
By SCass3254

Published on Feb 26, 2003




By scass3254@aol.com

Bill Ellis sat on a beach chair that he had bought from Walgreen's, a chain of drugstores that seemed to proliferate like weeds on every street corner and mini-mall along with fast food joints and Chinese restaurants that dotted the flat Florida landscape. Bill would leave the chair in his hotel room when he returned home. Home? He wondered where that would be now that his wife had divorced him and he had resigned his position as president of the bank that he had worked for the last thirty-five years?

With SPF 50 smeared all over his pink/white skin, he peeked out from under a Planters hat with a wide brim to protect himself from the sun's rays. Like a politician, he sat there watching the parade of masculine flesh from his sandy reviewing stand marveling at the plumbing that passed him by. This was a first for him having never been to a gay, nude beach and all the stories that he had read about Haulover on the web were true.

He covered his shoulders with a towel and hunkered down burying his feet into the sand as men and an occasional woman sauntered by. Bill was a big, stout middle-aged man with a full head of white hair that needed cutting. He liked it that way. There was rebellion in the length that he knew that his wife would hate and he smiled a large grin that revealed even white teeth and dimples. He had a broad face with a strong chin and lips someone described as juicy. He cleaned up well.

He hoped that the blizzard in Peoria never ended. "What a terrible thing to think," he thought, but Peoria brought back memories of his wife and the acrimonious ending to their marriage. He didn't blame Peggy for her reaction upon finding out that he was gay. Her shock and hurt were legitimate responses. What he could never forgive was the vindictiveness and her behavior afterwards. How did he live with her for thirty years and really not know her? Then again, he thought she could have said the same thing about him. But there was no love in their marriage and hadn't been for many years. In an instance, her uncomplicated life was besmirched by scandal and shame and if she had to suffer, than Bill would pay. And pay he did. Fortunately, they didn't have children. But, that was yesterday and today was a new day and he hoped for a better tomorrow.

Smearing more sunscreen on his handsome face, he took great pains with his fine aquiline nose. His blue eyes darkened when he angered which was more often now and that brought him a twinge of sadness. Maybe it had to do with repression and the years of denial and the time that he wasted. He was fifty-five and along with the elation, was the fear of being alone.

The sun was strong with hardly a cloud in the sky that morning as he drove into Haulover State Park. He sat in the car for twenty minutes watching men get out of their cars and head toward the beach. Nervously, he thumped his fingers on the dashboard and debated if he would have the courage to not only go to the beach but to undress. A part of him was desperate to see men naked and free enjoying themselves without guilt feeling and remorse. All his excitement, nervousness, guilt, fears and desire manifested themselves, before he summoned enough nerve to get out of his vehicle and to make his way through a small tunnel, passing thru what he thought was a mangrove swamp that was littered with beer bottles. Like Dorothy, he followed the yellow brick road and found his way to the beach where he now sat.

It was a heady feeling watching men of all shapes and sizes au natural. There was no shame of their bodies as the golden rays of the sun browned them. It was as if disrobing and being naked freed them. Freedom! What a way to think of the word, but it was true. Here, age and weight wasn't looked upon with shame or revulsion; something that he had felt about his weight and his body all his life. Even as a child, he covered up not showing his body and remembered the hurtful remarks that other kids made about his weight.

He watched a large roly-poly man with a Buddha's face with large luminous eyes as he stood there laughing. Rolls of flesh moving up and down as a young, handsome man patted his belly. Somehow Bill was proud of the man who was letting it all hang out.

There was no obvious sex, no overt action on the beach as the police patrolled the area. Bill assumed that some men went into the water to carry on but he was too timid and new at this to ever think of ever doing that.

Bill was at a disadvantage as he was a stranger and didn't know anyone, yet he was content to watch. He tried hard not to stare, but sometimes he was guilty when somebody walked by with a penis that defied description. Genes and plumbing he thought and snickered to himself. He watched as a large group of men walked along the sand towards him. They came with chairs, blankets, water jugs and food hampers and it was as if they were going on a picnic and not to the beach. He counted ten men, mostly around his age as they spread out right next to him. They were laughing and bantering as some disrobed before plopping down on their chairs and blankets.

"Beautiful day," a voice said to him and he looked up to see the smiling face of an older middle-aged man who was thin but muscular with gray curly hair that framed his face like a helmet. The hairs on his chests were white and curly. He had brown eyes that were eagle sharp as he stood over Bill who looked up at him. "Hi," he said. "My name is Tom Carter and this is," and he called out names and hands waved and smiled. "The Group say hello. You're new because I haven't seen you here before." He smiled showing white teeth and a small nose that looked as if it had been cosmetically repaired years before. "Because if I had, I would have shared more then greetings and telephone numbers." He laughed and his friends laughed with him.

"He's right, you know," a voice chirped. "Our Mayor knows everyone and some in a biblical sense."

"My name is Bill Ellis and this is my first trip to Haulover."

"And what do you think?" Tom waved a tan arm around in circles. "What do you think of God's flesh? Here, we Silverfoxes and chubs enjoy one another without snide remarks, innuendos and comments. Where are you from?" he asked. "How long are you staying and where? What kind of men do you like?" The words came out of his mouth like a machine gun on rapid fire. "Come sit with us, have a drink and relax," he ordered and Bill did as he was told.

Bill thought about the kind of men that he liked and he guessed that he just liked men. He didn't have a specific type but enjoyed men who were bright, had a sense of humor and were not egotistical and into themselves. For him, young or old, fat or thin, hairy or smooth didn't matter but the chemistry had to be there. He knew that he wasn't a size queen and here it would be a paradise for those that were.

The Group made a space for Bill and he felt like he wanted to cry. Was it because strangers were embracing him and making him welcome? All the years of suppressing his emotions and what he wanted, and suddenly he felt like he belonged. How do you tell that to someone that couldn't or wouldn't understand? He thought of the countless men like himself who lived a life of lies and denial and often went to their graves never knowing what it was like to be with a man and to love a man?

"This will lift your spirits," Gus, a burly man with a round face and beefy body said. He had tattoos on both arms. "It's cranberry juice with a kick." He smiled and handed Bill a filled cup. Gus was naked and had a thick, uncut cock and the largest pair of balls that Bill had ever seen. He sat next to his friend George who Bill assumed was his lover by how they responded and reacted to one another. George was in his thirties and good looking with a smooth muscular body.

Men came up to say hello and Tom introduced Bill to one and all. He met Ed, a photographer from Minnesota, Fred, a retired doctor and Dominic, a college professor from Ohio who taught British Literature. Dominic plopped himself down besides Bill and Tom gave Dominic a look that would wither leaves on a vine that told Dominic that he was "...picking apples in the wrong orchard", and to move on which he quickly did. Like flies around honey they came and Bill was flush from the sun, the booze and the attention that was paid to him. Was it because he was a new face on the block? He didn't care. When Tom took his hand and told him that it was time to walk along the beach, he followed willingly.

"In order to really feel that you belong, you have to get out of those trunks and get completely naked," Tom said. Bill rubbed his chubby knuckles across his chin and looked at Tom and slipped off his bathing suit and stood there with the sun on his body and thought of how Peggy would react if she could see him now. Tom smiled when he saw Bill's equipment.

"Why have you been hiding that beauty? It needs to see the sun, the father and whoever else cares to admire it. Let's walk the beach so I can show you around."

They walked along the beach along the water's edge and talked. Bill told Tom his life story and somehow he felt oddly comfortable telling this stranger about himself.

"Will you have dinner with me tonight?" Tom asked. "There's a bar that most of us hang out at and famous in the area. They come from all over the world. It's fun, the people nice and the food." He made a face. "It's uneven but who cares. I'll pick you up at your hotel and treat you to supper. I liked you from the moment I saw that handsome face and hoped that you would accept."

"Are you sure that you're not a politician?" Bill smiled. "You say all the right things. I would love to have dinner with you tonight. I was hoping that you would ask. I've been here two days and tired of eating alone."

Tom touched Bill's face with his fingers. "I'm hoping we can make beautiful music together," he said.

"I hope so too but you must understand that this is all new to me and I don't want you to be disappointed."

Bill looked down and saw Tom's erection and smiled.

That night as they drove into the restaurant's parking lot that was jammed with cars and valets running from car to car to get them parked. Bill nervousness was apparent but Tom put him at ease with his humor and quick wit. Tom was a retired psychiatrist who spent six months a year in Florida, six months in East Hampton, Long Island and kept a pied a tier in New York City. He had had a lover of many years who had died five years ago and he knew the loneliness and anxiety that Bill now felt.

"There will be plenty of guys that may hit on you tonight, so remember who brought you to the dance," Tom said and patted Bills rounded buns playfully. I like you and am possessive about something that I feel is important to me." He had told Bill to dress casually and as they entered the large cavernous room, the room was packed with men. They pressed against one another in the crowded room and Bill saw a lot of groping as men tried to get by. It was done with good humor and smiles. Eyes turned in Bill's direction and he felt himself being undressed as he and Tom walked to the bar. Bill had been in a few gay bars and this one was alive and lively. The restaurant part was cordoned off from the bar area but cigarette smoke filled the room but nobody seemed to mind. A piano player played show tunes from a stage off the main area. Like Cleopatra entering Rome, Tom escorted Bill through a throng of men and ordered them both Scotch and waters at the bar. Bill stood there, an observer, a voyeur as he watched the action around him. Young, old, fat, bald skinny and even men in walkers and crutches vied for position and attention. It was an interesting phenomenon to see and hear French, Spanish, and German, along with English as men came on for each other. Many men that were at the beach that afternoon were now here. The decimal level was high but the excitement that Bill felt was overwhelming. Tom introduced him to friends and acquaintances and people embraced him and once again he felt wanted. Bill heard Tom's name being called out over a loudspeaker and they sat down to dinner.

As Tom had said the meal was mediocre but Bill didn't care. He found Tom charming, bright, witty and attractive. They talked about their lives, their hopes and desires and Bill's plans for the future. Bill had enough money having invested wisely and his options were open. After dinner they returned to the bar for a round of drinks and then it was time to leave.

"Your chariot awaits," Tom said as they waited for the car. They got in and Tom drove towards his apartment in Ft. Lauderdale "I want you to come up and have a nightcap if it's all right with you?

Bill took Tom's hand and held it. "I was hoping that you would ask me up. Thanks for a wonderful evening."

"It's not over yet."

And I hoping it will be as wonderful as the rest of the day has been."

Tom smiled and squeezed Bill's hand and Bill felt the erection in his pants straining to get out.

Tom had a penthouse apartment in one of the many high-risers that outlined the skyline of Ft. Lauderdale. As they entered Tom's apartment, Tom took Bill's face in his hands and kissed him for a long time. It was done with tenderness. The end of the kiss entwined them in each other's arms.

"Welcome to Casa Carter," Tom said.

Bill looked around the luxurious living room and was amazed at the paintings on the wall.

"Is that a real Cezanne?" He said and walked up to the painting and stared at it for a long time. I don't believe that you also have a Renoir?"

Tom smiled bemused. "They're real. Hank, my friend was very rich and loved art. He was an art dealer and I was the beneficiary of all these magnificent painting. They are a constant joy to look at and a reminder of my wonderful life with Hank. Bill admired the Tiffany lamps and artists that Bill knew or had read about that covered the walls.

"They're beautiful," He said.

"Tom came up and held Bill and kissed him on the nose. "Not as beautiful as you are."

Tom laughed. "I've never been told than. Not even that I was handsome. My wife was cold and unemotional and words of endearment were not part of her vocabulary. The few scenes that I've made with men were quickies and although satisfying, not what I wanted or needed. So when somebody makes a fuss over me, I get embarrassed."

"Did you see the way men that I hardly knew spoke to me as if we were long lost brothers? It wasn't about me but they wanted to know whom I was with. He pulled Bill close and now his kiss was passionate and sensual. Their tongues touched and they kissed now with a hunger and need. Tom kissed Bill's hand and fingers and led him into the master suite that was done in warm colors. The artwork was just as dazzling as the view. The Intercostals Waterway flowed below Tom's balcony and boats bobbed in the marina. A full moon sent rays of white light bouncing on the water and it was magical.

Tom carefully unbuttoned Bill's shirt and gently put his hand inside and felt Bill's chest that was warm to the touch. Tom's fingers caressed Bill's nipple and it came alive growing in his hand as his thumb and forefinger massaged it. His fingers lightly swept across his chest feeling the patch of silken gray hair. The heat of Bill's body as Tom's hand and fingers lingered on his belly had Tom hard. With Bill's shirt off, Tom kissed Bill's nipples, belly and left a trail of saliva as his tongue entered Bill's belly button and then down to the his beltline.

Bill felt himself leaking and his erection ready to burst through his jockeys and gabardine trousers. Tom smiled like a Cheshire cat and gently massaged Bill's bulging tool. Bill moaned and Tom unbuttoned his pants and Bill slipped out of his trousers and stood there in his jockey shorts. His erection pressed against his shorts and he was leaking pre cum like moisture down an iced beer bottle as Tom slipped his hand gently inside the waistband and pulled down Bill's briefs.

Tom bent down and tasted the thick, creamy precum making Bill moan as Tom's warm tongue licked at the head of Bill's cock. It was larger then average and nicely shaped. He placed his mouth on the head of Bill's cock and his tongue licked at the velvet head concentrating on the large bulbous head.

Tom led him to the king-sized bed and pulled back the expensive spread and they lay down next to each other. There was no rush as they held each other not speaking for there was no need for talk. They kissed, their lips and tongues discovering one another as their hands explored each other's body.

"I don't want to disappoint you," Bill said with hunger in his voice.

Tom licked at Bills nipples, his mouth and tongue making circles on the engorged nipple that was now swollen. Tom wanted to taste Bill to have his load and taste his sweetness but that would come in time. He wanted to savor and enjoy the moment with this handsome man that was inexperienced but willing.

Tom may have been inexperienced but he was a quick study as he reciprocated by sucking on Tom's nipple's sending him into waves of ecstasy as Bill suckled on his tits. His hands were soft as they moved across his chest feeling the curly hairs of Tom's chest and down to his public hairs. His hand touched the head of Tom's cock and it twitched involuntarily as Bill's finger caressed it. Tom's cock was average and Bill's fingers massaged the swollen member that had Tom writhing on the bed grinding his ass into the sheet.

There was give and take where one took the lead and then the other as they explored one another's body, touching, caressing, and fondling until they were comfortable.

Tom licked at Bill's balls tonguing them slowly as he moved his tongue upwards so the hairs became slick with saliva and made it easier to take into his mouth. Tom was careful as he held Bill's ball tonguing it in his mouth as he listened to Bill's moans of pleasure. He lifted Bill's powerful legs until he smothered in face in Bill's perineum and licked and nibbled at it like a deer at a salt lick. Bill thrashed around as Tom's mouth made love to it and Bill lifted his hips so Tom could get easier access to it. The thrill was something that Bill had never experienced and he thrust his hips and ass into Tom's face and Tom was only too happy to oblige. Bill smelled of pine along with a mustiness of sweat from his crotch that was a turn-on. Sweat dripped from Bill's nipples and ran down his chest and settled in rivulets inside his bellybutton. Bill played with his nipples that were now tender and hard. Tom's hand rubbed Bill's belly and he began to suck Bill's dick slowly. There was a rhythm, a zone that Tom was in as he made love to Bill's organ, very much like a violinist to his musical instrument. Bill held Tom's head and called out his name as Tom moved a little quicker and used his fingers and hands on Bill's organ to enhance and heighten the pleasure. He moved quicker as his mouth adapted to the size and thickness of Bill's cock. His tongue twirled around the swollen head and then down the thick shaft moving quicker as Bill cried out from joy as Tom made love to him.

"You're going to make me cum," he whimpered as Tom dive-bombed into Bill's meat feeling it at the back of his throat. He wanted his seed, to taste the joy of making him cum.

Tom lifted his head. "I want your load, I want to taste you," his face covered with sweat and saliva as he went back to work. His lips held the head of Bill's cock tightly and he sucked on it until he heard Bill cry out.

"Here I cum," and a gusher of semen spilled from his cock and filled Tom's mouth. It was sweet as Tom struggled to take all of it, tasting and sucking and felling Bill's dick spasm in his mouth. When he was spent, Tom licked the remaining pearl from the slit and kissed Bill fully on the mouth. Their tongues uniting and Bill tasted him and smiled.

They lay motionless until Bill stirred and began to suck on Tom's cock. He tried to emulate Tom and was succeeding as Tom cried out as Bill began to move up and down on his instrument. Some people are naturals and Bill was one of those whose mouth and tongue was gifted as he labored away on Tom's meat causing him to blow his load much quicker then he wanted.

They lay in each other's arms and Tom asked Bill if he would stay the night. Bill held him close and was fast asleep in his arms in moments.

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