Hey I Know You

By spartus boy

Published on Nov 14, 2001



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Hey I Know You

His brother was married to my girlfriend's sister and he was visiting her family the same weekend I was there to see my girl. His name was Kevin and I'll always remember him as a 5'8" 100lb blue-eyed blond boy that could sing up a storm. His dream was to sing with a gospel-singing group and travel all over the country. Of course, me being a musician, I was totally infatuated from the beginning. I would play piano and we would both sing. You could feel our chemistry. I know we were! Other people noticed and even commented about it. I don't think they really figured out that it was much more than two guys singing. I truly believe they thought it was some divine connection by God that we were sharing. I know what it was and it was purely sexual, no bones about it.

I did want it to happen, but because I was there to see my girl, I wasn't going to do anything that would bring me out of my closet. Maybe it was my girlfriend's mother who knew what we wanted or maybe it was fate, but she wouldn't allow either of us to sleep on the sofa. She insisted that we share the bed in her daughter's room and her daughter, my girlfriend, was made to sleep on the sofa. Secretly I was thrilled!

When bedtime finally came around I was pretty nervous.

I knew he was too because he would hardly look at me from the time it was decided that we would be sharing a bed. I remember going into the attached bathroom, taking my time brushing my teeth and relieving my bladder. When I came out, the light was off, he was already under the covers and had his eyes closed. I started taking off my clothes and tried to see if he was watching. I didn't see him open his eyes but thought I saw his head turn my way just a little when I walked around to my side of the bed to finish undressing down to my briefs.

I got under the covers too and tried to go to sleep. I was so tense from the nervousness and the sexual tension that had been developing between us that didn't really want to sleep. Instead and got a fuckin hardon and lay there wishing I could touch him and wishing he would touch me or at least make some sort of sign to say he was interested. I don't know who was more afraid, me or him but I knew something was going to happen!

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and decided to make a move. First, I pretended I was asleep. I made my breath as regular as possible. Then I tossed around like I was uncomfortable in my position. When I did this I accidentally/on purpose let my hand fall between us, close enough for my fingers to be lightly touching his thigh. No one moved. I could feel even more tension, if that was possible, and I'm sure that by this time he knew what was happening. After a minute or so of my hand touching him, I slowly started moving my fingers and stroking his underwear-covered thigh. He still didn't move so I got braver. I began to slide my hand under him, reaching for his dick. He just lay there and let me, pretending that nothing was happening. I prayed he wouldn't stop me and he didn't. I felt him raised up slightly and took that as a sign of encouragement so I slid my hand further under him until I finally felt his dick through his briefs. It was sooo hard. I didn't do anything at first, just let it rest, throbbing in my hand. Then very slowly I curled my fingers around his shaft. It was a nice 5-1/2" or so, curved upwards toward his stomach and was leaking, making a wet spot on the cloth of his underwear. I heard him suck in his breath quickly as I began to stroke his dick.

Suddenly, he was on top of me. Pushing and pulling at me and saying, "Oh, how I've wanted this!" "I can't believe you want it too. I thought I was the only one who was this way."

"Damn boy," I loudly whispered! "Stop!" He was so fast and I was so totally surprised when he jumped on me. Then it began to dawn on my what he was saying and what he was doing. He was crying, babbling and rubbing his body over every inch of mine all at the same time. I couldn't help it. I just started laughing! Hell, I just wanted to get it on with him. I didn't know it was his first time and how he was going to react! I don't think he knew how or why he reacted like that either! He kept crying and I kept laughing and finally he said, "why are you laughing?" I didn't realize until that moment that I had hurt his feelings.

Sheesh! I was there to visit my girlfriend! I wasn't expecting this! Not one to miss an opportunity I rolled over on top of him and kissed him right on the mouth. That must have been another first for him because his eyes popped open wide and he stopped crying. "I'm laughing," I said, "because I'm so happy that you've finally found someone you can relate to and experiment with." I then told him my story of how I began experimenting with guys and the pain and heartache I had endured during my self-discovery. I still didn't consider myself gay but I knew that I liked touching guys and that they turned me on like my girlfriend didn't!

As I lay on top of him and we talked, I continued to kiss him on the mouth every few sentences. He was a little hesitant to let me at first but then seemed be okay with it after the first few. We talked about my girlfriend, his desires and my desires and some of my experiences. We were both still semi-hard through all this. After an hour or so, I started kissing him deeper. We were both getting more and more turned on.

We began to move and thrust against each other as my tongue finally took over his mouth.

He started groaning and moving faster beneath me. That put me over the edge and before I knew it, I was spurting my cum all over our stomachs which provided more lubrication for our motions. I could tell he was getting closer as his breathing started getting more labored and he was continuously groaning. I thrust even harder against his dick and he started shooting. His eyes were rolled back and his head was moving back and forth and he kept saying, "Oh, yeah, Oh, yeah! OOOOooooooooh!

He finally stopped moving. I kept giving him little kisses. He would groan every once in a while and then he fuckin started to cry again! "Damn," I thought. "What now?"

Well, it ends up that he felt all guilty about it. He was afraid that people would know what had happened by looking at us -- all the usual things we all go through our first time. Poor guy. I just held him and let him cry until he couldn't eke out any more tears.

The sun was coming up as we finally drifted off the sleep in each other's arms. About two hours later we were awakened by a knock on the door. We quickly detached ourselves from each other and began our morning!

Needless to say, I didn't date that girl anymore. That experience only further confirmed what I already knew about myself. I was starting to accept the fact that I am gay.

Time passed and I lost touch with him. I've only seen Kevin once since then. It was about seven years later at a concert (yep you guessed it! A Gospel Concert!).

I was there alone and he surprised me by coming up and saying, "hey I know you!"

I said, "Hey, I know you too!" The seat next to me was empty so he quickly sat down. We started whispering to each other and catching up on our lives.

About that time the concert started, the lights went down and we just couldn't keep our hands off each other. We were touching each other everywhere. Grabbing here and there every chance we got. By this time we both had boners and were even squeezing them through our pants! I'm laughing as I think back to this because I'm sure the people around us saw what was going on. We're were on the aisle in the second row and were not very discreet. Oops!

At intermission we went to the restroom and stood next to each other at the urinal checking out each other's equipment and giggling like two little school girls! Neither of us had really changed. We did get some looks from the other guys but we didn't care. We were having too much fun!

After the concert he came out to my truck and we talked for a long time. We played with each other's dicks for a bit but nothing really happened beyond that. We said our good-byes and I haven't seen him since.

Last year I heard that both his parents were killed in a car accident. <Kevin if you ever read this, know that my thoughts were with you during your time of sorrow and I'd love to find you again so we can continue where we left off! Who knows, maybe we'll start our own gospel group and travel like you always wanted to! Wouldn't that be a kick! Imagine if only those uptight Christians we grew up with knew!!!>

I'm sorry this story had a sad ending. It's all true, though of course I did change the name. Feel free to email me about this story if you wish at sspartus@yahoo.com Cheers! sspartus

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