By Greylock Writer

Published on Jun 30, 2021



First, importantly: SUPPORT NIFTY! Make financial or literary contributions to to the benefit of all.

My story is a work of pure fiction intended for adult readers of legal adult age, at least 18 years-old and older and in some places at least 21 years-old or more. Anyone younger should leave now. My stories involve sex in various forms between consenting persons and should not be construed as a guideline for living anyone's individual everyday life. All characters are from my imagination and are not based on real people.



Greylock Writer

We were just having a bit of fun. That's all. The history class was very boring and our teacher, Miss Dodd, seemed more than a little confused.

So, I turned to my best friend, Ben Simmons, sitting behind me and asked him, "Can I suck your dick?" Really, it was just offhanded conversation. A joke to break the stifling boredom of the Hapsburgs and their in-bred shenanigans. And the school year was almost over. So, I thought a bit of humor was in order.

But Ben laughed so hard that he fell off his desk chair and sprawled onto the floor with a great clatter of limbs and books. I thought that he even looked cute doing it, but would never have actually told him so. The kids around him also broke up in noisy peals of silly laughing.

Miss Dodd, however, was not amused. She was pissed.

"Mr. Briggs, what is so funny?" she demanded looking right through me. Her toes tapped a few times and then her heavy shoes stomped with an amazing bang. "Answer me!"

"Well, Miss Dodd," I began, perhaps too careless in not giving myself sufficient time to form a proper response. "I was getting a bit hungry and asked Ben here if I could suck his cock."

The room erupted in hilarity. But it was Miss Dodd who went volcanic.

"There shall be no filthy talk like that in MY class, Kyle Briggs. You, sir, will face consequences! It may be the end of a trying year but you may no longer be attending Central High School after today."

Ben raised his hand and waved it about trying to get Miss Dodd's attention. Finally, he jumped up and down several times.

"Yes, Mr. Simmons?" she asked with obvious displeasure.

"Miss Dodd, with all due respect. The fault is not my friend's alone. I had my dick out and was idly stroking it in a way that Kyle couldn't help but notice. I'm confident that my jacking action spurred his desire to suck it and suck it hard."

Doddsy went apoplectic. She stomped over to us and pinched us each by a ear. "This break of civilized speech and decorum will not be tolerated. No. Not today. Not today. And surely not ANY day. I doubt you two will see your sophomore years in September. At least not at Central.

"I am taking you disgusting excuses for students straight to Mr. Werner. And you will learn just how tenuous your standing has now become at this honorable institution of learning. Just try playing your sick little games with him and we'll see where it gets you!"

She hauled ass and dragged us straight into the office of our notorious and much feared vice principal. We went willingly as naive young studs testing the waters of the educational judicial system. We were even smiling at each other. We might become Central High legends.

I mouthed a "Thanks," to Ben because I knew he spoke up only so that I wouldn't face my punishment alone. His grin just got broader. "My pleasure,' he mouthed back.

We got deposited at the secretary's office outside of Werner's den of terror while the Dodd bulldozer went in to detail our high crimes and misdemeanors. I looked at the sign on his door: Mr. Karl Werner. A solid name. A scary one at Central High. When Miss Dodd sashayed from his office, she looked very pleased gazing our way with steely hatred in her pale gray eyes.

We waited several more minutes getting more nervous as the seriousness of our offenses registered within our teenaged pea brains. I felt my chest tighten and my jaw filled with a kind of pulsing tension. Werner was nicknamed The Swift Sword of Justice. I looked around this outer office to see if there was an actual sword on the walls. Nope.

A buzzer sounded briefly and the secretary shepherded us to Werner's office door. It swept open and Werner waved us in. He was an imposing figure. He had been a legendary basketball forward at our school leading our team to its lone state championship almost 20 years ago. He still was a very solid figure looming six-feet-six or six-seven. I swore he wore elevator shoes to make him appear even more dominating, more menacing.

The first flecks of silver etched a gentle pattern at the temples of his golden hair. They were probably premature for a guy in his mid-30's. But he did have to deal regularly with nitwits such as Ben and me. His mocha eyes were steady and did not exhibit much emotion. His face was square, not round or oval, and his jaw was set with determination. Suddenly I knew any whiff of bullshit from our teenage mouths would be bad, very bad indeed. I hoped that Ben had come to the same conclusion and would avoid his famous verbal bobbing and weaving.

We were in for one helluva ride, perhaps the bumpiest of our lives. I sighed deeply as the tension ratcheted up one more notch. I took a quick glance around. Still no sword in sight.

The imposing vice principal leaned in front of his wide desk, his arms extended and his hands splayed, just gripping its edge. He just looked at us, sweeping us up and down a couple times, and at last fixed his gaze again without speaking. The silence was heavy, dreadful. Speak, damn it. Seal our sad little fates!

Finally, he broke the silence. "Together? Or separately?"

"Excuse me, sir," Ben asked hesitantly.

Mr. Werner licked his lips. "If I speak to you together, might we get something resembling the truth? Or do I have to separate you to avoid the buddy bullshit you might feed me in your budding comedy act?" His voice was sure, not at all angry, and not at all that of a monster disciplinarian. In other words, scary shit. He knew what the hell he was doing and, for the first time, I felt we were well and truly fucked.

"Growing up is hard," he continued. "I know. You're testing boundaries. I did it, too. You both turned fifteen since Spring Break, right?"

"Yes, sir," Ben and I answered in unison, so much so that we looked at each other in surprise.

"Nature makes us -- especially boys -- rebellious, more than a little bit rebellious, at this age to help us find our way to survive in the world." His tone was almost fatherly. It increased my damn anxiety another notch.

"That results in our saying, or doing, things that may offend, especially those in our communities who are on the mature side of the ledger, like Miss Dodd. However, others may be offended, too. Your little drama in class brought a lot of laughter and even some applause, I hear. But some of your fellow students, both girls and boys, may have been offended by your coarse language, and, or, actions."

Had our respected vice-principal said these words so often they sounded like he had written them for a psychology textbook? They were so sure. So rehearsed. I knew he already had our punishment planned out before we entered his den, er, office. Would any explanations from us have any impact on that? What was a bit scarier was my realization that with every word he spoke a little more blood fkowed into my penis, engorging it just a little bit more. I was really scared, but getting really excited, too. Curse my damn dick! What the hell was its agenda?

Werner went back and sat behind his desk. The distance helped. My chubbed up penis started to deflate. I sighed again. Ben looked at me and rolled his eyes with disapproval.

"Yeah," our disciplinarian continued as he focused right on me. "So, I suspect your declaration about your buddy Ben here being fellated by you was either a big joke or a sublimated desire expressed in a time of stress."

I looked at Mr. Werner with a degree of puzzlement.

"What I'm asking Kyle, is whether saying that you wanted to give Ben a blowjob was a simple joke or a real desire to suck his dick which you voiced -- for all your classmates to hear, I might add -- without enough thought, without sufficient self-censureship, without any consideration for the consequences of your careless, vulgar request. Without being sure that you should have said that at all."

And I must have still looked puzzled or I hesitated too long in answering.

"Damn it, Kyle," he said in exasperation. "Did you really want to suck Ben's cock or not?"

I thought it over. I heaved a very heavy sigh. And just as I was about to start my convoluted explanation, Werner was running his mouth again. He turned to my best friend.

"Ben, what did you think when Kyle said he was hungry and wanted to go down on your dick? Answer truthfully and fully, it you can."

"I was surprised," Ben admitted.

"Because you were shocked that Kyle wanted to perform that intimate sex act with you?"

"Nah. Not because he said he wanted to blow me," Ben almost laughed. "He says that a lot."

"Has he ever done it?" Werner asked, very evenly.

"Not yet," Ben said.

"Not yet?"

Ben grew quieter. "Well, I suspect it might be just a matter of time."

"That's how you really feel?" Werner asked.

"Uh, yes, sir," Ben continued. His eyes were averted from Werner's now. "He jokes about it a lot. Sometimes when we're with others, but mostly when we're on our own. And, it's gotten to the point that I want him to do it. I really want him to. If he sucked me, I'd suck him. And more. I mean, we both have girlfriends and all, but I don't think that holds a candle to what we have together. How we feel about each other."

My head was swimming. I loved Ben, damn it. But I was too up tight to do anything but make jokes. And here he goes, pouring it all out in the open to the scariest grownup we knew. I saw tears welling up in Ben's eyes, ready to spill out. Jesus, our lives were just about over before they'd really even begun.

Werner still looked very stern. "Men, this is something I really must ask, unfortunately," Mr. Werner said looking from me to Ben and back. "Was Ben's penis ever, ever even for a split second, out of his jeans for you, Kyle, or for anyone else to see?"

"Um, no sir," Ben stated. "No."

"Not soft? Not hard? Not ever?" The vice principal asked. I expected Ben to be shaking his head. He wasn't.

"I never saw it," I told the vice principal.

"Ben needs to answer this," Mr. Werner said.

"Sir, no sir. It was never out," Ben said firmly. "But I wish it was. I wish to hell now that I had the courage."

"Ben, do you think you may be gay?" Mr. Werner asked quietly. "Consider that carefully."

Ben's nod was slow, but sure. "I used to worry that I might be. Now, I'm pretty sure. No, certain. I am. Can't lie to myself anymore, so I won't lie to you."

"And Kyle, what do you feel about your ....... sexuality?"

"Sir,' I began slowly. "I've, uh......I've been fighting this for .....about five years. So, for even a year before I met Ben." I started sobbing. "I....I....I tried to wish it away. Pray it away. Push it away. But it won't go away. It just won't go. It just won't."

"Take each other's hands," Mr. Werner said. We did. "Look at each other." We did, directly and deeply. And we started crying together, softly -- not crazy loud or anything -- but with a steady stream of tears. I wiped some snot from my nose. Ben snorted like a scared-as-hell pig.

"Boys," Werner soothed. "Don't be embarrassed. Do. Not. Be. Ashamed. This is nature. This is not choice. This has happened to you. This has been revealed. Early in your lives. Do not run away from who you are. But explore and find out whether this really is who you are."

I tore my eyes away from Ben and looked at Mr. Werner. He, too, had tears in his eyes. And I could see. He understood us so very, very well because he had also been through this: through the pain, the searching, the fear and, ultimately, the triumph of understanding. I suspected his journey was far more difficult. But we had a shared kinship, a tentative bond.

And then he spoke of bonds. "Look back. Throughout history young men have forged bonds among themselves and sometimes with older mentors through friendship and trust and love. Many different civilizations have honored these relationships as healthy, or, even, as sacred. Many," Mr. Werner explained.

"Don't try telling that to Miss Dodd," Ben said. "That's not HER history lesson."

"No," Mr. Werner continued. "But after some dark times, our society is learning some old lessons all over again.. Miss Dodd was raised in a different time, a different atmosphere. But, Ben..... Kyle, you belong to a new generation of hope, enlightenment. Don't screw it up!"

The vice principal dabbed at his eyes. He took a deep breath. Again he looked from one to another of us. He moved back to the front of the desk. I noticed a definite thickness in his crotch and he knew I saw it.

"I'm a sucker for romance," he sniffed. "What can I say? New found love strikes me here." He patted his heart. "And, yes, damn it, sometimes here!" He squeezed his crotch. He showed a bit more as he ran his hand along his cock. "That's the real secret," he smiled. "This is the real sword of justice. It's helped me confirm many a decision."

"Does that mean....?" Ben started to ask. He was squirming.

"No," Werner said. "No. Damn it, no! You guys are only fifteen for God's sake. Not even legal. Except, that is with each other. Then, you're OK. With each other!"

He continued, "So, here's the verdict. There are just six more days of classes before summer vacation and your Freshman year is over. You are excused from Miss Dodd's history class for the remainder of the school year.'

"And forever, I hope," Ben muttered.

"Yes. Forever. I can make sure your grades are frozen in that history class as of today. But," he added, "there is a further condition. I want you to use today's new knowledge to test out who you are, both as individuals and as a possible, committed pair. Be discreet. But be adventurous. There will be home detention starting tonight, alternating in each other's homes, for two hours minimum each evening for you to explore today's insights until vacation starts."

He added, "This lasts just the six days left in this semester. When the semester is over, I trust that you Ben, and you, Kyle, will be mature enough to grow, to move forward. Personally, I hope that is with each other. But only the two of you can truly make that happen. Use your time wisely over the summer. And engage those brains of yours before you speak when school resumes. Don't abuse the gift of your bodies. But explore their surprises, their pleasures and their glories."

"We will," I said. "I promise. And you won't see us again."

"I don't know about that," he smiled. "I will expect regular reports at least until you both turn sixteen, get drivers' licenses and start a whole new round of teenage crazy."

He paused. "Oh, in case you're wondering....... Ben, you stay on the baseball team. Good center fielders are a precious commodity. Especially with three more years of eligibility. And, Kyle, stay with the soccer and with the distance running. They're great ways to run your ass off, relieve stress and build character."

"Thank you, sir," Ben said with utmost sincerity. I smiled my agreement.

"With that you are released for today," he said. "But I will be watching."

"We still have two more classes today," Ben objected.

"I'll take care of that," our new mentor said. "Get home and start your exploratory detention."

He assumed a stern look as he waved us out of his office and explained to his secretary that we were dismissed for the rest of the day and punished for the remainder of the school year.

We somberly deposited our books in our lockers and made for home. We lived about six blocks apart, but headed to Ben's house, about ten minutes walk away. He was an only child and his parents both worked until after six each day. We would have time to begin our "exploratory detention." Had Mr. Werner instructed us to have sex with each other? That was a big part of what I got from him even if he couldn't say so explicitly. Did Ben see it the same way?

We were completely silent as we walked. Along the way we passed a small park with a few picnic tables. One of them, a bit secluded, was a place we often stopped to make sense of our day when we were walking over to Ben's. Occasionally one or another of his folks already was at home and we wanted to decompress before we encountered them.

Ben motioned us over to the table. Today we climbed up onto the bright green table top and rested our feet on the bench seat attached below.

"Wow," was the lone word that escaped from Ben.

"Wow, indeed," I confirmed. "Not the day I expected as we are ending the year."

"Yeah," Ben agreed. "I thought it was going to be the end of us at Central. Period."

"No shit," I sighed. "Sorry I got you involved."

I"m not,' Ben said. "Least not the way it looks right now." I nodded. "How about that Werner? What the fuck was that even about? And what the hell does it mean now?"

I shrugged, then took Ben's head in my hands. He gulped and reached for mine. We looked at each other, really examining each other's face.

"You lost your freckles," Ben exclaimed. "All of 'em!"

"Two years ago, you doofus," I laughed. "After that growth spurt where my new teen hormones spurted me up to about six feet."

"Oh," Ben remembered. "When your voice stopped yo-yoing up and down."

"Yup, and I grew my hair in all the right places," I smiled.

"Lookin' forward to seein' that," Ben said.

"I'll show you mine if your show me yours," I said. The words could have been sassy but held too much legitimate yearning and apprehension. I was ready. For I realized then that we had never, ever seen each other naked. Ever since we got to schools with locker rooms we always played different sports and always wore Pjs when we had sleep overs with our other friends. I realized that we also had never had a sleep over with just us. That stops now, I thought. Or starts now.

Then Ben leaned in and gently kissed me. I almost resisted, but held steady.

"Are you ready for a PDA?" I asked.

He just tilted his head a bit and renewed the kiss. He tried to slip his tongue between my lips and I resisted, then pulled away.

"Here? Really, here?" I asked.

"Why not?"

"Why not, Ben? Anyone could walk around those bushes and see us. That's why."

Ben sighed. "You're right. Damn right. I know we're supposed to keep this a big secret. But part of me doesn't want to do that. So, if someone saw us we might be out and it's all over."

"No, Ben, it wouldn't be over," I corrected. "We'd have a whole lot of shit to deal with. Classmates, teammates, family. Jesus, man." I hung my head.

"Kyle, babe, we're always gonna have those things," he said lifting my head so I had to look at him. "We'll always have to face them and get past them. Always," Ben said. "And I thought it was a little naughty and exciting. The fear, the danger. It..."

"Oh, you're going to be one of those!" I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "What the hell have I gotten myself into?"

In response, Ben smacked his lips back onto mine and his tongue started probing again. This time, mine did too. And it was exhilarating. And scary. And wonderful. And terrifying. And I didn't want it to stop. Ever.

But I hugged him hard and broke the kiss. "Let's get going," I said. "We need to start our official detention and find out what we learn."

We slipped off of the picnic table and hit the sidewalk again. There was no one in sight. I tried to take Ben's hand but he slapped it away.

"No PDAs," he said firmly. "Your fucking rule."

As Ben unlocked the door to his house with his right hand his left gently squeezed the back of my neck a few times. It was the most intimate touch I'd ever felt. We were still silent as we went inside and climbed the 21 stairs to scoot into his bedroom. Ben had a big bedroom with his own cool bathroom, a kind of junior suite. On the other side of the hall there was another upstairs bedroom suite mainly used by his grandparents. In between was a comfortable video/TV/game room primarily used by Ben and his Dad. When we had sleep overs, we all camped out in sleeping bags in there. His folks had a luxurious master suite at least by my family's standards downstairs. A second downstairs bedroom seemed intended for a nursery, or fourth bedroom, but another child never materialized. So it became a working office.

It seemed odd that Ben closed the door after we went in his room. Maybe it was just to shut us off from the world for a while. I noticed that his bed was made impeccably. Only my youngest sister made an attempt to be so neat. She was eight. My next younger sister was eleven and freeing up her rebellious genes.

But I was happy to be here. Ben put his hands on my shoulders and cleared his throat. "I don't know what's in store today. I'm more than a little nervous after the day we've already had," he said. His dark walnut eyes were boring into my cloudy hazel ones. "I think we should take off our clothes..."

"All of them?" I interjected.

"Maybe not our foundations..."

"Our foundations?" I laughed at his use of the word.

"You know, the undies. The bottom piece," he stammered.

"Oh. OK." I agreed. "Makes sense."

He turned around and started with removing his athletic shoes and stocks. I turned away from him and started with my shirt. Then my dirty Nikes and my holey socks. I was unbuckling my belt when I heard Ben do the same with an audible breath. And I heard the rustle of his jeans slipping down as I hurriedly pushed down my own.

"OK," he said simply. We turned back toward each other. Ben stood with his broad shoulders squared up and his surprisingly big biceps flexing just a mite. His chest narrowed to a shocking neon orange jock supporting his ample tangle of junk.

Ben was more than shocked when he saw I was standing naked. And I do mean standing. As spring had grown warmer and my competitive running had tailed off I had taken to going commando unless I had a soccer match. I was trying to trick myself into believing I was already a grownup.

"Uh, um, Kyle, um, I, ah......" he stammered as he stared at my erection. I had a pretty one, I thought, about six inches, classically proportioned, uncut as was my family's custom, and still growing at a rate of about half an inch a year as I hit my mid-teens.

"Oh, come on," I chided. "I saw you notice this more than once. Way more."

"Sure," he said as he swallowed. "But you always had clothes on." He kept staring at the hood topping my dick. He swallowed again.

By now, his jock pouch had filled out and was straining to contain his even bigger package.

"We can even this up," Ben said. "I can remove my jock. Or, I can give you some underwear."

"Your damn old tighty whiteys?" I asked.

"Those are long gone, Buster," he said very seriously. "I've got some nice navy Calvins?"

"How about one of your jocks?" I replied. "You must have a few of those around.."

Ben stroked the front of the neon orange jock he was wearing. He made sure his hand glided over the full outline of his cock. "I've got a few," he admitted. "But most aren't clean."

He thought that might turn me off. Instead I told him, "I want the ones you wore most recently. Where are the ones you were wearing yesterday when you trotted in from centerfield all sweaty and stinky?"

Ben went and dug through a hamper in his closet. He returned with a yellow jock and held it up to many face. "You sure?" he asked. I greedily took the jock, still a little damp from his efforts in making the season-ending catch, and rubbed it through my fingers. I held it closer to my nose and sniffed.

"Oh, yes," I told him, looking him square in the eyes. Then I stretched it out and put it right over my head so the stained pouch was smack over my nose. I breathed in the heady vapors, the essence of Ben, a smell I'd come to know so well over the years. But now it was so much stronger! My tongue stuck out to lick the junction of its straps which had been deep in his butt cleft all during yesterday's game. It was a little brown and a little yellow. I sucked on it.

"Did you never, ever notice that I always took some deep breaths when you came near me after every game, after every time we played H-O-R-S-E at your basketball hoop down there, after each and every time we did something strenuous enough for you to release your fuckin' pheromones in my direction?"

I saw Ben gulp as I took his smelly jock and wiggled into it, arranging my dick just as his engorged cock was sitting in his. "My whore moans?" he asked.

"Jesus, Ben, did you pay attention AT ALL this year in biology?" I asked in exasperation.

"Gotcha!" he laughed. "I finally got you!"

"And I got you, too, Ben. Does this yellow jock signify anything?" I asked.

Ben's eyes darted away a second before he could answer. "Come on, baby. Just curious," I cooed at him. "Cause I know you've watched enough porn -- probably mostly hot gay twinks, but surely a few oinky pigs here and there -- to understand the meaning of a yellow jock. Did your team members notice it? Did they understand? Did anyone act on it?"

My teasing was making him uncomfortable, so I stopped. But he answered me anyway, "No one caught the drift. At least I couldn't see that they did. But you did. Quickly, fucker, huh? So, what does that say about you, Kyle? What the hell are you into, my boy? Sniffing my putrid jock and all?"

"Nothing yet, Benny. Except you. It's YOUR damn stink I wanted. No one else's. Because it was YOU who mattered. Now, the jock is only special because you're the one who stunk it up. Not much else matters night now. Nothing but our exploration. Of ourselves," I said honestly. "So, I suggest we stay in these sexy jock numbers and lie on the bed. And continue the kissing that we started out on the street. I'm up for that, but frankly I've been through the wringer. And I don't think I can handle much more sensory input today. It's sort of like we've started a brand new video game and went a couple levels above what we could handle all at once."

"Sure," Ben said. "Sounds reasonable." He took my hand and pulled me over to his Queen-sized bed. He swung in and pulled me in next to him, side by side, face to face.

"You know," he started, "I have read that kissing is considered the most intimate sexual activity. Lots of straight guys will do anything with a dick or a pussy and even a butt but don't want to kiss because it is too emotional, too much of a definition of who they might be romantically."

"I saw something similar," I told him. "But that line seems to have been crossed for a while now. Guys doin' gay-for-pay seem to kiss everyone and anything." I put my lips on Ben's and started to suck gently on his lips. "Sure as fuck feels good, though, doesn't it?"

"It didn't feel bad with Karen, either," Ben said. "But it feels better with you." Neither of us had mentioned our girlfriends. I didn't want to think about them. Mostly, I didn't want us to hurt them even though I knew that getting hurt was sure as-shit part of romance at fifteen. Realistically, the long-term chances for Ben and me weren't that great. I was optimistic only because Werner seemed to like our chances. What did he already know about us?

Ben rocked us so that we had our arms securely around each other. He returned to our kissing even as I felt his big boner and my boner saying, "How do you do? Wanna play?" They were grinding into each other as our tongues started playing with each other harder and deeper. I was having some trouble breathing. But my pulsing dick may have been a part of that. I was almost forgetting to breathe.

I'd never had a hard-on rubbing up against another person, let alone the great guy who now seemed sure to be my first boyfriend. When my eyes were open -- I seemed to be closing them a lot as we kissed -- I could see that the sensation of our grinding cocks was having a big impact on my Ben, too. When they rubbed slowly his eyes went completely out of focus and his passionate kissing intensified. We were both shaking.

"Don't know if I can do this much longer," Ben gasped as our pricks kept finding new things to feel. "I thought I knew Little Ben from all the jacking I've done the last three years."

"Only three years?" I asked with a quick, short breath.

"Since I started to actually cum," Ben explained. "Before I could spunk, I didn't beat off very much. It seemed like eating ice cream without being able to taste it."

"Benny, I have to ask," I grunted. "Can we take these jocks off? I know we had a rule. But I think it might be time to break the rules." I thrust my hard-on at him with all the friction I could muster.

"Hey, Kyle, I think you've been making up most of the rules," Ben said with short sharp breaths. "I'm willing to just let things happen. You know?" And he reached down and stripped my jock well -- really Ben's own stinky jock -- down my legs and tossed it in the direction of his hamper.

I decided to try to one up him. I slinked down and grabbed his awful pristine jock with my teeth and started to pull it off him. His big dick was stuck in it and after I twisted and turned the jock, and bit into the straps a bit harder, it started to move. Boom! That's when his rock hard cock slapped me wham! in the nose. I started laughing uncontrollably.

"I think it's broken," I sputtered. "That thing needs to be registered as a weapon."

Ben wasn't laughing. He pulled us together again so our dicks were dueling in a wonderful, sensual dance. One of us was leaking pre-cum -- I really couldn't tell who -- and our hard-ons slipped all over each other in a slimy competition to raise our pleasure.

"Oh, man, this is the best!" Ben said. "Absolutely the best I have ever felt in my fifteen fucking years."

I couldn't speak at all. My mouth hung open in a shock of ecstasy. "Say something, bro," Ben urged me. "Whatcha thinkin'?"

"I can't speak," I croaked. "My mind's just focused on our cocks. And..." I couldn't continue because I realized we were maneuvering our dicks by holding onto each other's asses. The smoothness and excitement of that thought drove out all other thoughts. Ben's ass was creamy and hard and just so damned exciting to touch.

I gave Ben's ass cheeks a good hard squeeze. He returned the favor with a squeeze, a pinch and a slap. "Pull away, Kyle," he told me.


"Pull away," he said again. "I'm gonna nut and you're gonna get slimed big time unless you pull away."

I answered by thrusting my tongue down his throat. "Bring it," I said when I came up for air. "I'm right the fuck there with you. Just keep on rubbing, man. This is like.....nothing ever before. You're gonna get soaked with my cum, man. Let's spunk together! Ugh......"

I couldn't tell whose cum hit first. I only remember that our cocks crashing and pulsing against each other as they shot. It was the most dizzying thing I ever felt. I wanted to lie back and catch my breath, but Ben wouldn't let go. Our dicks kissed each other in the ooze of thick cum.

"Kyle," he said finally. "How much damn time have we wasted?"

I used a spermy finger to trace his lips. He sucked my finger inside. "We haven't lost anything,' I told him. "We just discovered something." I reached for more of our hot jizz as he smacked his waiting lips.

Then, damn it, my phone rang. And rang. And rang. Obviously, I ignored it. But it started ringing again. I smeared our cum as best I could so that it wouldn't drip all over the floor and dug out my phone.

"Hello?" I said, knowing that I sounded pissed off.

"Kyle, honey," my mom's shaky voice asked. "Everything all right?"

"Sure, Mom," I said recovering some composure. She just about never called my cell. "What's up?"

"Uh, honey, Janet's got a terrible pain in her side," she said. "And we're on the way to the hospital in case it's her appendix." Janet, my youngest sister, was ready to turn nine in a week.

"Beth isn't home yet, honey, and I need you to get over here as soon as you can to watch her."

My head was swimming. "Where's Shelby?" That's my sister two years older than I am.

"She's in the city on a field trip to the art museum. We don't expect her for hours, Kyle. Are you tied down with something I don't know about?"

"No, Mom, I'm just hanging at Ben's," I said as I rubbed the rest of our cum into my stomach and my abs. "I'll get right home."

"Ben can come over if you want company," Mom said. "We have no idea when we might get back. I left some money so you can get take out."

"Sure, Mom. Go. Go." I told her. "I love you."

"Yeah, I know," she replied distractedly. "Bye." And she was gone.

"So," Ben surmised, "fun and games are over."

"Maybe," I said. "Janet might have appendicitis. But Mom said you could come over. We've got money for takeout. Beth needs watching...."

"Oh, the sassy one!" Ben said.

"Yeah, her," I agreed. "And Shelby won't be home until late, too."

"Shelby?" Ben brightened. "About to be a senior, right? When we first met, I had a kind of thing for her."

"Really?" I asked. I had my jeans slipped on and was buttoning my shirt. "Well, now you've hooked up with the best Briggs." I gave him another quick peck on the lips.

By now Ben had found that awful orange jock again and slipped it on and his jeans, too. He grabbed a pullover rather than the shirt he'd worn to school.

We found our kicks and tied them up as fast as we could.

"You know," Ben said, "We really fuckin' stink."

"We've got four showers at out house, " I reminded him, "I think we'll be quite OK. Until then, let me enjoy your damn stink"

As we walked down the stairs, Ben stuck his hand down my jeans and found my naked buns. He dug around a bit and inserted a finger in my hole just an inch or so. He took it back out and raised it to his lips, slowly inserted it into his mouth, sucked on it and asked, "So, who needs takeout when I've got dinner on the hoof right in front of me?"

"We really have become downright dirty pervs in one fucking afternoon," I said as I shoved him away. He locked the front door and we jogged over to my house. Ben had a stupid grin on his face that wouldn't quit. He regularly smacked his lips. I knew he was still tasting my ass juices and our mixture of spunk. I suspected that this long day was going to get a hell of a lot longer.

Copyright 2021 By Greylock Writer

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