Glee Summer House - Gay - Celebrity

By Riley Price

Published on May 29, 2012



This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to FOX. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors.

************************** Background Information: **************************

Filming for the last episode of the season had just wrapped up, and for many of the cast members, they would not be returning full-time next season. For Cory Monteith, who had been lucky enough to be cast as the lead character Finn Hudson, his future prospects were not looking too bright with not many upcoming projects. In an attempt to hold onto his glory days as the Alpha Male on the McKinley High set, Cory had secretly organized to rent out a massive house, right on the coast, where all the main cast members could come relax and party with each other, and celebrate the success of their series.

Unbeknownst to Cory, his on and off camera girlfriend, Lea Michele who played Rachel Berry on the show, had also organized a retreat at the exact same time as his, but only for the female members of the cast?.

*************************** Chapter One: ***************************

Goodbye had just aired. The tears that were present in the episode, and when filming concluded were once again pouring out of all the actors, as they sat in write Ryan Murphy?s cinema room.

?I think its probably time that I go and get some more tissues for all of you.? Ryan said. ?Whilst I?m up I will get some food and drinks together so we can keep this little gathering going, just a little bit longer.? Ryan continued as he exited the room.

?I am going to miss you all so much? said Dianna.

?Me too, you guys are all my family now. Even you new guys? replied Amber Riley as she went in for a group hug with Dianna and Damien.

Cory was about to announce his plan to the cast, but Lea and Jenna managed to butt in before him.

?As you all know, you all mean the world to me. And especially amongst the girls, I feel as though you are all my sisters now. So with Jenna?s help, I have organized an amazing retreat for just us girls, to escape and be pampered up in our own lodge, in the hills of Aspen. We leave the day after tomorrow, and everything is already paid for? said Lea.

All the girls jumped out of their seats, squealing with excitement, and all ran together in the centre of the room, hugging and jumping with each other.

?WHAT!?!? Finn proclaimed, obviously annoyed ?You cant being having a retreat, I organized and booked a mansion of a house on the coastline, for ALL of us to spend two weeks with each other, just relaxing and partying.?

Everybody fell silent.

Lea, sensing the frustration of her boyfriend and tension in the room, hurriedly grabbed Cory?s arm, and pulled him into the hallway, slamming the door.

?Honey, I can tell you are upset, but I think it would be great for all us girls to spend some quality time with each other, and really create a better bond? Lea insisted.

Calming down, Cory replied, ?I know. I was just trying to be the leader again, and organize something.?

?You always will be the leader of this group, you know that. But don?t let this get you down, go and have an amazing time at the beach house? replied Lea.

?How? All of you girls will be gone,? Cory questioned.

?You are stupid sometimes,? Lea laughed, ?have a boys weekend, bond together like us girls are doing?.

Cory sat there contemplating the concept of a boy?s weekend. He had become good mates with most of the guys, but some of them he didn?t even really know, so he thought ?What the heck?.

?I guess it could be a good way to get to know them all a little bit better, before we stop seeing each other.? Cory said.

?Yay. Go and let the guys know? Lea bubbled.

Cory and Lea re-entered the room, and all eyes turned on them as the conversations hushed again.

?BOYS WEEKEND!? Cory yelled. ?No need to let the beach house go to waste. We have the house from tomorrow, so head up whenever you want.?

?Right on!? replied Chord.

?Hell Yeah! Cant wait? Darren chimed in.

The rest of the gathering at Murphy?s house, went off with out a hitch, with everyone looking forward to their little trips away. The boys organized who was going with whom and who was going to bring what, as they had to supply their own food and drinks. Cory headed home early, as he wanted to leave early as he had to pick up Mark and had to be the first one to arrive at the house to get the keys.

The next morning, after picking up Mark bright an early, he and Cory drove for a few hours straight. They had arranged to meet the house owner at the front of the house, to hand over the keys and get to know the house.

The house was legitimately secluded, with a forest surrounding it on all sides, apart from one side where there was a pristine white beach. The house had its own private driveway, at least a kilometer long, as the owner really appreciated his privacy.

As they approached the house, both guys were in awe. ?Dude, how?d you get us this place. This is off the chain!? Mark asked. ?One of the guys on set told me about this guy who had an amazing place, and he loves Glee, so he said he would be more than happy to let us use it for two weeks.? Cory replied.

When they parked the car, a man in his mid-50?s came out of the house, and strolled right over to them. ?Welcome to my not-so-humble abode Mark and Cory, my name is Richard Hawkins.?

?Mr. Hawkins, may I just say you have an amazing house, it looks absolutely incredible? Mark said basically gushing.

?Why thank you Mark, and please call me Dick? replied Richard. ?I take a lot of pride in my work. And I must say, please use one of my carports to park your car, although the weather is perfect right now, it may rain, and I would hate for you car to get ruined.?

Mark nodded, and hurried off to park the car in one of many carports that the house had. As soon as Mark was in the car, Richard pulled Cory towards the house.

?I?m sorry about this Cory, but I must leave, I am meeting some clients in Paris tomorrow evening, so must leave immediately. Here are the keys and security cards to this entire house and estate. This place has a state-of-the-art security system, however I doubt that youll be needing to use it?? Richard trailed off slyly at the end.

?One final request I do have of you Cory, is that you use the main bedroom, you and only you. You have all the keys and cards, are as I know, the leader of the group? said Richard.

?Again thankyou so much, Dick, it really means a lot to us, to let us use this place? replied Cory.

?I am sure it does, but as I said, I must be off, have a good time, I hope you get to know each other very??..very well? replied Richard as he briskly walked to his Bentleigh, and took off, leaving Cory standing there very confused.

Mark returned from parking the car, and asked where Richard had gone. After answering Mark, Cory and him entered the house, and once again were dumbfounded.

?This place is more like a hotel? Mark said in sheer excitement. The place had over 15 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a cinema room, an indoor and outdoor pool and spa, sauna, gym facilities with locker room and showers, and an extremely large and modern kitchen and eating area.

Cory just stood there in utter amazement, and muttered to himself, ?This is going to be an amazing fortnight?.

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