How was I to know?

By Random -

Published on Aug 28, 2001



This story involves Justin and JC from N sync. No they are not gay, at least I don't think so. a perfect world they would be. J . This is fiction, and any semblance to real life figures is purely coincidental.

Hope you enjoy it. Please tell me what you thought. It's only a click away, and I would love to get some feedback, the lengthier the better, but I'll settle for anything really.

How was I to know?

"Hey Just, fancy getting some Chinese and a film tonight?" JC asked flashing a rather wicked looking grin.

In any other circumstance, I would have jumped at the opportunity, but not today. I was turning over a new leaf, no more Mr. I'm-the-baby-of-the-Group, Justin Timberlake.

"No thanks, I think I'm just going to work out a bit, then turn in early," I said taking another bite of my sandwich.

JC inched closer to me and whispered seductively into my ear, "I could give you a much, much more pleasurable workout," stroking my thigh grazing my now rock hard dick.

I gently caressed his cheek and pulled his face towards me. Our eyes met, the gaze boring deep into each other. I leaned into him tracing my tongue over his lips. He closed his eyes, and started to move in closer....closer...closer...

"Tempting, but not tonight," I said going back to my sandwich.

The usually unflappable JC stumbled backwards completely stunned.

"Y-you don't want to?" he quavered.

His flummoxed look soon turned into a wicked grin. He lunged towards me, and grabbed be into a deep passionate kiss.

"What have you got planned?" he asked now nibbling at my ears.

I body was on fire, every inch of my being yearned for him, but I wasn't going to succumb. I gyrated by hips, rubbing my arse against his throbbing dick. He began to moan, I reached behind, grabbing his arse, and pulling his closer to me. I tilted my head back and breathed into his ear,

"I'm putting an end to this,"

His moan only intensified as my warm breath tickled his ears, "what babe?" he groaned.

"I'm ticking my name off your little black book," I said, this time pulling away from him.

"What are you on about?" he asked with a look of complete confusion plastered on his face.

"I want us to stop doing what we're doing," I replied, slightly out of breath. Despite what my head was telling me, feeling his body so close to mine ignited every primal desire.

"Why?" he asked still very looking very perplexed.

"I...I...these couple of months since we've been, you know, dating, I'm come to realize something." I paused, trying to find a way to structure my thoughts. JC kept his eyes on me, waiting for me to explain my odd behaviour.

"I don't want casual know, a wham-bam-thank you-mam, or in our situation sir, but in any case....."

"Justin....we are dating! You said so your self!" JC practically screamed out.

"I know.....but...."

"But what??" JC asked sharply. He was very obviously irked, yet knew me well enough not to show it, if he wanted an explanation.

"I'm not pulling a Britney, you know the whole wait till I get married thing, but....."

"Well, that's for sure..." JC added in very tersely.

I dropped his very close gaze and stared fiercely at the floor. His sarcasm was pissing me off, but could I blame him?

"The other night, when we went clubbing, and you were with that blond guy, ummm....well...what ever his name was,"


"...yeah Tom....well it...."

"Are you telling me that you want us to stop seeing each other `cause you saw me with another guy?" JC interrupted, "....we agreed we'd see other people Just, you said..." JC's breathing was quickening, ".....and now you're pissed off at me?"

"NO! You've got it all wrong. I'm not angry with you's...." I smiled, "-not you-it's me."

"Oh...that's soo original Justin," I remarked.

Jayce....I'm not mad that you were with another guy, I never expected you to only sleep with me, and yes I do remember our agreement, we both were free to see other people. It's just that over these couple of months, I've realized that I want more...."

JC let out a small giggle. "Why didn't you tell me it bugged you. If you didn't want me to see other people, why didn't you say something. Just we're best friends.....who so happen to be dating too......I hope you don't think anything will ever change that,"

"That's the thing Jayce, I didn't....don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to. You're young, beautiful, and well let's face crazed. You're my best friend, and I don't want to change you. It's just now, I sort of want a boyfriend..."

His face was bright as a beetroot when I mentioned the beautiful thing, but turned to a frown when I got to the end of my sentence.


"You want...."

"wait....let me finish."

JC just nodded.

"JC, what we had was great. I learned a lot from helped me discover who I am.....but I want love. Yes we were dating....not in a relationship, so we were both free to see other people.....I was fine with that.."

"Were you seeing other people?" JC screamed out...I mean.....I was just wondering.

I just smiled. "Anyhow.....I'm not quite like you. I'm not after loads of sex or dating a string of nameless men. I want a boyfriend, and if I'm going to find him, I'm only going to date people who I think I have a future with."

" you don't think we have a future together?" JC asked, his voice betraying a slight hint of hurt.

"What do you think?"

JC clasped his hands together. "Justin....about that guy the other night......"

"Tom," I interjected.

JC smiled.

" and him...."

" really doesn't matter. Whatever you did with him is your business...we're still best friends, so we're not dating.....nothing else will change..."

" really don't care who I've been with this whole time we've been dating?" JC asked.

"'re twisting it..." I said.

"Do you?" he yelled out.

"Why does it matter to you?" I yelled back.

"We're best friends.....our opinions are supposed to count for something.....of course from the looks of it, I'm the only one who see's it that way. You probably couldn't care less if I fell off a cliff now....would you?"

"Fuck you!" I yelled eyes beginning to tear up.

"You'd like that wouldn't you? Well...thank god we're not dating anymore, at least now I can get a real fuck....instead of a whining cry baby like you!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and walked out of the room. He grabbed me and put his arms tightly around me, pulling me close.......

"Justin....I'm so sorry...."

"Let me go you fucking bastard!!! Let me go," I cried out.

"Justin......I didn't mean what I said.....I......." He gently pulled my now puffy face towards his. I looked him in the eye.

"Justin.....I didn't mean know I didn' the best I ever had, please...." His breathing was erratic.

He seemed so sincere, so desperate to make it all right. He was nearly in tears himself.

"Please, Just,"

We stared at each other for a long time.

"Why are you so mad at me?" I asked finally.


"JC....when you said now that we're not dating anymore, you could finally get a real fuck....did you mean,"

"I didn't mean that Just.....making love to you......"

"No, I mean....have you not been with anyone else?"

"No....." he averted his gaze from me.

"Why?" I asked.


I felt his strong masculine hand cup my the contours of my face, his sparkling blue eyes caressing me. I swallowed hard. I could see the passion in his eyes, yet they were not as they used to be, rather they were laced with something else, the look of yearning and longing weren't just lustful.......

I had to pull myself away from him. My defences would soon crumble, otherwise. I placed my hand against his chest, and gently pushed him away. He grabbed my hand, stroking my palm, he whispered...

"The reason why I asked you if you cared is....."

"JC....please don't....can't we just leave things as they are..." I said almost pleadingly.

A look of horror swept over him as he asked, "is there someone else? When I're in love.....aren't you?"

"Joshua...please..." I begged.

"Tell me!" he demanded, his hands digging into my shoulders.

"You're hurting me!" I screamed out.

His face was pale. Letting go of me, he turned away, and walked towards the door.

"You never call me Joshua," he said almost inaudibly.

JC was confusing me, first he seemed so angry, then hurt......could he feel the same way about me? Then it hit me,

"Why do you care huh? can't control me forever, I'm not yours for you to say what I can and cannot do." My voice was laced with anger, yet I managed to avoid an outburst.

"How can you ask me why I care! Just....I don't want to control you.....I don't want to own you.....I just....."

"Just what then?" I yelled out.

"I want.....want you to be mine," he whispered.

"I knew it!" my blood was boiling now, I was seething with anger.

"Josh, I'm not that 15 year old kid you had to take care of anymore! All you want to do is control me.....playing god!!" I wasn't making much sense.

"Just you don't understand..."

"Oh...of course I don't....what does baby Justin know anyway?" I said sarcastically.

"Just...I...want you to be mine not because I want to control you, but because I love you."

"I love you too Jayce, but......"

"You don't understand.......I LOVE YOU!" Jayce blurted out, then buried his face in his hands as he started to cry.

I was stunned. I had spent the last month convincing myself that I had to stop loving him, that there was no way he felt the same way......

"I love you," I replied, my eyes swimming with tears of happiness.

He slowly lifted his head and looked at me,

"I love you." I repeated.

"I love you. I love you. I love you."

His fingers brushed my lips. "Keep saying that Just, for the rest of our lives. I want you, I need you, I love you, and I will never, ever let you go...."

Email me!!! and tell me what you think. Please! When we don't get any's very I said, even if its to tell me you hated it. Thanks.

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