Gay Celebrity: Kenzie's Crack

By Kenzie Boi

Published on Jan 7, 2010



This is a purely fictional story and does not indicate knowledge of the true sexuality of the celebrities/people involved. I have no knowledge of their sexual orientation, and again, this is all pure fiction. Any resemblance to real events is purely coincidental. This story contains sexual material occurring between two males. If you are offended by such material, or it is against the law to view such material in your area, please leave now.If you're unsure what Kenzie looks like: comments/praise:

Kenzie's Crack - Part One

Romford had been amazing for Kenzie and all the boys of Blazin' Squad. They'd sung all their latest hits and made the girls wet their knickers in the front row. Especially when Kenzie lifted his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face and the girls caught a glimpse of his new, muscled body. Kenzie had worked hard to make his body this hard, his six pack was tightly ripped, his pecs were like slabs of concrete, and his arms had thick veins running down them. Even his shoulders and neck looked powerful and muscular, and he loved how much attention he was getting from tabloids and magazines. So Romford was over, and the boys were enjoying the sights of the town where stalls and displays had been set up. Kenzie wandered off on his own while the other boys of the group went off in pairs.

While wandering around, Kenzie saw a familiar face coming towards him. It was Chico, the X Factor contestant who had released that really annoying song `It's Chico Time' and had been through quite a few ups and downs in his career. Kenzie didn't mind him as a person, but hated his music. He also admired the guy's body. He had been noticing men's builds a lot more since he took up bodybuilding seriously. Chico came right up to him and shook hands, he was about 3 or 4 inches taller than Kenzie's 5'8" and a bit broader. The top of his smooth chest showed at the collar of his t-shirt. "How's it going little man?" Chico asked.

"Fuck you man, you know I'm fucking ripped." Kenzie replied with a grin. "I'm one of the buffest fuckers here!"

"Haha! Yes, I know. You're certainly much bigger than the first time I met you. You were just a skinny little kid back then." They started walking together. "Now you've grown into a fairly well built young man." He reached over and gripped Kenzie's arm. Although Kenzie was built like a cover model for a fitness magazine now, Chico was too, and he was a lot bigger than Kenzie, so the grip was quite tight. "I'm surprised to be honest, that you don't show off more."

"Yeah well man, I'm not some poser. And I don't think my body's perfect yet. I'd like to get a bit bigger before I start proper." Kenzie smiled at the older man.

"Come on." Chico took Kenzie's arm again and escorted him through the crowds towards the backstage area again. They slammed the heavy steel door behind them, and walked along the corridor.

"Where we going, man? I'm supposed to meet up with the group in a couple of hours. "Wait a second, where is everyone?"

"They're all out at the fair. Come here." Chico said hurriedly. "In here." He led Kenzie into his own dressing room. It was much like Blazin' Squad's, even as big which was surprising seeing as there was only one of him and five of them. Kenzie sat down on the sofa and put his feet up on the table.

"It is nice actually, being out of the crowds and not giving out autographs anymore or anything. You wanna watch the TV or something?" Kenzie asked. Chico walked over to the fridge and pulled out a couple of bottles of water and threw one to Kenzie. "Thanks man." Chico took a sip then put the bottle down. He crossed his arms over his chest and leant against the counter. Kenzie had to admire the way his biceps bulged over his chest.

"So why do you think your body isn't good enough to show off more?" Chico questioned him.

"I dunno man, I guess I just don't. I mean, you show off your body a fair bit. When did you feel ready to?" Chico smirked, took another drink then set it down. He crossed his arms and took hold of the bottom of his fairly tight t-shirt. He lifted, revealing a very tight, muscled mid-section, a six-pack of knotted abs, and then a pair of powerful, perfectly square pectoral muscles that formed a hard ridge over his abs. His arms came down showing off his grapefruit sized biceps and powerful, rounded shoulders.

"I've always known I look pretty good." Chico smirked.

"Wow, you are buff man!" Kenzie said in surprise. He was even more surprised though as he felt his crotch move slightly and he sat forward in the chair. Chico walked to the middle of the room, and pushed the table out the way. Kenzie gulped; there was now nothing in between them. Chico lifted his arm to the side and threw a powerful looking pose, flexing his right arms. Kenzie's mouth went dry. He took a swallow of his drink.

"Come on little man, stand up." Chico commanded him. He was quite forceful, which reminded Kenzie a lot of the personal trainer he had been with for the last few months. Kenzie stood up and walked so he was a couple of feet from Chico, who now towered over him like a muscled hulk. Chico put his hands out and grabbed the bottom of Kenzie's t-shirt and begun to lift.

"Hey stop." Kenzie protested. He put his hands in the way to stop his shirt going up more.

"Move your hands." Chico said, staring into Kenzie's eyes. Kenzie did as he was told, and Chico slowly removed the shirt, revealing a body worthy of a Men's Health cover model. It was smooth, tanned, and hard with muscles. "You see, this isn't a bad body at all. In fact, it's very nice." Chico's hand reached out and ran up and down Kenzie's abs. He used his other hand to grab one of Kenzie's hands and moved it to his own brick-like abs. "Feel mine, and think about how hard yours are. If you continue working on your body it won't be long, and you'll have a similar amount of strength." Chico smirked as Kenzie's lips were dry and he was swallowing a lot. He reached up and flicked Kenzie's hard nipple with his thumb. Kenzie gasped and started to protest again. "Does it feel bad?" Chico asked as he slowly rubbed the nipple. Kenzie shook his head. "Turn around." Kenzie did and found himself facing a full length mirror. Chico was stood behind him.

"Flex your arms as hard as you can." Kenzie did as he was told and the large muscular biceps popped up. He was proud of his arms and abs most and he showed off to Chico. Chico stood right behind him and pull the same pose, his biceps towering over Kenzie's.

"Whoa." Kenzie could only mutter before Chico ordered him to flex his pecs. Once of Chico's hands reached over his shoulder and grasped the slab of muscle.

"Drop your trousers." Chico said.

"What? Why?"

"Because I told you to, and because I wanted to see how well your legs are developed." Chico replied to which Kenzie nodded, and, facing the mirror again shucked his trousers down. He was just in his CK boxers now. "Hmmm, your legs aren't well developed yet like the rest of you. You will have to work on that." Chico came up behind Kenzie, and Kenzie could see he had dropped his trousers too. His thick thighs stood out on either side of Kenzie's legs and he could feel Chico standing very close to him. "Flex your abs hard." Chico told him. Kenzie did and his six pack dropped into stark relief, etched into his hard body, veins starting to show over it from all the hard flexing he had done. Chico's hands crept around and grasped Kenzie's muscled body, locking over his tight six pack and pulled him back slowly, his body falling against the bigger man's. Suddenly, Kenzie felt something warm and hard against his arse, and he started to struggle. "Stay still little boy." Chico started. "You make me very happy being here, I wouldn't want you to run anywhere." Kenzie struggled a bit more, but Chico increased his grip, and Kenzie was stuck. He felt Chico's cock against his arse, huge, dripping and hard. He could also feel Chico's abs and pecs against his back, his thighs against his own thighs and best of all, two huge grapefruit-sized biceps around his middle. His hands instinctively drew to them and began to stroke and squeeze. He couldn't believe the size of the muscles, covered in thick veins and so hard. Kenzie barely noticed as his cock grew hard in his pants, 8" of thick meat that he was very proud of, stood almost straight out. Chico's hands wandered, one up to the younger man's chest and the other down, into Kenzie's pants.

"Whoa, slow down, stop." Kenzie begged as his body gave away its feelings.

"Turn around." Chico ordered, and Kenzie spun in Chico's arms. His chest was now up against Chico's larger muscles, Chico's hand immediately went to Kenzie's arse and began squeezing, groping and taking control. Their hard cocks, Chico's bare and Kenzie's in his pants ground against one another and Kenzie couldn't help but gasp and release a groan. He didn't think he was gay, but this incredibly well built guy was pushed up against him and he couldn't believe the size of his muscles. Chico's hand slid inside Kenzie's boxers and his lips lowered to Kenzie's neck and shoulders where he begun to kiss and suck. His hand slid down Kenzie's crack and he slowly pushed a finger against Kenzie's hole.

"Oh my god!" Kenzie squealed. Chico was pushing harder. Kenzie's cock was leaking, and Chico sucked on his neck. One strong hand went to grip the back of Kenzie's neck hard, so that he didn't squirm too much. "Uh... uh... uh... oh fuck... me!" Kenzie yelled loudly. Chico replied something that sounded like "Later", then went back to shoving his finger in Kenzie's hole. Kenzie moaned loudly once more and could feel his balls tighten, his abs flexed hard and as he gripped Chico's huge arms for support he shot his load in his pants, his gorgeous face contorting in agony and pleasure. Chico slowly withdrew and released Kenzie completely, taking a step back. Kenzie, exhausted and no longer being supported, stumbled and ended up kneeling on the floor, hands on his knees panting. It took him a few seconds to orientate himself. Finally, he looked up as Chico took a step forward. Chico was naked. His body gleaming, smooth and like a marble statue of Hercules. Kenzie could swear he could count an eight pack of abs, and his pecs were so huge they blocked Kenzie's view of Chico's face from this angle. "Fuck. That was amazing." Chico smirked, then Kenzie looked down and saw the bigger man's cock.

It was hard. He had never seen one so hard, and veiny, and thick and long. It reached up, past Chico's belly button and was dripping so much precum, it looked like Chico had lubed his cock up. "Fuck! You're big everywhere aren't you?" Kenzie asked, trying to make a joke to break the uncomfortable silence.

"18" arms, and a 10" cock." Chico smirked at Kenzie. The thick, cut meat jerked in front of Kenzie's handsome face. Chico placed a hand on the back of Kenzie's head and eased him towards it. Kenzie's eyes opened wide, and he opened his mouth to protest which allowed Chico to slide just the tip of the head in. Kenzie couldn't resist Chico pushing him onto the cock, however, he quickly choked and gagged on the taste. "Don't worry, it'll be over soon. I know you're a macho, tough guy, but this doesn't make you any less of one. We're just two guys into muscle and fun. Enjoy it." He took his other hand and held Kenzie's head. His cock pumped a load of precum, and Chico could feel Kenzie lick it up. Then Kenzie's hands were running over his thick legs, and up to his hard abs. Kenzie was getting hard from feeling all the muscles again.

Finally, Chico was close, he pushed his cock right into Kenzie, as hard as he could and he felt Kenzie gag as it went an inch or so down his throat. Releasing him, the boy continued coughing and spluttering. Chico reached down and picked him up under the armpits, groping his powerful back and lat muscles. He lifted him, up and right off his feet until their faces were level, then forced his lips onto Kenzie's. At first, there was some resistance but gradually Chico snaked his tongue in and Kenzie could feel the huge meat between his legs, but he was completely lost at this and the kiss felt good. He wrapped his arms around Chico, feeling helpless and small compared to the huge, muscled guy. Chico rearranged his arms, so he had one wrapped around Kenzie's back, once again, holding him up and then used the other to grope Kenzie's arse which seemed to be a sensitive spot. He reached down and separated Kenzie's legs which he guided to wrap around his 28" waist. He carried Kenzie over to the wall, and pushed him up against it. His cock was thick and dripping and resting in Kenzie's well muscled crack. Kenzie was moaning into the kiss over and over again. Finally, Chico pulled back. "I'm going to push my cock into you." Kenzie suddenly looked scared and started to protest, so Chico lifted one arm to the side, and flexed as hard as he could, Kenzie swallowed. Chico's abs flexed hard too, forcing his cock up near Kenzie's hole, and his pecs became like blocks of cement. He brought his arm in closer. "Suck on it." Chico ordered the boy, and Kenzie's lips licked all over the ball of muscle, up and down the veins, chewing, sucking, licking the hard bulge. His cock continued to nudge closer and closer to the tight, virgin hole. He pushed his body harder against Kenzie, and finally, his tip was just touching the hole. He reached up with his arm, and pulled Kenzie's hair back and shoved his tongue into Kenzie's mouth at the same time as he pushed the head of his huge meat into Kenzie's arse.

Kenzie tried screaming and moaning loudly, he even tried pushing Chico away but the bigger, older man was too strong and Kenzie was feeling especially weak next to him as the cock inched its way inside. Chico stopped pushing and pulled away from Kenzie. "Look down." He sneered at the younger muscle boy. Kenzie did as he was told, though wasn't sure about it. He could see Chico's huge muscles flexing, every striation in his chest was etched into his muscles, and then his eight pack of abs, and then he could see Chico's cock. The incredible pain in his arse, like taking a shit but 10 times worse, was nothing! He only had about half the cock in, however there was something he was liking, the feeling of being held and having no choice in the matter. Chico had his legs round his waist and was holding him up. Then the older man reached behind him and unhooked Kenzie's legs. He was careful not to push any further in with his cock as he lifted the legs out and then up, bending Kenzie double, fortunately he was very flexible, but finally his ankles rested on Chico's broad, muscled shoulders. After re-arranging, Chico leant forward again. He whispered into Kenzie's ear. "This is going to hurt."

"What? Aaaaahhhh! Fuuuck!" Kenzie screamed as Chico slammed his cock to the root up Kenzie's hole. Kenzie kept begging Chico to slow down, but the muscled man was pounding for all he was worth, his huge muscles flexing as he spewed precum up Kenzie's tight hole. It was long and he felt his balls rising, breaking in virgin arse was Chico's favourite pastime, and he had made this boy his bitch. Kenzie clung on as best he could, but he was relying on Chico to hold him up. Finally, Kenzie could feel Chico flex even harder than before and he grabbed onto the huge muscles, watching the thick veins in Chico's neck throb with the exertion. He was committing this to memory for later enjoyment, and as Chico came up his arse, he realised he was hard. Chico pumped for over a minute into the raw, ravaged hole. Finally, he forced Kenzie's legs off his shoulders and dropped the boy having sloppily removed the cock from the boy's arse. Kenzie felt drained and empty. Chico looked down as he had the boy between him and the wall and realised Kenzie was hard as a rock as his pecs crushed Kenzie. He grabbed him again and started kissing him passionately, his hand crept down to the boy's newly opened arse, and he begun to grope and finger it. Kenzie whined into Chico's mouth then shot a second huge load. Chico released him.

"Get your clothes on." He ordered the boy. Kenzie was out of breath but did as he was told. When he was dressed he looked at Chico and the muscled god-like body walked towards him and picked him up again to shove his tongue in Kenzie's mouth and grope his muscled arse. "This arse is mine whenever I want it. Clear?" He questioned the boy. Kenzie nodded with apprehension and a gulp. Chico dropped him to the floor. "Off you go." Kenzie didn't really want to but Chico led him out and shut the door behind him. He couldn't believe it. His arse had been stretched by an awesome, muscular man, and he loved it.

End of Part One

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