Garth & goldberg

By fur lvr

Published on Jun 16, 2000



Of course this story does not in any way truly reflect upon the sexuality of either Garth Brooks or Bill Goldberg...just a fantasy-type story. Enjoy!!!

Garth 'n Goldberg by fur_lvr

'Hi folks, this is Leeza Gibbons, and welcome back to the 2000 American Music Awards. We're coming to you live from the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion on this beautiful night in Los Angeles'

The camera swooped over the evening dress and tuxedo clad crowd and focused on two figures entering stage left.

Leeza continued, 'For our next award presentation, please welcome primetime vixen, Heather Locklear and wrestling superstar, Goldberg!'

The crowd erupted in applause as the two presenters took their places behind the podium center stage.

'Hello, Heather, how are you this evening.', said Goldberg. His burly body is barely contained by his Armani tuxedo.

'Wonderful, Mr. looks like we're here to present the award for Best Male Country Artist.' said Heather. 'And it seems only fitting since you're as big as a country yourself.'

Goldberg blushes as the crowd groans at the bad joke.

'Sorry, folks,' said Heather, 'I don't write the jokes, I just read then.'

'And the nominees are...' says Goldberg. 'Mark Wills...applause...Alan Jackson...applause...Garth Brooks...applause...Tim McGraw...applause...and Kenny Chesney...applause'

'Would you care to do the honors, Heather?', said Goldberg.

'I sure would!' Heather ripped open the envelope as a huge smile formed on her pretty face. 'And the winner is...Garth Brooks!'

The audience roared its approval as Garth tried to make his way to the podium amidst a jungle of waving arms. Decked out in a white tuxedo with tails and black bow tie, Garth with his trademark goatee is the epitome of the country superstar.

Garth finally makes it to the stage where he is immediately greeted by the radiant Heather Locklear, who placed a friendly kiss on the side of his face.

'Congratulations, Garth', she squealed, 'I was hoping it was going to be you.'

Garth takes the award from Heather and is confronted by the hulking presence of Goldberg, who is grinning from ear to ear. Goldberg proceeds to engulf Garth in his gargantuan arms and crush him in a bear hug to end all bear hugs.

'Wow, Mr. Brooks,' said Goldberg, 'I'm so excited to meet you. I'm your biggest fan.'

'Well, that's an understatement!' said Garth. 'Thanks, I'm flattered.'

Garth breaks away from Goldberg and addressed the audience with a cordial, yet humble acceptance speech. Once he is finished, the crowd again explodes into applause.

Heather and Goldberg move towards Garth and usher him off the stage towards the waiting paparazzi backstage.

'Am I going to see you at the big Spago's party, Garth?', said Heather. 'Everyone who's anyone is going to be there.'

'Well, if you're going to be there darlin', you can count me in.' said Garth. 'Are you planning on being there, too, Bill?'

Surprised by Garth's question, Goldberg stammered, 'Um...well...I wasn', it should be fun.'

'Damn glad to hear it, buddy!', exclaimed Garth as he patted Goldberg on him muscular back. 'But in the meantime I've got to go flash the pearly whites for these media clowns. See you later, Bill.'

Garth flashed a trademark grin at Goldberg accompanied with a quick, playful wink and was on his way.


'I'll have a house red', said Goldberg to the bartender at Spago's. He took the glass and turned to scan the still growing crowd at the swanky after-party. Where's Garth?

'I never would have pegged you for a wine drinker, Bill', said a familiar voice from behind Goldberg. 'I'll have what he's having', said Garth to the bartender as he pointed to Goldberg's drink.

'Hey, Garth. Congratulations again on the award...I was pulling for you all the way.'

'And I never would have pegged you for a country fan, either, Bill. Maybe Megadeath or Metallica...but not little ol' me.' said Garth. He took a long sip from his wine glass and winked slyly at Goldberg.

'Well, it seems like there's a lot you don't know about me, Garth.' said Goldberg, returning the sly wink. 'That metal crap never did anything for me...give me a nice country tune, a fine bottle of wine and I'm a happy man.'

'A big ol' softy at heart, eh Bill.'

'Behind this gruff and tough exterior lies the heart of a cuddly teddy bear.' said Goldberg. 'That whole macho thing on TV is just for show...but I'm sure you know all about that, right?'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Oh, I don't know....Chris...Chris Gaines.' Goldberg said with a huge smile.

'Jeez, how embarrassing. Yeah, that was just something I was trying for fun...I don't know what made me think I could ever pull that off.'

'Hey, you didn't look half bad to me.' said Goldberg.

'So you're saying I looked half good, then...aww, Bill, you say the sweetest things.' said Garth as he began to chuckle.

At that moment, an inebriated Heather Locklear stumbled up to the bar next to Garth. 'Are you just going to stand here all night with wrestler boy, Garthy or are you going to dance with me?' she slurred.

'Heather, sweetheart, you know I would miss a chance to two step with the most beautiful girl in Hollywood.' said Garth as he winked again at Goldberg. 'Let's hit the floor, darlin'.'

'I'll be right back...don't go away.' he whispered to Goldberg.

Garth didn't so much dance with Heather and he did hold her up and twirl her around the floor like a rag doll. Everything came to an abrupt end as Heather proceeded to spill her red wine down the front of Garth white tuxedo.

Trying in vain to mop up as much of the spill as he could, Garth said, 'Heather, darlin', it's been a pleasure...I'm sure I won't forget this anytime soon.' Unfortunately this went unnoticed as Heather passed out in Carlos Santana's lap.

'Don't worry, Garth-man...I'll take good care of this fine lady.' said Santana.

'I have no doubt about that, doubt at all.' Garth said as he made his way back to the bar. Goldberg was still standing in the same spot patiently waiting for Garth's return.

'I'm surprised to still see you here, Bill. I figured some hot little number would have dragged you onto the dance floor by now.' said Garth.

'Nah, I don't really care for most of these music industry types, to tell you the truth. A little too weird for my taste...present company excepted, of course.' said Goldberg. 'Here let me help you with that.' Goldberg picked up a couple cocktail napkins from the bar to help Garth sop up the wine still dripping from his tuxedo.

'I'm with you on that one, big guy...did you see that Busta Rhymes guy over there, now that's one weird dude!' said Garth.

Goldberg continued drying off Garth and accidentally patted Garth's crotch which responded with a free swinging movement.

'Whoa, there Garth...are you going commando tonight?'

'Hell yeah, Bill! It's the only way to fly!' said Garth. 'I like to give lil' Garth some room to breath down there.'

'Lil' Garth doesn't feel so little to me.' said Goldberg as he playfully poked at Garth's crotch. 'And I think he's getting bigger.'

'Well shit, Bill, if you keep doin' that, everyone's going to know I'm going commando.' said Garth with a chuckle. 'Besides, I'm not even wet down least not yet.'

Goldberg looked at Garth with a raised eyebrow and a devilish smirk on his face. 'I'm sure I could make you plenty wet down there...then I'd have an excuse to continue drying you off.'

'You don't need an excuse, Bill...' said Garth.

'Are you saying what I think you're saying?'

'Take a look at the woody I'm sporting and tell me what you think I'm saying.'

'Well, why don't we go back to your hotel room and get you out of this's completely ruined.' said Goldberg. 'Besides, I hate wearing these monkey suits anyway...mine is driving me nuts.' Goldberg reached up to his bowtie and ripped it off. 'Ahh, that's much better.'

'I'm not staying at a hotel, Bill...but I do keep a place over in the Hollywood Hills and you're more than welcome to accompany me over change my tux, of course.'

'Oh, yea, of course.' said Goldberg.

'Follow me, my good man...our chariot awaits.' said Garth.

Garth and Goldberg made their way through the crowd towards the front door of Spago's where Garth's limo was waiting. His driver stepped out of the car and dutifully opened the door for the two men.

'Bill, this is Ward, my driver I've ever had. Ward, this is Bill.'

'Pleasure to meet you Mr. Goldberg.' said Ward. 'Please watch your head as you step into the vehicle.'

'Nice to meet you, too, Ward.' said Goldberg.

Both men got comfortably situated in the back of the limo and Ward sped away from the restaurant.

'Want a drink?' said Garth as he pointed to the fully stocked bar. 'I think we even have some wine back here somewhere.'

'No thanks...that's not really what I have a taste for.' said Goldberg.

Garth reached up to the ceiling of the limo and pressed a button which raised the opaque divider between the driver's compartment and the rest of the limo.

'Why don't you tell me what you had in mind.' said Garth.

Goldberg deftly slid along the finely appointed leather seat towards Garth and looked him straight in the eye. He raised one of his massive hands up to Garth's face and gently stroked his cheek. He slowly moved his hand towards the back of Garth's head feeling the silky texture of his short dark hair. Goldberg cocked his head to the side ever so slightly and leaned in towards Garth's mouth with his lips parted. His lips met Garth's lips as his tongue softly worked its way into Garth's waiting mouth. Both of the men wrapped their arms around the other as they pulled closer together...their tongues dueling inside each other's mouths. Finally Goldberg pulled away...

'That's what I had in mind.'

'Wow!' said Garth, 'You have the softest lips I've ever kissed in my whole life.'

'Want to try it again?' said Goldberg.

'Hell yeah!' said Garth.

'Let's get a little more comfortable first.' said Goldberg.

'I like the sound of that.' said Garth.

Goldberg reached over to Garth and began untying his black bow tie. His fingers have a slight nervous tremble as he struggles to loosen the knot.

'Here, let me help with that.' said Garth.

Garth gently laid his hands over Goldberg's and began assisting him. Goldberg's hands were massive and Garth felt like a small child holding onto his father's hands. It only made him wonder where else this wrestling hunk was massive.

Goldberg helped Garth out of his tuxedo jacket and slowly began to unbutton Garth's shirt. About half way down, the small tuft of Garth's chest hair began to peek out of the shirt. It tickled Goldberg's hand as he reached inside and gently pinched one of Garth's meaty nipples.

'Oh, shit, just gave me goosebumps all over my body. Do that again.'

'I have a better idea, Garth.'

Goldberg quickly finished unbuttoning Garth's shirt and threw it aside. His gargantuan hands roamed over Garth's bare flesh. He firmly grabbed one of Garth's firm pecs and lowered his face towards the pink, eraser sized nipple. Goldberg teased Garth's nipple first with his stubbly goatee and then with light flicks of his tongue. By the time Goldberg took Garth's entire nipple entire his mouth, Garth was trembling with ecstasy and covered in a light sheen of sweat.

Garth hesitantly pushed Goldberg's face away from his pulsating nipple. He shoved a meaty thumb into Goldberg's mouth who took it into the warm confines of his orifice.

'Now, let's get this shirt off of you, big boy.' said Garth.

He removed his thumb from Goldberg's mouth with an audible 'Pop!' and made quick work of the buttons on Goldberg's shirt. Caught up in the moment, Garth literally ripped the shirt off of Goldberg's back and brought it up to his nose where he took a deep breath of the hunky wrestler's man scent.

'You like that, Garth?' said Goldberg.

'Oh yeah, I wish this smell could be bottled.'

'Here...try this then.' said Goldberg. He quickly reached out and placed his hand on the back of Garth's head and pulled the country star's face towards his moist, ripe armpit. With Garth's face firmly buried, he began to slowly grind Garth's mouth and nose into the wild garden of hair.

'Yeah, fuck my pits, Garth...lick 'em...fuck yeah!'

Garth couldn't do anything but mumble unintelligently as he obeyed Goldberg's commands. His tongue was washing over every square inch of Goldberg's sweaty pit as the wrestlers aroma was invading his nostrils.

Finally, Goldberg relented and pulled Garth's face from out from under his arm. Garth had a dazed look of pure lust on his face.

'God, I've been wishing for a real man all my life and now it looks like I've got one right in front of me.' said Garth.

'Be careful what you wish for, just might get it.' said Goldberg with a playful glint in his eye.

With catlike quickness, Goldberg reached behind Garth and grabbed him by the back of his trousers. One effortless tug later and Garth found himself almost upside down and pinned between Goldberg's brawny thighs.

'Hey man! What the hell are you doing?' said Garth.

'I'm doing what a real man would be doing to just relax and enjoy.

I won't hurt you...much!' said Goldberg.

Goldberg reached under Garth's gut and quickly unbuckled Garth's belt and removed it. He firmly grasped the back of Garth's slacks and gave them a mighty tug. The sound of ripping fabric was almost deafening as the back of the pants gave way exposing Garth's white, hairy ass. Goldberg gave a whistle of appreciation as he gazed upon the singer's jiggling mounds of flesh.

'Damn,'ve got one fine ass.' said Goldberg.

Before Garth could reply, Goldberg's hands were spreading Garth's cheeks apart to reveal his pink pucker of a butthole. All Garth could do was gasp with surprise. Goldberg then wrapped his arms around Garth's middle and brought his bare ass up to his face and inhaled.

'Ahhh, now that's the funk I love to smell.' said Goldberg.

He leaned forward and buried his entire face between Garth's generous ass cheeks and began feasting on the singer's fuck chute. The combination of Goldberg's goatee tickling his ass and the wrestler's tongue invading his hole was driving Garth crazy. It felt as if Goldberg had inserting his entire tongue inside of Garth's hole.

'Oh, fuck, Bill...yeah, eat that my fuckin' ass, man!' yelled Garth.

Goldberg redoubled his ass eating efforts as he wrapped one of his hands around Garth's exceptionally thick cock. His shaft was covered with a slimy coating of precum.

'Fuck, Garth...what do you got there, a beer can for a cock.' said Goldberg.

'What you lack in length, you sure as hell make up in girth, buddy!'

Goldberg removed his hand from Garth's cock and individually cleaned each finger of the thick precum that coated them.

'Mmm, mmm, good...that's some might fine country precum, Garth.' Goldberg said as he smacked his lips. 'I'm gonna have to go straight to the source.'

The wresting god released Garth from his powerful thighs and laid him gently on the long leather seat in front of him. Garth's chubby pole was sticking up straight in the air above the dense bush of dark brown hair that surrounded it. Two low hanging balls laid on the seat below his cock.

'That some fine equipment, Garth. All that girth might even put me to shame.' said Goldberg.

'I always wished it was a little longer, though.' said Garth.

'Nah, it's like I always say...more that a mouthful is just a waste.'

With that said, Goldberg leaned forward and completely engulfed Garth's cock in his warm mouth. The surprise movement caused Garth to arch his back up and shove every last inch of his cock into Goldberg's accommodating mouth.

'Shit,'re gonna make me cum, buddy.' yelled Garth.

Goldberg released Garth's cock just long enough to say, 'That's the point, buddy.'

The super-wrestler again deepthroated Garth's cock and inserting his long, thick middle finger deep inside of the singer's wet butthole. Almost instantaneously Garth's pendulous balls began to pull up towards his cock.

'Oh God, stop gotta stop!' moaned Garth.

The only thing Goldberg did was shove another finger into Garth's willing hole, which was all it took to push Garth over the edge. The singer's hips began to buck uncontrollably as the first volley of cum fired into Goldberg's mouth. Shot after shot after shot of thick, ropey cum flooded Goldberg's mouth and slid down his throat as he continued to pleasure Garth.

When the last drop had trickled out of the singer's spent tool, Goldberg let is gently slide from his mouth and it plopped onto Garth's stomach.

'Now that was better than any appetizer at the damn Spago's.' said Goldberg with a chuckle.

'Where did you learn to do that?' asked Garth, still panting uncontrollably.

'What do you think all of us wrestlers do backstage while we're waiting to go on?' said Goldberg with a wink. 'We're definitely not back there hitting each other with folding chairs!'

The limo suddenly slowed to a stop and the driver's voice crackled on the intercom, 'We've arrived at the house, sir.'

Garth reached up above him and pressed a red button and replied, 'Thanks, Wade...we'll be out in a second.'

Both men hurried to put their clothes back on and exited the back door of the limo. In their hurry to dress, Garth had put on Goldberg's shirt and vice versa. Goldberg's shirt hung on Garth like a nightgown, while Goldberg had to struggle to even get Garth's shirt to cover half of his hulking frame...a fact that didn't go unnoticed by Wade. Then Garth turned around to shut the car door and exposed his lily white ass through the back of the slacks that had earlier been ripped out.

'I see that you're in for the evening, sir...chuckle...I'll be on my way then.' said Wade, barely able to keep a straight face.

'Yes, Wade...thank you.' said Garth. He walked up to Wade and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. 'You have a good night, Wade.'

Wade walked around to the driver's side of the limo, climbed in and sped away.

'Guess I won't be needing these anymore.' said Garth as he tossed the shredded tuxedo trousers aside.

Garth took Goldberg by the hand and led him towards the house. Before them was a modest wood structure...almost log cabin looking. There was a large porch in the front of the house with a couple of wooden rockers to the left of the front door. The two men approached the front door and entered the house. Bright moonlight was streaming in the windows which illuminated the interior enough to see that Garth (or his designer) had kept the rustic log cabin theme throughout the inside of the house. The entire back wall of the house was windows and glass doors which afforded a spectacular view of downtown Los Angeles from a large wooden deck attached to the back of the house. Garth quickly maneuvered through the maze of furniture in the living room and headed for deck...Goldberg trailing right behind him.

'I like to come out here sometimes and just watch the city.' said Garth as he leaned forward onto the deck railing.

Goldberg walked up behind Garth and wrapped his arms around the singer's husky body. He whispered in his ear, 'I can't believe that I'm up here with you...doing what I just did to you...holding you like this.'

'It's pretty much like a dream for me, too, buddy.' said Garth.

Goldberg turned Garth's face towards the side and leaned down to kiss his goatee framed mouth. His hands had worked their way inside of the loose fitting shirt that Garth was still wearing and were pulling rather roughly on the singer's meaty nipples. Garth's attempts at moaning were stifled by the tongue that was in his mouth. Goldberg's crotch was rubbing up against Garth's bare bubble butt...Garth was arching his back to give the wrestler's easier access to his ass.

'I'm gonna fuck your plump ass right out here on the deck tonight, boy!' hissed Goldberg into Garth's ear.

Goldberg let go of the country star and ripped the shirt he was wearing right off of his body...much like he would in a wrestling ring. He couldn't pass up the opportunity to strike a muscular pose for Garth, who's jaw just dropped in awe.

Here standing in front of him was a beefy, hunky, muscular, hairy god...Garth couldn't help but reach out and touch one of Goldberg's rock hard pecs.

'Damn, look even bigger than you do on TV. And I sure am glad you didn't shave your chest tonight!' said Garth.

Garth walked up to Goldberg and slowly began to lick every inch of the wrestler's torso. He worked he way down the treasure trail of thick brown hair that ran towards Goldberg's navel. The saliva that Garth had left on Goldberg glistened in the light of the full moon. Then, Garth reached forward to unbuckle Goldberg's belt when his had was quickly slapped away.

'Use your teeth, boy!' snapped Goldberg.

Garth obediently fell to his knees and attacked Goldberg's buckle with the ferocity of a pit bull. In a few quick seconds, the belt was unbuckled and Garth was hard at work on the top button of the trousers.

'That's it, Garth...yeah, that's a good boy.' said Goldberg.

Finally the button was undone and Garth slowly, seductively unzipped Goldberg's pants which fell to the ground in front of him. Goldberg's rock hard, dripping cock sprung up and smacked Garth square on the cheek leaving a slimy trail of precum.

'I see I'm not the only one who goes commando.' said Garth.

'Yep, we have lots in suck my dick!' said Goldberg.

Garth grabbed Goldberg's thick tool with both hands and struggled to work his lips around the wrestler's meaty cock head. The gobs of precum that Goldberg was oozing added just enough lubrication for first two inches of cock to pop right inside of Garth's inviting mouth.

'Oh, yeah, Garth...get my cock all nice and wet.' said Goldberg.

With a bit more effort, Garth had managed to lodge all of Goldberg's sizable meat deep inside of his throat. Then the singer began to slowly bob his head up and down on the big cock...letting it out so just the fleshy knob was between his lips and then sliding the entire length back in until his nose was buried in the aromatic pubes of the wrestler's bush.

'Damn,'re a fuckin' pro at this!' exclaimed Goldberg.

Garth let the rigid cock pop from his mouth and said, 'Why the hell do you think I have Ty Herndon open for my shows? He taught me everything I know!'

'Well, enough of this cocksucking, buddy...I'm ready for some down and dirty fucking!' said Goldberg. 'Lean over the railing, Garth.'

Garth did as he was instructed, leaned over the railing and presented his hairy white ass to Goldberg.

'Very nice...very nice.' said Goldberg as he spat a glob of thick saliva into his hand. He reached out and smeared the slippery fluid onto Garth's butthole...first working one finger, then another deep inside of the singer's hole. Goldberg then spit on his throbbing cock and worked the mixture of saliva and precum up and down the shaft of his thick tool.

'Open up and say 'Ahhh'' said Goldberg as he positioned his gleaming cock head at the opening of Garth's anus.

With ever increasing pressure, Garth's sphincter gave way and Goldberg's fuck pole wedged itself deep inside of the singer's ass.

Goldberg was speechless and the velvety softness of Garth's ass caressed every inch of his pulsating cock. Garth could only manage some garbled grunt and moans mixed with some heavy panting.

Goldberg looked down at Garth's fine his thick pubic bush tickling the backside of the singer's butt cheeks. The he slowly pulled his cock out of it's casing until just the head remained embedded inside of Garth and then slowly slide the entire length of his cock back inside the warm insides of the country superstar.

'Feels like you're going to come out of my throat, Bill...but I love it.' Garth finally managed to say.

'Well, than you're really like this.' said Goldberg.

Goldberg slapped Garth's ass and began pistoning his cock in and out of the singer's hole. The wrestler had a firm grip on the singer's hips and he mercilessly pummeled Garth's fuck chute. Goldberg's low hanging balls were banging into Garth's ass with every vicious stroke that he took.

'Ahhh...fuck, Bill...oh dear god...ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh...oh god!' Garth screamed out...his work echoing through the canyons below.

'Yeah, boy...take my cock...take my cock like the fuckin' pig that you are.'

yelled Goldberg. 'I'm gonna fill your ass so full of cum it'll be shooting out of your ears!'

Goldberg could feel Garth's ass muscles working overtime as they squeezed and massaged the massive tool that was invading the singer's hole. It wasn't going to be much longer before the wrestler would shoot his wad.

The wrestler continued his rhythmic pounding of Garth's ass as he reached forward and grabbed the singer's oozing cock. Goldberg began stroking Garth's cock in time with the wasn't going to be long before both men would spill their seed.

'This is it, Garth...I'm gonna cum!' grunted Goldberg.

His balls pulled up tight against his cock root as his sperm began its journey up the shaft of his fuck pole and into the waiting vessel that was Garth Brooks. Just as the first shot of Goldberg's cum entered the singer's well fucked ass, Garth let go with his second orgasm of the evening which covered Goldberg's hand with warm sticky cum. The wrestler continued his relentless ass fucking until his splooge was beginning to ooze out of Garth's hole and down his hairy thigh.

'Now that's what I call fucking!' said a breathless Goldberg. He pulled his cock out of Garth's ass, which was followed by a torrent of steaming hot man seed. Goldberg brought his jizm covered hand to his mouth and cleaned every bit of Garth's cum off of his fingers.

'I don't think I'll be able to walk right for a couple days, Bill...but it was worth every second of it!' said Garth.

'Glad you enjoyed it...maybe you can return the favor later tonight.' said Goldberg. 'That is, if you can get it up again.'

'With you here, Bill...I don't think getting it up will be a problem.' said Garth. 'Now let's go get cleaned up and get some rest...I wanna feel those beefy arms wrapped around me again.'

'Good thinking, Garth...lead the way, buddy.'

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