
By Andre Massingham

Published on Feb 24, 2001



I have always been fascinated with Lucas Black - seeing a repeat of Crazy in Alabama the other day reminded me of how cute David Speck was and my thoughts turned to romance again. I have no reason to believe that Lucas, David or Louis Miller are gay or that they engaged in sexual acts during the filming of Crazy. This author does not condone illegal sexual acts, nor does he invite underage persons to read this story, for fear they might also become romantics. He would welcome constructive criticism, and will disregard flames with a whimsical smile.

Horny in Alabama - a teenage lovestory

The day had not gone well.

Lucas Black was slowly realizing that the world of a child-star did not get easier with time. They were on the third take of the scene where Peejoe and his aunt say good-bye to each other, and every time, Banderas had called 'CUT !' just before the scene ended. This time he marched over to the two stars in a way which indicated he was losing his temper.

"Lucas - how many times do I have to tell you - you must be in love with Melanie. She is the first big love of your life. The whole film depends on it. Please try to fall in love with my wife."

Lucas giggled at the thought of falling in love with Melanie Griffiths. He had met her just days before when she had a head of strawberry-blonde hair and a pouting smile. Now she looked so different in her dark wig. She had slipped into her role so quickly. Lucas felt as if it was a diffferent person before him now. Nevertheless, he could not think of a more wonderful woman to be in love with.

"I'll try, Antonio" Lucas stuttered suddenly, embarrassed to be talking so personally about the other man's wife.

They shot the scene a few more times and at last, Antonio Banderas shouted

"Okay, that will have to do!"

He turned away quickly and Lucas felt a hot prickle of shame. He had not fulfilled his director's expectations. This was his first film as director and he had let him down. All he had to do was fall in love with Melanie, but somehow he could not do it.

He walked back to the trailer he shared with David Speck, who played his brother Wylie, and, not bothering to knock, barged the door open noisily. He marched in and threw his script down on the narrow single bed, then slumped down with his arm stretched across his face. From the shower he heard a muted voice calling to him.

"I suppose that means things went okay".

"Just dandy" Lucas replied, sitting up as David walked out of the shower, a towel tied around his waist. Lucas stared at his tight six pack and wide shoulders, wondering if he would look that good in two years time. David Speck had just turned 15, and was beginning to turn into a handsome young man.

"He wants me to fall in love with Melanie" Lucas said morosely.

"What ?! " shouted David with a laugh.

"He says it will only work if I fall in love with her. I never fell in love with anyone, so how am I supposed to do that, if you don't mind telling me? "

David was sitting on his bed, his towel still tight around his waist, laughing gently. He looked at Lucas with genuine affection, then stretched back to lie full length on his bed. As he did so, his towel fell to the side and Lucas caught his first glimpse of David's privates. There was a flash of dark brown hair and a large thick dick, circumcised and quite red at the end. Lucas found himself wondering if David had been jacking off under the shower. Everytime HE jacked off, the end was always real red afterwards. He looked away quickly as David re-arranged his towel and made himself comfortable. His heart was beating hard and there was a definite stiffening in his boxers, which was confusing him. He realised David was talking.

"You just have to imagine her in the nude and Antonio touching her all over. Maybe kissing her pussy."

Both boys erupted with laughter at the thought of Melanie Griffiths and Antonio Banderas having sex.

"Maybe that's why he grew his beard" Lucas said, still laughing. "Maybe she gets off on it."

"Maybe. I think I prefer him without" David said, scratching his still-moist armpit. Lucas noticed there was a little hair growing there also. David saw him looking.

"Dont worry Luke, you'll get yours soon enough."

"Get outta here" Lucas said, quite offended. "I got me some down there already. Just not under the arms."

"Hey little bro, don't get mad with me just 'cause your day wasn't so hot. I can`t do anything about that. Anyway it's my turn tomorrow, and I don't reckon it will go any better for me. I'm really nervous this time."

Lucas looked over to David, puzzled at his confession.

"What have you got to be nervous about, David ? I seen you act loads of times and you're really good." He looked down at his lap, surprised to feel a blush rising in his cheeks.

"Thanks Luke. I just don't know if I want to do this sometimes. Don't you ever get that ?"

"No way, man. I love doing this. American Gothic was just the coolest. Listen I gotta shower, I smell like a wrestler's jockstrap."

Even as he spoke he was getting up off the bed and pulling his T-shirt over his head. He thought about going into the tiny bathroom before he pulled his jeans off, but changed his mind at the last minute and stripped down to his boxers right in front of David. As he went to walk past him to get into the shower he felt a stinging slap against his buttock. Turning in pain and surprise, he saw David standing there, completely nude, his wet towel in his hand. He noticed that his dick was smaller now and the end not so red. So he HAD been doing it in there ! He laughed nervously and went in. Was his nose deceiving him or was there still a faint odor of cum in the shower ? He found his dick hardening quickly at the thought of it, and before he knew it, his dick was poking out through the front if his shorts, rising up almost to meet his flat stomach. As he got under the hot jets, he heard the door of the trailer slam. David must be going to get a sandwich, he thought tohimself with a smile. David never stopped eating, so where was the surprise in that ?

Under the shower the aches and pains of the day melted away as he stood motionless. His dick was still painfully hard, pointing up towards the shower nozzle. He slapped it down a couple of times, and then, remembering he was alone, began chiding it.

"You just won't go down will you? Always jumping up when you shouldn't. What's a guy to do?" he sighed dramatically and took it firmly in his hand. He was proud that the tip stuck a good inch over the top of his hand. He guessed that made him about 5 inches. Not bad for 13, he supposed. Closing his eyes he spread his legs a little and leaning his left hand against the wall of the shower, began to masturbate. With about twenty vigorous strokes he brought himself to a juddering orgasm, moaning loudly as he sprayed boycum all over the wall of the shower, almost up to head-height.

Five minutes later, clad again in boxer shorts he emerged from the shower to the sound of suppressed giggles. Sitting on his bed was Louis Miller, the black kid who played Taylor Jackson, while David lay on his own bed, laughing helplessly. The slamming door had been the arrival of Louis, not the departure of David. They had heard everything ! Hot tears of shame sprung to his eyes as he quickly put on his jeans and stormed out of the trailer.

"Hey wait up, Luke " he heard David calling from the trailer. He didn't turn back, instead he kept walking to the small catering unit and grabbed a PBJ sandwich. Not wanting to be anywhere near David and Louis he went off a fair way into the trees and sat down miserably, not interested in the thick sandwich he had picked up moments before. He tipped his head back against the trunk of a big old beech and shook his head in disbelief. How could he go back into that trailer now ?

"I did it too, you know." David's voice came from the other side of the tree trunk.

"What ?" said Lucas in surprise.

"I whacked off under the shower before you came in."

"I know " said Lucas with satisfaction. David could hardly contain the shock in his voice.

"How did you know ? Was I as loud as you ?"

"Nah," said Lucas with a laugh. "When you lay down I saw the end of your dick was all red. It looked mighty big for a little kid like you as well."

Now it was David's turn to laugh. "Okay so we're quits then ?"

"S'pose so. " Lucas shrugged his shoulders as David walked around the tree to stand in front of him, offering his hand to pull him up. Lucas thought a while before accepting the offer, and the two started the short walk back to the trailer.

"We're quits okay," Lucas said haltingly, "but what about Louis, huh ?"

David stared at him in surprise. "What about him ?"

"Well he owes me too. He should have said you guys were listening. Anyway I have a plan."

Louis was still sitting on Lucas' bed when the two boys came back into the trailer. He looked up with big brown eyes as the boys entered in silence. David shrugged his shoulders at Louis to indicate that Lucas was still mad.

"Wassup man ?" Louis tried to start a conversation with Lucas, but he just fussed around the bed, making a big show of packing his bags.

"He's leaving" said David in a worried voice. "He says he cant work with us anymore and he's leaving. I tried to talk him out of it but he says that's no use. He's just too embarrassed to stay."

Louis rose slowly from the bed, a look of panic on his face. "Luke man, you cant leave over something like this. Antonio and Melanie will go apeshit. They'll fire us. They'll probably kill us. I really need this part. Come on Luke, play fair."

"Fair ?" Lucas practically screamed. "You talk 'bout fair but you let me make a fool of myself just now. THAT's not fair." He was almost done packing now and Louis was looking desperately to David for back-up.

"We all do it man - its nothing to be ashamed of." Louis said, his voice suddenly high-pitched and nervous.

"We don't all have to do it in front of an audience" said Lucas, suddenly throwing himself face down on the bed and sobbing dramatically.

"Is that it ? Shit - we're not an audience Luke. We're your friends."

"So doing it in front of friends is okay ?" mumbled Lucas into his pillow, grinning sideways at David.

"Why sure" said Louis, hopeful that Lucas would stay if he could just keep him talking. " Me and my buddies back home used to do circle jerks all the time. Ain't nothing wrong with that."

"Okay then. Do it " said Lucas, straightening up suddenly.

"What ?" said Louis, a note of panic in his voice.

"Jack yourself off here. In front of me. " The look on Louis Miller's face was a joy to behold. He turned from David to Lucas and then back to David again.

"But guys..." his voice trailed off as he realised he wasn't going to get out of this so easily.

A sudden inspiration struck Lucas

"You too David." David jerked in shock. This hadn't been in the script.

"No way Luke. No fucking way."

Lucas stood up and began to gather his few possessions from the bathroom.

"Well if that's how you feel..." as he stood there he heard them whispering fiercely to each other. He knew he had them now.

When he came out they were both standing there in only their underwear and nothing else. Louis chocolate brown skin contrasted startlingly with David's whiteness.

"Alright !" he exclaimed. "Showtime !"

He positioned himself between the two beds and signalled for them to lay down, Louis on his bed as before. "Gentlemen, start your engines."

The older boys looked over to each other and David shrugged his shoulders and began to ease his briefs over his hips. His flaccid penis appeared slowly at first, then with a sigh David pushed them all the way down and over his feet. Louis watched, shaking his head, then did the same with his boxer-briefs. Lucas marvelled as his long uncut brown cock was uncovered, and then gasped as Louis raised his hips from the bed and he saw the black boy's heavy balls nestling between his legs. Slowly David began to rub his dick, making it grow and swell in the palm of his hand. He looked over at Louis, and the black boy began to do the same. His dick grew fatter and the tip began to emerge from its thick foreskin. By the time it was hard, he was barely able to get one hand all the way around it.

"Awesome" murmured Lucas, sinking to his knees between the two beds, on a level with both boys' groins. "Go for it guys".

As one, the two 15-year-olds began stroking their dicks, David slowly and methodically, his left hand drifting between his legs to cup and caress his balls, Louis harder and faster, his left arm draped across his eyes as if he was sunbathing. Lucas reached down and freed his aching hard-on and started stroking his own dick, first in time with David, then with Louis.

Seeing that Louis was still covering his eyes, he reached furtively over to David and, pushing his left hand out of the way, began to fondle his balls, marvelling at the heat coming off his scrotum. David breathed in sharply at the younger boy's touch, then gently took hold of Lucas' hand and wrapped it around his pulsing dick. Hesitantly, Lucas began to jerk off his screen-brother, still stroking himself all the while. After a couple of minutes David arched his back completely off the bed and with a stifled groan shot a huge arc of cum that flew through the air and landed high on his chest. Two more shots followed, just as powerful, then three, four, five smaller shots, the last landing in his pubic hair. The stench of cum filled Lucas' nostrils and he couldn't hold back any more. With an animal grunt he deposited a small load on the floor of the trailer, then rocked back on his heels, sweating and slightly dizzy. Through half open eyes he saw Louis staring at them hungrily, his cock still erect but his hand no longer moving.

"Guys..." he said, his voice cracking with lust.

Lucas stood up, his still-hard cock poking out through his open fly, and then sat on the bed next to Louis. Without a word he took the strong black penis in his hands and, as Louis gave a sharp gasp, began to stroke for all he was worth. A few seconds later Louis began to squirm his hips from side to side, clasping his balls with his right hand, rubbing at the hard knot of flesh between his balls and his crack with his left. Lucas was fighting to keep a grip on the boy's pulsing meat when he felt a hand take hold of his dick and start to rub vigorously. From the corner of his eye he could see David's erection flying again as the older boy masturbated him frantically. Suddenly Louis shouted out incoherently and a great hot flood of sperm came gushing from the tip of his black cock, high into the air to come splashing down on the back of Lucas' arm. He too produced several more shots, weakening each time, until his belly was completely covered in cum like David's had been.

With a shudder Lucas came to a dry orgasm in David's hand and the two boys toppled onto the bed to lie in a laughing, panting heap. The scent of cum hung in the air like perfume.

The End

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