It should have happened

By ohugal

Published on Aug 21, 2000



During the summer holidays, when I was 13, I stayed a few days with my aunt and uncle. They had a son, Will, who was a year younger than me. We spend most of our time at a small pond my uncle had bought a few months earlier. Usually my aunt would be there too, with Will's sister and kid brother. Liz was ten and Luke only four, not suited company for us big boys. Fortunately they didn't seem to mind that we completely ignored them.

On the last day of my visit, Will and I went on a biking trip in the area. Will's cousins, Steven and Guy, joined us. Steven was only a year older than me, but a natural leader and we all looked up to him. Guy was eleven. Not only the youngest, but not very bright and a bit of a loner. Will liked him though, and I had already seen more of him than I liked.

Although this wasn't the original plan, we suddenly found ourselves at the pond. We didn't have our swimwear with us, so we dressed down to our underpants and jumped in the water. The pond was in the middle of a small wood, hidden from the rest of the world. Nobody could see us, and for those few hours we felt like kings.

When we got tired of swimming we all lay together to let the sun dry us, talking bout stuff. Slowly the day came to an end and time was there to ride back to my aunt. My mother would be there to take me home. Our underpants were still wet, so that was a small problem. Curious like all boys of that age we wanted to see the others changing but were afraid to show ourselves. Steven solved our problem. He decided that we all would change in the bushes. The 2 younger ones left, he told me to wait. A few minutes later they returned, clothed, carrying their wet underpants.

Then Stefan left and got dressed. After he returned, he told me it was my turn. To my surprise he went with me. He showed me a spot where I could change and told me he wanted to watch while I got dressed. Another dilemma! I wanted to get rid of those wet underpants, but didn't want Steven to see my 'thing'. It never occurred to me to tell him to go away, if Steven wanted to watch there was no way I dared tell him to go away. I had to do something, so with Steven watching my every move, I turned my back to him and took of my underpants and quickly dressed. Although I was ashamed, I also felt as excited as never before. Steven didn't move, didn't say a word, just looked at me.

When we got back we got some strange looks from the others, but they didn't say a thing. And then, for some unexplainable reason, Guy decided his wet underpants wouldn't be of any use to him anymore, and threw them in a tree. After a shocked silence, we all started laughing like crazy and in our excitement Will and I copied his action. Only Steven kept his underpants and looked at us like an amused adult watching some kids play.

When we got back we told my aunt, and my mother, what we did and they were not amused. They yelled at us and told us to go back and bring our underpants this time. No use telling them our underpants hung in a tree and we couldn't reach them, we were told to find a few to get them back and not dare return without them. So back we went, only this time Steven stayed at home.

Getting our underpants back wasn't at all easy. After several unsuccessful attempts we decided to take a break. I guess we were all thinking about that afternoon and regretting not having seen the others strip. We were all looking at each other, saying nothing for a few seconds, and then Will proposed that we would show each other our 'thing'. Guy didn't need any encouragement and almost immediately dropped his pants. He played with it a little, but his thing was small and anyway I didn't like him, it was Will's I wanted to see, and he was next. Guy pulled his pants back up and then without any hesitation Will dropped his. Suddenly it struck me: I was next!

I panicked and froze. I didn't even see Will covering himself again. But then I felt both of them looking at me. I couldn't do it, no way! Not only because I was scared, but all the excitement had been too much for my young hormones and by now I was having the hard on of hard ons. Theirs had been small and hanging, mine was now pointing at the sky. This could only become the most embarrassing moment of my life.

"Look," Will said, "we showed ours, if you don't want to do it, I have some rope in the cabin and we will tie you up and strip you... Anyway, what is your problem? You let Steven see it, so why not us?"

What could I do? I stalled for as long as I dared, but only when Will turned around I hastily dropped my pants. Never before had I felt so ashamed and I couldn't look up and see their faces.

"Wow!" they both howled when they saw the rockhard thing between my legs, lots bigger then their small little boy dicks.

Their admiration gave me some consolation, I even felt some pride. They both wanted to touch it, but I refused.

And then we tried once more to get our underpants back, and this time we got them back almost immediately.

That night, when I lay in own bed, I wondered why I didn't let them tie me up. And now, 30 years later, I still don't know. Regrets? I've had a few...

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