Grocery Store Love

By moc.liamg@831eedelpirt

Published on Nov 12, 2007



The events described did happen in some form, with some details changed - however, the names have been deliberately changed to protect those involved. This is only the beginning. After this part, everything is pure fiction - a figment of my imagination. This is my work, so please don't copy it without permission. If you like it, drop me a line and let me know. This is my first try at something like this, so any feedback would be welcome.


Grocery Store Love

I always watched him from afar.

His name was Jason - he had short, curly black hair and a tan complexion. His eyes were in the shade of melt-in-your-mouth M & M brown -- so gorgeous you could eat them right up. But that wasn't what made him so beautiful.

It was that smile. The most perfect, whitest teeth you had ever seen. And man, did he smile a lot. And his laugh was one of the most contagious ones around - whenever Jason laughed, it was impossible to not join in.

But like I said, I always watched him from afar. He always had some girl hanging on his arm, staring at him like a lost puppy. Every time I got to talk to him, all I could say was, "What's up?" He always answered the same way, "With these chicks always around, you know what's up." Of course, I would just smile and continue on my way.

We both worked at the same store and I always tried my best to be around him as much as possible; always trying to get to do the same job he was doing. It was always fun just to watch him move, graceful, beautiful and strong. Oh the nights I spent dreaming of him. Eventually, I was able to talk to him some more and we became pretty good friends.

One day Jason came into work, all smiles (not unusual) but he seemed to be giddier than usual. After a little prying, he said, "I got a car!" Of course, this didn't excite me all that much - it was only a car. But I guess for a straight guy, a car meant picking up more chicks and getting laid more often. I looked at him and said, "Cool dude! Now you can go cruising all you want." He just flashed that smile at me and started to get to work.

The shift was boring that day - not a lot of customers, so not much work to do. I didn't really get to work with Jason - a bummer, but I had resigned myself to that fact and just looked forward to the times I did get to work with him. I was in the middle of one of my reveries when I heard that familiar voice behind me, "Dude, I can give you a ride home tonight, if you want." How could I not say yes? "That'd be cool," I replied, all the while thinking about riding something else.

"Alright man, I'll meet you by the time clock after I get done."

Well, the rest of my shift flew by, just thinking about getting to spend some quality time with Jason. Mind you, I knew that he was straight - but that couldn't stop a man from dreaming, yanno?

Eventually the time to leave arrived, and I waited anxiously by the time clock after I punched out. Jason met me there about five minutes later, all ready to go.

"Dude, this is going to be so sick! As if I didn't get enough chicks already!" I just smiled (again) and laughed anxiously. I followed Jason out to his `new' car - turns out it was an 89 Dodge something-or-other - I didn't really care, as long as I got to spend time with the man of my dreams.

The ride home was pretty uneventful - I had to give him directions as he'd never been over my house before. When we arrived, I said goodbye - and then I almost had a heart attack. Jason leaned in like he was going to kiss me - and I froze. He must have seen the look of deer caught in headlights in my face because then he smiled and laughed, "Just fuckin' with you dude. Now get out before I kick your ass out." With that, I regained my composure and laughed, exiting the car. As I walked up the stairs, I could hear Jason blaring his horn down the street. I almost walked into the door, still somewhat dazed of our almost kiss in the car, wondering what would've happened had it actually happened. That night, as I jacked off, all I could think of was Jason kissing me. In my mind, he kissed me - and came harder than I ever had before.

The next few weeks, the rides home became a regular thing - Jason didn't live too far from me, and I wasn't really out of the way, so he didn't mind bringing me home. I enjoyed them especially because it gave me time to spend with Jason outside of work where no one was watching - I could stare at him out of the corner of my eye or even have a whole conversation without worrying about the boss watching. This went on for a few weeks until one day the unthinkable happened - his 89 Dodge something-or-other broke down and had to be fixed. No ride home that night.

"Looks like I'll have to catch the train tonight," I said during our shift. It was really busy that night and Jason needed help, so of course I was the first one to volunteer.

"Yea dude, sorry about the car breaking down - but hey, I can walk with you to the train station, make sure you don't get raped or molested."

"Heh, thanks man, but I can handle my own."

"S'alright, I'll go with you anyway. I like hanging out with you - you're a smart guy and always have something interesting to talk about. Besides, I've got nothing to rush home to except for a pain in the ass brother and a mom who's always in pain". Jason's mom was in a car accident about a year before and was still fighting the insurance companies to pay for her medical bills and the pain meds - she managed to get some, but not nearly what she needed.

"Alright, sounds cool." I made a calculated decision at that moment. "Man, I've got something to tell you, but I'll tell you later, okay?"

"What, can't you tell me now?"

"No, you'll just have to wait until later."

As soon as I had finished Jason with the one cart we were unloading, I took my break and told my manager that I wanted to do something else for the rest of the night. I couldn't be around Jason - I was shaking so hard. I could hardly run a register - so my manager had me fill the shelves in some of the aisles. It was slow going - the night seemed to take forever and every time Jason looked at me, I would look away, pretending I was doing my work.

My shift finally ended. I hadn't seen Jason in about an hour and when I rounded the corner to the time clock, he was already there, waiting for me.

"Ready dude?" he said.

"Yea, let's go."

"So what's up?"

"Let's get outta the store, I'll tell you in a bit," I said, my hopes dashed of him not remembering our earlier conversation.

We left the store and started walking towards the train station. I had my eyes on the ground and couldn't look at Jason. It was a cooler spring evening, and I was wearing my light jacket. I had to keep my hands in my pockets to keep them from shaking. The walking was slow and deliberate. I knew Jason was waiting for me to say something - I was just trying to work up the courage to do so.

"Ok, what gives man? What's your issue? Is someone dead? Someone have cancer? What is it?" he finally asked. I almost jumped out of skin when he spoke.

"No, it's nothing like that. It's just.." I trailed off, suddenly afraid to continue. He was going to be one of the first ones, one of the first people I had ever told. What if I lost him..? What if he never wanted to see me ever again?

"Nothing can be as bad as what you think it is man. Whatever it is, just spill it!"

"I'm gay."

Nothing. I looked away and started walking faster, tears beginning to well up in my eyes. He didn't want anything more to do with me.

"Wait up man! You're gay?! No way. I don't believe you."

I turned back to him, fighting back the tears but failing. "Do you think I'd make something like that up?"

"No..I guess not. But what's with the tears?"

"I was afraid you'd hate me...or worse, kick my ass or something."

"'re like a brother to me. I would never do that. Anyone who gives you any shit for being gay, let me know. I'll go and beat the shit outta them for you. I mean it. Being gay doesn't change anything - you're still my friend." He caught up with me and put his arm around my shoulder.

I almost fainted - he didn't care and was totally cool with it. "Thanks have no idea how much that means."

"I can sorta tell..the color has come back to your face," he laughed and flashed those pearly whites at me.

I had gotten through the easy part. Now how was I going to tell him that I was head over heels for him?

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