Friends of Friends

By A

Published on Jul 4, 2014





I hadn't seen Nikki in over two years. We used to be best friends and had lived together for years before we fell out.

I smiled sheepishly and she grinned as she leaned in for a hug.

she was still as beautiful as I remembered. Her blonde hair fell perfectly around her face, the tips resting on her shoulders. Her bright blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the suns light and her perfect white teeth seemed to glisten when she smiled.

Although I would never have openly admitted this, I had always secretly wanted her. If I'm honest, I might even say that, that may have been a contributing factor to our falling out in the end.

No, I'm not a scorned lover of hers. Nikki was straight. Like.. dick crazy kind of straight.

Nikki motioned for me to sit.

"It's been so long since I've seen you. You look good."

She eyed me up and down and I felt my cheeks blush slightly.

"Thanks. You too" I smiled.

Lookswise, we were polar opposites. I had long slightly wavy brown hair, honey colored eyes and naturally tan skin. She had porcelain white skin, shoulder length blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that could freeze your heart. The only thing we had in common was probably our 5"6 height and slim athletic build.

"I can't believe you actually came" she grinned. "Yeah well.. you're annoyingly persistent" I smirked.

Our friendship seemed to pick up seamlessly like no time had passed at all. We spent hours laughing and catching up over dinner. We only realized the time we'd spent when the restaurant started to close.

We had agreed that we had to catch up again and soon. It was her 23rd birthday that next weekend and she excitedly asked if I would go out clubbing with her and some friends.

"Pleaseee!?" She whined.

"I don't know.. my place is pretty far from the city. It'll cost a fortune to get a cab home after" I replied.

"You can crash at mine after! I have a guest room you can use! Pleasssseee?"

She flashed her best smile and I begrudgingly agreed.

The lead up to her birthday seemed to go by quickly. We chatted via Facebook almost every day and she had given me a briefing on some of the people coming out clubbing with us.

There was one girl she seemed particularly fond of. Nikki had met her at the gym not long after we stopped talking and they had become really close. Her name was Sarah.

It was the day of Nikki's birthday. I stuffed some panties and a singlet in an overnight bag with my makeup bag. I figured I had the guest room to myself, I didn't need pj's. Besides it was summer and it was too hot to sleep in anything else.

I spent the next hour trying to pick out a dress from my closet. I wanted something that was sexy, seductive but classy and elegant. I settled on a tight fitting black gown with a slit up the side that showed off my long legs and toned thighs. It had a plunging v line that exposed my collar bone and cleavage without being tacky. It was perfect.

After I'd packed my stuff, I made my way to Nikki's around 6pm. We had all agreed to get ready there and have pre-drinks.

Nikki excitedly hurried me in after she opened the door.

"You made it!!" She grinned as she embraced me with a hug.

"Of course I did. Happy birthday!" I said as I gave her a gentle squeeze.

"Come, come." "I want you to meet some of my friends."

She ushered me down to the guest bedroom to drop my bags off and then out to the entertainment area in the back yard.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me around like a pony, introducing me to everyone. We had finally stopped after I had met everybody. We had only stood still for a minute when her phone buzzed and she pulled me off again.

"Ohhh. Finally she's here." she shouted as she dragged me back towards the house.

Just as we stepped in the house, I saw her for the first time..

She was outrageously stunning. She had the most mesmerizing green eyes I'd ever seen. Her olive complexion, her stunning features and her movie star smile were unbelievable. She had long loosely curled hair that fell over her shoulders.

"Ellie. This is Sarah. " "Sarah this is Ellie."

I suddenly felt shy. We both smiled and said hello and kissed each other on the cheek.

Sarah then turned and leaned in to hug Nikki and wished her happy birthday. Nikki grinned, thanked her then grabbed her with her free arm and led us back outside.

"I'll be right back. Don't you two move." she hissed with a mischievous smirk.

"She's up to something." Sarah said as she watched Nikki rush into the house.

"When is she not." I joked.

Sarah giggled a little and turned back to face me.

"So I've heard a lot about you. It's nice to finally put a face to the name. "

I was a little surprised. She had heard about me? What had she heard? Why was I even mentioned? My expression must have been a dead giveaway because she quickly added

"Don't worry. All good things." She said as she smiled.

Before I could reply Nikki returned with a bottle of tequila, a handful of shot glasses, some lemon splices and a salt shaker.

"You ready for a crazy night?" She grinned.

We all spent the next 2 hours taking tequila shots and laughing hysterically at some of the post shot facials, by the time we started getting ready to go out I was feeling pretty drunk.

I had somehow managed to pull myself together enough to get my dress on, heels on and make up done. I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror trying to latch my necklace when Sarah came in.

"Shit. Sorry I didn't know someone was in here."

"No it's okay.. I'm just trying to get this stupid necklace done up."

Sarah giggled and stepped behind me.

"Here, let me help you."

She brushed my hair over the front of my shoulder, her hand grazing my bare skin. The touch of her hand on my skin gave me shivers. I could feel her breath on my neck as she worked her fingers on the latch of the necklace.

I studied her face in the mirror as she focused on the necklace. She had naturally long thick eyelashes that curled upwards ever so slightly that you'd think she was wearing mascara but she wasn't. She had soft pink lips that seemed to pout when she concentrated. Her perfectly shaped eyebrows were also furrowed in her state of concentration.

I smiled to myself at the thought of her state of concentration. Just then she latched it and looked up in the mirror and caught me grinning.


"Nothing" I smirked.

She grinned.

"Tell me..."

"You have a cute concentration face is all" I shrugged.

She laughed. Like an actual boisterous laugh. It was intoxicating and mesmerizing like those eyes of hers. I could listen to her laugh endlessly.

I turned to face her. Our eyes met and she smiled. Her face was so close to mine I could have puckered my lips and they would have brushed against hers.

The smell of her perfume filled my nose. It was as intoxicating as her laugh. I couldn't take my eyes off hers. I wanted so badly to kiss her.. and just when I thought my body might take on a mind of its own and do it..

The bathroom door flung open. Flustered, we quickly broke eye contact and moved away from each other. My moment was lost.

"Are you guys ready?" Nikki squealed with excitement.

"Mhm" Sarah nodded.

Nikki ushered us and the others out to the front to wait for the taxi. I wanted to say something to Sarah but suddenly felt awkward so I stood silently.

The cab ride to the city was a complete blur. All I could think about was being alone in that bathroom with Sarah. What if Nikki hadn't come when she did? What if I had kissed her? Would she have kissed me back? Don't be stupid. She's not like that.. Nikki mentioned she used to have a boyfriend? These thoughts rushed through my mind the whole trip there.

I decided just as we pulled up outside the club to try to put it out of my mind and focus on having a good time. Besides, from what I knew, she was into guys and even if by some miracle she wasn't, she was wayyy out of my league.

We all piled out of the taxi van and lined up to get into the club. Sarah, Nikki and I stood at the back of our group.

"You guys are awfully quiet. What's up?" Nikki asked.

"Nothing?" we replied simultaneously.

We both laughed and Nikki grinned.


We made our way in and headed for the dance floor. The club was dark and the only lights seemed to be laser lights and strobe lights which seemed to flow with the electronic dance music that pumped through the speakers. Eventually our group seemed to disband as people left for drinks at the bar, bathroom and smoke breaks or going off to dance with other people.

I ended up in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by people I didn't know but I didn't care. The music was loud and the bass was deep. I could feel it drumming through my body. I was in a trance and swayed with the hypnotic music. I caught a glimpse of Sarah through the flashing on and off of the strobe lights. She was looking my way and every time the strobe flashed on she seemed to be getting closer.

The strobes began to flash faster and I couldn't see her anymore. She had disappeared. I felt a little jab of disappointment which disappeared instantly when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and realized she was standing behind me.

I turned and our eyes met. She grinned and began to dance in front of me. The rest of the world seemed to fall away. All I could see was her. We danced together, our bodies moving together grinding in rhythm to the music. I felt her eyes burning in to mine and I wondered if she could see my soul.

I felt like I was in a dream. One that was about to end. Time had gone by so fast.. before I knew it, it was 3am and the club was winding down to close.

We headed over to a table where our group had all met up to head home.

Sarah walked away without a word. Surprised, I followed her with my eyes as she approached Nikki. I saw her lean in close and whisper something in her ear. They hugged and both headed over towards me.

"Hey El. Are you ready to go? We're going to head back to mine for a few more drinks"

"Sure" I replied.

Nikki, Sarah and I said our goodbyes to the rest of the group and caught a taxi back to Nikki's.

By the time we got back to Nikki's place, it was pretty late so we all decided to give the drinks a miss.

"I'm going to crawl in to bed with my boyfriend." Nikki yawned.

"I hope you don't mind but you'll both have to share the guest room." She said as she walked off.

"Oh. I can sleep on the couch if you want. I kind of just invited myself back here so I don't want to put you out." Sarah exclaimed.

"No. It's fine. Don't be silly.. it's a king sized bed. I'm sure we'll both fit.. but only just." I teased.

she smiled and then nodded her head.

"Okay. But only if you don't mind."

"I don't mind."

But I did. That was a lie. I wanted her so badly it made me nervous to think that I would have to spend the night in a bed next to her without doing anything.

As I shuffled through my bag in the room I realized I hadn't brought pj's and accidentally said "fuck!" Out loud.

"What's wrong?"

I looked up to find Sarah staring at me with a very concerned look on her face.

"Nothing.. I just forgot to bring pj's is all. I thought I was sleeping alone so I only brought panties and a singlet to sleep in.."

I suddenly felt embarrassed. I felt my cheeks get hot and I knew I was blushing.

"Oh. That's okay.. I don't have pj's either.. I was just going to sleep in my panties and a tank top."

She smiled and I felt relieved. I went to the bathroom to change. When I came back to the room she was standing in her panties and bra still changing.

"S.sorry." I stammered. "I'll come back."

"Oh it's fine." She said casually "it's not like I've got something you've never seen before. "

She turned and faced the wall, reached back and unclasped her bra, dropping it to the floor. She bent over to pick up her shirt, slipped her arms in then raised them above her head to slide her shirt on.

The silhouette of her perky breast lined the side of her shadow on the wall.

I turned away embarrassed at my blatant staring. After she was done, I turned off the light and we crawled in to bed.

"Good night." She whispered.

"Night." I whispered back.

She rolled over with her back to me and I lay there quietly for some time.

I thought about the night and how erotic and sexy Sarah had looked dancing in front of me at the club. I thought about almost kissing her in the bathroom and let my mind wander into thoughts about if I actually had. I thought about her soft pouty lips pressed against mine my tongue in her mouth massaging gently against hers. I thought about her pinning me back against that wall and grinding in to me. Her soft moans in my mouth while we kissed.

I had been laying there for about an hour. Sarah's breaths had become slow and heavy. I figured she had fallen asleep. She shuffled and rolled over putting her arm mindlessly over me.

Her hand rested on my breast. I laid still, frozen. I didn't know what to do. I felt my nipple harden beneath her fingers. The last thing I wanted was for her to wake up with her hand on my tit and my nipple as hard as rock. I was just about to reach up and move her hand when i felt her fingers move.

Ever so slightly at first.. her fingers rubbed back and forth over my nipple. I felt it stiffen further beneath her touch. I thought she must be doing it in her sleep without realizing.. until she began to squeeze my nipple.

I heard her breath pick up a little faster. I had to know if she was awake. I turned my head to face her. Her hand froze as soon as i moved. Her face was so close to mine i could have moved ever so slightly and kissed her. Her eyes were shut.

I picked up her hand and her eyes opened. She met my eyes and stared. I watched her face for a reaction as i slid her hand under my shirt and pressed it against my chest.

She bit down on her bottom lip and began to squeeze my nipple. I gasped as she tweaked my nip and leaned in and kissed her.

It was soft at first. intimate. I pressed my lips against her soft lips, she parted her lips against mine and licked my upper lip. I moaned softly. Her lips felt like heaven. Her tongue tasted sweet like a watermelon lollipop. She sat up and leaned on her free arm, leaned her head over mine and kissed me again. She slid her tongue in my mouth and pressed it against mine.

I kissed her back. Hard. It was passionate and lust filled. I wanted more.

I reached down and pulled her leg over my hips. She broke our kiss and pulled her hand out of my shirt and positioned herself so that she was straddling my thighs. She sat up and pulled her shirt up over her head and threw it to the floor.

I sat up and did the same. She was sitting on her knees straddled over either side of my thighs, her breasts lay bare right in front of my mouth. Her nipples were hard and stood at attention reaching, yearning to be touched and licked and sucked. I wrapped my lips around her right nipple, sucking it into my mouth. She gasped and let out a small whimper of pleasure as I scraped my teeth against her nipple.

I began to tweak her other nipple with my hand while I licked and sucked the other one in my mouth. She had her hand on the back of my neck pulling my head harder against her nipple.

"That feels so fucking good." She whispered between gasps.

I could feel my own excitement building with every gasp, every moan and whisper she made.

I wanted to fuck her. Hard. I wanted to make her come all over my fingers then in my mouth.

I slid my hands down her sides over her hips and down her thighs, pulling her panties down on the way.

She shuffled and lifted her knees one at a time so I could remove her panties. I could feel they were soaked. Her scent seemed to fill the room right after. It was a sweet musky smell.

I slid my hand up her inner thigh and brushed my finger lightly across her slit.

"You're so wet." I whispered before gently biting her nipple.

She groaned and gyrated her hips trying to press down against my fingers. I drew them back, teasing her. Only rubbjng my finger across the top of her soaked pussy lips.

She sighed and panted.

"Please." She whimpered in a husky voice thick with lust.

"Fuck me"

I obliged. I slid my fingers into her soaking wet slit. I slowly rubbed back and forth over her throbbing clit. She panted harder and began to thrust against my fingers rubbing her clit faster against them.

She was getting close to her climax I could feel her legs getting weak. I slid my fingers down to her opening and pressed my fingers inside her

"Ohhh. Fuuuck" she moaned as I began thrusting my fingers as deep inside her tight pussy as I could.

"Fuck. Ohh god you're gonna make me come.." she panted as I pumped my fingers inside her.

"Come for me." I purred.

I began to furiously rub her clit with my free hand while I finger fucked her. I felt her whole body shudder, her pussy grew tight around my fingers and a warm wet sensation rolled down my fingers as she came.

Her body went limp and I pulled my fingers out as she slumped on the bed next to me. Her body still jerking from her orgasm. Her breathing was still hard and she stared at me intently. I smirked and raised my hand to my mouth, licking her come from my fingers.

"Ellie.." "Hm?" "I want you to straddle my face..." "I.. uh.." "Please.. I want to taste you.. I want to tongue fuck you until you come in my mouth.."

I felt my clit swell as she whispered that to me. I was so turned on from making her come that my pussy was soaked and my clit was begging to be touched. I could feel it throbbing between my lips

"Okay." I whispered back.

I rolled over and pressed myself up on to my knees. I slipped my soaked panties off and straddled her face.

her breaths felt cool against my slick wet lips as I anxiously waited to feel her tongue part my lips and press against my clit. She teased me endlessly. She would bite the inside of my thighs and kiss and lick her way up to my lips only to slide the very tip of her tongue between them and lick with just enough pressure to give me pleasure but not build my orgasm.

She wanted me to beg. She wanted me to beg her to fuck me. Beg her to lick my clit.


"Please what?" She whispered before she pressed her tongue between my lips and flicked my clit.

"Mmmh" I gasped.

"Please what?" She repeated.

"Lick my clit." I moaned. "Tongue fuck me.. I don't care just make me come"

She wrapped her hands around my thighs and began to lick, flick and suck my clit between her lips hungrily.

I threw my head back gasping in pleasure as I ground my pussy against her tongue. The thought of her beautiful face sucking my clit sent me over the edge quickly. My body shook to its core as I came in her mouth. Her tongue still working my clit until I couldn't take anymore.

I crawled off her and laid beside her, brushing her hair out of her eyes. She leaned in and kissed me, the taste of my come still on her lips mixed with that sweet watermelon taste. we kissed one last time and curled up to spoon as we drifted off to sleep.

To be continued..

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