Gladiators! Are you Ready?

By Jay Keaney

Published on May 12, 2008



My first erotic story, and what a way to start, the characters in this story are truely fiction, they do not reflect the views of the copyright holders nor the views of the real life gladiator characters.

It was a hot Saturday afternoon, my friend Ashley and i were in a queue of traffic heading towards the arena. We had been looking forward to the new series of Gladiators since we heard about its revival, and to win backstage passes from a competition was the icing on the cake. When i was younger, before i realised i was gay, i often found myself hard at the sight of Hunter in his spandex costume and now i still love to watch the repeats, fantasizing over him and his strong treetrunk thighs

Finally we arrived at the studio, and walking into the still empty arena my heart skipped a beat. The set was outstanding, giant pyramids and swimming pools which seemed to been have set up for a variation of Duel. Soaking wet men rising from the water in spandex? Fucking awesome!

"You must be James?" a voice echoed. Looking over, the source was what seemed to be one of the shows producers hurrying over.

"Call me Jay, and this is Ashley my guest. Its great to be here!" I responded.

"Its came together well hasnt it?" said the woman, who had now neared and i could see through her tired eyes that she must have been late 30's, early 40's

"Im Carole by the way, PR Manager at Sky One"

"Ahh, great to meet you!"

"You too," She responded. Ashley seemed quiet, i could tell he didnt want to be here.

We followed Carole around the set, she took us to the top of the Travellator and down to the main stage floor, where she told us was were Powerball would take place later on that evening. I felt so lucky to be here, we even caught a glimpse of the four first contendors, and sneakily, i caught a glimpse of what Kobi was packing down below, Boy he looked big, i hadnt blew my load for what seemed like weeks, the sight of his meat had me all hot.

Half an hour later and the studio was alive with the sounds of laughing and cheering from the audience, and finally the show got underway and i was sad to see Kobi and his meat be defeated by Tom, the cocky dad to be.

After the show Carole came to meet us, and we went backstage to see how everybody was getting on after the grueling tasks that had taken place. Entering what they called the Blue Room, it was alive with producers, camera-mean and others drinking champagne, celebrating the first show's filming and they were discussing how they thought the ratings would turn out on Sunday night.

After a glass or two, i was feeling quite hot, so i took off my jumper, and Ashley annoyingly commented on how skinny my arms looked in the tshirt i was wearing. A few others laughed about how i could never be a gladiator, and i felt abit embarressed, but Hey, i was backstage at the biggest come-back show in UK history, i wasnt going to let Ashley, nor anybody else ruin my evening.

After chatting for a while, we were led into the dressing room of the gladiators whom we met. They were all still in their costumes and were posing for photos with fans. We were introduced to them all, Oblivion, Battleaxe, Atlas, Enigma, Panther, Tempest, Tornado, Ice, Predator, Inferno, Spartan and Destroyer. My favourite was obviously Spartan, with his cheeky looks, cute hair and amazing torso. Ashley and i posed for a photo with all of them, me and him infront of these God like people made me feel so inadequate! As Carole shouted, "Smile!!" i felt something stroke across the back of my skinny jeans, looking behind me, there was Spartan himself, smiling oddly down at me, i raised an eyebrow and he just kept smiling. The camera flashed whilst my head was turned, and she had to do the photo again, i havent seen the photograph yet, but i must look bad, because thoughts of Spartan kept racing through my mind. Was that intentional? Was it an accident? Why did he do it? Why was he smiling so much?

After all the commotion in the studio, the walk back to the car seemed so quiet, Ashley was now a big fan, i was glad he enjoyed himself, but it was getting slightly annoying when i was trying to think. We got into the car, and my mouth spoke before my head had time to think.

"Fuck! I forgot my jumper!" I said

"Oh leave it Jay, i cant be arsed walking back all that way"

"No ive got to go back" I replied, "Its fucking McQueen!"

"You and your clothes, people will think your gay if you say things like that! Now go on, you go, ill wait here, hurry up though, we havent got much time to get back home"

So i began the jog back to the studio, cursing along the way, i knew we didnt have much time, so i ran fast.

"Hey watch out!" a voice said as i ran into somebody

"Dude, sorry, i didnt mean it, im in a rush", i said as i looked up, "Spartan! Hey! Didnt see you there!"

"Dont worry mate, your not exactly about to knock me over are you?"

I laughed, explaining to him about my jumper, i felt so small compared to him, he was much taller, and he still had his costume on, showing off his well defined pecs, and his stomach which made me so fucking hot

"Well you wont be able to get into the set on your own, its locked from the inside, stops the tabloids getting in" Spartan said, he kindly offered to come with me, so as i could use his swipe pass to enter the building.

"Thanks mate." i said as i entered the hallway. We said our goodbyes, i couldnt stop staring into his eyes as i was talking to him, so deep and powerful, and his smile was unbearable to me. I walked off, in search of the Blue Room where i'd left my beloved jumper. All the way thinking about that defined torso of Spartans.

I found the Blue Room and retrieved my jumper, and i began to jog back to the car. All of a sudden a door opened in the dark hallway ahead, and the figure before me beckoned me to come in. It was Spartan.

Was this real? Was this image before me a mirage from my sex deprived brain? I was only sure when i got up close, and there he was, the object of my immense lust standing before me, obviously raging hard through the spandex shorts.

I entered what i presume was his dressing room, and before i could speak, the muscle god had me thrown against a wall, biting hard onto my lip. We kissed for what seemed like hours, and by now, i was harder than i knew possible, and so was he. Spartan picked me up, and threw me onto the couch in the corner of the room. Here before me was this God, this Golliath of a man taking off his costume, revealing his amazing body. He left on the lycra shorts he wore , which were now showing signs of precum through the light material. I beckoned him over, as i took off all of my clothes.

I lay on the couch as he straddled me. I began to rub his cock through the shorts, i wanted it so bad, i put my face into his groin and smelt his sweet aroma, i nearly came there and then.

I began taking off his shorts, i was releasing a perfectly formed monster from its lycra cage. With this 8 or 9" cock infront me, i instantly knew what to do. I started to lick the giant red head of his uncut cock, swirling my tongue in his salty precum, behind his back, he began to slowly wank me off, for a while i was in bliss, taking in the length of width of his cock in my mouth, i began to gag after a while, and he pulled out.

Standing up, he said, "Lie down properly" and when i obeyed, he lay on top of me, and began to suck me off as i tongued his warm hole. I was in ecstacy, me and the soon to be infamous Spartan 69ing like ravage beasts. After this, i told him to get up, and when he stood up, i asked him to find lube, he brought me some KY he had pulled out of his changing bag. I squeezed some onto both of my hands, one for me, and one for him, i began lubing up my anticipating hole and at the same time, stroked the full length of his pole. if this was going inside of me, i had to make it as easy as possible.

I bent over the arm of the couch and waited for this beast to put himself inside of me. To my suprise, but mostly my delight, he began to tongue me, flitting his wet tongue over my crack, and lapping at my lubed up hole. This was officially the best feeling ever, the man of my dreams giving me the pleasure of my fantasies.

Spartan began to put his giant bell into my arse, and at first it had hurt but the immense pleasure washed it away, now the hunk had his entire cock up my tight hole. He began slow, gliding carefully in and out of me. I felt his cock throbbing inside of me, and his deep throaty moans were so satisfying on their own. "You ready?" He says. I only moaned in ecstacy, and he began to rampantly fuck me, sliding in and out of me rough and deep. He used all the power in his giant thighs to take me to heavan. For about 20 minutes, i let him violate me, i felt so amazing having this god inside of me. I didnt care that my best friend was waiting outside of me, nothing was going to stop this moment, not even when the entire venue's lights had turned off, the light from the dressing table was enough to see the beads of sweat coming from Spartans chest.

"Im going to.. mhm.. cum" He proclaimed, and i felt the beast explode inside of me, he must have spunked 5 or 6 times, and with one final shaky moan, he pulled out of me. The fun didnt stop now, i knelt on the couch, and he knelt on the floor infront of me. I was about to come, i felt my balls twitch, and fuck! I came down the back of his throat, and the gentleman he was, swalled it all down. I pulled out of his mouth and pulled him ontop of me, kissing on the couch, we panted and lay together.

Suddenly, the door was thrown open, and two figures, who didnt seem to notice us burst in, two men? They began kissing and suddenly, i realised,

What the fuck was Ashley doing kissing Tornado?

************************ To Be Continued *************************

Please let me know what you think, as this is my first story, feedback is greatly appreciated!

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