Green Eyes

By Dennis

Published on Mar 16, 2000



Disclaimers: Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, 20th Century Fox etc. own all legal rights and such to the characters of Angel, Cordelia, and Doyle. Nothing is meant or implied about the characters and/or the actors named.

Title: Green Eyes Author/pseudonym: Denn or Dennis Fandom: Angel Pairing: Angel, Doyle and Silvanos(a created character) Rating: R Notes: Written for a contest/challenge

Summary: Doyle and Angel on the outs, A new face turns up and brings more problems and solutions then either expect. Cordellia the match-maker? Read the story if you dare ;-)

Warnings: Some hints about what happens in the actual TV series, but no out and out comments.


"Fine so you want to just expect me to be there whenever you want, you don't give a damn about my feelings and you throw her up in my face. Screw you, I don't need this. I'm leaving!" Doyle said explosively. Walking into the bedroom, he pulled out a suitcase and threw his clothes into it quickly.

Stalking back out to the living room, he took one last look at Angel. God how he had loved him. It had been a hard time getting used to the fact that he was half-demon and also gay. Hell he had gone the route of marrying a sweet girl and forcing himself to be straight. Then he had found Angel. In that one instant he had fallen hard. Angel of course, was just getting over his loss of Buffy. They had drank a little too much one night and ended up in eachothers arms.

"Well Angel, I suppose this is good-bye then. I will still be working with you, but that's all it is. You've just lost not only my love, but my friendship as well. I hope it's worth it." Doyle said with a catch in his throat.

Shrugging Angel looked over at him, no expression on his face. "If that's how you want it fine. It's no big loss for me."

With that said, the last pieces of Doyle's hear shattered. Walking out the door, he vowed to never return.

Chapter One Two weeks later, in the office.

"Oh come on Doyle," Cordellia was saying. "What's the big deal here? Sure he screwed up. Hell, he even threw Buffy up in your face. Come on, what did you expect from him. It's been two weeks now and it was their anniversary."

"Cordy, I know that your trying to make me see it from his point of view, but he..." Doyle faltered. "He's a grown man, he made his choices, and I made mine. That's all there is to it."

"Come on Doyle, both you and he walk around all the time avoiding eachother, as if you didn't exist or had the plague. Your both hurting inside. It's not going to stop hurting, till you admit that you were both wrong and make up. He still has feelings for you and you for him. Just admit and stop making yourselves miserable" Cordellia said.

Just as he was about to reply, he was struck by a vision. Crying out in pain, he watched the scene as it unfolded.

::A woman wearing a Raven headdress spoke in a guttural voice. Ancient Celtic words spilling forth in the night. Upon her neck she wore a necklace of woven silver, a pendant hung from it. He couldn't quite make out the pattern. As she stood before a cauldron she threw something into it. Suddenly a blaze of fire sprang up and a form appeared. He heard the woman speak "O Great Morrigan, hear me I thy loyal priestess call upon thee"

'Why hast though summoned me forth, my child'

"O great lady, I need your help and aid. I have learned that one of the Fair Folk is here, and I would capture this one in your name as you have commanded all your loyal priestess to do."

'What, a Tuatha is here in this city? Are you sure?'

"I am as sure as I can be o great lady. I have seen glimpses of him and felt his magic" the priestess replied.

'Are you prepared to serve as my vessel directly when you have captured him for me?'

"I shall do as you command O Great Morrigan. It's my honor and duty to do so."

Suddenly Doyle's vision showed him the one that this witch was hunting. He was a fair youth, he looked to be no more than 16 or possibly 18 at the most. He was maybe 6 foot tall, and had golden hair that tapered down to a little below his shoulders, eyes of green to rival an emerald and lips like rubies. His skin was a golden tan that was perfect. Doyle's breath caught as he saw this beauty. It could have been Michaelangelo's David come to life and given beauty to rival Adonis. ::

"Doyle, Doyle" he heard Cordy calling in a odd voice. Slowly he came back to himself.

"Oy, what a headache. I just wish for once I could have a bloody vision without the headaches." Doyle said.

"OH great" Cordy responded. "What is it this time? I had hoped for once to have a break. After all it's St. Patty's Day and it would be nice to have one day off at least."

"Umm, Cordellia. This one might have a direct connection to that. How much do you know of Irish lore?" Doyle asked her.

"Umm, you mean the fairies and the leprechauns, pots of gold and such?" Cordy asked him.

"Well, that and the old powers of Ireland. The Irish Deities are a powerful lot and some are well less pleasant than others."

"So what are you saying? Some bad ass Irish god is involved?" Cordy asked with a laugh. At Doyle's serious expression, she stopped laughing. "Your serious aren't you. Oh come on Doyle, isn't it bad enough that we have all these weird demons and such? Do they have to throw in a God?"

"Uhhh, Cordellia. It's not a god, it's a goddess. The Morrigan, to be exact. She's the goddess of war, death, and battle. She's the wife of the Dagda, who is the chief god of the Irish folk. She also doesn't take no for an answer and hate's the Tuatha De Danann." Doyle replied.

"The Tua, what?" Cordellia asked puzzled.

"The Tuatha De Danann, or as they are more commonly known the Fair Folk or Fairies." Doyle said. "NO they aren't cute little things like the movies and legends make them out to be. They look human for the most part, except they have pointed ears and live centuries as human's live years."

"Ok, so we have a nasty goddess and an elf here in LA. What's wrong with this picture?" Cordellia asked sarcastically. "Hello, this isn't Ireland and it's supposed to be normal here you know. It's bad enough with the demons and such."

Chapter Two

At which point Angel who had paused at the door hearing their conversation interrupted. "So we have the Morrigan after one of the Tuatha?" he asked. "Doesn't she ever get tired of the same old game."

Cordellia and Doyle both jumped at the sound of his voice. "So who's she using this time around? I know she can't act against them directly." Angel went on.

"I don't know exactly who" Doyle said. "I only know that it's a woman, a priestess of hers actually. I couldn't make out her face as she was wearing a Raven headdress, and some sort of pendant."

Taking a deep breath Angel let it out as a whistle. "Sounds like a high priestess of Morrigan all right. They got a lot of power at their disposal and pack a hell of a mean punch. To be a wearer of raven headdress and a pendant both that's impressive." Angel said, before going on. "Any idea's where the Tuatha she's hunting is at? If we can find him first, than we can make her come to us. That'll give us an edge."

Doyle shook his head. "Not a clue at all. I did get a momentary glimpse of him. He's about 6 foot, blond hair on the long side and green eyes. I doubt that it's helpful, as I recall they can easily cast illusions to conceal their looks or alter them."

"Damn" Angle said. "Looks like we have to do this the hard way then. First we check out all the local parks and such. While I am doing that at night and you during the day, Cordy can call on a few of my contacts among the magic workers."

"What?!?!" Cordellia said. "I don't want to have to go deal with those folks, they are weird and the shops smell." Cordellia said in protest, wrinkling her nose in disdain.

"Cordellia, we don't have time to play games if the Morrigan is involved." Angel said harshly. "I know of her and dealt with her directly when I was Angelus. If she isn't stopped swiftly, well let's just say that the Great Famine of Ireland, will look like nothing compared to what will happen here if she succeeds. The last time she managed to slay any of the Tuatha, Dagda decided that the people of the land were to blame. They suffered for the one he lost. His grief was the cause of the famine."

"Oh, that's bad then. But, he's over in Ireland right, not here. So we're in the clear?" Cordellia asked hopefully.

"Not a chance Cordellia" Doyle said. "If the Morrigan is working over here, than the Dagda's wrath will hit here as well. I don't want to even...." Doyle suddenly broke off in mid sentence. Crying out in pain as another vision hit him.

Suddenly he felt as if he was floating in the air, without a body. He was in a great hall somewhere. It was like a medieval castle almost, except the place was covered with gold and silver. Jewels adorned almost everything. Looking around he spotted a figure of a older man. Raven black hair, with a single streak of white running through it sat upon a throne. The figure of the man radiated a sense of power. By his side was a mighty club on the right, and on the left sat a magnificent harp. It seemed to be carved from living wood and the leaves of ivy still twined about it as if it were alive.

Suddenly there was a chill in the air. A form seemed to take shape before the throne. A tall man of golden hair and radiant beauty appeared there kneeling on one knee.

'Well?' spoke the figure on the throne. 'What have you to tell me?'

'It's as you feared my lord. She has struck down Silvanus, as you suspected.' the golden figure replied. 'It was in the City of Angels, in the New World that she struck him down. Apparently he had been fleeing her for a while now, but she caught him at the last.'

'Damn her, and all mortals for helping her. She had to use a mortal to strike the killing blow.' the Dagda replied.

'I know my lord, but the mortals didn't know for the most part. The world is much changed now.' Lugh replied, trying to mitigate his lord's anger.

'None the less, they stuck down a child of mine. They shall pay, and pay dearly. The Earth is mine to command as it's my body. So let them learn of my rage and mourn for their own lives. I shall bring such ruin and destruction down upon them as to destroy them all.'

"Oh shit, oh my god." Doyle said.

"Doyle, what is it? What did you see?" Angel asked in a worried tone. "Umm, you know how you said about the famine Angel. Well we don't have to worry about that if we don't save him. It's gonna be a lot worse than that. The second the Dagda learns of the killing, he's planning on punishing everyone. I am assuming that he's going to cause a massive earthquake."

At their sudden indrawn breaths, Doyle looked at them. "If we don't save the Tuatha, his name's Silvanus by the way, we won't have to worry about it for long. The whole of California and possibly more will be destroyed."

"Great, just great." Cordellia said, the shock finally wearing off. "It's not enough that we have demons, vampires and all sorts of other nuts killing folks and such. Now we have a God on a rampage. Why did I ever come here. Maybe I can book a fast flight out of here?"

Chapter Three

"All right, so you haven't heard of anything about any nexus or whatever it is then?" Cordellia asked. Listening to the reply she nodded. "Umm, hmm. Well if you hear about anything, will you please let us know. I mean, it's not me but Angel who needs to know. All right, bye."

Putting down the phone she checked off the next to the last name on the list. Angel had given her the names and numbers of all the contacts he had in the local magic community. "Well, that was a bust." Cordy said to no one in particular. "No one's heard of what your talking about or if they have, they aren't saying a word Angel."

Sighing, Angel set down the volume he had been reading. "Nothing here either, and I had hoped that they would at least have some mention of the information that I needed." Angel replied closing the book gently. Setting it down he went to look for another one on the shelves.

"What's this" Cordy asked. Picking up the book she read the cover. "The Lore of the Red Raven" she read.

"It's about the priestess of Morrigan and their powers Cordellia" Angel replied. As he kept looking. "Damn it, I know it's got to be here somewhere." he muttered under his breath.

"What's got to be where?" she asked Angel. "If you tell me, maybe I would know where it's at."

"It's a book about the Morrigan, Cordy. It's called 'Mysteries of Ariahnrod' and it's a very ancient and potent book. It's got the most complete listing of information about the Morrigan and the other Goddess that are like her. But for the life of me (no pun intended) I can't find it."

"Oh that old thing, it's got a picture of a pair of ravens on the cover right?" Cordellia asked him. At his nod, she went on. "It's right over here in the desk drawer. Doyle was looking at it the other day. I put it in the desk since I wasn't sure where it went."

"Thank god, for that" Angel replied. "It's possible that this is going to give us the only edge we're going to have over the Morrigan. The only time I ever encountered her was briefly while I was in Ireland about a 150 years ago or so. Let's just say I don't care to renew the aquantince" he finished and shivered briefly at the memory.

Several hours later. "Well Cordellia, you might as well call it a night. I plan on doing some scouting in the parks, but you should head to bed."

Yawning Cordellia replied "All right. I have a audition in the morning anyway."

Chapter Three Two days later, in Angel's office.

"All right, let's go over what we do know." Angel said. "First off, we know it's a priestess of Morrigan, Second we know that if we don't stop her certain disaster follows., Third we know what the Tuatha looks like. Fourth, we know that if it's going to happen tonight is the most likely night for her to strike."

"Umm, Angel. How do you know that it's going to be tonight rather than last night or sometime next week?" Cordellia asked.

"Good point Cordellia" Doyle said in agreement.

"For two very simple reasons you two. First off it's the night of the full moon, and second it's the Spring Equinox. Either alone is a time of power for magical workings. Together well it's going to most likely be tonight. Since we haven't found hide nor hair of our Tuatha, it's a safe assumption that he's been captured." responded Angel.

"All right, so if we go on that assumption, what are we going to do now?" Doyle asked.

"Well, in our searches I have managed to narrow down possible spots where the ritual could occur to two locations. What we're going to have to do is split up. Doyle, you and Cordellia together and Me alone. If either of us finds them, we let the other's know. Now one warning. This priestess is very powerful and very skilled to have the item's Doyle spotted on her. Our only advantages are these. One, they always work alone. Two, she has no reason to suspect that we know about it." Angel finished with a grimace. "If you two find her don't let her spot you. If she does, well it's pretty much over for you two then."

Chapter Four

As Cordellia and Doyle slowly approached the grove of oak trees, that Angel had told them about they froze in place. They heard a low voiced harsh chanting coming from that general direction. Looking at eachother they nodded in agreement. As Doyle slowly crept ahead, Cordellia pulled out her cell phone to call Angel and let him know.

Meanwhile as Cordellia placed the phone call Doyle entered the edge of the grove. Looking around he spotted the priestess from his vision. Now where was the Tuatha at. As he slowly scanned the grove he spotted a makeshift altar. 'Shit' he thought to himself. 'He's tied down to the damn thing.' Suddenly a second thought penetrated his numbed mind. 'Great Danu, the guys hot as all that.' For the Tuatha, laid near naked save for a simple breech clout about his waist.

Cordellia, off the phone with Angel creeped up to squat beside Doyle, at his shocked and un-aware expression she took a second to look around. Spotting the Tuatha, she realized where his attention was. 'Men' she thought to herself. 'Gay or not, they're all the same.' Jabbing Doyle in the side, she whispered "Doyle, get with it. We're here to rescue him, not drool all over him."

At Cordellia's sharp jab and words he came back to himself. "Sorry about that, I was just..."

"I know, what you were doing. Now how do we rescue him?" she asked.

"Well, since it sounds like she's reached the high point of the ritual, I would say we have to rush her. More me than you, as I am slightly less vulnerable. You try to untie him quick and get him out of here." Doyle instructed Cordellia.

"Sounds good to me, on the count of Three then?" At his nod she counted "One, Two, Three."

As she said three Doyle sprang up and headed towards the priestess. As he was in motion Cordellia, slinked through the trees heading towards the elf.

As she reached him, she heard a soul piercing scream. Glancing over her shoulder she saw what looked like a bolt of lightning strike Doyle. Quickly, she tore off the ribbons and undid the ropes holding the Elf down.

Pulling him towards her, she realized how close that was. For in that instant she felt a burst of heat pass just over them.

As the priestess/Goddess screamed "No you can't have him, he's mine. She heard the figure beside her slowly speak a quick phrase. Standing up, he stared at the priestess/goddess. "You have pushed your luck for the last time Morrigan" he shouted. "This time, you have gone too far." Throwing back his head he hollered out a long guttural phrase that seemed to shake the heavens themselves. The only word Cordy, could make out was 'Danu'.

At the same time as he was speaking the phrase a shocked and amazed Angel, arrived at the scene. Seeing Doyle, thrown back on the ground with a burn mark on his chest he started to vamp out. As he saw the figure of the Tuatha, suddenly rise up and then call out the phrase that he did he froze in place.

Chapter Five

For Angel, had heard these words once long ago. When he had still been Angelus, not Angel. It was a phrase that could only be spoken by the greatest of the followers of Danu. For it was used to call her forth into the mortal world.

Overhead a huge light sprang into being. Shimmering in all the colors of the rainbow the light slowly expanded and took on a human shape, but of gigantic proportions. As the figure fully manifested the Priestess/goddess screamed in fear and tried to flee.

The figure spoke a single word and suddenly they all were elsewhere or so it seemed. The place where they were seemed to be all gray mists and of endless form and boundary. Looking about her Cordellia, just slowly sank to her knees. Angel looking around, spotted Doyle's body laying there and went over to be with him. As the Tuatha stood there he just simply stood looking at the figure of the woman who had hunted and captured him. She stood there still as a statue surrounded by three rings of floating fire. They seemed to burn without any fuel at all.

Suddenly a new figure appeared dressed as befit an empress. Slowly the figure spoke. "You have all been brought here, outside of all time and space. It is here that your fates shall be decided. You mortal girl, shall live. For the kindness of your actions in helping my child I shall grant you any reward you ask for. But be warned. Once you have made your wish, and it's granted it will never be possible to revoke it. So choose well."

"You Silvanus, my child. You may ask for anything you desire. You may even choose the punishment of this fool who sought your life."

"O Great Danu, Mother, I am not worthy to judge another. For who is so perfect that they can do so in all fairness. Not I for sure." Silvanus said. "I would merely ask that this brave creature who lies dying, be allowed to live. He was willing to sacrifice himself so that I might live. Please Mother Danu, let this be so."

"You plead eloquently for this one, my child. But three must speak for him. You know the law. Besides which, he is not entirely human. He's part demon. Wouldst you have such as he and this other one who is a vampire free to roam this world?"

"O Great Mother, surely his actions alone show that he is not evil. Is the child to face the sins of the parent?" Silvanus responded. "Is not the one who is beside him, known as Angel? Has he not suffered enough for his sins? He serves and sacrifices his own freedom so that he might help others. Mother, are not both worthy of living?"

You speak eloquently my child, but still two more must speak for the one named Doyle, for him to be saved." Danu replied.

"Well then, your Goddessship, Danu, or however you prefer to be addresed. I'll speak for him." Cordellia spoke up.

"You may simply call me Danu, fair child of Eve. What have you to say of this one named Doyle?"

"He's not the best dresser or the most perfect person, but who is? But he deserves to live. He was willing to risk his own life to save not only mine in the past but also to save this elf guy here. Doesn't he deserve to live?" Cordy finished in a pleading tone.

"Very well, child. I agree, but still a third must speak for him. One who is a stranger has spoken. One who is a friend, tried and true has spoken for him. A third must yet speak for him."

"Ah, Danu. Doesn't Angel's own actions speak for him. He's there his heart breaking into pieces as Doyle lays dying. He's crying tears of blood for him. Isn't that enough?" Cordellia asked. "He's too proud to ask for you to save him. The two of them made some mistakes and hurt eachother in the past. Who doesn't?"

"Very well Child of Eve. You would see him live and not force the one known as Angel to speak? If this is your wish, I shall grant it. But be warned, If Doyle lives, there shall be greater pain and sorrow for all of you in the future. Through no fault of his own. But there shall be great heartache and suffering for all of you."

"Be that as it may, I wish this to be so." Cordellia said.

"Very well. I shall grant your wish. When you three are taken from this place none of you shall remember what happened here. You will only know that you were successful in your rescue of this my child. Beyond that you shall know nothing of me or what happened here." Danu said. "Now as for you" She said her eye's flashing in anger as she looked at the priestess who was now the vessel for the Morrigan. "You would have seen not only this child of mine destroyed but massive destruction and war brought into the world. You shall face my judgment."

"Great Mother" Silvanus began. "I must ask you to be merciful to her. I have one more favor to ask beyond that. I would like to return to the world of mortals and be with these who rescued me."

"Are you sure Silvanus? You know the rules, for returning here and what the price shall be if you do so." Danu asked softly of her child.

"I know mother, but there is a need. I can feel it and must answer it." Silvanus responded.

Chapter Six

Back at the Oak Grove the three friends find themselves along with Silvanus.

"So what happened? Where did the priestess go to?" Angel asked.

"You three don't have to worry about either the priestess or the Morrigan again. She broke one rule too many this time and faces a punishment beyond what you could imagine. She will not be back again." Silvanus responded. "As far as things go here. I had come to this place because I was called. There shall come a time all too soon, I fear when you shall need every ally that you have. I don't know what will come to be, or when it shall occur. But I was called and so I came."

"Well" Doyle said. "I for one am tired and worn out, I vote that we head home. Silvanus, if you don't have a place to stay you could stay over by me. I have the space to spare."

"All right, Doyle. I think I shall then if it's not an imposition." Silvanus said shyly. He really felt an attraction to this Doyle, which for him was odd.

"Well, Cordellia" Angel began. "Shall I drop you off then, on my way home?"

"That would be great Angel. Thanks."

Chapter Seven

As they slowly walked out of the park together Doyle kept wondering if what he felt for Silvanus, was returned. If it wasn't he was not sure what he would do. After Angel had broken his heart, he hadn't felt anything for anyone. Now here was a beautiful dream of a guy. Who was able to handle with out problems his half demon heritage.

"Your particularly quiet Doyle. Is something the matter?" Silvanus asked interrupting Doyle's train of thought.

"Hmm, what? No, no nothings the matter. Just thinking is all" Doyle replied. "Is there a shorter version of your name that I could call you? After all, Silvanus is a bit of a mouthful." Doyle said, thinking at the same time. 'I bet that's not all about you that's a bit more than a mouthful.'

"Sure, most folks just call me Sil." Silvanus responded. "But tell me, what were you thinking about? You really seemed to be deep in thought."

"Nothing, nothing really. Just some idle thoughts, is all." Doyle said. "Well, we are almost there, please do pardon the mess of the place. It's been a little crazy of late."

"I can just imagine." Silvanus said. Now all we have to do tomorrow is arrange for me to get some clothes. Should be easy enough to do I hope."

"OH that reminds me how is it that your able to walk right beside me in nearly nothing but folks don't react to it at all."

"That's simple Doyle" Silvanus explained. "It's a minor illusion. The only reason it doesn't effect you is that you know what is there and what I look like. To most of these folks. I seem normally dressed and look like a normal person."

With that said we reached the apartment.

Chapter Eight

"Cordy?" Angel said.

"What?" She responded.

"Where did I go wrong?" he asked.

"With Doyle, you mean?" Cordy responded. At his nod she went on. "Well, you did throw Buffy up in his face. Big mistake there Angel. You were also pushing him hard. He's not about to tell you to back off. He trusts you and expects you to trust him."

"Thanks. So I basically screwed up totally and don't have a chance with him." Angel said bitterly. "I just..., I wish I had it to do all over again. I wouldn't have been so stupid."

"Angel, I hate to break this to you, but if you had it to do all over again. You would do the same thing all over again. We all make mistakes, we learn from them if we're lucky." Cordellia said.

"I just I want to make it up to him. I just, I don't know what I would do if I lost him." Angel said softly, almost too soft to hear.

Meanwhile back at Doyle's apartment...

"So, you want to tell me what's bothering you? I expect you normally don't prowl around your own apartment on edge." Silvanus said. "Come on sit down here." he said patting the couch next to him.

"Sil, I just...It's..."

"IF it's the fact that your gay and interested in me, that's not a problem with me" Silvanus said.

"Wh...What?" Doyle managed to sputter out in shock. "Me interested in you?"

Laughing, Silvanus stood up. "Doyle, it's perfectly natural. I can feel your attraction and interest in me. I feel the same way. It's not like I don't know what it's like to be interested in another guy."

"You, your... gay?" Doyle managed to stutter out. "But how come your interested in me?"

"Oh Doyle, I am bi. But as far as being interested in you. No it's not because you saved my life. I felt your presence when you saw me in vision the first time. I also know a bit more about you than you would expect. I care for you because you are you. Not because you rescued me or what not."

Chapter Nine

As Angel dropped Cordellia off at her apartment, he decided to stop over and try to set things to rights with Doyle. Two weeks was too long to let things go unresolved. Stopping at a street corner he got a bunch of flowers from the vendor. Hey, it may be old fashioned and silly, but it was a start.

Meanwhile at Doyle's apartment. Doyle and Silvanus, had managed to find some common ground and interests. They had already (perhaps foolishly, perhaps not.) consummated their new found relationship. As they lay back in bed in sated bliss, they were talking about what the future held.

At which point Angel had reached the apartment and was on his way the stairs. He hoped to woo Doyle and beg his forgiveness for his stupid mistakes. Using the key he still had from when they had been together he entered the apartment.

"Doyle? you around buddy?" Angel called out. Hearing a noise in the bedroom, he walked back that way. Reaching the bedroom door, he heard two voices. Listening for a moment, he then knocked and walked in.

"Angel?!?!?!" Doyle exclaimed in shock.

As Angel's eye's went wide in shock at the sight which greeted him. There laying in bed was Doyle and Silvanus. Apparently they had wasted no time, once they had gotten back to the apartment.

"I...I..I was going to apologize for what I said, but I guess that's not important. I see you found someone else." With these words said Angel turned and fled the apartment.

As he got outside he hurled the flowers in a nearby trash dumpster and stalked off.

Now I was going to write this further, but I decided to cut it off here folks. It's a bit long as it stands. If I get a lot of positive feedback for this section, I may, just may knock out another part or two. It's open for a continuation the way it's set, but who knows.

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