By em.0121niwnad@5712794648pahlo

Published on Mar 4, 2021




by Oliver Hapland

These are further tales of Gulliver's Travels concerning the sexual adventures of a young page whom he encounters in the land of the giants.

Warning: this story contains descriptions of sexual activity between giant boys and men. If this is likely to offend you, please do not read on.

Readers who enjoy this story may like to check out my other stories on Nifty, such as 'Little Lord Barry: A True History of a Wicked Boy to His Thirteenth Year'. I am always happy to receive readers' email at

I hope readers will indulge my attempts at writing in the style of Jonathan Swift's original story. There is some scene-setting at the start that I hope will make what follows more enjoyable. Just sit back and relax as you are transported into a world of eighteenth-century debauchery on a large scale...


Further Revelations Concerning His Travels into the Remote Nation of Brobdingnag. By Lemuel Gulliver, Surgeon.

Chapter One

  • How the author, having been stranded in the giant country, comes upon a boy in a compromising situation, and a deal is struck.

I, Lemuel Gulliver, formerly surgeon and then Captain of several ships, having quitted my house at Redriff on account of the many persons who called upon me there following the publication of my fantastical true memoirs, and having settled in a convenient house in the county of Nottinghamshire, now feel the compulsion to set down at last on paper for posterity several further episodes from my adventures. These concern a certain boy whom I encountered therein and which I have not previously expounded on the grounds of modesty.

It will be recalled by my gracious readers that during my voyage as ship's surgeon aboard the Adventurer under Captain John Nicholas, I had the misfortune to be marooned alone in the kingdom of Brobdingnag on the 16th day of June 1703. It will be remembered that this land was inhabited by a race of people very much like those of Europe with the exception that Brobdingnagians are a giant race who outscale Europeans to a proportion of some ten times to one. Naturally, all things in this remote kingdom are of like giant proportions, be they trees, furniture or buildings. This should help to explain to the reader's satisfaction the predicaments and perils I found myself in during what follows.

As I have elaborated elsewhere, I came into the company of the King and Queen of Brobdingnag who kept me as a sort of pet in the way that fine ladies in England might keep a particularly curious bird. I was not caged, however, and had my liberty in so much as I could speak and move around freely, albeit within the constraints and dangers that were consequent with being little bigger than a mouse in this gargantuan world. The Queen and her ladies-in-waiting made much fuss of me and His Majesty the King took great pleasure in giving me audience frequently on his table, by which means I was put on such a level so that we could converse: myself bellowing at the top of my voice, and in this way I was able to gain some proficiency in their language.

I was fortunate indeed to have such a beneficent patron in the King, who being mindful of my discomfiture in such an intimidating world, and of my need to have some small place of my own into which to retreat among objects of my own size, had ordered his royal joiner to fashion a box, some twelve foot square, in which I might dwell. Comfortably upholstered, this room was furnished with a table and chair, bed and closet, windows and door, and a stout ring upon the top by which it could be carried.

Life in the Royal Palace went on much as it does in any court in Europe and I was cared for by a young nurse whom readers will remember had accompanied me whence I came, being the daughter of the farmer who had discovered me in his field shortly after my marooning.

My nurse, being much pleased with her new situation and fine raiment, was wont to leave me of an afternoon alone in her chamber, while she would promenade with the ladies of quality in the palace gardens. For my part, I was happy to be spared her ministrations for an hour or two and, feeling a lethargy following luncheon, would pass the time slumbering in my box, which for safety's sake was placed on my nurse's writing table across from her bed.

It was customary on cold days for a page to come into my nurse's chamber to set the fire when the girl was absent and I became used to the noise of this clumsy oafish youth and paid it little attention, sometimes sleeping soundly right through.

On the occasion that I am about to describe, I was awakened from my afternoon nap and having lain for a time listening to someone in the chamber, I began to suspect that the noises I heard were not occasioned by the laying of a fire and curiosity obliged me to rise from my bed and peek out of my box.

Upon standing in my doorway, I observed that it was indeed the page whom I had heard. He had evidently set the fire but was now engaged, apparently, in a rather different activity. The extreme bigness of the world around me meant that it was some moments before I was able to comprehend the scene from my vantage point on the table. I noticed immediately that something was amiss since my nurse's cabinet across the room was standing with one drawer pulled open, wherein, several of the girl's undergarments were visible laying dishevelled, whilst others lay strewn about the floor.

The boy, whom I later learned to be around fourteen years of age, was perched in his page's livery on the edge of the bed, some two or three hundred European feet opposite where I stood on my table. With his legs splayed wide and pointed straight, I could clearly observe that the boy had undone the flap at the front of his fine satin breeches and had folded one of the young nurse's undergarments in his hand before him. The noise that had awakened me was occasioned by the motion of this silk and lace wherewith the boy, I observed, was working violently between his legs.

The young scullion had his head thrown backwards and I could just make out the glistening tip of his great tongue where it protruded at the corner of his mouth. His breath came with a sound like great organ bellows pumped feverish fast, and the sum of the whole scene gave me to recognize that the boy was in the midst of experiencing a certain crisis. I watched on for several moments, intrigued and rather amused, that it should surprise me not at all to learn that the youth of Brobdingnag engage in just the same occupation as does every European schoolboy, when he thinks he is unobserved.

When he had finished, the red-faced page eased himself back inside his breeches before I was able to catch sight of his appendage, which disappointed me since I had long harboured a curiosity about the proportions of that part in this giant race of people.

As I watched, he took the nurse's crumpled undergarment, which he had just used so wantonly, sniffed at it, and then folded it neatly and put it in his pocket. He then looked around and noticed me standing in the door of my little house, and the look of shock on his face is not one I will soon forget. He contorted his body as if he had been physically struck and clutched at the edge of the bed with his great hands. When he rose up I was suddenly afraid for my safety, unsure of what a frightened youth might do unthinkingly in such a panic of shame. I therefore retreated back into my house. The giant boy loomed over me and I peered at him through the small light in the roof of my box.

Then he seemed to resolve his mind and moved off to the other side of the bed where he began to gather up the strewn garments and tidy them hurriedly into the drawer in the cabinet. I re-emerged from my doorway and he eyed me warily as I observed him. In a trice he was back in front of me and the pained look on his face told me I had nothing to fear from him.

'I had forgot you were here,' he said to me, wringing his hands.

'So I see,' I replied.

Then the poor fellow fell to his knees before me, holding up his hands in supplication.

'Please don't tell, sir. Please don't ruin me. I'll do anything for you, anything at all!'

The lad was, of course, in full knowledge of the favour I enjoyed with his royal masters, and I was struck by the ridiculousness of my situation, wherein I was implored for mercy by this callow giant who could so easily have squashed me under his very foot.

The boy's face was level with me where I stood upon the table. It was a pretty face, recently touched with the awkward angles of adolescence; his hair he wore to his collar and it had something of the tint of ginger spice, as did the freckles that adorned his nose. He looked so forlorn as he knelt there that I could not but feel pity for him and I reassured him that I would not give him away, so long as he would clean and return the garment I had seen him bespoil; to this he readily agreed. Once this was done, he fell back on his heels and, looking much relieved, commenced to explain himself, something for which I had not insisted.

'Glumdalclitch' (for such was my nurse's name) 'is very beautiful,' he opined. 'I can't help myself. When I come in to set the fire I feel overwhelmed. I want to be close to her so much, to touch the things that have touched her so close. I'm afire with a passion!'

From the boy's candour and artlessness of speech, I was given to the impression that he was simple and I was much moved by pity for him. Had he done this before? I asked. 'Twice or thrice,' was his reply. He told me he had taken to following the girl around, rather like a puppy dog it seemed, but the girl, who was then around the lad's own age, had deigned not to return his advances, now supposing herself, no doubt, worthy of better things.

'I would do anything to win her,' the boy told me and then, clasping his hands, he knelt up so that his shaggy head was again close enough for me to see the soft beginnings of moustachion hair beneath his nostrils.

'May it please you, sir, to help me,' he said. 'You have a special place in her heart. Perchance you could turn her to look with favour upon me.'

The poor page's pleading moved me and I told him that I would support his suit with my nurse, if it was in my power to do so; although I doubted privately that my persuasion would meet with success where his had failed. We conversed about one of two other matters, the boy being of a jovial and loquacious nature, until the peal of the mantelpiece clock announced the hour of my nurse's return. I bid the lad depart and reminded him of his promise regarding the underclothes.

Little did I know that I was destined to spend a good deal of time in the society of this pageboy.

Chapter Two

  • The author, being more in the boy's company, witnesses his favours for members of the household, and finds himself in great peril.

Now, it chanced that during her walk that afternoon, my nurse had caught a chill and upon the next morn was found to have a fever and was therefore confined to bed for some days. There was some consternation in the household, for it was not known what should be done with me, being the charge of the girl.

The reader should not think that I was dependent on my nurse absolutely, but she did perform certain functions, such as carrying me to and from engagements in the palace or taking me into the gardens to take the air; such activities, should I attempt them alone, would have been immensely fatiguing due to the vast distances involved for me and perilous because of my tiny size.

It was proposed that a temporary nurse be engaged from amongst the chambermaids, but the Queen was doubtful about entrusting my safety to such clumsy and unrefined persons. Then I suggested that I should be given into the hands of the page - for secretly I had taken quite a fondness for this youth ? and after reassuring the honourable lady that the lad was of most diligent character, this idea was taken up with much enthusiasm by all. The boy himself seemed to receive the commission as an honour, perceiving it as a shining endorsement of his high regard at court.

So the boy would come and collect me in my carrying box first thing in the morning, whereupon I would be taken to the table where the lower court were taking their breakfast and I would partake of small morsels prepared specially for me by the cook. Then the rest of the day would be spent accompanying the Queen's ladies in a diversion or else promenading about the exquisite grounds, which were a marvel to behold from the window of my box, as the boy strolled to and fro for me to see.

The boy was more adventurous than my nurse in the places he visited and the company he kept, and took me to some areas of the grounds far removed from the palace where I had never visited before, and with good reason as it turned out - but I will return to this later. In the meantime, I will tell the reader of an event which disturbed me at the time of its happening but which I came to see in a different light later.

It would often come to pass that the pageboy, growing weary of carrying my box, would discard it and, taking me in his hand, would place me in his waistcoat pocket, where I would ride about quite happily. I could hold on to the pocket top for support, being as it was at the height of my breast, with the satin lining doing very well to cushion the motion of the boy's striding; and the warmth from the lad's body was most agreeable on cold days.

Now, the boy was most pleased that in vouchsafing my person he was let off his usual duties as page; this did not, however, release him from the authority of his superiors in the household. One day when we were crossing the pantry - the boy having descended to procure some biscuit and cheese, being hungry - and I was riding in his pocket as usual, he of a sudden ducked down quickly behind a cask. There then came a loud bellowing from across the room.

'I see thee Lankindiluch, hiding behind that hogshead!' the bellowing voice intoned.

'Oh, no!' groaned the boy. But he was forced to reveal himself.

'You haven't thought that you can escape all of your duties, have you?'

The speaker was a servant of the household whom I knew to be the chief footman, a young man, but somewhat older than my pageboy.

'You had best keep down,' the boy whispered to me, and when I protested that we should have nothing to fear of a servant, he was insistent and so I consented to keep out of sight.

The man continued in his unpleasant bellowing and gave orders to the boy.

'Come thee here! Bend over the table and drop thy breeches.'

The boy complied and I found myself thrust upon my face in the pocket as he prostrated himself. I wriggled my head and shoulders out and ventured to look round but could see little other than the boy's shirtsleeve. At first I was certain that the unfortunate boy was about to receive a birching, as European boys do, not infrequently, for some infraction or other. But when, by stretching myself out of the pocket some more, I was able to catch sight of the footman to the boy's rear, I was shocked to observe that the man had lowered the front of his livery and was displaying in maximus erectus.

Then there came a sharp gulp of breath from the boy and I was immediately subjected to the most violent buffeting and rocking that caused me to have to cling on to my upended pocket for fear of being thrown out. There was a fearful slapping and pounding accompanied by the sound of the bellowing voice of the footman repeatedly bestowing all manner of lewd names on the boy, most of which I could not decipher, having only scant knowledge of their language.

In the pocket, I felt myself seasick with all the jolting. The boy, meantime, let out groans and little cries which methought were meant to betoken resistance, but in which I could not help but detect a certain lust.

Presently, the perturbations were ended by a great shove and a fearful cry from the footman, like to the death throes of a tortured leviathan, and my pageboy was left panting; I could hear the fervent beating of his great heart, owing to my proximity to it.

The boy straightened himself up and as I peered out from my hiding place, I espied on the tabletop a number of gold coins which the boy quickly took up and stowed away. Nothing was spoken between us of the incident, save for later that day, when my curiosity made me venture to enquire whether the footman had used him thus before.

'Oh, yes,' said the lad, carelessly, 'Once or twice a week, maybe more.'

I resolved that, was I perchance party to the same again, I would next time jump down on to the tabletop and observe proceedings from a safe distance!

My nurse's malady lingered for some days and so my acquaintance with the page continued. He began to resume some of his former duties in which I accompanied him around the palace and grounds. When the Queen objected that the boy should care only for me, and desist from his other work, since it was an indignity to myself to be his companion in such, I assured her that I found observing the workings of the lower orders at court both stimulating and enlightening. In truth, I had now grown exceeding fond of the lad and found his chipper conversation and carefree manner most pleasing.

By and by it became apparent that, amongst the other servants, my page had a particular acquaintance with the gardener's boy. This other youth was a wiry lean fellow with a crop of wavy chestnut hair and large weather-worn hands with dark crescents of dirt under the fingernails. I judged him to be a little younger than the page but of a sharper wit and the pair seemed to delight in one another's company whenever they happened to meet, or contrived to meet, which was often.

As I rode along in my pocket, I would listen to their animated talk and was able to make out some of what they said, much of it about the birds and insects in the garden, or about the fish to be caught in the lake or the fruit to be had from the Master's trees. The gardener's boy was taken with me, as children naturally are with miniature things. This lad would hold me by the waist in his large fingers and turn me over and about, looking at my every part of me, until I objected through feeling giddy. He enquired of the page whether I had genitive parts and whether they be between my legs as theirs were. But my careful page forbid the boy from undressing me and so the curious youth made do with speculating from what was evident by my clothing.

The boys were wont to tramp about the outer reaches of the royal estate, as I have afore mentioned, and it was there that the next incident of these lewd additions to my tales took its place. I humbly request that any gentle reader, being of sensitive and pious disposition, skip ahead to the latter part of my story and leave this episode, which he may find objectionable.

Beyond the regimented kept gardens and glass-like expanse of rectilinear lake, the park was less manicured and somewhat unkempt, vast trees hanging low in the water, something like those which we call Sallow in England. It was here that the two boys would come to catch fish.

Amongst the trees was a range of tool houses which evidently had fallen into disuse and were then seldom visited by the garden journeymen. Into one of these, the page and the gardener's boy would sometimes repair and at such times I would be bid by my guardian to remain without and amuse myself for half an hour whilst the two carried out 'work' within. I was somewhat surprised by this on the first occasion, but was quite content to snooze in the sun on the banks of the water, with my head shaded by a giant mushroom or spurge, until my companions emerged again.

Their endeavours in the tool shed must be arduous, I decided, since I noted they were always red-faced and damp with the residues of exertion afterwards. They always seemed pleased with themselves, however, and so I concluded that their secluded task must be a rewarding one.

On one such afternoon, I was disturbed from my peaceful slumber by a cry from inside the building. So forlorn and tortured had it sounded that I was immediately minded to investigate and so I left my coat on the ground, where I had been laying, and found my way into the ramshackle shed through a hole in the bottom of the panelled door. Having freed myself from a patch of prodigious, and thankfully unoccupied, spiders webs, I found myself in a room which, by the little light that filtered through the grubby panes, was evidently given over to the storage of various rusting mowing scythes and much rubbish besides. What profitable work could possibly be done in here, I could only imagine!

The noise I had heard before came again and in following the sound I found my two companions in a corner behind some hampers. The sight before me was so foreign to me, from my low vantage point on the earthen floor, that I could not at once tell it for what it was. It seemed that the boys were in some sort of a tangle of clothes and limbs and it was only by walking around them that I could discern the whole from the parts by way of reason.

The gardener's boy, it seemed, was reclining on a heap of straw with his head thrown back and mouth agog, and it was he who evidently was issuing the cries of distress. The page was kneeling between the other boy's knees with his head bowed and invisible to me. Both boys apparently were in their shirt-tails with their breeches about their ankles and in this undignified state of undress, from where I was placed, I could see only their two pairs of shod feet, the twin apexes of the garden boy's bare knees, between which, rising into the air, was the large and protruding bare arse of the pageboy.

The garden boy was making a sound like to one who is plagued by a tickling and tormenting sneeze that just will not come to the front of the nose to discharge. The voice rose up and up and the body of the poor boy seemed to match it note for note by the tensing of its sinews; close by me I discerned his huge dirty-fingernailed hand clutching white-knuckled at the straw; and all this discomfort seemed to be precipitated by the page, whose great shoulders and ginger head I could just spy drawing up and down rapidly in resemblance to the great machinery of a water-driven forge hammer, accompanied by the sucking noises of a mill race to match. In no time, the garden boy shook violently, like one in a fit, and presently fell asunder in a slump. The page sat back on his haunches and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.

At this moment, there came a sound from behind me and a gigantic cat slunk out of the shadows and advanced on me, ready to pounce. I shrieked in terror and the cat let out a hiss that made my blood run to ice. I was a statue of fear, but the page, alerted by the commotion and looking round, took in the situation in an instant and made a lunge for the animal. Unfortunately, the lad's breeches being still at his ankles, he sprawled headlong on the floor and the cat took the opportunity to seize me up by the scruff of the neck and make off. It bounded, with me in its mouth, up on to a window sill and from there on to a high shelf, where it sat with me dangling in mortal fear of my life an hundred feet up in the air.

The boys, having hurriedly dressed, were at sixes and sevens as to what to do, one trying to seize the angry cat, while the other was at hand below to catch me if the animal should chance to drop me from its jaws. I was much shaken by this process, the cat seeming intent to retain its unusual prize and whisk me away to its lair, no doubt. But at length the animal was cornered and, given the choice between its life and its catch, chose to release me. I fell some fifty feet before my fall was broken, fortunately, by the warm hands of the garden boy. I clung breathless and dazed to his thumb: the same thumb, so long ago it now seemed, I had seen clutching at the straw.

I am not sure who was the more relieved by my rescue, the boys or myself, but I was carried afterwards with great care and tenderness back to the palace. I was fed some hot, sweet coffee and soon was restored to calmness. In truth, my perilous adventure with the cat was quickly forgotten in the light of the next lewd exploit with the pageboy that was about to unfold.

Chapter Three

  • More of the page is revealed and he grants a liberty. The author repays a debt.

The page had got so dirty in chasing after the cat that as soon as he showed himself to his betters, he was reprimanded severely and it was only through my intervening that he avoided a boxing around the ears. His soiled apparel was stripped from him and a bath was ordered to be drawn in front of the fire in the servants' hall. My own clothing was in a sorry state, my shirt and waistcoat having been almost torn to shreds by the cat's teeth, and after I had divested myself I was just as dirty as the boy, so it was proposed that I should join him in his bath.

As I stood on the floor taking shelter by the leg of the great servants' table, I caught my first sight of the generative equipment of one of these giant people of Brobdingnag, albeit a junior member of that tribe, and it was indeed a formidable appendage. The prospect of the rear of the boy, undressed and bending over to test the water, offered me my first glimpse of the great globes hung high in the crux of his colossal legs; heavy and potent with the boy's seed, they recalled to my mind a great lantern I had once seen hanging suspended in a ceiling vault of one of our ancient columned cathedrals.

When the boy turned, I was able also to inspect his organ, which I observed was identical with that same apparatus in our race, save that it was many times superior in both length and girth; surmounted by a copse of course ginger hairs, ample folds of skin enclosed its spout end and the whole genitive assemblage swung pendulous as the boy lowered himself into the bathing tub.

The water sloshed like the sea in a cove as the lad clambered in and reclined himself luxuriantly against the side of the tub, swinging his legs over the opposite. I was thus left with the sight of only his great bare and dripping feet and lower legs, which I noted had the first signs of hairs.

I moved around the tub and hailed him loudly, at which his youthful face appeared over the high wooden cliff and broke unto a broad grin. He picked me up in my nakedness and set me down on the tub rim, where I sat as if on a habour wall.

'So,' he said, 'You do have between your legs as we have between ours.'

I realized he was peering curiously and I oped my knees for him to see the better; this seemed only fair since I had only recently been regarding him in like manner. Once he had satisfied his curiosity, he laid himself back once more with his hands folded behind his head, closed eyes and an expression of contentment. I was then free to survey his body as I pleased, where it lay before me like an island in a warm ocean: the waters gently lapping its sides, Neptune's jewels glistering on the white dunes of his breast and the smooth beaches of his abdomen, with a mermaid's pool rippling in his belly button. Presently he opened one eye and regarded me.

'Why did you come inside the tool house?' he asked slyly.

When I explained the reason he said:

'Oh yes, Digdurbangitch does raise a fair din when his kettle boils.' And he resumed his slumber.

'So do you,' I pointed out.

Again an eye opened and a shy smile broke on his face.

'I did return that pretty undershift,' he said, referring to the nurse's garment.

I let myself slide down the side of the tub into the water, where I contented myself in swimming to and fro in the bay formed by the boy's towering flanks. He had fun in creating waves which hampered my progress with their turbulence, or great splashes which rained down on me like slops from many buckets. The boy roared with laughter to see me splutter and took to poking me with his finger so that I was bobbed beneath the water like a cork; this last I had to stop by a frantic waving of my arms, so full of water became my head.

He settled and the water calmed enough to allow me to scull through the arch of his leg where I again caught sight of those things that I had espied earlier, only now at closer quarters. The boy's great cods were bobbing in the water like enormous melons, bristling with sparse hairs wetted like kelp, while, laying curved to one side, like a great thick log after a woodman has been at it, was his pizzle. I clung to the melons for support as they rode around in their sac.

'You tickle!' laughed the boy, seeming not overly disturbed.

I took this opportunity to ask as to the names of these appendages in his language - something which, naturally, propriety had forbidden me from asking the King or Queen in any of our audiences, but which, nonetheless, had long piqued my curiosity.

'This is my belhaftenschwing,' he said, touching the organ, 'And these are my roedangknacks.'

I repeated the names so as to commit them to memory.

'Do you like it?' he asked uncertainly, offering the flaccid member up to my inspection. 'Do you think it big enough?'

I assured him that I did indeed think it very large.

Then he again surprised me with his candour when he said: 'I hope it will be large enough to get inside Glumdalclitch!'

He reminded me of my promise to help him win my nurse's favour. I had not forgotten and felt even more duty-bound now, after his saving me from the jaws of the vicious cat, and so I reiterated my vow to help him if I could.

'Oh dear,' the boy said with a grin, 'Talking about her is making it stand up.'

And indeed I was obliged to scull around to the other side of his cods as the great pizzle awoke and began to stretch itself. It lumbered up, uncurling like a sea monster, pulsing and growing under the power of some great internal pump; I could fairly see the veins throbbing as they engorged its capacious volume. Finally, it stood erect and I hauled myself out of the water and stood beside it. It reminded me of one of the great cannon on a ship of the line. The phallus was nearly the same height as myself and when I wrapped my arms about its neck, I could just clasp my hands together on its other side. The boy laughed again at this.

'You doing that,' he said, 'makes it feel like it wants to spit!'

This was an outcome that I told him I would very much like to see and so he took the rigid organ in his hand and began his action to excite it.

'I haven't had it today,' he told me. 'Digdurbangitch would have done me in his turn, if you hadn't brought in that cursed cat.'

When I apologised he would have none of it, saying that he was glad to be spared for once, since, it seemed, his friend caused him discomfort on account of having broken teeth.

The up and down excursions of the pageboy's hand upon his shaft began to put me in some peril, so I slipped back down between his legs and into the water, whence I watched proceedings in safety. The performance unfolded much as it had when I had witnessed it on the previous occasion in the chamber, save that the lad's parts were not covered this time.

As the boy became carried away in his pleasure, the motion of his large melons thrashing up and down in and out of the water, caused such turbulence that I was forced to cling to the side of the tub for fear of being drawn into their compass and dashed to pieces.

The turmoil abated, little and little, as the cods were hauled up tight either side of the boy's stem, beneath his labouring fist, and I perceived that crisis was immanent.

The motions stopped abruptly with a groan from the boy, and I looked up in time to see the lad unsheathe the head of his mighty cock as a powerful pearlescent surge erupted from its top, arched high above me and spattered down upon his groin, followed by further ejaculations which crashed about me in the water, threatening to engulf me in their deluge like Pliny in the wake of the great Vesuvius.

After this, the boy seemed quite spent and, since the servants were then returning for their evening meal, we were obliged to end our ablutions and find some new clothes to wear. After the boy quitted the tub, the deepness of the water reduced sufficiently that I could stand on the bottom. I spent some moments ducking myself and washing with a shaving of soap, so covered was I in the unctuous jelly from the boy's loins.

Soon after these events, my nurse's health returned and she was able to resume her duties in attending to me. The boy and I were thus separated, not without a little melancholy on both parts, I think, for I had grown attached to him and he to me. Still, he came to lay the fire each day, at which time we found a few minutes to talk pleasantly, and when he asked me whether I had put his suit to the girl, it occurred to me that if some sort of a match could be fashioned between the two of them, then this might be a means by which to see more of my young friend.

The girl was cold to my approaches at first but, by and by, when she heard how attentively the boy had cared for me while she was indisposed, she did come to look upon him in a more favourable light. When I told her of how he had rescued me from the cat (leaving aside the precise circumstances by which the situation had arisen, of course!), I could see that I had at last awakened some passion in her.

So, when the boy next came to the chamber, I told him quietly that he might find her mood favourable to him, if he should try to speak to her, which he then did with some shyness. Following this opening, the boy persisted in his wooing, to which the girl responded, coyly at first, but then with more ardour. The girl was careful not to advertise these assignations about the court, but in not too many weeks her reserve had melted enough that she would let the boy have his way with her.

There is no need for me to go into details here about the process of copulation of the Brobdingnagians, since I can report that it is in all ways virtually identical to that of our race. I will, however, attempt to convey to the reader the awe that was inspired in me as I observed this coupling for the first time.

In order to make some careful observations, I took my notebook and stood on the bed between the boy's legs as he laid the girl. I was treated to quite a sight as he drove his column in and out of the girl's tight orifice, those prodigious cods quivering and thumping back and forth with each thrust. To judge from the sighs and moans of both the nurse and the boy, I am convinced that each party derived just as much pleasure from the act as we do. This was especially evident at the climax where it was plain to see the boy's ecstasy; he gave a final tremendous thrust and I watched as those great ejecting muscles behind the cods convulsed as they fired off volley after volley of his roe into the young wench.

The remainder of my stay in the land of these giants has been enumerated already elsewhere, along with my sudden and enforced departure not too long after the above events. These adventures occurred many years ago and my young friend, the pageboy, must have grown into an adult of their race by this time. I often think about him, as I do the many strange creatures I encountered on my travels; but there is always a special place in my affections for that unaffected and gentle boy, whose simple nature and lack of shame in satisfying his bodily appetites, was so very charming. I wonder whether he married my nurse and whether he now has romping boys of his own. Does he ever think of me, his tiny friend of long ago?

I would be delighted to hear from anyone who has read my story. Email at

and tell me what you enjoyed (or what you didn't!). I will endeavour to reply, and comments encourage me to write more!

Readers who enjoyed this story may like to check out my other stories on Nifty, such as 'Little Lord Barry: A True History of a Wicked Boy to His Thirteenth Year'.

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