By moc.loa@torraPytsaNehT

Published on Jan 17, 2002



Disclaimer: The following story is fiction. There's not one bit of truth about any of it, but it features two British guys named Harry, one fictional and the other not. But even the nonfictional one is completely made up. Copyright is claimed by the author.

Harry Potter and all charactes from the books and movie are trademarks of and copyright J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, and Warner Bros.

HARRY POTTER MEETS HARRY POT-HEAD (t/b) (Celebs, illegal drugs, oral, anal, criminal wand use)

By: The Nasty Parrot

Part 1

Harry Potter awoke to the sound of his owl Hedwig screeching. The young wizard opened his eyes to see the white owl fluttering madly over his bed.

"Hedwig, what is it?" asked Harry, his voice a whisper so he would not awaken his Gryffindor mates. He turned on his bed light to see more of what caused his companions commotion.

After putting on his glasses, Harry noticed that the bird was beak clutching a particularly fancy envelope in her mouth.

The owl dropped the envelope into Harry's lap and scurried off into the night. Harry's hands arose from under the bed covers and grabbed the envelope.

A fine Ivory, the rather expensive post in finely designed calligraphy read:

Master Harry Potter

Boys' Dormitory

Gryffindor House

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Young Harry ran his fingers over the paper. Very expensive. Flipping the item over, he noticed immediately the seal that held the paper together.

"The House of Windsor," Harry gasped aloud.

Very slowly, Harry undid the seal and withdrew two items from the post, an invitation and a small package wrapped in gold. Harry first opened the invitation and his mouth dropped.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Henry of Wales, hereby extends his Invitation to you to a Private Party at the Prince's Suite, Sandringham Castle on Friday the 18th of January, at 4:20 a.m."

Harry gulped. In his wildest dreams, he never imagined that he would get a royal invitation to a respectable palace.

Harry shook his head and wondered if something more was afoot. Was this a jest of some sort? Harry looked next to him and spied his best friend Ron Weasley, snoring loudly and fast asleep, with a line of drool emerging from his open mouth. No, it wasn't Ron. The poor Weasley family simply did not have the resources to produce such a finely crafted invitation for the purposes of a practical joke.

His friend Hermione, perhaps? No, thought Harry, such pranks were not the sort of thing his very-smart and sensible friend would indulge.

Harry sucked in a deep breath. Malfoy? he thought. Was this perhaps a cruel prank engineered by his least favorite class mate at Hogwarts? The Slytherian boy had been the one to discover Harry, Ron and Hermione outside their rooms the year before and this had cost Gryffindor 150 points.

No. Malfoy and his family, despite their dark pasts, were respectful of the monarchy and would never engage in such chicanery.

Still puzzled, Harry looked back down at the invitation. The date was January 17. That was today!

Looking up at the wall clock, Harry saw that it was almost 3:30 a.m. The party was in less than an hour. Looking again at the Invitation, Harry spied the small print on the bottom.

"Transportation Provided (look out your window)."

Lifting the bedcovers, Harry walked over and brought himself up to the window. Outside, Harry could see that it was snowing slightly, and it looked extremely cold.

"tap, tap, tap," was the sound on the window.

Harry cupped his hands to his face and pressed against the window to get a better look through the gloomy night. It was too dark to see.

Before he knew it, the handle creaked, the window opened and a slimy claw reached out and grabbed the boy wizard and dragged him out of his room. Harry didn't even have time to let out a scream as he was deposited into some sort of glass enclosure.

Jostled around inside the shell, Harry barely had time to catch his breath as he realized what was happening. He was inside a glass bead of some sort, plush cushions on the bottom and his carriage was being towed by a full-grown Norwegian Ridgeback.

The twelve-year-old wizard felt his heart pound as he was being transported across the countryside. Wearing just his pajamas (and no slippers) he was amazed to find the inside of the transport quite warm despite the cold weather outdoors. As the dragon blew a flame across the surface, Harry realized the source of the heat.

Somehow, Harry had managed to keep hold of the invitation as well as the wrapped present. As Harry's heart settled back to his normal rhythm, he slowly began to unwrapped the gold foil and a package fell out.

"Zig Zag Paper," it red on the cover. On the back was a printed note on a post-it, "this will get you started."

Harry gulped as his ride flew further and further from Hogwarts.

As the dragon flew on, Harry managed to relax despite his concerns. Below, he saw a good deal of the snow-covered countryside. He was rather enjoying the ride, noting that it was much faster than his using flying mode of transportation, the much beloved Nimbus 2000 broomstick.

Without warning, the Norwegian Ridgeback began to descend. As he did so, Harry recognized immediately their destination, the very well-appointed Sandringham Castle, one of the many palaces of the British Monarchy.

Abruptly, the dragon dropped his cargo at the front door, the inertia of the ten foot drop being felt most prominently on young Harry's bum. On impact, the glass bead immediately broke apart into a million pieces and scattered away harmlessly, leaving the young wizard out in the cold, shivering in his pajamas, his bare feet covered with snow.

The door opened and Harry instinctively ran to the source of warmth. Inside was a barely lit alcove only slightly warmer than the outside and another door.

The other door creaked opened and Harry could see a cloud of smoke emerge in the dirty yellow glow coming from within.

As the door fully opened, a tall redheaded youth, clad only in the slightest of bikini briefs, became visible. Harry immediately recognized the face of the teen in front of him.

It was Prince Harry!

The prince was a sight to see. Harry was especially turned on by the body he saw. Muscular, but very thin, a hairless chest crowned by two small, dark nipples. The prince's abdominals were well-defined with a sparse trail of ginger hair leading from his belly button and disappearing into his bikini. The Prince's legs were lightly feathered and strong. The slight bikini could barely hold its contents and seemed ready to burst from its confines. Harry licked his lips involuntarily, realizing how much he was going to enjoy this private party.

"Welcome to Sandringham," said the smiling prince with a husky voice as a cloud of smoke emerged from his mouth.

With a sweep, Prince Harry came out of the door and gently took hold of the younger Harry's hand. Their eyes seemingly inseparably locked, Prince Harry led his young wizard friend into the palace and the pleasures that awaited them.

Part 2

His hand still held by the nearly nude Prince Harry, Harry Potter walked into the room and noticed the decor looked straight out of a psychedelic movie of the 1960s. There were exotic bongs strewn around the room, chaotic lighting, a large lava lamp, bean bag chairs and a thick, acrid haze of cannabis and incense. The room was quite warm, which was agreeable to the pajama-clad Harry Potter.

Harry smiled. He loved it!

Prince Harry guided the twelve-year old wizard to one of the bean bags and directed him to sit. Taking a long drag on his joint, Prince Harry plopped down on the adjacent bean bag.

"Good stuff," gasped Prince Harry as he attempted to suck in the fumes and talk at the same time.

"Domestic?" asked Harry Potter.

"Nah," said Prince Harry, "pure Colombian sinsemilla. My brother picked some up when he was in South America doing volunteer work."

"Does William do pot?" asked Harry Potter.

"Nah, he's into crack."

"Oh," responded the young wizard, glad that no one from the tabs were there to listen to the conversation.

"So," Master Potter continued, "how's it taste?" It had been a few months since the wizard had enjoyed a quality joint. Most of the domestic stuff that traveled through the dormitories at Gryffindor was perfectly dreadful.

Prince Harry smiled. "Want a hit?"

"Sure," said Harry Potter.

Prince Harry took a deep drag on the cannabis, got up from his chair and planted his lips on the young wizard. Harry Potter's lungs were soon filled with the driving power of marijuana and his mouth was the repository for the prince's tongue.

"Mmmmm," murmured Harry Potter, enjoying both the hit as well as the prince's kiss.

The prince brought his mouth off of Harry's and smiled, the vacant and dissembled look in his face revealing that he was well on his way to stoner heaven.

Harry Potter's tongue moved across his lips seductively and smiled back. The young prince's face was only inches from his own.

"Would you like something to drink?" asked Prince Harry.

"Sure," said Harry, not planning on driving that night. "What do you have?"

"I have some nice cherry brandy," responded Prince Harry, nodding his head toward the bar.

"No," said Harry Potter, shaking his head and scrunching his face, "not my style, too sweet. Do you have any vodka?"

Prince Harry smiled again, "and the mixer?"

"Straight up."

Prince Harry got up and headed to the bar and brought back a large glass filled with the clear liquor. While the royal heir was preparing his guest's beverage, Harry Potter got a chance to check out his date and was duly impressed.

Prince Harry was tall, nearly six foot, and his head crowned by bright red hair, brush cut. Clad only in a bikini, the young royal's body was simply a work of art. Lean, muscular and clearly well-hung, Harry Potter visualized all the sexual positions he could enjoy with the smooth and sexy prince.

"Here you go," said Prince Harry, handing the drink to his guest. Harry took a large gulp of the high quality liquor and looked up as his ruddy faced new friend.

"I think I need a chaser," said Harry Potter to the royal standing in front of him.

"Oh?" asked Prince Harry, his eyebrows raised slightly at the suggestion. "Would you like some orange or cranberry juice?"

"No," responded Harry, with a leer. "I usually like a nice piece of meat to go with my vodka."

Prince Harry's face lit up and he smiled broadly.

"Pieces of meat, pieces of meat," he murmured and pretended to look around the room. "I don't know if I have any . . ."

With this, Prince Harry looked down at his crotch. "Ah, just what I was looking for. . . "

With this, the prince grabbed at his bikini and brought it down, releasing hi cock from its confines. Harry Potter moved forward and took the cock directly into his mouth.

Although flaccid, the uncircumcised tool was still huge and grew quickly as the young wizard used his considerable oral talents on the royal cock. Prince Harry voiced his pleasure as he felt his rod being encased in the heat of young Master Potter's mouth.

Harry worked the tool over thoroughly as he pleasured his prince. Using his tongue, the wizard dug deep under the foreskin and tasted the cockhead underneath.

His mouth was filled with a delightful mixture of pre-cum, vodka and cannabis and his ears with the delighted moans of the young prince.

As it rode inside Harry Potter's mouth, the prince's tool soon rose to its full eight inches. Prince Harry licked his lips and took a long drag on his joint. With his hand, the prince grabbed the back of Harry Potter's head and began thrusting his cock down the young wizard's throat. The boy gagged but managed to take the full length down his throat. Prince Harry's moans became louder and more jagged as his tool was being pumped and his guest began sucking with more intensity, demanding that the load be provided him.

With a mighty groan, Prince Harry released, his balls churning up a huge load for the hungry wizard. Harry Potter moaned as his mouth was being filled with the prince's semen.

Prince Harry led out a deep sigh as his shooting subsided, taking another long hit on his joint and letting the young wizard milk his cock, urging the last remaining drops of cum down his throat.

When Harry Potter figured he had gotten as much as he could, he released the prince's cock from his mouth and looked up with a huge grin, cum dripping from both side's of his mouth.

"I hope you enjoyed the chaser," said Prince Harry, as he bent down to kiss his new friend and lick the last of his load from the boy wizard's lips.

"Your turn," said Prince Harry as he completed his cleaning.

Harry Potter smiled and the princes' fingers were soon unbuttoning the young wizard's pajama top. Being only twelve, Harry Potter had no hair on his chest and under his arms, a fact confirmed by Prince Harry as he explored the boy's chest.

"Nice," murmured Prince Harry as he felt the baby soft skin and gently pushed his guest down on his back.

Swiftly, the prince lifted up Harry's bum and pulled the pajama bottoms off the youth, leaving the young wizard completely nude in front of him. The prince handed a joint to the young wizard and lit it, signaling that he wanted his guest to lay back and enjoy the drug as well as the oral pleasures offered.

Harry had only a light patch of pubic hair surrounding his package and ample testicles. Harry's cock was small in comparison to the prince's but still growing. At present the young wizard could only manage an erection of some five inches, something that was now being absorbed by the royal prince into his hungry mouth.

The prince's mouth was all over the younger Harry's package, suckling on both testicles and coating the wrinkled skin with saliva.

Harry Potter cooed with pleasure as his cock and balls were being serviced by Prince Harry. The young prince obviously had a lot of experience and focused his efforts on the tender underside of the young wizard's cock as well as working on the boy's sensitive foreskin.

With little effort, Harry Potter was soon brought to orgasm and the young prince dutifully drained Harry's load. As he polished off his own chaser, the prince looked up and smiled at Potter, his lips glossed with the wizard's semen.

Harry Potter took another deep drag on the cannabis and smiled back at the prince. "Want to try some of mine?" he asked.

Prince Harry picked up the cue and his mouth was soon on his guest's, allowing the young wizard a taste of his own salty load as well as a hit of the illegal substance.

Part 3

For a long time, Harry Potter and Prince Harry snuggled, drinking and smoking the high quality dope the prince had scored, as well as fondling each other's bodies as they imbibed. The taste of each other's semen was still fresh on their lips as they chatted about Harry Potter's Potions class (which recently came up with a super concentrated heroin that had Harry's friend Ron Weasley crawling on the ceiling) as well as Prince Harry's recent visit to a rehab center (which was turning out well, since he had an opportunity to meet a few new dealers).

"I have a special request," asked Prince Harry, and he bent over to whisper into the young wizard's ear. Harry Potter listened his intently and raised his eyebrows, wondering whether the prince's request could be fulfilled.

"That's very dangerous, your highness," gasped Harry Potter, at first disbelieving the request.

"Well, it's not like I'm the heir to the throne," responded Prince Harry as he licked at the boy wizard's arm pit encouraging his mate further.

"Besides, my wand's at Gryffindor, your highness," said Harry aloud, his words slurred by the heavy intake of cannabis and booze.

As though on cue, Harry heard a familiar flutter above his head. Without further ado, his owl Hedwig had dropped the fourteen inch wand in young Harry's lap.

"I had it sent for," explained Prince Harry, now fully stoned and drugged after his own lengthy substance abuse was taking its toll.

Harry Potter shrugged. Why not? he asked himself and nodded agreement to the prince's request.

"Over here," said Prince Harry as he stumbled to a very ancient oak table. The prince hopped on the table and laid down on his back, his bum positioned so it hung over slightly.

"Take my ass," gasped the prince as he raised his legs to allow the young wizard access to his waiting hole. The sight was a real turn on to young Harry, the youthful and athletic prince getting a superb view of the prince in his compliant pose, the royal's cock erect in anticipation of the sexual pleasure to come.

Harry Potter recited a spell and a spark of electricity flew from the wand. Heading over, he knew his instructions.

With the tip of the wand he began toying with the prince's anus, delicately teasing the pucker. Prince Harry gritted his teeth and cried out, "put it in, you mother fucker!"

Another spark emerged from the wand as Harry Potter plunged it into Prince Harry's body, a scream of delight and terror emerging from the prince as the electrified tool entered him.

"Work on my cock!" yelled the prince. Harry Potter complied quickly and his mouth soon encased the youthful Prince Harry's tool.

As Harry Potter began pistoning his mouth on the royal's tool, he began stroking the wand inside Prince William's gut.

With each stroke of the wand, current was being released into the prince, accompanied by the screeches and screams of pain and delight from the redhead's lips. The princes body was becoming coated with sweat as his scent filled the boy wizard's nostrils.

Aroused by the musky scent from the young prince as well as the danger of using his wand in such a manner, Harry Potter used his free hand to stroke his own meat.

With each stroke of the wand, Harry Potter managed to dig deeper and deeper into Prince Harry's bowels, sparks of electricity going further into the prince's bowel, until a mere inch of its fourteen inch length remaining outside the hungry hole.

Prince Harry, soaked in sweat and trembling, suddenly let out with a scream that sounded like a wild animal as he released his jism into Harry's Potter's mouth.

At the same time, Harry Potter brought himself to orgasm and the floor below him was stained as ribbons of cum flew from his cockhead. The young wizard, moaning his excitement, dutifully continued sucking the prince's tool and swallowing his second meal of the morning.

Almost as an afterthought, the wand was slowly removed from the prince's reddened hole. Harry Potter was beckoned to join his sex partner atop the table. The young wizard clambered aboard the table and joined his lover in an embrace. Their smooth, youthful bodies coated in sweat and the aroma of male satisfaction.

"That was great," said Prince Harry between kisses.

"It was at least better than what my friend Ron Weasley gets into," responded Harry Potter.

"What's that?" asked the prince.

The young wizard's face had a sour expression, "He likes to use his rat Scabbers."

"Ew," responded Prince Harry, his face echoing Master Potter's expression. "Well, to each his own," responded the prince, shrugging his shoulders.

The two young lovers returned to their snuggling and continued kissing and cuddling until the dawn broke.


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