Harry Potter Cums to Hogwarts

By eronos LAST

Published on Dec 18, 2009



Harry Potter Cums to Hogwarts

By Eronos

Author's Disclaimer:

Of course none of this shit is real. Are you kidding me?

Harry had to admit, he did like the attention he got from the other students and the adults aboard the train. The boy who lived they had called him the boy who had survived Lord Voldemort's attack upon him and his family. He did not know much about the incident he was only a baby at the time and no one would tell him what had happened. He just knew that Voldemort was an evil wizard who wanted, for some reason, to hurt Harry somehow but his mother had saved him by sacrificing herself for him. The magic unleashed that night in Harry's home had destroyed both his mother and father but had left Harry untouched save the scar on his head. The scar that made him famous.

Some of the attention given him made him nervous. He was not used to having anyone be nice to him or touch him the way the Adults and older students did. His Aunt had taken him in with her family and they were a particularly cruel lot. There had been no hugs or kisses, no caresses, he had barely even been noticed except when the Dursely's yelled at him for some reason. Now that he had been in the Wizarding world he found that most adults seemed to want to hug him or hold him, many would rub his chest or stroke his back when he was standing near them. Harry did not understand the attention, it did make him nervous, but deep down in side he loved it.

When Hagrid had found him on that Island where the Dursley's tried to hide, in order to keep him from going to Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry, He had insisted on carrying harry everywhere and constantly seemed to have Harry's bum in his hands. Harry had asked Hagrid that day in the tavern, after Hagrid had explained to him why he was famous, why so many wizards were always hugging him and so nice and stuff. Hagrid told him then,

"Your only eleven and you have grown up with Muggles, or non-wizard folk, so I imagine you would not understand but us wizards are generally very affectionate with the younger first and second years, especially ones as cute as you." When Hagrid said this last statement his eyes beamed towards the young wizard.

"You think I am cute?" Harry asked astonished.

"Blimey Harry, haven't you ever looked in the mirror? You are Beautiful."

Harry looked utterly confused at this last statement. Beautiful? In the muggle world the description of Beautiful was only ascribed to women or models never kids, especially boys. Hagrid smiled as he recognized the utter incomprehension on Harry's lovely face.

"Its no wonder really. You come from exceptional stock really. Lily was probably one of the most lovely witches I ever met and your Dad was most likely one of the cutest first years ever to grace Hogwarts. He got tons of attention from the professors and his elder classmates. As I am sure you will as well. I wouldn't be surprised If Dumbledore himself took a special interest in you Harry."

Harry still didn't understand, but he was excited by the prospect of the Attention he would receive by the older kids and teachers at Hogwarts. When Hagrid saw that Harry was still confused by everything he had told him he chuckled to himself.

"Don't concern yourself Harry, the older boys and Teachers will help you along I am sure."As Hagrid spoke these words he reached across the table and took Harry's hand and stroked it affectionately.

Harry looked at the exceptionally large hand engulfing his, being so gentle, and smiled. Then he looked up at Hagrid and found him seeming lost in thought. Hagrids eyes seemed to be boring into Harry with an intensity that made the young boy uncomfortable. When Hagrid awoke from his lustful trance to see the look on Harry's face he pulled his hand back and acted very uncomfortable and Nervous.

"I am sorry Harry, I guess I sort of lost myself there. I am not allowed you see to be with first years because of my size. Um Oh no." Hagrid looked uncomfortable.

"Shouldn't a said that." Hagrid stammered out the words.

Harry felt bad instantly. He hadn't meant to cause his large friend to feel bad about anything. He just didn't understand his new world yet.

"Its okay Hagrid. I am sorry I didn't mean to make you feel bad." Harry said as he reached across the table taking the giants large hand into his. Its just I never heard of a boy being called beautiful before. I certainly never considered myself cute or anything. I thought only girls could be beautiful."

Hagrid stared down at the lovely small white hands. He felt how smooth they were and was overcome at how perfect they looked. He thought for sure that the boy had to be as perfect from head to toe and he felt his massive tool growing at the the thought of the boy naked before him.

"Um, well they are of course. And many of the Elder boys and Teachers prefer them. Its just that many of us appreciate the beauty of our first and second year boys is all. Well enough talk about these things. This is something you had really learn on your own and when you are ready. Now then lets go get your robes and things shall we?"

Hagrid and Harry didn't speak about such things the rest of the day. There was just to much to do and see. Hagrid took him to Diaden Alley, the shopping Center only know to the wizarding world. Harry was amazed, everywhere he looked there were people dressed in the funniest looking outfits. Some were flying about on broom sticks and Harry felt him self enthralled with idea of flying. They had bought his school robes and wands, owl and books. Harry learned that he was rich, as Hagrid showed him the Gold that his parents had left him at Gringots bank. It was all overwhelming. Even as Harry was lost in thought at all the new things he saw and experienced in the Diaden Alley he could not help but noticed how people looked at him. He felt for sure that the person who had measured him for his pants had purposely touched his private area but since he had never been measured before he had considered this just part of how you measure someone for clothing.

When they had gone to buy his wand, Olivander, the wand vendor had spent a large amount of time examining and stroking the boys hands. Harry was perplexed when the old man had commented on how lovely and smooth the hands were. "Nicest I have seen all day" he said. After Harry and . Hagrid left Olivanders, the boy kept looking at his hands. He didn't understand. To him they were just hands. There was so much to the wizarding world he must learn he thought.

Hagrid had carried the boy to the train the entire time his large hands rubbed and stroked the boy's bottom and eventually Harry had come to really enjoy the affection. Leaning into Hagrids arms Harry felt all was right with the world. Once at the train, Hagrid had picked the small boy up in his arms and gave him a great hug and then with a pat on the butt the giant sent him on his way. Harry found himself missing the affection of the large man, suddenly feeling more alone than he had felt so far in his short life. This did not last long for the train was full of the hustle and bustle of students. Harry looked for a compartment on the train that was empty, not only because he was shy and overwhelmed by all the attention, even on the train the older boys had rubbed up against him more than once. As he walked away he heard more times than one them comment on how lovely he was.

Finally toward the last compartment on the train he found a room that no one was in. Harry walked in and closed the door behind him. After he had stowed his gear he looked around the small room. It was plush with red velvet seats had a window with curtains and in the corner a mirror. Harry stood up and walked across to the mirror. He stared at his reflection trying to figure out what it was that everyone else saw. He looked at his large blue eyes magnified by his round glasses. His dark hair parted slightly to the side and his red full boyish lips.

"Well I guess, I am kinda cute." Harry said out loud.

"Of course you are." The voice of a young girl behind him brought him out of his trance.

Harry turned around to see a young girl about his age and a red haired boy standing at the door smiling at him. Harry instantly flushed, embarrassed to find out that someone had seen him looking at himself and had heard is statement of self admiration. The too children chuckled to find Harry so uncomfortable.

"I am Hermone Granger the girl said and this Is Ron."

"Ronald Weasly," The boy said producing his small hand to shake.

Harry shook his hand and said

"I am Harry, Harry potter."

"Blimey so its true!" Ron said

"Harry potter has come to Hogwarts."

"Do you have the scar?" The girl asked

Harry pulled back the part in his Hair to show them the lightning shaped scar.

"Wow, so cool." She said as she reached up to touch the scar on his forehead.

The rest of the trip to Hogwarts was exciting to say the least and Harry became fast friends with his too companions. The girl seemed particularly adept at magic which she demonstrated when she fixed Harry's glasses.

"Ocular Repairo" she said pointing her wand at Harry's face. Instantly the tape on the bridge of his glasses disappeared and he was astonished to find them repaired. The trolley had come by and finding that his friends had little money Harry reached in his pocket and pulled out a large sum of gold and all the candy they wanted. The three friends had greatest time together. They told each other all about where they came from and their past. Hermonie it seemed had a muggle born mother and father but Ron's parents were both magically inclined.

Harry was full of questions for Ron and the boy was very patient answering them all. Harry wanted to know about the about the flying brooms. He was so excited to find out that at Hogwarts all first years got training in flying and that there was entire game, played by the best flyers, called Quiditch. They talked long into the day about spells and famous wizards of whom it seemed the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbeldor was the best. Hermonie knew even more about Hogwarts its history and the different subjects of magic taught there than Ron did and Harry was in awe of her intelligences. Finally he got up the nerve to ask Ron about how caring everyone seemed to be. Before he had a chance to reply Hermonie spoke.

"Well Harry from what you told us from your background the adults you knew seemed unusually cruel. My parents where always very affectionate and caring. I got lots of hugs growing up."

"Yea, but this is different somehow I think. Not sure just unusual I guess."

Ron had turned red a bit and seemed to be a little uncomfortable. Harry noticed his reaction and recognized it as the same Hagrid had at the tavern. He immediately felt the same guilt he had had when his questions had made his large friend uncomfortable. He also felt much more curious. There was a secret here somewhere and his inquisitive young mind wanted to know what it was they were all keeping from him.

"Sorry Ron, just curious I guess."

Ron nodded. And then offered an explanation.

"You see Harry, the wizarding world is not hung up like the muggle world on certain things. I guess maybe because we have been around longer or something, but what ever it is wizards appreciate that kids can be beautiful and I guess many of them are just very affectionate because of it."

Harry didn't feel completely satisfied with the answer and even though his questions made his friend uncomfortable he decided to press just a little further.

"Its kinda like today when I was in the Tavern with Hagrid. I was sitting across the table with him and he touched my hand, seemed to stroke it like he really liked it or something. And then at the wand shop Ollivander did the same thing."

Ron smiled now his eyes had a familiar look in them like that of Hagrids when he admired Harry's small hand.

"Well yea. He probably though they were nice. I mean compared to an adults wrinkly calloused hands they are you know."

Ron looked at Harry again, seeing him absorbing his words.

"Did it make you uncomfortable when he rubbed your hand?"

"Well a little I guess, it was kinda nice too." Harry said now looking down at his own small fingers.

"But I kind a liked it. Made me feel nice I guess."

Now Ron seemed to beam and gain in confidence. Hermonie sitting next to harry had a perplexed but curious look on her face as well.

"We its kinda like this I guess." Ron offered.

"Older Wizards, I guess admire how nice our hands can be. You know smooth and soft. But not just our hands. Like my older brothers George and Rodger, they like my feet." Ron said

"Your feet?" Harry asked. He had never even considered feet to be anything but stinky things people walked on.

"Yea." Ron looked a little embarrassed by Harry's reaction but continued none the less.

"I mean look at an adults feet, many times, they are hairy and large, they can be calloused and rough but mine are soft and small smooth, not a wrinkle or vein. I guess that's why my brothers like them so much. I like them to like my feet actually." Ron looked up at Harry's questioning look.

"Its kind of like when Hagrid stroked your hand. Well when someone does it to your feet it feels even better. George and Rodger give me foot massages and other stuff. It feels great." Ron said smiling.

Harry wondered about the other stuff Ron mentioned but before he got to ask about it Hermonie interjected.

"Yea, its not that strange I guess. My legs and feet hurt a lot. My mom says its growing pains. Both my parents rub them when I am in pain and does feel great." She said

"Yea kinda like that, sorta." Ron said

Harry could tell there was more to it than what Ron was letting on but he didn't have a chance to ask any more questions for at that moment a voice, seemingly coming from all around them said approaching Hogwarts. Hermonie who already had her school robes on said,

"Well you too better get dressed, I will leave you some privacy, I want to get it a better view of the station anyway." With that she left the too boys alone.

Harry felt a bit uncomfortable getting undressed with Ron in the same room but Ron seemed to have no problem with it as he quickly disrobed. Harry kept looking over his shoulder has his friend undressed. Ron wasn't ugly by any means. He had a pug little nose and a round face covered in red wavy hair. His skin was milky smooth and his chest had a boyish quality Harry immediately took notice of. When Ron pulled off his shoes and white fluffy socks to change into his dress shoes Harry looked at his feet. He had never really thought anything about feet before but thinking of Ron's words he did recognize their beauty. They were hairless of course with arches and perfect little toes. The soles of his feet were very soft looking and seemed to have a almost roses color to them. Harry looked up to see Ron smiling at him and quickly turned away.

"Yours are not bad either mate." Ron said..

Harry followed Ron's gaze down to his own now naked feet. They were white like Ron's with long straight toes that ended with perfect little toe nails.

"I never really thought about it. But yea I guess they aren't bad."

"Not bad at all mate, quite nice really." Ron said smiling

Harry just nodded and put on his dark socks and shoes.

In no time at all the train was pulling up to the station. There was a great hustle and bustle at the station as the children all climbed off the train. Prefects, or older seniors and juniors were standing outside the train.

"First years come here please." They said and Harry followed Ron and Hermonie over to where the prefects stood and other first year boys and girls now began to gather. Harry looked around. Many of the second years, the 12 year olds were running up and hugging teachers and older students. Harry was amazed as some of them gave the teachers and older student kisses on the lips. He did not have time to think much about cause the prefects began to call out commands for the first years to follow them over to the boats where they would go across the great lake to Hogwarts.

It was near dark now and in the distance across the lake he could see the great Castle of Hogwarts School of witch craft and wizardry lit up and glowing in the night. It was amazing and magical and Harry spent the whole time across the lake with his mouth open taking in the majesty of it all. Ron sat next to him silent and equally amazed. When they arrived at the school they were taken to the great hall were hundreds of student already sat at long tables. Above each table banners hung with emblems on them. Before they entered the great hall the were met by one of the professors an older woman who introduced herself as Professor Mcgonagil. The elder woman seemed to scan over the crowd looking at each of the eleven year olds with an approving gaze.

"Yes nice stock this year. Some of them will be very popular I think."

He heard her say to one of the older prefects standing next to her. Some of the boys next to him giggled at her statement. Finally the old woman spoke in a loud voice so that all the children could hear.

"In a moment you will be called into the great hall by our Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. There you will be sorted into various houses by the sorting hat. These houses will be your homes until you graduate. Your housemate will become your family and closest friends. Please wait here until you are called." The old witch turned around and walked into the great hall leaving the children alone with the prefects.

"So its true." Harry heard the voice of the boy behind him.

He turned to see a very handsome young boy walking to him. He had blond hair slicked back and small blue eyes. The boy walked up with his hand outstretched out.

"Harry potter has come to Hogwarts." the boy said and then with a haughty tone said, I am Draco Malfoy.

Harry heard Ron snicker beside him. Immediately Draco looked at Ron with a condescending air.

"And who might you be?" He said.

"Ah yes, red hair and hand me down clothes. You must be a Weasly." Draco said his hand still outstretched.

"You will find that some of us are better than others. I will be glad to help you figure it out." Draco said.

Harry did not take the boys hand. Suddenly his initial appraisal of Draco's attractiveness changed to disgust. He had lived around people his whole life like Draco. People who put others down as if they were lower than them. Harry had hated it for he had always been the one put down.

"I think I can decide that on my own, thank you." Harry said.

And when Draco saw that Harry wasn't going to take his hand he withdrew it A look of embarrassment and hatred came over his face at the humiliation. Draco was about to say something to impudent boy when the Headmasters voice rang out.

"First years please come and be sorted."

They followed the prefects into the great hall. The roof of the building looked to be open and Harry could see the night sky hovering far above. All around him were children. He could see second and third years, 12 and 13 year olds, the smaller and cuter of which were leaning onto older boys and girls. Many of the older children where holding the youngsters hands or rubbing their backs. Harry found himself eagerly longing to find a house where he would be able to be loved that way.

The first years stood at the foot of a great stage where all of the professors sat. Albus Dumbledore walked from behind a great podium and looked at the children. Harry did not feel uncomfortable as he saw the great old wizard sizing him up over his glasses. Even though Dumbledore's face did not show anything in his eyes Harry could see the same look he saw from Hagrid and his knew friend Ron while they had been on the train. Harry just smiled back at Dumbledore as he poked out his chest in the joy of being admired by such a great man.

"As your name is called, if you will approach I will place the sorting hat on your head and it will sort you into your houses."

One by one the children's names were called and they walked up and were sorted. Some of the cuter boys and the prettier girls seemed to cause a stir amongst the professors behind them and the students in the great hall. Harry watched as each child was place and felt a sense of dread. He didn't know much about the houses except for Blethering. Ron had told him that Voldemort, the wizard that had killed his family had been in Slytherin house as well as many a evil wizard. Finally Ron's name was called. He beamed at the whispers amongst the professors and students in the great hall.

"Grifindor!" The hat said.

Ron ran to the table where other of the Grifindors sat and was greeted with hearty hand shakes and cheers. One by one each child was sorted. Then Draco Malfoy was called.

There was much movement as several of the professors leaned forward gazing at the attractive boy. Harry heard murmurs throughout the hall of students as well.

"Slytherin!" The sorting hat said.

Draco was met with cheers and back slaps by the Slytherin house. Harry thought to himself, "If they only knew how vile the boy was." Several other children were sorted before Albus Called Hermonie name.

"Griffindor!" The hat said.

Then Harry was called. As the sorting hat was put on his head Harry said over and over "Not Slytherin, Not Slytherin."

Finally after what seemed like an eternity the Sorting Hat pronounced


Harry was thrilled to be placed in the same house as his friends. The welcome he got from his fellow Griffindors made Harry feel very special. In the dorms Harry had a multitude of older boys and some of the girls tell him how cute he was and even that he was extraordinarily beautiful. Most all of them wanted to hug and hold him. Even though he was overwhelmed by all the attention he felt very moved by it. Up in the room Harry and Ron picked beds right next to each other. It had been a long day but Harry wasn't sleepy at all.

After they had got in their pajamas and hoped under the blankets Ron asked.

"So what do you think Harry?"

He thought of all the events of the day. Only a week ago he was just Harry, ignored child of muggles, nothing, no love and he was no one. Now he felt loved by so many.

"Its wonderful." Harry said dreamily.

Ron smiled at his friend.

"You haven't seen nothing yet. Soon we will learn magic and how to fly. And much more." Ron said leaning back on his pillow.

About that time one of the Older Prefects walked into the room. Out of the corner of Harry's eye he saw Ron move under his covers and when the movement caught his attention he looked over to see Ron's feet sticking out of the covers. The prefect walked over to the bed. He looked to be about 17 years old. He was staring at Ron's outstretched feet but after a minute looked up at Harry.

"Welcome Mr, Potter. Mr. Weasly." The prefect said looking back at Ron's small feet.

Harry recognized the look in the older boy's eyes.

"I trust you too have settled in well. I have come to introduce my self. My name is Uther Gross. I will be the prefect over your room. I hope we will become great friends." The older boy smiled now looking back at Harry.

"I will help you with anything you need and hopefully help your transition into Hogwarts be much smoother. Mr. Weasley, I would imagine your young feet are pretty sore after such a long trip, may I offer them some attention." The prefect looked to be practically drooling as he smiled down at the red headed boy.

"Yes please, that would be wonderful. They are very sore." Ron giggled as looked over at Harry smiling and he gave a wink.

The prefect sat down on the edge of Ron's bed so that he was facing Harry. Then he gingerly nearly lovingly place Ron's feet in his lap. Then slowly he began to rub the small feet of the younger boy. He stroked the soles and lovingly felt each toe. Harry was enthralled at the seen. He looked over at Ron to see his eyes closed a look of euphoria on his face. And then why the older boy rubbed his feet Harry saw a bulge under the blanket near where Ron's crotch would have been. The bulge moved up and down slowly at first and then quicker as the prefects hands felt in between his toes and along the arches.

"You have beautiful feet Mr Weasly. So smooth." The older boy's voice changed, it was somehow much deeper than it had been before. Harry looked at his face and saw a look that suggested that the boy, at any minute could reach down and begin licking the feet on his lap. Harry felt his penis began to get hard under the covers. Harry sat up in his bead leaning onto his arm. He was in trance. Finally Ron leaned up and let out a whimper. The red headed boy sat there for a moment panting his eyes closed a look of absolute pleasure on his face. The prefect looked at Ron he also had a smile on his face.

"How was that Mr. Weasly?" The prefect was breathing heavily.

Ron sat there for several seconds with his eyes closed. Harry could see his chest rising and falling rapidly, finely he opened his eyes and licking his lips, he smiled at the older boy.

"That was great, just what I needed." Ron said

The older boy stood up and Harry could see something poking out in his trousers and it seemed like there was a wet spot in his pants. Harry wondered if he had peed on himself but his mind was just running to fast to think much about it. The Prefect walked over to Harry's bed and placed his hand on his foot underneath the covers and squeezed it gently.

"How about you Mr. Potter. Could I help you with a foot massage?" Harry shook his head and slowly pulled his foot away from the older boys warm hand.

"No thank you, they do not really hurt." Harry said trying to smile through the shock he felt.

"Pity, I am sure they are just as lovely as Mr. Weasly's. Well let me know if you two need anything." And with that he walked over to the beds of the other sleeping boys in the room. He stopped and looked at each boy. Harry couldn't tell because of the darkness but it seemed like he was touching the other boys sleeping feet through the covers. Finally the prefect left the room and as he shut the door he called back.

"Sleep well boys, see you tomorrow."

The door shut and Harry looked back at his friend. Ron had his forearm over his head. Harry could still see the rise and fall of his chest under the covers. Harry said nothing as he sat stunned staring at his friend trying to take in all that he had seen.

"That was killer." Ron finally said.

"Yea looked like you enjoyed it. I didn't know a foot massage could make someone feel like that." Harry said.

Ron laughed to himself and sat up in his bed. He looked over at Harry and smiled.

"You should try it sometime."

Harry looked away from his friend and Ron chuckled to himself again.

"Does everyone like feet here?" Harry said looking at his own his toe moving under the blanket.

"No." Ron smile

"Some people like feet. That prefect obviously likes them a lot!" He laughed and Harry found himself laughing too.

"Some like other things" Ron said.

He looked at Harry and saw the question on his face.

"Most of the men and many of the Women like boys some like girls. And some like older people better." It just depends on the person and the kid.

"You mean like, like given a foot massage?" Harry asked.

"Yea." Ron laughed. Like that.

Harry and his friend didn't talk much after that and soon Ron was sound asleep. Harry laid in his bed in the darkness of the room until he could hear the deep breathing of his sleepy friend. Then he pushed off his covers and stepped out of the bed. In the moonlight he could see the outline of his sleeping friend. One of Ron's small feet lay outside of the covers. Harry gingerly, in order to not wake his friend, ran his finger up the sole. It was soft, very soft Harry though to himself. Leaving Ron he walked over to the window that stretched from floor to ceiling. He sat down with his feet crossed. The moon outside was full and radiating with splendor. Harry thought of all he had seen, the sorting, the great hall, all of the kids and adults. The looks of the older students and teachers that had seemed to look at him like he was something very special. He thought about the prefect and the pleasure he had given Ron. Suddenly his penis began to get hard again. Harry looked down at it beneath his pajamas and gave it a squeeze. It felt so good to touch it. Then he looked down at his two small white feet reflecting in the moon light. He wondered what it would have been like to have the prefect rub his feet the way he had rubbed Ron's. He wished he had let him so he could have felt the way he new his friend had. He reached down and touched them, they were soft like Ron's and Harry thought that the older boy would have enjoyed them. Somehow all this didn't feel right to him. "People just didn't touch people like that, so freely and openly." he thought. And then he said to himself "Why what could be wrong with one person making another feel good? The older boy didn't hurt Ron and the younger boy certainly liked and wanted the attention. "No it wasn't wrong." Harry thought and the next time the Prefect wanted to touch his feet he just may let him.

The next day was filled with activity. All the different classes the places to go. Flying class was above all Harry's most favorite class. There was potion making under Professor Snape. The only teacher Harry had met that he did not like. Snape looked at every child in his class with contempt but none so much as Harry.

Days flew by. Harry loved his new home but was constantly surprised at the interaction amongst the students of the school. Everywhere students walked down the hall holding hands or hugging it was usually older boy with younger but there were plenty of older girls with younger boys and some older girls and boys with younger girls. Harry longed to find someone he could be that close too. He wondered since many of the younger children where second years or third if the requirement for these relationships were to be 12 or 13. He hoped not. Back in the house of Griffindor these relationships were even more open. Boys sat on the couch with their older friends holding hands, even kissing. He did not see the girls sense they were in a different area of the Griffindor house.

One afternoon he sat and watched as an older prefect and a younger boy in his second year sat on the couch kissing passionately. The other boys coming in and out of the room or sitting around totally seemed to ignore what was going on with them. Not Harry. He sat enthralled by what he saw. Harry felt himself grow hard as the other boy ran his hands under the younger boys shirt rubbing his chest. He could see the younger boy grow hard. They were kissing passionately the whole time. Harry never knew people could kiss with there tongues like that. Harry didn't hear one of the older boys came up from behind them.

"lt looks like you see something you like a Potter?"

Harry turned around to see Tom Malvich one of the older prefects probably 17-18 years old. Tom wasn't a bad looker. He had wavy brown hair that fell down his eyes, he was constantly removing it with his fingers.

"You could try that if you like Potter."

"With you?" Harry asked.

The older boy smiled down at him.

"With me or with anyone Potter. I mean you are quite the looker." The boy said and he ran his hand through Harry's soft hair.

"What about it Potter? Would you like to try it?"

Harry just shrugged his shoulders then nodded his head in the affirmative.

"Cool." the boy said and he took Harry's hand and led him over to one of the love seats in the corner.

When they had sat down on the love seat the older boy took both of Harry's hands in his.

"I am sure you probably have never done this Harry, being raised by muggles and all."

Harry nodded.

"No problem Potter we will take it slow."

The boy reached out and pushed back the hair from Harry's eyes.

"You are one of the most beautiful boys I have ever seen, you know that Potter?"

Harry just shrugged.

"Well lets start with a simple kiss okay."

The older boy leaned over and kissed Harry on the lips. The younger boy did not move or return the kiss but it did feel good.

"Now see that wasn't so bad. You need to relax though. Here but your arm around my shoulder like this."

Tom took Harry's arm and draped it over his shoulder. Then he placed his arm around Harry's.

"Now lets try that again."

The older boy leaned in and planted a kiss on Harry's lips this time he did not pull back but waited for harry to respond. Harry closed his eyes as he had seen the older Prefect do and tilted his head. Puckering his lips he kissed the boy back then he felt something pass between them and Harry felt his penis grow stiff. The older boy leaned back and smiled at him.

"That was nice Potter. Ready to try again?" Harry nodded this time excitedly.

Again they leaned in together this time Harry felt the boys tongue stroking his lips. He understood what he wanted him to do and opened his mouth. Before long their tongues were intertwined and Harry lost himself with passion. The boy began to run his hands through Harry's hair and then with his other hand he reached into Harry's shirt and touched his chest. Harry was gone, he leaned into the boy desiring his touch more than anything else in the world. The Prefect began to undo his shirt and Harry leaned back to give him better access.

"Harry Potter." The voice came from the door.

Harry snapped back into reality and slid quickly away from the older boy he had been kissing almost as if he had been caught doing something naughty. The older boy standing at the door seemed to take no notice of what had been happening.

"Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore has requested your presence.

He followed the Prefect through winding stone corridors of Hogwarts. It was dark now and the corridors were not lit from the many large windows that flanked its walls but from the torches flaming high above. The flames cast and eerie light upon stone walls and floors. Harry was dressed in is school robes. Black dress pants, shoes and socks and a white shirt. He pulled the black cloak close around. It was not cold in the corridors but somehow the cloak made him feel safe from the shadows cast by the flickering flame. The Prefect walked quickly in front of the boy and Harry had to nearly run in order to keep up with his large steps.

"Do you know why he wants to see me?" Harry asked

The older boy didn't turn around when he answered.

"How would I know? Dumbledore likes to meet some of the first years and he asked for you. That is all I know."

They continued to walk down the large corridor until Harry could see a large statue of a griffin, half bird half beast at the end. When they reached the statue Harry was surprised to hear it speak.

"Why have you come?" It asked

"Dumbledore has asked to see young potter here." The prefect answered

"Very well Mr Potter may enter."

With a grinding noise the Griffin began to twist its way downwards into the floor behind it Harry could see a spiraling staircase which twisted upwards and he could see light flickering above the staircase.

"Well what you waiting for? up you go." The prefect turned and walked briskly back the way he came.

Harry hesitantly stepped into the spiral staircase and it began grinding upwards as the statue of the griffin filled the opening bellow. Harry rode slowly up the twisting stairway until finally he emerged into a great room filled with light from many torches. He looked around and saw hundreds of books lining the walls. To the right he saw a glowing pool of blue liquid. All along the walls were paintings of men and woman. Most of them slept others sat reading in the firelight. Harry walked to a desk in the distance it was covered with scrolls and books, behind it sat a great gilded chair.

"Ah Mr. Potter."

Harry looked up and to the right to see the old head master descending a black metal staircase.

"Thank you for coming to see me at this late hour." Dumbledore said

"Of course sir." Harry said

"So polite, I see." Dumbledore crossed the distance between them.

"Let us have a look at you." The old man said has he appraised the young boy.

"Oh yes, you have your mothers eyes. And I have to say you are just as handsome as your father was during his first year."

"You know I was headmaster when your mother and father came to Hogwarts many years ago." Dumbledore said as he walked over and sat behind the desk.

"Your father was in his first year, just barely eleven years old when he came to see me on a night much like this."

Dumbledore looked at Harry for several seconds before he continued.

"Come on over here Harry and lets talk shall we?"

Harry walked around the desk to where Dumbledore sat and when he reached the old wizard the man lifted Harry in his arms and sat him on the desk in front of him. The desk was large and Harry's shoes dangled off the end in front of the headmaster.

"How are you getting along Harry? Are you enjoying yourself at Hogwarts."

"Yes sir, very much."

"Good, very good" The old man said as he patted Harry's outstretched foot.

"You know Harry the boys and many of the Teachers can be very affectionate her at Hogwarts, especially to someone as cute as you." As he said this Harry felt Dumbledore's fingers squeeze his foot through his black leather shoe.

"Sometimes relationships form between the older boys and the younger. Many of the prefects would like to teach you things. Fun things, that make you feel good. Especially Tom Malvich. He has taken a particular fancy with you I think."

Harry was amazed that Dumbledore knew about he and Tom. Did that mean he knew what they had been doing in the Grifindor common room?

"Not to worry, not to worry my boy. One should not keep their sweets to themselves and you I think posses many sweets." Dumbledore hand was now rubbing along his ankle.

"I just like to meet a particular few of the first years before they have a chance to give all there sweets away."

The mans hands felt warm on Harry's ankle and it seemed that Dumbledore had pulled his sock down some so that his fingers were stroking the bare flesh of his naked leg.

"What size shoe do you wear Harry?" The headmaster said as his hand went back to holding Harry's foot.

"Size 6 sir." Harry responded.

"Nice, very nice. Perfect size for a boy your age. Shall we take a look at them? Do you mind."

"No sir." Harry managed to say.

Slowly, carefully, Dumbledore loosened the black laces of Harry's dress shoe. Then he pulled it off and to Harry's surprise smelled it.

"Hmmmm, nice."

"I hope my feet do not smell bad sir."

"Not at all Harry, they smell delicious just like a lovely boy should."

Harry watched spellbound as the Headmaster pulled off his other shoe leaving his black socked feet dangling over the end of the table.

"Do you like feet sir?" Harry asked. Trembling under the old mans touch.

Dumbledore seemed mesmerized as he lightly held one of the boys small feet in his hands. Finally he looked up from the small foot.

"Do I like feet? Well." The old man chuckled.

"I find the feet of lovely boys like you, quite wonderful Harry. Not all boys are as beautiful as you and not all beautiful boys have lovely feet. If I find a boy who has both find it a most exquisite treat." Dumbledore looked back down at the small socked foot in his hands.

"You can rub them if you wish sir." Harry said.

Dumbledore looked up at the boy.

"Why thank you Harry, yes I would like to do that and much more I think."

Harry looked perplexed, what more did he want to do? Maybe kiss like he and Tom did?

"Harry before I love on your feet let me do something." Dumbledore said and he reached over and took a wand off the large desk.

"I would like to share a spell with you. This is one I use on any first year that comes to my office the first time. It really helps them enjoy themselves while I pleasure them. Is it okay with you Harry?" Dumbledore blue eyes shined at Harry beneath his great white eyebrows.

"Does it hurt?" Harry asked.

Dumbledore laughed at the innocence of the beautiful boy sitting in front of him.

"No Harry, of course not. I nor anyone at Hogwarts would do anything to intentionally hurt a child."

Harry thought of Snape, his scouting face and contempt towards his students and he didn't' believe that was totally true. But Dumbledore had a kind face and his hand petting his socked foot felt nice.

"Okay sir have at it." Harry said

"Good boy."

Dumbledore took the wand and placed its tip on Harry's right temple. Then whispered some words harry did not understand. Immediately the boy felt a warm sensation flowing from his head to his toes. A feeling of absolute contentment came over him and he leaned back on the table. His penis grew hard almost instantly and it felt as if something was tickling him there. Almost like warm breath being blown up and down the shaft.

"Ah yes. Feels nice doesn't it?" Harry nodded he could feel his breathing becoming quicker as the sensation flowed through his body.

"If your feel like you need to you may lay on my table. It is quite large enough for you."

Harry merely nodded.

"Well now lets have a look at these small feet shall we?"

Slowly the Headmaster removed one of his socks. Relishing the sight of the pale skin revealed under its black fabric. Harry's ankle came into view then his heal. The the soles and top of the feet and finally his toes. As his sock came off with painstaking slowness, Dumbledore sat with his mouth open and his eyes wide. Occasionally the boy saw him lick his lips.

Finally the sock was off and Dumbledore let out a gasp. Then placing the sock to his nose the old wizard smelled it deeply. "Beautiful." He said Then slowly Harry's foot was raised and Dumbledore looked at the long toes and then the rosy soles.

"Exquisite." He said. "Simply stunning.

Harry breath was growing ragged now as he watched the man stare at his small foot. Then Dumbledore kissed his sole and Harry thought he would explode with pleasure as the feeling radiated up his leg and into his body.

"Ah yes I see the spell is working. That felt good didn't it boy?"

Again harry nodded.

"Well lets see how this feels then." Dumbledore said and taking Harry's foot he rubbed it against his face. His lips touching ever part of the bottom of his foot his facial hair tickling. Harry leaned back onto the table and let out a hiss.

"Your feet are amazing Harry. Look here so you can see what I see."

Harry looked up at his foot in the large amazingly smooth hands.

"Your toes are perfect see how each of them are long and straight?" Harry nodded his mouth agape as the man touched and rubbed each of his small toes.

"Your toe nails are not to long or too short. And the color you see? There is not a vein to be seen under the smooth skin. They are so soft and kissable. Your arches." The man said as he lifted Harry's foot and ran a finger along the arch. Harry moaned out loud. A high pitched moan of a boy not yet reached puberty. It was deep though as well though lust and pleasurable feelings over took him.

"Yes you have amazing feet boy. They are so soft and smooth." The old man once again took the foot and placed over his face rubbing his lips on the bottom.

"I must taste them." The Wizard said his voice deep and lusty.

What happened next cause Harry to lay back on the table and clinch his small fist at the pleasure he felt. For Albus Dumbledore the headmaster of Hogwarts made love to his foot. The old Wizard licked up and down his foot. Beginning at his heel he licked ever part of his sole. An then his arches. Then he sucked each of the delicate little toes into his hot mouth. Sucking on each as if it were a small penis. And then placed all five into his mouth. Harry was writhing on the table grasping at his robes. He reached up to touch his small penis that was pointing straight up.

"Not yet." Albus said as he brushed Harry's hand away.

But Harry could not help it. His dick was so hard it hurt, it ached to be touched, to release the tension building up in it. When he placed his hand on it again he rubbed it frantically.

"I said no boy." Dumbledore said. Harry's foot slipping from his mouth with a Slurpee wet sound before he spoke.

"Ignatius Paralico." The head master said his wand in his hand.

Harry went completely still. Paralyzed. He could not move it all. The young boy expected to feel terrified as he found he couldn't move his body, but the spell Dumbledore first cast was coursing through his body and he could only feel trembling excitement.

"I am sorry Harry, but the moment you climax my pleasure spell begins to wane and I am not yet ready for that to happen. Now lets get you more comfortable."

With a flick of the old wizards wand the books and scrolls flew from the table, traveling across the room they landed in the book shelves where they were stored. Harry could move his neck now and he turned to see them as they flew.

"Yes, boy the spell only keeps you completely paralyzed for a moment. It will take a while for you to be able to move your arms and legs. Just about the time I am done with you I think. Dumbledore flicked his wand and Harry slid sideways on the table until his body was extended along its length. Harry lifted his head to see his necked right foot glittering wet in the fire light.

"Now I think I need to see a bit more of you Harry. If your foot is that amazing I trust the rest of you will be as well."

"Totalo Revealo." The old wizard spoke and with a flick of his wand Harry's dress robes began to be removed. First the black cloak and then one by one the buttons of his white shirt were undone and then the shirt removed revealing a white muscle tee underneath. And then his pants slowly unzipped and he felt them being pulled off revealing his smooth white legs. He felt Dumbledore draw in a deep breath as he gazed at the extraordinary beautiful nearly naked eleven year old boy laying on the table spread eagle before him.

"And now for the rest." Dumbledore flicked his wand and Harry's arms shot up straight above his head and slowly his white tea shirt came off revealing the pale skin of his stomach and boy-chest.

"Oh my Harry you are so lovely. I expect my mouth will be on every inch of you tonight."

Then Hairy felt his underwear being removed down his young legs. AS his penis and balls came into view Dumbledore was beside himself, even clapping his hands in excitement.

"Oh Harry, you are more beautiful than I ever imagined possible. Not a hair to be seen anywhere and your small cock."

Harry felt the mans smooth hand on in stomach and then slowly wrap around the shaft of his penis. He leaned his head back a gasped audibly. The touch sent such extraordinarily strong pleasure through his body that it was nearly painful.

"That is nothing my boy, only the first level of the incredible pleasure you will feel at my hands tonight."

Then the wizard bent over the boys body and blew a stream of hot breath onto the small penis.

"Uhh, huh huh." Harry Moaned.

"Harry your penis is delectable. I cannot wait to have It in my mouth."

"Oh no please." Harry moaned.

He could not imagine the unbelievably intense pleasure that would cause.

"Oh yes my boy. You cannot expect me to see a vision of beauty like this and not want to suckle it. I mean look at it Harry."

The boy tried to lean his head up but his upper body would not move. Here let me help you my boy. With a wave of his wand Harry felt his body being lifted up until he could clearly see Dumbledore two fingers around his penis.

"See how beautiful it is Harry." Dumbledore said.

"It is perfectly circumcised, I am sure your father had something to do with that. He knew I always preferred a circumcised boy. The little head is bright pink. You see?"

Harry nodded his head.

"The shaft is so smooth and soft and white. Lovely."

He ran his fingers down the shaft and Harry grimaced clamping his eyes shut.

"And your small balls Harry, They are like birds eggs so round and smooth. I cannot wait to have them in my mouth rolling them around on my tongue."

"No sir please." Harry moaned.

"Oh yes Harry I will have this lovely hairless young cock and these balls in my mouth before this night is done and I will lick and suck them as a special treat."

"Please." Harry nodded his head no, the magic rushing through him as the headmaster touched the most sensitive spot on his body was to intense.

"You will be begging me to please suck them before the nights over."

The old Wizard reached forward and gently caressed Harry's cheek. The boy compulsively leaned in to the caress.

"Do not worry Harry. I know the spell I cast on you is intense, it is intended to be but I will not let any harm come to you. I know you have never experienced such pleasures, but believe me tonight will be the greatest of your life. Now I think you should lay back down and let me please you some more."

With that Harry was laid back onto the table. He was completely naked except for one black sock on his left foot.

"Amazing." Harry heard the old wizard say again.

"Oh but what is this? I left a sock on one of your little feet. Well now we cannot have that can we?"

Harry may not be able to move his body but he could feel every small touch, even the the breeze moving through the room. When Dumbledore touched his left foot Harry let out another loud moan. Slowly, ever so slowly, the sock was removed. And then he was completely naked.

"Now I think we need a bit more light."

With a flick of his hands the flames in the torches round them jumped and light in the room grew quite bright. Dumbledore walked over to the boy and ran his fingers down his body starting at his face, down his neck his smooth chest and across his sensitive nipples, across his stomach and the across his raging hard dick and balls, down his thighs and knees and then over his feet and toes and then his soles. Harry moved his head back and forth steady moans coming were all the sounds he felt capable of making.

"Now lets see the rest of you shall we."

Albus took his wand and with a flick of his wrist the boy began to rise off the table. His body felt stiff as if it was still laying on the flat desk still. Then the old Wizard made another movement and Harry rolled over his face and stomach now facing the desk, his hard dick and balls hanging below him. Then with another move he began to lower down towards the desk.

"Oops we better make sure this is comfortable since you will not be able to move it."

Dumbledore reached under and cupped his dick and balls as he grew closer to the table.

"Aa hahhh" Harry exclaimed and then he was laying on the table. He breathed out a long held breath as he turned his head to the side.

"Oh so nice Harry." Dumbledore said.

He ran his hands down his back and across each butt cheek.

"A lot of my contemporaries disagree with me, but I have to say the butt of a eleven or twelve year old boy is the nicest of all. So smooth and perfectly round." Dumbledore said as he ran his fingers across Harry's butt cheeks and down his crack grasping the dick and balls beneath.

"ohhhhh" Harry moaned again.

Then he leaned in and began to nibble and lick along Harry's spine and down his back. Then nibbling each cheeks. Then he slowly moved down the boy's legs licking and nibbling as he went.

"I could just eat you. Devour you whole Harry Potter." Dumbledore moaned out the words in heat and lust.

Harry could feel Dumbledore move down his calves could feel the cool trail of spittle along his back and legs. He began to press his dick into the table. He could move his hips he realized.

"Ah ah. None of that." Dumbledore said as he cast the paralyzing spell anew.

"We can't have you rubbing you young lovely cock on the table. With what I am about to do to these to lovely feet of yours it surely cause you to shoot your load. And that load will go only one place my boy and that is into my steamy hot mouth."

Again Harry could not move. It was torcheros. His body raged and long to writhe in Ecstasy but he could not move at all not a muscle. All he could do was lay there and breath through the pleasure, whimpering like a little puppy.

"Now to these amazing soles of yours."

Harry heard a chair slide across the floor.

"Oh my god they are beautiful. You know Harry I have to say my most favorite spot on a young boys cute feet are right here."

Harry felt his finger move between his small toes and he let out a whimper.

"No matter how soft a lovely little foot like yours is, they are always the softest right here and the smell, emmmmm."

Harry moaned as he felt Dumbledore's noise press in between his toes.

"Marvelous Harry, simply Marvelous the smell is only one that a young boy like you can produce. When I am this close to a pair of beautiful feet like this I feel like I am going to lose control."

Dumbledore pressed his face into the soles of the boy's feet pulling them together so that they cradled his cheeks.

"ummmm" Dumbledore moaned. And so did Harry.

Then he began to eat those feet. At least that is what it felt like to harry. Eating them devouring them, but there was no pain no piercing of flesh just amazing, unadulterated pleasure. Harry and the old wizard moaned loudly together. The old man licked and suck every inch of his soles. Sticking the boys heels completely in his mouth and sucking them hard. Then licking his archers holding the feet together and licking the hole left between the arches. Then his tongue ran between each toe the slurping sound from Dumbledore eating left Hairy feeling woozy.

At some point during the worshiping of his feet Harry decided that this was the greatest feeling, the greatest thing he had ever experienced. He was lost in the lust of having a adult who loved his body, lusted after his feet, licking and nibbling on them as something most prized and special, like the most special meal he had ever eaten. Harry decided that whatever the headmaster had planned for him he would go with it, longing to see what would come next. His feet had never felt so good, they were were they belonged in the mouth of this most capable man.

He was moaning loudly and steadily now. Up down, up down his foot went the mouth and tongue of Dumbledore. Harry could feel each nibble each crevasse of his foot headmaster's worshiping tongue found. He wanted this to go on forever. His hard dick pressing into the cool leather top of Dumbledore desk. His small feet in his mouth his body completely belonging to the headmaster. Just has began to think these things the headmaster's frenzied action on his feet slowed down. Now the old Wizard was just kissing them gently. Rubbing his face into the boys soles.

He could here the old man's ragged breath as he stood and walked over to Harry. Slowly Harry began to rise. On the table where his dick had been harry could see a large wet spot. He wondered if it was pee. He was amazed to see Dumbledore stick his finger in hit and then lick the juice off. He looked up at Harry hovering above the table.

"That isn't pee Harry. A boy your age can cum but not much. But if they can cum they produce this wet stuff when they are really excited. It is called pre-cum. It is sticky slightly salty and sweet. Here try it for your self. Again the headmaster put his finger into the clear liquid and then raised it the finger to the boy's lips. Harry suckled on the finger, tasting himself for the first time. The liquid was slightly salty and slightly sweet.

"Nice huh?" Albus asked as he reached over and wiped more of liquid up suckling it as if it was liquid candy.

"See Harry you are tasty inside and out."

Harry was rolled over and gently laid down on his back. Almost immediately Dumbledore leaned over and kissed him on the lips. His tongue licked into Harry's mouth and the boy returned the kiss. The headmasters mouth tasted like candy, cherries and orange sherbet. Harry drank deeply. Dumbledore finally release the boy and sat up smiling down at the helpless horny boy.

"I developed a candy potion that makes my tongue taste like that. It helps when kissing you young eager things."

Again Albus leaned down. This time he went right for the boys neck, biting and sucking like a vampire.

"Oh god!" Harry cried out, but the pleasure hadn't even started.

Slowly he worked down to the boys chest. When he got to the small nipple he began to suckle them forcefully. Now Harry's hips shot up off the table, his young cock throbbing up and down on his smooth stomach. Dumbledore did not stop his writhing hips as he continued to lick and suckle him. And then he bit down, not hard enough to draw blood but hard enough to cause Harry to cry out. Then after the pain was gone it was replaced by the old mans tongue as it slowly liked around the small aureoles. Dumbledore alternated between licking, sucking and biting until mixture of pleasure and pain was almost to much for the boy to bare. Just when Harry felt he may pass out from the feelings coming from the old mans attention, it stopped and the old wizard began to move down his stomach, licking and slurping at the boys smooth skin as he went. When he reached the small penis Harry thrusted it up towards the old Wizard's hungry mouth.

"Please." The boy moaned.

"You see boy. I told you would be begging for it in the end. Just like every first or second year I have ever had." The old man chuckled.

"I think not yet though."

Harry moaned in disappointment as the old man moved past his dick and balls and onto his thighs. Harry's disappointment was forgotten as the pleasure of the old mans nibbles at his inner thighs began. His legs were spread and the Headmaster had crawled on the table. Now his head was between the boys legs. He licked the soft thighs. Suckling on them has he had the boy's nipples. And then he moved down further. The boy's knees were taken into his mouth and then his shins finally his ankles were being licked all around them. Finally the Dumbledore found his way back to his favorite spot of a young boy's body. Those lovely feet. He kissed and licked up the tops of Harry's feet. First the left and then the right. He nibbled on the outer edge between the heal and little toes. Licking his way up before taking the small toes in mouth and rolling it about on his tongue.

Harry was moaning loudly. Nearly yelling in ecstasy. The boy did not know how much longer he could take this. His dick throbbed, his hips thrusting up for a release the immature boy did not yet understand.

"You never believed that your feet could feel this good did you boy?" The headmaster asked

"No!" Harry screamed.

"Now you know why Ron enjoyed it so much the night the Prefect played with his feet don't you?"

"Uh huh." Harry moaned out the words

"Do you wish me to continue making you feel this good?"

"Yessss." the boy hissed.

"Yes what?"

"Yes sir."

"Tell me what you want me to do to these lovely little beauties I hold in my hands."

"Suck them please. Lick them, bite them every part of them."

"As you wish my lovely boy."

Again the he felt the man licking and suckling at his feet. Up and down his soles the tongue went ravishing the boy. He felt the hot breath on his toes.

"Yes suck my toes please."

"You want me to suck these small delicate toes Harry?" Dumbledore taunted.

"Oh god yes."

"Yes what?"

"Yes please suck my little toes! Please suck them."

And with that the old wizard, the headmaster of Hogwarts went to town on the boys toes. Sucking those lovely little digits as if they were candy flavored. As if they belonged in his mouth more than anything else in the world. He licked them suck them ran his tongue in between them and when he was done both boy and man were completely out of breath. Harry was still involuntary thrusting his hips up off the table towards some invisible goal but he had lost his ability to speak. All words came out as some inane babble.

"Now my small beautiful boy we will finish this." Dumbledore breathed the words out through his rapped breath.

Harry mumbled something unintelligible but the old wizard just ignored him and leaning down he breathed on his small hard dick.

"haaaahhhhh huhhh." Harry cried.

"Yes my boy. You will have many lovers, some your own age many older. Some boys, some men, some girls and women. But never as long as you live will you experience the pleasure you have tonight. Harry mumbled something. Drool ran down his smooth cheek. And then he felt the headmasters tongue lick up the shaft of his penis.

"Ahhhhhhh." he yelled.

Then his balls were taken into the hot hungry mouth. Each small egg rolled around the soft slimy tongue..

"Ugghhhttthh" The boy yelled again.

Dumbledore licked and sucked his balls for what seemed an eternity. Harry could hear him slurping feel his whiskers tickling his thighs and mustache tickling his disk. All the boy could do was moan and cry as his young body was played like an instrument by the capable man.

"Uhn, Uhn Uhn." The boy moaned.

Then slowly he felt the mouth move up from the young hairless sacks. He licked back up the smooth soft shaft and then when he got to the tip he engulfed the cock-let into his hungry mouth. Harry sat straight up his hand moving compulsively to the back of the gray head. His feet pulling together to touching each other.

"Uh uh ahh. Uh." The boy screamed as the mouth bobbed up and down and then the moment came. Harry felt like every part of his body, all the pleasure from his head to his toes rush to his cock like a mighty flood and He screamed again this time loud and blood curdling as he shot his first cream into the wizards mouth. When Dumbledore tasted the small discharge of the sweet cream he went wild. Sucking with all his might.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh haahhhhh huhhhh." Harry screamed. And he fell back onto the table whimpering like the small boy he was.

"huhhhh huhhh." He whimpered and the last of his seed was drawn into the hungry mouth.

Dumbledore fell back into his chair breathing heavily. He rolled the young boys offering around on his tongue savoring the flavor that only at was nothing compared to the young thing laying on his table. The beautiful boy had passed out it seemed his body spread in all directions. His feet and fingers twitching uncontrollably.

Harry barely felt as his clothes were put back although he did whimper a bit as his socks and shoes were placed on his sensitive feet. He felt himself being carried through the hall ways in someone strong arms. He felt his shoes removed and him being placed into his warm bead. Everyone must be asleep he felt cause he didn't hear a single sound. Within minutes of his head hitting his pillow he was sound asleep. He didn't dream he didn't stir.

The next morning he awoke to the sound of Ron standing over him. He was shaking him and calling his name.

"Harry get up man. We got to get ready for classes."

Harry looked up at the Red head standing next to his bed.

"What times is it?" Harry asked as he stretched his arms above hi shed yawning widely.

"Its like 8:30. I waited as long as I could to wake you up. I have already showered and everyone is gone. You missed breakfast. First class starts in 30 mins. You better hurry."

Harry pulled back the covers to find himself still in his dress cloths.

"You went to sleep in your dress clothes? When did you get back from Dumbledore, must have been very late. You guys must have had a lot of fun."

Harry looked up to see Ron smiling down at him.

"Oh go on Ron." Harry said.

"No really your very lucky, Dumbledore only meets with a very few select first years."

"Yea. Go on man. It was great okay." Harry said looking up at the boy and sticking his tongue out good humorously.

"Go on to class mate, I will be along."

"Okay but you better hurry first class is Professor Mcgonagil and you know how she when people are late."

"I will be there."

As Ron left the room Harry struggled to his feet. His legs felt weak and wobbly but someone how he felt very energized. He peeled off his dress clothes and grabbing a towel made his way down to the showers. Slowly he rubbed the soap over his body thinking about everything that had happened the night before. He touched his his chest and nipples and found them tender. He looked down at his hairless dick now hanging limp between his legs. He tried to wash it but it was way to sensitive to touch. He washed down his legs and to his small feet. They too were sensitive but not nearly enough as much as his nipples or penis. Harry turned around and placed his hands on the walls allowing the hot water to run down his back. He couldn't believe how good his body had felt. That is was possible to experience so much pleasure. From his feet. I mean they were just feet right? Or were they? The questions rushed through his mind.

He walked through the halls and headed towards his first class. Enchantment spells under Professor Mcgonigal. He knew he was late nearly half an hour late as a matter of fact but he was not rushing. He felt content, happy, maybe for the first time in his life. His entire body was at easy and radiated a inner feeling of warmth. He found himself whistling as he approached Mcgonagils room. He entered quietly hoping to slink in without being seen.

"Oh Mr. Potter. Please have a seat and turn your book to page 334." The professor said.

Not the reaction Harry had been expecting.

"Um sorry I am late Professor."

"Its okay Mr. Potter I received a not from Headmaster Dumbledore explaining that you may be a bit tardy this morning. Just don't you think." She turned and pointed a finger at him, "That just because you are excused from tardiness today that it will be tolerated in the future."

Professor Mcgonigal turned back to her blackboard and continued on with her lesson. Harry turned to look at Ron who had a questioning look on his face. Harry merely smiled and shrugged.

Days passed and turned into weeks. Harry learned a ton of stuff. He took to magic like glue. He was nowhere gifted as Hermonie but he did have his talents. And the major one was Quiditch. Harry had found that he had an incredible gift at flying. It was no wonder he found out later as Ron took him and showed him a trophy case. There he found that his father had also been a seeker in Quiditch at the same age. Harry became more and more popular at school and he loved his life for the first time. He had not had any relations since the night with the headmaster. He just hadn't found anyone he wanted to be with. Plus somehow he still had felt satisfied immensely so. He did rub Ron's feet for him at night while the red head masturbated, as Harry had come to know it. Someone how since the night with the Headmaster he had come to appreciate the beauty of nice boy-feet. And Ron did have some nice they were nice and soft and Harry enjoyed playing with them. He especially enjoyed watching his friends face as he climaxed. The last few nights Harry even begin to lick and suckle on the boys toes the way Dumbledore had done for him. He enjoyed it, not because he liked feet but because of the reaction his friend had. Several time Harry had to cast a silent charm around the bed to keep from waking up the other boys with Ron's Incessant moaning.

One day Ron and Harry were walking through the courtyard when Hermonie came running by the Crying. Ahead in the distance where she had come from stood Draco Malfoy surrounded by other boys of the Syltherin house. Harry and Ron rushed up to them.

"What did you do to her Malfoy?" Ron demanded

"I just told her the truth, that she was a muddblood!"

"Malfoy you are a cruel half witted slime!" Harry told him then shoved blond haired boy to the ground.

Draco jumped back up and charged at Harry. The impact knocked them both to the ground and they went rolling both boys trying to hit the other but neither being able to make a connection. The Slytherin boys were all chanting. "Fight, Fight, Fight!" And Ron was shout for Harry to kick Draco's ass. Finally Harry was able to roll the other boy onto his back and thin pin him down with his kneed on Draco's shoulders. Harry drew back to punch Draco in the face.

"Harry Potter!" The voice was that of Professor Mcgonigal

"Get off of Mr. Malfoy at once!" The teach yelled

Harry lept off of Draco in total surprise and both boys looked at the elderly professor in shock of having been caught

"You know the rules about fighting at Hogwarts. 15 points will be taken away from both of your houses and do not think you have heard the last of this. Now each of you to your own houses this instant!"

Harry and Draco went their separate ways but as they left both were glaring at the other over his shoulder. Back at the Griffindor common room everyone wanted to know about the Fight. Harry was very sorry and apologized to everyone about costing Griffindor 15 points. One of the prefects said, "Blimey Harry who cares about the points. I could kiss you for kicking his butt, Draco had it coming." Another of the older prefects said. "Hell Harry I would kiss you one way or the other your so damned sexy, but kicking Draco's ass is definitely a plus." Everyone in the common room laughed and Harry smiled up at the older boy.

"You know what I think Mr. Potter needs as a reward for his service to Griffindor house?" The prefect was looking at the other older boy and he gave him a wink.

"Ah yes." the other Prefect said. "I do indeed. Mr. Potter needs a body massage."

"With happy endings." Said the first boy and both of them laughed.

The other older boys all said, "Ewwwwwwww" almost in unison. The younger boys didn't seem to understand fully what was going on, but soon they all got going about there business leaving harry sitting on the couch with one of the older boys still leaning behind him and the other sitting on the arm of the couch beside him.

"So what about it Mr. Potter?" One boy asked

"It had been a long time since he had his first sexual experience at the hands of Albus Dumbledore. He hadn't really felt the need, his penis and even his feet and nipples had been so sensitive to touch for many days. Now however he felt a curious feeling in his balls.

"Sure" Harry said.

The boy behind him said "Here let me get your shoulders Harry."

The other boy knelt down and began to unlace his shoes.

"I will get his feet George."

"Nice" said the other boy.

"Thanks guys." Harry said

"Are you kidding we been wanting to get at your cute body since the first day we saw you." The boy at his feet said and both of them laughed. Harry who was used to such statements now and laughed as well.

"Man Harry your feet are pretty smelly." The boy at his feet said.

"Sorry I hadn't had a shower yet. Quiditch practice and all I guess. Sorry mate."

"No man I love it." The older boy said as he lifted the small leather shoe to his nose and breathed in deeply.

"They smell yummy, almost buttery."

Harry smiled down at him fascinated as the boy picked up his socked foot and touched his nose to his toes inhaling deeply once more.

"ummmmm the boy said." And then he kissed the bottom of Harry's foot. Thoughts of Dumbledore office and the way the old man had loved on his feet came rushing back and immediately Harry became rock hard.

"I think he likes the attention your giving his feet George." The boy rubbing his shoulders said. Then he reached around and rubbed Harry's chest through his shirt.

Harry just leaned back into the Chair. The boy at his feet was rubbing his socked foot now passionately and he spread his toes so that the boy would rub each one separately. Meanwhile the Boy rubbing his shoulders and chest, kept leaning over so that he could reach his belly. Each time he rubbed lower and lower getting closer to the small boy's hard little cock. Then he kissed Harry on the forehead and then on the lips. Harry felt the boys tongue pressing on his lips and he returned the kiss passionately. He felt the prefect at his feet reach up under his pants leg to the edge of his sock and begin to slowly pull it lower towards his ankle. Harry let out a soft moan in the mouth of the boy he was kissing as he felt his sock begin to come off.

"Harry Potter." The voice sounded at the door.

All three boys awoke from their passion to look at the voice who called out Harry's name. On each face was the look of extreme disappointment..

"Harry Potter, your presence is requested in the Headmasters office.

Harry sat up and put his shoes on. He was disheveled and his dick was hard as a rock. His shirt unbuttoned and half un-tucked where the older prefect was trying to get at the bare flesh of his chest and one of his socks was down around his ankle. His glasses were at a cockeyed angle but the boy was in such a state of passionate ecstasy that he didn't think to fix himself up at all as followed the older prefect out of the door. Harry did adjust his hard little dick which was poking out obscenely under his dress pants. He was so hot and horny when he reached the Stone Griffin and it began to twist into the floor that he hoped the moment his feet hit floor in Dumbledore's office the old wizard would rip his clothes off and ravage his young body. Harry didn't wait for the twisting stairs to lift him up to the office but bounded up them. When he reached the top of the stairs and turned towards the desk he was stopped short in shock. There on Dumbledore lap was the young blond Draco Malfoy.

Draco was leaning back into Dumbledore and they were kissing passionately as the old man arm reached around and was stroking the boys cock through his dress pants. Draco's legs draped on either side of Dumbledore but his small dress shoes didn't reach all the way to the floor. Harry watched for what seemed like forever at the old Wizard kissing and stroking the blond boy. Draco returning his kiss with more passion than any of the first years Harry had ever seen kissing. Draco seemed to know what he was doing that's for sure. Harry was even more surprised to see Malfoy's left hand stroking the old mans cock through his robes. Finally Dumbledore pulled his lips away from the young boy and said

"Ah Harry, So glad you could join us."

Draco looked over at Harry and gave him that smug smile that Harry knew so well. A look that said, see your not the only one that can get Dumbledore's affection and I am more loved than you. At least that's what it looked like to Potter. Harry crossed his arms and looked at the boy angrily.

"Oh come now Harry don't be like that come over here for a moment so I can talk to you."

If it had been anyone but the headmaster Harry felt like he would have turned and stormed out of the room right then but as it was he crossed the room his mall arms still crossed in front of himself defensively. When he came to stand about 5 feet from the Draco and Dumbledore the old man continued.

"Now Harry. I understand you and Malfoy had a problem today. Would you like to tell me about it?"

"Why is he here? He is a foul git you know? Vile really. He made Hermonie Cry. He called her a, a, Mudblood."

"Draco did you do that?" Asked the old Wizard

"Maybe" the young blond said.

"Now why are you angry and mean to Harry and Hermonie Draco." Dumbledore asked still stroking the young boys penis.

"Because they think they are so great, Potter, the boy who lived, and Granger super witch. They are stupid but no one knows it." Draco said looking at Harry his eyes full of hatred.

"See what I mean professor?"

"Now Draco." The old man said and as he did he reached up with his free hand and stroked the child's cheek bringing his head back into a passionate kiss. Draco began to thrust his hips into Albus' stroking fingers. Finally the old man released him and Draco sat panting his head back into Dumbledore's chest his blue eyes closed. unknown to Harry or the boy in his arms Dumbledore had produced his wand from the desk beside them.

"Totalis Truth." He spoke as he waved the wand above them.

"No Draco." As the professor spoke Draco opened his eyes and looked up at the man. The boys expression had changed from hard and arrogant almost into a look of admiration.

"Tell me again, why are you so angry with Harry, Hermonie and Ron?"

"Because." And as he spoke he began to cry.

"I am a disappointment to my father. I always have been. I come to the school thinking I could do something to impress him, but my magic sucks and I am out shown at every turn by a mudblood and an orphan. Everyone loves Harry not just because he is beautiful but because he good. I am nothing. And Ron he is loved by his whole family, they are all poor and yet they are all happy. Look at me I am rich, my family is rich and no one is happy. I hate my life and I hate them because of it."

Dumbledore looked up at Potter who's mouth hung open in surprise.

"That was very good Draco." The old wizard said and he leaned in to kiss the boy again.

"Now Harry what about Draco makes you so angry?"

"He is cruel. I have grown up with people like him all around me. Constantly making you feel inferior, constantly making you feel miserable. I just. I guess I just didn't know that maybe they were miserable and that's why they were so mean." Harry said

"Good Harry, well said." Dumbledore told him

"Now Draco what do you think of Mr. Potter?"

Draco turned to look at Harry the tears in his eyes made the blue stand out and sparkle like they shown with a light of their own .

"I think he is Beautiful."


"Yes" Draco hissed through clinched teeth as Dumbledore squeezed his small cock.

"And Harry what do you think of Mr Malfoy?"

"He is Gorgeous."

"See there, we are all in agreement." Dumbledore said looking at the too boys.

"You too are the cutest first years in the School, I had so hoped you would be friends. Alas because of your backgrounds I think that is not likely. However tonight and maybe a few nights in the future I think we can all put aside our differences. Come here Harry."

Harry walked over to Dumbledore. On the mans lap Draco sat staring at Potter with lust in his beautiful blue eyes. The old wizard was still stroking him slowly. Harry came to stand toe to toe with the headmaster. He could feel Draco's shoe rubbing against his leg. The old man reached up and grabbing him by the head he brought Potter to his lips. They kissed passionately and Harry returned the wizards kiss with gusto. He didn't pull back as he felt Malfoy's small hand on his cock. He felt his zipper come down and then his pants were unbuttoned. Then through his tight white underwear he could feel the warm soft hand stroking his hard cock. Dumbledore pulled back his lips with a wet sounding slurp.

"Now were getting somewhere."

Harry looked down to see the absolutely beautiful blond boy smiling up at him, his small hand still on Harry's cock. He saw that Dumbledore had undone Draco's pants as well.

"Now boys, why don't you both climb right up here on my table, and continue doing what I know you want to." Draco slid off his lap and with in a couple of seconds they were both on the table facing each other. Slowly the two boys leaned in and began to kiss. Dumbledore let out a slight moan. Soon Harry was lost. Draco was definitely a talented kisser better than the older prefect, almost as good as Dumbledore himself. The too boys passion grew to a very pitch. They began to remove one another s shirts. When the dress and undershirts with off both boys began rubbing the chest stomachs and backs of the other. They were moaning now and when Draco began to push Harry gently onto his back he didn't resist. Now chest to chest the boys were holding one another and kissing passionately. Harry lost track of all that was around him. It was just he and Draco. He felt a tug at his shoes and then one by one they came off. And then he could feel Draco's shoes begin pulled off. Then their socked feet were touching, and Harry ran his foot up and down on Draco's. And then his socks were removed as well and he felt Draco's bare skin. They were so amazingly soft, softer than anything Harry had felt before. He began thrusting his small dick into Draco's and the blond boy above him moaned. Then he felt Dumbledore hands as he pulled his and Draco's feet and held them together Harry's pointing up and Draco's pointing down. He felt the hot tongue of the Old wizard lick his foot and begin to suck his toes and when Malfoy pulled his lips from Harry's and arched his head back with his eyes closed, he know that he was getting the same treatment. Both boys were thrusting their hard cocks on to each other when Dumbledore said.

"This will not do." And casting a spell He felt his and Draco's pants being pulled off and then their underwear came down. Harry didn't resist, he could not wait to feel the soft legs and cock pressing against him. Draco's eleven year old cock was rock hard and pressing into Harry's. Harry so much wanted to see it and it wasn't long before Draco pulled off of Harry and sat up. Harry looked down and saw a lovely hard circumcised hairless cock standing straight up from Draco's body. Slowly the blond boy smiling made his way up Harry's body until his warm cock was rubbing up against his lips. Harry stuck his tongue out and touched Draco gingerly. The boy hissed out loud and then Harry's passion took over and he engulfed the small warm penis before him. Draco began to fuck in and out of the warm mouth. Harry stroked the blonds boys back and down his small round buttocks. And then he felt his heal next to his side. He rubbed the small feet and was thoroughly amazed at how incredibly soft they were. He slowly stroked up and down the small feet at his side as Draco moaned loudly and fucked his dick in and out of Harry's hot mouth.

Harry felt Dumbledore hot breath back on his feet and he spread his toes hoping that the old man would suck them for him. He was not be disappointed. Harry was almost as hot as he had felt when he had been with Dumbledore and between the slurping sound of the mans mouth on his feet and the wet sound of Draco's cock moving in and out of his mouth, the blond boys low moans and the soft feet in his hands, Harry felt he may explode. He did not have much experience with such things but judging by the increased speed of Draco's humping the young boy on top of him was getting close too.

"No!" Dumbledore cried.

"Not yet." Draco slowed and stopped and his dick slipped out of Harry's hungry mouth with a loud slurp. Both boys turned to look at the old man who's dick poked out obscenely underneath his robes.

"I will have you both boys. Come over here and kneel on the table facing me please."

The boys did. Harry could feel the wet slipper spit between his toes as he moved. They both approached the edge of the table and Dumbledore approached them.

"Good now boys, I want you to continue to kiss, while I suckle on these two lovely young cocks of yours."

Harry looked into the beautiful eyes staring back at him and the lovely full lips and smiled. He leaned in and licked Draco's lips. Draco licked the spit off his lips and smiled. Then the boys began to kiss. Two boys in heat they were but ever more so when the headmaster pulled both of their cocks together and began to suck and stroked them at the same time. It wasn't long before both boys were moaning and kissing, with loud slurping sounds they felt themselves getting close. Then together with a loud cry the boys released their cream into the hungry waiting mouth.

The two boys leaned into one another and rested their heads on the others shoulders. Dumbledore had leaned back into his chair and was just sitting there, savoring the flavor of the two lovely children staring at the beautiful sight before him. Finally he spoke to them.

"I hope that was as good for you as it was for me." Dumbledore said.

"Oh yes" the boys said smiling at him.

"Good and I hope you too have more of an appreciation for one another."

The boys looked at one another and nodded.

"Good now I need something from you boys. As you can tell my dick needs some attention."

The old man said laughing.

The boys looked and sure enough there was an enormous bulge poking up from underneath the Wizard's robes. Draco moved first heading towards the headmaster he had a smile on his face.

"No Draco I don't mean that. I want you and Harry to lay back on the table and hold each other. Put your feet over towards me, and I will use them to rub my cock. Harry looked at Draco but the boy just shrugged and smiled and down they went. They were on their backs, and each would rub the others soft cheek and chest. At their feet Dumbledore had taken off his robe. Harry felt his foot placed toward Draco's the man alternated from rubbing his dick against Harry's feet and rubbing Draco's. Then sucking Harry''s toes while fucking Draco's feet. The boys held their feet together so that the old wizard could have his way with them and before long they could hear him moaning. Harry felt him fucking his feet and looked up to see Draco's foot, all five toes in his mouth. With the other hand Dumbledore held Harry's feet together and was rubbing his dick through them frantically. Finally he came with a loud moaning scream and both boys feet were sprayed with his sperm.

Once again the old man sat back into his chair and tried to recover his breath. Harry sat up and pulled his foot to look at it. The wizards abundant sperm ran through his toes and down his heals. Malfoy looked over and taking his foot in his hand he began to lick the sperm from Harry's toes. Then Draco put his foot where Harry could see the sperm on it. Harry looked at Draco's foot and marveled at how lovely it was. His arches were high and they were so very smooth looking, like he had never walked on them. They looked a bit smaller than Harry's own. They were not white like Harry's put had a natural tan color. His toes were perfect as well and his toenails perfectly manicured. It didn't take Harry but a moment to stick out his tongue and lick a bit of sperm off the bottom of those sexy toes. What surprised him, no amazed him, was that the sperm tasted like Cherries and cotton candy all at once. Harry began to slurp and lick at Draco's foot as if he wanted to eat it. Draco leaned back and took both of Harry's small feet licking and sucking on them just as hungrily as Draco was doing to his. And then he gave his other foot to Harry even though it had no tasty sperm on it Harry licked and sucked it greedily as well.

When both of the Boy's were clean they sat up to find Dumbledore gone and themselves alone. The boys smiled at each other and stood to get dressed. Nether spoke the whole time they got dressed. Before they left the chamber both boys leaned in for one more passionate kiss.

I would like to say that Harry and Draco became great friends. That Draco realizing the truth that he had spoke in the headmasters office would have changed his ways and made him become more of a descent human being. Alas that wasn't to be. Occasionally the two boys would sneak off together. They knew that none of their friends would understand their relationship. Hermonie and Ron would tell Harry he was crazy to hang out with someone like Draco and the Slytherins Draco hung out with could never except that he liked the Chosen one, the famous Mr. Potter. Harry could not wait to get his hands and mouth on Draco's feet though. They were so small and soft like warm butter in his hands. It all came to an end one day when, Harry was busy sucking Malfoys toes in one of the rarely visited Prefects bathrooms that they were almost caught and Draco stammered out something about "Potter being on his knees before the great Malfoy" before he realized that they had not been seen.

No that was the end. Not for Harry though. He had many relationships with many others at Hogwarts. And even some without. The old wizard had been right though no one would ever compare with the pleasure he had felt with Dumbledore in his first year at Hogwarts..

The end.... For now......

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