I Am Property

By Paul Vanden Boogard

Published on Apr 10, 2011



I don't know big words. I only know the words I learned from Daddy, and Daddy don't talk much, except to tell me what to do. Sometimes Daddy talks when he's busy. I don't understand a lot of what Daddy is saying, but he says that's okay, `cause he's not talking to me. Daddy says he's thinking out loud.

Daddy's busy every day. I don't know what Daddy is doing, but that's okay. While Daddy is busy I get to kiss his feet with my lips and my tongue cause there's room under Daddy's table for me, and Daddy doesn't mind. Sometimes, though, Daddy gets up and walks around, and I have to wait until Daddy sits again. But when Daddy reaches under the table and shakes his cock, I get to drink Daddy's pee. It's warm and tangy and tastes so good, and Daddy let's me drink it as often as he can, cause he knows how happy it makes me.

Sometimes Daddy has to leave, though. He rolls up the big sheets of paper he was working on and puts them in a tube and puts on his clothes and goes through the door. I'm all alone, but I know Daddy will be back, so I don't worry. If I get thirsty Daddy says I can drink from his toilet. Sometimes Daddy has to leave and do other things too, like bring back food, or get things he needs if something needs to be fixed. My Daddy's really smart, and can fix anything, though sometimes he gets mad and he throws things. When Daddy gets back he drops all his clothes on the floor so I can put them away.

I don't have clothes. I don't need them `cause I never go out.

I always stay busy when Daddy leaves. Even if I already washed the floors I sometimes will wash them again, or clean Daddy's toilet, or wash or fold Daddy's clothes, or brush the rugs clean, or wipe the dust from the tables and chairs and lamps and shelves. The really high shelves I have to climb up and stand on my feet to get, which is really hard, but I want don't want Daddy's shelves to be dirty. Sometimes I wish I could walk and stand like Daddy does, but Daddy says that's okay. Slaves are supposed to live on their hands and knees, and he's proud that I try to do such a good job.

Daddy always takes good care of me. Every morning he scoops my food out of a bag and puts it in my bowl in the corner before he makes his own food. The bag is pretty colors, and has a fluffy white dog on it. I had to ask Daddy what it was, and he told me. When Daddy eats at the end of the day he scrapes all the food he doesn't want onto the floor so I can eat that too. Then when I'm done he takes me into the basement so he can wash me over the hole in the floor. The water from the hose is always cold, and sometimes it's really cold, but I don't mind. Daddy's always washes me this way, even since I was a baby. The cold water always makes me have to go pee-pee, but that's okay, because I always pee-pee in the hole anyway. All the water runs into the hole too, and then Daddy fills the hole in my butt and I squirt that into the hole too. And if Daddy fills my hole two or three times then I know Daddy is going to pay special attention to me when he's done. When I am all washed Daddy rubs me warm with a towel.

A long time ago Daddy found some hairs growing on me. I thought he was going to be mad and Daddy was going to punish me, but he said it was okay, and that I couldn't help it. Then Daddy took something and rubbed it on my skin, and took all the hairs off. Later I learned that Daddy called this a "razor," and every few days Daddy would rub it on my skin. Then one day Daddy came home with this little box. It had a cord on it and a long string with a pokey end. Daddy didn't rub the razor on me for a long time and the hairs grew all over my body. Then one day made me lie on the long table in the middle of Daddy's living room and took out the box and stuck the cord into the wall. It hurt when he touched the pokey end to my skin, but Daddy told me just to lie still and be quiet. When Daddy was done my whole skin burned, and my pee-pee and nutters hurt. I didn't like it, but Daddy kept doing it every four or five days for a long, long time, even by my lips and on my chin and cheeks. Daddy did it so my skin would stop growing hairs and Daddy wouldn't have to use the razor no more. Only my head has hair.

Sometimes Daddy will play with me. I go to the corner and fetch my ball and sit by Daddy's feet while he watches TV and hope Daddy will play. If Daddy holds out his hand I drop the ball into it. Sometimes it's wet from my mouth, but Daddy doesn't like a wet ball, so I try hard to keep it dry. Then Daddy will throw the ball and I get to chase it. Sometimes Daddy throws it as far as he can, or into other rooms. Lots of times he tries to throw it into the toilet, and sometimes makes it. It goes to the bottom, so my whole head gets wet getting it out. Daddy doesn't mind a toilet wet ball.

I know Daddy is done playing when Daddy throws it under the chair. I can't get it unless I use my hand, and Daddy yells at me when I do that. I like when Daddy stops playing though, `cause Daddy always rewards me by letting me lick his balls or put his cock in my mouth. Sometimes, if I've been really good, Daddy will pet my head and his cock will shoot a creamy juice in my mouth.

When the windows go dark I know that Daddy will let me sleep soon. Daddy sleeps too. Daddy has a big bed with fluffy blankets and stuff on it, and I try to think how Daddy sleeps there. It's big and open and there aren't any bars around it to keep you safe. I'm glad Daddy lets me sleep in my cage and locks the door to keep me safe. My pillow and blanket are inside, so I stay nice and warm until Daddy comes and gets me. I always wake up when I hear Daddy coming down the basement steps. One time I didn't wake up, and Daddy had to wake me up with his pee. My pillow and blanket smelled like Daddy's pee for a long time. Daddy doesn't know it, but when I couldn't smell Daddy's pee anymore I made pretend that I didn't wake up so Daddy would wake me up with his pee again. Now when Daddy washes my pillow and blanket I don't have to pretend. Daddy always pees on them right away `cause he knows it makes me happy, and Daddy loves me.

And Daddy always shows me how much he loves me. That's why he lets me drink his pee as often as he can, and sends me to fetch things for him, and lets me kiss his feet while he's working or watching TV, and lets me lick his asshole clean after he shits. I especially know that Daddy loves me when he sticks his hard cock in my mouth and slides it in and out, or lets me suck it on my own, or lets me lick his hairy balls. I feel so lucky when Daddy shows me his love like that, and when Daddy washes my asshole two or three times I know that Daddy is going to stick his cock in there. Daddy says that's his special love, and Daddy gives me his special love a lot.

Even when Daddy is kicking me or beating me or spanking me, I know that he loves me. Daddy wants me to be a good and obedient slave, and says he has to punish me often so that I don't forget how. Daddy only beats me when he's mad, or kicks me when I get in his way. When he spanks me he says it's to remind me to always listen to Daddy and do everything he says, and that making Daddy happy is the only thing that's important.

I love my Daddy so much, and I try so hard to always listen and do everything he says. I'm so glad that I'm Daddy's property. I don't know what property is, but that's what Daddy says I am, and I know when he says it I feel really special.

I have always been Daddy's property, even from when I was little. Daddy says I was born a slave, and that's why he made me his property. If Daddy hadn't then I wouldn't have a reason to be here. I don't know where I would be, but I'm glad Daddy made me his property so that I'm here. Daddy needs a slave to make his house clean and keep him happy. Sometimes I think Daddy might not like me anymore and get a different slave. Daddy says no, that I'm the best a slave can be, but sometimes it still makes me scared. Like when Daddy gets mad and beats me. I cry and cry `cause I know it's my fault and I only want Daddy to be happy. I try to be extra good when Daddy beats me, but sometimes Daddy stays mad at me for a long time, no matter how much I kiss Daddy's feet and fetch things for him, and Daddy won't let me drink his pee or clean is asshole or lick his balls or suck his cock. Sometimes Daddy even ties me up for a whole day and I don't get any food and I have to pee-pee on myself and on the floor, and when Daddy does untie me I have to lick it up.

I hope Daddy never gets a different slave or gives me away. I like the way Daddy smells and tastes, `specially when Daddy comes in sweaty and dirty. If I'm lucky, Daddy lets me lick his pits and crotch and crack and feet clean before Daddy washes in the tub, and I always breathe real hard so I can smell him good. After Daddy washes, Daddy always has to pee too. Sometimes Daddy takes me downstairs and pees all over my body by the hole so I can smell like Daddy's pee when I go into my cage to sleep. I know Daddy's happy with me then.

Sometimes my pee-pee gets hard like Daddy's cock does. I don't know why, and it hurts so much, but Daddy says it's okay as long as I don't touch it. I don't ever touch my pee-pee, though sometimes I have to scratch my nutters. Daddy will touch it sometimes. Daddy washes it, but sometimes he will play with it and squeeze it and pull on it, and sometimes it gets hard when Daddy does that, but when it does then Daddy stops. I like when Daddy plays with it, so I try to make it not get hard, but sometimes I can't.

Daddy's cock gets hard all the time. Daddy says that's because Daddy's a man, and men are supposed to have hard cocks. Slaves don't have cocks. Slaves have pee-pee's, and pee-pee's sometimes get hard, but they're not supposed to. That's why I should never touch it. I guess that's why Daddy won't touch it no more when it gets hard either.

I don't know anything about any other slaves, but I bet I'm the happiest slave in the world. Daddy always knows just how to treat me and learn me to behave. Daddy always shows me when I'm good and beats me when I'm bad so I learn how to be good better. I wish I could be good all the time for Daddy, but I guess all I can do is keep trying. Some day maybe I'll be the bestest slave ever, and then I won't be sacred that Daddy won't like me anymore and give me away. I want to stay Daddy's property.

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