Indra, : "Indra the Wedding-Guest

By Earl Anderson

Published on Oct 28, 2005



This is an erotic story based on the myth of Indra, the god of Thunder in India. It is the story of how Indra sojourned on earth in the form of a man filled with the desire to have sex with other men. If you are under age eighteen or if stories with homosexual themes offend you, you should not read this story.

If you are of age and interested in this story, you can enhance your enjoyment of it by undertaking a google search of "Indra." Several internet websites provide pictures of Indra, illustrating that he was, indeed, considered to be the most beautiful of all males, whether as a god or in his human forms.

Of all the gods in India, Indra was the foremost. He was the greatest of the warrior gods. Whenever he appeared on earth in human form, he was said to be the most beautiful man that anyone had ever seen, but he had a bad reputation for seducing other men's wives.

Indra was best known as the god of Thunder and Rain, a cosmic power that he obtained as a result of defeating the demonic dragon named Vrtra. Long ago, in primeval times, Vrtra conceived the intention of destroying all living things on earth. He gathered all the waters of the earth to himself, hid them in a great cavern in the mountains, and kept the land arid.

Alarmed at this crisis, the gods met in an assembly and appointed Indra to be their champion against Vrtra. This should have been an easy task for Indra. Vrtra, however, was protected by a decree of the Fates, such that no supernatural creature or force could ever defeat him. Indra could defeat Vrtra only if he took the form of a man. This he agreed to do, if one of the gods, Tvastr, would provide him with soma, the drink of the gods, to give him the courage and strength that he would need during combat.

Some of the gods objected to Indra's request for unrestricted access to the soma. He was already the most powerful warrior-god, and they feared that they might lose their own cosmic powers if Indra became too powerful. Other gods were willing to give Indra whatever he wanted, in exchange for defeating the evil force of Vrtra.

"I will give you all the soma you require," Tvastr said, "on one condition. You must use the power of the soma only against Vrtra. You must not use the soma-power against any other creature but Vrtra."

Indra agreed to this condition, and assumed the form of a human warrior. Indra the warrior traveled to the palace of king Darasuthra, who was preparing a feast for the marriage of his son, Darapha, to the beautiful princess Marita. Darasuthra's palace was just a few miles away from Vrtra's lair in the mountains, where he had hoarded all the world's waters in a deep cavern.

King Darasuthra rejoiced when he heard about Indra's mission. On the evening before the battle, he put on a feast for Indra, and invited all the nobles, warriors, and ladies, to wish Indra well in his combat with Vrtra. Most of the ladies of India feasted their eyes on Indra, and many of the warriors did, too. So handsome was he that many of the warriors secretly wished that they could be women?if only for one night, if they could spend that night with Indra. One of these was Prince Darapha, whose eyes often met Indra's in fleeting glances. Princess Marita was taken with him, too, so much so that she did not notice that he had carried away the heart of her future husband.

Indra, for his part, was preoccupied with thoughts of the next day's combat. He spent the night alone in his bed, while many a lady and warrior entertained him in their dreams.

The next morning, Indra drank a great quantity of soma to embolden himself. He fastened a flask of soma to his belt, in case he needed more of this sacred drink to help him during the battle. King Darasuthra and his courtiers accompanied him to the mountain, where they awaited the outcome of the battle.

Indra through Vrtra's ninety-nine mountain fortresses and attacked the dragon. The battle was fierce, but in the end, Indra split Vrtra in two. He tossed the lower half of Vrtra's body to a cliff below, and he flung the upper half to the sky. As soon as the upper half of Vrtra's body hit the sky, rain fell, thereby ending seven years of drought. Indra had freed the waters by slaying Vrtra.

The gods, watching the combat from heaven, acclaimed Indra as the Thunder-god as a reward for his victory. King Darasuthra and his people applauded his victory, too, rejoicing as they walked with him back to the palace in the rain. Darasuthra invited Indra to stay in the palace, as an honored guest at his son's wedding feast.

At the wedding feast, Marita's lust for Indra grew, and Darapha secretly lusted after him, too. The prince thought to himself that he would give Indra his bride, if he could spend a night with Indra himself. Indra, for his part, knew what was in their hearts, for although he had assumed the form of a man, he was still a god. Even if he hadn't been able to read their secret thoughts, he would have known from Marita's gaze and from Darapha's secret glances at him. As a man, Indra harbored the desires of a man. He conceived a desire to would enjoy both Darapha and Marita on their wedding night.

After the feast, Marita's ladies accompanied her to her bridal chamber and left her to wait for her prince there. Darapha, seeing Indra's fatigue, led him to his bed-chamber, which was adjacent to the bridal chamber.

Being alone in the bedroom with Indra was too much for the prince. Instead of restraining his lust as he should have done, he kissed Indra on the cheek very gently.

"I am so fatigued from my combat with Vrtra," Indra said, "would you help me get out of my clothes and ready for bed?"

Darapha said nothing, but helped Indra out of his clothes, and gazed at his body, naked except for his loincloth. Indra noted his interest, smiled coyly, and tugged at the loincloth. Darapha eagerly stepped forward and removed the loincloth, revealing Indra's magnificent cock. Indra let Darapha gaze on his body. Then he embraced Darapha with a passionate kiss, fondled the prince's backside, and asked if he were a virgin. Darapha said yes.

"I'll skewer you right now," Indra said, "if you let me deflower your bride who is waiting for you in the next chamber."

Silently Darapha removed his clothing and offered his naked body to Indra. He groaned at the exquisite pain when Indra first penetrated him with his warrior's cock. He bit a pillow to muffle his cry, remembering that Marita was waiting for him in the next room. For a few intimate moments, Indra held still, allowing Darapha to grow accustomed to the volume of his cock.

"Let me reshape your ass to serve as my pleasure-vessel," Indra whispered in his ear. "Then we will both have joy."

Afterward, they fucked together like two wild bulls fighting. The whole palace shook as Indra deflowered Darapha. Everyone in the palace felt it and heard their erotic rumbling and moaning, and rejoiced that Darapha had consummated his marriage with Marita. Darapha shot great wads of cum on Indra's belly while Indra fucked him. Then Indra poured himself into Darapha. They embraced and rejoiced. Indra rejoiced in his conquest, and Darapha rejoiced that had been deflowered on his wedding night. In the after-glow of orgasm, an unfamiliar desire came to Indra. He looked down at Darapha, kissed his belly and his chest, and tasted his jism, so that Darapha's jism flowed in Indra's bloodstream, just as Indra's jism flowed in Darapha's bloodstream.

It was past time for Darapha to go to Marita's bridal chamber. "One of us must go to her," he said to Indra. "We can't keep her waiting any longer." But both men were too spent to have sex with Marita.

Then Indra remembered the flask of soma fastened to his belt. He drank the soma, entered the darkened bridal chamber, and deflowered Marita, just as he had deflowered Darapha. Indra returned to his own chamber, sated with sex and satisfied, and sent Darapha to the bridal chamber where he belonged. There, with the memory of Indra in his mind, he made love to Marita several times during the night. Darapha drew strength from Indra's semen, which flowed in his bloodstream while he performed his marital duties. The bride conceived a great love for her husband, since he had satisfied her so completely on their wedding night. So it happened that all three of them, Indra, Darapha, and Marita, obtained all that they desired. No one but Indra and Darapha knew what had happened between them.Indra's deeds on earth caused discord in heaven. Tvastr complained to the other gods that Indra had used soma-power to violate another man's bride on her wedding night. The gods gathered in assembly and debated what to do. Some of the gods wanted to cast a spell that would trap Indra in his warrior's body, to live as a warrior in the retinue of Darasutha?as a servant to a human king. Others argued that Indra's victory over Vrtra was compensation enough for his crime. Tvastr proposed a compromise, which the gods accepted. He proposed that the gods join together to curse Indra, so that a thousand penises would grow on his body. He would not be able to return to his divine state until he had gotten rid of the redundant penises, which could happen only if his mind was pure of all earthly or lustful thought.

Tvastr was delighted that most of the other gods agreed to this punishment for Indra. Always the trickster, at last he found a way (or so he thought) to trick Indra out of his divinity. At any given time, at least a dozen or more of Indra's thousand and one pricks would be hard and raging for release, so Indra would never be able to purify his mind of lustful thoughts.

Only two of the gods objected to Indra's punishment: Vishnu, the god of Purity, and Marko, the alien god of Dissention.

Vishnu objected because of his own noble principles. He did not think that any being, human or divine, should be deprived of all hope of purifying himself. Indra had violated his oath when he unrightly drank from the soma, and for that he should be punished, but Vishnu appealed to the gods to give Indra some hope and not leave him to despair on earth. The gods debated and finally agreed. Indra must wander in India for seven days, sprouting his thousand and one penises, but after that he would be given three choices. He could get rid of the extra penises if he agreed to live for one lifetime as a woman, or as a fish, or (as his third choice) he could trust in aid from a shepherd named Rami, who tended sheep on the same mountain where Indra had defeated Vrtra.

Marko, the swarthy god of Dissention, sided with Vishnu but had reasons of his own. He lusted after Tvastr, and after his soma. He flattered himself that he could seduce Tvastr and by that means obtain unrestricted access to the soma, so he offered Tvastr a dare and a bet. "I'll wager my ass against yours that Indra overcomes his trials and regains his divinity," Marko said, and Tvastr accepted the bet.

So ends Part 1 of the story of Indra.

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