Harry and Max Ver. 2.0

By moc.loa@REPSXAJ

Published on Feb 4, 2005




This story is based on the film "Harry and Max" written and directed by Christopher Munch. All characters portrayed herein are copyright and trademark.

I recently saw the film, and liked it. You should see it too. I was hoping, however, that it would have gone in a different direction with the characters and material, so I reworked the story using the same characters and general plot points. And did so again to present it here.

This story, like the film, is a work of fiction and does not state or imply anything about the lifestyle or sexual preference of any actors who portrayed characters in the film

You should only be reading this story if you are of legal age to do so. That being said, let's continue.

Harry & Max Ver. 2.0 by Jaxsper Finn

Chapter One

He had never felt so alone.

Even from backstage, the sheer volume of the crowd was overwhelming. When his mom opened the dressing room door, the sound waves seemed to hit him like a tsunami. That's the only way to describe it. You didn't just hear the sound; you experienced it with your entire body! The crowd chanted as one, "Max! Max! Max!"

"Max! Aren't you ready yet?" his Mother asked. "You go on stage in fifteen, dear."

Max heard her. He always heard her, crowd or no crowd. He turned away from the light bulb circled mirror.

"Did Harry get here yet?" the 16 year old asked his mother as he pulled on his sequined shirt.

This was the last day of his tour: thirty cities in almost as many days. Max was exhausted, and one of the only things that kept him going was the thought that his brother, Harry, would see him onstage at least once. Max wanted to see him so badly. It was too bad that Harry's band The Ingenues were on tour in Japan.

"No, dear, he won't be. You know that they are still in Kyoto. Now, let me do your hair. You know how the girls like it when you spike it up on top."

His mother rubbed the wax between her palms vigorously and then roughly tugged at Max's hair, pulling it up in spikes and chunks. Max actually preferred letting it hang down; he was trying to grow it long but wasn't sure how much longer his mother would let him keep it that way.

"This mop of yours! Honestly, if we weren't so busy, I would have had it cut long ago. You're starting to look too different from the picture on your t-shirts, and you know we just ordered another 50 gross! I mean, we have to keep continuity, Max. You know that. Once this tour is over, we'll have it put back the right way before your photo shoot for Heartthrob.

By this time it was T-minus ten minutes and counting.

Max's mother kissed him, an air-kiss since a real one would leave a lipstick mark on his face, and told him to "break a leg."

The tour manager, Nikki, met Max outside of his dressing room and helped steer him toward the stage.

Nikki had been his neighbor, and Max's brother first girlfriend, before Harry left to go on tour. It was not a pretty break-up. While she was a good tour manager, and friend to Max, her motives for being with the troupe were always in question. The other members of the tour company thought Nikki was there because of her relationship with the family, not on her own merits. Max's mother would say that Nikki kept Max busy and allowed her to focus on his career. If you asked Nikki, she'd say that it was because Max's mother never allowed Max to tour in a city where Harry was appearing, thus ensuring Nikki's distance from her ex. Max, on the other hand, knew that what kept Nikki going was the same thing for him, the occasional visits by Harry.

"Everything will be great. The girls are worked into an absolute frenzy tonight, much better than Toronto. Oh, and one more thing: don't be too surprised if a local celebrity joins you onstage to wish you `happy birthday.' He'll come in just after you perform "Heart Sparkler" and then you'll go right into "Ocean of Your Eyes."

"Ugh," Max thought, "Local celebrity. It's probably someone stupid like "Wally Weatherman from station WDUD" or something with a lame birthday cake. Wait, what city am I in again? Orlando? It's Orlando, right? It's all starting to blur."

Max didn't have time to think about it for long.

"You're on," Nikki said as she pushed Max forward. "Oh, and Max, don't forget, tonight we're in Miami."

He braced himself and walked up the short flight of steps to the stage. Peeking around the wings, he could see nothing but an undulating, swirling, flowing mass of people, each of them here for one purpose and one purpose only: to experience the teen idol known as Max. Max drew a long breath, straightening his back so he didn't slouch and bounded onto the stage.

The volume level doubled, that in itself was something to be experienced.

Max raised his left hand to wave. Immediately, everyone in the audience who was directly in front of the stage started waving back and leaping around, desperate to make it into his field of vision.

Max gave a huge smile.

Then the show started. The entire arena was plunged into pitch darkness and everything went quiet.

"Hey, anyone got a light?" asked Max's amplified voice in the darkness. A huge scream went up from the crowd as he said it. Thousands of glow sticks, each emblazoned with his name down the side, were thrust into the air.

A spotlight illuminated Max, center stage. Fireworks exploded on either side of him and the band started to play the opening bars of "Love is Blind." The scream that went up that was something else; it must've been four times louder than the one before. He began singing and was joined by his back up dancers as the lights on the stage switched on one by one with each drum beat. Max didn't disappoint and immediately started showing off, spinning and dancing with his team while he sang, smiling into the camera broadcasting to the Jumbotron hanging over the stage. It was another great performance.

"Hello, Miami," Max called out as the song ended.

"Shhhhhhhh...." The screaming died down to a more reasonable level. "There's only one rule at my concert," said Max, "You must NOT stand still! I want you to spark!!"

That did it. The room virtually exploded with sound.

"What's that? Are you going to spark?"

"Yeah!" yelled the crowd in unison.





"Well, that's it - you're now officially the most rowdy crowd I've ever played for, let's spark!"

A huge cheer went up, and Max went on to sing "Heart Sparkler." When the song ended, Max braced himself for "Wally Weatherman." The lights dimmed and he heard it.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you."

The spotlight moved to the side of the stage and Max's brother Harry walked out, singing.

Max was stunned. He simply didn't move, just stood there gaping at his brother. Harry looked right at Max, not at the crowd. Here he was center stage, in front of thousands of people, all desperately wanting him or his brother, but he just kept looking at Max while he sang. To say Max was happy was a major understatement. His brother was there, with a song just for him.

"Happy Birthday, dear Max. Happy birthday to you."

The heavens opened, and glitter and balloons gently fell from the roof onto the crowd. By the end of the song, Max was shaken to his emotional core. Harry had a beautiful voice, every note; every chord of that simple song came from deep within his heart. There wasn't a single person there that didn't feel the magic generated by these two talented brothers.

Max couldn't help it. A month of concerts, every night in a different town, the exhaustive work, no one to talk to, no familiar things from home, it all caught up to him. He started to cry.

Harry hugged him, and it felt like home.

Over Harry's shoulder Max saw his mom just offstage. He pulled himself up, wiping a tear on the sleeve of his sequined shirt. There was still a concert to finish. Harry whispered that he would be waiting back at the hotel and walked off stage.

The band started to play "Ocean of Your Eyes."

Max sang.

Chapter Two

It wasn't that his parents didn't love him and Max. They weren't abused; well, not in the physical sense. Harry, now 23, spent his early years being relatively ignored by their parents. The boy's mother married young, to a man who wasn't exactly strong in the personality department. Their mother just didn't know what to do with him. He couldn't walk or talk or do anything interesting in her opinion. Harry was just about to start the first grade when his mother happened to come upon a flyer for a children's talent contest. Finally, a purpose for that little person she gave birth to and inhabited her house for the last six years.

Harry placed fifth in that talent contest, then second place in the junior Hawaiian Tropic kids beauty contest, and second again in the junior karaoke contest and finally first place in the children's talent contest the following year. That was the year that Harry's mother gave birth to Max. Max was going to be different, his mother said, she would start earlier so that it wouldn't take her other son a year to get it right and be the best.

The early days were schizophrenic. Some days were spent with their mother running Harry or Max to singing lessons or dancing lessons or drama lessons or auditions or competitions. In between, the brothers might go for days with little contact from their mother. It was 10 year old Harry who would see that Max was fed or had his bath. It was Harry who read Max his bedtime stories or watched over his baby brother when he had a bad dream. These mundane tasks were not very exciting to the boy's mother. Instead, she kept herself focused on their careers.

Harry was part of a boy band group called The Ingenues by the time he was 16, his mother made sure of that. The band had albums released and had toured Europe, then Asia and finally America. On Harry's eighteenth birthday, he told his mother that he was leaving. He couldn't take his parent's "coaching" any longer. Max, then barely 11, cried that night.

Harry promised Max that he'd keep in touch. Harry kept that promise, taking Max for weekends and writing and calling Max constantly. Still, Max was sad. The only friend he had, the only person who could really understand what Max was going through at home, wasn't there.

With his mother working as his manager, Max released his first single by 14.

"Hey bro," Max yelled as he raced into his hotel room talking a mile a minute. "I can't believe that you came. I really can't. Mom told me that you couldn't make it; that you were stuck in Japan, but I knew you'd get here. I knew it. Did you see me on stage, bro? I was like you. I even did that one move you used to, where you let your hair fall in front of your eyes, and then look at the camera. Did mom know you were.."

"Whoa, Max. Slow down," his brother said. "When I talked to Mom, I still wasn't sure if I could make it. She thought it would be best if I stayed in Japan to do an interview show there, but really I don't think my sitting in a tub of oatmeal talking to a panda puppet is going to sell that many more records. Ingenues might be selling fewer CD's here in the US, but we're still big in the Asian markets. Besides, I had to see you, baby brother. It's your birthday. Here, I got you something, Squirt."

Harry held up a stuffed panda bear, a replica of the host of the talk show he skipped out on in Japan. He mockingly kissed it on the forehead and tucked it under the covers of Max's hotel bed.

Max rolled his eyes, and yelled, "I told you, don't call me Squirt! I'm not a little kid."

Max lifted the stuffed animal from his bed and threw it, secretly taking care to aim for his luggage that was spilling out in the corner. He didn't want to forget the panda when he checked out the following morning.

Harry grabbed Max and hugged him, wishing him `happy birthday, again.

"I'm. uh. I'm still kinda sweaty," Max said as he extracted himself from his brother's hug. "I think I'm going to take a shower. Will you wait for me, bro?"

Harry assured him that he wasn't going anywhere.

Max went into the hotel bathroom, undressed and climbed into the shower. Harry could hear the water and see the steam from the shower billowing out from the open bathroom door.

"I.. I saw all the girls screaming for you, stud," Harry shouted into the bathroom.

"Yeah, I know," Max said, wiping some soap out of his eye. "What's up with that? I'll never understand the little fan- girls. Like I'd ever want someone who was screaming in my ear and all red and puffy from crying over me."

Harry moved closer, sitting on the side of the sink to better hear his brother over the shower spray. He could see the outline of Max's body through the shower door.

"You should see the girls in Japan, man," Harry said. "They make these chicks seem tame. You should tour Japan sometime. Maybe Mom will let you during winter break."

Max answered, "If you guys weren't in Japan, she'd have me over there now. I don't think she wants me too connected to Ingenues. She wants me to be a star in my own right. I don't care. I'd rather be in classes with my friends and stuff. School starts next week. It would be nice to see you in Japan, though. I miss you, Harry. Really miss you."

Max looked sideways through the steamed shower door and said, "Remember our trip to the Bahamas?"

"Yeah," Harry answered tentatively, looking away and drawing hearts in the steamed-up mirror.

"I mean, really remember it? Remember what we did?" Max continued.

"Max," Harry answered, "This isn't the Bahamas."

Max opened the shower door, the warm spray ricocheting off his body hitting his brother. There was a look in his eyes that Harry both regretted and longed to see.

"Hey, watch it, man," said Harry, "You're gonna get me all wet."

Max took Harry by the hand drew him closer to the shower. His arms went around Harry's neck, pulling him even closer.

The two brothers kissed.

Their lips found each other's and parted, tongues colliding. Harry could feel Max's wet body pressing into him, drenching him completely. At 16, Max was really starting to develop, losing some of his baby fat. Harry started to pull his clothes off. It was Max's fingers on the buttons of Harry's shirt.

Now naked, Harry joined Max in the shower, closing the door behind him. He reached for the soap and began to lather up his brother, much like he did when they were kids. He washed his brother from head to toe. Harry watched the soap bubbles shine in the harsh, hotel light of the bathroom. The bubbles cascaded down Max's smooth shoulders and chest, circling around his tiny bellybutton and springboard diving off Max's uncircumcised penis, ultimately pooling at his feet by the drain.

Looking into his older brother's eyes, Max took the soap from his hand and lathered up both of their cocks so they could slip and slide against each other. Harry's hardening cock slipped along his younger brother's belly.

Max gasped and swore he could feel every vein of his brother's hard cock rubbing against him. He stood up on tiptoe so that they were closer in size. Max reached down and grabbed both boners in his hand, rubbing them together so that his cock head collided against his brother's circumcised shaft. It was easy to see the difference in the two brother's sizes.

"Oh shit, Harry. You feel even better than I remember. I bet my hand feels better on your cock than yours or Roxanne's ever did!"

"Don't swear," Harry said and kissed his baby brother deeply on the lips, gradually moving them under the powerful stream of water.

Breaking the kiss, Max whispered into his brother's ear. "I want you Harry. No, I need you. I need to feel you sliding in deep inside. Will you do it, Harry? Please."

At that moment, Harry's eyes bulged even more than his penis, and that was saying something since Harry's boner felt so hard that he thought it was going to break off. What Max was asking was more than they had ever done before. Harry ran his hands down Max's cheeks, smoothing his now long hair. His hands continued down Max's body, brushing away the stray soap bubbles. Once he had gotten rid of all of the soap, Harry lifted Max up out of the shower.

He grabbed a couple of big fluffy towels and dried his younger brother. "Follow me, Squirt," Harry said, beckoning Max into the bedroom.

Chapter Three

When they were kids, Max used to love to wrestle. He would sneak up on his older brother, pouncing down on him at the most inopportune moments. Harry, the older and more `mature' brother, would try to ignore this at first telling Max that it wasn't the right time, or that he was tired from dance lessons. Max wouldn't listen and continued relentlessly trying to wrestle his brother to the floor. Eventually, Harry would retaliate and flip his baby brother over onto his back, sit on his chest effectively pinning him. Max would laugh the whole time. Even though they were only play fighting, Harry would try to hold back a little, careful not to hurt his younger brother. Max, on the other hand, not realizing his growing strength, would go full steam. ______________________

Max dropped Harry's hand, as Harry led him from the bathroom. Max ran ahead of his brother and jumped onto the bed giggling.

"Come here," he said, kneeling on the bed and holding his arms out to Harry.

Harry walked to the edge of the bed, looking down at the naked form of his brother and ran his finger gently across his brother's full lips.

As Harry's hands touched his cheeks, Max seized his brother's wrists, falling back onto the bed and pulling his brother down on top of him. Max could feel his older brother's body enveloping his own, he also felt Harry's hard cock pressing wonderfully into the bottom of his balls. Harry looked down at his brother, pinned beneath him, his eyes questioning if this was what Max wanted. Harry was somewhat conscious of the weight he had gained; he wasn't nearly in as good of shape as he had been. This didn't bother Max. He felt surrounded with incredible feeling of having his big brother's larger body blanketing his. Max brought his hands around Harry's body and drew him down close, pressing all his weight against him. He felt safe.

The boys kissed again.

Harry, lost in the moment of the kiss, was caught by surprise as Max shifted his weight and flipped him over. Now Max was on top.

Then Max said something that shocked Harry.

"Please, Harry. Please stick your hot dick in my ass. I want you to slide deep inside of me until your balls collide with my ass cheeks. I wanna know what it feels like to have your hot juices flooding inside of me. Fuck me, Harry. F-u-c-k me," Max moaned, imitating Harry's girlfriend's voice.

"Max!" Harry said, abashed. "I told you not to swear. What if your fans heard you? What if a magazine heard you? Man, what if Mom heard you?"

Max looked down at their naked bodies, then back up at Harry raising an eyebrow. Realizing their state, the two of them laughed.

Never breaking eye contact, Max kissed his way down Harry's body arriving at his balls. Max ran his hand down the length of Harry dick and cupped his balls, squeezing them gently. Harry let out an involuntary moan. Max then stuck out his tongue and began licking at his brother's penis, from base to tip like an ice cream cone. Harry felt like his entire body was on fire. Max then, very gently, put the tip of his dick into his mouth and sucked softly, continually running his tongue round the ridge of the head, and occasionally probing at the top.

"You taste great," Max said savoring the taste of his brother, mixed with a hint of soap. "Just like the Bahamas."

Max blew cool air over Harry's burning penis and asked, "Will you do it, Harry? Seriously, I want you inside of me."

Harry warned Max that if he kept up he was doing, he would cum before anything else could happen. At first, Max ignored him, obstinately giving Harry's cock a series of aggressive swipes with his tongue. Then, reluctantly Max pulled his mouth away from Harry's dick, giving it a final, farewell lick.

Max moved to the foot of the bed and rolled over onto his stomach. He pulled his knapsack out from under the bed and rummaged through it, giving Harry a view of his ass that any teen magazine or teenage girl would kill for. After a moment, he produced a large tube of KY jelly. Max smiled.

"Where did you get that, Squirt?" Harry asked.

"Hey, I told you not to call me `Squirt'," Max said bouncing up to land on his brother's stomach.

Max slid down from Harry's stomach until he sat on his brother's thighs. He squeezed a line of KY down the length of his brother's penis from the base to the tip and gently rubbed it around. He then slapped the KY tube into his brother's hand and turned over, grabbing a pillow from the top of the bed and placed it under his hips.

"Are you sure you're ready," Harry asked.

"No, I'm not ready." Max said, looking over his shoulder. "That's your job." Max pointed at Harry's hand and wiggled his ass.

Harry sat up and moved toward his brother. He squeezed a large bead of the lubricant straight into his hole, and put a tip of his finger there. Slowly he massaged it in and before he knew it his finger was totally buried in Max's backside. Then two fingers, then three went in all the way to the second knuckle. Harry noticed that Max's breathing increased in speed that and he seemed somewhat tense. Harry massaged his younger brother's shoulders with one hand, keeping the fingers of his other hand still for a while so Max could get used to it

After awhile, Harry felt the tension in Max's ass lessen, and Max let out a deep breath.

"I want to do it with you face to face, Harry," Max said, his voice somewhat muffled by the pillow. "I want you to look into my eyes while we do it. Please, Harry.

Max rolled over in front of the stunned Harry and repositioned the pillow.

After a few moments, Harry leaned forward, straddling his brother and took aim with his slick erection. He could feel the tip of his dick make contact with the ring of Max's asshole, and he gently forward. It didn't take nearly the amount of pressure Harry would have thought, probably thanks to the KY and the fingering he had given Max beforehand. Still, he felt Max clamp down hard on his dickhead when he entered Max. This pressure, and the heat of Max's body almost made Harry cum, and he had to pause for a moment before gradually reapplying pressure and continue his entry.

Harry looked down at Max and noticed his younger brother's eyes were closed tightly.

"If it hurts, Max, tell me, ok? The last thing I wanna do his hurt you."

"You're OK at the moment, man," Max said, breathlessly. "Just go slow."

Max moaned as he felt the coolness of his brother's cock continue its way into his hot hole. Inch by inch Max gradually accepted the intruder, and after a few minutes, felt his brother almost fully inside of him. Max let out a moan of relief.

Harry remained still; allowing Max to get used to the sensation, and then gently lowered his weight down onto Max again. He rested his head beside Max's and felt his brother's warm breath against his ear. Harry rose up slightly and began kissing him on the neck. Harry wrapped his arms under his brother's body and slowly began to move his dick in and out.

Max felt connected to his brother, almost as though the two were Siamese twins. In some ways they were, connected by six inches or so of penis between them. Max reached up and grabbed Harry's butt cheeks and pulled them toward him so that the last half-inch of his brother's fat cock pushed inside. That was it. He had it all.

Harry took Max's hands on his ass as a sign that his brother was ready for more and began to thrust his dick in and out of his Max's hole faster. Harry stared down into his Max's eyes and saw a look of ecstasy. He leaned forward and pressed his lips on Max's so that they were connected even more. He thrust forward even faster still as Max fought to take every inch.

Max was barely aware of his own cock as it rubbed against Harry's belly. It drew lines of pre-cum across his brother as he rocked beneath him. It all felt so good. He was awash in emotions. His lips touched Harry's. His tongue danced around Harry's. His body was slick with a mixture of his sweat and Harry's. He could feel Harry inside of him. He felt Harry's cock bumping against his prostate. He felt his own cock sandwiched between his body and Harry's. He knew that he couldn't last long.

"Oh, Harry. I'm so close. I want you to cum with me, man. Can you feel it? Are you ready to shoot?" Max said as he broke their kiss.

Harry didn't need to check. He felt like he was going to explode from the moment he entered Max. He grunted and nodded, his eyes locked onto Max's.

"Oh shit. Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," Harry grunted with each thrust.

Max felt his brother explode inside of him, the hot jizz feel almost cool against his burning asshole. The spasming cock made Max's insides wiggle with joy. He could feel every bit of his brother's dick jumping inside of him, filling him up. He felt every twitch, every quiver. He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't even feel his own cock explode, shooting streams of sperm up between their bodies, sticking the two of them together, bonding the two brothers even more.

Harry's dick finally stopped shooting. He lowered his body, coming to rest on top of his younger brother's. He was out of breath. This was more of a workout than he'd had in weeks.

Max tried to use his ass muscles to hold onto his older brother's shrinking penis. He wanted desperately to stay connected.

"I love you," he whispered into Harry's ear. Harry pulled himself up with the last of his strength to look into his brother's eyes. He looked down at Max and felt nothing but love as well. The two brothers stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. A rapid knock at the hotel room door broke them from their gaze.

"Oh shit," said Max, knowing he had again sworn.

==================================== Thanks for reading this. If you'd like to email me, I can be reached at jaxsper@aol.com ====================================

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