Gay/celebrity/Teen Bat

By Calvin Montana

Published on Mar 25, 2013



If you aren't at the very least 18, then please don't read this. Teen Wolf. This contains male/male relations. This doesn't contain any personal information involving the celebrities's personal lives or genders.

Teen Bat-1

"Watch where I'm walking fatty!" Jackson said cruelly to me. My head collided with a locker as he pushed me. I'd admit...I am large for my side. I'm 5'4 and considered one of the short people in Beacon Hills High. Anyways, I'm like the most miserable person here. I mean I'm not only gay...I'm fat.

I felt tears well in my eyes as people laughed and just watched me pick myself up from the floor. "Hey dude you okay?" Stiles Stilinski asked me as he picked up my stuff from the floor. "Yeah. I's just who he is." I said wiping the tears away. "Maybe but he shouldn't act like that towards anyone." Stiles said handing me my stuff.

"Stiles!" Scott McCall called towards us. "I gotta go. See you, Jesse." Stiles said running off towards Scott.

I watched them leave. Two beautiful boys. Stiles Stilinski a pale lean muscled cute guy with adhd. Like seriously he can't sit still. He constantly falls out of his chair during class. He talks a lot and fast, leaving people in the dust.

Scott is a buff Latino with a crooked jaw, despite being Latino he doesn't speak a word of Spanish. In fact he failed his Spanish test.

I watched them laugh as they walked away. I could still feel eyes on me. I went to the bathroom to clean my face and get my bearings. I was always picked on, even though it happens everyday, doesn't make it any less painful.

I felt like the pressure was too much. I couldn't breath, couldn't calm down. I cried, I cried and I cried. I wish I could just stop crying...but it won't stop. I glanced at myself in the mirror. My ugly round face, my leaf green eyes, long fuzzy black hair that reached my shoulders. My entire existence was a fluke.

I went through the day like any other. Mocked and pushed around. Even the coach did it to me. I mean he did it to everyone but he took great pleasure from seeing me shed a tear as he cruelly hurled insults and rude jokes at me. The thing is though, no one stopped him...they either watched in disgust of either me or him. Or they did it along with him, or they just didn't care.

I eventually just got up and walked out, unable to hear another insult. I sucked it up and just took it. I couldn't deal with this anymore. I've given up hope on the human population on being vain.

"Hey Jeremy!" I could hear Stiles call after me, "Hey!-" he started bending over gasping for air.

"Don't!-don't listen to them. They're all just assholes."

"It's fine-" I started but he put his hands on my shoulders.

"No it's not! No one has the right to treat people like that." Stiles said,

"Despite what you may'll never change. I'm just going to go home. Thanks for caring." I told him wiping tears away.

I couldn't believe people were actually like this. I don't know where I was going...but I wasn't staying here. I continued to walk all the way to the forest line by the school. I entered and never looked back.

Hours passed, it was dark and freezing. I could see my breath. I held myself close, trying to keep what little warmth I had left in me.


I did a complete U-turn, I was met with the glowing red eyes of a monstrous shadowy figure. What little I could see from the moon's light was it's large black vile mouth. Saliva falling lewdly onto the floor, it's tongue flicking around in it's large chops. I could hear it's hungry growls.

I turned to run, but before I could even take a step it was infront of me. I could finally see it in the moon light, its tall stature, lazily slumped forward. It's deathly dark and tight leathery hide stretched over tons of muscles.

It lunged for me, I missed it by a hair. I began to run away, as I ran I could hear the call of a wolf not far in the distance.

I kept running until I found a large old burnt house in the woods. The old Hale Residence. I remember the story, a white magnificent mansion use to be here. Until one fateful night it mysteriously burnt to the ground killing everyone inside.

The roar shocked me from my daydream. I looked around for a place to hide when I was swat aside like a rag doll. My side hitting a tree trunk, I crawled away from where I lay helplessly. My eyes met the red eyes of my pursuer, all I could do was scream and beg for the pain to stop as it sunk it's teeth into my neck.

It's long sharp claws cutting through my clothes. I could feel it as they sliced my flesh up. I had grown weak, paralyzed out of fear and possiblly some venom from it's fangs.

I heard the growls of a pack of wolves? California doesn't have wolves.

I felt myself drop to the ground, the creature stepping over me. I watched in terror as it's large sharp clawed hands became wings right before my eyes. In one flap the creature was gone.

"It's Jeremy! What's he doing here?" I heard a female voice ask before I was consumed by the cold numbing void.


My eyes slowly opened, my vision blurry. I woke up in a car....I was in the back seat.

"Is he going to be okay?" I could hear Scott ask,

"No idea. Derek drops him off on my front porch and tells me to bring him to the hospital." I heard Stiles say, the sound of the engine roaring. My eyes closed and I sank back into the void.

"Were here." I heard Scott say as they dragged me out of the car.

"He smells different. His scent is changing."


I awoke again. An annoying beeping waking me from my slumber. I was laying in a hospital bed. I took notice to everything. I could see so much clearer. Not needing contacts any longer. I could smell the air, tastes it's flavors on the tip of my tongue.

I noticed the heart moniter beeped rapidly. I ripped out the cord and got up from the bed. I looked at the now leaking hole in my arm. I watched as the blood stopped and the wound sealed itself.

I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself. I was changed...extremely. I wasn't fat....I was slender and fit. Filled in all the right places. I was lean and tightly muscled. My hair was longer, down my back.

It wasn't frizzy anymore, my hair was straightened. My leaf green eyes were literally glowing. I touched my face, feeling the smooth skin. I looked at my now creamy pale skin, my full pink lips. I was sexy, I was also slightly taller.

I looked at my teeth, they were unbelievably pearly white and straightened. My canines and incisors longer and sharper, you wouldn't notice it if you never knew me.

"Oh-uh, sorry." A nurse said gasping when she looked at me.

"A-are you alright?" She asked, I never once answered her.

"I'm fine." I told her, my voice it sounded the same...yet so different. It was...musical.

"Ready to leave." I told her,

"Unfortunately that's not possible. You need a check up, which is in the morning. Also you need someone to sign you out, you're a minor." She said to me.

"Fine." I told her, waving her off. Only when she left did I notice how desperately thirsty I was. I turned to the sink and drank, no matter how much I drank it did not help.

(Hope you like this. If so let me know and I'll continue. :)

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