Hooking up with a neighbor

By Sum DoodSF

Published on Aug 24, 2013



This happened when I was 20, I'm 23 now . I knew I was gay and had experimented. I just didn't want to be gay. I'd try to date girls but as soon as it would come anywhere near a sexual relation I would back out as a) I knew I couldn't perform and b) I didn't want to be the guy that dates a girl, comes out as gay and hurts her. I'd go on sites online and meet guys but flake. I'm not proud of that but at that time my mind was not where it is now.

Anyway, I was working at a bar and had just closed up. It would have been about 2.45am. I had been texting a guy I had met on manhunt (lol) . We were sexting to be honest. I think he was the first to send an x rated pic. I'm not sure but he had sent me a dick shot. I sent one back. We kept sending pics back and forth. Next thing I know, I see a cop car flashing from behind me so I pull over. I'm crapping my pants. I don't know why I was pulled over at this point but its nerve wracking anyway. I roll down the window and recognize the cop. He lives a few blocks from my parents. I have said hello when I have passed walking the dog but other than that we (as in my family) had not interacted with him much. Tell the truth, didn't know his name or that he was a cop. He recognized me and apologized for pulling me over .... and i assumed he was gonna let me go. He asks for my license and registration. Bummer. I hand him the papers and he tells me he saw me a mile back driving and using my cell. I admit I used to do this. Don't anymore as its not safe.

He goes away and checks the papers or whatever they do. He comes back and I'm expecting a ticket. And then a ass kicking from my dad when he finds out. He says it checks out but wants to see my cell to check records. I pick it up and hand it to him and he says saying how if there is a call or text recently that ill be fined. I'm literally shitting my pants. He unlocks the phone (I have now learned to add a pass code) And says "oh boy". I'm now literally shitting my pants as I know he has seen I texted someone. I'm now seeing the look on my dads face... His anger..... Shit.

It seemed like forever until he spoke. When he did he just said "whose penis is this sir?". I remember thinking "what's he talking about?" And thinking it was fucked up. Then he shows me the screen and I see my cock on the screen. It must have shown on my face. It must have done. Can't even say what I said back. I know I said it was mine but I don't know what I said exactly. I just know I was scared and embarrassed. Guy has just seen my junk.

He took my details and says I can go with a caution. Just don't text and drive and that he would not inform my parents.

Must have been a week later I got a phone call on my cell from an unknown number. Which I hate. I answer and its the police. I needed to answer more questions. The officer said I could come down the station but that he was working from home and since he lived nearby it would be easier t go over my statement and details or whatever there. Yes looking back it should have alarmed me but when faced with the whole shitshow my dad would have thrown if he knew I just wanted it behind me and so wanted the cops gone so I went to go over the details. My mom was home and I didn't know how to excuse myself without saying why I was going out and not taking the car. We live in the burbs so its not like I can walk somewhere and do something. I told her I was going for a run and changed into shorts, tank and sneakers to make it believable. I even stretched and warmed up outside in case she watched. I then started running down the street.

I knocked on the door I had been given and no answer. Knocked again and waited. I then hear footsteps and the locks being unlocked and the door opens. The guy answers in a robe and has wet hair. He asks me to come in and explains he had just taken a swim to de-stress. Should have realized it was a bizarre situation... somewhat sexual but at the time and in the situation, I just wanted it over. We walk through his hall and kitchen and he asks if its ok if he interviews me outside. Again, I just want this done so it's in the past. So I say yeah. We go out back and he tells me to take a seat at the table and that if its ok with me he needs to finish his swim as he has 5 more laps. I was like.... Whatever. Weird but.... Yeah... Swim and fucking get this done.

He walks towards the pool and jumps in and starts swimming. He finishes and gets outs and walks towards me. I'm looking at him and fuck is he toned. Pecs..... Abs. I'm not glaring at him but just... Looking and kinda taking it in. He starts talking about something and I was about to reply but my eyes dropped a bit south from his eyes and I saw his hairy pecs.

Now I have to stop here briefly and say .... I love chest hair.

My eyes follow the fur down and Im looking at his shorts. And I pitch tent. You can't see but I know from the feeling down there that I was hard. I remember suddenly snapping to and him telling me about some code and "section 2.8 " blah blah blah. He went on to ask why i had used my cell and why I had a picture of my dick on my cell and I explained I had sent it to someone. He just nodded and went inside. He came back with 2 beers and put one down. Now.....he knew I was 20..... but he still gave me a beer.

I forget how he started the next few questions but somehow it came out that I had sent it to a guy. Which I didn't want out in the public as I was still closeted and didn't want my parents to know. I told him that and he said it that since it was police business it wouldn't be revealed to my parents as it was a caution only. He said he felt bad he knew and that I was worried and then said "it also feels a little awkward that I've seen your junk". And yeah that made me feel weird.

Next thing I know he has reached into his shorts and I'm looking at his dick. He said something like "even?" Or something. I didn't hesitate. Next thing I know is he is in my mouth and I'm sucking his dick. I must have sucked him for 2 or 3 minutes before he pulled away and I thought he was about to freak out. Instead he walked inside and turned around and said "coming?". I followed and he led me to a bedroom. Guess he lived alone as there were a few bedrooms. Anyway, we went in and we start sucking each other off. I swear I was ready to bust a nut as before that I'd not had much sexual experience so I was pretty turned on.

Ill cut to the chase ... He put me on my back and from somewhere (under the covers, I don't know) he got a condom. I remember freaking out as I hadn't had full sex yet. But it felt hot. And I wasn't going to say no. He fucked me. Ill be honest and say it hurt. It fucking hurt. When it first went in I honestly couldn't understand why guys in porn moaned and didn't scream. He took it out. Later on he put it back in and it didn't feel as bad. Bad thing is is that I came. I was so embarrassed. I got dressed and left.

I have since gone on to be a good bottom (with his help). :-)

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