Gil and Justin

By moc.liamtoh@61evoltsuj

Published on Feb 1, 1999



Please forgive me if this is horrible it is my first attempt to write anyting like this. If you are under the leagal age in your state or it is illeagl to read things like this please leave. Also this contains sexual acts between teenage boys if this offends you in any way leave now. This doesn't imply anything about the sexuality of Justin of *NSYNC

Gil and Justin

Gil walked in to the arena very nervous. Even though he was already 19 years old this was his very first concert. That wasn't the reason he was nervous or maybe it was. Gil didn't really know what might happen to him at the concert and only one other person knew where he was. That person was his best friend Tasia. Gil had grown up with Tasia and after his parents had died they become closer , almost like sister and brother. She was the only one who knew where he was because if Gil had told anyone else he was going to an *NSYNC concert he would have been classified as gay. That was okay with him because he was gay but Tasia was one of the only people that knew that. In high school he had had a few boyfriend but each of them wanted to keep the relationships quite. After his parents died he had a lot more people ( men and women) hit on him. Not only was he a 6 foot 6 guy with brown hair , hazel eyes, a well defined jaw, and built like a Greek god ( one summer he had been a counselor at a summer camp and all the girls there called him Ken after the Barbie doll because of his looks. After he told Tasia what they said she started calling him that and the nickname kinda stuck) but he inherited 5 million dollars . Even though he was rich he hadn't even bought the tickets. He won them over the radio. The tickets were front row and included backstage passes. Gil was so happy he had gotten tickets to the concert , see , Gil had a crush on Justin since the first time he saw him on the Mickey Mouse Club now he had a chance not only to see him in person but also meet him! Gil settled in his seat and waited for the concert to start. Finally the lights went down and on walked Brittany Spears. As soon as she started singing Gil got this adrenalin rush and started to dance. Brittany sang " ........Baby One More Time", "Crazy", and some other songs off her album then after she ran off the lights went down even darker and some music started playing. Gil was thinking to himself " This isn't *NSYNC's music maybe I went to the wrong place" Suddenly 5 people walked on stage. Gil couldn't tell who they were because they were wearing space-suits. They started to dance and then as the music changed the people took off their helmets. Gil immediately recognized both the music and the people on stage. The music was "Here We Go" by *NSYNC and the people on stage were Lance Bass, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Phatone, Justin Timberlake and JC Chasez a.k.a *NSYNC ! After that the concert went by in a blur Gil danced to every song and took off his shirt as he did. During "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You" Gil could have sworn that Justin was looking right at him but he was probably looking at the girl right next to him.

As soon as the concert was over Gil headed toward backstage. Soon Gil found himself in the Green Room with other contest winners and backstage pass holders including the girl that was sitting next to him in the concert. " Well", Gil thought," that ruins any chance I may have had with Justin" as soon as he found a good place to stand in walked to guys of *NSYNC, they had changed clothes since their last number and were looking a bit tired. "Hi guys" JC said as he flopped down "Howdy" said Chris as he did the same "Wuz up" followed Justin as he took as seat on the arm of the couch. Gil felt his dick start to grow in his boxers. He slowly counted backwards from one hundred to make it go back down. " Hello" Joey and Lance said as also sat down. The guys turned out to be very nice people, they answered every bodies questions, gave autographs and joked like everyone in the room was and old friend. Soon people started to leave one by one until Gil was the only left in the room. Finally he stood up and said " Well I better get to my hotel and let you guys go you , seem kinda tired" as he turned to leave he heard Justin say, " Don't leave yet, why don't you come back to the our hotel with us even though I as tired I want to talk some more. You seem like a very nice person." "Well, I don't want to bother you guys", Gil answered "You're not bothering us. Plus, it's nice to have a conversation with someone the doesn't have to say our names in every sentence to remind themselves that their talking to *NSYNC" said Chris. "Well I think I should check into my hotel before they give my room away but as soon as I do that I could come over. What hotel are you guys staying in?" "We're staying in the Hilton. Hey let me ask you one more question before you leave" said Joey "Sure shoot." Gil replied "Well," Joey began" why are you staying in a hotel? Don't you live around here." "Actually I live about 4 hours from here. I won these tickets over radio and they gave me transportation and a place to stay for the night. Let me check and see what hotel I'm staying in." Gil reached in his pocket and pulled out the paper he had gotten with all the information about the concert on it " You will be staying in a suite in the Hilton" he read to himself. It took him a moment to make the connection but as soon as he made the connection he let out a squeal of delight. "What is it" Justin asked "Well........ I won't have to stop off at my hotel after all ." Gil said grinning stupidly. "Aren't you worried about them giving out your room." asked JC "Nope" Gil answered "And why not" JC asked again "Cause I'm staying at the same hotel as you guys" Gil finally said "Kewl. Very kewl" said Chris "Well guys lets get going" said Joey "Yeah" said Lance "I'll meet you guys in the lobby" said Gil "Okay see you there" they all replied Gil went to the parking lot and got in his rented Expedition and started fro the hotel. Meanwhile in *NSYNC limo................ "What did you guys think of Gil" asked Justin "Very kewl person" said Joey "Yeah" said Chris "Very funny" said JC "That's not what I meant. I mean do you think he's gay. Besides that do you think he likes me." asked Justin hopefully "Oooooooooh looks like Justin got a crush" said Lance "Justin and Gil sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes......"said JC in a sing-song voice. "Oh shut up" said Justin giving JC a playful punch " Be serious" "Ok Ok" JC said while he was trying to stop laughing "Well I think the answer is yes to both of your questions, but, can you trust him with knowing that you gay and know he won't go tell the whole world. You're lucky that nobody believed that last guy" said Joey seriously "Well you guys have talked to him he doesn't seem to be that kind of person does he?" Justin looked around to see all the guys shake their head no. "Just to be on the safe side when we talk to him at the hotel if I leave to go to bed then he is ok and everyone else leave to and let them be alone. Is that okay with everyone?" asked Joey "Yeah" all the guys replied in unison "Here we are" said Chris as they arrived at the hotel "And there he is" said Lance as they saw Gil step out of his car “Hey Gil” shouted Justin “Hey guys” Gil yelled back as he grabbed his bags out of the car and gave they keys to the valet guy They all walked into the hotel together. Luckily everyone was asleep so *NSYNC was not recognized by anyone.The guys checked in and headed for the elevator “What room are y'all in” asked Gil “1123” said Justin “1125” answered Lance “1124” replied Joey “1126” JC said “1127” Chris said finally “ What room are you in.” “Believe it or not” Gil said , “I'm in room 1121 right next to Justin” “Ya know, all these coincidences are starting to scare me” Lance said jokingly “Why don't we all put our stuff in our room and meet at Justin's” said Joey “Fine with me” said Gil who couldn't stand the thought of being in a the same room as a bed and Justin. It was fine with everybody else. Gil walked to his room and opened the door. He was ready to walk in when he stopped dead in his tracks. His room was huge. I had a king sized bed, a couch, a big screen t.v. an a jacuzzi in the bathroom. Finally he walked in the room and set his stuff down on the edge of the bed. He was just getting ready to lay down and test the bed when he realized the other guys must have been waiting for him so he headed next door. The door was open so Gil headed in. Justin's room was just like his but instead of being mostly red Justin's was gray and blue. Gil was right all the the guys were all already there waiting for him. He grabbed a place on the couch next to Lance and made himself comfortable. " So," said JC , "You seem to know a lot about us but we don't know much about you." "Well, I live in Fresno about 4 hours from here, LA, by myself. Right after high school I got a job working for and architect and now I help decorate the inside of buildings." Gil answered "What about you parents" asked Justin

Gil went on to tell them about his parents, Tasia, the inheritance, even the dumb nickname. "So are you and Tasia serious?" Justin asked, eager to know the answer. "No, we're not even dating. Actually I don't have a girlfriend. It's kind of hard to have a girlfriend when you're gay." Gil answered, saying the last part in almost a whisper. "What did you say?" asked Joey "I said we're not dating." Gil answered "No, I heard that part. What did you say after that?" Joey said "I said I was gay. You guys don't hate me now do you. Cause if you do I could go back to my room." Gil said sounding very worried "No, we don't hate you," Justin said" Actually I'm gay too. Why don't you have a boyfriend" Gil sat stunned for a minute. Did he actually he what he thought he heard? Did Justin just say he was gay? He must have cause nothing else sounds like that. Finally he answered he question" Well, all the guys I meet want me for looks or for money. Nobody likes me for who I am." "I don't believe you. You seem like a great person with a fantastic personality" said Justin Gil was just about to say thank you when Joey announced that he was getting tired and was heading for bed. Justin shot Joey a very grateful smile. Soon after Joey left all the other guys left for bed also. Finally Gil said " I'm not tired but I didn't just do a concert. I think I should go and let you get to bed" he stood up and headed for the door. "Don't go yet. Come here I want to tell you something." Gil turned around and saw Justin laying on the bed with his shirt half buttoned. He walked over and sat on the edge. "Come closer. I won't bite" Justin joked Gil did come closer. He sat right next to Justin. Suddenly Justin leaned over and gave Gil a light kiss on the cheek. Gil jumped back. Justin looked at him sounding very worried " Did I do something wrong?" he asked "No", replied Gil scooting closer," I just didn't expect that." after saying that he looked Justin strait in the eyes and gave him the most passionate kiss either the 19 or 18 year old boy had experienced. Justin keep kissing Gil down past his neck while unbuttoning his shirt at the same time. Justin kissed him all over his hairless, washboard chest and started sucking on his nipples. They became hard the instant they entered his mouth. While Justin was doing that Gil had removed Justin's shirt and taken off his and Justin pants. Now both boy were in the room wearing only boxer and hardon's. Justin had move from sucking nipples to kissing again. Now he was kissing the insides of Gil's thighs. Gil removed his boxers and said, " That ought to make it easier." "Thanks" Justin replied as he moved up to Gil beautiful cut 9 1/2 inch cock. Gil moaned in pleasure as Justin started to suck him like there was no tomorrow. Suddenly Justin stopped and and started lick Gil balls. First he licked the left, then the right , then he took both of them in his mouth and sucked on both of them at once.Then he started licking Gil's pole like a lollipop. Gil's moans grew louder as Justin took all 9 1/2 inches of meat in mouth at once. He alternated between sucking and licking until he was in the middle of sucking and Gil said between moans "Here I cum!!!!!!!!!!!!" as soon as those word escaped his lips he shot a load in to Justin's waiting mouth. He shot about 5 loads before Justin came up and gave him a kiss. Gil could taste himself in Justin's mouth. It was so erotic.They kissed for about 5 minutes and during that time Justin started humping Gil's leg. Finally he started cumming right between them.Finally exhausted from the sex and the concert Justin rolled over. Gil immediately spooned him and said softly so as not to ruin the moment "Justin". Justin half asleep murmured "Unhuh" . " I love you" Gil said. "Justin, hey Curly" said Gil but it was too late he was already fast asleep.

...................... to be continued??

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