Jus and JC

By moc.loa@lliksdaoR

Published on May 29, 2000



Hello everyone. This is my first attempt ever to write a story. I really hope you like it. I guess I have to say what every other story things say....

I have no clue whatsoever if any of the members of N SYNC are gay, but you never know! The guys of N SYNC did not help me write this story; it would be cool if they did tho! Anyway, hope ya like it.

Brian __________________________________________________

"Might sound crazy, but it aint no lie baby. Bye Bye Bye." The five guys of *NSYNC finished performing their last song of the night's concert. The screaming of the fans got fainter as they left the stage.

"Wow, what a show! That went really well," said Lance.

"It was so awesome, there must have been over ten thousand people out there," JC agreed.

"Yeah." Justin said sadly. He looked depressed, even after a show as thrilling as this one.

"Well someone is pumped!" Chris joked as Justin trudged off quietly to his dressing room. Lance looked after him thoughtfully.

'What's wrong with him?' He thought to himself.

"I can't believe we started a group together! I never thought I would see you again JC" Justin had an ear-to-ear grin on his face now that he was with JC again.

"That's right Just! Now nothing will separate our friendship again! I'm so excited about *NSYNC. I think we're gonna go really far" JC replied.


"I hope after Europe we can come back to the U.S."

"Yeah." Justin was mesmerized by JC. He stood daydreaming about JC. About how he had a huge crush on him, how he always made Justin fell better by just being near him, Justin loved basically everything about him. He just didn't know how to tell him. He was so afraid of what that would do to them.

'Why don't I just tell him and get it out?' Justin thought.

'Why do I think I love him; I'm not gay, am I? 'JC thought to himself. Neither of them knew the other felt the same way....

"Just? Justin? Hello? You ok?" JC laughed, shaking Justin and interrupting his daydream.

"Ummmm, yeah, wanna get some lunch?"

"All right! Let's go!"

Since then Justin had seen a deterioration in their friendship, which was exactly what they had been trying to prevent. And now was the time Justin loved JC more than ever. He entered his dressing room. As soon as the door slammed behind him, Justin burst into tears.

"How can I keep this from them? Why am I afraid to tell them?" Justin cried out in frustration. But he knew exactly why. He was afraid of what they would think, what they would say, and what they would do. Especially JC. Whenever he had built up enough courage to tell them, he always backed down, thinking he would be kicked out of the group. For a long time now he had been trying. Trying to deal with it, trying to hide it, trying to act like he always did.

'I wish it could be the same as it always was' he thought. But it wasn't the same anymore. It would never be same.

There was a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" Justin said.

It was Lance. "Can I come in" came a reply from the other side of the door?

"Sure." Lance entered to see a puffy-eyed Justin.

"What's up scoop?" Justin tried to look happy and energetic, without much success.

'Is that the best cover-up he could do?' Lance thought to himself. "Justin, what's wrong with you lately? You're not acting like yourself " He said.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

This was not the answer Lance anticipated. He knew there was something wrong.

"Bullshit Justin! For like a year now you've been acting depressed and you get frustrated all the time. You used to be so full of life and always encouraging people. Whenever something came up, you used to look at the better side of things. Now it's like you just don't give a fuck! ...And I am beginning to wonder if you actually do. So really, what's up with you? Why are you acting like this? " Lance said, with a hint of anger in his voice.

"I.... can't tell.... I don't know, Lance, could you just leave me alone right now?" Justine responded, almost begging Lance.

And it ended there. Lance decided he would try and get it out of Justin some other time. He got up and opened and then closed the door. He didn't go to his dressing room yet. He stood at the door and waited to see what Justin would do. He could've sworn that he heard him crying.........

They all boarded the bus and Justin walked over to his bunk. The bus arrived at the hotel about 15 minutes later.

There were few rooms available so Justin ended up rooming with Lance. They walked into the elevator; Justin was staring at JC the whole time. Lance took notice of this. The guys went off to their rooms and a very depressed Justin stayed in the hallway for a few minutes.

'I love him... but I don't want to. I want to be straight. I hate myself for this. They'll hate me for it too and kick me out. Maybe I should save them the trouble and just leave myself' Justin thought sadly to himself.

He finally entered his and Lance's room and heard the shower running. Justin plopped down on his bed and cried himself to sleep.

In the shower, Lance started to think about some things. Things like why Justin wasn't himself anymore, and why Justin stared at JC a lot of the time, and why Justin just cried himself to sleep, thinking Lance couldn't hear, but he did. Lance walked out of the bathroom and saw Justin asleep; warm tears beginning to dry against his face. Lance wiped ran his hands over Justin's face and went to his own bed.

'I wish he would talk to me, we used to be good friends, but now he's so distant...' Lance thought.

Meanwhile, in JC's room

JC had also just gotten out of the shower. He had noticed Justin's staring at him on the elevator. JC had been having mixed feelings about Justin for a long time too. He liked him as a friend, but realized, after trying to deny it to himself many times, that he wanted to be more than just friends. JC fell asleep naked, thinking about Justin all night long in his dreams.

Back in Justin and Lance's room

"JC please don't be mad, I really need you" Lance was awakened by Justin's voice. Justin was talking in his sleep.

"JC, don't leave I want you, I need you...JC! I love you more than anything! Please don't get mad...please, I love you more than anything. Please understand JC," Justin was mumbling in his sleep. Lance shook his shoulder, causing him to wake up.

"Justin, what were you just talking about?" asked Lance, already knowing what Justin needed to say. Justin paused for a moment.

"Lance please don't tell him but... I think I am in love with JC."

To be continued. I hope this was good, I am really not a good writer so if you have ANY comments, suggestions or ideas, send them to me at JCJusBri@hotmail.com cause I'm running out of ideas! Thank you for reading. -Bri

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