High Times At Hogwarts

By Gregory Lawrence

Published on May 13, 2009



Disclaimer: I do not own any part or characters of the Harry Potter universe. They belong to J. K Rowling. And of course being on this website this story does include sex/reltionships between males. If this offends you or you are not 'of age' then you need to click that little button with and X on it.


(This story does not really contain any of the characters of the Harry Potter books or movies except one. If you don't know the Harry Potter universe enough to know who it is it really isn't important. But this is about the universe and does have some mention of the characters from the books, and this timeline takes place before Harry Potter himself attends Hogwarts but after the attack on him. So he is alive somewhere but is not at Hogwarts yet. Now that that's out of the way...)

CHAPTER 1: A Meeting On The Train

Early mornings. Where all was still quiet. Most people still asleep or just waking up. It was always a time that James Waters always loved. No one to bother him while he thought up in his room. No parents or little sister to bug him about this or that. Just a quiet time just for James. Granted even if he wanted to sleep he wouldn't have been able to. There was too much excitment going through him as it was the first day of school, and James would be heading off in a few hours. Granted it was James' 6th year and first to last year, he would be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry, but he was always a little anxious the first day back. He hadn't seen his two best friends Violet or Giedon in ages, and even though they had sent each other letters through owl mail, he couldn't wait to see them on the train. But through all the excitement and anxiety that James had pent up he still decided to sit at his open window as the morning breeze swept across his face, his short black hair blowing as much as semi-low cut hair could blow.

Blinking his green eyes as the sun began to rise, James thought about his last year at Hogwarts. Nothing particular had happend, just your average year

'Well as average as you can get at a school for witches and wizards'

James thought to himeslf smiling a little. A little noise came from the corner of his room and he looked over at a cage ontop of a dresser. which was now partly empty it's contents in a trunk below it. Inside the cage James could see his owl Gaffery looking at him through knowing black eyes. James smiled and walked over to the cage

"Oh allright Gaf, I'll let you out one last time before we have to leave. Just don't go to far."

James opened the cage and with a satisfied "HOOT" Gaffery flew out of the cage and through the open window. James re-sat himself at the window ledge and delved back into his head, thinking about how this year might go. It was his step-sisters first year attending the school, which was a surprise to his mother and step-dad for they didn't think Stephanie would have any magical abilities. But about two years ago at the mall, thought she lost Stephanie but found her levitating towards the candy store. James smiled at the memory of his little sister and was even more nervous knowing he'd have to watch over her this year. They already went shopping for her thing at Diagon Alley, getting her couldron, books and her very first wand. James took out his own wand from his jacket pocket and twirled it through his fingers remembering getting his first wand, the one he now held in his hands. He remembered walking into Olivanders and the old man smiling through yellow teeth and blue eyes that were unhumanly birght. After hearing a speech James was sure Olivander had told hundreds of times about how "The wizard doesn't choose the wand as much as the wand chooses the wizard" he walked out with a Unicorn hair cherrywood nine and three quarter inch wand. Thinking back to his sister, he wondered where the sorting hat would put her.

Again his mind fell back towards his first time standing in front of the whole school in the giant eating hall under the enchanted roof made to look like the sky. He remembered looking foreward and seeing an old peculiar hat ontop of a stool in the middle of the highrise infront of the staff and students. Waiting for his name to be called people being put in either Gryfindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Some people took longer than others, but the second James sat on the stool the hat placed upon his head it yelled "Gryfindor!" and a smile fell upon his face glad not to get Slytherin. James had heard too many things about that house to want to be a part of it. Especially since Professor Snape was the head of that house and Snape wasn't one of his favorite teachers at that school. James heard a bark from an angry dog in the distance. It was a bit chilly outside and he was probably angry to be outside. James hoped that Stephanie got Gryfindor for it would be a lot easier to keep an eye on her without her knowing. He knew if she found out he wanted to watch her at all times to keep her safe she would never talk to him again.

"She probably won't talk to me anyway this year for fear I'll embarass her". Again James went to the past in his brain and remembered his first time on the Hogwarts express, the train that had the destination of Hogwarts on Platform nine and three quarters. He sat in one of the carts alone for he did not live in the wizarding world with most of the magical community, but at his step-dads house in east London with the Muggles like his step-dad and didn't really know anyone there. But a knock came from the door about ten minutes after departure and a curious boy with shoulder length blonde hair and a look of confusion, which James learned later was always attached to this particular face, walked into the compartment and asked if him and his friend could join him. Loving to have some type of company he violently shook his head yes and in came the boy, his trunk and a girl, taller than the boy and a lot slimer with long dark brown hair and a smile that could make even the most depressed person smile walked in. They introduced themselves as Gideon, the boy giving his hand to James for a shake and Violet she nodded saying "Hi' and ever since that train ride and the fact that all three of them were in Gryfindor house they have been best friends ever since.

The sun, now risen awaking the morning songbirds and a few workers leaving thier houses James was still deep in thought when he heard a scream echoing down the hall and through the house, but James knew that the scream came from Stephanie. Tightening the grip of his wand, even though he was three months away from being able to use magic outside of school without it being illegal he knew if he had to defend his family he would. Throwing open his door and running down the hall towards the bathroom where he saw the back of his mother looking into the bathroom he can to a halt. "What....What happend?" HIs mother turned around saw james in his pajamas, wand in hand and smiled a little.

"A bit jumpy are we James?"

she said patting him on the head even though he was a bit taller than she was.

"I heard a scream, what was I suppose to think mum?"

"WHO CARES WHAT YOU THINK!" Stephanie cried from the bathroom behind thier mother, still being blocked by her "I HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM!"

James shot his mother a '*What the hell?' *look which apparently she read quite well because she said

"Your sister has a first day of school zit and shes over-rea..." Stephanie screamed cutting her mother off "I am not over-reacting mother! Can't you just magic this thing away?"

As their mothe argued how you can't use magic to fix everything James began to head downstairs to see if he could shove some food down his throat. He was never hungry on this day, but his mother always made him eat anyway. As he reached the first step-his mother called to him. "Hey James sweetie, don't take too long eating. If we wait too long we'll have to use the Floo network again and you know how much your sister hates it." James grunted a response and headed downstairt. He didn't mind the Floo Network, standing in a fireplace, throwing down Floo powder and traveling through a network of connected fireplaces sounded confusing, but was fun to do. His sister just hated getting a little dirty. Opening he kitchen door he saw his step-dad was sitting at the breakfast table writing in his little black book. James never knew what it was about, but being a lawyer his step-dad was always working on something. Upon entering his step-dad looked up and smiled a bit.

"Mornin James." James smiled back

"Morning to you Sam". Sams eyes fell onto James wand still clutched in his hand and a confused look fell upon his face. James noticed "Oh, sorry," he put it back in his jacket pocket "heard a scream so I-" "Oh, it's fine James just was odd. interupted Sam. James always respected Sam for taking to him, his sister, and thier mother being magical and even was excited to take Stephanie out of public school and add her to the student population of Hogwarts.

"What was that scream about anyway?" Sam asked putting down his pen

"Stepanie has a zit and is now trying to convince mom to 'Magic it off'" James said using air quotation marks

Everything else went smoothly after the tiny excitment of Stephanie convincing thier mother to use a concelment charm to make the little flaw on Stephanies face dissapear, James coaxing Gaffery back into his cage and packing up everyone into the car now full of trunks, books, Gafferys cage and Stephanies cat carrier with Tilly inside of it. At the train station, after running through the brick pillar between platform 9 and 10 to reach platform 9 3/4 thier parents showed their true worry as James and Stephanie said thier goodbyes and headed onto the train they kept calling to her

"Don't forget to write everyday" or "Don't get into trouble like your brother did his first day"

Reffering to James yellling at Snape for picking on him. James went from compartment to compartment looking for his friends until finally he opened a door and before he could see who was inside everything went dark.

"Oh James it's been ages, It's soooooo good to see you!!!"

'I'd say the same about you Violet,' James muffled voice said "but you're sort of strangling my head."

"Oh, sorry!" violet said releasing James from her grip. Now that he could see clearly he saw Violet beaming at him as Gideon was sitting down with his white rabbit, Kay, on his lap.

"Hey mate, I would get up, but I wouldn't want to wake up Kay here." Gideon said smiling, James knowing Gideon was just lazy

"Of course, your rabbit." James said as he put up his trunk and changed into his school robes as the other two had already done. "And how was your summer Ms. Man?" Violet asked sitting opposite Gideon

"It was quite boring to be honest, just hanging around the house a few family members coming from the States to visit us" James said used to being called 'Ms. Man' by Violet poking at the point that three years ago he came out of the closet to these two and knowing she was joking never took offense to it. As James finished putting on his robes and Gryfindor colors explaining that his sister saw two of her friends from her old school on the train and joined them, he picked up his jacket and put his hand into it then noticed that the little piece of wood he was searching for was missing.

"Bloody hell!" James exlimated

"What?" his two friends asked looking at him

"My wand, it's gone...I think it dropped from my jacket. I'll be right back"

They nodded in understanding as James opened the car door walked out, it shutting behind him and looked up and down the hallway. He decided to go left since that was the way he came from and looked down trying to spy the little sliver of wood that would be his wand. Looking so intentely down he didn't notice the whole person standing in the hallway looking out of the window with an intent look on his face. Crashing into this person, both of them falling to the ground James automatically felt embarassed. He started to apologize right away, speaking so fast that his sentences sounded like whole words.

"I am so sorry, I dropped my wand and was looking for it so I didn't see you there and I was just looking down and I am so so-" cutting himeslf off after looking up to see the victim he crashed into he saw someone who was somewhat familar. His colors ontop of his black robes were green and silver which meant he was part of Slytherin house. He had ear lenght black hair, black eyes and an odd shape to his face but none the less James thought he was really cute. Seeing that he bumped into someone he found attractive he looked back down as to not embarass himself further but as he looked down it clicke in his mind that this guy had been crying. The nameless yet familar guy he ran into, quite literally, seemed to be crying. James dared another look up and saw that his eyes were indeed puffy.

"Are you okay?" James asked looking into his eyes and seeing sadness. James didn't know what it was but he felt for this guy. Whoever he was he was truly sad. He wasn't sure quite how he knew this, but this guy was uttlery miserable.

"I'm fine" said the guy quickly wiping his face, his voice a bit more gruff than James would've thought.

He stared at James and James returned the stare. They seem to connect for a moment, but for James it felt like was forever. They began to stand up slowly not taking thier eyes off each other. Not quite sure what was on, but his mind wasn't in a thinking state in this moment they just stared. The noise of the kids in their compartments silenced, the roaring of the trains engine and it whizzing through the forrest was no more. Just silence as these two stared at each other. The only noise that seemed to echo through his ears was his heart beating a little faster and harder than he had ever felt. He could feel his whole chest vibrating as his heart had not stopped beating hard and then there was darkness. All James saw was this guy, no name or anything but James felt like he knew everythihg about him. The seconds that passed felt like years that these two had spent in this hallway when reality came crashing back into James' head when he heard a voice

"Flint! What are you doing?"

James turned around and saw another Slytherin sticking her head out of a compartment. He turned back to Flint who was looking passed James at the girl

"I was uh...just coming back from the uh..." He looked at James again "bathroom when I ran into uh" "Uh, I'm James" James said to him, then turning his head back to the girl " I bumped into him accidently"

The girl looked from James to Flint then back to James "Of course a Gryfindor doesn't mind where they're going," she sneered then looked back to Fling "Come on sweetie, Pravatti is showing us some trick she picked up in the Netherlands. You've got to see it"

Flint walked passed James who followed him, even turning around when he was by him. The girl, contempt that Flint was coming back now went completely back into the compartment, and before dissapearing into it himself Flint took one last glance at James then was gone. James stood there for a second wondering what just happened. Did Flint cast some spell or something to make his reality leave like that? Sure he was cute, but he was a Slytherin, so not only could it never be, he would do something like that. Making someone forget where they are or what not.

"Would've gone through with it if that girl hadn't shown up" James thought to himself, but even as he thought it he knew it wasn't true. There was not way that this guy Flint could've done any type of jinx or curse becasue they weren't learning non-verbal spells until this year. Almost completely lost in his thought, James barely registered the thin piece of light brown wood down the hall. Clicking in his head that his wand was the other way from his compatment, guessing that it must've been kicked went over and picked it up. With his wand back in his hand James re-entered where his friends were. Upon entering they looked up smiled then back to what they were doing to begin with. Violet at a book, and Gideon at a cup sitting in his lap. GIdeon raised his wand swished it and said.


The goblet that was in Gideons lap seemed to melt and mold until his rabbit was back to normal it's nose twitching. Gideon smiled "I've been doing that since our second year, and it's still too much fun"

"Mostly becaue it's the only spell you can do" Smiled Violet with a look of friendly annoyance from Gideon. James, putting his wand in his robes pocket sat down next to Gideon and looked out of the window. His mind still stuck on Flint, if that was his real name and not like a nickname. If was a nickname how did he get it? James thought to himself. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice Gideon looking at him with interest then to Violet who looked up from her book, looked at James then turned her gaze to Gideon. Both of them gave each other knowing glances then Violet spoke

"Uh-oh, James is thinking, I thought I smelled something burning."

"What's burning?" Gideon said picking up his rabbit "I hope it's not Kay, I've done the spell plenty of times to-" "Not Kay you twit, it was a joke to...Nevermind Gideon" Violet said slapping her forehead

Coming out of his thoughts when the two started talking James looked to his friends who were now looking at him. Knowing that he had given himself away and niether one of them would drop it until he told them something smiled a litte.

"Have either of you ever heard of someone named Flint?" Not being a common name, if it WAS his real name, he was sure at least Violet would know something since she was the one person at the school who knew who was dating who before it even happend and all the other teenage gossip some of which she herself started. But when James looked to her she was shaking her head and James lost a little bit of hope. When he turned to Gideon however there was a look of annoyance on his face. A bit taken aback at the daggers shooting from Gideons eyes he scooted back a bit as Gideon spoke

"Slyrtherin? Black hair, goofy smile?" Gideon asked

"Didn't really see him smile, but he his Slytherin and has black hair." James answered as Gideon rolled his eyes and put Kay on the floor.

"Yeah I know who he is, the goon," Gideon said getting a bit mater-of-factly "He's a chaser and captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't such an ass about it... And wasn't a Slytherin"

Then James remembered where he saw Flint before. It was just a glance, but Gideon was the keeper for the Gryfindor team and understood why Gideon had some anger against Flint, for the Slytherins won the Quidditch Cup last year and Gideon was a bit touchy about the subject.

"Why do you ask?" asked Violet "Ran into him in the hallway when I was looking for my wand." Violet gave him a look, and James realized that just seeing someone in the hallway is no reason to ask about them so he corrected himself

"Quite literally, I ran into him." James said quickly

Gideon laughed a little "Hope you broke something so he can't play this year. It's his last year before graduating so we have to get our revenge and win this years cup!"

And now realizing why he never saw Flint other than the few glimpses at the games, he was a year older than them so he never had the same classes and of course they didn't share the same house so he would never have crossed paths with Flint. About to be lost in his thought again he was pulled out by Violet laughing

"Oh my god, you like him dont you?" She beamed like she did when she first saw him "That is soooo cute!"

"WHAT!!?" Gideon shouted snapping out of stouper looking like he was planning an assassination "You know I don't mind you being gay mate," He continued "but I cannot i mean CANNOT allow you to infacuate yourself with Flint Ireson!"

There was a moment of silence as Gideon breathed hard. "He's right ya now?" Violet said softly then looked at Gideon "I know Gideon here over-reacted just now, and has no right to tell you who you can and can't 'infacuate' yourself with, but Flint IS a Slytherin. That means he hangs out with Slytherins and everyone knows they only talk to other houses when they're making fun of them. I mean I know a few Slytherins to call me Mudblood, so it's probably best not to go down that path."

James shook his head and put on a fake smile "First of all, I don't know even know this guy. Granted he could be different than other Slytherins and not an tool-" "OH, he's a tool!!" interupted Gideon but James just continued "Besides the point, I don't like him. Sure hes cute in a weird way, but I've bumped into him once. Actually bumped into him, and then his friend made fun of me so don't worry," James looked out of the window hoping that they couldn't tell he was lying not only to them but himself in hopes that it would make it true

"nothing's ever going to happen between us."


I know this wan't fully of sex and/or magic like some people thought it would but, but I actally want to write a story here. I promise there will be a bit more magic in the next chapter since they will be at school, and since most of the characters have been explained in this onoe it shouldn't be all that boring. Please, I'm open to any questions or comments (good or bad) I would appreciate any type of critique


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