
Published on May 27, 1995



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Jack Sprat

I am a light skinned Mexican boy of Spanish descent. My mother is Mexican. I never knew my father. I lived my first 15 years in the farm country near Fresno going to school where ever I could. My mother, a migrant farm worker, moved place to place picking whatever produce that was in season. I have three sisters and two brothers younger than myself. We all helped in the fields. I was always grubby, dirty, hungry and cold. I wondered if things would ever change or if it would be this way all of my life..

One day, a group of men from San Francisco made a field trip to inspect their land and watch us work. It was a typical roasting hot summer day near Fresno. I was eighteen years old, working in the field wearing only tight cut-offs. A straw hat kept the sun off. I had a slim body and naturally, when picking, I bent over a lot. While the other men moved along, one stayed by me, watching me. I got real nervous having one of the big bosses closely watching what I was doing. I'd guess that he was in his thirties. He asked my name, and when he found I wasn't working on Sunday, he wanted to meet me down town and buy me a milk shake and a hamburger. This was strange. Why would he want to do this? I gave him my name, which is Carlos. He said his name was Mr. Dunlap. For now, I could call him Bill.

We met that Sunday. Bill was wearing Levi's and wasn't putting on any boss-man aires. I relaxed more when I found out he was bilingual too, but he was speaking school taught Castillan Spanish. I spoke "worker" Spanish. It turned out Bill was a real nice and seemed interested in my welfare. He said that when he saw me in the field he figured that I was kind of above the rest and if I would like to come to San Francisco and train to be his houseboy servant. He told me that I would have my own nice room. I would keep his apartment tidy, lay out his clothes, take care of their cleaning, mix his drinks and train to do other servant-things jobs. And, he felt that I could probably fit school into my schedule. He wanted to meet my mom and family and make sure they all approved of his offer. It sounded real good. He would start me at $600 a month with room and board and give raises if I worked out. I couldn't believe this. I would be living with a rich person. I would be able to go to school and I would be able to send money to my family.

Bill visited the two room workers house where we were lived. He met my mother and they talked quite awhile. My mother was real pleased. She told me that I should go. That I would promise Bill that I would be honest, obedient and a hard worker. My whole family was happy for me. I was really elated. Bill told me to only bring a few personal belongings. We'd get me some new clothes in San Francisco. That night, I put my few things in an old brown paper bag and slept restlessly, awaiting my trip to a new life in the big city.

It was just a few hours short drive to San Francisco. I'd never been there and was amazed at the cities hustle and bustle. I enjoyed my trip. I was actually riding in a black Ferrari. Before, I had only ridden in the back of a beaten up farm pickup truck.

We arrived at a big building. There was a gateman at the entrance who let us in. We drove under the building where there was a big parking area. Bill wheeled his Ferrari into a stall between two other rich cars. We walked to the elevator. I felt real self conscious and gripped my brown bag tightly as the elevator sped silently upwards. Its door opened without my even feeling the elevator stop and I stared at the big room in front of me.

"This is the living room," Bill said. THE ELEVATOR HAD ACTUALLY STOPPED AND LET US OUT IN HIS APARTMENT. I glanced around. The room had carpet from wall to wall. There was beautiful furniture. Two walls were glassed in giving a view of the bay. Everything in the room was beautiful, clean and shiney. To me it was a castle. There must be a king and queen somewhere.

"I converted guest area to be your room." said Bill, leading me along. He opened a door. We both entered. My room was real large. There were clean sheets and blankets on the bed and cases covered the pillows. A real nice soft pretty spread covered the bed. And, in a fancy cabinet, there was a television set and next to it a Hi-Fi. This was for me? This was my room? This was where I was going to stay? My legs shook. I felt so overwhelmed, so inferior, so humble. I'd never seen anything like this, and I was now going to live here. I was really excited. It was awesome. I didn't know what to say or how to act.

Bill opened an adjoining door. Inside was a bathroom, all sparkling tiled. There was a toilet that flushed and it even had toilet paper besides it. And there was a big stall with a shower.

Bill went to a dresser, pulled open a drawer, fished around, bringing out new white underwear. "I bought this for you plus a set of clothes which will do until we can shop for your wardrobe,"he said. "Now let's take a shower. I'll help you undress."

I sat on the bed as Bill undid my shoes and pulled them off. Then I stood and he pulled my shirt over my head exposing my bare chest. It kinda of felt funny when he undid my belt and dropped my pants. I stepped out of them. I stood in my shorts as Bill went to the shower and adjusted the water. Bill undressed and stood naked. "Cummon, drop those shorts and let's shower." I guessed it was O.K. I'd showered with other males in the school gym. I removed my shorts, fully exposing my slim, teen age body. Bill stepped under the running water and motioned for me to join him. We both shared the same spray. Bill soaped down then rinsed. I did the same, then Bill shampooed my hair and started washing my back, his hands moving lower until he reached my bottom which he also washed real good. He turned me around, soaped my chest and moved his hands downward until they were washing between my legs. I drew back but Bill pulled me back towards him. "Come on, now. I've gotta get you good and clean. Now hold still." I trusted him. I let him go ahead. He pulled my foreshin back making my red tip slip out, then he gently washed it. The water was turned off, we stepped out and I was handed a towel. Bill quickly dried himself before I was done and said, "Let's go in the other room and I'll finish drying you and you can put on new underwear. I was led naked out of the bathroom with towel in hand.

"Let's have the towel," said Bill. I handed it to him. He vigorously dried my hair, dropped to his knees, dried my feet then moved up my legs and dried my crotch. I was turned around and he dried my butt.

I was standing naked, absolutely clean all over. I felt so good, so refreshed and so happy. Bill reached atop the dresser and picked up a small bottle. He uncapped it, put his thumb over it, then rubbed his wet thumb over my chest. What ever it was it really smelled good. I felt wonderful.

Bill asked me to sit on the bed. He reached down, grasped my legs and lifted them onto the bed. I was lying prone, naked. He put his hand on my stomach. It travelled down to my crotch and started to fondle. I didn't try to stop him, even though I never had anything done like this. I wanted to please him. I was so happy I would gladly let him see and feel me. My prick got stiff and his fondles started feeling real good. He rolled my balls through his hand, pulled back on my prick uncapping me and ran his thumb over my top. I drew up my legs, spread them wide wanting to give him all of me. Bill was a rich important man. I was only a peasant boy. I wanted him to please him every way I could.

His hand reached below, found my asshole and his finger pressed in. It was dry and didn't go in very far because I couldn't help but clamp real tight. Bill then bent over and put my prick in his mouth. He ran his tongue inside my foreskin and around my tip. The sensation was new and felt good. I put my hands on his head to guide him and let out a passionate cry as my pricked throbbed and I came in his mouth. Bill rolled me over. Without his asking, I got up on all fours, dropped my head to where my back was arched real good giving him full access and a perfect view of my boy butt. I reached back and opened my cheeks so he could see my asshole. My prick was grasped from behind,, pulled downward, and his hand rubbed across my sensitive tip. He rubbed spit on the forefinger of his other hand, put against my butt hole, and I felt it sliding slowly inward and upward. This intense tickling started more cum through my dick leaving my drops soaking into the bedspread. I collapsed exhausted on the bed. When I had regained some strength, Bill sat me on the edge of the bed and stood in front of me, his hard throbbing prick stood right in my face. He didn't say anything, but guided my hand to his balls. I started to fondle and feel him. He moved in closer. I knew what he wanted. I'd never done such a thing. It just seemed my mouth opened and his prick slid in. While fondling his balls I travelled my tongue over his tip tickling his peehole. Bill started to moan and soon his warm stuff filled my mouth. I kept sucking until his dick went limp. Bill gave me a warm smile and said, "Let's get dressed. I slipped on the new tight white briefs, then my new set of clothes. "Look around and get acquainted with the place," Bill said. "I think you and I are going to get along real well. Tomorrow, we will go shopping for more clothes."

To be continued



I awoke the next morning with Bill's gentle shaking. I look around. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. My room was like a fairy tale, yet it was true. I snuggled further under the soft clean sheets, and worked my body deeper into the mattress. I was radiating with anticipation and happiness.

Bill gently shook me again. "It's time to wake up. We have shopping to do." Bill reached under the covers, felt downward to between my legs. I had a morning hard-on. He grasped it and pumped it a little. It felt extra good. He pulled back the covers and got hold of my briefs. I raised my butt so he could pull them down and off my legs. His warm hand gently fondled and played with me. It felt so good. It was just a short time before he slipped me in his mouth. His tongue ran about mixed with his warm lubricating saliva making a terrific sensation. I came with a small cry. When I sat up, Bill dropped his pants and said he wanted a quickie. I put my head under his shirttail, licked all around his balls before centering his prick in my mouth. I rapidly tongued his pee hole and then behind it. He came quickly. Pulling up his pants, Bill told me that we would probably do this most every morning.

We took a taxi do do our shopping. I'd never ridden in a taxi. I felt real important. I'd expected we would go shopping at Sears. Instead, we took an elevator in another building and entered a door marked, "Jacques Pierre". I didn't know there were stores above the street level. This store was small, had a few mens clothes in racks, and a bunch of bolts of cloth on shelves. One part of the store was partitioned off. It contained a barbershop. A blonde male barber was just finishing cutting another young man's hair. "Before we measure you for clothes, you'll get a hair cut," Bill said. I waited my turn and the blonde barber beckoned me in. "I'm Mr. Bob," he said as he swung the barbers cape over my lap. "I'm going to style your hair." He studied my hair then we made eye contact. He smiled at me. "You're lucky to get the job with Mr. Osborne and you are real cute."

I leaned back in the chair. My hair was washed again even though I told Mr. Bob it had been washed last night. Strings of my long black hair were pulled about and snipped. It seemed that the snipping and combing went on forever. Next my hair was pulled about with a brush and a hot blower dried it. I was again combed and fussed with. It was taking so long I was starting to get figgity. Finally, Mr. Bob stood back, admired his workmanship and smiled. I could see he was very satisfied. He handed me a mirror and I couldn't believe it was me. My black hair was always long and stringy. Now it was all clean, combed and waved. It looked terrific. I looked terrific.

When Bill saw my hair he smiled real wide and told me how handsome I looked. We then went to see Mr. Pierre. Mr. Pierre took the draped tape measure from around his neck and started to measure me all over. "Very tight in the crotch and remove all looseness in the seat," Bill ordered. Mr. Pierre nodded and grunted his acknowledgment. He said that he had several pairs of pants that might just fit me if we wanted to take them along until the custom tailoring was finished. He offered a couple of nicely styled pullover shirts I might want to try on. I stripped to my waist. The shirts were real stylish. I liked them. I then removed my pants and tried on the new ones. They were a little long but Mr. Pierre made a couple of chalk marks and said he would taylor the cuffs right now so we could take them with us. He disappeared. I was standing in my shorts in front of the 3-way mirror. Bill and I were alone. "Drop your shorts," said Bill. I want to see you from all sides.

I felt very exposed and self conscious as I stood in front of the three mirrors and could see my butt, dick and everything. Nothing was hidden. Bill had a big bulge poking at the front of his pants as he watched me slowly turn. My boy butt was perfectly formed with nice round smooth cheeks. My prick hung limp about three inches. A patch of fresh black hair surrounded it with some longer loose strands of hair falling downward. Below, two healthy balls hung, one just above the other, encased in a sac that that showed an outline of their firmness. My styled hair with my flashing dark eyes accentuated my whole naked light brown body. "Spread your cheeks," said Bill. I did. This was embarrassing, but I really got a clear look at my pucker. Bill, watching, was getting turned on and agitated. "God. We've got to cut this out! Get your shorts on before Jacques returns!"

On our way home, Bill had the cabbie stop at a shopping center. I bought a few CD's of my choice. I could hardly wait to get back to listen to them. Bill said while we were there that he wanted to go to the liquor store. While he was doing that he asked if would I go to the drug store. I nodded. "Buy a large jar of vaseline, a jar of Albolene cream and an enema kit." He handed me two twenty dollar bills and said I could keep the change. I didn't know about Albolene cream, but flexed up a little about the vaseline and the enema kit.

to be continued



It just took a short time to learn my duties as a servant-house boy. I usually dressed in black pants, a white shirt, black bow-tie and wore a black vest. I only dressed like this when Bill was home. I could dress as I pleased when I was cleaning house and he was away. I was only punished once, not that I had done anything wrong.I think Bill was testing me. He wanted me to know there was always the possibility that I could be punished. We were in his bedroom. I stood naked before him. "Tonight I am going to punish you," he said. "Are you willing to be punished?" I really cared for Bill and never wanted him mad at me. In fact I would do anything he ever asked. Yes. From him, I would let him go ahead to show him how dedicated I was.

Bill tied my hands in front of me then ordered me to the floor and to kneel over the bed. I felt his hands rub my butt, open my cheeks for a casual look at my asshole then give my butt a couple of hand slaps. Somewhere he secured a wooden ruler. He rubbed it over my butt then dragged it between my cheeks. I felt a small smack on my cheeks, then a harder one. I started to sting a little bit. The smacks got harder and my butt really started to smart. My hands were tied in front of me so I couldn't reach back to fend off the hurt. I started to cry. I could not help myself, but I didn't ask him to stop. My butt was really burning when Bill got done. I lay there crying. Bill got some cool wet towels and laid them on my cheeks to help relieve the sting. When I felt better, Bill untied my hands and stood me up. He put his strong arms around me and we held a long kiss. I'd passed the test. Bill hung the ruler on the bedroom wall where I could always see it from my pillow. He didn't have to explain anything. I knew if I ever disobeyed him the ruler was there to be used. I never wanted him feel he would have to use it ever again.

I guess maybe the ruler had something to do with my first enema. The enema bag I bought was brought home and put on a back bathroom shelf. I thought it had been forgotten. But sure enough, one day while I was serving BILL breakfast he said, "Tonight I'm going to give you an enema." My butt tightened at the thought. Bill continued, "you remind me after dinner. I knew I would have to remind him. If I didn't he would be sure to punish me.

After dinner, Bill sat in the living room reading the newspaper. I flexed up as I approached him. "You haven't forgotten my enema tonight." I guess I blushed in embarrassment. "Oh, yes," said Bill, standing from his chair."Let's do it now." I was led to the bedroom and slowly undressed. For some reason, my body was limp, my dick was hard. I was in full submissiveness. I didn't want an enema. I knew I couldn't say no. Bill led me naked to the bathroom and sat me on the toilet seat. I watched the red bag swell as it was filled with warm water from the sink spigot. Bill had a selection of two tips, a small enema tip and a larger long black womans douche tip that had a nob on the end with sprinkle holes. The douch tip was selected from the kit and attached to the hose. A large glob of vaseline was pasted up and down the attachment until it glistened with lubrication. The full bulging red waterbag was hung on the shower curtain rod. The red hose and greased tip slowly swung below. My cheeks flexed tight, but I got down on my hands and knees on the cold tile floor and poked my butt in the air. My cheeks were opened.. Bills well greased finger ran in and out of my little asshole giving additional lubrication. The hardness of the enema tip pressed against my pucker. My muscle gave way as it was slowly pushed inward and upward until it stopped. A click of the water valve broke the silence. I felt the water as it ran through my asshole to my insides. It must have been a great sight, I, on my hands and knees, butt in the air, the red hose sticking out of my crack. Bill apparently liked the sight. He had stripped and was jacking off.

When the bag completely collapsed, the hose was removed, spilling a trickle of tickling water down my crack. Bill clamped my cheeks together real tight to help me hold in the water as long as possible. I started to get real uncomfortable, the water was pressing to get out. I knew I couldn't hold it much longer. Bill released me. I jumped to the toilet seat just in time. The water gushed until I was empty. Bill started the shower water. I stepped in. Bill told me to wash my butt and asshole real well.

When I got in bed with Bill, he had me get my butt way up in the air. He reached under me, gripped my prick, pulled it down and back, then tickled my balls which were stretched back tight in my crotch. He held my dick as he licked my balls, then his tongue moved upwards til it found my asshole. It flicked all around it making fast little diving actions into my tightened pucker. My dick was being slowly jerked at the same time. I was going crazy. My cum just kept shooting out.

I guess a lot of people wonder why I let Bill do this to me. To be honest, I like it. What he most does feels real good. I look forward to it as well as me doing things to him. I'm also going to school and learning real social manners. I'm getting paid real well. l also get to go to a bunch of snazzy parties with Bill.

To be continued



I said that Bill was high up in the food business. He is in charge of getting foreign accounts. I know that he sells to foreign governments. They buy trainloads and spend big bucks. One night, Bill sat down and had a talk with me about big business. He told me that lots of things were done in Washington politics to close big business deals. He said that big private business did the same thing. When big money was at stake, the prospective buyer was given anything he wanted. What pleased a lot of the buyers were young girls ...or young boys. Bill said that a Japanese buyer was coming to San Francisco with a letter of credit worth millions. He asked that he might be provided with a handsome young boy for a few hours. Bill felt that if the buyer was treated right that his company would get his order. "Over a million dollars?" I asked? "Try forty five million." said Bill. "WOW!" I said. "A FORTY FIVE MILLION DOLLAR SALE?" This amount of money was impossible for me to imagine. Bill nodded. "And you, Carlos, could play a very important part in helping us get this contract." "Me?, How?" Bill spoke softly. "I want you to let him use your body. He likes boys."

I was stunned. I guess I got real testy. I wasn't a male whore. What Bill and I did together was mutual and we cared for other. But, to let an absolute stranger, a Japanese at that, mess around with me was unthinkable. I stamped to my room, slammed the door and fell on my bed. My mind just couldn't put things together. As I cooled down the forty five million dollars came to mind. Bill just might get another promotion and look at the produce that would be bought, probably a lot around the Fresno area. The pickers would certainly benefit by their finding more work. I'd bet if I did this a lot of my farm friends would also financially benefit. I fell asleep thinking about it.

It was always my job to get up earlier and awaken Bill every morning, but this morning Bill was gently shaking me awake. I looked up to his smile. His hand reached under the covers, moved to my crotch and he fondled me. As always, I pulled off my briefs and let him have it. It felt as good as ever. "Think any more of last night?" Bill asked?

"Yes,I'll do it," I replied.

I went back to the hair stylist at Jacquesse Pierre's for a fresh hair styling as well as some new tailored clothes. Bill had briefed me on how I was to obey that night when Mr. Takashi arrived. I served an elegant dinner and afterward the two men retired to the living room. My calling bell was rung. I knew that I was on stage. The two men were sitting in comfortable chairs sipping after dinner liquors. "You called, sir?" "Yes, Carlos. Mr. Takashi would like to see your naked body. Please disrobe."

As rehearsed, I did somewhat of a slow motion striptease. I sat down, removed my shoes and sox and wiggled my toes. I stood up, pulled my shirt over my head exposing my chest. I rather threw my shoulders back and drew in my stomach. I dropped my pants and stepped out of them leaving only my crotch covered with very tight briefs. An outline of my maleness was prominently displayed. Mr. Takashi's eyes were glued to my basket. I saw to it that I had worked up a hard on before this scene began. "Remove your briefs, Carlos," Bill ordered. His orders were stern. He was trying to make an impression. I slowly wiggled them down and off then stood with my legs semi spread. My penis stood upward. I tightened intermittantly to make my penis pulsate like it needed attention. "Now, approach Mr. Takashi." I moved to where I was right in front of him. Mr. Takashi reached out, gently felt and fondled my balls, then uncapped me. He grasped me by my waist and turned me to where he could view my butt. I felt his fingers softly run over my butt cheeks and move up and down my crack. He opened my cheeks and looked inside."Can we go to a bedroom," he asked. I looked at Bill. Bill nodded. Mr. Takashi took me by the hand and led me naked down the hall. I'd heard about Orientals being fond of kinky sex. I hoped that Mr,. Takashi didn't have this in mind.

I hardly had time to crawl on the bed before Mr. Takishi was all over my cock. He spread me, turned me, bent me into every position so his tongue could reach everywhere including my asshole. I'd not jacked off for two days as I wanted to have a real good load for him. He swallowed my first completely, and as with my next few cums, if any was splattered about, he licked it up immediately. He sure loved my butt. His finger was in and out of it frequently. He sat on the bed and had me lay over his bare legs as he ran his finger in and out of my asshole. "I'm going to fuck you," he said.

I'd never been fucked because I was real tight and Bill's cock was to big. People talk about Oriental males, and their little "rice sticks." Well, I was in luck. Mr. Takashi had a little oriental rice stick. I might have a little trouble relaxing enough to accept it but I did think it would slide it in. So, I got my butt in the air in fuck position. Mr. Takashi lubed his prick real good and I felt it pushed against me and slip slowly in. It was tight and a bit uncomfortable but it really didn't hurt. I wiggled my butt a lot and make a lot of passionate sex sounds to please him. I knew he was coming when my butt was rapidly banged real hard and he started panting real heavy. Afterwards, he dropped to the bed and rested.

"Now, tie me up and tickle and whip me. First, gag me. Keep flogging and tickling until you see my fingers wiggle." Jeez! This guy was into SM. I didn't want to do this. I didn't know how, but I had to please him. What if I hurt him too much? I tied his hands behind his back and then his ankles. I found his feet were very ticklish and worked on them with a feather. He constantly squirmed and tried to pull away. Of course, I moved the feather to his raging hard-on, tickled that too as well as his balls. There was fright in his eyes, but apparently fright that he enjoyed. I could never cause anybody pain, but Mr. Takashi asked for it. I rolled him over, took a real thin belt, banged his butt until it was glowing and covered with welts. I laid a couple of criss- crosses over his back, something that would heal when he got back to Japan. His fingers had yet to wiggle. I started in with the feather again trying to make the tickles as intense as possible. I'd heard that tickling was an Oriental torture. Mr. Takashi was weakening. Finally he did wiggle his fingers. I untied him, let him rest while I went across the room, sat and looked at him bewildered that some people love sadistic treatment. It was a good hour before he could sit up. I felt real guilty as I helped him to the shower and gently washed his welts. I helped him ease his clothes on and he winced a lot as he dressed. I slipped on a robe. Before we went to the hall, he came over smiled, gave me a big kiss and a hug, then cried. I didn't know what to think. Mr. Takashi slipped on his coat, reached in his pocket and brought out a long slim box. "It's for you," he said. "Open it." It had a spring lid. I popped it open. It was a beautiful expensive wrist watch. I was speechless. "Thank you for what you did." For what I did? "You stay here, I'll talk business with Bill." Mr. Takashi started painfully walking down the hall.

I must have waited in the room several hours before Bill flew in the room. "YOU DID IT. YOU MADE US RICHER!".

I stayed with Bill until I was out of college plus another five years. Because of my part in this contract, Bill saw to it that I was very well taken care of financially. We parted very good friends. I now own my own farm near Fresno. I have a young servant houseboy. I never participated in another business contract. S&M is sick.


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