sweet ambrosia drizzled forth, now directly into Rick's hungry mouth. "I'll bet your cum's nice and thick too. Does your wife like your cum?"

"I-I don't know... sh-she always spits it out..."

"Oh yeah? She doesn't know what she's missing out on, I'll bet..." Rick gave the stranger's cock one more stroke, and as his fist crept down the shaft, he slipped his lips over the wet head, nursing on it tenderly, milking the precum right out of the stranger.

Heavy breathing and rough groaning came from above Rick's head as he sucked the head of the businessman's dick, followed by a very soulful and appreciative, "H-holy shit, don't stop..." As if he would go this far and not finish the poor guy off. That'd be absolutely heartless. Occasionally he'd let his lips pull up from the head, only the pull it back in with another hard suck on it. One of his hands went back to the orbs he'd left out to dry off and rolled them around in his palm. He could feel a hand move to the back of his head. "Uhn, shit... incredible..." The salaryman's hips began to move on their own, starting with shallow, restrained thrusts, but with each passing second, he began to settle more into a smooth rolling of his pelvis. This suited Rick just fine; all he had to do was bob his head along the man's dick to keep rhythm with him, maybe adding a flicker of his tongue here and a twist or squeeze of his lips there.

Still, he owed this guy something extra special. He the hand still clawing at the inside of the salaryman's thigh back, tickling his taint, then sliding between his round ass cheeks. The man's thrusting faltered when he sensed a few fingers playing at his pucker, and he twisted around to see what was going on. "H-hey... the fuck are you gonna..." A middle finger suddenly plunged inside him, writhing madly, hunting for something inside him. He was about to reach back to extricate the digit from him when suddenly, he stopped. Rick knew he'd hit his prostate when suddenly precum quite literally shot across his tongue. "Uhn... oh my fuckin' God!" the man shouted, his head lolled back as the finger in his ass ground against the hidden pleasure point. "I dunno what you just did, but God, don't stop!" Both hands gripped Rick's head from behind, and the once-shy, innocent-looking businessman was fucking the other man's mouth like he was losing his virginity. "Fuck... oh fuck!"

Rick, of course, still wore his grin, even as his mouth was being filled over and over with hot, hard, drippy cock. He'd long ago lost any semblence of a gag reflex, so it wasn't a problem for him whenever the organ penetrated his throat. He jabbed a second finger up the stranger's ass to join the first in fucking him, earning faster, even more frenzied thrusts. If not for his head being braced, he was sure the back of his skull would be bruised and battered from being slammed into the wall behind him. In one hand, he felt the balls he was constantly kneading draw up, and with his fingertips, the gland he was prodding at swelled slightly. Briefly, the blonde opened his eyes from being clenched shut, if only a sliver, and met the horny, lazy gaze of the man his dick was being buried in, looking as leisurely about it as ever. "Uhhnnn GoooooOOOOODDDD!!!" Abruptly, he ripped his dick from Rick's face. He reached to stroke himself to climax, but before he could even get his fingers onto his shaft, it jolted violently, and he watched his spunk shoot from his pisshole as if launched from a crossbow, the white bolt screaming its way across Rick's cheek and exploding like a grenade against his eyebrow. It was only the first of a barrage the likes of which, judging from his wide eyes and gasping mouth, the stranger had never experienced. Rick let a few more shots of semen skid across his face before he dove forward and resumed his bobbing, letting his mouth fill with cum that, by all accounts, was as delicious as he'd expected.

The salaryman gasped and moaned and cursed at the sight until he finally stopped shooting, and even when his dick once more emerged, it spit one last glob onto Rick's lips before drooping down from the exhaustion of pumping out such a load. "Uuuhhhhhhnnnn..." His legs quivering, he stepped back, having to brace himself against the opposite wall of the lift. "T-That was fucking amazing!" The smile spreading across his face made him look all the more cute and innocent, an image contrasted by the limp, drippy dick dangling like a pendulum in front of him. "Shit, if my wife could suck dick like that..."

"Then I'd be out of a job..." Rick chuckled, wiping the semen from his face and lapping it off his hand. "And I swallow it all, too."

The stranger grabbed his pants and buttoned his shirt, but even once he was dressed, it was obvious from the sweat soaking his clothes, his disheveled hair, and the blush on his cheeks that he'd just done something very physical in the lift. "Uh... um, listen... does that really... taste okay?"

Rick's grin grew wide as he wiped the last glob off his chin. "C'mere and find out." Nervously, the businessman stepped forward, took the other's hand in his sweaty, shaky grasp, and brought the finger to his lips, sucking it off like he expected a powerful bitterness in the fluid.

" it's... actually not bad!" he smiled, swallowing down the dab of cream. "It makes my tongue tingle a little, though..."

Suddenly, the bell rang, and the doors to the elevator slid open. The blonde frowned as he stepped off onto the floor he was waiting for before this chance meeting. "Um... I dunno how to ask you this, but-"

"I'm here every Monday from 10 PM to 4 AM, and in the mens' room in the disabled stall on the first floor on weekends, same time."

"Great. See ya Saturday, then." He began to walk down the hall, but at the last second, turned to try and catch Rick one last time. "Hey, you never told me your name! I'm-"

"I know I didn't." Rick smiled as he saw the still-nameless man vanish behind the closing doors, and cupped his crotch as the lift began to descend, grinding the fabric of his pants against his unsated erection, fantasizing about Saturday.

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