Green Lantern is no more!

By Hector Oppenheimer

Published on Feb 3, 2008



Green Lantern is no more! (Green Lantern is a trademark of and copyright DC Comics)

After foolishly removing his power ring in response to the innocent sounding request of a small child who wanted to see his 'nifty' ring, the Green Lantern has hit in the face with a powerful blast of knockout gas. As the superhero swooned towards the sidewalk while desperately trying to retrieve his powerful ring, he heard a seemingly disembodied voice say' Good job kid! Here's your hundred bucks. Gimme the ring and get thehell out of here.' Moments later the superhero's head hid the sidewalk his everything went black.

The dazed superhero had no idea how long he had been out when he finally regained consciousness. He instinctively grabbed for his power ring only to discover that he could not move either of his hands, or his arms for that matter. He also couldn't see anything, nor could he move legs or feet. Even his ability to move his torso has inhibited by some kind of soft material band encircling his waist. He also realized that except for the restraints that held him fast, he was completely naked.

'Where the hell am I?' the increasingly distraught superhero demanded. 'Who are you? What do you want? What have you done to my eyes???'

'Why nothing my pretty little green fairy,' replied a disembodied voice on both sides of his head. 'Your eyes are working perfectly, my little princess. The reason you can't see is that you head is inside a spectral stereovision helmet. Once I've turned it on, you will be able to see perfectly. 'As a matter of fact ....'

'What the hell do you want!' interjected the angry superhero as he fruitlessly tried toescape his bonds. 'Who are you? Why are you doing this? Let me go!!!'

Once again the embedded earphones inside the helmet came to life. 'Who I am is irrelevant by little green friend. In a few weeks you will know meas your Lord and Master.' chuckled the disembodied voice. 'And what I want my studly little friend is you. I want to own your body and soul. I am going to make you my own personal play thing. Heh, heh,heh.'

'The hell you are!' snarled the captured superhero. 'When I get out of this contraption, I will tear you apart,' yelled theen raged hunk.

'Oooooh, I'd hoped you'd be feisty and resist me,'mocked the insidious voice. 'You truly are one incredibly masculine stud, which is why I am going to really enjoy turning you into a little pussy! Heh, heh, heh.'

As the ensnared superhero struggled tou nderstand the meaning of what he had just heard, he felt a warm handgently grab a hold of his penis and begin to fondle it.

'Oh yes,my dear Green Lantern,' said the voice, 'this has fucked its last pussy. From now on I am going to own this nice little toy. As a matter of fact, I am going to own all of you.'

A second later the captive superhero felt a powerful male hand grip his left butt cheek and give it a squeeze. 'Yeah, pussyboy, I'm even going to own this. Heh, heh, heh.

'No way; your disgusting pervert! Let me out of here you bastard!' cursed the increasingly desperate superhero as he struggled against his bonds.

'In good time my dear, in good time. You're not quite ready to be let free. You need an attitude adjustment and some reprogramming before you'll be ready toremove your helmet. Now just hold still while I finish getting you ready for pussification. This won't take long and I know you're goingto enjoy it!'

Moments later the horrified Green Lantern felt a long, slim, flexible metal coated rod being inserted into his rectum.

'Get that the fuck out of me, you god damn bastard!' cursed the increasingly panicked superhero. But his protestations were for naught. Several seconds later the invasive tube had been completely buried in his virginal ass, and thin microfiliments had been connected to the base of the invading rod.

As the powerless Green Lantern cursed and raged at his captor, his entire body was similarly subjected to a whole variety of technological assaults. A microfilimented cap was fitted around the corona and lower glans of his penis; wired sensors were placed atop each of his nipples; others were strategically placed in various places on his body; and still other electrodes emerged from the top of his helmet and came to rest in contact with the skin on his scalp. The next to the last step involved two soft tipped probes that emerged from both sides of the helmet and firmly affixed themselves to his temple. For the final 'adjustment' his diabolical captor forced the captive superhero's mouth open, and inserted flexible mouth piece,which he then firmly secured around the hapless Green Lantern's head.

Asthe effectively gagged superhero emitted a series of angry grunts and 'mffffs' this vile captor voice once again entered the Green Lantern's ears. 'That should do it my dear friend. If you have any fantastic fucks in your life, then I suggest you remember them now. That goes for any memorable blowjobs as well, stud. For after I am through with you, the only fucks you will be interested in or even remember will be the ones in which you feel my big cock up your tight little ass; and the only blowjobs you're going to think about are the ones you'll be giving me from now on.'

As the hapless superhero tried to violently thrash himself free, his smiling captor gently stroked Green Lantern's cheek and said 'This isn't going to be pleasant at first; but don't worry, it will get better and better over time. By the time I'm through with you, you will be a very happy little faggot who will be spending the rest of his life sucking cock and taking it up the ass!!!'

'Well,enough of this chit chat. It's time for pussyfication!' laughed the Green Lantern's diabolical captor as he pressed a button on a nearby control panel.

In an instant the magnificent body of the captive superhero shook and shuddered as a jolt of electricity blasted into the head of the frantic hero. Several follow up shots of diminished voltage followed in rapid order triggering a mild convulsion and totally disorienting the helpless hunk. As the confused and disoriented superhero teetered on the verge of unconsciousness, a feeding tube attached to the rubber mouthpiece began delivering powerful dose of nausea inducing medicines mixed with small doses of hallucinogens and a mild dose of a quick acting stimulant. As the goofy superhero entered a stage of semi-consciousness, the inner liningof the front of his helmet lit up as hard core videos of torrid heterosexual sex began to play on a micro video screen. As the semi-conscious hunk watch the lurid scenes of sex and debauchery another dose of nausea inducing medicine shot down his throat.

For the next five hours the poor hunk hovered on the verge of vomiting as waves of nausea swept his body, all the while witnessing an endless stream of hot straight sex. While under normal circumstances the hot straight male would be popping a boner from the lurid sex scenes he waswatching, there was no way on earth that he was going to get an erection while waves of nausea swept across his body and the hallucinogens wreaked havoc with his mind. Shortly thereafter the feeding tube and mouthpiece were removed from the hapless captive.

By the time the fifth hour had passed, the Green Lantern truly was green,so to speak. He had puked his guts so many times that he had entered a stage of dry heaves. There was puke everywhere, including all over his magnificent body. And all the while the torrid sex scenes continued to play before his drug distorted eyes. At the end of the fifth hour, the video images finally stopped invading his field of view; and thed isoriented and weakness superhero was released from his bonds, hosed down with warm soapy water; administered a powerful sedative; bound and placed in a bed. Six hours later, the Green Lantern was abruptly awakened; reconnected to his wires; probes and sensors and readied fora second round of treatments.

Unlike the first 'treatment' nausea-inducing drugs were not pumped into the hapless hero. This time the electroshock blasts were followed by a hellish cocktail of psychotropic drugs, hallucinogenic folk medicines; priapism triggering erectile dysfunction medications; and a whole assortment of aphrodisiacs. As this new chemical invasion took over his body, the video screen of the spectral stereovision helmet once again became filled with lurid images as more pornographic video scenes were transmitted into the helmet. Only this time instead of hot straight sex, the lurid videos that streamed in front of Green Lantern's eyes were of torrid gay sex, specifically portraying sex from the point of view of cocksuckers and bottoms. And endless stream of male faces stuffed with cocks; licking testicles and swallowing semen danced in front of Green Lantern's eyes. Other shots of cock-impaled males,groaning in pleasure as they were fucked and fucked and fucked also filled the screen. It was a scene from heterosexual hell or fag heaven!

Asthe disoriented male struggled to make sense of the horrific scenesunfolding before him, the microfilimented cap around the corona and lower glans of his penis; the electrodes on his nipples; and metal coated rod in the superhero's rectum came to life, sending waves of physical pleasure into the body of the captive hunk. Within a few moments his impressive organ had risen to full mast and his bulbourethral glands were producing copious volumes of pre-cum. While under normal circumstances the shocking scenes of homosexual debauchery would have triggered disgust in the captive heterosexual stud, the evil cocktail of drugs that had been dumped down his throat and the electro-stimulating of diabolical devices inserted in his rectum,attached to his nipples, and surrounding the most sensitive part of his cock overrode his natural heterosexual revulsion and replaced it with raw, hyper-accelerated lust. Twenty minutes after the cycle had begun,the awesome cock of hapless Green Lantern blasted load after load of sperm laden semen into the air as the captive superhero experienced his first homosexually induced orgasm.

'Very good' said the barely audible voice of his captor as he watched the last rivulets of Green Lantern's semen drip down his softening cock. 'But I'm sure these little babies haven't been emptied,' chucked the diabolical captor as he carefully cupped the superhero's balls. We have at least four and a half more hours to go before we get you back to bed, my dear. I'm sure that you'll rise to the occasion!'

With that the Green Lantern's captor turned and left the room, leaving the helpless superhero in the deadly grip of the 'attitude adjustment' and reprogramming device. Once again the tube connected to Green Lantern's mouthpiece began to pump a carefully measured dose of the psychotropics, aphrodisiacs,erectile drugs and hallucinogenic folk medicines down the gullet of the totally disoriented hunk. Shortly thereafter a new collections oflurid homosexual videos began to play on the inside of his helmet,while the electronic devices attached to his cock and nipples, and buried in his ass, came to life.

Four and a half hours later Green Lantern's captor returned. The powerful superhero was slumped over in a state of total exhaustion. Semen stains were all over the floor and his lower extremities, while his cock hung downwards with alast droplet of semen cooling on its head. Once again the hapless hero was released from his bonds, hosed down with warm soapy water; given another shot of the powerful sedative; secured and tucked in his bed. Six hours later the cycle began again as the Green Lantern was awakened; reconnected to his wires; probes and sensors and readied for a another round of anti-heterosexual nausea treatments.

This cycle was replayed over and over again for the next five weeks. By the second week minute doses of semen were introduced into the mouth of the captive superhero during the homosexual reinforcement cycles of his reprogramming. These doses were increased in volume over time, so that by the end of the fourth week, the Green Lantern was taking several full loads of cum during each homofication stage of the treatment. The connection between the taste of semen and the pleasure of orgasm was being brutally hardwired into the brain of the mind-fucked hunk. (The loads of semen were obtained by setting up a false sperm bank near a major university and offering horny, cash-hungry college studs, fifty bucks a load!)

As the treatment regimen went on, the Green Lantern's captor gradually reduced the length of the anti-heterosexual cycles, while slowing increasing the length of the homofication cycle. The former straight superhero was now a voracious consumer of cum whose magnificent cock would instantly harden whenever he saw images from a cocksucker's or bottom's point of view. By the end of the fifth week,the Green Lantern's new owner decided that it was time to release the captor from his physical restraints, supremely confident that the former superhero would be forever bound in servitude by the mental restraints he had so ruthlessly implanted in Green Lantern's mind.

As the now freed superhero awoke totally refreshed from the 18 hour drug induced sleep in his captors bed, he looked around the unfamiliar bedroom and tried to remember where he was. As he struggled to figure out where he was and how he had gotten there, the door to the bedroom slowly swung open. In front of him stood a smooth skinned, well built hunk of a man, wearing a broad smile on his face and a towel around his waist.

'Good morning, faggot!' boomed the smiling hunk. 'Did you sleep well?' he asked as he entered the bedroom.

'Wha.. What do you mean fa.. fa.. faggot? Who are ... Wha? What do you mean 'faggot?' stammered the bewildered superhero.

'Let me show you, pussyface,' said the grinning hunk as he untied his towel;dropped it to the floor; grabbed his pendulous cock, and waved it a tthe face of the confuse superhero. 'See anything that ya like, faggot?'

The Green Lantern was absolutely stunned. He had never seen such an awesome sight in his life, he thought as he hyperfocused on the male reproductive organ that now rested in between the thighs of this male. The superhero just couldn't take his eyes off of it. It was absolutely stunning from its bullet shaped head; to its thick shaft; and the hefty set of balls which lay snuggled beneath it.

'Uhhhhhhhh' groaned the superhero as he continued to be transfixed by this stranger's cock. The poor superhero felt this tremendous hunger sweep over his body as he felt this intense desire to posses that cock takeover. As he unconsciously licked his lips the vanquished Green Lantern felt a stirring in his loins as his own impressive dick began to harden and lengthen.

'Hey pussyface! Are you still with us? Do you see something you like? Something you want to wrap those pretty little lips of your around? Heh, heh, heh' he continued as he calmly scratched his balls. 'Well, speak up, pussyboy! Come on over hear andget what you need, faggot!'

At that the Green Lantern tossed aside his blanket and placed his feet on the floor of the bedroom. Without taking his eyes off of the turgid male organ attached to the man who was questioning him, the Green Lantern, his own awesome cock straining at full erection, got on his knees and slowly edged himself across the floor towards the grinning stranger.

'That's right;pussyboy,' whispered the standing male. 'You know what you need. Keep coming; you're almost there. It's right in front of you. Come on.'

Moments later the panting superhero was on his knees directly in front of the smiling stranger. Inches from the superhero's face was the fully erect cock of this unknown man. From his vantage point Green Lantern could see all over the cock's intricacies from its gaping urethra, to its wide bullet shaped glans, to its totally rigid shaft; to the nest of hair from which the shaft rose; to the large scrotumnal sack formed abase for the male monument; Green Lantern knew that he had to posses it.

Putting a finger underneath Green Lantern's chin, the towering stranger slowly lifted the superhero's head until the kneeling hunk was looking directly into his captor's eyes. 'Do you want that?'

'Yes,' groaned the kneeling stud.

'Do you need that?' asked his captor.

'Oh, yes. I really need it bad,' came the reply.

'And what does a little pussyboy say when he wants something?' asked the naked male, his face beaming in triumph.

'May I please have your cock?' came the tentative reply.

'Whose cock?' Green Lantern's captor asked? 'Whose cock do you want? What's my name pussyboy?' he asked the submissive superhero.

'Er. ah. I don't know your name. I don't know your name? Please tell me your name.' pleaded the kneeling Green Lantern with a definite tone ofdesperation in his voice.

My name is 'Lord and Master.' replied Green Lantern's captor.

'Now try it again, only this time use my name?' replied the man as he looked down on the subjugated superhero.

'May I please have your cock, Lord and Master? begged the vanquished superhero. 'Please let me have it. I really need it badly. I'll do anything you want if you let me have it. Pleaseeeeeee'.

Staring down at the subjugated Green Lantern, the towering male, his facem arked by expressions of both triumph and contempt looked into the face of Green Lantern and said 'I told you that I would own your body and soul; that I was going to make you into my own personal play thing. Heh, heh, heh, And now I've done it! You are now my own personal cocksucker and pussyboy,' laughed the superhero's captor. 'You are mine, and your sole purpose in life is to keep me, this cock, and any other cock I order you to service, happy! This IS your life,' he continued as he grabbed his hard cock and shook in Green Lantern's face. 'Do you understand????'

'Yes! Yes I do!' exclaimed the kneeling superhero.

'Good!'laughed the superhero's smirking captor as he listened to Green Lantern's word of surrender. 'Very good! Heh, heh, heh. Oh yeah,there's one more thing before I let those pretty little lips wrap themselves around my cock. From now on your name is 'Cocksucker'. '

'Yes, Lord and Master! My name is Cocksucker, replied the obedient superhero. 'My name is Cocksucker and I am a lowly cocksucker. May I please suck your cock, oh Lord and Master?' begged the groveling superhero.

After folding his hands across is chest and widening his stance so that he towered over the kneeling superhero like some colossus from Greek mythology, the beaming conqueror of Green Lantern looked down on the vanquished superhero and smugly said 'Go for it!'

Seconds later the formerly awesome superhero was shamelessly debasing himself on the cock of a male. Since he had never sucked a cock before, having only seen blowjobs in the endless video clips he had been forced to watch, the former Green Lantern, now known as Cocksucker, committed a whole series of beginners mistakes. He tried to shove the whole cock instantly down this throat, only to trigger a severe spasm of coughs and gagging sounds. After recovering from that mishap, the subjugated superhero once again devoured the hard male organ, only to scrape his teeth across the shaft. A sharp smack in the head and an admonition of 'no teeth, Cocksucker' was the result. It took quite a few minutes before the new cocksucker finally began to master what would be his lifelong devotion.

As Green Lantern's new owner watched his newly minted cocksucker finally begin to get a handle on sucking dick,he marveled at what he had been able to achieve in just five weeks. He had taken a powerful heterosexual male superhero and transformed him into a submissive cocksucking bottom. The great penis of Green Lantern would never again pleasure a woman. Instead it would spew its load a sa sign of submission to another man. The era of Green Lantern was over! The ear of Cocksucker had begun.

Extracting his well-sucked cock from the panting mouth of his conquest, the superhero's owner looked down on this newly created suck slave and asked 'Do you like that dick, pussyboy?'

'Yes, Lord and Master! Yes! I love it' came the reply.

'Good,' cooed the towering male as he shoved his cock back into the former Green Lantern's mouth. 'Finish me off, faggot!'

The disgraced superhero sucked away at his new owner's cock with incredible enthusiasm and dedication, lapping away at the piss hole; wrapping hislips around the hard shaft; and evening tonguing away at his Lord and Master's balls. After about ten more minutes, the cocksucking superhero could feel his owner's cock stiffen further, twitch and then begin emptying its load of semen into his cock-fouled mouth. Grabbing a hold of the kneeling superhero's head for balance, his new owner howled with joy as he defiled Green Lantern the cocksucker with his semen.

'Swallow that load, faggot! Swallow every fucking drop of it!' he howled as he continued to ejaculate his hot cum into the mouth and down the throat of the once formidable superhero.

The cock-defiled superhero eagerly complied with his Lord and Master's orders, greedily savoring the flavor of the reproductive fluid and obediently gulping it down into his stomach. He had crossed the line of no return. The studly heterosexual Green Lantern of the past was gone and had been reborn as a submissive cum swallowing cocksucker,slavishly dedicated to sucking off men and eager to swallow their vile ejaculate.

As Green Lantern's Lord and Master watched his new cocksucker reverently lick the last remnants of cum from his softening cock, he smiled broadly and announced, 'Not bad for a first try. 'I'm going to get a beer. When I get back, I'm going to fuck your brains out. After that I'll let you clean off my dick. Oh yeah, by the way,tomorrow I'll be bringing nine buddies home for you to suck off. Most of them will be good for at least two loads. You sure are one lucky faggot, aren't you, Cocksucker?' asked the superhero's owner.

'Yes, I am, Lord and Master. Yes I am!!!!!'

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