Home for Mark

By Mike Masterson

Published on Feb 14, 2011



Standard disclaimers apply. This story involves sexual activity between men. If you don't like it or shouldn't read it for legal reasons, stop now. This is story is fictional, and in my fantasy world STDs don't exist. Because that's fantasy land and reality can suck, play safe and use condoms when not in fantasy land.

Feel free to email comments, praise, or criticsm to mjstories78@gmail.com

Preface: The sex-to-dialogue ratio is a little low in this first one. Even though the story doesn't take place during Valentines, I was in kind of a sappy, romantic mood. If there's interest in hearing more, additions can be made. Happy Valentines :)

I could feel myself building up to the moment steadily. I had been edging myself off for awhile when I finally decided to let go. I started to fuck myself harder on my dildo as I squeezed and stroked my rock hard cock, which had been leaking for awhile now and adding to the lube I was using. I felt the first wave travel up my cock and explode, sending the first bursts halfway across my bedroom as my ass clenched the silicon dick in my ass. 5...7...I lost count of how many times I sprayed cum all over the place. Breathless, I gave my softening member a well-earned rest as I slowly pulled the 9 inch dildo out. The flared head exited with a plopping sound and I felt empty, but satisfied.

"Well, Happy Birthday to me." I said to the empty room.

Fucking yourself on your birthday instead of having someone else do the honors might seem a little sad, but I didn't see it that way. It was a great start to my day. My name is Mark and this morning I turned 21. No cards from relatives had arrived because there were no relatives to speak of. I'm an only child and my parents died when I was 6. I was raised by my grandmother, who passed away when I was 19. Again, seems sad. I know. I'm sure I've got my share of baggage from it, but the inheritance I received when I was 18 is paying for my school and a lot more; mom and dad were more than very comfortable. I still work on campus for some elective credits. Yeah, I'd rather have my parents back, but since that isn't going to happen, the comp sci degree keeps me occupied.

Here I am holding my slick, softening cock with my bedroom drizzled in cum, and I'm telling you my life story. I could tell you to imagine me as some hot rugby player with more cum and testosterone than I know what to do with. The truth is I'm shy, sarcastic, geeky, 5'11" 202lbs with auburn hair, a bit of scruff, and a 6.5in dick; the half inch becomes more important when don't have as many of them as you want. And my piss-poor eyesight kept me from ever enjoying a team sport growing up. A year ago I decided to start working out in university's gym. I can see some progress but it's slow.

I got up from bed and wiped myself off with a wash cloth before making my way to the shower. For being shy, I don't mind walking around my house naked and sticky from my own jizz with the windows mostly open. It was the maid's day off anyway. I had the day all planned out as I cleaned up and got ready. It was a Friday in the middle of summer session and I only had one class to attend. I'd finish my class, go to work in the computer lab, work out for a little while, and then come home and get ready for dinner. If luck was on my side, I'd be able to catch David on campus somewhere. He's studying marketing and we've had few classes together over the last year. My gaydar is awful and I didn't really know how to tell if we batted for the same team or not. It took awhile, but I caught something in his eye one day when we met in a hallway and I asked him out for coffee.

That was yesterday, and I kind of can't wait to see him again. He made sure I had his email and his cell number so I guess he wants to see me too. I'm a sucker for eyes. He has these deep brown eyes....and a little curve to his grin..and his hair is dark brown and wavy with a little curl to it. You get the idea. I hate crushes. They make me too damn chipper. All through the day I couldn't stop smiling. I didn't give a damn that no one I worked with cared that it was my birthday or that all of my school friends were back home for the summer.

I had reservations at a posh French restaurant on a Friday night to have dinner BY MYSELF for my 21st birthday, and I was so damn happy about yesterday's coffee date that I was humming as I got ready for the evening. I don't hum. And while I didn't get a chance to see David that afternoon, I still felt a little giddy. To answer the obvious question, I thought about inviting David, but I didn't want to seem desperate, and I sure as hell didn't want him to think he was my only option for a birthday date, which of course, he was.

I got to the restaurant on time, and from the second I walked in the door, I was impressed. Everything was gorgeous, organized, immaculate, and designed to put me in as much ease as possible. And then I got the menu. I don't like feeling dumb, and I generally like to figure things out on my own, but I was at a total loss. I had no idea what any of this meant. I was trying to figure out a way to ask the waiter for an English translation when the bottom dropped out of my stomach as I heard a familiar voice and felt a hand came to rest on my shoulder.

"Mark?" Yup, it was David. After some slack-jawed blinking I was able to confirm it for myself.

"David. Umm..hi? Fancy meeting you here." I spouted and tried a weak laugh.

He smiled, which causes a little twinge in my chest and makes my face feel warm, and said "Yeah weird. Hey are you here by yourself?"

Completely incapable of avoiding the topic, I replied, "I am, actually. All my friends are gone for the summer break...I mean, you're my friend too. I just..made the reservations before...and I didn't want you think.."

David's expressed softened as he nodded. "I get it. Hey, it's not like I invited you or anything. So don't feel bad."

Wait, that's right. Why didn't he invite me if he's here, too?

David continued, "I'm here with my roommates. It's kind of a celebration. They, well we, wanted to know if you'd like to join us if you're not expecting anyone." He motioned back to a circular table with 3 other young men, all of whom seemed pretty damn hot at this distance.

"Oh I don't know. That would be kind of an intrusion." I tried to back out of it as best as I could.

"Of course it wouldn't, and do you honestly think either one of us is going to enjoy our meals if you don't come over?" David leaned in an whispered in my ear. "Besides, one of my roomies speaks French fluently and I plan on having him order for me."

"Sold." I motioned for a waiter and explained the situation. The staff hastily put an extra place setting at David's table while he made introductions.

"Everyone, this is Mark. Mark this Adam" A blonde young man to David's left, surfer type but a solid genuine smile. Continuing clockwise around the table, the next man was.."Paul." Stocky, but clearly athletic with a nice amount of stubble. "And, last but not least, Glenn." Glenn immediately caught my attention. You know that song, one of these is not like the others. Yeah, that was Glenn. Oh he was just as attractive as the rest of them, more so, but he also looked about 10 years older. I guessed that put him in his early to mid 30s. He was muscular, short blonde hair, incredibly bright green eyes. He also had this look about him. It was as if he was one of those cocky SOBs who really is good at everything they do, so they kind of have a right to be cocky. He was like that, only he seemed sincerely pleased to meet me. Men like that, who are such obvious contradictions, are speed bumps on the way to understanding life.

So there I was, sitting in a grand French restaurant with my crush/current future husband to my left and a speed bump on my right. Happy Birthday to me.

"Well go ahead and sit down boys, we won't bite." Glenn added, noting that we had been standing for a little too long.

Paul, the stocky one, piped up. "I wouldn't speak for David there, Glenn. With as much as he talks about Mark and his long showers lately, he might take a nip or two."

David turned bright red, and Paul winced in pain. Based on the motion, I would guess Adam had kicked him under the table. I, on the other hand, started to get hard thinking about the possibility that David was jacking off in the shower while thinking about me. I shifted my weight and Glenn, who was sitting directly to my right, must have noticed because he caught my eye and winked.

"So, Mark, I don't know if David mentioned, but we're celebrating. Or least I am. I got a promotion of sorts this week. What brings you here?" Glenn asked.

"Well, it's a little embarrassing really, but it's my birthday."

The table exchanged glances for a split second, and I couldn't tell if David seemed hurt that I hadn't mentioned anything before now or not. Again, it was Glenn who spoke up first, but I felt David's hand on my arm. "Well happy birthday then. How many spankings are you expecting this year?" He winked again and gave both David and I a knowing smile, as if he knew something we didn't.

Almost stuttering at the implication, I answered, "I'm...21."

A quiet, yet enthusiastic, chorus of congratulations came from around the table. With a nod from Glenn, Adam signaled a waiter and ordered a bottle of wine. "It's bad luck to drink alone on your 21st, Mark. At least let us buy you some wine and dinner." Glenn suggested and David and nodded eagerly.

It seems I was outnumbered and unable to refuse, so I didn't. Adam ordered dinner for the rest of us, and Glenn took a quieter position in the conversation, letting David and I chat to ourselves. We spent a fair bit of time eating and talking. For awhile David and I each had taken off a shoe and got a great deal of pleasure playing footsie under the table. I have to say, I was really enjoying the attention everyone at the table gave me. They all seemed to be really interested in me; it's not something I'm used to. I'm sure that the fact that I was more than a little buzzed from quite a lot of some very good wine made things that much more fun. Glenn was the only one who hadn't had any of the wine, stating that he preferred not to drink and had to drive anyway.

David looked a little nervous as he said, "Mark, would you like to come back to our place for a drink or some coffee?"

Normally I would have protested, feeling awkward, but the wine made me agreeable and the prospect of seeing David naked sometime later made me even more agreeable. "Sure, I'd love to."

David's eyes lit up and we all left the restaurant. I'm terrible with cars, but Glenn drove some sort of large SUV thing. Maybe a Cadillac. When we got to their place, I was a little surprised, but I guess I shouldn't have been giving what Glenn was driving. It was a huge house, and it looked like new construction. I was more than a little focused on David as we were getting out of the car and making our way up, but I could have sworn I saw Adam grab Paul by the ass. With more important things on my mind, I dismissed the thought.

David took me by the hand as we entered, and I felt nervous and excited. It had been awhile since someone bothered to hold my hand. He gave me a brief tour of the first floor, and by this time everyone else had disappeared.

"Here, let me take your jacket. I'm going to change into some jeans before I spill coffee these pants. The kitchen is over there. Help yourself to anything you like, and I'll be back in a minute." David gave me a quick peck on the cheek before dashing off. I could feel my pulse increasing as I made my way to the kitchen. I'm no virgin, but I don't get that much action either. A peck on the cheek, an an almost certain prelude to sex, gets me going.

The kitchen was huge and modern. Not knowing what to do with myself I started looking in the frig, more to keep my myself occupied than anything else. I heard footsteps from the direction of the doorway and I assumed it was David. "You've got an impressive juice selection." I said as I closed the refrigerator door. "I didn't know there were so many...." was all I got out. I almost gasped when I saw Glenn standing 5 feet away from me, naked but for a jock strap, an obscene bulge, and a grin.

"I...I'm..I'm sorry. David said I should come and help myself to..." I said stupidly not knowing what to say. If there had been a part of me that cared that Glenn was probably 10 years older, it had left the building. His body was beautifully sculpted and I tried not to stare at the huge cock stuffed in his jock. He wasn't even hard and there was barely enough room for it.

He walked up to me casually. "God damn, you're adorable." He said as he started to kiss me. He started softly and then progressed to more passionate making out. I was instantly hard. I could feel him getting hard as well as he moved our bodies closer together, pressing me against a wall. I completely melted at his kissing. His smell, his taste, the pressure of his lips against mine. I would have done almost anything after that kiss. Neither of us noticed that someone else had entered the kitchen.

"Dammit, Glenn. You could have waited until I had a chance at him? Asshat!" David exclaimed, looking very displeased.

Glenn broke the kiss as he turned to face David, and he smiled. He walked over to David slowly, adjusting his growing package, squeezing his hardening cock. He spoke softly as he got up close to David, but I could still make out the words, "You could be naked, in bed and ready for round two by now, so don't whine." Glenn then proceeded to kiss David just as passionately as he had done with me. The effect on David looked to be about the same as it was on me. He stopped after about the same amount of time.

"But don't let me ruin your evening. You know where I am if you need tucking in. Goodnight Mark. I hope we can do that again sometime." He turned to David again, glanced at me briefly with that heart-aching smile, and then looked back to David. "Good choice." And with that, Glenn walked out of the room but not before making a show of taking off his jock strap, giving his half hard cock a few shakes and walking off.

David cursed under his breath and glanced at me. Sighing, he said, "I'm really sorry about this, Mark. I think I owe you an apology and an explanation."

Based on his tone it was clear he expected me to be pissed. Though, to be honest, before he mentioned anything I didn't feel angry at all. I was confused, a little drunk and horny, but surprisingly not upset. "Ok. I'm listening." I said, trying to sound calm. It didn't take much effort.

David nodded and continued. "This is hard to say, and I don't want you to get upset before I'm finished, but Glenn and I are boyfriends."

I was starting to get upset, and I must have looked it because David hastily continued. "But we're open, sort of. It's complicated. He's basically in a relationship with everyone in the house. And Adam and Paul are in a relationship with each other. too."

Jesus, I managed to land myself in a nexus of poly love triangles. Fucking fantastic. Happy Birthday. "Ok, so why didn't you tell me anything sooner..like sometime before I fell for you."

"Well, the timing didn't seem right yesterday during coffee, and tonight just sort of snowballed and...wait, did you just say that you fell for me?" David smiled as he asked the question.

I scowled. "I'm drunk and can't be held accountable. And don't change the subject."

David put his hand up in surrender as he walked over to me. "You're right. I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner. If it's ok to mention, though, it looks like you enjoyed Glenn's attention?" He glanced down at my crotch, noting the tent in my slacks that hadn't gone anywhere.

I couldn't help but blush. "Anyone would enjoy Glenn's attention. It just proves I have a pulse."

"Would you like a basis for comparison?" David asked, grinning.

I'm a little dim when I'm drunk, "Huh?" was my reply.

David answered by leaning in and kissing me slowly. Glenn's kiss may have melted me, but David's made me forget everything that had just been said, and my name, and any sense of time. When the kiss ended, I realized that my shirt had become unbuttoned and David had his arms around me under my clothing.

I said, "Yes."

David laughed, "Yes what?"

"Marriage, kids, whatever you want. The answer is yes." I said in my dreamy fugue.

David continued his laughing, only it became more boisterous, which made me want him even more for some reason. He said, "Ok, now I know you're drunk."

I gave him a goofy look as a response and added, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Feeling better?"

"Will you kiss me some more?"

Chuckling, he said, "If you want me to, yeah."

"Then yes, I'm feeling just peachy."

"We should probably go over this when you're sober, but the fact that I'm with Glenn isn't a problem?"

That was a good question. "I've never been in that kind of relationship before. Truth is, I haven't been in many relationships, period. I like you and I trust you. If you trust and like Glenn, then I'll go with your judgment. Are you in a relationship with Adam and/or Paul too?"

"Nope, just Glenn. And really, his relationships with them were never all that serious. Mostly I think they're just very good friends with benefits."

I grew more serious. "Do you love him?"

He matched my stare. "I do, and I probably always will. That doesn't mean I can't love someone else just as much, though."

"So if we were in a relationship, would Glenn and I be in a relationship?"

"You're chatty when you're drunk." David said smiling. "But no, not if you don't want to, of course. Whether you're in a relationship with Glenn is up to you two."

"Yeah that's a little weird."

I could see David getting concerned at this point. "Why? Because he and I are together?"

"No, it's weird that either one of you would be interested in me, let alone both."

Shocked, David asked, "Why? You're cute, smart, funny, and you obviously have a decent sexual appetite." He said as he pressed his own stiff member against mine through our pants. It was all I could do to keep myself from kneeling right there and polishing his pole till he shot hot cum down my throat.

"I appreciate the compliment, and I wouldn't mind if you bent me over this counter and fucked the hell out of me" David's eye grew larger at that, but he let me continue,"...but you're both way out of me league. Hot guys like you and Glenn just don't hit on guys like me."

He shrugged, "Sometimes hot guys are dumb. But you don't have a problem with Glenn and me being together?"

I thought about it for a minute. "No, I don't. And if Glenn sweeps me off my feet, I won't have a problem with being with both of you I guess, but I have my own confession."

I could see that I had piqued David's curiosity with that. "Yeah?" he asked.

"If we do anything tonight, I mean together, I'll end up being closer to you."

"Yeah...that's kind of the point, isn't it?" David asked, confused.

"No. Uh, Yes. I mean. I can't just have sex and have it be sex. If I make that kind of physical connection with someone, I always end up emotionally bonded to them, too. Casual sex doesn't really work for me."

Based on the look on his face David seemed to understand what I was saying. "So if Glenn had..."

"If I had decided to let Glenn go further, I'd definitely feel connected to him. It's burned me in the past."

David kiss me lightly on lips once and said, "I guess it's ok that you've fallen for me already then."

I blinked sleepily. "You know, 12 hours ago I would have been happy just to see you on campus."

"Would you like to stay tonight?"

I nodded and then considered for a moment. "As long as it won't be inconvenient for anyone."

David looked confused briefly and then caught on. "He and I have our own rooms. I spend the night with him when he isn't up late working, but having our own spaces lets us have time to ourselves."

David led me up to his room on the second level of the house and shut the door. He turned up the lights just a little so that we weren't in complete darkness. I couldn't make out much of the room, but what I could see was nice; the bed certainly looked comfortable.

He fell onto his bed, pulling me down with him. "I seem to recall a request for more kissing?" David asked playfully.

I didn't bother responding with words and instead chose to start the kissing myself. In the dim light of the room, the shadows draped across his face in ways that I hadn't seen before, and the sight made me dizzy. The wind outside had picked up and I could hear it howling in a summer storm. We settled on our positions in bed. He ended up being on top of me and I was just fine with that. His cock rubbed mine through our pants as we kissed. The feeling of being lost in the moment washed over me again and again. From time to time I became away of softness of sheets or a piece of clothing that was noticeably gone. By the time I became more fully aware, David was running his hand along the length of my cock through my briefs; my pants where no where to be seen. It might have been dim, but I could plainly see that he was already naked. He was a little smaller than my dildo at home but not by much; he may have even been thicker. Instinctively, I spread my legs as an invitation.

David chuckled, "Maybe we should get you out of your underwear first, Mark." He hooked in two fingers and deftly slid off my briefs, bending his head down quickly and running his tongue along my cock as he went. I gasped and my dick bounced in appreciation. He tossed my underwear aside as he started kissing my swollen head and lapping up pre-cum.

It had been awhile since I'd received anything close to this kind of attention, and even then that was a distant second compared to David. I closed my eyes and arched my back a little, moaning. "Fuck! That feels amazing."

He took all of me in his mouth deep throated me in one motion. I could feel his moaning in my cock and it sent waves of pleasure throughout my body. One of his hands found my balls and he started to massage them. I watched as his head slowly bobbed up and down on me. Before I knew what was happening, I felt one of his fingers, slick with spit and my own juices, pressing at my hole. I gladly opened up for him and grunted as my ass swallowed his finger, and then two.

David's head came off my dick, a little out of breath, he said, "you're so fucking hot. Do you want..?"

I starred at his cock and then met his eyes. "Please" was all I said.

With an almost imperceptible nod he moved in between my legs and lifted them to rest on his shoulders. I heard him spit into his hand and could feel the motion of his hand as he lubed up his dick. Another few fingers with their own set of natural lube loosened me up for a few seconds. "Tell me if you need me to stop." He said as I felt the head of his cock applying pressure to my ass.

It suddenly occurred to me that I wasn't about to fuck myself with a dildo. A real man's cock was poised to pump a load of hot cum in my ass. "Fuck me!" I practically shouted.

I don't know if David was simply responding to the command or horny as hell, but his 8in thick cock plunged deep inside me faster than I think he expected. I caught his attention briefly to let him know I was ok before he started pulling out and pushing back into me.

Before long David worked up a rhythm and I could feel his balls slapping against my ass. The bed creaked softly and there was a light tapping as the headboard hit the wall in response to our fucking. My body was humming as David's cock sent bursts of excitement with every stroke. Before long I realized that it wasn't just the physical sensation. There was a living, breathing, stud fucking me.

My eyes flew open as I felt David's hand gently grasp my dick at the base and squeeze up slowly, not slowing his own pace a bit. "Oh God."

He smiled at me and said, "Just relax and let it happen."

David might have stroked me a total of 10 times before I could feel it start. "Oh God. Yes. David. Fuck!!" I grabbed sheets with both hands as and tensed as the first shot flew past my left ear. My dick kept going off like a gun, completely out of my control.

David must have gotten the reaction he wanted because half way through my own orgasm, he grunted and I could feel him stop and shoot fresh cum in my ass.

By the time we were both done, I was exhausted from the evening. David pulled out slowly and went to the bathroom. He brought back a few rags for us to clean up with. After I was done, he layed beside me and asked, "It's been awhile hasn't it?"

Oh God. I'm a bad lay, I thought to myself. This is a great way to start and end a relationship in one night.

David must have sensed something, or my expression gave it away, because he added, "It was really hot. You just seemed a little surprised is all. It was kind of turn on, like being with virgin who already knew how to take a cock."

I propped myself up on a pillow and said, "Well, you're a lot more interactive than my dildo for one."

We both chuckled and I yawned. David opened his arms. "Here, let's get some sleep."

I hesitated for a moment. I had slept with a few guys before and cuddled a little, but nothing quite like this. With his help and a little patience I got settled. "You're such a dork." He said, trying not to laugh. He kissed my neck and whispered "And if it's ok to say it, you're my dork."

Until he said that, I hadn't realized just how lonely I had been before that night. My chest started to hurt and I could have cried, but kept in check. I replied, "You can call me whatever you want, so long as you hold me until I fall asleep."

There was nothing more to say that night, so I just let the wind howl outside and lull me to sleep, aided by David's steady breathing.

The morning came at some point while I was asleep. I always pictured a moment like this, where I'd wake up in the same position I slept in as my lover held me. In reality, I was sprawled awkwardly, my left arm was asleep under me, and when I became more aware, I discovered that David was nowhere to be found in the bedroom. There was, however, a note on the pillow next to me. When my arm stopped its tingling throb and I cleared the sleep from my eyes, I was actually able to read the note: "Went to run a few errands. There's coffee downstairs in the kitchen. Love, David"

This struck me as just a bit weird. It seemed like we really got close the night before, but the next morning he has to run errands and leave me a note in his bed? Something was up, but I wasn't sure what. I made use of David's bathroom and grabbed a robe. Then I got downstairs and made way to the kitchen. What I saw gave me a few ideas about what was going on.

Glenn was standing at the kitchen counter with his back to me as he was doctoring a cup of coffee. He was shirtless, but wearing a pair of pajama pants that made his ass look fantastic. David obviously wanted us to have some get-to-know-each-other time. My head kind of hurt from the wine and coffee sounded good. I was fairly certain I managed to land one boyfriend last night. I sarcastically thought, why not go for two by the end of the weekend?

I made a point of yawning at the entryway to the kitchen so I wouldn't surprise him. Glenn's head turned slightly to see me and he turned fully around. He had a bright smile on his face and greeted me, "Good morning, Mark! Doing ok? You got a little drunk last night."

I nodded. "Doing fine, just a mild headache."

"Cool. David said he'd be back. He's just.."

"...running some errands." I finished for him. "So how did you sleep?"

Handing me a mug of coffee and moving over some milk and sugar he said, "Can't complain. For a little while I was horny as hell, but my boyfriend and his cute-as-fuck new lover were going at it in the next room and it was pretty hot to listen to."

I winced. "Sorry about that."

Glenn chuckled and I found that it made me slightly weak in my knees. "Don't worry about it, Mark. He's been talking about you for months now. I can see why he's into you. In fact..."

I stopped him by raising a hand.

"Ok, I'm sorry to stop you there, and I'm going to apologize if I'm a little short, but my headache isn't gone yet and you're a little more charming than I'm used to. You and David have clearly talked about me, which I'm fine with. Maybe you guys planned his errand running together. I don't know. I'm really pretty flattered by it. Here's the deal. I would really, really, love to suddenly find myself as the object of affection for two amazing men like you and David. Truth is, I've wanted something that even vaguely resembles a family all my life, and this hint at possibly finding two fantastic men that I might someday call family has me a little worried that I might...get carried away. I mean, I don't even really know you and you don't really know me. I'd like to see that change, but I don't want anyone, especially me, getting hurt."

Glenn paid close attention as I wound myself down. He set his coffee cup down and took a moment to consider his response. "I don't want anyone to get hurt unnecessarily either, Mark. I'd like you to consider how you honestly feel, though. When David started talking about you, I thought you sounded cool, and I was glad he found someone that excited him. When I met you last night, got to know you, and saw you with David, I can honestly say I was sure we had found our third. As far as not knowing each other goes, my middle name is Philip, I'm a software developer, I'm pretty protective of the ones I care about, I'm kind of an arrogant prick sometimes, I believe in honesty, and I'd like to spend the weekend with you and David--both in and out of the bedroom." He adjusted his package with that last statement. "As far as me knowing you goes, I can tell that you're so lonely that you barely see straight and have been for some time. When someone asks you a question you pause, as if you're considering a hundred different response and you're trying to decide which one will make you seem the most normal. I know what depression looks and sounds like."

Glenn continued. "Let me tell you a story. When I was a freshman in college, I met an upperclassmen and we fell in love. Four great years of loving each other later, he died--drunk driver. I didn't know what to do with myself. I felt like I had to figure out how to be someone else because our relationship was such a big part of who I was; I felt completely lost, I guess is my point. I grew less devastated over time, but I was lost for 6 years before I met David. It didn't take long before he started feeling like home, and it took meeting David for me to realize how miserable I had been. Tell me to fuck off if I'm way off base here, but I see myself in you. I don't know who hurt you or when. It doesn't really matter. I just want to you to be honest with yourself about how you feel."

Tears were rolling down my cheeks but I was silent. Glenn didn't press me for information, and just let me figure how to say what I wanted to. "I was six when my parents died. I was raised by my grandmother who died a few years ago. Apart from household employees, I don't have anyone in this world, Glenn. I won't have to work a day in my life, and I could write a check for this house right now without blinking, but the thought of spending my entire life alone terrifies me. Just imagining the possibility of being with you and David is almost too much to bear. I know that probably doesn't make any sense."

I got up and went searching for a tissue in the living room. Unable to find one, I turned around and found Glenn beside me with a box of them. "Thanks." I said, pulling one out, wiping my face, and then blowing my nose. "Super sexy now, aren't I?" I said, laughing bitterly.

Glenn looked at me with those gorgeous fucking eyes and said, "I'm fairly certain that you're sexy all the time, Mark, but the fact that I recognize that shouldn't be the reason for us being in a relationship."

I had gotten up less than hour ago and I was already exhausted for the day. Sighing, "Ok then, Glenn. Putting aside the fact that you're sex incarnate, sweet, successful, and you seem to like me, why should we be together?"

"Because I know what you want, but you can't, or won't, tell anyone." Glenn said, being just a little smug.

"Oh really? I'm all ears." I smirked, feeling a little better.

Glenn stepped closer to me, just a foot away if that, and said, "It's really simple. You want someone to know you. You want someone see you for who you are behind the sass and the sarcasm...and the hurt." He paused a moment putting a hand on my whiskered cheek. "Everyone wants that, Mark. You're not alone. So, How do you feel?"

I was reasonably close to breaking down, but I was able to disengage enough to carry on the conversation somewhat. "How do I feel about what?"

"Me? David? You? Lady Gaga's new single?" Glenn said as he moved his hand from my cheek to running his fingers through my hair.

At the risk of jumping off into an emotional abyss of poor judgment, I said "Ignoring the fact that I shouldn't feel this way at all, you two feel like home, or at least what I think home probably feels like." I chuckled letting a tear escape. "And I'm tired, despite having just gotten up."

"Is it ok, if I kiss you?" He asked, his voice was gentle and sincere.

I wasn't able to find my voice, so I just nodded an affirmative response.

When our lips met, it wasn't like the night before. When he kissed me before it was lustful, aggressive, and wonderful. This morning it was kind of like kissing David, but not. The floor disappeared from under me, followed by the walls and ceiling. I felt his breath and his arms around me. Each kiss and parting of our lips required a response. For a short while, I was his and he was mine. I opened my eyes and found that we were laying on the couch with him on top of me. I've really got to pay more attention when I get kissed. I could end up in another country this way.

"Wow." He said.


Glenn looked uncharacteristically out of sorts when he asked, "Do you want to move in?"

I snorted a laugh and said, "How about we shower first, get some lunch and go from there?"

Copyright © 2011 Mike Masterson. mjstories78@gmail.com

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