In the House

By Boston Beth

Published on Jul 23, 2002



TITLE: In the House (1/1)

CAST: Rob Van Dam & Lance Storm

DISCLAIMER: This is total, complete fiction. This does not reflect the true sexual orientations of Rob Van Dam or Lance Storm. The personas of said wrestlers are owned by World Wrestling Entertainment, not me.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is NC-17 due to the depiction of graphic sexual action between two consenting adult men. It contains a light domination theme-- and I admit I don't write those kinds of stories very well. But it's all just for fun, so please don't take it seriously. However, if you know that you don't like this kind of material, please leave now. Everyone else, enjoy!

Finally escaping the brutal heat outside, Rob walked through the front door and into the comfortably chilly living room. It had been a long, tiresome day at work. It showed up in his sleepy eyes and lazy walk. But coming home was the reward for tolerating demanding bosses and gossipy, whiny co-workers.

He loosened his tie with a jerk. He came across Lance sitting on the couch, engrossed in the newspaper. Stretching over the paper Rob placed a soft kiss on his lover's forehead.

"Ooooh, you scared me there." said a startled Lance. He folded up the paper, placed it on the couch, and returned Rob's kiss. "How'd your day go, sweets?" he asked.

"It was all right." said Rob, stepping out of his shoes and sitting down. "Too many deadlines and too few hours to meet them in." Rob draped an arm around Lance and pulled him close. "How was your day, babe?"

Lance smiled as he caught the scent of sweat joined with cologne. "As good as I could expect. No promising job prospects, nothing." Lance put his arms around Rob's frame and held him like a child would his mother.

"When will I find a job and feel useful?" he said into Rob's ear.

"You already have, and you already are." said Rob, stroking Lance's hair. "Let me demonstrate."

His lips touched Lance's with the lightness of air. As tongues met to dance Rob pressed harder, like he wanted to leave some mark of himself. Their bodies came closer until they could feel the physical proof of their love--chests heaving, hard cocks together, disco-throbbing hearts.

Rob let his forehead meet Lance's. He loved looking into Lance's eyes. They were light in the shade, hidden tenderness under the bravado. Rob marveled at Lance's strong arms, the chest that a tank top currently housed, thick calves that led to luscious thighs, a cock in bloom under little jean shorts.

Rob pulled Lance off the couch. They stood in the middle of the living room which, despite the blast of air conditioning, was quite humid. Rob peeled off Lance's shirt and admired his cut, smooth chest. Rob took Lance's hands and spread apart his arms. He kissed his Adam's apple, his shoulders, his hard pecs. He sucked his nipples until they were little pebbles. He even ran his tongue along Lance's armpits, savoring the sweat along his skin. Lance's moans became high-pitched and laced with need, so Rob knew he liked this best.

Dropping his hands, Rob unfastened Lance's shorts. Rob looked on, almost leering at him, as Lance stepped out of them.

"Too hot for underwear." Rob growled, pleased with what he saw. He let his finger run along Lance's cock, his smile and soft moans indicating he liked what he felt. When it reached the top Rob's fingertip nestled in its mouth. Lance groaned loudly as he turned the cock into a cradle. Carefully Rob moved it back and forth, watching Lance as he groaned loudly and called Rob's name. The tension of Rob pulling on him was something that always excited him, never bored him.

Rob removed his finger and fell to his knees. As soon as he hit the floor Lance's cock went straight into Rob's mouth. His sucking was like quicksilver, all fast and furious. Lance placed his hands on Rob's shoulders--he loved being pleasured and he was sure that if he weren't careful he would lose himself and his balance. As his cock went further down Rob's throat Lance's legs grew weaker. He moved closer to help Rob get it all in. It almost seemed like they both let out cries of joy when Rob's throat was full.

On it went, the sucking and licking and massaging. Rob put one, then two fingers inside his man. Rob's deft movements made Lance cry more. Lance was getting light headed as he realized that he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Rob, get ready. I'm going to come!" he shouted.

Rob took off his mouth and Lance's cock shook in the air.

"Not yet, Lance. You need to hold it." he ordered.

Over the time they'd been together, Lance realized that Rob had a certain charisma that he used as heavy persuasion. Rob's voice was tender yet stern, a reminder that Lance should know the right way to behave. Lance realized, as always, that Rob was so sensual and so good at letting that show in his words and his actions, that disobeying him was nothing short of foolish.

"Yes, Rob." Lance replied.

Rob began unbuttoning his shirt as soon as his body was erect. He undressed himself with wild, quick motions. The next thing Lance knew he was seeing Rob's beautiful, muscular form unclothed and carnal light in his eyes. Witnessing this made Lance grip his cock and start pumping faster to keep himself ready for Rob.

"Lance, drop that and lay down." said Rob, his voice a mix of authority and kindness.

"Yes, Rob. Whatever you say." said Lance, making a spot on the floor.

Rob kneeled down and turned Lance over on his stomach, then spread his legs. Rob pushed in slowly and Lance savored every motion with his repeated moaning and crying until his lover was at home.

"Your place is here." Rob's words were an admonishment.

To further make his point Rob used short, repeated thrusts of his cock. They both cried out on hearing the sound of balls against back, feeling Lance squeeze his ass over Rob's cock. Soon they were both getting that old familiar tingle.

"Please Rob, can't I come now?" asked Lance, the pain evident in his voice and face.

"No! Not yet Lance!" Rob replied, out of breath. "I have to come first!" Rob banged it faster, making sure his cock was still tight in Lance's space. Rob liked it when Lance was teased like this. Sometimes he would do a series of fast thrusts. Then he would slow down the pace and lull Lance into thinking that relief was coming. Then just as Lance thought it was over, Rob would surprise him all over again.

"You get ready for it Lance!" Rob yelled as his stuff shot right up Lance's ass. Whatever he couldn't hold blended into the rug.

"Please let me come..." whimpered Lance.

"Just wait." said Rob. Immediately his fingers went up Lance, tickling him in the tight space. Rob found a lot of pleasure in watching Lance scream, seeing him shake out of control, seeing him make pre-come. Once in a while, he would put his hands on Lance's balls and pinch them while his tongue flicked Lance's entrance.

"Mmm, we like that. I know we do. I know I do, Lance." said Rob, in between teasing.

"Rob! Oh Rob please I can't take it! You have to let me come!" Lance was so captured by the complete ecstasy of the situation that he thought he was begging for his life.

Rob pulled away. "Stroke yourself for me, Lance." he said nicely.

Lance did as he was told. It was nothing for his hand to glide across his cock, to roll around his balls that by now were low and about to explode. Now he was going fast, so much faster.

Rob watched this for a few minutes until he decided Lance had done enough.

"Lance--now!" he commanded.

Lance's face was scrunched up in pain. He screamed at the sensation of white-hot liquid spewing all over his chest. After he was well coated, Rob used his tongue as a vacuum, not resting until every drop was tasted.

Rob fell on top of Lance. He kissed him with abandon, filling his mouth with his tongue. His breath was salty and hot.

"Now do you know your place?" he asked in a mellow voice. "Do you know that you have a use?"

"Uh-huh." Lance replied, kissing Rob's neck.

"Good. That's a good boy. That`s a good Lance." said Rob, patting his head.

************************* Like I said before, I don't feel this is a really strong story, but I hope you liked it anyhow. Please feel free to leave comments. Any remarks that have nothing constructive to say will go the way of the Titanic. You can reach me at I make every effort to reply ASAP. Thanks again!

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