Ghost Whisperer: The Next Generation:: The Beginning

By arhs arhs

Published on Mar 16, 2010



ATTENTION: This is just fantasy, All rights to the Gordon family and friends and Ghost Whisperer go to CTV and John Gray. This is a spin-off of his creation, of which we're all thankful for. I like feedback so i'm gonna wait till i write the second part if you like it, say it. Plus if your thinking this is just a jack of story, no it ain't.

A body started to fell from the stairs, finally when it reached the bottom, a scream was heard. The scream came from a little boy, everyone rushed in to the room to confront the boy. When they saw the body, they froze. In hurried movements, Melinda took hold of little Patrick and ran away from the scene, while Rick confirming that Jim was dead, Ned ran up stairs to see who pussed Jim out of the stairs, but he saw no-one.

Delia called the police, they took the lifeless body of Jim, inspected the house for fingertips, but came with nothing. Was it really nothing? Could be Jim slipped from the stairs by himself? All this question were bombarded but she couldn't react, she knew, an oath she had made when she had for the first time take him to her arms. That she will protect him no matter what.

The funeral, the ceremony, everything went out well, as they would in a strange way. Melinda felt her beloved dad by her side giving courage to her. When she turned to see were was the feelin’ coming from, there he was although not her dad but Jim. Hot tears started to ran down like rivers. Memories materialised, everything was coming back to her now. The night they were met, their wedding, one of the many nights they made love were the gestation happend. They were in their bed, sweating, moaning, saying love worlds to each other and now the reality stabbed her hard on the heart.

When she turned again to see him, he was gone, no sign of him at all. As the years went by, she kept having dreams of this encounter but she really couldn’t put her finger on it. She din’t know where to begin. From where to start, to find out if someone killed her husband on not. On the other hand, Patrick was having more and more nightmares of that scene, a body reaching the bottom of the stairs and right away he would wake up. Despite those nightmares both of them found the streght to move on, Melinda for her child and Patrick for his mom.

From a very young age Patrick knew he was gifted but he was affraid to say it even to admitt to himself. As the years went by Patrick was practising his gifts by himself, always with his mother knowledge he started to have visions of that night but he didn’t know what to do. In the mean time Melinda was helping spirits to cross over with Patrick knowing the truth. It’s ironic how many times life can be like that, like mother like son.

By the age of 16, with full understading of his powers and especially his visions he was certain that his father was killed. Now were the decision has been made, he will find many difficulties along his way. He will help the defensless and condemn the offensive types. And now is where the journey really begins. Beware, 'cause here comes the gifted one.

Grandview High School at night. A blur figure sees the main entrance of the bulding, it walking to the hall past the trophy case and at the library turns to the right down another hall. The is goes to a science classroom. It pans low along a row of desks. It sees the windows. The counter in front of them is full of various things: a skeleton, some vertebrae, jars of things in formaldehyde, a skull and a microscope. A fist punches through a windowpane and reaches in to undo the clasp. It's a boy and a girly, sneaking into the school.

Drake: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Boy: It's a great idea, now come on.

They crawl in. The figure goes to the hall. They come out of the classroom and walk down the hall.

Drake: Do you go to school here?

Boy: I used to. On top of the gym it's so cool. You can see the whole town.

He continues down the hall, but he stops him close to the intersection.

Drake: I, I, I, I don't wanna go up there.

Boy: Aw, you can't wait, huh?

Drake: We're just gonna get in trouble.

Boy: Yeah, you can count on it.

They almost kiss when Drake startles, draws a quick breath and turns his head around to look down the hall.

Drake: What was that?

Boy: What was what?

Drake: I heard a noise.

Boy: It's nothing!

Drake: Uh, uh, maybe it's something.

Boy: Or maybe it's some thing!

Drake: That's not funny.

He looks down the other hall.

Boy: Hellooooo! (to Drake) There's nobody here.

Drake: Are you sure? (looks away)

Boy: Yes, I'm sure.

Drake: Okay.

He turns back to him all vamped out. He growls and bites him. He grunts in pain as they sink to the floor.

Patrick's room. The figure shows us him in bed. He's having the nightmares, with visions of the Mystery man, the underground city, his dad, vampires, demons and ghosts, various events and artifacts. He wakes with a start.

Melinda: (from downstairs) Patrick?

Patrick: (sitting up) I'm up, Mom!

Melinda: (from downstairs) Don't wanna be late for your first day!

Patrick: (to himself) No... Wouldn't want that.

The figure again sees the school. Melinda is pulling up to the school in her Jeep to drop off Patrick.

Melinda: Okay!

Patrick gets out.

Melinda: Have a good time. I know you're gonna make friends right away, just think positive. (gives a thumbs up)

Patrick looks through the open car door and gives her mother a quick nod. She turns to go and closes the door behind her.

Melinda: And honey?

Patrick looks back at her mom again.

Melinda: Try to have some fun?

Patrick: I promise.

Melinda: Okay.

Patrick faces the school and lets out a deep breath. Melinda drives off. We see a boy, doing his usual bob and weave through the crowd on his skateboard.

Boy: 'Scuse me, comin' through, pardon me, 'scuse me, whoa! 'Scuse me, not sure how to stop! Please move, whoa, 'scuse me... (notices Patrick) Whoa!

He stares at him and doesn't notice that he's headed right for the stair railing. He crashes into it and falls beneath it, grunting in pain. A girl walks up and has to step high to avoid tripping over his legs.

Boy: I'm Okay. I feel good.

She looks down at him, smiling and pulling her hair behind her ear. While Patrick is trying not laugh his heart out. He then goes straight ahead to the Principals Sheridan’s office. Patrick is seated. He has his school records and walks around the desk to his chair as he looks them over.

Mr. Sheridan: Patrick Summers, sophomore, son of the late Jim Clancy. Interesting man, quite a career...

He sits, takes the sheet he's reading and tears it into four pieces.

Mr. Sheridan: Welcome to Grandview High! A clean slate, Patrick, that's what you get here. What's past is past. We're not interested in what it says on apiece of paper, even if it says... (reads) Whoa.

Patrick: Mr. Sheridan...

Mr. Sheridan: All the kids here are free to call me Bob.

Patrick: Bob...

Mr. Sheridan: But they don't.

He begins reassembling the torn sheet.

Patrick: I know my transcripts are a little... colorful.

Mr. Sheridan: Heeey... We're not caring about that. Do you think, uh, 'colorful' is the word? (tapes the paper) Not, uh, 'dismal'?

Patrick: Wasn't that bad!

Mr. Sheridan: You started screaming at your gym teacher.

Patrick: (exhales) I did, I really did, but... You're not seeing the big picture here, I mean, that gym was full of g... Arlic, I am alergic to that.

Mr. Sheridan: Patrick, don't worry. Any other school they might say 'watch your step', or 'we'll be watching you'... But, that's just not the way here. We want to service your needs, and help you to respect our needs. And if your needs and our needs don't mesh...

He puts the poorly repaired sheet back into his file and slaps it shut. He gives him a thin, nervous smile.

Patrick comes out of Mr. Sheridan's office. He opens his bag and rummages through it as he walks into the hall right in front of a girl and a boy. The girl bumps into him, making him lose his grip on the bag and spill its contents.

Patrick: Oh! Sorry!

Girl: That's okay.

Patrick: (looks down at the mess) Oh...

The skater boy hears the noise, looks back, quickly comes over and squats down next to him to help him gather his things.

Skater boy: Can I have you?

He gives him a confused look.

Skater boy: Duh... (chuckles) Can I help you?

Patrick: (smiles) Thanks.

Skater boy: I don't know you, do I?

Patrick: I'm Patrick. I'm new.

Xander: Xander. Is, is me. Hi. (smiles)

Patrick: Um, thanks.

They finish gathering up everything.

Xander: Well, uh, maybe I'll see you around... maybe at school... Since we... both... go there.

Patrick: Great! (they stand up) It was nice to meet you.

He starts down the hall.

Xander: (unimpressed with himself) We both go to school. Very suave. Very not pathetic.

He notices a talisman still on the floor.

Xander: Oh, hey! (picks it up) Hey, you forgot your... talisman!

Patrick doesn't hear him and continues down the hall. Xander holds on to the talisman. The bell rings and all the students are heading to class including them Patrick too. The teacher writes "The Black Death" on the board and then turns to the class.

Teacher: It's estimated that about twenty-five million people died in that one four-year span. But the fun part of the Black Plague is that it originated in Europe how?

Kate is taking notes. So is Patrick, seated next to her.

Teacher: As an early form of germ warfare. If you'll look at the map onpage sixty-three you can trace the spread of the disease into Rome, and then north... Patrick doesn't have a book and looks around for help. Kate notices and shares her book.

Patrick: (to Kate) Thanks.

Teacher: And this popular plague led to what social changes? Steve?

The bell rings and the students get up to leave.

Kate: Hi! I'm Kate. (offers her hand)

Patrick: (accepts it) I'm Patrick.

Kate: If you're looking for a textbook of your very own there's probably a few in the library.

Patrick: Oh, great, thanks. (they get up) Where would that be?

Kate: I'll show you, come on. (they start out of the classroom) So you're from Grandview, right? The antique shop?

Patrick: Uh, yeah.

Kate: Oh, I would kill to get a shop like yours. That close to the weird things?

Patrick has to laugh as they go into the hall.

The two of them walking down another part of the hall.

Kate: Well, you'll be okay here. If you hang with me and mine, you'll be accepted in no time. Of course, we do have to test your coolness factor. You're from Grandview, so you can skip the written, but let's see. Vamp nail polish.

Patrick: Um, over?

Kate: So over. James Spader.

Patrick: He needs to call me!

Kate: Frappaccinos.

Patrick: Trendy, but tasty.

Kate: John Tesh.

Patrick: The Devil.

Kate: That was pretty much a gimme, but... you passed!

Patrick: Oh, goody!

They turn toward a drinking fountain. Andrea is there. She straightens up and sees them coming.

Kate: Andrea! Nice dress! Good to know you've seen the softer side of Sears.

Andrea: Uh, oh, well, my mom picked it out.

Kate: No wonder you're such a guy magnet. Are you done?

Andrea looks at the fountain, then back at Kate.

Andrea: Oh!

She turns and leaves. Patrick watches her go for a moment, then looks back at Kate after she starts talking again.

Kate: You wanna fit in here, the first rule is: know your losers. Once you can identify them all by sight (glances after Andrea) they're a lot easier to avoid.

Patrick lets out a nervous laugh and nods. She looks at Andrea again, who has gone through the door at the end of the hall. Andrea looks back at them before she continues. Another area in the halls. The two of them continue their walk to the library.

Kate: And if you're not too swamped with catching up you should come by the Bronze tonight.

Patrick: The who?

Kate: The Bronze. It's the only club worth going to around here. They let anybody in, but it's still the scene. It's in the bad part of town.

Patrick: I don’t know (stops outside the library doors)

Kate: Oh come on. (laughing) It will be ok, trust me, you should show!

Patrick: Well, I'll try. (looks toward the library) Uh, thanks.

Kate: Good. So, um, I'll see you in gym, and you can tell me absolutely everything there is to know about you. (waves and goes)

Patrick: (waves back) Great! (to himself) Oh, that sounds like fun. He goes into the library. He comes in and looks around. It looks deserted.

Patrick: Hello? (continues in) Is anybody here?

He looks at the book checkout counter and sees a newspaper. A picture has been circled. The caption above it reads "Local Boys Still Missing." Rick comes up behind him and taps him on the shoulder. He spins around, startled.

Patrick: Ooo! (exhales) What are you doing here!?

Rick: Surpise! That’s my second job, i need the money you know.

Patrick: Anyway I was looking for some, well, books. I'm new.

Rick: Patrick right?

Patrick: Good call! Guess I'm the only new kid, huh?

Rick: You are the only one that can understand my sense of humor.

Patrick: Look where that leads me.

He heads around behind the counter, while Patrick hears a whisper, he spins around slowly focusing the direction from the whisper and sees a boy he gets starled.

Rick: What is it?

Patrick: Oh no. Where is my talisman (he turns around, searching his bag)

Rick: You know, that’s not gonna stop them.

Patrick: But why me? Why don’t they just go to my mom?

Rick: Have you ever crossed your mind that you might be more powerfull than she is?

Patrick: What! No! It can’t be. I don’t wanna be more powerfull than my mom! Anyway, I'm gonna need 'Perspectives on 20th Century...'

Rick: (interrupting) I know what you're need! Look just talk to the ghost, maybe it requires your help and not your mothers. How did he/she look like?

Patrick: He was tall, kind of cute i would say, oh I think he is here (he turns around) Who are you?

Ghost: I am Devon Miles, I used to go to school here.

Patrick: Do you remember when or where you died?

Devon: Yes.

Patrick: Well?

Devon: Yesterday, here at school. Two girls are talking about Patrick, when one of them opens her locker. The dead boy falls out of the locker onto the girl's arm. She screams and lets the body fall. Melinda storms in and sees Devon and Devon’s fade.

Melinda: Oh, that can’t be good.

So is this all you know?

Patrick: Mom, yes that’s all i know. He said he died yesterday, here on campus. What are you doing here, anyway?

Melinda: Oh, I heard about the body in the locker room and i thought you might need my help, the whole town are crased over it.

Rick: Who can blame them? Well since the ghost came to Patrick, I think he is the one that should investigate, maybe will be demons behind it. Go and see the body then come and tell us.

Patrick: Ok no problem, don’t forget the books though! See u later. (Leaving the library)

Rick: He remind me of you, you know.

Melinda: Yes, that’s what scares me.

Patrick moves from hall to hall till he finds the door, he tries to open it but it’s locked. He turns left and then right to see if someone’s coming, and with a wave of his right hand the door opens. He gets in, walking to the covered body, he lift the sheet, and he sees the marks.

Patrick: Oh great, that’s just great!

He sees vampire marks, carefully with the back of his hand, he touches the deceased one and his ears are starting to ring while he has a premonition of a girly boy draining his bloud out. He coming out of it screaming. Really shocked walks back to the library, sceptical, playing in his mind the eyes of Devon right before he dies. He steps in to the library, Melinda and Rick are waiting for him, wait to listen his verdict. But that look, the way those eyes where were brought him back one more memory. The way his dad’s were, surpised. Really devasted from this long forgotten memory, he starts talking.

Patrick: Well, definately a vampire’s job. His whole blood were draines out of him.

Melinda: So we know, the “beast” how do we take up against it.

Patrick: You don’t, I do.

Melinda: No, you’re not gonna go through this all alone.

Patrick: Thanks, but it’s my charge mom.

Melinda: Rick, allright, a little more information here. We know that he is a vampire, what about Devon will he become too? (asked worried)

Rick: (holding a book) According to this book, he’s just dead.

Melinda: Can you be sure?

Patrick walks and reads the book with Rick.

Patrick: To make you a vampire they have to suck your blood. And then you have to suck their blood. It's like a whole big sucking thing. Mostly they're just gonna kill you.

Rick: You really have no idea what's going on, do you? You think it's coincidence, your being here? That boy was just the beginning.

Patrick: But what can i do? I don’t know where to find that guy and let’s just say that i found him. How do you expect me to vanquish him, they always goes with packs.

Melinda: You really know about vampires!

Patrick: Mom, it’s in the book. Anyway i have to go home to change some clothes and go to the Bronze!

Rick: That vampire is out there, and all you can think is “fun”!?!

Patrick: Hey! Stop it! Ok? I am doing my best and i have a social life, got it? Plus besides lost ghosts what more Grandview can hide! How bad an evil lika that can be here.

The figure leaves the school, and goes behind some bushes and sinks through the ground into the lair of Master. There are candles everywhere. Vampires bearing torches are gathering. The figure moves around the lair as Luke chants and eventually comes to rest on him.

Luke: The sleeper will wake. The sleeper will wake. The sleeper will wake. The sleeper will wake, and the world will bleed. Amen!

Patrick's room. He's considering what to wear to the Bronze. He holds a shiny black outfit up to the mirror.

Patrick: Hi! I'm an enormous slut! (holds up a blue floral outfit) Hello! Would you like a copy of 'The Watchtower'? (lowers the outfit) I used to be so good at this.

Devon: You gotta help me please!

Patrick: Jesus, you gave me a fright! Make a noise before you show up, my heart can only take this much!

Devon: I am sorry, it’s just that I’m stuck here and it’s not so funny anymore to walk through doors.

Patrick: Listen Devon, do you see the light?

Devon: Yes.

Patrick: Good, walk in to it.

Devon: I can’t.

Patrick: Why the hell not?

Devon get’s really irritated, “Cause I want justice” he said shaking the whole house. Melinda storms in right after the incident. She quick hugs him.

Melinda: Are you allright.

Patrick: Yes, just a little shaken up, no big deal. It’s just that he sees the light and refuse to cross over.

Melinda: Honey, maybe he needs to say goodbye to his family. Many spirits wants to do that.

Patrick: Yes, but tonight I’m going out, remember? I’m 16 years old, I have a life to live.

Melinda: Oh sweetheart, gifts comes with prices, you are destinied to help those souls. You have to embrace it.

Patrick: Mom, I already have.

Melinda: Are you sure?

Patrick: Yeah, I’m sure... I think, crap!

Melinda: That’s ok, the next time you see Devon, make him help you to find this vampire, ok?

Patrick: But how? He doesn’t know the vamps name for crying out loud.

Melinda: Well, ghosts they can travell you know.

Patrick: I haven’t thought about that.

Patrick is walking down a dark street, when someone appears behind him. He senses that he is being followed. After walking for a ways, when he gets a chance he ducks down an alley and looks around for a place to hide. A cat yowls and kicks some cans as it runs away. He spies something above him. Elli comes into the alley but doesn't see him. When Elli has passed underneath him, he swings down and kicks him in the back. He is knocked to the ground, and Patrick positions himself above him with a foot on his chest.

Elli: Ah, heh. Is there a problem, kiddo?

Patrick: Yeah, there's a problem. Why are you following me?

Elli: I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, I don't bite.

He backs off and lets him get up, but keeps his fighting stance.

Elli: Truth is, I thought you'd be taller, or bigger muscles and all that. You're pretty spry, though. (massages his neck)

Patrick: What do you want?

Elli: The same thing you do.

Patrick: (lets down his guard) Okay. What do I want?

Elli: (steps toward him) To kill them. To kill them all.

Patrick: Kill? Who?

Elli: The souless creatures. Only you can stop them. The mouth of hell is about to be opened. He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a small box.

Elli: Don't turn your back on this. (tosses him the box) You've gotta be ready.

Patrick: What for?

Elli: For the Harvest.

Patrick: Who are you?

Elli: Let's just say... I'm a friend. (starts to leave)

Patrick: Yeah, well, maybe I don't want a friend.

Elli: (turns back) I didn't say I was yours.

He leaves. Patrick stares after him for a moment, then opens the box. It contains a silver cross and chain. He takes it out, holds it in his hand and takes another glance in his direction. People are arriving and meeting. Patrick is wearing the cross around his neck. He walks up to the entrance, gives the doorman some cash and goes in. Sprung Monkey is playing "Believe" loudly, and the dance floor is crowded with people.

Lyrics: Oh, I just want to believe / Can you hear me? / Can you see me? / What's inside of me? / Oh, I just want to believe / If my life can have a purpose / Help me to believe / Oh, I just want to believe / Can you hear me? / Can you see me? / What's inside of me? / Oh, I just want to believe / If my life can have a purpose / Help me to believe

Patrick moves to the music a bit. He sees a guy waving in his direction and waves back, then notices someone behind him waving back and pulls his hand down, embarrassed.

Lyrics: Everybody wants to find the circle / The line of truth that has no end / Because so many nights I've slept with the feeling of empty / And I say, right now I'm ready to believe

He finds the bar and sees Andrea sitting there.

Patrick: Hey!

Andrea: Oh, hi!

Patrick walks around her and sits on the stool next to her. Andrea turns to face him.

Andrea: Hi!

Patrick: Oh, you're here with someone?

Andrea: No, I'm just here. I thought Xander was gonna show up.

Patrick: Oh, are you guys going out?

Andrea: No, we're just friends. We used to go out, but we broke up.

Patrick: How come?

Andrea: He stole my Barbie. (Patrick looks confused) Oh, we were five.

Patrick: Oh.

Andrea: I-I-I don't actually date a whole lot... lately.

Patrick: Why not?

Andrea: Well, when I'm with a boy I like, it's hard for me to say anything cool, or, or witty, or at all. I-I can usually make a few vowel sounds, and then I have to go away.

Patrick: It's not that bad!

Andrea: No, i-it is. I think boys are more interested in a girl who can talk.

Patrick: You really haven't been dating lately.

Andrea: It's probably easy for you.

Patrick: Yeah, real easy.

Andrea: I-I mean you don't seem too shy.

Patrick: Well, my philosophy, do you wanna hear my philosophy?

Andrea: Yeah, I do!

Patrick: Life is short.

Andrea: Life is short!

Patrick: Not original, I'll grant you, but it's true. You know? Why waste time being all shy and worrying about some guy, and if he's gonna laugh at you. Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.

Andrea: Oh, that's nice!

Patrick looks up and sees Rick on the upper level. Patrick: Um, I'll be back in a minute. (gets up to go)

Andrea: Oh, tha-that's okay, you don't have to come back.

Patrick: (smiles) I'll be back in a minute.

Andrea: (to herself) Seize the moment. Lyrics: I feel love with my friends / I feel love in my songs / If I could just hold love / Then all the answers might come / I said, oh, if we're all children of God / And we just turned away / I got a lack of belief / I said a world without faith / It's time we turn back around

Patrick: (finds Rick) So, you like to party with the students. Isn't that kinda skanky?

Rick: Oh, right, this is me having fun. Watching... clown hair prance about is hardly my idea of a party. I'd much rather be at home with a cup of Bovril and a good book.

Patrick: You need a personality, stat!

Rick: (points to the crowd below) This is a perfect breeding ground for vampire activity. It's dark, it's crowded... Besides, I knew you were likely to show up, and I have to make you understand...

Patrick: ...that the Harvest is coming. I know, your friend told me.

Rick: What did you say?

Patrick: The Harvest. That mean something to you? 'Cause I'm drawing a blank.

Rick: I'm not sure. Uh... W-who told you this?

Patrick: This... guy. Dark, gorgeous in an annoying sort of way. I figured you two were buds.

Rick: No. The Harvest. Did he say anything else?

Patrick: Something about the Mouth of Hell. I really didn't like him!

The band has finished its song and there's lots of applause. They soon start their next song, "Swirl". Rick moves around Patrick, leans on the railing and looks down at the crowd.

Rick: Look at them, throwing themselves about, completely unaware of the danger that surrounds them.

Patrick: Lucky them.

Rick: Or perhaps you're right. Perhaps there is no trouble coming, the signs could be wrong. It's not as though you've been having the nightmares.

Patrick is silent. Cut to below. Kate: My mom doesn't even get out of bed anymore. And the doctor says it's Epstein-Barr. I'm like, pleeease! It's chronic hepatitis, orat least chronic fatigue syndrome. I mean, nobody cool has Epstein-Barr anymore.

Jesse spots Kate and comes over.

Jesse: Hey, Kate!

Kate: Oh, yay, it's my stalker. (makes a face)

Jesse: Hey, you, uh, you look great!

Kate: Well, I'm glad we had this little chat.

Jesse: (coughs) Listen, uh, you know, you wanna dance, you know?

Kate: With you?

Jesse: Well, uh, yeah.

Kate: Well, uh, no! C'mon, guys.

She and her friends leave. Jesse is left in the dust.

Jesse: Fine! Plenty of other fish in the sea. Oh, yeah, I'm... on the prowl. Witness me prowling!

Cut to Patrick and Rick on the upper level.

Patrick: I didn't say I'd never slay a vampire. It's not like I have all these fluffy bunny feelings for them, I'm just not gonna get way extracurricular with it. You know, if I see one, sure I'll...

Rick: (interrupting) Will you be ready? There's so much you don't know about them, about your own powers. A vampire appears to be completely normal until the feed is upon them, only then do they reveal their true demonic visage.

Patrick: You're like a textbook with arms, I know this.

Rick: The point is, you should be able to see them anyway. Without looking, without thinking. Can you tell me if there's a vampire in this building?

Patrick: Maybe...

Rick: You should know. Even through this mass and this... din, you should be able to sense them. Well, try! Reach out with your mind. (Patrick looks around) You have to hone your senses, focus until the energy washes over you, until you, you feel every particle o-of...

Patrick: There's one.

Rick: W-where?

Patrick: Right there, talking to that girl.

Rick: You don't know...

Patrick: Oh, please! Look at his jacket. He's got the sleeves rolled up, and the shirt! Deal with that outfit for a moment.

Rick: It's dated?

Patrick: It's carbon dated. Trust me, only someone living underground for ten years would think that was still the look.

Rick: But you didn't... hone.

Patrick: (notices that the girl is Willow) Oh, no.

Rick: Isn't that...

Patrick: Andrea.

Rick: What's she doing?

Patrick: Seizing the moment!

He starts down to rescue Andrea.

Lyrics: We're formed in liquid / Pushed out still dripping / A world was thrown before my eyes

Cut to below. Andrea is being led out of the Bronze by the vampire. Cut to Rick. He's at a loss for what to do.

Lyrics: Now paint a picture / Crayon stick figures / With blue-haired people, purple skies

Cut to below. Patrick has lost them. He tries the back. He breaks a leg off of a stack of chairs and begins to stalk. After a while Kate comes out of the restroom and surprises him. Patrick reacts, taking Kate by the throat and pushing her up against a wall.

Patrick: (recognizing) Kate! (he lets go)

Kate: God! What is your childhood trauma?!

Her entourage appears in the restroom door behind her.

Patrick: Have you guys seen Andrea? Did she come by here?

Kate: Why? Do you need to attack her with the stick? Jeez!

Patrick turns and goes.

Kate: (to her groupies) Excuse me, I have to call everyone I have ever met, right now.

Cut to the main floor. Rick catches up with Patrick.

Rick: That was quick. Well done! I-I need to go to the library. This Harvest thing...

Patrick: I didn't find them!

He grabs Patrick by the arm and turns him to face him.

Rick: The vampire is not dead?

Patrick: No, but my social life is on the critical list.

Rick: (lets go of him) So, what do we do?

Patrick: I'll take care of it!

Rick: I-I-I need to come with you, yes?

Patrick: Don't worry. One vampire I can handle, I think.

He leaves, walking past Jesse talking to Drake.

Jesse: So, um, what did you say your name was?

Drake: Drake.

Jesse: Drake. You know, I haven't seen you around before. Are you from around here?

Drake: No, but I have family here.

Jesse: Have I met them?

Drake: You probably will.

Cut to the Master's lair. The Master rises out of the pool of blood as Luke kneels and looks on. He steps out of the pool over to Luke and offers his hand. Luke takes it.

Luke: Master!

Master: I am weak.

Luke: (quotes scripture) 'In the Harvest he will be restored.'

Master: The Harvest.

Luke: We're almost there. Soon you'll be free!

The Master reaches his arm out to test his mystical confines. They are still as strong as ever.

Master: I must be ready. I need my strength.

Luke: I've sent your servants to bring you some food.

Master: Good. Luke?

Luke: Yes?

Master: Bring me something... young.

Cut to the sidewalk next to the cemetery. Andrea and Thomas are walking.

Andrea: Sure is dark.

Thomas: It's night.

Andrea: Well, that's a dark time, night. Traditionally. I still can't believe I've never seen you at school. Do you have Mr. Chomsky for history?

Thomas ignores her babbling and heads into the cemetery.

Andrea: Uh, the ice cream bar is this way. It's past Hamilton Street?

Thomas: I know a shortcut.

He grabs her hand and leads her into the cemetery.

Outside the Bronze. Patrick is trying to find Andrea.

Xander: Hey, you're leaving already?

Patrick: Oh, Xander! Have you seen Andrea?

Xander: Not tonight, no.

Patrick: She left with a guy.

Xander: We're talking about Andrea, right? Scorin' at the Bronze, work it girl...

Patrick: (interrupts) No, I need to find her. Where would he take her?

Xander: Why? Oh, hey, I hope he's not a demon, because then you might have to vanguish him.

Patrick: (taken aback) Was there a... a school bulletin? Was it i-in the newspaper? Is there anyone in this town who doesn't know that i have powers?

Xander: No. I only know that you think that youhave powers, and the reason why I know that...

Patrick: (interrupts) Well, whatever, it doesn't matter, just tell me, where would Andrea go?

Xander: You're serious!

Patrick: We don't find her and there's gonna be one more dead body in the morning!

Cut to the cemetery. Andrea and Thomas are walking.

Andrea: Oh, okay, th-this is nice... and scary. Are you sure this is faster?

They reach the mausoleum.

Thomas: Hey! Ever been in one of these?

Andrea: No. Thank you. (turns away)

Thomas: Come on. (comes up behind her and pulls her hair back) What are you afraid of?

He moves in toward her neck. She lets out a yelp as he grabs her and pushes her into the mausoleum. Cut to inside the mausoleum. Andrea trips down the stairs and stops up against the stone coffin. She turns around.

Andrea: That wasn't funny!

Thomas comes down the steps. She backs away from him, against a wall. She trips over some stones.

Andrea: I think I'm gonna go.

Thomas: Is that what you think?

He comes toward her again. She skirts by him, but only because he lets her. Drake blocks her way out of the mausoleum.

Drake: Is this the best you could do?

Thomas: She's fresh!

Drake: Hardly enough to share.

Thomas: Why didn't you bring your own?

Drake: (gives him a look) I did.

Jesse stumbles into the mausoleum, holding his neck.

Jesse: Hey! Wait up!

Andrea: Oh, my God, Jesse!

He is weak from blood loss and collapses. Andrea tries to catch him and breaks his fall.

Jesse: Y'know, you gave me a hickey.

Thomas gives Drake a look.

Drake: (shrugs) I got hungry on the way.

Andrea: Jesse, let's get outta here!

Drake: Oh, you're not going anywhere.

Andrea: (confronts her) Leave us alone!

Drake: You're not going anywhere until we've (vamps out) fed!

Andrea screams and falls back down next to Jesse. Patrick and Xander show up.

Patrick: Well, this is nice. I-it's a little bare, but a dash of paint, a few throw pillows... call it home!

Patrick moves behind the coffin to draw the vampires away from the others.

Drake: Who the hell are you?

Patrick: You mean there's actually someone in this town who doesn't know already? Whew, that's a relief, I'm telling you! Having a secret identity in this town is a job of work.

Xander: Patrick, we bail now, right?

Thomas: Not yet!

Patrick: Okay, first of all, what's with the outfit? Live in the now, okay? You look like DeBarge!

The vampires close in on her. She turns to Drake.

Patrick: Now, we can do this the hard way, or... well, actually there's just the hard way.

Drake: That's fine with me!

Patrick: Are you sure? Now, this in not gonna be pretty. We're talking violence, strong language, adult content...

Thomas roars behind Patrick. He pulls the chair leg out from inside his shirt. He attacks from behind, but Patrick neatly jams the makeshift stake into his chest. He falls back and turns to ashes. Drake can't believe her eyes. Neither can anyone else.

Patrick: See what happens when you roughhouse?

Drake: He was young and stupid!

Patrick: Xander, go!

Drake: Don't go far!

Patrick and Drake start to fight. Drake punches high, but Patrick blocks. Xander helps Andrea pick up Jesse. Drake throws a backhand punch, but Patrick blocks again and follows up with a front snap kick to Drake's stomach. As he leans forward from the pain, Patrick slams his elbow into Drake's back. Cut to outside. Xander and Andrea help Jesse out and they start to run. Cut to the mausoleum. Drake hits the wall and falls to the floor, winded.

Patrick: You know, I just wanted to have a good start. Be like everybody else. Have some friends, y'know, maybe a dog... But, no, you had to come here, you couldn't go suck on some other town.

Drake: Who are you?

Patrick: Don't you know?

Luke grabs him by the neck from behind.

Luke: I don't care!

He throws him across the room. He grabs Drake and lifts him to his feet.

Luke: You were supposed to be bringing an offering for the Master! We're almost at Harvest, and you dally with this child!

Drake: (fearfully) We had someone, but then he came. He killed Thomas. Luke, he's strong.

Luke: You go. I'll see if I can handle the little boy.

He approaches Patrick as he starts to get up, still a little dazed. Drake quickly climbs the steps, looks back once and runs out of the door. Luke attacks Patrick with a double punch, but he blocks it and delivers a punch to his gut and a hopping front snap kick to his jaw. He steps back, but isn't fazed.

Luke: You're strong.

He lands a solid backhand fist on him. He goes flying.

Luke: I'm stronger!

Cut to outside in the cemetery. Xander and Willow are supporting Jesse as they run.

Andrea: We'll get the police, it's just a few blocks up!

They are stopped by a group of vampires. Cut to the mausoleum.

Luke: You're wasting my time.

He backs away up the stairs toward the exit.

Patrick: Hey, I had other plans, too, okay?

Luke shoves the heavy lid off of the coffin. Patrick does a cartwheel onto and over it to avoid it and kicks Luke in the chest with both feet, knocking him down. He grabs the stake from the floor and lunges at Luke, but he is too quick for him, and grabs him by the wrist.

Luke: You think you can stop me? Stop us?

He grabs the stake with his other hand and breaks it. Then he grabs him by the shirt.

Luke: You have no idea what you're dealing with.

He throws Patrick onto the rim of the now open coffin. He rolls off onto the floor, dazed. Luke gets up and starts toward him, quoting scripture.

Luke: 'And like a plague of boils, the race of man covered the Earth.'

Cut to the library. Rick is paging through an old volume and stops on a picture of Satan with lightning coming from his hand to a man's.

Luke: 'But on the third day of the newest light would come the Harvest. And the blood of men will flow as wine.'

Cut to the Master sitting in an intricately carved chair.

Luke: 'When the Master will walk among them once more!'

Cut to Xander, Andrea and Jesse surrounded by vampires, including Drake.

Luke: 'The Earth will belong to the old ones.'

Cut to Patrick. Luke is in his face.

Luke: 'And Hell itself will come to town.'

He grabs Patrick and growls. He lifts him by the throat and throws him toward the coffin. Patrick flips over in a front layout and lands in the coffin next to a skeleton, and lets out a quick scream, but then remains silent, only breathing. He can't see or hear Luke. He slowly starts to get up. Suddenly Luke jumps up and into the coffin.

Luke: (smiling widely) Amen!

He moves in to bite Patrick. Patrick squeezes his eyes, using his power senting Luke flying away from him. He get’s up fast and starting to run to his friends. Leaving Luke really dazed.

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