
Published on Dec 29, 2006



The wind flowed across his bare chest and buttocks. With arms around the older boy's leather jacket he clung on for dear life. The motorcycle went fast, leaned far over when it turned.

He trusted the boy, he had to. His cock was hard pinned against the back of the seat. He adjusted himself after each turn and the leather surface pressed against his butt and the dildo he had lodged there.

He had done all that was he was told to and mounting the cycle naked for the ride scared him, but he had no choice.

Whatever Garrison told him to do he did. He stripped naked in front of Garrison's friends, knelt at his feet, licked his black leather boots and denim covered bulging crotch, and bent over the motorcyle to make his butt available. He opened his mouth and sticking out his tongue to catch the sperm and piss Garrison shot made him feel like the older boys property.

He could only ejaculate upon command and when Garrison allowed him to, he was so grateful.

Sammy awoke wishing his dream was real. But chilling in the night air, riding naked like Garrison's bitch wasn't what happened the night before. His spent cock was still sticky as if the sound of the morning alarm was Garrison's voice telling him to release his sexual frustrations.

School was the same day after day. True he was learning stuff but it felt more like he was just spending time.

He would sit on the brick wall during lunch to watch the leather crowd, boys a little older then he, admiring morotcycles, high school girls that had developed or knew how to fake having tits and making fun of real boring kids like him.

Garrison was tall, with thick light brown hair. His square jaw made him a candidate for Abercrombie and Fitch catalogs. But the tatoos all over his arms probably would eliminate him. He wore things like torn sweat shirts with no sleeves, wife beaters, leather vests with no shirt, mesh shirts, skull and crossbone emblazoned t shirts.

And he always wore tight blue jeans. Sammy swore the boy didn't own any underwear. The sigh of his manhood moving about, laying across one leg or pushed out front of him like a second nose made Sammy hard everyday.

He was in the same gym class but any chance of seeing Garrison naked in the shower never happened. Somehow Garrison never had to dress for gym. Sammy fantasized the leather coat clad boy was in the back of the school, waiting, His hairy shirtless body glowed whithis manly sweat. Sammy knew his job was to satisfy the boy and get back to gym class before anyone knew he was missing.

But nobody knew where Garrison went during gym.

Then each day as the hundreds of frustrated teens left school, there was Garrison lifting one of his firm legs and straddling the motorcyle. It's motor vibrated areas of his body that Sammy longed to lick.

And he would speed off with friends away from the school and into whatever fantasies and dreams Sammy's head offered each night.

He never knew why he had the fascination. Sammy wasn't into leather itself. He didn't think bad boys stimulated him. And except for his need to masturbate as many times as he could each day, he wasn't sure if Garrison had some magic attraction.

Sammy knew he was gay. And eventually when he left home and the demands of the world his parents ruled, he would actually have sex with another male. If he was lucky he'd spend the rest of his life with one.

So being gay wasn't the problem. It was his mysterious attraction to Garrison.

Two years passed.

He had gone home after his second year of college. Driving past the high school, he saw that not much had changed in three years. He wondered whatever happened to some of the kids and yes, Garrison.

Able told him and he was shocked. It was an accident he was told. And Garrison survived but....

The summer lured Sammy back to the beach and whatever part time job he could get there giving him an excuse to go there every day as he had the previous summers.

But Sammy turned the car wheel in the other direction, past the warehouses and trailers. Garrison still lived in the little house where he lived during high school. A motorcycle lay on the front lawn. It was bent in places Sammy didn't know possible. He realized it was indeed Garrison's bike.

Garrison answered the door. He had learned to be mobile in his wheel chair. He didn't know Sammy by sight.

Sammy surprised himself to tell the boy who he was and that he wanted to come by and see how he was doing.

Garrison stared.

"And I have to tell you something"

Garrison raised his eyebrows.

"I had a thing for you in high school. Yeah that makes me gay...sorry if that's uncool. But I was suprised to hear about your accident and just wanted to see how you were doing"

Sammy knew he was repeating himself.

To his surprise Garrison wheeled backwards "Come on in, have a beer."

They talked about some teachers, some of the kids and Garrison's tatoos.

"You like them?" Garrison said flexing his muscular arms.

"I always did" Sammy said smiling and blushing a bit.

"Wish I knew it then" Garrison said quietly "I was into shit then"

They talked about college and Sammy being gay. "No" he didnt' have a boyfriend "No" he didn't do any of the guys in high school "Yes he had been working out"

"Let me see" Garrison said.

Sammy froze.

"Really show me, I just want to see what you been doing to yourself"

Sammy peeled his tshirt off and shivered as Garrison felt his still smooth chest.

"Nice, you need to work on ..." Garrison gave him some further advice. "I lift weights. Hell I can get around only the legs don't work. Everything else is just fine." he smiled.

"I mean everything" he added looking down at his crotch.

"Great" Sammy said. "Anyone else around?"

"Naw, Bubba works" Garrison said and then added when he saw Sammy's quizzical look "My brother".

Sammy knelt. He didn't ask he just did what he had wanted to for years of daytime staring and night time dreaming.

Garrison was right. His cock worked just fine bouncing out of his jeans as soon as Sammy opened it. He still didnt' wear underwear.

It filled Sammy's mouth and throat and Garrison fell into a series of moaning, instructions and resulting groans as Sammy slurped, slid, tickled and tongued it waiting for the nourishing streams to fill his mouth, splatted on his face and drool down over his bare chest.

"Shit, you are gay!" Garrison said recovering from the orgasm.

Sammy returned the next day. There was much to do. He worked out with Garrison teaching him, helped the boy get on the bench so he could work out. He helped Garrison shift from the chair to the stool in the shower and, stripping naked himself, washed him.

He knelt and sucked the cock he had dreamed about as many times as Garrison told him too.

At home Sammy thought about more ways to interact, planning how he could position himself so Garrison would fuck him.

"Shit you make a guy like me feel normal" Garrison said rolling off of Sammy who was face down on the bed.

Sammy cooked, took Garrison for rides to go bowling, see films, drive past the school. It was a summer that paid him no money.

But by early September Sammy felt something he had never felt before.

"So how was our summer?" the administrator asked.

And Sammy said the truth, "It was the most fulfilling summer I've ever had. Do you know if there are some apartments here that are built for the handicapped?"

It was going to be a fulfilling life Sammy knew.

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