Jesse McCartney

By Flyboy

Published on Mar 15, 2001



Disclaimer: This is a work of complete fiction, and is not meant to imply the sexuality of Jesse McCartney or to imply that I know anything about his personal life. So there.

Note: This story is my property, and you may not redistribute, or copy it in part or in whole or in any way without my permission. Thanks. :)

If you have any issues with or are not interested in reading about love and sex between boys or teenagers then this isn't the story for you, and I'd recommend you go away.

"Jesse McCartney" or "A Net Friend" by Flyboy (

I sat there, listening to my Dream Street cd all the way through for the third time and thought about the members of the boy band, the real boy band that is. I was a fan of boy bands in general, 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, older bands, new bands, I thought they were all hot, but when I found out about Dream Street, I was blown away. They turned me on more then any other boy band possibly could. Anyway, I should probably introduce myself now. I'm James, I'm 16, I live in Chicago, and if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm gay. My parents probably suspect something, but for now it's not talked about. And if you're wondering why I'm interested in Dream Street, then I should probably tell you that I'm into younger teens too. I don't know if that makes me a "boy lover", but I'm not sure if calling it a gay thing is right either. But anyway, age is just a number, right?

Anyway, back to Dream Street. Of all the members, I had one favorite: Jesse McCartney. He seemed to be the most famous too, being a character on "All My Children" and all. And the most boyish, he was 13 years old and extremely cute. I dreamt and fantasized about Dream Street occasionally, and he always turned out to be the main feature of these fantasies. I thought kissing him or making out with him would have to be one of the greatest experiences ever. Sex would be the ultimate icing on the cake. But alas, I realized just like most of the teen girls out there fantasizing about him, I had no chance. Hell, I had much less of a chance then them. I thought to myself that I must be the only 16 year old male that's a fan of Jesse McCartney. There's probably thousands of 12-14 year old little girls that adore him, and I'm guessing I'm not the only teen who would love to have him as my boyfriend. But as far as being a teenager who dreams of anal sex with him, I'm probably alone on that one.

Such was my life though. Hell, it seemed like I was the only lonesome gay teen out there sometimes. I read the XYs, and other gay media, and I saw gay teens who were completely out and happy with boyfriends. That's what I wanted the most, a boyfriend, somebody at least a little close to my age; I wanted a relationship. And so I searched through personals, I instant messaged, I ICQed, I checked my PlanetOut email, etc etc. Sure, I met a few people, things occasionally sorta work out, but things always seemed to fail in the end, and in a lot of cases I ended up used or abandoned.

I still never gave up though. And after months of failures and getting my hopes up to only be let down many times, something special happened. I was surfing the net one day, and it was at that point that things started to turn around for me. I was actually listening to "It Happens Every Time", and I went to the PlanetOut personals section for probably the hundredth time and entered "13-16" as my age range like I always did, and clicked search. The same personals seemed to come up every time, and this instance seemed to be no different. In vain, I continued to look at page after page until I started to look at personals without pics and the ones at the outer bounds of my age range. This too didn't even seem to help much, so I gave up on the search and decided to back track a bit; my thought was maybe I could broaden my search even more, or something like that. While going back, I actually noticed a new one (I swear I had seen all of them though), it was a 13 year old in my area with a personal titled "Looking for A Net Friend". Well buddy, I had thought, I've already got friends, I'm not searching through these for another one. I could tell from the results page that he didn't have a picture either, and I figured he was probably taken anyway, just like everybody else. I finally opened up the personal and was at first a bit disappointed when I noticed that he listed himself as "bisexual, gay, questioning", but after I actually read through the whole thing I was actually completely stunned. Everything else just seemed perfect, every like, every dislike, every hobby, every interest, every sentence seemed to speak volumes to me. He loved boy bands too, I admit that's not that uncommon among gay teens, but it was cool nonetheless. And he was apparently single, although I still wasn't sure about my chances for a relationship.

I never really expected to email any 13 year olds that I found and I thought I might've been a bit old to talk to him, but what the hell I had thought, I just felt like I had to meet this boy. So I emailed him and introduced myself, I poured my heart out actually. I don't know why, but it just felt right. I thought after reading it, he might look at me as desperate or just plain weird, but I really didn't seem to care. Two hours later I got a response, and he actually said he thought I "sounded pretty cool"! He also gave me his AOL Instant Messenger name, and his real name, "Mike".

For about a month we got to know each other really well, apparently he was more sure about being gay then he had originally put on. He had been sure about his sexuality for a while, but was a little nervous about putting a personal up and so he gave a few misleading details. And from our talks, it seemed that he was definitely interested in more than just friendship. The more I got to know him, the more I liked him. He definitely wasn't online as much as I would've liked him to be, but when he was I enjoyed our chats immensely. I was definitely developing feelings, and I think it was mutual. At the time, one thing did bother me though; I traded a few pictures of myself with him, but he never did the same. He claimed that he just didn't have one and had no scanner. I'd be lying if I said I was not interested in looks, but in this case I decided I had to believe him. I knew I wanted to meet him in real life sometime soon anyway, so all things would be revealed then and there.

And speaking of meeting, it didn't take long for the subject to come up either. Originally he seemed to sorta push it off when it was mentioned, but one afternoon on AIM he brought it up himself and expressed interest in making it happen. With the good news though, came what seemed at first like bad news. He told me he had to tell me something, apparently he had been lying about some things. I at first thought was oh great, he's probably a 50 year old fat guy or something like that, but after all this I felt I should give him a chance. For one, his name wasn't Mike, and after finding this out, I naturally asked what his real name was. Now think of what I told you before, and make up the most far-fetched answer you could possibly think of, an answer that would be completely unbelievable; that's what he told me.

Yep, "Jesse McCartney". I immediately replied "LOL!", and asked if it was a big coincidence that he shared his name with a celebrity or if was he trying to pull my leg. He replied that it wasn't a coincidence, and persisted to seriously insist that he was the real deal. In response, I frankly told him that I liked him, but that the joke was wearing off. At hearing this, he actually offered to call me and I was thinking, what the hell, this will be good for a laugh. So I gave him my phone number, and a few seconds later I heard the phone ringing. At this point, I was thinking that he was taking the joke way too far or maybe a bill collector picked a real coincidental time to call. Either way, I picked up the phone and greeted the caller with a standard hello. What I heard in reply shocked the utter hell out of me.

"Hi, it's me, Jesse. Or Mike, heh, whatever you want to call me." It was Jesse McCartney's voice! Either he was an excellent impersonator or he was telling the truth!

"You're not.. You're not lying are you?" I asked in surprise.

"Nope. It's Jesse McCartney, yep the All My Children character, Dream Street, and all that. But James, don't think of me as that. It's not a big deal, I like you, you like me. Ya know nothing's really changed. But, heh, I knew you probably wouldn't believe me, and I figured I would end up calling you. Because of this, I decided I would sing a song, just for you. I think it should confirm things, and even if you do believe already, the song is important because it really shows my feelings.."

"Well.. ok. So you're going to sing it right now?"


He then preceded to sing a small song, and I think I even recognized it, but the lyrics were all different. It had my name in it and about us, it was so special and romantic. And it confirmed everything, this was Jesse!

"Wow." was all I could say..

"Like it?"

"I love it Jesse. Un, can I call you that? Do you go by Jesse to people you know well?"

"Jesse's fine"

"ok, cool. Well, Jesse, heh, that was the most special, most touching song I ever heard. I think I may just be falling for you."

"The feeling's mutual James. I just don't make up songs for everybody you know" he said with a little laugh.

"Well, thank you. It means a whole lot to me, I wish I could sing you a song right back"

"Just talking to you's good enough for me. I love your voice for one, I love everything about you really. Man, honestly, I didn't expect to find somebody so fast on the internet. But I'm glad I did."

"I'm glad this happened too"

"One thing does sorta bother me though. Now somebody knows I'm, it's weird just saying it out loud. Anyway, now somebody knows for real. I've never told anyone, I mean, I trust you, but it's just that if me being gay ever got out to anyone, I really don't know what would happen, and I'm definitely not ready for my parents to know."

"Well they don't have to. I'm definitely not going to tell anyone about you or us, if you don't want me to. Don't even worry about it Jesse."


"You're welcome. So.. do you still want to meet me?"

"Yeah of course James. That's why I brought all this up anyway. But first, I'm sorry to say I was lying about living in the Chicago area too, but I just had to pick a place for my personal, I really only wanted to just talk with some other gay people at first."

"That's cool. It's understandable."

"Heh, well you sure do take being lied too a lot pretty well, I'm really sorry"

"Like I said, I understand. It's not like you were going to put up your name and pic up on Planetout anyway, even if you were out."

"Thanks for understanding then. Anyway, well the really cool thing that I wanted to tell you is that me and the other Dream Street guys are going to be doing a concert in the Chicago area."

"Oh, yeah, duh! Man, I actually knew that! I just really hadn't put two and two together. I had already planned to go anyway!"

"Cool, well you already know all the details then. Um, hold a sec.."

After a few seconds he came back on.

"Well, actually I gotta go now, but before I go though, do you have a cell phone?"

"Yep, want my number?"

"Yeah, I'll call you the day of the concert and tell you where to be."

"Awesome." I then preceded to tell him my number..

"Got it. Well, it's a date then, I can't wait to meet you James. See you there.."

"See ya there, bye.."

Holy shit was all I was thinking to myself as I hung up the phone. It seemed all WAY too perfect for me, but who the fuck am I to argue? Everything was going just right, I possibly had the boyfriend of my dreams, and I was going to have the time of my life. Transportation wasn't a problem either, I had a license, I had my own car (a piece of shit actually, but it gets me from point A to point B), and I was going to drive to the mall on Saturday (the scheduled day) and meet Jesse McCartney! A very personal meeting too.

The day we talked was a Tuesday, and it might as well have been a Monday. The days crept sloooooowwwly by, especially school, and I hated it. I would sit in my desk at the different classes and just daydream, fantasizing about my perfect date with Jesse. I could even feel the nervousness now! It showed at home too, my mother even said I was acting weird and I told her things were ok; if she only knew! Jesse didn't even seem to be online that much and when he was, I sometimes even disconnected! It sounds stupid, but I just thought I would screw something up, I had a lucky break I thought; I'm going to meet him, and I didn't want to fuck it up. The little we did talk was just mostly excited talk of our meeting, I told him what I'd be dressed in and things like that, and since I had sent pictures I didn't think he'd have trouble spotting me anyway.

Saturday finally came around and I was elated, and nervous. I drove down to the local mall with little trouble and was a bit early actually. I walked in and quickly was able to find the location of the concert, the huge group of young girls sorta gave it away anyway. I then preceded to find a chair close to the front and I sat down and waited to either see Jesse or get a call from him. I didn't get a call, but about 45 minutes to an hour later the whole group came out and the crowd went wild. Man, this was so exciting! When Jesse walked out he scanned the audience and it looked like he was staring right at me. He winked and then told everyone that he was dedicating the first song to "someone in the audience" and he said that "they know who they are". My heart began to pound at that one, it was then that I knew I was falling in love with this boy! After hearing all my favorite songs, the group left the stage and I sat at a bench and awaited a phone call. Before it came though, I saw Dream Street come back out, this time not on stage, but offering autographs. I got up to get some, but noticed Jesse wasn't there and before I could walk any farther I heard the little melody of my cell. I answered it and heard Jesse's voice again, this time he told me where exactly to go to meet him. Apparently, he told everyone that he wasn't feeling that well after the concert and that he wanted to rest a bit. I found an alternate entryway that Jesse had told me about and I opened the door and found him waiting there! We walked through some offices, and finally entered a private lounge area. It had a few couches, a TV, some other amenities, and a lock.

We settled in and started to talk. I was extremely nervous at first, and it was showing. Eventually though I found that Jesse really was the person I had gotten to know well. And the way he treated me so nice really helped to break the ice too. As I sat there, I analyzed the situation and I still couldn't fucking believe it. I had to mentally smack myself to get back into reality, and I swear I even literally pinched myself too. After some mostly small talk, our conversation got a bit more serious.

"You're beautiful, do you realize that?" I said

"Shutup, shutup, shutup" he playfully said as he brushed the comments off with a smile.

"I mean it, I look in your eyes and I almost get lost in it all"

"You know, you're definitely not too bad looking yourself.."

"All I know is that I'm lucky to have you, very damn lucky."

"And I'm not? I'm lucky to have you too James; I'm not looking for a stuck-up 'celebrity', I'm looking for my dream guy, and you know what, I think I found him." he said with a smile.

"Damn, do I deserve such niceness?"

"Oh again, shutup. Of course you do. Ya know it gets just as lonely in my position as it is being anybody else. You've been here for me when I've needed it, and I'm so thankful for that. A boyfriend is actually a nice surprise but like the last thing I expected right now, with parents, produces, schedules, concerts, tapings, friends and then let's not even mention my..ugh, well you get the point."

"You were saying 'mention my', mention your what?"

"Um, it's not real important" he said, not very convincingly

"Ok, well is something wrong?"

"Well, yeah. Um, let me just say it, I mean I should.."

"Jesse, if something's bothering you, then just say it.."

"Well, I was going to say 'mention my girlfriend'. Yeah, I have a fucking girlfriend. And don't worry about it, it's all fake. She was a friend. Well, is a friend, and I was sort of forced into's hard to explain."

Jesse surprisingly began to cry a bit and continued.

"But I really am gay, I know that definitely. Being with you is a million times better then ever being with a girl. I sorta hate myself though, I mean I should've told you, of all people. I had all this time, we chatted, we talked on the phone, and I didn't say one thing. And I haven't said anything to her. Maybe I'm just being stupid, but I feel like I've betrayed a lot of people, most importantly you.."

"Jesse, believe me when I say it doesn't matter to me." And then the words came out of my mouth, I said them without even thinking; it was just natural.

"I love you Jesse. I mean that. None of that matters, you're here with me now, and we're together." I said as I got closer and put my arm around him.

"I..I love you too"

What came next was just natural; I closed in and let our lips touch each other. It was magical. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity and I was on cloud nine. Our lips and tongues were entangled in pure love and I took my hands and rubbed up and down his back as we continued to intimately make out. Jesse had an obvious bulge, and I realized that not only was Jesse McCartney, the celebrity, my boyfriend, right in front of me and kissing me no less, but that I had a very horny Jesse McCartney on my hands too. It was definitely a mutual feeling.

I broke the kiss and reached for his shirt as we both stood up. He allowed me to easily take it off and I threw it to the side. God he had a beautiful chest! I took my hands and lightly worked my way down to his jeans while paying a little bit of special attention to his nipples. I slowly unbuckled and unzipped the opening of his jeans, exposing a pair of white briefs and a major hard-on. After taking his pants off, I got down on my knees and began to move into his crotch. Seeing his beautiful 13-year old form in just briefs majorly turned me on; I didn't want to take them off just yet so I began to put my hands in through the bottom of his briefs, and as both of my hands reached in to the leg openings I begin to play with his balls and his cock. He breathed in a bit in reaction to this and I let my fingers lightly move up and down the sides of his nice boy-meat, the whole time my lower palms up against his ballsack and finger tips occasionally meeting with pubes. I then reached up and started pulling the undies down, revealing his beautiful erect cut penis in all it's glory. I pulled my hands out and finally took the briefs all the way down his smooth legs as I helped him get them off.

I wanted to go a lot further, hell, in my mind this was all for him, he could enslave me if he wanted. But Jesse wouldn't have any of that, and after I moved in and let my tongue reach his dick and gave it a good licking, he pulled me up off my knees just as I was about to fully engulf his cock. He then started to help me take my own clothes off and when he finished we both stood there stark naked awaiting the pleasure to come. I pushed into him while our faces, mouths, and tongues met yet again. We explored each others mouths with fury, while our hands explored each others bodies with matching haste. He then sat me down on the couch, got down of his knees, and began to approach my own hard-as-a-rock dick. He licked his own lips a bit, and finally let his tongue gently touch my sack. He began moving up and created a nice heavenly path from my balls to my cockhead. After this was finished he started to lick up and down and all around my shaft and as he worked up he finally let my head pass through his lips. He flicked his tongue around a bit and instantly got a moan from me. He just smiled (that smile should be trademarked if you ask me), played a bit more with my cockhead and took more of my shaft into his mouth. He then started sucking slowly, playing lots of games with his tongue and sometimes letting my cock escape his mouth and then licking my cockhead furiously. His sucking became faster as my cock continuously traveled back and forth through his sweet lips. I began breathing more deeply and placed my hands on his head and let them roam a bit through his beautiful blonde hair as his head bobbed up and down on my swollen member. He must've known I was getting a bit close because he pulled off suddenly.

He then looked into my eyes and said "I want you to come inside me James, I want you to fuck me". Well, at this point I wasn't about to argue. If Jesse McCartney wants me to fuck him, then I'll do just that, no questions asked. I stood up as he sat down on the couch and he then pulled his legs up and spread them. I put a pillow under his ass so I could have better access. Before I was going to fuck him though, I wanted to add a bit of my own lube. So I got down on my own knees and moved closer to his butt and spread his cheeks a bit. I loved the view and moved in closer still, I then started licking around his asshole and finally probed it a bit. Jesse then gave a little shout, and it startled me a bit. Nevertheless, I continued to caress his asshole, letting my tongue roam up and down, in and out, and all over it, all the while loving his taste. Everything about him turned me on. After rimming him, I still wanted to prepare him more for penetration so I wet my fingers a bit with spit and pushed one finger into his hole. He got used to it and with a little work I started using two fingers. Jesse was definitely ready now, and I then got up, moved in and let my dick rest on his ass. After spitting on my hand and getting my dick a bit more lubed up I aimed my cock at his asshole and attempted to enter. I started pushing and with some work my cock finally entered, Jesse then gasped and winced a little.

"Try to relax, push down with your anal muscles if you have to. If it hurts too much I'll stop"

"..It's ok, really. Keep going.."

I gently pushed my cock as far as I could and eventually my pubes were touching his ass. Jesse moaned and begged me to continue. So I slowly pulled as far as possible out of his ass and pushed my cock right back in. I then got a rhythm going of my cock traveling in and out of his chute, his virgin ass felt so tight and hot. It was undescribable; I had never ever felt anything like this before in my whole life. I began softly running my hands up on his smooth legs and he then yelled out.

"Fuck me harder! This feels so fucking awesome!".

I gladly complied and my rhythm became faster. I was pummeling his asshole, with my dick and his asshole slippery with spit, I just kept working my dick in and out of his tight ass. Jesse was moaning deeply, and I could tell he was really getting into this. I was already breathing very deeply and I began to moan myself. The tightness of his ass was amazing and my continuous rampage of penetration only got better. Finally my rhythm became insanely fast and I was literally attacking his asshole, I could take no more and I knew I would soon shoot my load. Both of us were moaning and yelling with total ecstasy as my dick continued it's ramming of his ass. The orgasm was approaching and when it hit I let out a warning.

"I'm coming! Agggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggghh"

I had rammed my cock in his butt one last time, releasing my hot load of cum into his rectum. I shot load after load and completely lined his insides with my orgasmic juice.

I was the first one to break the silence, albeit a bit breathlessly, after our love making had ended.

"That was awesome. I love you Jesse."

"James I loved that too. And I'll love you always.."

Just then we heard a knock on the door.

"Oh shit!" Jesse exclaimed.

"Hold on a second!" he yelled to the person outside. We both got dressed as fast as humanly possible, we must've set a record. Before he unlocked the door, Jesse looked at me and began to talk.

"I gotta go, but I want you to know I had an awesome time with you. And again.... I love you."

"I love you too." We kissed one last time and walked out together after he unlocked the door. The woman seemed to be a bit startled at seeing me there, but apparently she was some sort of staff member and she basically just ignored me as we got closer to the exit. She began to escort him out and as he left we both waved goodbye to each other.

We later talked on the phone and I told him it was the greatest thing to have him as my boyfriend; I told him he had to be my soul-mate. He agreed, and explained that despite this, we sadly wouldn't be able to have a full-time relationship. It was hard to swallow, but I think we both knew it from the moment we met. Even the darkest cloud has a silver lining though, and it was the same with this. The good news was that we could meet pretty frequently, and he said that before too long he would be ready to come out to his parents and tell them about his boyfriend. He said that until then though, if his parents ask who's he's meeting, he had a response planned. He would look them straight in the eye and with a smile simply reply, "A net friend."

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