Gay/celebrity/More Than A Witch

By Aiden Lopez

Published on Jan 5, 2013



Hi I'm Aiden, I would like to take the time to say...if you're not 18 or older do not read my stories. If you do, then don't get caught. Don't ask me to put you in a's stupid. Please donate to Nifty to keep the stories going. Charmed.

More Than A Witch-1

"The boy is soon to gain his powers. He'll be new at this and inexperienced. I want him dead." A cloaked figure said in a booming voice.

Men dressed in black clothes all kneeled on one leg.

"Yes my lord." They all said together before shimmering out.

"Soon. Soon his head will be mine." The figure spoke before taking a seat on a throne made of stone.

"You can't be serious! You want me to what?" I asked pissed off, "Organize every CD in the store into there proper order. Both alphabetically, and through there stylings." Drew said in his annoying high pitched British accent. Honestly British accents are sexy but his was just purely irritating.

"Oh and lock up for me." He said with a smirk before tossing me the keys, and putting his leather jacket on before leaving.

"OO!!" I grunted raising my hand into the air.

"It's friggin' Halloween...and my birthday! Instead of partying like I should be. I'm stuck here."

I locked the front door and began organizing the store. A sound in the back made me stop.

"Hello? Anyone there?? We're closed." I said as I began walking around the store.

Something caught my attention, I walked to the back where the posters were. There glass frames reflecting things behind me. I saw a figure in black clothes with a glowing ball in his hand. I didn't get a good look at his face as he tossed a ball of fire at me.

I ducked, the fireball just barely missed me. I was still on the floor when he tossed another at me. I raised my hands infront of me trying to protect myself to see the fireball reverse in course.

I watched as the man screamed in pain as the fireball turned him into ashes in a matter of seconds.

"Did that really just happen?" I asked myself, even going to the lengths of pinching myself. "Ow! Okay I'm's real."

I spent the next thirty minutes cleaning up the ashes from the carpet and finishing up the store. I looked at the clock...4:30 in the morning. Great! I have work in 3 and a half hours. My house is on the other side of town....that gives me more like two hours. Looks like I'm sleeping in my car again!

I locked up shop and got inside my car, grabbing the pillow and blanket. I pulled on an eye cover and tried to get what little sleep that I could.

I awoke to something hitting my window. It was Drew. "Why are you asleep? Wake up!" He said in his annoying British accent.

I got out of the car. "You didn't see this?!" He said gesturing to the store...which was trashed. The glass door broken, the windows wrote on.

"Oh no!" I freaked, "Because you were asleep some vandals destroyed my-beautiful store!" Drew shrieked,

"You are fired." He yelled in my face, "Fired for sleeping? I organized your stupid goddamned store. I gave up my entire evening because you were getting your balls off!" I yelled at him, pointing him in the chest. Each time I said something he blushed more and more.

"You can't fire me. I quite! No never mind! You fired me, that way I can collect a pension." I said getting into my car and I began my drive home.

I looked at all the sights that San Francisco has to offer as I crossed Golden Gate Bridge to the bay area and up the hill. I looked at all the houses as I drove up the hill finally making it to my house on the highest hill there was. A nice beautiful blue house with old painted glass windows.

I parked in the driveway and walked to the front of the house to set up the trash can to be picked up for tomorrow. I unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Hey-hi. When you said you didn't know when you would be home, you weren't kidding." My mom started obviously angry, "Mom..I'm tired. Drew had me organizing the entire friggin' store and then fired me because it was thrashed while I slept in my car again so I wouldn't be late." I told her landing on the white fluffy couch. I groaned in pure pleasure of laying on something soft and comfortable.

"Oh you poor baby, and on your birthday. I hope he gets nut cancer. You just rest." My mom said rubbing my long glossy black hair out of my eyes.

"I second that." I said before dowsing off into Wonderland.

"He's stronger than I expected. His molecular manipulation power is strong. He was able to move the molecules of the fireball and destroy the demon I sent to test his powers." The figure on the throne spoke to the others.

"I want you to kill him." They all kneeled and shimmered out.


"Honey." She said again as I remained asleep.

"Honey!!" My mom yelled, causing me to leap in the air.

"Time to wakeup. It's 3 in the afternoon." My mom said with a smile.

"Well I'm fired. I need to find a job. I mean...for obvious reasons I can't go back to FYE." I told her, she kissed my head before leaving for work. I dropped out of school because of I was always picked on. When I came out it was so horrible. I was picked on and...I couldn't do it. So I just got my G.E.D and studied college online very early.

I'm a 17 year old college graduate.

"I need a place to work. Some place new. Well for me." I looked at my a kid I wondered why I didn't look anything like my parents. One was a gorgeous blond with a model like body, and the other a stunning man-beast of rippling muscle and a sexual aura, not to mention bright fiery red hair. One had brown eyes and the other had you see where there was some questions.

I mean...I'm 5'9 lightly tanned, I have a nicely muscled lithe swimmer's build. Pink angelic style lips, white perfect teeth...thanks to braces and great dental hygiene. Raven hair that went passed my shoulders and sky blue eyes. People say I look like a model....but I never felt like it. I felt pathetic. I let my insecurities get in the way of my life...I never had a boyfriend...hell I didn't even go to prom....dropped out way too early.

Anyways back to my parents...I found out I was adopted. In fact the exact same time I found that out the same time my parents found out I was gay. My dad...couldn't handle it. He told me he wasn't my dad....after he said that. He apologized and said he was shocked but still loved me. He died one day coming home from the mugging.

"Well...I hear they are applying at 'Halliwells'." My mom said with a finger to her chin.


"Okay. I'll go now and see if they need a waiter or something." I said to my mom, kissing her on the cheek.

I took a quick shower and changed into a white wife beater, a leather jacket, black cargo jeans, and black and white converse. Wearing a triquetra necklace my parents gave me...they said it was left from my real mother. See...they were young and thought they couldn't do it. They tried to give me back, but...she died before they could find her. They searched and searched...but she was gone. And when they did find her, they found out she had been killed.

But at that time... were ready to be parents and couldn't give me up

"I'm sorry. How did you hear about Us?" Bill-The Manager asked.

"Uh. Friend." I told him, "Sorry. The position has been filled." He said sternly before leaving.

"Listen mister." I said getting up pointing at him. I watched surprised as a lamp exploded.

"Oops." I stood there shocked, I need to get control of whatever this is.

I turned and walked into someone who felt like a brick wall. I couldn't help but feel up the wall, "Ehem." A smooth and dare I say sexy voice said,

"Sorry." I said getting off of him. I looked at him, his golden tan. Amazing baby blue eyes, curly blond hair that was tied into a pony tail, a strong jaw, and medium size lips. He was 6'3 and a friggin' god!

"No problem. Are you alright?" He asked, "Am I alright? I'm feeling you up-accidentally!"

"It's fine. I'm Wyatt," he said shaking my hand, I couldn't let it was a little awkward.

"I am-" I was about to say when three guys walked in.

"Wyatt." They called, especially a bronze skinned boy with short copper brown hair.

"-just leaving." I finished the sentence feeling like an idiot. Of course someone so gorgeous wouldn't be single. Damn.

"Wait!" He called trying to grab me but I waved him off.

"I'm sorry." I said but was interrupted, "Yeah you are. Fuck off. Leave my boyfriend alone." The copper haired guy said.

"Hayden! Stop it! We aren't together anymore!" Was the last thing I heard as I left. Just great. I have a knack at wanting things I can't have.

"Hey!" I heard someone call, but I didn't stay to listen. I don't answer to 'hey' my dad told me to carry myself with self respect, I jumped into my car and drove off.

"Mom?" I called looking around the house. "Hello?? Anyone home???" I called into the air. Something wasn't right. I smelled smoke and some horrible smell. I looked on the floor and saw a scorch mark.

"She's not here right now. Care to leave a message? I'll be sure she gets it...actually where she's at...She won't be saying ANYTHING. For a-ever!" A teenage looking guy dressed in black clothes.

"Where is she?!?" I was pissed at this freak who just waltz into my house and starts proclaiming this and that.

"Obviously your not that smart...she's dead. Look at the scorch mark on the floor." The guy said with a smirk putting a finger on his chin.

Tears began to pour as I cried on the scorch mark on the floor.

"Burn you little bitch!" I yelled in fury and saddness, flicking my wrist like I did a few times before. I watched as be exploded leaving no trace behind. I pulled my legs closer to me. Oh God! I couldn't breath, the room was spinning. I felt utterly and hopelessly crushed.

I sat there crying for minutes, which became hours, which became days, which became weeks, which became months. Well I didn't sit there crying for months, I mourned for months.

It was until, today. That I finally snapped out of it. I sold everything I owned to pay bills and I was about to leave...there was nothing left for me. I needed an escape from this...whatever it was.

I had my hair tied back, wearing a white long sleave shirt with baby blue sleaves, and black leather pants that just hugged me just oh so right, and my lucky black leather knee length boots.

Since my mom died....I decided to take more chances. I'm going to be more confident and bold, or atleast try.

One night on the town. I was going to hit up 'P3'

The music blasted, people were dancing and moving. I just let go, I mean...why not. I began spinning and moving like I never have before. I swear the way I was moving should be illegal in public.

I felt eyes on me. I let my body roll, moving my hips. I felt a hardon pressed behind me. "You look good enough to eat." A man said whispering into my ear. Kissing my kneck.

"Don't eat me all in one bite." I said turning to him with a smirk.

"Come on." He said guiding me out the back door

"You look so amazing." He said pushing me against a wall hard. I hit my head, he just continued to nip at my neck. Until finally he bite in, I felt sharp puncture wounds.

I screamed and felt like I was falling into a void.

I saw a bright white and blue light, the sound of small bells chiming.

"Hey ugly!" I heard a familiar voice say.

"This is my meal!" The guy who held me yelled, "Yeah well your going on a diet." The other guy yelled, my vision was so blurred I couldn't see correctly so I fell to the ground as I felt the guy be torn off of me. Then I felt hands on me, I was being picked up by the guy, the vampire.

"We cant kill him! Vampires are resistant to witch powers."

"Then we'll use our whitelighter powers." The familiar voice said.

My vision was coming back but slowly. I took a chance, I aimed my hands towards the vampire guy who was holding me and blew it's ass up. I felt myself fall and hit the ground...this time being knocked unconscious.

"Holy Shit! Did you just see that? He blew up the vampire...that's not possible!"

"Let's get him out of here." One of the familiar voices said picking me up and igniting in shimmering blue and white lights before lifting into the atmosphere.

(That's the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to ask questions, but I swear if you have ridiculous demands like say: 1) put you into the story so you can live some perverted fantasy. 2) Change my story to how you want it to go...last time I checked I was the author mister! Or missy! 3) <- boob-eyes! Lol. )

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