Joe's Place

By ...Mercury.....

Published on Nov 7, 1995



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o o Oh Wise Master, I wonder who rules Alt.Sex.Stories ? o Why that is easy, young Grasshopper. It is... o o ... M e r c u r y ... o o For listen to the Wind. Does it not whisper in your ear, o "Mercury rulez A.S.S.!" And listen to the babbling brook. o Does it not babble, "Mercury has the biggest dick of all!" o You see, Grasshopper. All of Nature is in harmony with o Mercury, for he is one with the Universe! o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o Carl Gustav Jung o o I was twenty-one when I entered the Rauschenbach's home and saw on the o stair a girl of about fourteen, in pigtails. And like a flash, it was o clear to me that this was my wife! I was deeply shaken by this, for I o had only really seen her for a brief instance, but I knew immediately o and with absolute certainly that she would be my wife. o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o Notes : o o 1. I did not write this story and do not know who did. o 2. If you're a biW/A m/f 18-24 looking for friends, write. o 3. Don't write asking me to email you stories. Fuck off. o

Joe's Place, A story about my teen-age years. By Sam Lawrence for Christopher Street - (201) 992-5660.

Well, I just sat down at the computer, and I thought, Hey, I think I'd like to write a story of my own for all those eager to learn minds. But upon down, I realized that I had nothing to write about. Sure, I can write about a non-possible sex story in the local gym, or an orgy in the middle of my backyard, but that's a little pushing reality, right guys? Anyway, Mabye I'll make my story a little bit honest. Use a little truth as well as a little fantasy. That's the best kind of story, right? One that's believable. So, I thought I'd travel back in time (in my mind) to my favorite years, those lust-ridden, filthy, exciting, sensual years of 15 and 16! Oh boy! So if you'd like to sit back and relax, I'll have Scotty beam me down to start...

7:00 Am "Ahhhh, Go away" I cried as my mother stood in the doorway looking at me saying "It's time to get up...Sonny boy, It's time to get up!" And guess what, I was really up that morning. I had a massive hard-on. That's why I was feigning sleep. "Ok Mother. Just a minute" I said hoping that she'd just go away and let me rest. "Well your bus comes in a half an hour, so be ready. And your breakfast is ready" "Fine, go away" To my gratitude, she left, leaving me alone in my bedroom once more. Oh how I thought this bed would serve me well someday. Yeah, I'll screw somebody. Probably a hot chick, but maybe not so hot. Whomever it is, it'll be fun! I couldn't wait! I had a pair of my dad's trojans in the closet, so I was prepared to go. Little did I know that the night would be different that I had expected.

9:57 Am "And sin squared theta plus cosine squared theta equals one. Got that class?" I gasped at the thought of finally having to learn something in my Trig class, taught by the one and only, Mr Donnely, the biggest crab in the school. In a whisper, I heard "Hey Nick, Wanna go over to Joe's tonight?" Joe's I thought, Now what place is that. It's not the pizza place, that's Mike's. And it's not the hamburger place, that's McDonalds. But Joe's? I had heard of it, but just couldn't place the name on a location. "Joe's?" I said. "What the hell is Joe's?" "You don't know about Joe's?" the whisper said. I turned to find out who it was speaking, and it was Rod, one of the linesmen of the school football team. And since he was dating Maria, a half spanish girl who was the hottest numeber on the cheerleading squad, I said "Yeah, What the hell is Joe's?" Rod replied "Joe's is the local adult joint. They got about everything you can imagine. Sort of being in fucking N-Y!" 'Shit, and adult joint?' I thought. "Sure, I'll go. Where you wanna meet and when?" "Be over at the Peak at 10:00. My brother will give us a ride into town and we'll walk from there." "Just us? Anyone else you wanna being along?" "Nope, I'd of brought Maria along, she's fascinated with this place, but I thought she might be in the way of our cruising!" Suddenly a voice went through the room like a bolt of thunder. "What do you boys thing your doing? Talking in class? Well You can just stay after tomorrow..."

11:57 Pm "What the hell is that?" Rod said pointing at my lunch, which consisted of leftover pizza mashed up with leftover meat-loaf. "It's pizza-loaf" I replied casually. "It looks more like shit!" The table got a laugh at that one. "Well fuck you!" I replied knowing that the table expected this sort of acting if one is planning on being on the football team again next year. "Anytime, anyplace" "I'll bet that you-" "Brrrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg" The bell sounded marking the end of lunch. Oh well, It's off to English I go.

3:43 Pm I was sitting in the living room watching Bugs Bunny reruns with my little brother, who was nine. I couldn't wait until ten came around, then I was gonna zip out of the house, pleading some date, and zip up to the Peak. The Peak has been the meeting point of the town for as long as anyone can remember. It's a small hill south of town that the animals love to climb over in their endless quest for nothing. Hunters thrive there in the spring, but this was autumn, and it was too cold to hunt at night. Besides, it was night. But The Peak's history isn't colorful, there was a gandland style killing of Old Brown, the town mayor, there about 10 years ago. No one is quite sure what killed him, but from what I've heard, it was a hunting accident disguised as a killing to protect some hunter. Anyway, I got tired from 'What's up Doc' so I went into my room to call Mark, a good friend of mine. Rod was a better one, but Mark could be trusted. No luck though, Mark was out for the afternoon. And so was Randy, Mike, Rob, Sam, and Joe. I didn't tell the last two to call me back, there was something strange about them. Probably the fact that they're failing chemestry. That can make anyone strange. So I sat back, pulled out the latest copy of 'Nudity Today' Magazine I got from my friends, and relaxed, letting my instincts take over. I was sure as hell horny! I wanted to cum so bad from being so aroused that I might of taken Rod up on his offer. Oh well, I thought as I put back the Mag, I wanna save it for tonight. I think I'll need it after I go to Joe's. I'll be as hot as ever. The thought of being in an adult bar thrilled me. Putting back on my pants, I sighed, "Well, I'll probably need it later anyway" and I was sure right.

6:22 Pm "Don't you want to eat your spinich?" My mother asked. "No, I don't want to eat my spinich. Isn't this the 15th time I've answered you this evening?" "Well, I just thought you might of changed your mind. You don't have to snap at me." 'Aaaarrrrgh', I thought. 'I'll tell you what I'll change if you don't leave me alone!' I was sitting at dinner listening to my parents endless stock reports and my little brother saying he wanted waffles, not strak. Stupid brat. I really wish my parents could change sometime in the near future. Their goody-goody nature really made me tired at times. No, Make that all the time. But, I guess I'm glad I'm here in this world thanks to them. Otherwise, I might of ended up being some bum in skid row. Not an attractive thought. "Do you want any corn instead?" "No, Thanks anyway" 'Fuck you!' I thought. 'I'll eat corn the day I die!' "Ok, but you've got to eat something, you want to grow up and be healthy and strong like your father? If so, you've got to eat." "Listen mom, I'm 15. I'm past all the 'Healthy and Strong' lectures, so can't you get it through your head? I'm 15! A young adult of the world. Let me live in peace." "Nick," My father began, "You know that your mother is just trying to be nice. She loves you, ever suppose that's why she's doing it?" At that I got up and left the table. I couldn't take any more of this abuse.

9:30 Pm "Mom, I'm going out. I'll be back in by midnight" I said as I walked out the door without listening for an answer.

10:07 Pm I stood on the peak, with the wind blowing in my ear. To one that happened to be walking by, I could of looked like death himself, dressed in my good denim jeans, and a nice Levis shirt, but appearing as a dark figure with himself between the moon and The Earth. But to Rod, as his brother drove up the hill in his old Chevy, I looked like a kid ready for adventure, which is just what was promised. I think it might be time to tell you a little about myself. I'm about 5 and a half feet high. I've got a good body which, I suppose, comes from being on the football team, which I'm usually on the bench, but I occasionally am used. I have brown eyes, and medium sized blonde hair. I'm what you'd call a lady's man. But I am kind of shy. I like to be outgoing, but I'm just not meant to be like that. With a screeching racket, the car stopped and out stepped Rod. "Hey Nick, Let's get going!" He cried above the wind. I stepped in the car, and we were off in a start.

10:17 Pm "Rod, Have you given any thought about how we're gonna get in? They only let adults in this joint." "Of course. That's why I told you to bring lots of money. They are open to bribes at this place. The guy at the enterance is 10, the bartender is 15, and the bouncer is another ten. For a total of 35 bucks, you're gonna be able to watch all the pussy you want!" Walking past the busy streets, and through the city's heart, I replied "Yeah, I got 45. That gives me 10 for drinks. And you?" "I got 50. Hey there it is, ready for the time of your life?" "You bet. You do the talking though. I might end up giving us away." "Ko, I got it. Let's go, and remember, you're 18, and going to college locally." "Got it."

10:32 Pm Ten bucks later and mighty nervous, I stood inside Joe's for the first time. "And remember kids, you stay in the back, and only go onto the right side of the bar, or I'll have your fucking asses kicked out of this joint. Got that?" "Got it" Both Rod and I replied in unison. The inside of Joe's implied that it was just like The Vulgar Unicorn, the legendary sleeziest bar in existance. Except for the fact that this place had tables, a stage, and an upstairs with a sigh reading "Stay out, or you're fucked! The management" next to them. "See the upstairs? That's where the strippers go after their acts. And anyone wanting to get laid goes there. That's where we're going at midnight. That's why I got this for us. Take a look." He opened his windbreaker to reveal a small package tied on the side. Inside of the package was a gold ring with a diamond embedded in the middle. "I found this over at the park, and figured it would come in handy someday. I guess I was right. I just give this to one of the local cunts and Whallah, we're in. Me first though, you go second. I figure this thing is worth enough for us to get our jollies for a while. We'll go upstairs a little before the end of the show." "Shit man, that must be worth a couple hundred!" "Three to be exact, I had a jeweler look at it once." "Shit..."

11:29 Pm Three beers later each, both Rod and I were a bit mellow. We were just sitting there waiting for the show to start, which happened about now... "Lady's and Gentlemen, Announcing what we all are here to see, the greatest show on earth next to the circus, Joe's Place's Show of the month, Sexual delights..." He trailed off into nothingness. With a clang of someone hitting a hidden gong, the curtain opened to reveal 4 people sitting in chairs. There were two females dressed in real tiny mini- skirts looking about like nothing, and two guys in tight shorts that showed off what meat they had quite well. I had never really looked at a guy before in the manner that you're just waiting to read, but of course, I had seen them in my 'Nudity Today' Mag. I had passed by those pages though, looking for more females to look at. These two guys though, were really good looking as far as their upper bodies went. 'That's why they got the job, I suppose.' I thought. The two females were really good looking though. They had nice breasts, and I guess the rest of them would of been even better had I ever gotton a chance to see them. For, at that moment, Rod said 'Shit, look over by the stairs.' I looked over to see Joe in person sitting by a small desk. Standing around the stairs were a number of guys and gals, waiting for the show to end, I guess. It appeared like the were gonna go upstairs too. Anyway, Rod said "Shit, they're gonna get in and we won't! Let's go, let me do the talking." And he left in a flash. I walked along too, folowing him. Rod walked over to the stairs, and past them to the other side. Once he was there, he waited for me to get there. When I finally caught up with him, he said "Ok, Act like you're 18, and stand up straight, as straight as you can be. Keep up the act no matter what happens." When Rod started to walk back towards the stairs, he walked by the desk that Joe was sitting at. Looking up, Joe said "So you wanna get laid upstairs? It'll cost you 75 bucks for an hour." Rod replied "Ok, Consider it paid. Take a look at this." as he pulled pulled out the ring. He said "This is worth 300, take it and gimme two of them for two hours. Me and my friend here want some fun." He pointed to me, and I made a point of looking at the stage at that moment with a bored expression on my face. They were sitting around undressing each other with their teeth. All fout of them. Really got me turned on too! Seeing all the cock and pussy and nobody actually doing it too. "Ok, Just get up there. They'll be up in a few minutes. And stay out of the way, I don't want to get caught. They love young cocks though. That's the only reason I'm letting you up there. And you were never here. Got that?" "Got it." We then proceeded up the stairs into what appeared like the looming darkness above...

12:04 Am "Shit, I can't believe we're actually here!" Rod whispered to me. We were sitting on a bench in a small room. The walls were plastered and had writing of all types on it. There were two other females and one male in various party of the room. The two females being unknown, they were sitting across the room. Not together though. And the male was Joe, who was pacing back and forth muttering about the low-quality people he hired. At last one of 4 doors opened. Out walked the 4 actors from the stage, who had apparently faked all their sex. They seemed as lively as ever, and were chatting casually. All of their conversation ceased immeadialtly upon entering, as if by some unspoken command. The two guys walked into the left door, and the 2 girls walked into the one on the right. (The one on the far wall was the one they entered from, and we had entered from the one on the same wall as our bench was on) At last Joe said "Go to it." We both stood up and started walking towards the one that the gals had entered. Joe stopped us, and directed us to the other door though, the one that the guys had entered. He said "Wrong door boys" and threw us into the room on the right.

12:07 Am It was then that we realized that Joe's place wasn't a straight bar, and we were headed towards what we both deemed disaster. The door closed behind us, and we heard it be locked. Trapped by our own desire, I thought. Anyway, I looked forward and saw it was a hallway and at the end of it were two doors. Standing by the doors were both actors, who were both wearing shorts, and short sleeved shirt. I suppose they both could be classified as cute looking. About 22 and 23 years old, they both still had that youth look, but also had that adult look that allowed them to have fun with both ages. They casually introduced themselves as Rick and Ted. After they conferred for a second, Ted walked up to Rod and shook hands. Rod didn't seem to notice what was going on, after all, he had just lost 300 bucks in jewelry for a 2 hour encounter with a guy. Ted slapped him on the back, and laughed "They're all nervous their first time" and proceeded to walk into one of the two doors. It closed behind them. Rick motioned for me to follow, and I walked in after him. "Take a seat on the bed, and I'll join you in a moment." he said in a musical little voice that really soothed my newvous body a little. He promptly closed the door and returned to sit down next to me. "Something wrong that you want to talk about for a second before you learn what a gay guy can do to make you hot beyond belief?" "Nothing really" I stammered, "but It's just that my friend and I hadn't known that this was a gay bar before we came. That's why we're a little bit shocked." "I see. Then you're not really gay?" He inquired. "Not really, Well, I don't think so. But I've never really thought about it." "Well sit back, relax, and I'll do my stuff to show you that its not all that bad after all" At that point I accepted what had happened, and silently vowed to make the best of it. After all, I had paid 35 bucks and Rod had lost more.

12:10 Am I leaned back against the head of the bed, and tossed my shoes off onto the floor. Rick promptly moved them into the corner and asked me "Come over here for a second, would you?" I stood up and walked over to where he stood in the center of the room. Rick walked over to where I stood, 3 feet from where he was, and started to unbutton my shirt. I stood unresponsive and he then tossed my shirt in the corner. "What a nice chest you have, I'll bet you'll realize that its a nice one after this evening" he said with a chuckle. Getting down on his knees, he began to unbutton/unzip my pants with his teeth! I could feel his chin lightly hitting my balls through my pants, but it wasn't easy I realized to my dismay, for I had a real hard-on. He managed to pull my jeans down when he stood up, and them picked me up! He carried me over to the bed and laid me down. He laid down half on top of me, half next and put his lips on mine. We started kissing when I felt his tounge start to enter my mouth. I thought 'What the hell' and slipped him a little of mine, and in no time we were both frenching away on the bed with our arms around each other. I pulled away, and started to pull his shirt off revealing a bronze tanned chest with hard nipples on them. My mouth watered with new feelings I had never felt before. I put my lips over one and started to lick it. I licked circles around both his nipples before I started down his body. I got down to his shorts, and then licked the outside of them. I placed my head between his legs and poked my tounge around the legholes of the shorts. He moaned softly. I lifted his legs a little and pulled off his shorts. He had on a pair of really skimpy underwear, and I thought something below that. I pulled off the undies (with my teeth) to find he was wearing a jock strap looking like it had been stretched by Inspector 12! I saw his balls at the bottom, and ripping off the jock strap I saw his cock for the first time. I wanted it so bad at that moment, I forgot that I thought I was straight.

12:14 Am I started licking up and down his shaft, trying to remember everything that I had heard that aroused men. I thought of every picture of a woman giving her lover a blowjob, and did it all myself. I think I licked his whole cock 4 times before I lifted his legs and put my head by his ass. I began to lick around his hole slowly at first, and then faster and faster. I tried to dive in and out a little, then a lot. I really had his going good. I heard him moaning like crazy! I set him down, and ripped off my briefs and straddled his head. He put my whole frigging cock in his mouth, all 6 inches of it! And I could hear his slurping like crazy! I pulled it out when I thought I might come soon, and proceeded to suck his cock instead. He turned over and straddled me. I took as much of his 8 inch shaft as I could in my mouth and sucked it as best I could. He started thrashing and I new it would be soon. I continued sucking his faster and faster, putting my hand on his ass and sliding it around the hole until he finally moaned loudly and I felt a new taste in my mouth. There seemed to be so much cum in my mouth that I couldn't swallow it all, but my years of swalling soda paid off. I swallowed the entire load that he had shot, and proceeded to push him off me and start frenching him again, letting him taste his own cum.

12:22 Am "Ohhhhh, That was good. I really liked the blowjob you gave me you know. And now I got a present for you..." He reached into a nightstand on the side, and produced some lube for my cock. He rubbed it all up and down it. "And now put some on my whole, and finger fuck me for a minute to get it all loose and ready for your cock, got that?" Without answering him, I started rubbing it on his hole, and put my first finger in his ass. Two minutes and 2 more fingers later, he was ready. He turned over and put his ass in the air, inviting me to invade his private parts of his body, like I had just done. I climbed over to him and put the head of my cock on the hole, and with a small shove, put it in him. I then started to push it in, inch by inch. His ass seemed to swallow it and beg for more, so I gave it more. Finally it was all in him, and my balls were lightly rubbing against his. I started to pull it out, and push it back in real slowly. In and out, in and out, in and out it went. It was real good. I was being overwhelmed with emotions that I had never felt before. For the first time in my life I really felt as though I liked males better than females. I wanted to keep going in and out forever. I wanted his ass more than I had ever wanted anything before. I wanted...."Rrrrrrggggggggg, It's coming Rick, It's coming!" "Come on boy, keep pumping...pump...pump....Come on faggot, pump it some more...Come on...pump...." "Aaaahhhhhhhhh, Here it is Rick, It's going into your assho- "Ahhhhh, Oh, Oh...It feels nice...Ohhhhhhhh....." I cried as my orgasm finally came to finish my evening off. It was more than I could take, and I collapsed on top of him, barely feeling him pull me out and turn around and kiss me lightly on the mouth saying "I know, the first is always good..." The last thing of that night I can remember is him going over to me clothes and getting out my wallet. He copied my adress onto a paper sitting around, and put it back.

2:39 Am "Wake up Nick, Wake up" Rod quietly said. I was sitting in the back of an old car and Rod was shaking me. He said "You're home, go in and go to sleep. I'll talk to you in school." Mindlessly I got up, ready to follow this instruction, when I turned around for one moment. Rick was driving, as he winked once. I winked back, and got up and left. I walked into my house, up to bed, and into sleep...

8:05 Am I was shivering in the cold as I walked into the school, wondering if I'd ever see Rick again. I didn't have a hundred bucks to throw around, and I didn't know his last name, so I gave it up for lost. "Shit man, you're freezing, Where's your coat?" Rod asked? "Dunno, Couldn't find it this morning." That was it! I didn't have my coat, but I have a good feeling I knew who did and that he'd be around to return it someday...

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