Jaxon and Tom

By Pokey

Published on Mar 22, 2023



This is a pure work of fiction based on a dream that I had. It involves Tom Phelan (27) and Jaxon Hibler (19) from a popular react channel. This is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of either Tom or Jaxon and I have no personal knowledge about their private lives.

Personally, this is my first time ever attempting to write anything creatively. So, any constructive criticism is very welcome and will let me know if trying to do a part 2 would be desireable. Go easy on me and thank you for your time. I hope the start is enjoyable.

Jaxon and Tom Part 1 - The Night Jaxon Lost His Virginity

Jaxon had just finished recording a react video and was browsing one of the vending machines in the office. He wasn't necessarily hungry or thirsty, he just needed something inconspicuous to stand next to in order to hide his erection. The video had a lot of innuendos and talking about some hot guys jerking off. It had made him very horny and he didn't want to just flaunt his tent through the office on his way out.

"I should have worn jeans today" he muttered under his breath.

To his dismay he saw Tom walking towards him with that wonderful smile on his face. Ever since puberty hit he has had a massive crush on Tom.

"Hey, Jax! It's good to see you, man. I didn't know you were recording today too." Tom exclaimed.

"Yeah, it was good. I was just about to get an Uber home" Jaxon said, trying to keep his cool.

Tom came in for a big hug, which Jaxon made sure to not let their waists touch.

"I am on my way out as well. It's been awhile, why don't you come over to my place and let's hang."

"Oh, uh, sure... just give me a minute" Jaxon said, hoping Tom couldn't hear how fast his heart was beating.

"Yo, I am hungry too. You don't want anything out of these machines anyway. I was gonna pick up something on the way home. Let's go."

"Just a sec, I um..." Jaxon stammered.

"You alright, man?" Tom asked.

"Yeah of course, I just have a bit of a guy problem happening at the moment." Jaxon blushed and his eyes flicked down towards his crotch in a "hint, hint" sort of way.

"A wha- OH! Hahaha!" Tom laughed. "It's all good bro, I got you. I am parked in the back anyway, so we'll just go out that exit. Nobody will notice."

"Oh my god thank you, dude." Jaxon said.

"No worries, man. Happens to all of us."

Tom put his arm around Jaxon, and they slinked out the back exit easily. Thankfully Tom was right. They didn't run into anyone. They got into Toms' car and immediately Jaxon melted into the seat with relief. Tom immediately noticed a very sizeable bulge in Jaxon's pants. He was taken aback since Jaxon is a pretty petite guy. Jaxon was leaning his head back with his eyes closed, just happy to be out of there.

"Wow, shit. Yeah, there is no way you would have gotten through there without that being noticed!" Tom said while laughing.

"Oh, crap dude, I am sorry!" Jaxon now had his hands over his crotch and his face was bright red.

"I'm just messin' with you, man! I just didn't think you'd have that big of a bulge."

Jaxon could hear himself blushing he was so embarrassed. He quickly adjusted his hard cock and tucked it up into his waistband. His cock was sticking out of the top, but sitting down took care of that. In the back of his mind, he had a wild thought. "When or why has Tom been thinking about my bulge?" But the thought was cut short with Tom changing the subject.

"So, dude, where do you want to grab food?"

Snapping back to reality Jaxon answered "You know what? I haven't had In-N-Out in A-WH-ILE!" Emphasizing the WH and giggling.

"Bro that sounds fucking awesome! It's on me this time."

Tom started driving while Jaxon pulled out his phone to text his mom. -Hanging with Tom after the shoot, I will probably be home later tonight or tomorrow if we game too late. Love you.-

The drive was comforting and helped relax any nerves left over.

"So, what did they have you react to today?" Tom asked.

"It was a compilation of "Things only guys would understand"" Jaxon replied with air quotes.

"Oh yeah, I saw some of the clips they were putting in that. Makes sense you'd have a boner after those. There were a bunch of clips about jerking off and morning wood. Wood have made me pretty horny too" Tom said, laughing at his own pun.

It made Jaxon giggle. He was glad that Tom was being really cool about everything.

"Yeah, I wasn't sure what to think at first when they started showing me more "adult" oriented things, but I am not a kid anymore so that's how it goes."

"I was the same dude, but you'll get to do some really fun stuff as well now that you're older. The crew at the office are great and they will always make sure you're comfortable of course"

The two guys fell into normal conversation. Swinging through In-N-Out they got their burgers and fries then made it back to Tom's place.

"What would you like to drink? I've got milk, beer annnd... water. Shit, I guess that is it I am sorry. I thought I had more stuff in my fridge. We should have gotten drinks with the food, but I know we both don't like soda so, not many options." Tom said while bending over into his fridge.

"Beer works!" Jaxon exclaimed, trying to sound like he was not staring at Tom's ass.

"If you tell your mother she will fucking cut my dick off, so I guess that means you are crashing in the guest room tonight. Just means we get more time to game, aw yeah!" Tom said excitedly.

Jaxon had stayed at Toms plenty of times before and neither of them liked to be wasted so now Jaxon was pretty excited to just relax and get buzzed with his friend too. They ate up and gamed while shooting the shit. Before they knew it, it was passed midnight.

"Man, that was so much fun. I really needed that, thank you!" said Jaxon, leaning back into the couch.

Tom couldn't help but notice that his friend really was tense. Worriedly he asked, "Hey man, everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah... I have just been thinking a lot lately. I want to come out to my family, but I am just not sure how to go about it. I am 95% sure it will be fine, but there's always that little voice you know?"

Jaxon came out to Tom a year earlier and was surprised when Tom told him that he was gay too. It was really nice having a friend that he could talk to that knew all of the same things he was going through.

"Of course, I get it. You'll know when it's a good time and they will listen. I am sure everything will be fine" Tom said reassuringly. "I mean they will find out sooner or later with all the ass I am sure you're getting now. Hahaha"

"I haven't had sex with anyone yet." Jaxon said while hanging his head low.

"What?! You have to be joking. You're super-hot, dude! How do you not have a bunch of guys that want a piece?"

"I just -- okay don't laugh because it's cliché -- but I want my first time to be memorable and stuff you know?" replied Jaxon.

"I totally feel you. I wish my first time was much better instead of just a horny night with some frat guy that I never met again. Don't worry too much. That is respectable and you'll find the guy. You're fucking awesome so whomever that is will be one lucky dude."

"I already know who I want to be my first, I am just terrified to even approach him. I have had a huge crush on him forever but I am afraid I'd lose the friendship if he knew."

"Oh no. Did you fall for a straight guy? That is the worst, bro!" Tom joked.

Jaxon just kept his head down. He really wanted to be anywhere else at the moment. He started to try and think of a nice way to say goodnight and go hide in the guest room. Just as he was about to say something, he was startled by Tom putting his finger under his chin and pulling his head up. Tom was looking right into his eyes in a very caring way.

"I was kidding, man. I've known you've had a crush on me for awhile. I have been trying for months to think of a good way to talk to you and ask you out, but I always got butterflies. I guess I was afraid you'd think I was too old for you or something like that."

Jaxon's head exploded with so many thoughts. At first he was terrified, but when Tom said that he's felt the same for a long time too Jaxon had only one question on his mind.

"Tom. Can I -- can I please kiss you?"

Without answering Tom pressed his lips to Jaxons. Both boys immediately sighed out a moan like finally having a drink of water after crossing a desert. They both laughed realizing just how badly they really have wanted each other. Jaxon then jumped onto Toms lap and they started devouring one another. Their mouths were locked and Jaxon was the first one to stick his tongue into Toms mouth. He was surprised when Tom sucked on his tongue a bit before following up with his own insertion. He hadn't had someone kiss him like that before. Tom was running his hands through Jaxons hair and was just so happy that he finally got to kiss this guy he had been slowly falling for. Jaxon felt Tom getting hard and it made him shudder. Realizing they were both getting really hot and bothered, Tom pulled away.

"Whew, bro, you're a fucking incredible kisser. It is really turning me on" Tom said while catching his breath.

"Yeah, I noticed!" Said Jaxon through a beaming smile.

He slid his hand down Toms stomach and grabbed his growing cock. It felt nice and thick. Finally having Toms dick in his hand Jaxon let out an uncontrollable moan in Toms ear.

"Whoa, whoa, man slow down a sec."

Really worried that he had gone too far, Jaxon was scared he crossed the line already.

"Look. I really, REALLY want you. But I don't want to go anywhere you're not comfortable. It's your first time and I am happy to wait."

Jaxon almost felt like crying. Tom really was the guy he wanted and he was being so considerate. What could be more wonderful?

"Trust me. I am more than ready and I need you to be my first" Jaxon replied.

"I just wasn't sure what to expect going forward. You know I am much more of a bottom, right?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, it's one of the hottest things about you." Jaxon said with a hungry look in his eye.

"Oh! I -- uh just didn't know what to, you know expect since you're --"

Jaxon cut him off with a kiss. "Shut up. I just really want to feel your hole wrapped around my cock"

"Fuck, damn good verbal for a virgin hahaha." Tom said laughingly.

"I have been thinking about what I want to say to you for a long time. Just please don't be disappointed if I don't last very long. Everything I have heard, many guys cum pretty fast their first time. I also didn't bring any condoms or anything. Never thought this would actually happen."

"Don't worry, you know I am clean and besides, I want to feel all of you. Let me take care of the fast jizz problem."

Tom picked up Jaxon and they continued kissing down the hallway towards the bedroom. Jaxon pulled off his shirt revealing his slender body. Tom just grunted in lust. Putting Jaxon down on the bed Tom took his shirt off to show off his toned torso.

Looking at him in a new light Jaxon just muttered out "Hell yes."

They both quickly took their pants off as Tom got on the bed to keep kissing this beautiful guy. Both of their cocks were very hard and Tom could see a big spot of pre soaked into Jaxons underwear. He went down and sucked Jaxons head through the underwear so he could get a taste.

"Oh my god" Jaxon screamed. He'd never had someone's mouth so close to his dick before.

"Wow you taste so fucking good." Tom said while pulling his underwear off.

Jaxon couldn't help but stare. He'd dreamed of Toms cock many nights, but here it finally was. Even more perfect than he expected. It was nice and thick, probably about 6.5-7 inches long and had a nice curve to it. Jaxons mouth began to water. He needed to taste Tom as well right away. He brought Tom up for a kiss then slowly worked his way down Toms neck and chest. He licked down his abs and enjoyed the happy trail when he reached it. He could feel the head of Toms cock hit the bottom of his chin and everything in him just took over. He grabbed the shaft and put the head in his mouth, swirling his tongue around to make sure he got a good taste of anything leaking out. Tom just put his head back and moaned. Placing a hand on the back of Jaxons head he gently helped guide him down onto his dick. More than happy to oblige Jaxon tried to take as much of Tom into his mouth as he could.

It quickly hit the back of his throat and he gagged a bit.

"Oh, shit, sorry. I got a bit carried away" Tom apologized.

"It's okay, you taste great too. You'll have to teach me how to better handle this thing later" Jaxon said through a huge smile.

"Here let me take over a little" Tom said, mostly wanting to see Jaxons cock up close.

He laid Jaxon on his back and slowly peeled off his underwear. As he did Jaxons dick slowly bent down as finally broke free to slap his stomach. Tom was floored. For such a little guy his cock was impressive. He noticed first that he was uncut which was Toms favorite, so he was already excited. But it was close to 8 inches for sure and hard as a rock. It was smooth and pointed straight back up towards Jaxons gorgeous eyes which were watching Tom with a ton of excitement. Tom took the head into his mouth and immediately felt a huge drop of pre-cum leak out. He went down on Jaxon all the way burying his nose into his groin.

"Holy fuck, ok ok stop stop stop!" Jaxon moaned.

Tom expected that since Jaxon had never had someone suck him off, let alone deep throat him. As he pulled his mouth off a bunch more pre-cum leaked out. Tom gathered it up on his fingers and just said "It's okay, I told you I would help with the worry of coming too fast."

He then took his fingers and painted Jaxons lips with the pre-cum. They kissed and shared in the sweet taste. Tom spit into his hand and started to massage his own hole.

Jaxon couldn't help but watch. "That is so hot, wow."

"Well I need to get myself ready for something of that size haha."

They continued to kiss as Tom massaged his hole open. To Toms surprised Jaxon spit on his own fingers and placed them at the entrance to Toms hole. He started with his middle finger and stuck it in a little bit. Tom moaned in ecstasy.

"That feels good".

Jaxon kept going and added his index finger as well, helping to loosen things up.

They kept going for awhile when Tom finally said "I am ready for you if you want to give it a try."

Gulping Jaxon said "Yeah, let's give it a go."

Tom put a pillow under the small of his back and Jaxon got into position with his cock head just outside of Toms hole.

"Okay, here I go. I already can tell I am not gonna last long at all so I will pull out and let you know when I am gonna cum Okay?"

"You'll do fine dude, just let me feel your huge cock inside me already!" Tom said, assuringly.

Jaxon put the head of his cock right up to Toms hole. He could feel the heat resonating off Toms body and feel his hole already pulsing. Tom spit in his hand and coated Jaxons dick with it. He was still leaking so much that it was more than enough lube. Jaxon slowly watched as his head almost popped into Toms ass. They both started moaning immediately. Jaxon kept slowly pushing in. The whole time he watched his cock disappear into his friend. He finally got it all the way in and just kept it there.

"Holy fuck, you are big, but that feels great Jax." Tom said.

"Yeah, it feels like I am melting inside you. Oh my god, I don't think I can move at all or I will bust." Jaxon said while breathing very shakily.

"Whenever you're ready, start moving."

Jaxon took a deep breath and pulled out a little, then slid his cock back in. It was the most amazing thing he had ever felt in his life. He could feel his balls start to tighten and he began to panic a little.

"Fuck, I am sorry but yeah I am going to cum already" Jaxon started to pull out but Tom quickly wrapped his legs around him and pulled him back in so that his cock was as deep as it could go.

"Tom, I need to pull out I am gonna cum dude!" Jaxon said, not really knowing what to do.

"It's okay, I want you to blow your first load deep inside me. I will always be the guy you did this with first and I need to be the guy who has your big boy cum fill my hole."

For some reason hearing that was so fucking hot to Jaxon. He tried his best to protest.

"I can't hold it, I.. I.. UUUUHGNG, TOM I AM COMING!" He finally yelled, dumping his virgin load all the way into Tom.

"FUCK YES!" Tom screamed as he felt Jaxons huge cock twitch out load after load into his hole. He kept his legs around him and pulled him in as close as he could.

"Whew, that was -- that was" Jaxon had no words.

Tom just kissed him and said "That was just the start" with a wink.

Seeing the confused look on Jaxon's face Tom just said "Don't pull out, keep that big dick in me and start fucking me. You'll stay hard."

Jaxon didn't think he would stay hard but his body took over and he started slowly pumping his cock in and out. With each thrust Tom was moaning more and more loudly. Jaxon quickly realized that he actually was harder than ever still and it gave him a little more confidence. He leaned back a bit more so he could grab Toms legs and watch his own cock as he picked up pace.

"Fuck yes, keep sliding that hot cock in and out of my hole" Tom moaned. His hand were up behind his head revealing his whole body and his nice furry pits. Tom just watched Jaxons face turned on by the fact that Jaxon couldn't stop watching his own cock.

Jaxon watched as he was now steadily going in and out of Toms tight ass. He noticed some of his load was leaking out and coated his dick. No wonder it felt even better and smoother. He could feel that he was starting to get a little close, but still had some time. This boosted his confidence even more. He finally looked up to Tom.

"Yeah, you like it while I fuck my virgin load into your hole? You want me to blow another load in there?" Jaxon asked.

Tom nearly lost it. This dude who was so shy not too long ago, was quickly turning into one of the hottest fucks he had ever had. It made his dick leak a big stream of pre-cum. Just as he was about to answer, Jaxon took the pre on his fingers and shoved them in Toms mouth.

"Hell yeah, let's share that taste again" They started to kiss more passionately before. They kept kissing as Jaxon was now pounding his dick into Toms hole, each time hitting that perfect spot.

"Jax, if you keep that up you're gonna make me blow, dude" Tom finally said.

The thought of making Tom cum hands-free drove Jaxon over the edge. He started purposefully fucking Tom and said "Yeah, I want to watch you explode from the feeling of my big cock. I am going to give you another load as deep as I can!"

That was too much for Tom. Hearing Jax be so dirty made his cock immediately start shooting out ropes and ropes of cum.


Each time Toms cock spewed out his load, his hole tightened on Jaxons cock. It was so intense that he couldn't hold back either. He thrust his cock in as far as it would go and unloaded.


Toms dick was still draining out what felt like a months' worth of cum. It was all over his chest and abs. Jaxons second load was just as big as the first if not bigger. He could feel a lot of it leaking out of Toms now full ass. Both guys just started to breathe heavily as Jaxon collapsed on top of Tom. Neither cared that they were both covered in each other's fluids now. After what felt like minutes, Jaxon finally peeled himself off a bit, but kept his cock inside Tom. He looked down and saw a nice puddle of cum in the nape of Toms neck. Jaxon went down and slurped it up hungrily. Wanting to taste the full amount of Toms cum. Tom quickly grabbed him for a kiss so they could swirl it around. This made Jaxons cock twitch inside of Tom and they both moaned.

Jaxon slowly pulled out and saw a huge load start to spill out of Toms now red and open hole. The sight turned him on so much.

"Wow, that is hot." Jaxon said.

"Yeah I can feel your loads, you did a fucking amazing job dude." Tom said as he fingered some of Jaxons cum out of him. He quickly put it in his own mouth wanting to taste this new man. Of course, Jaxon quickly wanted in as well.

"Whew, alright time to clean up haha." Tom said laughing.

They both got up and laughed at each other for having post orgasm spaghetti legs. Tom threw the comforter in the laundry and went to meet Jaxon in the bathroom where the shower was already running. They both hopped in and without saying a word started to gently caress and wash each other off. Every now and then stealing a small kiss, but mostly just enjoying finally being with each other.

"Jax, that was truly incredible. I am not lying when I say that I think it was the best fuck of my life".

Jaxon grabbed Tom in and started to hug him tightly.

"Thank you so much for giving me everything I wanted my first time to be. And by the way, my answer is yes."

Confused Tom asked "Answer to wha--" he then remembered that earlier he had confessed to Jaxon that he had been trying to build up the courage to ask him out.

"Well then I was right when I said that the guy to be your first would be one lucky dude. I now have one of the hottest boyfriends on earth."

Jaxon pulled him in for a kiss and gave a small smack on Toms ass. This made Tom jump, but Jaxon just said "Not as hot as my boyfriend" with a huge smile.

They finished showering and went to lay down together in Toms bed. Both were over the moon with how the night had turned out.

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