Friday Swim

By Roddy Schmidt

Published on Jun 6, 2002



He looked so very familiar sitting there on the Life Guard's chair. Must be a student...

I had just come from my office at the university where I had been tidying up a few loose ends in preparation to shut down for the summer. Now I wanted to get cooled off and swim a few laps. It was sort of late and it was Friday afternoon. The Community Recreation Center would close in about an hour to host the high school graduation party. Annual affair. (Keeps the kids from racing all over town, getting drunk and killing themselves and others on the highway.) Operation Graduation...

I was the only swimmer in the pool. I chose the center lane right under the clock. I like to check my pulse and recovery time after each lap set. I wet my goggles and prepared to slide in the water, when he came over and said, "Hi, Dr. Schmidt". "

"Uh, Hello. ... I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. I don't recall your name... were you one of my students?"

"Naw, never had the privilege. Took 301 the year before you came, from Fiske. Always wanted to have you, but the only thing I needed for my major was 301. Name's Chip, Clifford Dearing. I used to pass you in the quad while you were going to your 10 o'clock and I was on my way to Flowers."

"I see. Happy to meet you Chip." And with that I slid into the water. I pushed off and started my laps. At lap 8 I stopped and checked my pales rate. He'd moved his chair so that it was directly under the clock and directly at the end of my lane... He sat there in all his glory... A healthy specimen... rugged, tanned good looks, well muscled, swimmers body. White T-shirt with the Center's logo, bright red baggy shorts with his WSI patch on the right leg, and thongs. He wore a white visor with the word L. Guard on the brim. He had a cordless phone and a clip board....

Other than that he was sort of staring down at me as he slouched in his chair. His knees were apart, feet splayed out and he was waving his knees together and apart. With each wave apart I could see right up his pant leg to a very clean white jock. He sort of smiled when he caught me stealing a look.

Hastily I checked my pulse, glanced up at the clock, desperately trying to avert eye contact, but to no avail. He nailed me again, and cocked a crooked near-smile... My pulse was erratic. I wasn't recovering as well as I usually did. To make matters worse, I could feel the strain on the front of my speedo's... the last thing I need is an erection in these unforgiving things... If it gets much worse, my head will just creep up toward my navel to let my one-eyed trouser worm try to peek over the draw-string waist band... To make matters worse, he was enjoying my embarrassment and I swear was playing me... Quickly I pushed off. I'd check my pulse next time.

I took a long push off and stayed under water almost 3/4 of the 25 meter pool, surfaced to begin to swim, made a terrible flip in the water and got off to a bad return. I kept my face in the water and concentrated on stroking. Fortunately by the time I got to the wall I was able to make good turns and another 8 laps were down.

He was still sitting there when I began my pulse-check. Still splaying and closing his legs exposing his crotch at nearly my eye level... except... now he had no jock! Holy Shit, what is going on here. He was gazing above my head feigning not looking at me or making eye contact, but we both knew what was going on. I couldn't help looking and he was enjoying the hell out of it. Obviously, checking pulse was a joke now. I stayed and recovered and began my next set.

This cat and mouse game continued until I had done my 64 laps... I watched his schlong creep down his left leg and beckon to me. He had an uncanny ability to make it twitch each time I stole a look, even when he appeared to be looking away...

My trouser worm was being choked by the draw string. I had to get out of the pool. It was nearly 5:30. The pool would be closed by then. I loosened the draw string pressed up against the wall. My damn towel was laying on the bench less than a foot from where he sat enthroned. I adjusted myself as best I could and heaved myself out of the pool. i had to cross a distance of some eight feet to the bench and my towel and ditty bag where my shampoo and stuff were for my shower.

History was made that day for that sprint, but in the doing I was sure it had taken at least five minutes. He looked down at me and smiled, and reached down to hand me my towel... Talk about being busted... I beat a hasty retreat to the shower room.

Hastily I shampooed my hair, then applied the body shampoo... I was facing the corner to keep from getting the newly applied shampoo from being washed off. I heard a shower on the opposite wall... No, it couldn't be. It was.

The mere thought of that young hunk watching me bathe made my dingus twitch... I looked over my shoulder and there he was leisurely soaping up his chest, stomach and eventually... his schlong was three quarters erect. He just smiled and nodded toward my dingus, who was now standing at attention.

I rinsed off and stepped out of the shower to where my towel was hanging. He shut off his shower and stood beside me. He slung his towel over his shoulder and followed me into the dressing room and said, "Got any plans tonight?"

"Not really. Its too hot to cook. I thought I'd just go to Logans or Red Lobster before the graduates descend and grab something quick."

"May I join you?"

I didn't like where this was going. I don't date students. I don't even go up to Sixth Street in Austin for fear of running into students...

"Well, I have to go to Walmart first. Maybe some other time."

He smiled a knowing smirk that turned into a grin. "Catch you later..."

He had slipped into a pair of cut off khakis and pulled on a T-shirt. He wore flip flops on his bare feet and left.

I walked the long walk from the pool to the front desk to retrieve my membership card and strolled out to the parking lot.

I headed out toward Walmart, found a parking place up close and went in got the tower fan I was was looking for, grabbed some bananas and some apples and checked out.

I drove back toward town. Traffic was horrendous. Then there was some jerk who was holding up traffic at the I35 crossing... he seemed to be stalled or something, but just as he had enough time to scamper through a Yellow he made it. The rest of us sat for a nearly 5 minute light. I wasn't a happy camper.

I swung into Logans, Hardly anyone there yet. Good. I walked in and to my astonishment there sat Chip, beer in hand grinning from ear to ear.

I asked for a table in non, and he sidled up and said, "Mind if I join you?"...

Damn! I felt that familiar twitch down there again... this guy has something on me.

"No, please." The cutsey co-ed led us to a booth in the mid-back section. There were less than 5 tables occupied. We had the place to ourselves.

The waiter came up, greeted us, "Hi, Dr. Schmidt... Hi, Chip. What can I get you guys to drink?"

"Iced Tea for me... that raspberry kind"...

"Need another beer, Chip" and he flashed a knowing smile at Chip. Chip declined the beer and we set to checking out the menu.

We engaged in small talk. My tea arrived and the waiter asked if we were ready to order. I was.

Chip ordered the Pork Chops. "Same sides as usual?"


I ordered the small Teriyaki Sirloin, baked sweet potato, and a salad... house dressing on the side.

Chip looked at me and grinned... "What?"

"I've been waiting for this for a long time" was all he said and sprawled out on the booth bench.

"There's something funny going on here. You planned this didn't you?" Another grin. He shrugged his shoulders. Come on, this just didn't happen."

"I have wanted to date you since I first saw you walking across that quad. I've had the hots for you since you did that thing at Faculty Follies..."

"I don't date students. That's pretty well known, I should think. And, for obvious reasons."

"Yeah, it's well known. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to... What's the big deal anyhow?"

Our dinners came. Oddly, the plates were identical except for the meats.

I chose not to answer and cut into my meat to check it for doneness... perfect.

We ate in silence. His grin was getting bigger as we ate...

"You planned this didn't you?"


"I've got to ask, how did you know I would come here?"

"I followed you..."

"Yes, but I went to Walmart and..."

"I followed you to Walmart.... I watched where you parked, I got gas and sat out by the station until you came out. I was about 4 cars ahead of you."

"Yes, but then, how did you know I'd come here?"

"You said you were either coming here or Red Lobster back at the pool."

"Yes, but if you were ahead of me, how did you know I was coming here? You were here before me. You had time enough to have a beer. You were sitting there and ..."

He cut me off. "You Cali Boys are all alike. You signal everything. When I saw you pull into the right lane when you got out of the parking lot, I just figured you'd come here. I had to do some quick thinking so's we wouldn't get here at the same time, but that was easy, I killed that light for you... little car trouble, remember... I shot the light, and you were stuck in the right lane... you could only go across the street, so then I knew you'd come here. Simple. I called Eric ordered a beer, he had it for me when I walked in... rest is, well, ... history. I'm having dinner with you."


"Yeah, but what's really amazing is you are just as excited about it as I am. I saw how you reacted at the pool and in the shower... and my guess is you've got wood right now."

Damn kid's a mind reader too. Devious too.

What could I say? He was right, of course. "But Chip, I don't date students."

"Well, maybe not, but I'm not a student anymore. I graduated last Saturday. You were there... I'm not a student anymore, at least not here... Look, what's it gonna hurt? I'm not gonna be around here anymore. I have looked forward to this for two years, almost... c'mon, lighten up. Just once, I'm beggin' you."


"What've ya got up tonight, anything? You could come to my place. Roomie is gone home already. I'd be gone too, but I have that job at the pool until June... come on, man. Please..."

I was hooked... this guy was just too damn much. I looked into his face and it was ... was... beautiful. He had deep blue eyes that were searching me for whatever lie in my own depths... his fine features, his tender strength. His body wasn't sculptured like most gym rats; it was soft, but firm at the same time... truly a swimmer's physique. I was weakening.

"Well, I do have some cream cake that I have left from the party Wednesday night, and we could have dessert, I guess... now that you're not a student ..."

He grinned and I felt his bare feet on my legs as he pushed them together under the table. He reached for the check. I honestly protested, but he said that he'd worked too hard for this `date' not to make it real..."

I made some Iced Tea, got the cream cake out of the fridge and we sat on the deck watching the birds and assorted wildlife that inhabits the green belt behind my house. We talked about a myriad of things. It got dark and we sat in the dark chatting about totally inconsequential stuff... our lives, plans, dreams... and then he reached over and took my hand and just held it for awhile. "I want you so much..." and he pressed my fingers to his lips. Electricity shot through my body. It jolted me to reality and meta consciousness. "We'd better go in... it is getting late." "Am I staying the night?" "I sleep in the nude." "That'll save some time."

There wasn't an orifice that was not explored or filled that night. When we woke the next morning, we were sort of glued together.... semen has a way of drying into a paste or glue. It hurt when we finally pulled ourselves apart.

Over breakfast Chip told me he was going up to UT. He'd been accepted on his first application for PT school. We talked about living arrangements.

My place had plenty of room and he could use my study and even have a bedroom if we ever needed `space'... He had lied about quitting the pool at the end of May...

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