In Dreams

By SteeleBlu

Published on Jul 8, 2002



The human mind is amazing. Dreams especially. When we dream we can feel as if every sensory response is something real. In dreams, we can touch, smell, taste, see and hear every bit as much as we do when we are awake. For me, it's even more real sometimes. Colors are brighter and more vivid in my dreams, sounds are sharper, and everything is seen defined with sharp lines. Too sharp sometimes, but I don't mind. Experiencing a dream as a powerful reality has its advantages, especially when it is lustful or some other happy time.

I'd been dreaming of men that I'd seen in the street or in a cafe since before I was in high school. I'd dreamt of spending romantic evenings with some, more risque evenings with others, and some I'd dreamt of what a life together would be like. But it was always strangers and people I'd seen in fleeting glances, with the odd actor and rock star thrown in for flavor. Hey, everyone has a favorite Backstreet Boy. The people I'd never dreamt of were people I've gotten to know; my friends for example. Whether they were straight or gay, if I had learned anything about somebody, thus making them more real to me, they became ineligible for fantasy status. No matter how hot they were.

My best friend Chris is a perfect example. The first time I saw him crossing the quad during freshman orientation I wanted him. He was short, like me, about 5'7" with a slim build; soft, olive complexion; dark hair and boyish, Italian good looks. That was enough to turn me on, but beyond that he had a confident and masculine air about him, not cocky, like on the Sopranos, but simple confidence. That really put me over the edge. That was how I felt the first time I observed him. Soon afterwards, about a week later, I saw him at a part hosted by Jessica, a girlfriend of mine from one of my business classes. Chris was in another of Jess' classes and was a business major just like the two of us. That party defined the starting point of several friendships and a circle of friends that would endure through all four years, including Chris and I. We quickly learned about one another and became best friends. There was no bullshit between us, he knew I was gay and respected me, while I knew that he was straight and respected him. After that party I never thought of Chris like I did that first day.

Like I said, we were best friends, and in a way we were somewhat inseparable after a while. We played on the same intramural teams of basketball and ultimate Frisbee, we shared classes as we both pursued CIS for Business, and started rooming together during the second semester. The summer following sophomore year we found an apartment off-campus together. He ragged on the boyfriends I had, citing I was too good for some and I examined his own relationships with various ladies of the campus. Often, if we neither of us was seeing anybody, we would take weekends together: hiking, camping, beaches, skiing, whatever. Such was the case one weekend in January. School was out, but we were back in our apartment after time enough with the families, plus we both had jobs that appreciated having someone around while everyone else was still away. Bored, we decided that the snow had been good and that we should get away and go skiing. The resort we liked to go to was a four-hour drive north of us and was a perfect getaway. It was a blast just skiing and messing around, carousing in the bar of the lodge on Friday and Saturday.

We had planned to leave around dusk on Sunday, but a blizzard that was supposed to pass north changed direction and headed right for us. We stepped up our leave time so that we wouldn't get snowed in at the lodge and miss work the following morning. As we headed back south the blizzard had picked up speed and was soon enveloping us just an hour away from the resort. Driving became dangerous with near zero visibility and winding roads. After another half-hour we found a diner and small motel with a full parking lot. We obviously weren't the only people shoved off the road. The clerk informed us that he had only one room left; a single with only one double bed and a couch. Better than nothing, we took it. Chris paid for the room with his credit card, while I would take care of supper and pay him cash when we returned. The clerk gave us our keys and thanked us for choosing his place. What a choice: motel or get killed. We grabbed our bags, put them in the room and then ran to the diner. After that we ran back to the room and watched some cable, then the power went out.

"Well," I said, "I guess that means it's time to get some sleep."

"Yeah, it looks that way."

"All right, you paid for the room, so you get the bed, I'll stretch out on the couch with the spare pillow and blanket."

"Brian, you don't have to do that. It's a double bed, man. Big enough for both of us."

"Nah Chris, take it. It's no big deal."

"You sure?" I nodded and told him yes. In the dark we each stripped down to whatever we felt was essential, for me it was boxers and a t-shirt. Chris, I knew, slept only in boxers. I grabbed my pillow, unfurled the blanket, curled up on the couch and fell asleep quickly. Some time later I woke hearing my name.

"Brian? Brian? Brian, dude, wake up," Chris called to me.

"What's up Chris?" Waking, I noticed how cold it had become in the room. The heat was electric and had gone off like everything else.

"Dude, you're freezing over there and I can hear your teeth chattering over here. Why don't you climb under the blankets over here and add your blanket to the pile?" I agreed and thanked him. Just to keep everything decent I slept on top of the sheet and under the blanket, comforter, and my blanket. It was much warmer than it had been on the couch and I thanked Chris again.

Chris slept on his stomach with his head turned away from me. I always slept curled up facing the center of a bed. I asked Chris if he minded me facing him and he said whatever was fine by him. I became warm and comfortable and soon drifted off to sleep.

As I fell into sleep, I started to think and dream all at once. Soon I found myself just dreaming that I was sleeping in the bed next to Chris. In my dream he was sleeping on his stomach and had propped himself up on his right arm and was just looking at me. Then he reached out with his left hand and caressed my face, finally holding my jaw as he leaned in and kissed my lips sweetly. I became aroused as I felt his soft lips gently meeting mine. After a bit I began to kiss back slightly, not wanting to break the moment and, yet, wanting to push it to the next level. Rather than scare him, Chris became more insistent with his kisses. Pressure was applied and I felt his tongue brush across my lips and teeth. I was taken away in a feeling of wonderful lust for Chris. Then it hit me. This was Chris. He wouldn't do something like this. I must be dreaming, and of a friend. This dream is all wrong. The spell broken I came up to consciousness, but never opened my eyes.

When I woke, I felt something odd; I felt lips upon my own. It must be a left over feeling from the dream I thought to myself and tried to wipe my lips. My hand came up and hit a chin with five o'clock stubble that was not my own. Shocked, I opened my eyes. There, I saw Chris staring back at me. His eyes showed a hundred different emotions: fright, passion, and uneasiness to name a few. But the one I saw most was a look that said, "Please."

The hand that hit Chris in the chin now touched his face lightly, and then suddenly I placed my hand behind his head and started to kiss him. Gently at first, like I did in the dream, with him kissing back, but soon he became more insistent. I realized I hadn't been dreaming so much as visualizing in my sleep the events that really had taken place. He was forceful because we had already spent the last five minutes dispelling any fears, learning a pace and building in passion. His tongue brushed past my teeth again and I opened my mouth to accept him. We tickled each other's tongues and I finally held him in my mouth sucking on it. Then I let go and started to explore his mouth with my own tongue. My other hand came up and caressed his shoulder. I lifted my hand off his head and brought it down to his back. With both hands I explored his soft skin and small frame. I felt my way around his arms and back and was pushing the sheet down and out of the way as I touched his lower back and the sides of his abdomen.

As I explored his shape we continued to kiss. With his own hand on my cheek he gingerly removed it and started feeling my chest. At first he cupped my pec a bit like a breast, but soon began to feel it as a muscle and trace the outlines with his fingers. He trailed down my t-shirt over my abs and stopped at my boxers. I let him do whatever he wanted, not wanting to pressure him or destroy the moment. His hand stayed at my waistband for a moment, but my hard-on stuck out of the fly of my boxers. In doing so it poked him in the wrist a bit. This initial contact sparked an interest and he grabbed hold of me by the shaft, no longer afraid to touch another man. His grip was firm and pressed all the right places. I could tell that he knew his own anatomy and was trying his favorites on me now. It felt so good to have my cock in his hand that I shuddered into his mouth.

Knowing that it took such courage for him to come this far I decided to take he lead. With one hand I grabbed his own turgid member through his boxers and started to kiss his face. While my hand caressed his uncut cock out of the fly of the boxers and began to touch it directly, my lips moved from his own and slowly kissed his chin and neck. I moved up the jaw line to his earlobe and flicked it with my tongue. I continued to trail my tongue along his ear and he nearly bucked off the bed. So many men never realize how sensitive their ears can be until they are shown, Chris was no exception. I stopped my assault on his ear and slowly kissed down his jaw once again. My hand left his penis and he looked at me, his eyes asking, "Why?" With that same hand I rolled him onto his back and he had to remove his hand from my own cock.

I still lay beside him, but using the hand I rolled him with I half-leaned above him. I kissed his jaw and chin, down his neck and supple Adam's apple. I continued down and paid homage to his nipples and the lines of his defined torso, my tongue trailing the whole out line of one pec and then the other. I moved down the center row of his abs. I stopped when I reached the line of his boxers, not wanting to scare him or force him to anything he didn't want to. My hands on the waistband pulling slightly, he gave no signal to stop so I gently slid them down caressing his hips as I did so. I used my thumbs to bring them up over his member and taking care not to tug impolitely his erection. Instead, I let the fabric gently slide along the length of his shaft as it came down. Finally, I slid them all the way down his legs and off his feet.

Now, beholding him completely naked I felt that same intense lust I had when I had first seen him all that time ago. He was beautiful, sculpted, well-proportioned, olive skinned and glowing. I let my head and lips fall to where I had left off, on the waistline. I kissed his pubic line and moved down one leg and the inside of his thigh down to the knee, then I switched legs and traversed my way back up. Chris had moaned and wiggled to my attentions and had placed his hands in my hair, running his fingers through my locks and down across my neck and shoulders. His passive handling just served to excite me more as it signaled the pleasure I gave him.

I used my lips and tongue to kiss the inside of his thigh and as I reached his crotch I did not move to go around it. Before he knew it I was upon his balls. I inhaled their scent and gave a flick of my tongue, as they lay nestled between his legs. Then I scooped one in my tongue, bathing it, following the same with the other. Then I placed it in my mouth, gently sucking in it and licking it as I rolled it within my mouth. I couldn't be satisfied like this though, so I took the other one in my mouth also. Chris continued to moan and whimper, telling me to continue, asking me not to stop, and any other sentiments of pleasure he could think of. I let his balls slip free from my mouth and I licked up the inside joint of the leg and crotch and came to my prize.

Chris' dick was glistening with pre-cum and I tasted it. The salty-sweet taste was overwhelming. Sexually speaking, there is nothing better than that taste. Acting as an instant aphrodisiac I immediately needed his cock in my mouth. I swallowed halfway down the shaft and then pulled back up leaving the head in my mouth. With my tongue I licked inside his foreskin and all around the head causing Chris to moan some more. That salty-sweet taste was everywhere inside my mouth now. I continued to move my mouth over his cock a little bit but most of the work was being done my tongue. I used it to move the foreskin back and forth over the sensitive head and to lick the area where the crown and shaft met on the underside. Chris' hands slipped from my hair to my shoulders and as I continued to suck, lick and bob on his tool he dug his fingers into me. I was bringing him to the brink, but I didn't want him to come so soon; I wanted this to be an encounter he would never forget.

I came off his dick and just licked along the shaft, his hands easing up on my shoulders. I licked along the sides with some gentle suction, then along the vein on the underside, coming again to the head. I swirled the head and looked up at him intermittently to see his head thrown back in ecstasy, his eyes in the back of his head. Then I placed my lips over my teeth and held his foreskin between them. I glided his foreskin back, forcing the head to plunge into my mouth sliding between my tongue below the roof above. Then I would pull back, slipping his head in to the confines of his foreskin and the pressure of my jaw. I continued like that for several minutes, his hands grabbing me tightly once again. He was getting close and I decided that he was ready to come.

I let slip his foreskin from my lips and I deep throated him to the root. My nose nestled in his black pubic bush. I looked up once again, but this time I saw him looking down at me. Hi face still had ecstasy written all over it but it had something more. I came up for air, then plunged down to his pubes once again; opening my throat to accommodated him. Our eyes locked as I repeated this action three of four more times. His breathing quickened and between panted breaths he finally said, "Oh . . . oh, man . . . oh, Brian. Brian . . . I'm gonna cum . . . I'm gonna cuuuummmmmm."

I never let up, and just worked him until I felt the first shot rise up the shaft. I pulled back to the head just as it sprayed out, splashing against my tongue. He groaned and then let out a series of half-groans, half-cries as he shot volley after volley of cum into my mouth. I swallowed what I could of the salty-sweet liquid, but it was too much . . . even for me. Some of it spilled out and ran along his shaft. I continued to work hi head while he shot and finally, when he was finished he started to whimper because of the sheer sensitivity of his crown.

I pulled off and licked the shaft gathering what had spilled only seconds before. I swirled his balls once more and kissed his thigh working out to the hip and then back up his side, his abs, his pecs and nipples, rising to his throat and cheek. I wasn't going to force a mouth to mouth kiss not knowing how he would feel after I had just swallowed his cum, but he grabbed my face and pulled me into a deep kiss.

When we separated from the kiss, Chris looked at me and then looked down at my erection. His eyes met mine and he had some fear there as he asked, "What about you?" I told him that I'd be fine and that he'd taken enough first leaps that night. Relief crossed his face, and I kissed him once more.

"Let's get some sleep," I suggested. Chris agreed and pulled the blankets up over us once again. I laid down on my side curled facing the center of the bed as I always do, and Chris went back on his stomach, but facing me this time. A look of satisfaction and peace across his face as he looked back at me.

"Is it comfortable sleeping like that;" he asked me, "Curled up on your side?"

"Yeah, it's the most peaceful," I answered. His only reply was to turn his body like mine and fall back into me. I kissed the back of his neck and placed my arm around him, holding him close to me. He placed his hand in mine locking our fingers.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"No, thank you." In that moment I knew happiness and drifted off to sleep. My last thought was. "If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up."

<Did you like it? Do you want it to continue? Let me know.> Patrick Sean Purdy

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